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Group 1:
Nguyễn Thu Trang
Trần Thu Thủy
Lê Bình Minh Ngọc

1. Background
- Lesson topic: Colour
- Students’ age: 5 to 6 
- Objective: After the lesson, Ss can:
 Memorize the vocabulary related to color
 Identify the colors in English words.

2. Procedure – Activity – Tool

Procedure Activity Web 2.0 tools
1. Lead-in - Teacher shows a picture with basic Teacher shows a flashcard → asks Ss to name
colors and asks Ss to name the colors colors.
appearing in the picture in their first → This part is regarded as a warm-up
language.  activity and helps Ss to get to know about
the topic they are going to learn.
2. Present - Teacher introduces the vocabulary Teacher uses Power point to present the
related to the topic “colour”. vocabulary. In each slide, there is an audio, an
image, an English word, and its meaning in
students’ first language.
 Their order: image → English word
→ meaning → part of speech → audio.
Teacher shows the image first and asks Ss to
guess what color it is → then teacher shows
the word as well as its meaning + part of
speech → next teacher plays audio and asks
Ss to repeat.
The outcome of this will be that the
students will be able to recognize and
identify the colors they would learn.
 3. Practice  - Teacher asks Ss to play a game - Teacher uses the app called Kahoot for the
- Teacher divides the class into 4 teams game which allows Teacher to design the
and gives each team a mobile device. questions herself/himself. 
- Teacher gives instructions on how to - The questions could be multiple question or
play the game and facilitates the game. True/False question.
- Teacher awards the winning team. For example:
1. Find the BLUE color:
A.  _____
B.  _____
C.  _____
D.  _____
2. Is it RED ____?
A. Yes
B. No
- The score will be based on the correct
answers and the time for giving each answer.
Therefore, this activity is competitive and
interesting which would stimulate the learning
The outcome of this activity is that students
would have a chance to recognize and
memorize the words learnt in the lesson.

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