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The Adjustment of Students from Face-to-Face Learning to Modular Learning


The COVID-19 pandemic changed learning in many unprecedented ways. Students had to

not just move to online learning but also keep a social distance from their friends and family. It

was quite challenging for some to adjust to the ‘new normal’ and missed the in-person interaction

with their teachers. For some, it simply meant spending more time with the parents.

Schools need to know how students feel about distance education and learn more about

their experiences. To collect data, they can send out a survey on remote learning for students. Once

they have the results, the management team can know what students like in the existing setup and

what they would like to change.

Many schools of higher learning have adopted distance and online education as the next

logical delivery systems. These systems are being promoted as the educational teaching of the

future (Blustain, Goldstein, and Lozier 1999, and Drucker 1997). However, one overriding

question that must addressed is how will these new delivery approaches impacts students learning

and students perceptions of learning.

Here are the questions about our topic, The Adjustment of Students from Face-to-Face

Learning to Modular Learning. A distance learning survey for the students of ASHS.

SECTION A: Demographic Questions
Instructions: Please complete this section by answering the following questions and checking the
following choices.

1. What is your name?


2. How old are you?


3. What is your Track and Strand?


4. What is your Grade and Section?


5. What is your gender?




Prefer not to respond

SECTION B: Distance Learning Questions
Instructions: Please complete this section by checking the box before the following choices.

1. How do you feel overall about distance education?


Below Average


Good Excellent

(This question collects responses about the overall experience of the students regarding online

education. Schools can use this data to decide whether they should continue with teaching online

or move in-person learning.)

2. Do you have access to a device for learning online?


Yes, but it doesn’t work well

No, I share with others

(Students should have uninterrupted access to a device for learning online. Know if they face any

challenges with the device’s hardware quality. Or if they share the device with others in the house

and can’t access when they need it.)

3. What device do you use for distance learning?





(Know whether students use a laptop, desktop, smartphone, or tablet for distance learning. A

laptop or desktop would be an ideal choice for its screen size and quality. You can use a multiple-

choice question type in your questionnaire for distance education students.)

4. How much time do you spend each day on an average on distance education?

1-3 hours

3-5 hours

5-7 hours

7-10 hours

10+ hours

(Know how much time the students spend while taking an online course. Analyze if they are over-

spending time and find out the reasons behind it. Students must allocate some time to play and

exercise while staying at home to take care of their health. You can find out from answers to this

question whether they spend time on other activities as well.)

5. How effective has remote learning been for you?

Not at all effective

Slightly effective

Moderately effective

Very effective

Extremely effective

(Depending on an individual’s personality, students may like to learn in the classroom with fellow

students or alone at home. The classroom offers a more lively and interactive environment,

whereas it is relatively calm at home. You can use this question to know if remote learning is

working for students or not.)

6. How helpful Aurora Senior High School has been in offering you the resources to learn

from home?

Not at all helpful

Slightly helpful

Moderately helpful

Very helpful

Extremely helpful

(The school management teams need to offer full support to both teachers and students to make

distance education comfortable and effective. They should provide support in terms of

technological infrastructure and process framework. Given the pandemic situation, schools must

allow more flexibility and create lesser strict policies.)

7. How stressful is distance learning for you during the COVID-19 pandemic? (Consider 76-

100 being extremely stress and 0-25 being not at all.)

0 - 25

26 - 50

51 - 75

76 - 100

(Studying in the time of pandemic can be quite stressful, especially if you or someone in the family

is not doing well.)

8. How well could you manage time while learning remotely? (Consider 5 being extremely

well and 1 being not at all)



(Staying at home all the time and balancing multiple things can be stressful for many people. It

requires students to have good time-management skills and self-discipline. Students can rate their

experience on a scale of 1-5 and share it with the school authorities. Use a multiple-choice matrix

question type for such questions in your distance learning questionnaire for students.)

9. Do you enjoy learning remotely?

Yes, absolutely

Yes, but I would like to change a few things

No, there are quite a few challenges

No, not at all

(Get a high-level view on whether students are enjoying learning from home or doing it because

they are being forced to do so. Gain insights on how you can improve distance education and make

it interesting for them.)

10. How helpful are your teachers while studying online?

Not at all helpful

Slightly helpful

Moderately helpful

Very helpful

Extremely helpful

(Distance education lacks proximity with teachers and has its own set of unique challenges. Some

students may find it difficult to learn a subject and take more time to understand. This question

measures the extent to which students find their teachers helpful)

Group Members:

King Jhames S. Manganaan

Allysa A. Manzano
Gelyn Marie D. Lobres
Julius Ceasar Marcos
Joven Marinay
Lhiana Manuel
Earon Marcos
Edie James Magaoay


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