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Study Plan

❑ Self-Introduction

My name is Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, lecturer of International Business Division, Faculty of Economics, Vietnam

Maritime University, Haiphong city, Vietnam. I am currently in charge of teaching subjects as follows: International

Shipping and Forwarding, International Payment, International Investment and International Transaction. I already

studied in the major of International Economics for both bachelor degree and master degree at Foreign Trade

University, Hanoi city, Vietnam. Actually, due to the fact that my parents live in the countryside and my family is

quite poor, I had always tried my best to finish my bachelor program as soon as posssible. Thanks to my efforts,

during that time I had won a lot of scholarships from Foreign Trade University, outside enterprises and

organizations. Finally, I graduated half a year earlier than my classmates with GPA of 3.82 out of 4 and I was

ranked among the top 6 best students out of approximately 4,000 students. After completing my bachelor program

in 2014, I have chosen to become a lecturer because I love teaching. Since then, I have conducted several studies

in my specialty as follows:

- Research proposing solutions to improve the efficiency of applications of mobile means in E-commerce activities,

2016, scientific research at university level;

- Effective use of FDI in Haiphong, 2017, master thesis;

- Research proposing solutions to improve the effectiveness of FDI in Haiphong, 2018, scientific research at

university level;

-Giving rights to women through social enterprises: lessons from India, 2018, Proceedings of international scientific

conference of Women enterprises in industrial revolution 4.0;

- The situation of ASEAN countries and the prospects for the formation of ASEAN common currency, Journal of

Marine Science and Technology, Vol 57, 1/2019;

- Evaluate the economic results of using FDI in Vietnam during the period of 2010- 2017, 2019, Journal of Marine

Science and Technology, Vol 58, 4/2019;

- Patterns and solutions to improve the invironment for foreign direct investment in vietnam, Journal of Marine

Science and Technology, Vol 60, 11/2019;

- Research on Vietnam foreign investment environment in comparison with some countries in Southeast Asia,
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2020, scientific research at university level.

To be honest, since I was a kid, I have seen a lot of Korean movies and nutured a dream of having chance to

experience life in Korea. Actually, when I had just finished my master program 3 years ago, I had planned to apply

for a scholarship to study for a doctoral program in Korea. However, after that I found out that I was pregnant, so I

could not go. Fortunately, being recommended by my friend, I have known about HEAT scholarship program, your

university, and especially the major of International Trade in Doctoral program at your university.

❑ Study Plan After the Entrance

For my Ph.D degree, I am looking forward to having an opportunity to access the education system in Korea and

continue researching more deeply international trade area, especially these issues related to foreign direct investment

(FDI). Vietnam in general and Haiphong city in particular are areas which have a lot of industrial parks, economic

zones and FDI inflows into these areas have increased sharply over the years. With developing countries like

Vietnam, FDI plays a crucial role in economic development. However, it is very difficult to use FDI capital effectively

and sustainably. I have done research on the efficiency of using FDI in Haiphong city in terms of economy and society

in my master thesis and have conducted research about the economic results of using FDI in Vietnam. I have been

still concerned about the effects of FDI on environment for a long time. However, the more thoroughly I research into

the topic, the more I find my knowledge is insufficient to address the research questions. I desire to improve my

knowledge of research methodology, especially quantitative research methods. I do believe that if I am accepted in

KNU, I would have chance to acquire more methodologies, learn from your outstanding professors and resolve my

concern easily. Moreover, I want to take advantage of my PhD studing period to experience real life in Korea.

After graduating from PhD program at KNU, I will come back Vietnam and continue working as a lecturer. Long-term

goals in my career are to become a leading researcher in the field of international economics and an educator

contributing to innovation of education system in Vietnam. I believe that I will be able to apply knowledge and skills

acquired in Korea to tackle educational and science issues in Vietnam and the PhD program will be the road guiding

me rapidly to success. One of the most important educational issues in Vietnam is that the workforce is not properly

trained and thus unable to meet the requirements of the labor market. As for students, it is crucial for high school

students to have career orientation and make right decision about their future majors. As for educators, I suppose that

we need to reform education system with changes in the curriculum according to program learning outcomes. HEAT

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Scholarship program offers me chances to study in the first-class education in the world. This will help me develop my

vision, academic knowledge, research skills and essential qualities to become a successful educator. Thanks to that, I

can put forward better proposals for universities in Vietnam.

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