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elisa 300
Sleep Daignostics
Patient Support

Intensive care ventilation. elisa 300 The new compact range
in intensive care ventilation with the latest turbine technology

Simple, effective
The elisa principle – agile system design for 5
individualised ventilation therapy

and lung protective. Instant View Technology

in control at all times

Easy Access Bar 10

precise operation even in stressful situations

A clean affair 9
a simple way to prevent nosocomial pneumonia

PEEPfinder® 11
gold standard bedside lung diagnostics

Tools to assist the weaning process 12

there are no simple answers when weaning fails

Options & choices 14

our modular system at a glance

2 3
The elisa principle –
elisa 300 agile system design for
The new compact range in intensive care ventilation
with the latest turbine technology individualised ventilation therapy

Innovative. Intuitive. Sustainable.

The elisa family.

elisa 300 combines compact-class advantages with the In theory, things couldn’t be simpler - air has to go in Whether customised rounds view, resuscitation mode or
performance characteristics of a modern universal ventila- and out. Fastwean support – the user interface can be perfectly con-
tor for invasive and non-invasive ventilation therapy. figured to suit your needs.
Clinical practice, in contrast, consists of a wide range of re-
The innovative user interface and the comprehensive quirements for modes, setting parameters, diagnostic op- The platform concept enables situation-based configura-
device configuration options are the basis for versatile tions, and therapeutic manoeuvres. As a result, ventilators tion. The flexible system architecture allows for integrating
application options in intensive care, intermediate care, quickly become overly complex, subject to compromise or future requirements as well as medical and technical devel-
emergency rooms or during in-hospital transport. The require intensive training. The agile system architecture of opments.
12.1-inch display with a stunning colour performance is the the elisa family implements the respective hospital standard
With a peak flow of up to 300 litres per key operating element to guarantee simple operation. to reduce operator errors and work time.
minute, the high-performance, noise-optimised Numerous functions provide support with daily routine
turbine guarantees sufficient flow capacities. tasks.

4 5
Instant View Technology
in control at all times

Don’t miss the wood for the trees –

instantly assess the current ventilation situation
and identify developing problems.

Time is a scarce resource in everyday clinical prac-

tice. Increasing workloads, critical situations as well
as normal routine place high demands on medical
personnel. The cumbersome operation of compli-
cated devices causes additional stress and creates
sources of error. That calls for innovative technol-
ogy which offers a clear overview of the required
information in a structured format. Simply smart!

Instant View Technology

The Instant View Technology gives you an intuitive
grasp of the patient’s situation. Trends and neces-
sary interventions are immediately evident. Devia-
tions are clearly obvious without the need to read
individual measuring values.

6 7
A clean affair
a simple way to prevent nosocomial pneumonia

The device's numerous individual functions and

architecture support compliance with suitable infection
prevention measures.

Pneumonia is the most common nosocomial infection oc- The materials used guarantee conti-
curring in ventilation patients. It leads to extended hospital nued functionality, even under the
stays and increases lethality by up to 30%. most severe conditions such as me-
chanical strain and repeated autocla-
The elisa 300 features a number of functions to support ving.
the necessary measures for reducing nosocomial infec-
tions. The design of the modern intensive care ventilators The configurable hygiene function
eliminates hygienic problem zones such as dirt-collecting supports the implementation of in-
corners or rotary knobs and allows for easy cleaning and ternal hospital hygiene standards wit-
disinfection. The Valve Bar comprises all elements that can hout the need for complex RFID
be directly or indirectly contaminated via the respiratory technology or the purchase of ex-
tract and makes it easy to quickly replace all patient-side pensive special tube systems. It com-
connections to effectively prevent cross-contamination. prises all potentially critical parts such
as nebulizers, HME filters, tube ex-
tensions, and suction systems.

8 9
Easy Access Bar PEEPfinder ®
precise operation even in stressful situations gold standard bedside lung diagnostics

New answers are needed for intelligent operation – The PEEPfinder® makes the determination of the optimal
the Easy Access Bar enables fast response. PEEP range as easy as setting the respiratory rate.

The Easy Access Bar of the intensive care ventilator It is considered an established fact
elisa  300 lets you choose the required settings with preci- that the cyclic collapse and reope-
sion and ease, even in stressful situations. The touchscreen ning of lung areas in patients with
operation provides intuitively understandable, unmista- ALI significantly damages the pulmo-
kable feedback on the selected setting. Since all numerical nary tissue and that alveolar cycling
values and setting parameters are consistently arranged in of lung areas in particular represents
the same location, operating the devices becomes an easy an independent risk factor for higher
routine that does not fail in critical situations. mortality.

The PEEPfinder® can be used to

optimise the settings of the ventilator,
thus supporting lung-protective ven-
tilation. The manoeuvre is performed
The absence of conventional rotary in a secure window and can be com-
knobs makes operation easy and bined with a preoxygenation func-
verifiable. The fully disinfectable tion. The expanded, quasi-static PV
surface enables hygienic operation at tool supports the user’s assessment
minimal cost. of stress and strain. Intelligent algo-
rithms and extensive safety features
make it easier to determine the elas-
tic properties of the lungs. A number
of evaluation options are available for
this purpose. Graphic evaluation sup-
port for detecting inflection points,
stress indices, and storage of up to 10
reference loops facilitate the straight-
forward implementation of lung-pro-
tective ventilation.

10 11
Tools to assist the
weaning process
there are no simple answers when weaning fails

In the majority of ventilated patients, ventilator weaning is quick care time. Often, these are patients with severe respiratory Weaning modes Weaninganalyzer ®
and can be successfully achieved by simple strategies. However, dysfunction, where comorbidity makes the weaning process The right choice of ventilation type has high significance in the A huge challenge in weaning is to establish the right time for
there is a steady rise in the number of ventilated patients that more difficult. The necessary weaning strategy is complex, de- weaning concept and influences the duration and success of weaning readiness and extubation. The fact that up to 16 % of
cannot be weaned off the ventilator or where the weaning manding and allows no simple answers. In addition to special weaning. In addition to the whole range of conventional venti- extubations are unplanned as so-called self-extubations with
process is very prolonged. modes for simple weaning, there are numerous tools and in- lation modes, elisa 300 also has two special ventilation types for subsequent ventilation no longer being required in about 50 %
dices available for continuously assessing the weaning process efficient weaning of standard ventilation patients. Spontaneous of these patients illustrates the importance of the right time
40 % of all ventilated patients undergo difficult or prolonged and for the standardised assessment of weaning and extuba- breathing activity, necessary ventilation pressure for mandato- for planned extubation.
ventilator weaning, which takes up almost 50  % of intensive tion readiness. ry and spontaneous breathing activities, trapping risk, and lung The Weaninganalyzer® contains protocols for daily standar-
parameters are continuously recorded, assessed and used to dised determination of weaning readiness (“ready to wean”)
adjust the ventilation parameters. and extubation readiness (“ready to extubate”). By monitoring
Adaptive Lung Protection Ventilation (ALPV®) takes lung pro- clinical situations and assessing measurement values, daily SAT
tective protection rules into account and guarantees the ne- tests can be performed more easily, thus helping to reduce
cessary CO2 elimination.ALPV® can be maintained throughout complications, reintubation rates, days in intensive care and
the entire period of ventilation without changing the ventila- treatment costs.
tion mode or adjusting the ventilation parameters.

Fastwean® allows measurement values relevant to weaning to
be assessed at a glance.Whether RSBI or Negative Inspiratory
Force – the measurement values are continuously displayed
and assessed using a ‘traffic lights’ display.

Adaptive Lung Protection Ventilation continuously adapts to the weaning


12 13
Options & choices
our modular system at a glance

Highflow O2 PAPS® Proportional Adaptive Weaninganalyzer® Hygiene function

High-flow oxygen therapy (HFOT) is consi- PAPS Pressure Support The Weaninganalyzer® accurately displays To reduce the risk of nosocomial (hospital-
dered a supplement to non-invasive venti- In contrast to the fixed pressure support the patient’s weaning process and offers a acquired) infection, the ventilator’s hygiene
lation or is used in cases where conventio- with PSV, a spontaneously breathing patient reliable forecast for initiating the weaning management function monitors the timely
nal oxygen therapy does not provide receives proportional pressure support process and extubation readiness based on replacement of accessories that are in di-
adequate oxygenation. It involves offering a with PAPS. The effective pressure support daily trials and real-time data. rect contact with the patient (tubing sys-
continuous flow with individually adjusted is based selectively on the respective in- tem, valve bar, suction system, HME filter,
oxygen supply via a special nasal cannula. creased elastic and restrictive resistance and nebulizer head). Monitoring and display
values. A special algorithm determines the Mains-independent power supply follow the respective department require-
current work of breathing based on eleva- Additional batteries and an external char- ments without the need for complex RFID
CPR mode ted flow and stretch resistance in every ger allow off-grid operation for a period of chips or expensive breathing circuits.
CPR Special emergency mode for ventilation in breath and regulates the selective pressure at least four hours.
resuscitation situations. support for compensation.
WOBOV® Work Of Breathing
Automatic patient detection APD WOBOV
Optimized Ventilation
Loop package As an additional safety function, users can WOBOV is a generalist mode that takes
ALPV The ALPV mode combines the previous LOOP Up to six selectable loops form the basis of activate the automatic patient detection promoting spontaneous breathing, suffi-
advantages of hybrid closed-loop ventila- differentiated assessment and derivation of (APD) feature on the configuration level to cient minute ventilation, an energetically
tion with the current requirements of lung- treatment decisions. At the same time, up make it available. This prevents inadvertent optimal breathing pattern and compliance
protective ventilation. The pressure- to 10 reference loops can be saved and dis- switching to the standby function or tur- with specific lung protection rules into ac-
controlled ventilation with volume played to compare with the current ventila- ning the ventilator off as long as a patient is count. It continuously calculates the energe-
guarantee (comparable to dynamic BiLevel) tion situation for diagnosis. connected. tically optimal breathing pattern and adjusts
is combined with pressure-supported the ventilation control (modified Otis for-
spontaneous breathing with volume gua- mula) accordingly. If the ventilation is still
rantee (dynamic PSV) in such a way that a PEEPfinder® insufficient, WOBOV gradually steps up
tidal volume of 6 ml/kg of ideal body weight Thanks to state-of-the-art sensor techno- mechanical support or the algorithm com-
results as the target value for mandatory logy and its high-resolution sampling rate, pensates the deficit up to the specified mi-
and pressure-supported spontaneous the PEEPfinder® features algorithms for the nute volume as needed.
breathing. At the same time, the device reliable determination of inflection points
continuously monitors potential air trap- to establish the necessary PEEP and ventila-
ping and offsets it as necessary. ALPV® is tion range. The intuitive display allows a ve-
used as a weaning mode and generalist rifiable review of measuring values, transpa-
mode. rent PEEP settings, and the assessment of
stress indices as well as static compliance.

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Löwenstein Medical Fon: 02603 9600-0
Arzbacher Straße 80 Fax: 02603 9600-50
56130 Bad Ems

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