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Topic 4: Company Overview

1. Research the mission and vision statements of the TWO companies. Explain the
mission and vision statements by elaborating the components mentioned in the
a. Microsoft
Mission: “to empower every person and every organization on the
planet to achieve more.” This shows that Microsoft aims to allow
individuals and firms around the world to achieve their best and more
through the use and support of Microsoft. It strengthens the belief that their
products can guarantee one to achieve their personal best be it through
effective presentations given to efficient processing of data. By giving
people or firms the tool and support that is Microsoft products, Microsoft
reaps and achieves their mission of empowerment.
Vision: “to help people and businesses throughout the world realize
their full potential.” This shows that Microsoft believes that their products
are the best option to help an individual or firm to realise the potential of
themselves. It presents Microsoft’s target market and what their products
can help people achieve.
b. Spotify
Mission: “to unlock the potential of human creativity by giving a
million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions
of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by these creators.”
This shows that through providing a platform for connection and support
between the artist and the audience, they are able to improve the
livelihoods of both parties, foster an environment where digital sharing is
encouraged and gain global presence. Through this statement, they are
able to improve their services to better cater to the relevant parties as well
as be consistent with their goals. It also fosters a easy sharing platform
where exposure can be gained for small artists to kick start their passion.

Vison: We envision a cultural platform where professional creators
can break free of their medium’s constraints and where everyone can
enjoy an immersive artistic experience that enables us to empathize
with each other and to feel part of a greater whole.” This statement
emphasies on Spotify’s fairness and provide artists with a safe place to
share their music on. As such, harmony is fostered while barriers of entry
are destructed. Thus, placing the focal point on Spotify as a place where
people can enjoy doing what they do and listen to what they love.

2. Share with the class how to write a mission statement for the new company you
plan to start-up? Look into the three questions you must answer when writing a
mission statement. What should you do after writing up the first draft?

3. Using one of the 2 companies below, draft (at least 3 levels) a functional
organisation structure for the company. You may want to use their websites as
guides of their functional structure. (Disclaimer: the companies may not be using
functional structure.)
a. Pet Lovers Center Singapore
b. Famous Amos Singapore

4. Business plan progress MUST be measured throughout the year. Discuss

THREE areas that a business should focus on to track progress. (Students are
expected to research for the answers). An example of an area to control is
shown below.
Eg. Sales revenue control. Information on units, dollars, specific products sold,
price of sales, meeting of delivery dates, and credit terms is useful to get a good
perspective of the sales of the new venture. In addition, an effective collections
system for accounts receivable should be set up to avoid aging of accounts and
bad debts.

A. Net promoter score (NPS). A business must identify the factors that contribute
to a customer’s feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction to the business all
throughout the year. By doing so, businesses are able to mitigate the factors
through either product improvement and increased quality control or provide
more after sales support. These supports can make or break passive
customers into becoming promoters to the business. Through doing these,
businesses are able to retain more customers and build an improved
B. Customer acquisition costs control (CAC). This aspect is important to monitor
as it showcases the costs it took for a customer to purchase from the
business. With the knowledge of this metric, businesses are able to identity
what methods are draining their funds too quickly and what is the most
effective method in obtaining the patron. Tracking this process also translates
to better use of resources for the business, thus increasing efficiency and

C. Customer concentration. As a business, it is essential to strike a balance
between the general customer and the top customers. This is because,
having too many top customers results in the effect of putting too many eggs
in one basket. The repercussion of this effect is evident when the customers
are no longer your top customers which then results in the business failing. As
such, this information allows one to be able to expand the customer base for
the business to avoid this issue.

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