Ascii Characters:: Shadings

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- ASCII, abbreviation of American Standard Code For Information Interchange, a

standard data-transmission code that is used by smaller and less-powerful
computers to represent both textual data (letters, numbers, and punctuation marks)
and non input-device commands (control characters). Like other coding systems, it
converts information into standardized digital formats that allow computers to
communicate with each other and to efficiently process and store data.


 ASCII code 191 = ┐ ( Box drawing character single line upper right corner )
 ASCII code 192 = └ ( Box drawing character single line lower left corner )
 ASCII code 193 = ┴ ( Box drawing character single line horizontal and up )
 ASCII code 194 = ┬ ( Box drawing character single line horizontal down )
 ASCII code 195 = ├ ( Box drawing character single line vertical and right )
 ASCII code 196 = ─ ( Box drawing character single horizontal line )
 ASCII code 197 = ┼ ( Box drawing character single line horizontal vertical )
 ASCII code 217 = ┘ ( Box drawing character single line lower right corner )
 ASCII code 218 = ┌ ( Box drawing character single line upper left corner )
 ASCII code 179 = │ ( Box drawing character single vertical line )
 ASCII code 180 = ┤ ( Box drawing character single vertical and left line )


 ASCII code 185 = ╣ ( Box drawing character double line vertical and left )
 ASCII code 186 = ║ ( Box drawing character double vertical line )
 ASCII code 187 = ╗ ( Box drawing character double line upper right corner )
 ASCII code 188 = ╝ ( Box drawing character double line lower right corner )
 ASCII code 200 = ╚ ( Box drawing character double line lower left corner )
 ASCII code 201 = ╔ ( Box drawing character double line upper left corner )
 ASCII code 202 = ╩ ( Box drawing character double line horizontal and up )
 ASCII code 203 = ╦ ( Box drawing character double line horizontal down )
 ASCII code 204 = ╠ ( Box drawing character double line vertical and right )
 ASCII code 205 = ═ ( Box drawing character double horizontal line )
 ASCII code 206 = ╬ ( Box drawing character double line horizontal vertical )

 ASCII code 176 = ░ ( Graphic character, low density dotted )
 ASCII code 177 = ▒ ( Graphic character, medium density dotted )
 ASCII code 178 = ▓ ( Graphic character, high density dotted )
 ASCII code 219 = █ ( Block, graphic character )
 ASCII code 220 = ▄ ( Bottom half block )
 ASCII code 223 = ▀ ( Top half block )
 ASCII code 254 = ■ ( black square )

▲ ALT 30 Black up-pointing triangle

▼ ALT 31 Black down-pointing triangle

⌂ ALT 127 House

¢ ALT 155 Cent sign

£ ALT 156 Pound sign, pound sterling, Irish punt, lira sign

¥ ALT 157 Yen sign, yuan sign

ñ ALT 164 Latin small letter n with tilde, small letter enye

Ñ ALT 165 Latin capital letter N with tilde, capital letter enye

½ ALT 171 Vulgar fraction one half

¼ ALT 172 Vulgar fraction one quarter

α ALT 224 Greek small letter alpha

ß ALT 225 Latin small letter sharp

π ALT 227 Greek small letter pi

Σ ALT 228 Greek capital letter sigma

µ ALT 230 Micro sign

τ ALT 231 Greek capital letter tau

Φ ALT 232 Greek capital letter phi

Θ ALT 233 Greek capital letter theta

Ω ALT 234 Greek capital letter omega

∞ ALT 236 Infinity

∩ ALT 239 Intersection

≡ ALT 240 Identical to

≈ ALT 247 Almost equal to, asymptotic to

° ALT 248 Degree sign

√ ALT 251 Square root, radical sign

What is the difference between endl and \n in C++?

Both endl and \n serve the same purpose in C++ – they insert a new line. However,
the key difference between them is that endl causes a flushing of the output buffer
every time it is called, whereas \n does not.

Anything that is to be outputted is first queued into an output buffer and then
written to the device (hard disk, monitor, etc.), flushing the queue in the process.

While the difference is not obvious in smaller programs, endl performs significantly
worse than \n because of the constant flushing of the output buffer.

LAB Activity 1 :

1. Use the ASCII code to write your first name or nickname in binary numbers
beginning with an uppercase letter and continuing with lowercase letters. Put the
letters of your name in the first column.

- You may need to expand the table depending upon the number of characters in your name.

2. On a separate sheet of paper, write a short message in ASCII. Exchange messages

with a partner and decode each other's message.

3. The ASCII code for a blank space is the decimal number 32, or the binary number
0010 00002. Why do you think it is important to have a code for a blank space?
Write here the name of your partner.

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