India Nepal

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Power Distance

India scores high on this dimension, 77, indicating AN appreciation for hierarchy and a top-down
structure in society and organizations. the Indian perspective, one might use the following words
and phrases: passionate to the boss or the ability holder for direction, acceptance of un-equal
rights between the power-privileged and other people WHO are lesser down among the
hierarchy, immediate superiors accessible however one layer higher than less therefore,
management directs, provides reason / going to one’s work life and rewards in exchange for
loyalty from worker and managers calculate the obedience of their team members. workers
expect to be directed clearly on their functions and what is expected of them. management is
acquainted, even a psychological security, and perspective towards managers ar formal albeit one
is on name basis. Communication is prime down and directive in its vogue and typically
feedback that is negative is not offered up the ladder.


This aspect is concerned with the level of interdependence that exists among the members of a
society. It all comes down to whether people describe their self-image in terms of "I" or "We."
Individualist cultures expect people to look after only themselves and their immediate families.
People in collectivist communities are members of "in groups" that look after them in return for
their loyalty. India, with a ranking of 48, is a culture that exhibits both collectivist and
individualistic characteristics. The collectivist side implies a strong desire to be a part of a larger
social system in which individuals are required to behave in the best interests of their established
groups. Individualism is seen as a product of Hinduism, which is India's dominant religion and
ideology. Hindus believe in a cycle of death and rebirth in which the manner of each rebirth is
determined by the individual's previous existence. As a result, each person is personally
responsible for the way they live their lives and the effect it has on their rebirth. Nepal is
classified as a collectivistic society because it has a low score of 30 in this dimension. This is
demonstrated by a strong, long-term dedication to the member's 'community,' whether it is a
family, extended family, or extended relationships. In a collectivist society, loyalty takes
precedence over most other social laws and regulations. The culture promotes strong
interpersonal relationships in which everyone takes responsibility for their group's members.

Masculinity is basically referred to as qualities or hallmarks that are similar to the characteristics
of men. Considering this, the dimension or parameter of masculinity talks about the roles of men
and women where in masculine society men are expected to behave assertively so that roles of
men and women don’t overlap. Whereas on the other hand feminine society carries a great deal
in overlapping both roles and high importance is given to quality of life, good camaraderie, good
relationships and cooperation. Here, the dimension is compared between India and Nepal on the
basis of masculinity. As we can see in the above comparison graph India accounts for 56 percent
which is on a higher side compared to Nepal which accounts for 40 percent. The gap between
masculine and feminine values is of decent 16 percent which tells the audience that India is more
centred towards following masculine values. This tells us that in India masculine values are
portraited as ‘tough’ as far as both men and women are involved compared to Nepal where more
importance is given in learning the value of competition and winning as a part of team along
with maintaining good relations. The high scale of 56 for India on the graph implies that an
individual should be recognized as they are executing their work in a hierarchical, differential
and traditionally patriarchal society. On the basis of comparison in the graph, Nepal on the other
side is considered as feminine society. This can be simply given with an example like, long hours
in turn can make it harder for the female members to cope up with their work as they have more
family commitments compared to men.
The flaunting characteristics of this high masculinity dimension are feelings of pride and
importance of societal status. The characteristics of low masculinity dimension are consensual
oriented and focus on quality of life.

Uncertainty Avoidance
This measurement, Uncertainty Avoidance, has to do with the way that a general public
arrangements with the way that the future can never be known: would it be advisable for us to
attempt to control the future or just let it occur? This vagueness carries uneasiness with it, and
various societies have figured out how to manage this tension in an unexpected way.
Here we are going to compare India and Nepal on the basis of uncertainty avoidance dimension.
Comparing these two countries we can see both scores 40 in this dimension which is very low
and both countries need to improve. Both India and Nepal has a medium low inclination for
keeping away from vulnerability.
India scores 40 on this measurement and consequently has a medium low inclination for keeping
away from vulnerability. In India, there is acknowledgment of blemish; nothing must be amazing
nor needs to go precisely as arranged. India is customarily a patient country where capacity to
bear the sudden is high ; even invited as a break from dullness. Individuals for the most part don't
feel driven and constrained to make a move activities and easily subside into set up rolls and
schedules without addressing. Rules are frequently set up to be dodged and one depends on
inventive strategies to "sidestep the framework".Nepal Scoring just 40 in this measurement,
Nepal has a medium low inclination for keeping away from vulnerability. This implies that the
two generalists and specialists are required. Animosity and feelings are not shown much in these
social orders. This implies that pressure can't be delivered in action; it must be disguised. In these
social orders rules are more adaptable, superegos are more fragile, and the world is imagined as
fundamentally altruistic. Individuals are genuinely loose and not disinclined to facing challenges.
Long Term Orientation
This dimension explains how, when grappling with the challenges of the present and future,
every society must retain some ties to its own history, and societies prioritise these two
existential goals differently. Normative cultures, for example, which score low on this
dimension, tend to uphold long-standing customs and norms while viewing social change with
scepticism Many with a high-scoring culture, on the other hand, take a more realistic view,
encouraging thrift and investment in modern education as a means of preparing for the future.
A dominant preference in Indian culture cannot be determined since this dimension has an
intermediate score of 51. The concept of ‘Karma’ dominates the Indian philosophical and
religious thoughts. From all over the world, India have greater tolerance for religious views.
Hinduism is sometimes considered more as a philosophy than as a religion, it is a mixer of
viewpoints, theories, esoteric beliefs, and rituals. There is an understanding in India that there are
many truths, and that they sometimes depends on the seeker. Societies with a high pragmatism
score are more likely to forgive lack of punctuality. A shifting game plan based on changing
reality, and a general ease with finding the fated course as one goes along rather than following a
predetermined path.As of now, there is no score available of Nepal in this dimension, we cannot
compare and analyse this dimension between India and Nepal.

The degree to which small children are socialized is a problem that society faces now and in the
past. We do not become "normal" without socialization. This dimension is described as how
much people try to regulate their desires and impulses as a result of their upbringing. Indulgence
refers to a lack of control, whereas restraint refers to a high level of control. As a result, cultures
can be classified as either indulgent or restrained. In this dimension, India receives a low score of
26, indicating that it is a society of restraint. Cynicism and pessimism are common in societies
with a low score in this dimension. In addition, unlike Indulgent societies, Restrained societies
place less emphasis on leisure time and exercise greater control over the fulfilment of their
desires. As for Nepal, currently there is no score available on this dimension, hence these two
countries cannot be compared.

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