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Fédération Internationale de la Précontrainte

Awards for

Outstanding Structures

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© fédération internationale du béton (fib). This PDF copy of an FIP Report was purchased from the fib webstore.
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Awards for

Outstanding S tructures

if Fédération Internationale de la Précontrainte

11 Upper Belgrave Screet, London SWlX 8BH

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© Fédérnrion lmernarionale de la
l'récontrai11te 1998
11 U p per Bd gr;n-e Sr.
l .ond on SWIX 81\H. UI(.

ISBN: 1 871956 .lO -

Dc,ig nc·d and produced bv T,1ro1

,\lillbury. Kem MEl'J 'iAS. UK
Pri1H1.:d in Ln�d,rnJ hy N ew rime
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The pu bl isher; wi,h 10 1hank
Ralph Andrew. Sally Rernolds
.md John Dougill for 1heir help in
1hc product ion of rhis book.
© fédération internationale du béton (fib). This PDF copy of an FIP Report was purchased from the fib webstore.
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Message from the

Chairman of the PIP Jury

In 1990 the Fl r Council inrroduced an The jury this year felr that many more of
Award for Outstanding Structures as a the structures than the ones singled our for
means of giving international recognition to awards should be given recognition in some
concrete structures which demonstrate the lasting form, and rhe idea was bom to
versatiliry of concrete as a structural produce a book presenting the majoriry of
medium. The awards are made ar rhe FIP the entries to the industry and to the
Congresses every four years and consist of a public. Through this book we wish to
bronze plaque and Cerrificares to rhe srimulate the creativiry and skill of our
principal parries involved. profession and enhance people's awareness
of the merits of structural concrete in the
The enuies for rhe 1998 FIP Ourstanding continuous development of rhe
Srructures Awards were exhibired and environment. The structures we present
judged by rhe FJP jury in London in March range from record-breaking large-span
1998. The jury, consisring of rhe bridges to small buildings, parking garages
members of rhe FIP Praesidium, had an and railway run nels. In many respects rhe
onerous task due to rhe qualiry and book can be seen as a "state of the arr"
diversiry of the enrries. document of concrete srrucrures as we go
forward inro the nexr millennium.
Altogerher 35 enrries were received from 12
Member Groups, and of these 23 were At the nexr Congress in Osaka, Japan i n
classifted as "Civil Engineering Srrucrures" 2002 I anricipate rhar rhe FIP Outstanding
and 12 as "Buildings". The dividing line Srrucrures Award wil! continue under the
berween these rwo caregories is ofren hard auspices of ftb, and that we shall be judging
to deftne. Some of rhe entries, alrhough of a large number of equally impressive
norable qualiry, were regrerrably nor srrucrures.
considered for rhe awards due to
non-compliance wirh the rules of the I am delighred rhar the book has been made
comperirion. available for the Amsterdam Congress in
record-breaking rime, and wish to express
The jury selecred four enrries, rwo in each my sincere thanks to the FIP Secretariar, the
of the rwo caregories, for the 1998 Awards. designers Tarot Millbury, and to the FIP
In addirion six furrher entries were judged Member Groups who have supported the
to be worrhy of"Special Mention''. The award scheme.
awards and the Special Menrions wil! be
announced ar the Xlllth FlP Congress in
Amsterdam in May 1998.

Under the rules of rhe competition rhe Jan Moksnes

judges have complete freedom to make the
selection of awards ar rheir discretion, and
rheir decision can not be challenged. This is
not a licence ro be flippant or parrial, bur
rather recognirion of rhe fact that ir is
difftcult to judge one concept against
another and to grasp from limired
information the parricular and
sometimes hidden qualiry of an entry.

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Previous Awards

if b
FIP Awards for Outstanding Structures 1990

The Pedestrian Bridge at Kelheim across the Altmühl, Germany

La Grande Arche in Paris, France

The Oosterschelde Storm Surge Barrier in the Netherlands

The Gullfaks C Oil Platform, Norway

In addition, seven entries were judged to be worthy of

"Special Mention"

FIP Awards for Outstanding Structures 1994

The Skarnsundet Cable Stay Bridge, Norway

The Footbridge over the Vranov Reservoir in the Czech Republic

The Administrative Building of the European U nion in Madras, India

The Tennis Center of Yale Universiry in New Haven,

Connecticut, USA

The Breakwater Jetry in Sakai, Japan

In addition, eight enrries were judged to be worthy of

"Special menrion"

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if b
3 M essage from the Chairman of the FIP Jury

4 Previous winners of rhe Award

Civil engineering structures Buildings

6 Bahrain - Shaikh Isa bin Salman 40 India - Bangalore Indoor Stadium

42 Japan Yokohama International

8 Belgium - Namur relecommu,nicarions Stadium

44 Japan Osaka Municipal Centra!

10 Canada - Confederarion Bridge G ymnasium

12 China (Hang Kong) Kap Shui Mun -

46 Japan - Osaka Pool
Bridge & Ma Wan Viaducrs
48 Netherlands Parkinggarage,

14 Denmark - Grear Belt Easr Bridge Laakhaven Hollands Spaar

16 France - Pont de Normandie

50 Netherlands Harbour rehabiliration

and school at The Hague

18 France - Pont du Morbihan

20 France - Truc de la Fare overpass 52 Netherlands - Corkscrew access to

parking roof
22 India - Dodan Nallah Arch Bridge
54 Netherlands - Villa VPRO, Hilversum
24 Japan Odawara Blueway Bridge

56 Netherlands - Office tower

26 Japan - Shiosai Bridge " Malietoren"

28 Netherlands - Rijswijk Railway Tunnel 58 United Kingdom - Belfasr Waterfront

30 Norway -Heidrun - the first concrete
T ension Leg Platform

32 Norway Troll Graviry Base Strucrure


34 Spain - The Bridge over the Lerez

river ar Pontevedra

36 United Kingdom - Second Severn


38 USA - Rock Cut Bridge

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Shaikh Isa bin Salman Bridge

Location: BAHRAIN

Owner The Shaikh Isa bin Salman should be kept as low as • The use of single plane
Ministry o f Works & Bridge merits considerarion possible for aesthetic reasons i n prestressed concrete stays to
Agriculrure, State of Bahrain because it successfully achieves keeping with the low clearance support a wide deck
all the requirements of a good of the bridge - to be reduced. The use of a precast spine
Consulting Engineer
Dar al Handasah Consultants
design: beam with precast side
The 34m wide dual three-lane
(UK) Lrd • Efficiency in strucrural cantilever combined with
deck is built as precast
design precast split shells for the
Contractor segmental construction with
• Economy in construction by sails - to reduce mobilisation
Saudi Archirodon glued joints. lt consists of a
the extensive use of costs and ease construction
spine segment which is erected
precasting which is reflected • The use of polyethylene
as a first stage with the stays.
in the low cost of the bridge ducts for prestressing in the
The precast side cantilevers
in spite of the very strict deck and polyethylene­
were erected as a second stage
specification for durabiliry coated strands i mpregnated
afrer completion of the main
• Elegance which has been with grease for the stay
span and the adjacent spans
achieved as a by-product of cables
and rransversely post-tensioned.
an efficient and economical • An extremely rigorous
The precast sail segments were
design. specification for concrete was
erected and the stay cables
used in an arrempt to
The bridge was built to finally 'runed'. The presrressed
prevent corrosion of the steel
connecr the rwo islands of concrete single plane sray in the
and enhance the durabiliry
Manama and Muharraq and to median gives strucrural stiffness
of the structure. This
cope with rhe i ncreased traffic to the wide deck strucrure.
incl uded the use of
to the airport.
The economy of the structure microsilica admixrure for
Steel and concrete structures . lies in the use of conventional high-strength concrete
were examined in the initia! prestressing in the concrete for all components, low
stages of concept design. stays - as opposed to the use of permissible chloride content
Considering the highly normal stay cables which are of constiruents, generous
corrosive environment in considerably more expensive - cover to reinforcement,
Bahrain and the need ro and in the economy of effort in controlled curing, anti­
provide an economie and building a wide deck from carbonation paim to
aesthetic solution, concrete was smaller segments. concrete, cathodic protection
found to be more suitable. lt to piles, pile-cap, and piers
was also feit that the effects of Exceptional features and waterproofing
the aggressive environment • The qualiry of concrete membrane of bridge deck.
could be better controlled by finishes on all exposed
the use of a p restressed concrete surfaces

The concept of the bridge is

the designer's response to the
terms of reference for a design
wi th aesthetic elegance that fits
the location. The bridge with
its curved soffi r and shaped
pedestrian parapets and the
'sails' above the deck result in a
structure that resembles the
sailing ships historically
associated with Bahrain and the
Gulf region. With its low
clearance and sails in its
prominent location as part of
the causeway, the structure
gives an exceptional spectacle
viewed from the share. The use
of prestressed concrete sails
allows the height of the towers
- which the designer believed

© fédération internationale du béton (fib). This PDF copy of an FIP Report was purchased from the fib webstore.
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Civil engineering FI P Awards for Outstanding Structures 1 998


Namur telecommunications

Location : BELGIUM

History Realisacion to sire and resin-glued.
Belgacom Namur
There are three kinds of rail Design Erecrion was by crane fastened
buildings: religious strucrures The tower was designed to to the tower, wirh positioning
Architect such as cathedrals; towers for resist exceptional winds as controlled by lasers. Final
Belgacom housing or offices; and rele­ well as vibracion and solar adjusrmenrs were made
Consulting Engineer communication towers. Some effects. To avoid signa! difficulr by the crane
Ets E. Ronveaux S.A of rhe most famous were disrurbance, an exrremely movements and solar effeccs.
realised by rhe brillianr onerous defle crion resrricrion of The enrire tower was post­
Contractor engineer F. Leonhardr. His 0 . 5° was imposed, calling for tensioned with j ust 28 tonnes
Ets E. Ronveaux S.A
book Towers: civilisation s an exceprional sciffness of high-yield cables.
history through its highest modulus (inerria and elasciciry) .
buildings is one of rhe besr and Young's modulus for good Conclusion
the most complete summary of qualiry concrete exceeds 40,000 The record-breaking project
rhe subject. MPa. was carried our by Ronveaux in
a single season . Commissioned
As far as we know, the Namur
Precasting in December 1994, the tower
tower engineered by Ronveaux
To avoid air bubbles, the tower was completed in 199 5 . Shaped
is rhe world's rallesr precasr
rings were case verrically in racher like a rocker, the Namur
concrete tower. When
cylindrical steel reinforced tower grew ar almosr rocker
Belgacom decided to erect a
moulds 3m high. The rebar speed, with each of irs three
170111 high radio link tower in
and post-censioning duces were legs lengrhening by 12m a
Namur, specialist advice was
fixed before the high-srrengch week. Among orher rhings, the
soughr. Ronveaux (Belgium) -
concrete was poured, as were project demonsrrared how rhe
who had designed, precast and
anri-corrosion protection and use of precasting togerher wi th
erecred more rhan 120 towers -
accessones. rigorous conrrols can lead to
suggesred precasr elemenrs
efficienr consrrucrion, excellent
glued togerher and post­
Erection performance and the h ighest
rensioned. The design called
The precasr rings were brought qualiry.
for 800m3 high-strength con­
crete inscead of 2400m3 for the
same structure cast in situ.

The tower is composed of chree
thin legs, 2.4m diameter, which
raper in ar a slope of 5 % up to
rhe 96m level. Each leg
conrains a helicoidal scaircase,
ladder and cables and counrer­
balance weighcs for the
elevators. The legs are bonded
every l 2m by a precast
concrete rhree-poinred star,
hollow in irs middle to allow
rhe panoramic lift to pass

The junction of the legs

consisrs of precasr unies and a
minimum of connecrion joints
sealed by a special morrar.
Rising from the juncrion is a
3.4m diameter concrete core
housing an elevator and
anorher sraircase.

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© fédération internationale du béton (fib). This PDF copy of an FIP Report was purchased from the fib webstore.
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F I P Awards for Oursranding Srrucrures 1 998

Confederation Bridge

Location: CANADA

Owner The l 3km long concrete bridge consrrucrion procedures. Local ' ice-out date' by more rhan rwo
Public Works of Canada across the Nonhumberland fishermen were worried chat days, which resulted in a
Srrait in Canada connects the ice would be held in place minimum span requirement of
Consulting Engineer
Prince Edward lsland with the by me piers of the bridge, with 200m wirh a maximum pier
Jean Muller I nternational/
mainland of New B runswick. the resulr rhar the Srrair would widrh ar the warerline of 6m.
Stanley Consultants
However, it was not the length rake longer to become ice-free A span of 250m and a pier
Contractor of the bridge chat made this in springrime. This would also widrh of abour Sm were finally
Strait Crossing J.V. project something really have had an adverse effect on chosen.
(Ballast Nedam International, unique, but rather the chick fish stocks and shorren rhe
GTMI, trait Crossing Ine.) Anorher important aspect is
layer of ice chat covers the fishing season.
rhar rhe ice is consrandy in
Northumberland Strair every
motion, because of ridal
winter for about five months. The Government determined
influences. Wirh currents
This ice determined, to a large chat the presence of the bridge
reaching in excess of 3 knots ar
degree, both the design and the should not delay the so-called
rhe bridge, a merre-rhick ice
field of many square kilomerres
pressing againsr these piers
causes enormous horizontal
forces. To limit these forces, a
conical edge, abour Sm high,
wirh a diameter of 9- l 9m was
required at rhe borrom of rhe
pier shaft.

This ' ice-nose' has rwo

significant contriburions. l r
limirs rhe pressure from me ice
by acring as an inverred ice
breaker, forcing rhe ice
upwards before ir breaks off.
Wirh a verrical pier face, rhe ice
first would have to be crushed,
imposing far grearer forces. The
second contriburion is rhar i t
prevents crushing of the ice.
Crushing ice again.s t a venical
pier creates a dynamic effect
with a frequency corresponding
roughly to the bridge's own
frequency, meaning the risk of
amplification which could
result in much higher forces.
Even with the ' ice-nose',
horizontal forces exerted by the
ice are still around 4,000 tomes
per pier.

The ice also restricred the

available construction time.
Total construction time wirh
so-called B.O.T. projects has a
major effect on the financing
costs. An extra year's
construction time is expensive
in terms of additional interest
payments and delay in income
receipt. A timetable was
therefore chosen where the
actual construction would be

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if b
complered in rwo summer
seasons of seven monrhs each.

1 r was decided ro prefabricare

as much of rhe bridge as
possible on land, and rhen ro
posirion rhese very large
elemenrs, some weighing up ro
8,000 ronnes, by a lifring
vessel, so minimising acriviry
on the warer.

The enrire bridge was

consrrucred by using only four
differenr componenrs: pier
bases, pier shafrs, main beams
and drop-in beams. For each
of rhese componenrs, one o r
more producrion lines were ser
up at the prefabricarion site.

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F I P Awards for Oursranding Srruccures J 9 9 8

Kap Shui Mun Bridge &

Ma Wan Viaducts


Hong Kong Highways The relocacion of Hoog Kong
Department Airport required a complecely
new syscem of access roads and
railways, of which the Kap Shui
Greiner In e . & Leonhardr,
Mun (KSM) B ridge farms pare.
Andra und Parmer GmbH
The bridge was officially
Consulting Engineer opened on 27 April 1997.
Greiner I n ternational Lrd. H K
Maunsell Consultanrs Asia Lrd. Design
The KSM Bridge is a double
deck cable-scayed bridge with
Hicachi joint venture spans of 80, 80, 430, 80 and
80m, making 750m
alcogecher. Road craffic is
carried by the upper deck while
the lower deck carries the rail­
way plus emergency l anes
giving vehicular access ra rhe
airport during a cyphoon. The
bridge deck is of prestressed
concrete in the side spans and
the first 2 I 4 . 2 5 m of the main
span. The weighc of the heavy
side span balances the weighc of
the lighcer steel composice
scructure of the main span. The
H-shaped cowers are concrete
with a prestressed cross-beam;
the cables are arranged as a half

Steel composite superstructure

of the main span
Steel structure
The steel scruccure consists of:
• inclined webs wich the cable
anchorages, segment lengch
8.70m chree-cell box beam. Because srrengch of 1 720N/mm2 after
• Vierendeel type cross f1anges of the craffic arrangement on galvanizing. Corrosion
and longicudinal bracings the lower deck, the super­ proceccion consiscs of hoc-dip
• secondary f1oor beams scruccure is cransversely galvanizing, inhibitor grease
supporting the railway slabs sciffened by frame accion only. and a 1 mm polychene
At the piers, cross-beams had sheathing. In addicion, the total
All che field joints of the steel
co be provided beneach the cable is enclosed in a polythene
scruccure were bolted.
bridge deck. sheach.
Top and bottom slabs
The 250mm chick slabs are of Towers Construction
reinforced concrete and span The cowers consisc of rwo Side spans were incrementally
longicudinally. In the Airport shafcs and chree cross-beams. launched, the segment length
Railway area, boch slabs have Edges are rounded (R= 1 m) being 1 8.30m. A 2 1 . 2 5 m long
l arge openings for ventilacion and cables are anchored wich seccion of the final steel
in case of a fire. loop cendons. struccure was used as the
launching nose. The cross­
Prestressed concrete superstructure Cables beams were case later. The steel
ofside spans and main span The cables consisc of 5 1 co 1 02 composice deck was erecced by
The prescressed concrete pare of parallel mono scrands 0.6 in. cantilevering, the segmenc
the superstruccure is a in diamerer wich a censile weighc being 500 connes.

© fédération internationale du béton (fib). This PDF copy of an FIP Report was purchased from the fib webstore.
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Special features side span with PFF-bars

Ldtest developrnents in new types of a very efficient
concrete strucrurcs were cable anchorage at tower

considered, such as: head
launching a very sriff and • cooling concrete with
heavy box nirrogen to rninirnize cracks
• usi ng a fl na! parr of the steel • very shorr rirne pcriod for
composite structure as a design and consrruction:

launching nose, flxed to the 4112 years.

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Civil engineering FI P Awards for OutstanJing Struccures 1 998


Great Belt East Bridge

Location: DENMARK

Owner Summary in relation to the flora and eliminated, demonstrating rhar
NS Sroreb:elr Wich the construcrion of the fauna, and the much wider it is a suspended structure.
l Skm Grear Belr Link, a implications on the exchange
Architect Even more unusual is the
project comprising the world's of water berween the Norrh Sea
Dissing & Weirling design of the anchor blocks.
second longesr suspension and Balric were of particular
Positioned some 2.5km from
Consulting Engineer bridge and Europe' s longesr concern. Furrhermore, because
either coast, they are extremely
CBR-Joinr Venrure combined road and railway of rhe low lying ground on visible. However, instead of
(COWJConsulr, Ramb01l) bridge as well as Europe's eirher side of the Great Belt, ir being of mass concrete, they
second longesr sub-sea tunnel was recognised chat the
Con tractor were designed as hollow
Greac Belc Comractors has been complered. Srructures suspension bridge wirh irs triangles, resting apparently on
(Hochcief, Wayss & F reycag, of such magnitude on a world­ 254m high pylons and massive the surface of the water, wirh
Hollandsche Beton en­ wide scale will inevitably have anchor blocks would make a the necessary weight for
Waterbouw, E. Phil & Son, an impact on rhe environment, powerful visual impact. stability provided below water
KKS Encreprise) rhe assessment of which is
From aesthetic and technica! level by heavy ballast ar the
more and more commonly
being included in the overall viewpoints, these aspects
design programme for polirical influenced rhe design of the
and ecological reasons. East Bridge. Every effort was
made by the architects and
Throughour rhe Grear Belt The Great Belt Link is part of
consultants to keep the
project, environmental Denmark's overall transport
srructure as light as possible,
considerarions influenced borh network known as the
while still giving an impression
design decisions and 'H-plan', the major feature
of srrengrh and stability.
operarional procedures, which being the formation of a road
Intensive studies based on wind and rail link running norrh­
led to the integrarion of the tunnel tests were undertaken to
srrucrures into the environment sourh through Jutland to
reduce the weight of the box Germany, a second north-sourh
- somerhing which is generally
beams which implied use of link running from Sweden via
accepred and appreciated by all
mass tuned dampers. Special the 0resund Link to Zealand
parries. The Link can make a
attention was given to the and from there to Germany via
valid claim to being the most
shape and moulding of the the Fehmarn Link with the
environmentally friendly major
concrete pylons to emphasize final section of the 'H' being
project underraken so far.
the link berween form and the east-west Link berween
The effecrs on the seabed in the function. lt should be noted Zealand and Jutland which
immediare area of the rhar the conventional cross­ incorporates the Great Belt
consrrucrion works, parricularly beam below the deck was Link.

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Design approach Ar rhe anchor blocks, two J

The 6.7km East Bridge
includes a high bridge over the
wedge-shaped stone beds were
designed inclined at 1 6%
fr==iR==� -1

Great Belt Eastern Clunnel, corresponding to rhe
the main shipping lane inclinarion of rhe resulring
between the salty North Sea force from rhe pull of the cable t--
and the brackish Baltic Sea. and rhe weight of the anchor
black, leaving the mid-part of
Extensive risk analyses were

performed, including the anchor black suspended
computerised navigation between the front and rear
simulations. N umerous design parts.
options were then invesrigared, Another unusual feature is rhe
including cable-stayed bridges 2.8km conrinuous beam
as well as suspension bridges of crossing from anchor black to
various main span lengths. anchor black wirhout
Evenrually, a suspension bridge expansion joinrs ar the pylons.
spanning l 624m between
pylons was adopted as the
optimum solution based on
these analyses.

Adopting concrete
Tenderers were given the
option of pricing pylons made
of concrete or steel. At the
tendering stage, the lowest bids
were submitted for concrete
pylons, one of the reasons
being a smaller caisson
compared to a caisson
supporting a steel pylon.

Unusual features
A service life of 100 years was
specified together wi th
extensive use of qualiry
assurance according to ISO
900 1 and the use of a concrete
mix containing Portland
cement, fly ash and microsilica.
A h igh-performance concrete
was specified using advanced
curing technology and a
corrosion-monitoring sysrem.

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F I P Awards for Outstanding Srructures 1 998

Pont de Normandie

Locatio n : FRANCE

The ormandy B ridge crosses sciffening che suspension. prorecred. Each cable has an
che river Seine at ics mouch. exrernal duet, shaped by some
Chambre de Commerce et The deck cross-section was
The m ain span, 856m long, is helical fillers designed to avoid
d' Industrie du Havre designed to reduce wind forces
che longesc cable-scayed span in rain-induced vibrations. They
and to give a h igh torsional
Architect the world. The bridge is a are anchored on the deck ar
Charles Lavigne
rigidiry. lts excernal shape is
unique scrucrure, 2 1 4 1 m long, inrervals varying from 1 4. S m
idenrical whether in steel or in
crossing che river wich no i n the concrete p arts to
Consulcing Engineer concrete. To reduce wind
SETRA supporr in che scream. The l 9.65m in the steel part. Their
forces, che deck was stream­
design was developed to anchorages on the pylon cresrs
Contractor lined. For torsional rigidiry, ic
produce a good balance of are disrribured over 60m
Gie Pont de Normandie is a box beam, with lateral
permanent loads, to ease verrically in a centra! steel
suspension because of the great
erection and to limit wind element incorporared in the
span length.
effects. concrete strucrure.
The concrete pylons are shaped The concrete deck was
The bridge h as a prestressed
as an inverred Y with an consrrucred by incremental
concrete deck in the access
intermediate bracing where the launching in the access spans
spans and a steel deck in the
deck is rigidly connected. They and by the balanced cantilever
centra! part of the main span,
easily resist transverse wind method on borh sides of each
where ir is of major impor­
forces, either from the cab les pylon. The centra! part of the
tance in limiting the self­
or rhrough the deck. This main span was built by the
weigh t. The access spans are
shape is also much more effi­ canrilever merhod, with
on close supporrs up to the
cient rhan an H shape in segments l 9.65m long.
pylons, because of che great
reducing torsional deformation
difference in weight between The Normandy bridge was
of the deck.
concrete and steel decks. The opened to traffic ar the
multiple supports distribute The stay cables are made of beginning of 1995.
the back scaying effecrs parallel srrands, l S mm in
between all rear cables, th us diameter, individually

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1. 6.10

.1. 3.70 .i
if b


•I f• 800 'l"I'BS'�

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F l r Awards for Oucscanding Scrucrurcs 1 998

Pont du Morbihan

Location: FRANCE

Summary architcctural quality of the and wishing to shun
Owncr The Morbiha n bridge over the structure. conven tional solutions - which
Direcrion Déparcememale de
Vilaine is a rein forced concrere were deemed to be too
l'Equipemem du Morbihan An original idea was also
arch supporting a composire ordinary - S.E.T.R.A. selectcd
developed for pedestrian
Architect box srructure. an arch bridge.
crossing: a side walk was
Charles Lavigne
Concrete arches practically installed on each side of rhc
Consulting Engineer
Main characteristics
disappeared in the late fi fties arch.
SETRA The srructure is a rein forced
with the developmenr of pre­
Description concrere arch wirh an opening
Con tractor stressed concrete, the balanccd
This bridge is the last major of 20 1 metres. The deck, wirh
Campenon Bernard SGE canrilever sysrem eliminating
structure complercd in a total lengrh of 376 metres
the need for extensive
connection with the upgrading and an effective width of 20.00
scaffolding. I n the sixries,
of France's national highway metres, carrics four lanes of
pioneer engineers prepared a
165 between Nantes a n d trafflc.
later revival of arches, by the
same method. The major Brest. 1 t i s located near La A wide single composite box­
achievemenr of this techniquc Roche Bernard, in southern girder, 2.00 metres depth, with
is the K'rk bridge, completed Brittany. inclined webs and m ulriple
in 1 980. crossbeams, was designed to
J uscificacion of the concrete reduce the deck weight in
The design o f the Morbihan solution
order to limit compressive
bridge has been developed with Many solutions have been
stresses in the arch and incrcase
the experience of these bridges, taken inro consideration
the buckling safety.
but the conrracror and the during the preliminary srudies.
administration attached With a view to exploiting an In addition, the strucrural
considerable imponance ro the outcropping layer of granite, efficiency of the box-girder

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helped ro i ncrease rhe span

between supporrs on rhe arch
and on rhe ground, ro a

maximum of 36 merres.

Construction schedule
The srrucrure is builr from
each side of rhe river:

• Consrruction of the arch
foundation, concreted in
the rock.
The first segments of the
arch are concrered on
scaffoldings in a cofferdam.
The arch is then supporred
on a small remporary
supporrs, o utside of the
rhe lefr bank, in three parrs,
• Then new segmenrs are
and the concrete slab was
builr by rhe cantilever
casr in a mobile carriage for
merhod, with the help of
rhe overhang, and on a metal­
another small temporary
lic plate in the central part.
support and a small pylon
Finally, rhe concrete slab
equipped with external
received a rransverse pre­
prestressing tendons.
srress111g .
• A steel temporary pylon is
installed on rhe arch
segment resring on the third
A special importance was
main remporary support,
given ro the aesthetic and i n re­
and rhe cantilever is
gration in the environmenr of
completed, segment afrer
this bridge, the consrruction of
segment, supporred by
which lasted 29 months, and
which was completed i n May
After the cenrral closu re, the 1 995 and opened ro traffic in
deck was launched from June 1996.

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Civil engineering FIP Aw.mJ, l(,r ()utst.rndin� Srructurc' 19'!8


Truc de la Fare overpass

Locarion: fRANCE

The construction of the A75 mororway runs tn a cumng, elegant proporrion to the
Owner 15111 Jeep and 50m wide, dug srrucrure.
motorway which crosst:s
Direction Départementale de
Ct:nrral France from Clermont inro the limcstone, wirh sreep.
!'Equipement de la Lozere The deck is a concrerc slab
Ferrand to Bézins was a nearly vcrtical sides. To bridge
wirh rwo lareral longirudinal
Architect fanrasric opporruniry to bridge rhis gap, it was necessary to
ribs. Each rib is prestressed by
SOBERCO designers, nor only for tht: design a slencler strucrurc wirh
rhree tendons ( 12 x 15. 7111111
major viaducts bur also for no intermediarc piers. This led
Consulring Engineer srrands). The slab is trans­
SETRA small bridges and some to a bridge wirh a presrressed
versely presrressed by tendons
ovcrpasses. As a counrerpoinr concrete deck supported from
Contractor made of four 15.7m111 srrands.
ro anorher overpass close by bclow by cables anchored ar irs
Entreprise Gardiol Each of the five suppurring
• a small arch bridge wirh a ends, and dcviared by sr.:d
cables is made of 19 plasric­
steel tubular arch connecrcd srruts.
coared and greased srrands in a
to a pn.:srrcssed concrete slab
The total span of 53m is steel ducr. The ducts were
• a ribbcd slab suspendcd from
divided by supporring the con­ injecred wirh cement grour
hclow bv cables and
crete slab wirh cables and srrucs before the srrands were srressed.
deviarion struts was designed
ar rhree points. The disrancc The anchorages are similar to
rocross a deep rrench.
berwecn the end support and rhose of sray cables and allow
C:learly, the rwo bridges
the first strut - 13.50111 - is a Fen later adfusrmenrs, which
respond to each orher: the
bit longer rhan rhe span may be necessary duc to crecp.
'classica!' arch wherc A special annular jack was
berween a lareral and cenrral
comprcssive srresses flow in made for the project.
srruts, 1 3.00111. Srructurally.
the· steel tubular member
rhc opposite would have been
crnd the inverred arch where These cables are deviared by
more logical. bur the bridge
cables support loads wirh rhree V-shaped steel srrurs, the
aspect is much bener wirh
rensile forces. arms of which are small
Jonger 'side-spans' to babncc
box-beams connecred ro the
the shapes of the rrianglcs and
The A75 motorway passes concrete ribs. The cables are
quadrilarerals formed by slab,
rhrough rhe sourhern pan of deviared at rhe lower part of
cables and srrurs.
the Massif Centra! at an the V. Longirudinally, the
awrage alrirnde close to The length of the cenrral strut srruts are inclined to cxactly
1 OOOm. The 'Truc de la Fare' was selecrcd for structural balance cablc rension on borh
overpass is in an area whcre the efficiency and also to givc sides.

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The deck was builr on

scaffolding wirh rhree
temporary suppom. These

supports, as wel! as the
shutrering elements, were
removed a�er rhe initia!
tensioning of the five main
cables, strand by strand, using
the iso-tension method.

Finally, rhe cable rension was
precisely adjusred with the
annular jack to balance the
permanent loads.

The bridge was completed in

l 994 and the motorway
secrion opened to traffic in
May 1996.

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Civil engineering FIP Awards for Oucscanding Srrucrures 1 998


Dodan Nallah arch bridge

Location: I NDIA

H imachal Pradesh PWD

Consulting Engineer
Tandon Consultants PVT Lcd.

S.K. Saini

Summary financial resources and rhe of slim proportions was

With the successful avoidance of heavy selecred for the purpose. The
implementation of the Dodan consrrucrion machinery. employmem of local labour,
Nallah Bridge, more arch ski lis and marerials cou pied
bridges are now being proposed Description with the face chat furure regular
in hilly terrains in India insread The Public Works Deparrment inspecrion and maimenance
of convenrional beam bridges of the State Government of were unpredicrable made in­
rhar are dull and monoronous Himachal Pradesh in India siru concrete a natura! choice.
in comparison. The project invited design-and-build bids
demonsrrares how innovative Sophisrication in design and
for the Bridge ar Dodan
strucrural design and analytica! simpliciry in construcrion
Nallah: an arch was obligatory.
rechniques coupled with remained the specific areas of
meticulous planning and Siruared on rhe state highway concemration throughour the
appropriate construcrion connecring rhe Srare of Punjab project.
merhodologies can make the ro Dharamsala - rhe abode of
concrete arch a reality in the the Dalai Lama in exile - the U nusual features
comperirive world of roday. rwo-lane bridge has a 7.5111 Durabiliry and mainrenance­
carriageway. The terrain free characreristics were
l n novarions ar the design srage dicrared a srrucrure rhar would considered of paramoum
crystallised in the use of simple be suired ro high embankmems importance, given the
forms and in the visualisarion (20111) and shorr spans (40111 ) . remoreness of site and
of rhe proporrions of rhe bridge difficulties of access in
and irs elemenrs rhar would The aestherics o f rhe bridge i n moumainous terrain. Tirns, rhe
resulr in an arcracrive, durable irs scenic mounrain setting and arch bridge was conceived as a
and eminendy buildable irs imegrarion wirh the monolirhic srrucrure, wirh no
srrucrure. lnnovarions in environmem were of primary expansion joims or hearings.
construction rechniques paved concern in rhe implememarion
rhe way for deployment of of rhe project. An open The rarher large inward lareral
exclusively local labour, skills spandrel ' rransparem' arch forces on rhe aburmems, due ro
and materials wirh minimum bridge wirh srrucrural elements earth pressures on rhe high

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if b embankmenrs from eirher side,

cancel each orher by 'srrur
acrion' of rhe srrucrure irself.
This solurion was found ro be
much more economical and
aesrherically pleasing rhan
orher alrernarives such as
elongaring rhe arch span or
exrending rhe deck srrucrure
lengrh beyond rhe arch

Consrrucrion joi ms are

poremial weaknesses ar
inclined or verrical planes.
Concrering was planned ro
ensure the arch and deck were
construcred in single pours,
doing away wirh the need for
consrrucrion joinrs.

Being in a seismic zone, the

monolirhic concrere arch
incorporared special design
fearures rhar improved rhe
ducrile behaviour and hence
de-cemering of rhe arch. The
combination of steel cribs and
beams made ir possible co
avoid obstructions in the fasr­
Aowing Dodan Nallah, prone
co Aooding.

resistance ro ground

l nnovations in rhe design and

erection of a tailor-made
formwork system ensured
efforrless assembly and safe

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Civil engineering F I P Awards fur Outstanding Srructures 1 998


Odawara Blueway Bridge

Location: JAPAN

The Odawara B lueway Bridge be reduced to about one­ since all forces on stay cables
Owner is rhe firsr extradosed pre­ quarrer of those in cable-stayed decreasc with the progress of
Japan Highway Public
srressed concrete bridge - a bridges. Accordingly, an creep and shrinkage, the same
concept inrroduced by allowable stay cable stress of as internal presrressing tendons.
Architecr J . Mathivat - in the world. 0.6fpu has been adopted in this The elevation of beams and
M & M Design Office Although it has th.e superficial bridge. Moreover, the saddle stay cable forces were
appearance of a cable-stayed strucrure at the top of the monirored during construction
Consulting Engineer
Sumicomo Consrruction Co, bridge, ir is strucrurally more tower is the first application in to confirm the design values.
Ltd. and Kajima Corporation akin to an ordinary beam prestressed concrete bridges in
bridge. Several new Japan. Stay cables are anchored Experiments
Contracror technologies, the use of epoxy­ outside the saddle to sarisfy the The validity of srrength of the
Sumicomo Consrruction Co,
coated strands as stay cables requirement of not allowing saddle structurc was first con­
Ltd. and Kajima Corpo ration
and saddles at the top of them to slip, which would firmed by resting on a full-scale
towers, were incorporated in create a difference in cable model of the bridge. In
this bridge. The bridge design force in the right and lefr sidcs. addition, the flexural fatigue
may be said ro be an Since rhe allowable stay cable test for stay cables and the
economical strucrure, as the stress of 0.6fpu is used, it is performance test of the
dead l oad can be reduced to necessary to suppress sray cable dampers were carried out to
less than thar of ordinary beam vibrations. Thcrefore, high confirm the validiry of the
bridges. damping rubber dampers were safety factor allowed in rhe
installed ar the bottom of each design for the stay cables.
Design stay cable.
The ratio of the tower height
to the centre span length of the Construction
Odawara Blueway Bridge is The free canrilevering method
1 1 1 2, much lower than the 1 1 5 was used in the Odawara
normal in cable-stayed bridges. Blueway Bridge. Cable force
Therefore, the changes in stay adjustment during and afrer
cable stress due to live load can construction was not required,

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., if b
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. ·
�· � �. . " "
FIP Awards for Oucscanding Srruccures 1 998

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T he Shiosai Bridge

Location: JAPAN

Shizuoka Prefectural Office

Consulting Engineer
Shizuoka Construcion
Technology Cen ter

Sumiromo Construction
Co, Ltd.

lntroduction the roadway slabs and the relared laser beam receptors,
The S hiosai Bridge in Shizuoka aburments. chat gave a high level of
Prefecture, Japan, is a accuracy during the super­
prestressed concrete four-span Materials srrucrure erection.
stress ribbon bridge with Most of the superstrucrure was
roadway slab decks, which precast, using l ighrweight Field observations
forms an 'inverted suspension concrete with a specified Statie load tests and dynamic
bridge'. The b ridge, for cyclists compressive strength of tests were performed. The
and pedestrians, is now p are of 40N/mm2. The unit weight of strucrure was loaded by a truck,
a 1200km cycle path along the the plain lighrweight concrete and excired eirher by a
Pacific Coasc. was 1 .8 5 tonnes/mJ. mechanica! rotarian exciter,
Epoxy-coated, l 5mm diameter human force, or a moving
Design prescressing strand was used for truck. For example, the
The bridge consists of roadway the hearing cables and the logarithmic decrement of
slab decks, columns which prescressing cables for the stress damping investigared varied
support the slab decks, and ribbon, to protect against from 0.04 to 0.06 for the
four 'stress ribbons' wirh span corros1on. longitudi nal bending modes.
lengrhs of 5 5 , 6 1 , 61 and 55m. The oscillarion speed of the
The overall width is 4.4m. Construction srructure was below the
The stress ribbon segments recommended limits at which
To minimize the horizontal
were erecred using crane trucks users experience unpleasant
forces acting on the aburments,
and h angers specially developed motion sensarions.
while at the same time making
for rhis rype of bridge. These
the structure more economical,
devices were designed to adjust Conclusion
lighrweighr concrete was used,
the angle of a segment easily to The successful complerion of
with the basic sag/span ratio
match the angle of the cables the bridge shows that new
being set at 1 I 1 0. The overall
for efficient installarion. The srructural concepts of stress
stiffness of the structure was
stress ribbon segments were ribbon bridges are possible and
increased in rwo ways. First,
used as working platforms on that the best structural
rigid connections were used
which column segments and solutions can also be both
berween the stress ribbons, the
roadway slab decks were architecrurally pleasing and
support columns and the
erecred. cost-effective.
roadway slabs. Second, elastic
connections with horizontal Stress ribbon sag was
neoprene hearings and monitored using an intelligent
prescressing rendons were monitoring system consisting
insralled berween the ends of of a laser beam projector and

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if b
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Civil engineering FI !' A\\"ards for Ou"ranJ i n g Srrucrurc' 1 ')98


Rijswij k Railway Tunnel

Locarion: N ETH ERLAN DS

The Nerherlands municipal­ The solution arrived at in dangerous social situarions
ities of Rijswijk (ZH) and Best Rijswijk in 1996 was an under­ rypically associared wirh under­
NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen
have somerhing in common: ground srarion, topped by a ground building. The 9000
Architect rhey both found a n under­ pyramid of glass and steel ar passengers that o n average pass
ARCADIS Bouw/Infra ground alternative solurion to ground level. The barrier of a rhrough the station each
whar appeared to involve an surface crack was avoided, and working day must feel
Consulting Engineer
unavoidable curring in rwo by instead Rijswijk acquired a comforrable and safe at all
ARCADIS Bouw/Jnfra
four railway tracks. With square around an idenrificarion times. The pyramid-shaped
Con tractor station and platforms below point which will figure for a station hall is by its narure rhe
Kombinacie Scrukcon - Ballast ground level - a n Arricon long rime ahead on the main elemenr in the solution,
Nedam v.o.f.
development specialitv - the 'Grecrings from Rijswijk' offering plenty of open space
quality of lifè within municipal postcard. and giving passengers an
boundaries is guaranrced. unimpeded view of the tracks
Polder principle one floor below. The glazed
Building underground is
Arrico n's archirects and steel srrucrure allows a large
topica!, thanks to various track
engineers i nregrared the amount of daylight to penetrate
doubling schemes being
Station i n to a runnel with four through to rhe tracks.
carried our in the Nerherlands.
tracks l . 5 km long. The tun nel
Where space is limited, The reporr of the j u ry awarding
in Rijswijk was built on rhe
thinking soon turns to rhe the Durch Concrete prize
' polder principle' using the day
underground alternative. But described the project as follows:
and peat layer in Rijswijk soil
the quality of life has also "The design makes i n venrive
which is narurally fairly
bccome a key factor. Local use of the low-strucrure of rhe
impcrmeable ro warer. The
aurhorities wish i ng to local sub-grade. Consisrenr use
presence of this sealing layer
elimi nare the d rawbacks of of concrete in deep sunk walls,
and rhe relarively high position
doubl i ng rracks - wi rh thei r p i les, columns, roof panels and
of rhe run nel was one factor in
physical and psychological other elemenrs has resulred in a
being able to dispense with the
harriers and dangetous social spacious and attracrive station
need for an underwarer
situarions - have to allow for i n construction terms. One
concrere slab beneath rhe
subsranrial cosrs. Rijswijk and special feature was that rrains
Besr have made rhe efforr and werc able to conrinue ro pass
achieved resulrs. lt was i m porranr to avoid rhe through virrually u n i mpeded

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if b
during construction. As a
result of a combination of
urban planning insight,
architecrural design and civil­
engineering commonsense, an
exciting square has been
created in the middle of
Rijswijk, below which a larger
train station than in the past lrn
has found its home."




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Civil engineering F I P Awards for Oucscand i n g Srruccures 1 998


Heidrun -the first concrete

tension leg p latform

Locari on: N O RWAY

Owner The Heidrun Field, which is in Directorare, the Norwegian of the columns at ponroon
Conoco water 345m <leep in the Maririme Directorare and level. For safery reasons the huil
northern part of the Conoco N orway Ine. was compartmenralised in the
Consulting Engineer
Halrenbanken area, about 1 00 splash zone.
Olav Olsen NS Configuration
nautical miles from the west
Con tractor coast of mic.1-Norway, has been Mechanica! outjitting
The huil is essenrially a space
Norwegian Contracrors developed by means of a The huil accommodares the
frame consisring of ring
concrete rension l eg platform following types of m echanica!
pontoons, columns and module
(TLP) by Conoco N orway Ine. ourfitting:
support beams. The pontoons
The TLP is rethered by 16 steel • Sysrems conrrolling the
and columns are buoyant,
cables, securing the behaviour of the huil in
supporting the payload, rhe
subsrrucrnre (huil) to the operation (e.g. trim ballast
weighr of the huil and rhe
concrete foundations. Ir is the and de-ballast water sysrem).
rension of the rerhers.
northernmost platform and • Platform systems, mainly
operares in the deepest waters Outer dimension - 1 1 1 x 1 1 1111 seawarer and fire water
in the North Sea. Cenrre-cenrre column spacing - sysrems and storage tanks.
80 x 80m These are transferred from
Nor.vegian Contractors a.s
the platform modules into
(NC) carried out the Heighr - 1 09.6m
the upper part of the
engineering, procurement; Column diameter - 3111
construcrion and insrallarion
The rerhers are attached to • Auxiliary sysrems to provide
contract for the subsrructure.
concrete fixings on the ourside adequate power and a safe
This included the complete
delivery of rhe huil with two
module support beams,
including all mechanica!

Design basis
The design basis for the sub­
strucrnre can be summarised as
Water deprh - 345m
Ground condirions - soft
day wirh boulders
Sea state for in-place operarion
phase - 15.5m significant
Genera! sea state for offshore
tow and installation - 2-2.5m
Operaring weighr of platform
modules - 65,700 tonnes
Tow-our weighr of platform -
43,200 tonnes
Number of rigid risers - 64
Number of flexible risers (ried
back to the ponroon) - 2
Design life - 50 years
Farigue life for tethers 1 000 ' [.
years r ' 11 rl

The platform was designed to

meet all requirements from the
Norwegian Petroleum

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working environment in the
manned parts of the
Temporary systems to
control the behaviour of the
huil during Aoating phases
and marine operations
during construction and

New technology
Not only is a concrete TLP
novel but, in this case, it was
constructed using lightweight
concrete on a scale never
produced before. Lighrweight
aggregate concrete offers better
fatigue resisrance, lower
permeability and reduced
cracking. The lightweight
aggregate LC60 used on
Heidrun had an average densi­
ty of l .9-2.0kg/m3, about 20%
less than for n ormal density
concrete. N orwegian Design
Code NS 3473 covers the
application of lightweight
aggregate for concrete
strucmres. Tests confirmed the

b The slip-forming techniques
were developed to a more
advanced stage than for
orher projects in normal­
weight concrete.
Additional data has been
obrained about steel/concrete
interaction through the
design of the connection
berween modules and
support beams.
' Exotic' materials have been
used to a greater extent than
on previous normal-weight
concrete projects.

applicability of NS 3473 when

supplemented by Norwegian
P etroleum Directorate's
regulations and guidelines for
offshore concrete structures. In

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Civil engineering F I P Awards for Oursranding Srrucrures 1 998


Troll gravity base structure

Location : N ORWAY

Owner The giant T roll gas concrete
NS orske Shell platform was posirioned in the
North Sea in M ay 1 995. The
Consulcing Engineer
platform has a total heighr of
Olav Olsen NS
472m (including the flare
Con tractor boom), the concrete gravi ry
Norwegian Concractors base srrucmre irself measuring
369m from the tip of the
concrete skirrs to the top of rhe
shafts and containing
245,000m 3 of high-srrengrh
concrete, 1 00,000 ton nes of
reinforcing steel and 1 1 ,000
tonnes of prestressing steel.

The Troll field, some 80km

norrh wesr of Bergen, was
discovered in 1 97 9 and was
subsequendy shown to be the
largesr offshore gas field in
Europe. During the l 980s
many different conceprs were
developed, unril i n 1 990
Norske Shell opred for a rail
and slim concrete graviry base
producrion platform connecred
by mulri-phase pipelines to an
onshore process plane.

The contract to design, build

and insrall the concrete
platform was awarded i n bridge hearings or ball joints, in the structure to be
March 1 99 1 a n d was a t the were introduced ar the top of calculated.
rime the largest single the rwo drill shafrs to stop
Consrrucrion srarred in rhe
consrrucrion contract ever moments from wave loads on
l 4m deep dry doek near
awarded in Norway (4. 1 billion the shafrs being rransferred
Stavanger in July 1 99 1 wirh
Norwegian krone). From a into the deck frame. The rwo
rhe slipforming of rhe 40m ral!
design point of view, the main drill shafts each containing 20
skirrs and the casting of the
challenges were: conductor pipes were flooded lower domes of the caisson.
• a water deprh of 303m during operarion, whereas the The lower srrucrure, nearly
• large wave loads (! 00-year orher rwo - rhe riser and the 50m rail, was made to float ar
wave of 30m) and strong seawarer/uriliries shafr - a drafr of l 3m by means of a
currenrs remained dry and subject ro an large air cushion produced by
• very soft soils (day) to a exrernal pressure of 300m head inrroducing compressed air
deprh of almost 40m at the of water. The design life of the undernearh the skins. The
offshore locarion srrucrure is 70 years, abour caisson and the ral! shafrs were
rwice rhat of previous casr by advanced slipform
The chosen solurion was a
platforms. rechnology permirring a
Condeep rype strucrure
varying cross-secrion to be
consisring of a 1 9-cell low Exrensive finire element (FEJ
obrained wirh srricr
caisson wirh 40m deep skirrs or srrucrural analyses were
geomerrical tolerances.
skirr piles and four rail, slim performed for the design. The
shafrs sriffened ar mid-heighr full model had 1 70,000 The rail shafts were slipformed
by a Riegel or bracing. The elemenrs and 12 such models in a fiord more rhan 400m
30m rall Riegel also gave added were invesrigared. Nearly 200 deep norrh of Sravanger where
buoyancy to i mprove rhe laad cases were analysed, wirh rhe complered srrucrure was
floaring srabiliry during towing. a powerful computer program submerged to a deprh of some
Flexi-joint connecrions, like enabling the srresses anywhere 360m in January 1 995 for rhe

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mating of the 22,500 ton nes

The strucmre relies on
high-strength concrete, dense
steel reinforcement and
if b
In May 1995 ten tugs towed
the platform the 174 nautical
miles from the Norwegian
coast to the T roll field at a
draft of some 227m, averaging
1. 5 knots. On location, the
I • �-<t7��:"

The Troll GBS is the sixteenth

concrete platform delivered by
Norwegian contractors to the
Nonh Sea over the past 22
years. lt will produce a
significant part of Europe's
prestressing to achieve the
required strength. To achieve penetration of the skin piles demand for gas for at least 50
the required floating stability through the soft soil to a final years at up to 100 million
during towing into place, a depth of 35.7m beneath the m3/day.
special high-strength light­ sea floor was achieved in five
weight concrete was developed days by means of water
for the shafts. ballasting.

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Civil engineering F I P Awards for Outstanding Structures 1 998


T he Bridge over the Lerez river

at Pontevedra

Location: S PAIN

The bridge over the Lerez river name has always been linked to same level as the existing streets
Owner bridges. lts Roman name was chat run along the river bank.
can be considered unique
Xunra de Galicia, Conselleria
among cable-stayed bridges Dues Pontes and its present Because of rhis, a solurion was
de Politica Territoria!, Obras
because of the spatial name derived from the XJI sought chat would permit the
Publicas y Vivielida
arrangement of its cable system. century name of Ponte Veteris bridge deck to have the smallest
Consulting Engineer Firsrly, the cable system is (Old Bridge). The coat of arms possible depth. This called for a
Carlos Fernandez Casado S.L. arranged in three fans which is a bridge with rhree towers. strucrure supporring the deck
form an angle of about 1 20° to above the deck irself. Of the
Contractor When the estuary is viewed
Ferrovial S.A. 7 Castro the deck axis where the main possible solutions such as an
from the new bridge, the sheer arch bridge, lattice beam,
Marelo S.A. fan of cables is located.
width of the river - from bank suspension bridge and so on, a
Secondly, the back stays fans
to bank a disrance of some cable-stayed variant was
form a hyperbolic paraboloid.
l 25m - can be appreciared. lt chosen. This modern design
1 t is also special because the was this dimension togerher was selected on the grounds
bridge has j ust a main span. with the morphology of the chat it would best suit the
This meant chat the main estuaty whose boundaries are locarion and make the bridge
cable-scays had to be b alanced marked by two srreets chat run more attractive to sighrseers
by the back stays which are alongside, slighrly above the and users alike.
anchored to concrete water line, chat led to the
counrerweights chat are proposal of a single-span bridge The deck is scayed along irs
rhemselves anchored to the supported only on the river­ axis. The cross-secrion is a
rock. The equilibrium is banks with no intervening piers single box beam wirh inrernal
ach ieved partially by the to disrupt the calm water diaphragms and external ribs to
concrete weighr and partially surface. transfer the forces from the
webs to rhe axis where the
by the rock anchorages.
Since the bridge is in an urban anchorages are. The pier has a
Ponrevedra is a city whose landscape it must be on the double inclination because it is

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··· 1 S<:homtof-<:!.Fnrill e1tv""""
g.�:,.-of1t.-.� Pla<> OI

bent at the deck level owing to

the farces from the upper part
of the pier and the horizontal

farces from the deck.
The horizonral farces from the
pier and counrerweights are
balanced with some tie beams
which j oi n both elements. All

the bridge elements are of
concrete, including the deck,
pier and counterweights.
Concrete is the m ost
economical choice for this span
length and very much suits the
design of the bridge elemenrs.

The most unusual feature of

the bridge strucrure is the
behaviour of its genera!
equilibrium system. The
polygon of farces created
among its elemenrs is
restrained by the pile founda­
tion of rhe pier and the coun­
terweights. These restraims
had to be included in the
analysis to verify that the
deformations of all the
elements both initially and
after creep and shrinkage have
developed do not produce
excessive farces at rhe piles.

The deck was built by the free

canrilever system from the
pier. The wider area of the
deck on the opposite bank was
built on falsework and later
connected to the cantilever.
Once both sides were j oined, a
displacemenr of 0.70m was
produced at the supports to
adjust the cable farces and the
deck sectional farces to their
optimum values.

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Civil engineering Fl P Awards for Oucsranding Srrucrures 1 99 8


Second Severn Crossing


The 5.2km Second Severn borh conceptual and derailed using glued segmenral balanced
Crossing, complered on 4 June level, rhe mark of a single canrilever merhods, form the
Severn River Crossing pk
1 996, spans the Severn Esruary design philosophy. approaches. The 2300 march­
Architect abour rhree miles downsrream casr units were presrressed wirh
Percy Thomas Partnership The bridge provides an
of the exisring bridge. The exrernal unbonded rendons
addirional motorway link
Consulting Engineer exposed and environmentally enclosed in wax-filled ducrs.
berween England and Wales
Sir William Halcrow & sensirive locarion necessirated a
and, wirh the deck some 50m The exceprionally difficulr
Partners Ltd srrucrure combining durabiliry
above rhe esruary bed, permits marine condirions associared
and oursranding appearance.
Contractor the free passage of shipping. wirh rhe 1 4.5m ridal range led
Laing-GTM The srrucrure illusrrares the The focal point of the crossing to the decision ro precasr rhe
exrensive use of large-scale is the 456m span cable-srayed majoriry of concrete elemenrs
precasring rechniques togerher bridge rhar crosses the main on shore. These were rhen
wirh standardisarion ro navigarion channel. I t rransported into the esruary
facilirare consrrucrion and comprises 1 50m high j ump­ and erecred using a variery of
provide a srrucrure aesrherically formed concrete pylons, precasr sophisticated purpose-buil r
appropriare for irs locarion. crossbeams, 240 sray cables and equipmenr. The design-and­
The proportions of the cable­ composire deck units. Eirher build contract ensured rhar rhe
srayed bridge and viad ucrs were side of the cable-srayed bridge, contractor's consrrucrion
carefully arranged to give a 2km long rwin concrete box merhods were considered ar the
bridge design which has, ar beam viaducrs, consrrucred earliesr stages of design. This,

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__: ::n/ l"rtt;aSltorlCJCIC Cl.WOll
/lDtitu«lllCTele eal-illfilJ


combined with the

comprehensive qualiry
assurance system adopted for
the complete project, resulted
in concrete elements which,
while fulfllling economically
their structural requirements,
facilitated manufacture and
erection. The choice of
high-strength concrete mixes
(up to 70N/mm2) containing
blast furnace slag produced an
economie design wirh durable
concrete of uniformly light
appearance. Considerable
attention was given to
formwork details to ensure a
high-qualiry surface finish.

A standard 98m span module

was adopted for the viaduct
including the skew crossing of
the 1 1 0-year-old brick-lined
Severn Rail tunnel. Special
piled foundations prevent the
bridge imposing load on the

The viaduct foundations, vertical tendons with wax-fllled

designed to resist impact from duces providing corrosion
6500 dwr ships travelling at 20 protection. This method of
knots, consist principally of prestressing was also used in
large precast concrete thin shell the anchorage zone of the
caissons weighing up to 2000 pylons. This is the first bridge
tonnes fllled with in-situ in the UK where external and
concrete. The structural design internal tendons have been
of these, particularly for rhe protected by wax-fllled duces
lifring, rransporrarion and for durabiliry and ease of
placing phases, was carried our replacemenr.
using three-dimensional flnire
The extensive use of concrere,
element modelling.
parricularly in large precasr
The piers were formed using elements, combined with
hollow rectangular precast innovarive design and
units to permit rapid construc­ construction techniques
tion. The 200-tonne match­ allowed the successful
cast units were stacked and completion of the crossing on
post-tensioned with unbonded time and wirhin budget.

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Civil engineering F I I' Awards f(ir Outstanding Structures 1 998


Rock Cut Bridge

Location : USA

Owner Background and launching the beams, was reassembled rhe111 ar a staging
Stevens Counry A deteriorated steel rruss bridge seen as feasible. Working wirh area.
builr in 1 907 needed to be rhe prestressi n g supplier, the
Consulting Engineer
replaced by a srrucrure engineer accordingly redesigned Erection
Nicholls Engineering
spanning 58. 1 m. lr was the bridge ro use a 2 .26111 deep The bridge sire was ar the
Contractor assumed thar the replacemem prestressed concrete bulb bottom of a sreep, curving,
One Way Construccion bridge would be of sreel T-beam, fabricated i n three downhill slope wirh a railroad
because of rhe long clear span, 1 9. 2111 lengrhs. trestle where the beams would
the inabiliry ro put temporary be launched from on one side
piers in rhe channel, and rhe Project details and a steep slope ro a
difficulr site access. I n 1 980, Each bulb T used three ducrs T-junction on rhe orher side.
when the replacemenr bridge housing 1 5 111111 diamerer strand The only feasible place for
was i n i rially proposed, rhe ro provide the 7406kN posr­ splicing rhe beams rogerher was
engineer, the owner, and the tensioning force. Two 305111111 a small level area ar rhe rop of
bridge building indusny wide joi nts were cast in-situ ar rhe curved slope. A 111odified
accepred rhat rhe new bridge the beam splices. Four bulb T steering trailer and truck tracror
would be steel. The design for bea111s l . 86m wide were placed were used ro back the
the replacemenr bridge was with their rop flanges rogether asse111bled 1 1 l 2 kN beams
rhus clone on rhe basis of sreel. ro form the 7.47111 wide slowly down rhe hili ro rhe
For various reasons, funding roadway. The ' full deck' bulb launcher. Key ro the success o f
for rhe bridge was delayed for Ts allowed for the rop flanges the project was a beam
1 5 years, being finally approved to be rhe driving surface, as is launcher with a rolling rrolley
in 1 99 5 . By this time, rypical for rhis rype of bridge. on rop onro which one beam
engineering knowledge and rhe Full length shear keyways with end was ser and rolled across
rech nology of prestressed welded ties every l . 5 m were the gorge to a crane wai t i ng o n
concrete had increased to a used ro connect the beams the far side.
level where construcring a rogether. The presrressed
58. l m bridge in segmenrs, 111anufacrurer shipped rhe Summary
putting it rogether near rhe site, beams 1 50 miles ro sire, and The project was a success from

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rhe owner's srandpoinr. Ir was

complered in 3 ' 12 monrhs and
wirhin budger, giving rhe
owner a low-mainrenance,
presrressed concrere bridge. No
work was done i n the river and
so the fish protection 'window'
was avoided. From the
engineer's standpoinr, the
design was implemenred as
inrended. F rom the presrressed
concrete man ufacturer' s
srandpoinr, experience was
gained with this type of
construction which will help
with rhe next similar project -
which has already been
if b
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F l l' Awards for Ou1;randing S1ruc1 u res 1 '!')8

Bangalore indoor stadium 1

Locati o n : I NDIA

Owner Bangalore ciry i n sourhern u nits are sccurcd by hearing/ position also occupicd quite a
IV Narional Games, India recenrly hosred the weid ing. sizeable area.
Government of Karnacaka Narional Games. For rhis, a Construction sequence
1 0,800m2 mulri-purpose The roof strucrnre was built Construction methodology
indoor stadium searing 4000 first, followed by the internal Pili11g
Sundaram Consultants
was consrrucred. The stadium gallery srrucrnre. This sequence Alrogether, 443 borcd i n -situ
Consulting Engineer was erecred nexr to an exisring was adopred ro facilirare piles were i nstalled - 1 75 of
Sundaram Consultants open-air stadium, rurning the working space for rhe cranes 400mm diameter, 1 2 1 of
Contractor wholc area imo a spons for erecting the roof and ro 600mm, 1 29 of 750111 111 and
Larsen & Toubro Lcd, complex wirh faciliries for enable roof elemenrs to be 1 8 raking piles of 750mm
ECC Construccion Group arhlerics, foorbal l , tennis, volley moved imo posirion. All diameter. Pile lengrh varied
balt, basket balt, ere. componems - such as sub­ from 1 2 ro 1 8 m.
srrucrnre, columns, ring beam,
Structural system roof elemems, i mernal gallery External columns
The strucrural supponing srrucmre - were consrrucred in The large arch columns - l.5 x
system of the indoor stadium a phased manner. 1 x 6m high - were cast in two
has two parrs, one for the roof pours in patented formwork.
and rhe orher for the i mernal Site establishment Concrere was placed manually
gallery. As rhe si re was resrricred and and consolidared using poker
surrounded by roads, careful vibrators. Shuners were
Roof plan n i ng was n eeded. The removed afrer 24 hours
The elliprical dome-like casting and sracking yard for followed by warer curing.
srrucrure srands o n 24 arch the roof elemenrs rook up a
columns supporred on a group large pan of the site. The Tension ring beams
of bored in-siru pi les. The circular track for shifring the The tension ring beam - l . 8 111
rension ring beam ar the precasr roof element into ar the base, 2 . 5 m at the rop
borrom which connecrs all the
arch columns ar a heighr of 6m
has provision for collecrion and
disposal of roof rain water. The
elliprical profil e is made up of
V-shaped rein forced concrete
folded place roof elemenrs
spanning 40m berween the rop
and bonom ring beams. The
folded plares have hi nged joims
ar the lower ring beam and are
monol irhically connected ro rhe
rop compression ring beam.
Each element weighs abour 50
ronnes. The 1 6 x 36m cenrral
compression ring is elliprical in
plan and the radial rie beams
across the compression ring
beam are curved in elevarion.
The rop is covered wirh a rhin
concrete slab wirh venrilarion
openings along rhe periphery of
rhe compression ring beam.

lnternal gallery
This consisrs of in-situ
column frames resring on
bored in-sirn piles. The gallery
elemems are parrly precasr and
panly in-situ. The L-shape
beams and chan nel-rype gallery

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and 2rn high - was around

360111 long and elliprical in
plan. For convenience, ir was
casr in six pours. Sraging for

rhe beams consisred of heavy­
dury rowers capable of carrying
up ro 25 ronnes per rower.
Sire-barched concrere was
pumped inro place and

consolidared by poker
vibrarors. Afrer 24 hours rhe
side shurrers were removed and
rhe borrom shurrer and sraging
was srruck once rhe concrere
had arrained rhe specified
srrengrh. The consrrucrion
joinr was keyed and rhe surface

Top compression ring beam

The ring beam was casr along Catwalk of rhe roof, each elernenr had a sequence. Similar care was
wirh radial beams. The sraging The carwalk was fabricared and differem profile and needed wirh elemems weighing
used for supporring rhe roof erecred by crane and suspend­ dimensions. A derailed srndy more rhan 50 ronnes.
elernenrs also supporred rhe ed frorn rhe inserrs lefr in rhe was carried ro ger as many
formwork for rhe ring beam. folded plares. similar elemenrs as possible.
The enrire ring beam including Space consrrainrs meanr
rhe radial ribs were casr in a Conclusion derailed planning was needed
single pour, concrere being Owing ro rhe elliprical shape for rhe casring and erecrion

Once rhe concrere arrained rhe

required srrengrh, rhe ring
beam was slowly lowered. The
40 supporring screw jacks were
lowered in incrernenrs in a
sequemial marmer around rhe
srrucrure unril rhe srrucrnre
was self-supporring. The
folded plares were rhen

CaL!ery structure
Consrrucrion of rhe gallery
began soon afrer rhe roof
elemenrs were erecred in a
parricular area. The in-sirn
porrion of column, beams and
slabs was consrrucred firsr.
Meanwhile, precasr gallery
elemenrs were casr in a
separare yard. They were
moved inro posirion using a
crawler crane.

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F I r Awards for Oursranding Srrucrures 1 998


Yokohama International Stadium

Location: JAPAN

The lnrernational Stadium at and half slabs made of precast multi-conrinuous rigid frame,
Yokohama is the largest athleric concrete of rhe highesr qualiry having been formed by
Yokohama Ciry
stadium in Japan. Siruared and srrengrh (550kg/cm2) ro column-beam joinrs and
Architect alongside rhe Tsurumi River, ensure high durabiliry. The presrressed secondary rendons,
M HS Planners the 70,000-searer stadium has rotal quanriry of concrete was can minimize srarically
an 850m long exrernal frame, 1 09,800m3 with 8000 ronnes indeterminate stresses caused
Consulting Engineer consisring of 84 spans in a of sreel. by presrressing and elastic
M H S Planners
monolirhic rigid frame with no shrinkage.
expansion joinrs. The roof is Corbel-sryle press-jointing
52m above ground level. A system Earthquake-resistant mechanism
Takenaka Corporarion Co. Ltd
surface frame had ro be lnstallation ofseismic design
insralled on arriflcial ground, Base units and columns were The secondary rendons are
since rhe sire had funcrioned as produced in matching pairs in prestressed ro providc
a rerarding basin and needed ro a single casting mould so rhar earrhquake resisrance to the
continue as such afrer rhe rhey would have the same rigid frame. From research, a
stadium has been constructed. curvarure ar the interface. rigid frame designed with
All faciliries were rherefore These were rhen connecred by corbel-sryle column-beam
insralled on rhe (arriflcial epoxy-resin ar the interface and joints farms highly seismic
ground) second floor, 8- 1 1 m coupler joinring of rhe rebar. l n ductile hysteresis loops, because
above ground level. this way, rhe columns were able of the controlled prestressing of
ro stand on rhe base units the secondary tendons. By this
The h uge building was
wirhour furrher support and mechanism, this monolithic,
consrrucred by rhe 'corbel-sryle
accurate erection was possible. multi-continuous presrressed
press-joinring system', a novel
Precast prestressed concrete concrete frame srrucrure is
rechnology from Kurosawa
beams wirh primary tendons endowed with a high Aexibiliry
Consrrucrion Co. Lrd. Despire
were laid on the corbels, morrar by rhe corbel-sryle column­
rhe unfavourable consrruction
was injecred inro the joinrs, beam joinrs which act as hinges
condirions, rhis consrrucrion
and flnal con necrion of the du ring major earthquakes ro
sysrem successfully cu r a year
rigid frame was completed on maintain ultimate srrength for
off rhe consrrucrion
site by appropriare srressing of a langer time than orher
programme (equivalenr ro
rhe secondary rendons. srructures. For all these reasons,
450,000 man-days) compared
rhe Yokohama International
ro a convenrional reinforced
The primary rendons were Stadium is attracting
concrete srrucrure.
prestressed so rhar rhe beams arrention for its claimed
The project called for would be able ro withstand all 300-year durabiliry.
prefabricared columns, beams, service loads. The resulring

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• Ma i n S t a n d S e c t i o n
if b -··
"! /


-· "
. "

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FI I' Awards for Outstanding Srructures 1 998


Osaka Municip al Central


Location: JAPAN

Osaka Municipal Centra! prestress was i nrroduced in For this purpose, 1 76
Gymnasium is a large rhree stages during laminared rubber hearings
Osaka City Board of Educarion
underground concrete-shell consrrucrion according to were insralled under the
/ Osaka Ciry Sports Promotion
sporrs arena. 1 ts do me has a loading condirions, care tension ring wirh elaborate
diameter of 1 1 Om and a height being raken to balance the connecrion details thar allow
Architect of about 30m, the roof being deadweight and presrressing the shell to deform freely,
Nikken Sekkie Ltd fully landscaped as a parr of a force. radially. To esrimare stresses
Consulting Engineer park by a 1 m thick soil layer. • Wirh regard to the boundary and deformarion of the
Nikken Sekkie Lrd The roof was designed as a berween the shell srrucrure strucrure during a srrong
prestressed concrete, spherical and the lower strucmre, earrhquake, dynamic
Con tractor shell strucrure. !t can be said several condirions had ro be response analyses were
Obayashi Corporarion
that rhis construction project sarisfied. First, the hearings ar conducred ar the design stage
conrributed rowards the the boundary had to support using a three-dimensional
developmenr of presrressed verrical loads and be able to model to confirm structural
concrete strucrures from the carry the seismic loads in rhe safety of the dame.
following aspects. circumferenrial direcrion ro • The shell was consrructed as
• Unprecedenredly large-span the lower srrucrure. Second, a composite structure of
( 1 1 Om) and large dead it was necessary ro provide precast prestressed concrete
weighr (abour 70,000 radial roller connecrion ar the beams, precast prestressed
r01rnes, 5-6 ronnes/ m') foor of rhe shell according to concrete floor slabs (each also
concrete spherical shell could irs dynamic characrerisrics. acting as forms for concrete
be constructed as presrressed
structural system to create a
large space gymnasium
under an oasis of green in
the hearr of a built-up city
wirh few open spaces.
• Prestressing force of about
20,000 ronnes was
inrroduced to a rension ring
of the shell and also the skirt
portions of the shell by
placing 30 rendons each
srressed ro 807 tonnes. The

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g1. Site plan



Main arena

Fig2. lst Basement Plan

C__ --Re co]l!inuous wan
(Water·stffelding & load·bearing)

Cast-In-place. concrete pi1e

F.JgJ. 2nd Basement Plan

placement), and cast-in-place

concrete to ensure greater
buildability and lower
consrruction cost.
• During consrruction, srresses
and deformarions were
measured ar several hundred
measuring points to verify
design assumprions and
confirm safety during rhe
work. The field results
corresponded well with the

This construction rechnology

is considered to have a wide
range of application in
constructing large-span
underground strucrures while
offering precious green areas in
city cenrres.

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F I P Awards for Outstanding Structures 1 998


Osaka Pool

Location: JAPAN

Osaka Pool is a large-scale
srructure wh ich adopred precast
Osaka City
presrressed concrete as main
Architect srructural members to support
Tohata Architect & the roof. Designed as an indoor
Engineering, Ine. swimming arena and an ice
Consulting Engineer
skating arena for the annual
Tohata Architect & National Sports Event held at
Engineering, Ine. Osaka in Japan in 1 997, the
structure is circular in plan
( 1 OOm diameter) with a wavy
Fujita, Konokie & Fujiki Joint
roof designed to give
parricipants and audience a
feeling of life and energy. The
supporting frames for the roof
(65m diameter) consist of
several precast members, joined
by prestressing bars or strand.
The pool is one of the largest
structures in Japan to have
been built as a precast
prestressed concrete building
beams and precast columns, determined from wind runnel
strucrure wlth such a joining
shear cotters are set on the end tests.
of the beam. For the
A precast prestressed concrete
The structure is a circu!ar connection berween supporting
srrucrure was adopted for this
indoor swimming arena with frame and ring rruss, the roller
project because:
two storeys below ground and support was used to apply the
• High-strength high-qualiry
two above, the height being initia! tension of cable and
concrete can be cast at the
24m. The structure is divided membrane and the supporrs
into three sections which, from were then pin-connected. I n
• High rigidiry is required to
the top down, are: this way, the horizontal
reduce deflection and
1 . Saddle-shaped cable-net reaction during initia!
vibration caused by large
membrane structure using the tensioning was carried entirely
earthquake farces or wind
combination of membrane by the ring truss, the
loads on the roof.
roof, cable-nets, post, and ring supporting strucrure hearing
• Most of the radial frames
truss. only the vertical load. When
have the same shape.
2. Supporting structure the snow load, wind load or
• lt is difficult to cast radial
consisting of precast prestressed earthquake load are applied,
frames on site.
concrete, in-situ reinforced the ring truss and supporting
• The economies compared
concrete, and steel-encased structure resist the external
with in-situ concrete.
reinforced concrete, which force as an in tegral strucrure.
• The section size of members
support the cable-net
Presrressing is partial. can be reduced by pre­
membrane roof, stands and
Moreover, at the connection stressing.
between precast members,
3. Foundation of in-situ
there is no tensile stress in the As regards the erection
concrete piles.
case of long-term load, i .e. the procedure, lift-up methods
The supporting fr33ames are load case of D+L+P (D ; <lead were chosen for the cable-net
located radially every 7.5m and load, L ; live load, P ; load membrane structure so chat
each frame consists of two due to prestress for jointing only a verrical component of
verrical columns, two diagonal precast members) . Meanwhile, force, under norma! conditions,
columns and a cantilever beam the ultimate strength design acts on the supporring frame.
1 5 . 5 m long, presrressed method is applied for short­ Continuous readings of
together. The frames are joined term loading, i .e. D+L +P+ structural movement from the
together in the form of a ring l . 5 E (earrhquake load), long-term effects of concrete
by beams or braces to resist D+L+P+l.5 W (wind load), and and temperature have been
horizontal forces. At the D+L+P+S (snow load). The taken since completion of the
rangential connection of precast coefficient of wind force was building.

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F I P Awards for Outstanding Structures 1 998


Parkinggarage Laahaven

Hollands Sp ear, The Hague


The Arelier PRO won a lowering the warer level. In this
Owner way, large spans were possible.
mulriple assignment for
The H ague College. A To solve rhe problem of a 7.2m
Architect dilapidated and desolate grid for rhe school above a l 6m
Atelier Pro Architekten B.V. harbour area, j usr behind a parking grid, V-shaped
main line railway station, was columns wirh srriking
Consulting Engineer
designated by the local appearance were chosen. These
Grabowsky & Poort B.V.
authority of The Hague as the were supporred by column
Conrracror location for an educarional foundarion blocks on rhe
Gemeent Den Haag/Dienst establishment for Higher lowesr level. The walls of rhe
Sladsbeheer Vocarional Training, wirh garage were painted Japanese
student numbers of abour red to creare an exrra sense of
1 3,000 and some 1 , 1 00 space. The 'water zebra' ar the
leccurers and orher support front of the school creates a
sraff. The complex measures window in the roof of rhe
some 8 5,000m'. A unanimous garage. In this way the border
choice was made in favour of berween warer and land seems
Arelier PRO. to float. The concrere has been
rreated with a transparent
The parking garage was
consrrucred as a 'polder'; rhe
lowesr Aoor consists of paving
on sand made possible by
virrually warerrighr ourer walls
in conjuncrion with consranrly

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F I P Awards for Outstanding Srrucrures 1 998

Buildin g

Harbour rehabilitation and school

The Hague


The Hague College of higher

Atelier Pro Archirekren B.V.

Consulting Engineer
Adviesbureau voor
Bonnrechniek ABT, Velp

].P. van Eesreren

The Atelier PRO won a creared bur a new srarion placed on lecrures, and then
multiple assignmenr for courryard, a water park, a ciry rhe ride rurns ro more
The Hague College. A 'room' as ir were, demarcated traditional educarional formats,
dilapidared and desolate by new ciry walls. A whole or ro educarion in smaller
harbour area, just behind a panoply of new pedesrrian groups. Whar will be the
main line railway station, was walkways as well as cycle parhs influence of the computer?
designared by rhe local and sighrlines, all consrirured More parricularly, rhe exrent of
aurhoriry of The Hague as the the new urban ingredienrs. rhe various strands of training
locarion for an educarional should be able to expand or
esrablishmenr for Higher An oval shape was used for rhe
Vocarional Training, wirh building, symbolising rhe
unificarion of an insrirure These different educarional
srudenr numbers of abour
which, until irs complerion in farms need ro be
1 3 ,000 and some 1 , 1 00
1 996, had been spread among accommodared by such a
lecrurers and orher support
50 or 60 different sires building. In rhe meantime, the
sraff. The complex measures
rhroughour rhe ciry. The complex became operarional in
some 85,000m2• A unanimous
various sections of the building September 1 996. l r is a
choice was made in favour of
were designed with a characrer, wonderful place ro gain an
Arelier PRO.
offering points of recognition educarion.
The basic philosophy of rhe for users. Nor a neurral
firm is to anchor every project building bur a block wirh a
wirhin irs immediare heart and a soul. The logisrical
surroundings, so rhar a new funcrion of rhis enormous
building and irs environs form block was a project irem as was
an enrirery which is ar one. irs characrer, disrincriveness,
This affecred rhe whole and (if required) Aexibiliry.
approach raken ro rhis project. Educarion is never sraric.
In rhis urban project, ir is nor
jusr a new school rhar is being Somerimes more emphasis is

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F ! P Awatds for Outstanding Structures 1 998

Buildin g

Corkscrew access to parking roof

Alexandrium I I I shoppin g centre, Rotterdam


The corkscrew access project
shows how archirecrure and
srrucru ral designs have
Alexandrium 11 [
successfully been united. The
Architect indusrrial elements were
Architectenburo Verheyen manufactured very accurarely
Verkoren de Haan so that the aesthetic qualiry is
Consulting Engineer fully shown.
Zonneveld b.v. Architectural design
The access can be reached via
BM-Amstelland Bouw b.v.
rhe parking square on the first
Aoor, and via an approach
which is built as a Ayover
across the water. With two­
and-a-half rurns on the outside
of the spiral, the steel concrete
bridge can be reached, which
connects the separate spiral to
the roof of the building where
abour 1 000 cars can be parked.
The difference in heighr is

This corkscrew is both an

access and an exit. On the side
of the core, the exit, which
runs under the parking square,
can be reached afrer four rurns.
The heighr difference here is
l 4m. Parallel to the
'Hoofdweg' , which funcrions as
a main route to the city cenrre,
the shopping cenrre has a very
long winding façade. To the bonom of the retreating successfully tried to make as
prevenr rhis façade from being consoles. many elemenrs of the exact
visually boring, two important same form as possible. This
archirectonic ideas were The corkscrew is 'completed'
worked completely for the
adopred. First, the exisring wirh a steel work of art by the
Aoor slabs by making them
' Polderhuis' was inregrared inro Rotterdam artisr Ineke Visser.
warped and also by narrowing
the new srrucrure and is visible the surface of the consoles in a
rhrough a glass wal!. And Struccural design
similarly warped way.
second the wall ends wirh the The precast consrrucrion
specracular 'corkscrew' access to consisrs of vertical axis Because of the form of the
rhe parking roof. elemenrs connected ar three axis, all consoles differ slightly
levels, forming a single in length, but they could
The archirecr's wish to give the truncated cone. On the axis nevertheless successfully be
edges of rhe spiral a slimline elemenrs, canrilevered consoles made in the same mould with
appearance was one reason to with a maximum length of an adjuscable stop-end. Seen
opt for precasr concrete. 1 n 8.2m were fixed by from the axis, the consoles go
particular, rhe view from prestressing. The precasr from ' narrow and high' to
benearh was raken inro concrete slabs of the side deck ' broad and low', that is to say
considerarion. The edge of the were pur on two consoles and conical in two directions.
spiral bas a Aowing line because made to canrilever abour
the Aoor slabs were carried .2.60m from rhe end of the
rhrough past the consoles and console. The total lengrh of
because the slab edge ar the the largest overhang is rhere­
bottom slanrs rhe same way as fore 1 0.8m. The design

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F!P Awards for Outstanding Structures 1 998


1 Villa V P RO



The VPRO has recenrly moved steps and small rises, so project carpet bur Persian and
from irs old premises, a group providing a route to rhe roof. sisal rugs; no small windows
VPRO Public Broadcasting
of 1 3 villas, to the new 'Villa bur elevarions conraining
Company The differences in height in the
VPRO'. Over the years the old srorey-high sliding elements
continuous interior, combined
Architect villas played a vita! role in giving practically every office
wirh the wings creared by the
establishing the VPRO's access to a garden, balcony,
gaps, make possible a wide
Consulcing Engineer
identity. The staff, who rerrace or patio. 1 n the srudios,
range of work contexrs i n
Ove Arup & Partners previously worked in rooms en rhe srandard fibre-cement
different office types t o meer
suite, acties, sun lounges and panels are replaced by an
Concraccor the ever-changing demands
on first Aoors, now have to find arrangement of absorprion and
Voormolen Bouw B.V" imposed by VPRO's business.
a spot for themselves i n a 'real' reflecrion using marerials such
Rotterdam Lounge, actie, hall, pario and
office environment. as wood, coconur fibre, fabric,
terrace rypes all echo the old
steel and scone.
In designing a new head office, premises. The Aoors are
rhe quesrion was whether the supported on a grid of columns The frontage is the ourcome of
informal way the old villas were and stabilising props which, i n a 'darascape' of requirements.
used, which regularly combinacion wirh the To provide rhe mosr generous
infl uenced the programmes complerely open elevacion, outlook possible over the
rhar were made in them, would ensure the rooms rerain the attractive surroundings, the
still be able to find a place in a grearest possible rransparency. original proposal was for a
modern office designed for fronrage of hor-air blowers. Bur
The technica! facilities are
maximum efficiency. I n orher since such an arrangement was
hidden in the hollow
words, would ' i nformaliry' be not legally permissible, the idea
Roman-like Aoor, whose
able to survive the increase in was replaced by one using 35
Sparran character is a commen­
scale? Would there be any different sores of glass, whose
tary on the addicrive aspects of
point in reraining the villa as a colour, reflectively, and
present-day air-conditioning.
metaphor? rransparency reflecr the
They are fed wirh air, dara and
different ways they are
The Villa can be described electriciry rhrough semi-rrans­
posirioned relative to the rooms
using terms such as parent shafrs.
lying behind rhem, the heighr
compacmess (the absence of Even the way the building has of the façade and rheir compass
long corridors) and sparial been materialised suggests the orientation. In rhis way, the
differentiation (a large number old villas: no lowered ceilings spacious qualiry of rhe interior
of different rooms) and in but a 'real' ceiling; no is reflecred in a 'rose window'
terms of its relationship to rhe prefabricared walls bur scone, of different types of glass.
landscape around it. steel, wood and plasric; no
Compacmess, given the present
town-planning resrricrions on
the site, led ro 'rhe deepesr
office building in rhe
Nerherlands'. 'Precision
bombing' produced serpenrine­
like parios in the building
which allow narural light to be
combined with views over the
surroundings. The resulr is an
open-plan office where the
difference berween inside and
0 1

ourside is imprecise.

The greenery chat grew where

rhe building now srands has
been replaced by a raised grass
covered roof under which lies a
'geological formarion' of the
different Aoors. These Aoors are
connecred by a variery of
sparial devices such as ramps,
srepped Aoors, monumenral

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F I P Awards for Outsranding Structures 1 998


Office tower "Malietoren"

The H ague


Growing human popularion
and irs demands for living and
Deutsche Grundbesirz
working space are ofren in
1 nvestmen tgeschellschafr M BH
contradicrion with our striving
Architect for saving grasslands, foresrs
Benrhem Crouwel Architecten and natura! resources. Multiple
B.V. BNA use of space for our building
Consulting Engineer acriviries is one of the answers
Corsmit Consulting Engineers to rhis dilemma.

Contractor New building marerials and

Wilma Bouw new consrrucrion rechnologies
make the building indusrry
today look different from the
one of some years ago.
Srructural steel, reinforced and
precasr concrete are now
common and compete wirh
each orher on rhe consrrucrion
marker. This comperirion is,
moreover, being given a new
dimension. Joining forces,
seeking synergy rarher rhan
confrontarion, is rhe emergent

An excellent example answering

the above developments is the
VNO/NCW office rower,
consrrucred over the motorway
entering rhe ciry of The Hague.
The design alrernatives pur
forward - structural steel or
in-situ concrete - finally gave
place ro a composire structure
in which the specific
advantages of srructural steel,
in-situ concrete and precasr over to prevent any disturbance beams and working floor were
concrete are combined. including addirional loads or placed very quickly (in a single
penetrarions to rhe trough. nighr). Diagonals and the
The building upper chord were then added
A solurion adopting a
The 74m high building wirh a in in-situ concrete B65. The
foorprint of 32.2 x 40m has composire concrete rruss
upper floors are precasr
five car park floors over a rranskr srrucrure with a heighr
hollow-core slabs on precasr
of 8.2m and a span of 32.2m ar
ground floor entry and presrressed concrete beams -
receprion area. Above are rwo rhe enrrance level proved ro be
very economical and fast ro
the best. Ir also sarisfied rhe
conference floors, 1 3 floors of erecr.
offices and a rop floor archirectural perceprion in
terms of structural demands
containing building services. lnnovation
and economy.
For rhe high-srrengrh (BS 5)
The structure The 2m-deep precast, pre­ rwo-srorey precasr concrete
Building over an exisring stressed and posr-rensioned columns, an innovarive, bur
mororway is never easy. The lower chord of rhe rruss was simple and cheap, connecrion
mororway - effecrively a designed to funcrion in the was developed using steel plares
warerrighr reinforced concrete erecrion stage as a simply and epoxy resin injecrion
rrough sunk inro the ground - supporred beam ro carry rhe resulring in an enhanced speed
cannot be closed without severe weighr of rhe ground floor of erecrion and a minimum
effecrs on the life of rhe ciry. As acring as construcrion working columncross-secrion area (8%
a resulr, ir had ro be bridged area. Being prefabricared, the reinforcement)

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(!) (}) <D

1 1200 1 1 7l!!O p

A composire precasr concrere

façade and srrucrural sreel
bracing were inregrared in a
simple way by in-siru concrere
columns in a srabilising façade
rube. The resulr is a high­
qualiry building respecring rhe
environmenr and ecology ar a
very comperirive price.

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FIP Awards for Oursranding Srrucrures 1 998

Buildin g

Belfast Waterfront Hall


Belfast Ciry Council

Robinson & Mcllwaine

Consulting Engineer
Kirk McClure Marron

Gilbert Ash N.l. Lrd

Summary The project exceprion of the roof sreel­

Three principal factors dicrared The ambirion of Belfasr City work, is concrere-framed and is
the exrensive use of concrete in Council was to have a founded on precasr concrete
rhis presrigious civic building: presrigious civic building to ace piles. All subsrrucrure concrete
• The sheer complexiry of as a caralysr for riverside conrains sulfare-resisring
srrucrural form, in parricular rejuvenarion in Belfasr. The cement. The main areas where
rhe searing riers and brief, which evolved over many concrete features are:
associated support sysrem, years, called for a 2250-sear
meant rhar in-situ reinforced main auditorium and a 500- Basement
concrete was the only sear minor hall. The usage To sarisfy usage flexibiliry
ptacricable consrrucrion spectrum had ro be exrremely requiremenrs, a large
marerial diverse allowing concerrs, reinforced concrete basement
• To achieve the very high rhearre, conferences and was consrrucred adjacent to the
srandard of workmanship exhibirions. Being a very River Lagan. The deepesr point
required for exrernal wall prominent landmark on the was some 7m below water
finishes and to eliminare river front, the archirecture level. The walls and floor were
porenrial delays in the had to reflecr traditional designed as warer-reraining (in
consrrucrion programme, Belfasr bur had to porrray civic reverse) . To counreracr the
brick and Porrland scone rendency of rhe complered
qualiries and also a ' high-rech'
elements were facrory­ building to 'floar' because of
image to mark the advent of
mounted on to precasr rhe high water rable, rhe entire
rhe new millennium. The final
concrete cladding panels basement was ballasted wirh up
cost was f32 million
• The acousric criteria for a to 2m of mass concrete.
(including fees) compared wirh
world-class auditorium, in
a budget of f29. l million.
terms of exrernal noise Auditorium seating
This is considered very cosr­
isolarion and internal sound The brief required a column­
effecrive compared wirh similar
reflecrion, were sarisfied by free auditorium resulting in rhe
venues elsewhere in Europe.
the use of dense concrete ' terraced vineyard' concept of
and ' hard' surfaces. The main hall, wirh the searing riers. The riers srack on

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top of one anorher up to the

front-of-house where rhey are
supporred on heavy srep­
profded beams (five ar upper
level and rhree at lower level).
The lower sloping surface of
the riers was constructed
in-situ and the upper steps
were formed using precasr
units. The void berween the
rwo surfaces acts as a plenum
through which conditioned air
is fed at low velocicy ro
diffusers below each seat.

Cladding panels
Traditional conscruction of
the brick and scone elements
of the envelope could have
resulted in serious time delays
and there would have been no
guarantee of the qualicy of
finish. By using precast
concrete panels, with pre­
bonded finishes, this major
element of construction was
raken off the critica! path.
if b
Foyer areas
The feature stairs were
constructed in-situ and clad
with polished marble to
achieve a slim, aesrhetic

The ceiling over the
auditorium was formed using
standard hollow-core precast
concrete units spanning on to
the steel beams. The outer
concrete dame skin was
required to isolate the dame
from extraneous noise.
Originally, the outer skin was
designed as a series of
triangular precast concrete
panels (to form a faceted
dame) but the conrractor
elected to reven to an in-situ
option using steel decking as
permanent formwork. The
concrete was screeded to the
true dame profile.

Service integration
Extensive duces were created
in the in-situ concrete
substructures to link with the
plenums in the seating riers.
The many different services
running throughout the back­
of-house areas resulted i n
stringent space requirements.
Accordingly, a flat slab
Unusual features
Of particular concern was the
problem of pouring concrete
on the steeply raki ng bottom
surfaces of the seating tiers and
on the outer skin of concrete
on the roof, parricularly ar the
edge. The use of polypropy­
lene fibre admixture was
investigated and a simulation
test carried out. This proved
thar, at an additional cost of
only f5 l /m3, a 40% reduction
in slump could be achieved
without compromising
workabilicy. Lighrweight
aggregate was used in the mix
to reduce the <lead load on the
roof due to the outer skin of

construction was used

rhroughout. Front-of-house,
ventilarion ducrwork was
incorporared into the slimline
upper floors which were
formed using com posi re steel
and concrete construction.

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