Story Rough Draft: General Metrics

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Story Rough Draft

Story Rough Draft

by Talan

General metrics
7,855 1,449 111 5 min 47 sec 11 min 8 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Writing Issues
No issues found

Unique Words 39%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 41%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.3

Measures average word length characters per word

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Report: Story Rough Draft

Sentence Length 13.1

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Story Rough Draft

Story Rough Draft

Chapter One: That Day

I do not remember much from that day. There was indistinct chatter revolving
around me, their faces unclear. My body felt paralyzed but still agonizing from
the pain in my head. Then, I heard a faint ambulance siren, and I blacked out.
Soreness in my skull awoke me. While I began to adjust to my surroundings, a
sudden wave of clarity overcame me. My vision came back to my eyes but was
blurry moreover obscured. As my eyelids slowly uttered open, the cold view of
a white ceiling came to my senses. As I adjusted to the dullness of the room,
the scent of lavender and hand sanitizer arose a bit strong after a long rest.

My feeble attempt to call for assistance had been of no success. I just lay
there, thinking of how severe my injuries were. My eyes drifted to the room
walls. How strange they were, just plain white without a single scratch. They
were melancholy in a way, as the emptiness always caved in on you. The metal
door did not have a knob, and the room did not have a window. I could not help
remembering a jail cell.

The rest of my week passed in bed, unable to move. Whenever a bowl of

porridge appeared without my knowing, I had to reach my feeble arms out to
scoop some into my mouth. Most of the day, I was asleep. But I would lay awake
many hours after waking up, calling for help. It alarmed me how there seemed
to be no human activity within the hospital. The only source of light throughout
the day was a lone lightbulb xed on the ceiling. It was a vintage bulb; it had an

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Report: Story Rough Draft

unyielding glow that seemed to hypnotize the viewer. At nightfall, the light
would nevertheless die out after a long day. One particular night, the bulb did
not extinguish. I assumed that it was not time accordingly, although I had an
odd presentiment that this would lead to bigger things. After more waiting, I
started to panic. It was hazy with no sound but the faint crackle of the bulb.
"I have to try to get out," I thought to myself ercely as I tried to reach my hands
up to move. My arms were so weak that I could barely feel them. I was a
hopeless person now; could I even pray to survive?

I was up on two feet. I am not sure how I did it, but my legs were trembling & I
was dizzy. My heart was racing as fast as a car, yet I could feel my heavy arms
weighing me on. Then, straight out of nowhere, I heard voices in my head. They
were eerie and soft, like a mother whispering to her child. I was not able to
make out any of the words. My balance had begun to fail me- I could not walk
properly. I clutched my head and grunted as the bandages shifted. The voices
became additionally coherent, and they urged me to go on.
"Don't stop, even when all hope seems lost,"
I bit my lip.
"Don't look back, or you'll never look forward,"
I clenched my teeth.
It was strange how they seemed to be talking to me.
It was strange how the halls were almost pitch black.
It was strange how those voices had disappeared.
Was it only them, or had I disappeared too?

Chapter Two: A Spark That Changed Everything

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My body was shivering uncontrollably though my senses were invoked and

clear. I could feel everything from my raspy breath to the cold oor- I had never
been more physically adept. I could move my body however much I wanted, but
there was not any pain. The ringing in my head had stopped abruptly - it was
like a cloudy sky cleared up. In the inky darkness, I felt calm inside, and my
body was ready. I fumbled around with my hands stretched out and backed
away hastily as my head began to sting consequently. Desperate, I grasped at
the nothingness, hoping to get ahold of something. But then, I saw two dots
that looked like stars. They were far, far away and resembled eyes- eyes that
were staring at me. They disappeared instantaneously as the halls returned to
their previous shadowy appearance. I blinked and begun doddering towards the
direction of the light, which I was skeptical concerning exactly where it was. A
few moments after, the light materialized once more but was much nearer. The
hair on my skin stood upright; my blood went cold, my mouth became dry. A
horripilation crawled down my body as my eyes turned wide with fear. I gasped
just when I lost balance- I fell back and hit my head on the oor. The
interchangeable moment my vision tattered, one last image came to me. As I
lay on the ground, the eyes staring down at me.

My head was spinning violently, and in addition, I could not think straight. It
was like a vigorous volcano erupted in my head; everything was moving and
shaking. I was on the threshold of apoplexy when everything whirled back into
reality in a swift instant. A forceful acclivity allowed me to rise promptly just
when my sensibility swerved back into me. It was conversely sudden- almost
like a de brillator shocked me back to life. But this time, I did not recognize
what I felt. I could suddenly detect glassware and the concrete on the oor. My
skin felt unusually sensitive & my heartbeat undulated it repeatedly. If I

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concentrated hard enough, I could even tell where precisely the smells were
issuing. My body had entirely lost its uncomfortable soreness and aching, and
my head had stopped ringing and spinning. I was utterly confounded. Hope
washed over me as I gently got up. My eyes immediately adjusted to the vague
setting, enabling me to see again. It revealed an abandoned laboratory;
chemical equipment was scattered all over the oor. The atmosphere was
foggy- I could only see ten feet ahead, even with my newly enhanced vision. I
stepped forth and heard the distinct echo of my footstep as it radiated across
the lab. I involuntarily closed my eyes and focused my attention on my sound
waves. I had not done this on purpose- it had felt like an instinct. Remarkably, I
could feel and see my sound waves appear in my head as they disseminated
around me.
The sound waves helped identify my surroundings as they ricocheted off the
walls, just like echolocation. My heart raced as the grayscale model of the lab
appeared in my mind. I was astonished - where did these senses originate
from, and why, why me?

The next few moments, the full image of the lab had developed. When I
concentrated even harder, I could see it. Suddenly, a small, red object appeared
on the side of the lab. It was moving quickly- so fast it had already crossed a
couple of rooms. Goosebumps crawled down my skin when I realized it was
moving towards me. I did not know why I was so scared- I could sense there
was something wrong with the being that came here. Looking for somewhere to
hide, I spotted a small cabinet door a few steps away. Ducking into the cabinet
and shutting the door tightly, I closed my eyes again. I tried to make out any
sound, a sign of where it was, but nothing came to me. It was silent, so silent
that I thought I was sitting in an empty void. I had concentrated for many

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minutes, with nothing but fruitless results. Finally, I heard faint footsteps,
about half a minute away, that were growing louder. The footsteps were not
human; they were limping metallically, like a broken machine. Yet, I was so sure
that it was a being with consciousness, a being that was alive, in a way. The
footsteps grew more tumultuous & so did my fright- until it was so remarkably
close, I did not need to concentrate before I could perceive the metallic
thumping. It approached until it was right next to me and passed my cabinet
without halting. I let out a quick gasp of relief, and to my horror, the footsteps
stopped sharply. My mouth recoiled as I pinched myself hard on the face. Had it
heard me?

Any sign of the machine entity had diminished- almost like it had vanished into
thin air. After waiting for about ve more minutes, I concluded that it was truly
gone. I made a small and high-pitched weeping sound that broke the cold

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