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Intermittent intensive Over the last 15 years, reviews focusing on the effectiveness of

rehabilitation programs and the best training method or treat-

ment regime for promoting motor development for children
physiotherapy in with cerebral palsy (CP) have been inconclusive (Parette and
Hourcade 1984, Ottenbacher et al. 1986, Campbell 1990,
children with cerebral Palisano 1991, Turnbull 1993). Turnbull (1993), for example,
in a review of 15 studies concluded that neither a quantita-

palsy: a pilot study tive nor a qualitative analysis had provided evidence for the
effectiveness of early intervention in children with, or at risk
of developing CP. Methodological bias or limitations such as
small samples, inappropriate outcome measures, improper
Johanne Trahan MSc PT, Physiotherapist Institut de study design, or lack of standardization of experimental pro-
réadaptation en déficience physique de Québec; cedures have been cited to explain the inconclusive results
Francine Malouin* PhD PT, Professor, Department of reported in these studies (Campbell 1990, Palisano 1991,
Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Turnbull 1993).
Quebec City, Canada. Other researchers have suggested that the focus should be
on research questions pertaining to the conditions under
*Correspondence to second author at Center for which different interventions are effective (Innocenti and
Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social White 1993) rather than on the types of intervention per se.
Integration (CIRRIS), IRDPQ, B: 77, 525, boul. Wilfrid-Hamel, It was suggested that the intensity of treatments could be a
Quebec City, PQ, Canada, G1M 2S8. key variable in studies examining the efficacy of early inter-
E-mail: vention. To date, however, experimental studies in which
therapy was provided in variable intensities to groups of chil-
dren have not provided conclusive evidence. While some
studies demonstrated that programs providing a higher fre-
quency of treatments yielded better results (Mayo 1991,
The aims of the study were: (1) to determine the feasibility of Bower and McLellan 1992, Bower et al. 1996, Richards et al.
a rehabilitation program combining intensive therapy periods 1997), others did not (Bower et al. 2001). For instance, it was
(4 times/week for 4 weeks) with periods without therapy (8 reported that children with delayed motor function who
weeks) over a 6-month period in severely impaired children were treated four times a month improved more than chil-
with cerebral palsy (CP); and (2) to measure changes in gross dren treated once a month (Mayo 1991). Conversely, no sig-
motor function after intensive therapy periods (immediate nificant differences were found in the gross motor function
effects) and rest periods (retention). A convenient sample scores of children who were treated five times a week over a
included five children (two females, three males; mean age 6-month period, instead of twice a week (Bower et al. 2001).
22.6 months [SD 9.9]) with severe forms of CP with Reddihough and coworkers (1991) were unable to measure
impairment of four limbs and trunk (GMFCS levels IV and any improvement in upper-limb function in a group of 10
V). A multiple-baseline design was used. Changes in motor children who received four times the amount of therapy nor-
performance were assessed by a blind evaluator using the mally provided. Most of these studies raised questions about
Gross Motor Function Measure. Visual and statistical the specificity of the effects observed, either because of a lack
analyses followed. Level of compliance during intensive of information about the therapy provided (Bower and
therapy was 93.1%. Children received a mean of 30 McLellan 1992, Bower et al. 1996) or because of methodologi-
treatments over the 24 weeks of the experimental phase cal concerns relative to the outcome measures, the duration of
compared with the 48 treatments they would have received therapy (Mayo 1991, Reddihough et al. 1991), and the compli-
routinely. Increases in GMFM scores (mean 9.2%; range 3 to ance with treatments (Bower et al. 2001).
15%) were significant in three children (p<0.05) and all There is, thus, a need to examine further the conditions of
participants maintained their motor performance during the service delivery. Results from a recent study suggest that an
two 8-week rest periods. Results showed that four treatments increase in intensity can have pitfalls and that a higher frequen-
per week over a 4-week period were well tolerated when cy of therapy is not necessarily better (Bower et al. 2001).
separated by rest periods. The intermittent program led to Children treated five times a week for 6 months showed low
improvements in motor function that were maintained over compliance and therapy was considered tiring and stressful by
the rest periods. Results underline the need to reconsider the many participants (Bower et al. 2001). Increasing the frequen-
organization of physical rehabilitation programs. A regime cy of weekly treatments over a long period is very demanding
that is intensive enough without being tiring and one that for the children and their families and as such, could jeopar-
provides practice conditions for consolidating motor skills dize the efficacy of intensive therapy. Thus, a treatment regime
learned during the intensive therapy period may best optimize including short periods of enhanced therapy separated by rest
motor training. periods could represent a good compromise, especially for
younger children or those with more severe impairments and
low resistance to physical exertion.
This pilot study was designed to: (1) determine the feasibil-
ity of a rehabilitation program combining intensive therapy
periods (4 times/week for 4 weeks) separated by periods
without therapy (8 weeks) over a 6-month period in young

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and severely impaired children with CP; and (2) measure the PARTICIPANTS
changes in gross motor function after enhanced therapy peri- To be included in the study children had to: (1) be enrolled
ods (immediate effects) and rest periods (retention). in a rehabilitation program at the Institut de réadaptation en
déficience physique de Québec, Canada; (2) have a diagnosis
Method of CP (as defined by Bax, 1964: ‘a neurodevelopmental
STUDY DESIGN impairment caused by a non-progressive defect or lesion in
A multiple-baseline design was used (Gonnella 1989). With single or multiple locations in the immature brain’ p 295) of
this design, the duration of the baseline phase varies across par- either spastic, athetoid, spastic–athetoid, or ataxic form con-
ticipants and as such, it provides a clear demonstration that firmed by a neurologist; and (3) have a severe form of CP
performance changes when the intervention is introduced. with impairment of the four limbs and trunk. We excluded
The design, thus, provided a between-patient control (stag- children who were candidates for surgery or with any other
gered duration of the baseline) and a within-patient control conditions that could potentially modify the rehabilitation
(from phase A to B). During phase A (baseline), the children program. These criteria were chosen to produce a homoge-
underwent conventional physical therapy (twice a week). The neous sample of children with severe impairment. Parents of
duration of phase A ranged from 8 to 20 weeks (staggered base- the participants signed an informed consent form approved
line). In phase B (experimental), intensive physical therapy (4 by the ethics committee of the rehabilitation center.
times a week) was provided over a 4-week period (phase Bt) Three males and two females (mean age 22.6 months, SD
followed by an 8-week rest period without any treatment 9.9) participated in the study. Characteristics of the children
(phase Br). This first sequence of 12 weeks’ duration (Bt1: 4 at baseline are given in Table I. Three children had a diagnosis
weeks; Br1: 8 weeks) was repeated (Bt2: 4 weeks; Br2: 8 weeks) of quadriplegia while two were classified as having double
for a total experimental phase duration of 24 weeks (Fig. 1). hemiplegia. Initial GMFM total scores ranged from 9.4 to
39.2% indicating severe motor impairment. Except for child 2
(level V), all children were able to roll from prone to supine
and vice versa (level IV). All children, however, were able to
Table I: Characteristics of children hold the sitting position on the floor when supported at the
thorax by the therapist. Only three children (1, 4, and 5)
Participant Sex Age Diagnosis GMFCS Baseline total could crawl 1.8 m. None was able to stand, even with support.
(mo) levela GMFMb score

1 M 18 Quadriplegia IV 22.2 Physical therapy (PT) (in phases A, Bt1, and Bt2) consisted of an
2 F 24 Quadriplegia V 9.4 individual session of 45 minutes. PT administered throughout
3 M 10 Quadriplegia IV 21.9 the study by the children’s treating physiotherapist, was the
4 F 37 Double hemiplegia IV 34 regular therapy based on the neurodevelopmental approach
5 M 24 Double hemiplegia IV 39.2 described by Mayston (1992). This approach uses techniques
Mean 22.6 25.3 of handling to guide the child’s movements with carefully
SD 9.9 11.6 graded stimulation. The rehabilitation program of all chil-
a Gross Motor Function Classification System (Palisano et al. 1997). dren also included occupational therapy (OT), which focused
b Gross Motor Function Measure (Russell et al. 1989). c Mean baseline on the upper-extremity function (manipulation, prehen-
evaluation scores. sion), hand–eye coordination tasks, and perceptual training.

Figure 1: Study design.

Phase A Phase B Phase A, staggered
baseline; Phase B,
Treatments Treatments treatment and rest.
Bt1 Br1 Bt2 Br2 Bt1, first treatment
2x/wk phase; Br1, first rest
4x/wk 0x/wk 4x/wk 0x/wk
phase; Bt2, second
8 treatment phase; Br2,
4 8 4 8 second rest phase.


20 12 12

Weeks Weeks
Baseline Experimental

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OT treatments followed a schedule similar to that set for the used transportation services provided by the center. During
PT treatments. During the therapy periods, treatments were phase Br, when all treatments (PT and OT) were discontin-
carried out at the rehabilitation center and children generally ued, the children did not come to the center and parents

Child 1 Child 2
40 20

30 15
GMFM (%)

GMFM (%)
20 10

10 5

0 0
0 4 8 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 4 8 12 16 20 24
Phase A Phase B Phase A Phase B
Weeks Weeks

Child 3 Child 4

40 40

35 35

30 30

GMFM (%)

GMFM (%)

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 4 8 12 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 4 8 12 16 20 24
Phase A Phase B Phase A Phase B
Weeks Weeks

Child 5
Figure 2: Individual GMFM scores for Phases A
and B. ■, treatment 2x/week; ●, treatment
4x/week; !, no treatment each week.
Each data point represents total GMFM value
recorded at each assessment over course of
GMFM (%)

study. Horizontal dashed lines represent ±2SD
from mean (continuous line) baseline values. A
statistically significant (p<0.05) change has
occurred when two successive observations
(data points) during experimental phase fall
outside 2SD band.
0 4 8 12 4 8 12 16 20 24
Phase A Phase B

Intermittent Physiotherapy in CP Johanne Trahan and Francine Malouin 235

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were given general advice without a specific home program. DATA AND STATISTICAL ANALYSES
Children who used a special positioning device (e.g. for the A two-component (stability level and trend) visual analysis
wheelchair) continued to use it. Parents were instructed to followed by a statistical analysis were performed. Stability
contact the treating physical therapist if the child’s condi- level refers to the amount of variability or to the range of
tion showed any signs of deterioration. Parents were also data-point values in phase A. Data points were said to be sta-
asked to refrain from initiating any replacement therapy ble if 80% fell within a 20% range of the mean level of all data
(such as hydrotherapy) during the rest phase. point values in phase A. Trend refers to the direction of the
data points and a freehand method was used to estimate if
OUTCOME MEASURE the data path indicated improvement or worsening of the
The main outcome measure was the GMFM: a test designed to performance (Tawney and Gast 1984). Statistical significance
measure the gross motor function of children under 5 years of was established with the standard deviation band method
age. This test includes 88 items grouped in five dimensions: (A) (Gottman and Leiblum 1974, Ottenbacher and York 1984).
Lying and Rolling; (B) Sitting; (C) Crawling and Kneeling; (D) This method consists of computing the mean and 2 standard
Standing, and (E) Walking, Running, and Jumping. Each item deviation values of baseline data (phase A). Then, a horizon-
of the test is scored on a 4-point Likert scale and a percentage tal band representing ±2SD from the mean baseline and
score is calculated for each dimension. The total score is extending into the experimental phase (phase Bt and Br) is
obtained by calculating the mean of the five dimension scores. traced. If at least two successive observations (data points)
The total GMFM score and dimension scores collected at each during the experimental phase fall outside the band, then a
evaluation were used in the analysis. The children’s motor statistically significant change has occurred. The chance of a
functional status was also classified according to the Gross data point occurring outside the 2SD band without real
Motor Function Classification System for Cerebral Palsy change taking place is less than 5% (p<0.05).
(Palisano et al. 1997).
The same physical therapist, trained in the use of the GMFM Results
test procedure, assessed the children every 4 weeks. The thera- BASELINE PHASE
pist did not know the children, was unaware of the aims of the Figure 2 illustrates the total GMFM scores for each child
study, and was not provided with the scores from previous recorded at each evaluation during phase A and phase B. The
assessments. Assessments took place at the rehabilitation cen- total number of treatments received during the multiple base-
ter in the usual treatment room and always at the same period line in phase A, ranged from 15 to 36 and the treatment com-
of the day. Testing conditions were standardized according to pliance during the baseline phase (Table IIa) ranged from
the protocol developed by Russell and coworkers (1989). 93.8% (child 1) to 70.8% (child 5). As can be seen from the
Variables such as age and sex were collected at baseline. data points in Figure 2, the motor performances of three chil-

Table IIa: Number and % of treatments and compliance Table IIb: Mean number of
weekly treatments
Participant Phase A Phase Bt1 Phase Bt2 Mean B1&2
Duration Treatments Compliance Compliance Compliance Compliance Participant Phase A Phase B
(wk) R E % % n % n % (Bt and Br)

1 8 15 16 93.8 100 16 93.7 15 96.9 1 1.88 1.29

2 16 26 32 81.3 87.5 14 93.7 15 90.6 2 1.63 1.21
3 12 19 24 79.2 100 16 100 16 100 3 1.58 1.33
4 20 36 40 90 93.7 15 93.7 15 93.7 4 1.80 1.25
5 12 17 24 70.8 93.7 15 75 12 84.4 5 1.42 1.13
Mean 13.5 22.6 27.2 83 95 15.2 91.2 14.6 93.1 Mean 1.66 1.24
SD 4.6 8.6 9.1 9.1 6.5 0.84 6.5 1.5 6 SD 0.18 0.08

R, received; E, expected; Bt1, first treatment phase; Bt2, second treatment phase. Bt, treatment phase; Br rest phase.

Table III: Mean total GMFM scores (%) during phases A and B

Participant Phase Aa Phase Bt1 Phasea Br1 Phase Bt2 Phasea Br2 Maximal increase

1 22.2 (1.3) 27 29.3 31.9 30.7 9.7

2 9.4 (2) 9.3 10.3 12.4 12.3 3
3 21.9 (4.4) 28.7 29.8 37.5 36.9 15.6
4 34 (2.3) 39.4 36.8 37.1 37.7 3.7
5 39.2 (5.2) 50.4 49.8 53.3 51.9 14.1
Mean 25.3 31 31.2 34.4 33.9 9.2
SD 11.6 15.3 14.3 14.7 14.4 14.4
a Mean (1SD) scores; Bt1, first treatment phase; Br1, first rest phase; Bt2, second treatment phase; Br2, second rest phase.

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dren (1, 4, and 5) were considered stable as 80% of their four treatments a week over a 4-week period can be very well
baseline data points fell within 20% of the mean value. The tolerated. Second, increases in the GMFM scores ranging from
motor performance of child 2 was considered variable when 3 to 15% indicate that children with severe motor impairment
all data points were included, but not when the first data can improve their gross motor function. Third, a very com-
point was left out, indicating a stabilization trend over time. pelling finding was the maintenance of improved motor per-
The more variable motor performance of child 3 also tended formance during the two 8-week rest periods.
to decrease with time.
EXPERIMENTAL PHASE This pilot study provides evidence that increasing the number
Mean (SD) number of treatments received during the experi- of treatments from two to four times a week over per 4-week
mental phase was 30 (SD 1.9). This value corresponds to a period is well tolerated by young children with CP who have
compliance level of 93.1% during intensive therapy with the severe impairment. In fact, the level of compliance increased
majority of children (n=3) attending at least 30 of the expected from 83 to 93.1% when children received twice as many treat-
32 therapy sessions (Table IIa). During the 24 weeks of the ments weekly and reasons for missing treatments were inde-
experimental phase, the children received a mean of 1.2 week- pendent of the child (e.g. transportation problems or absence
ly treatments (Table IIb), which is less compared with the base- of therapist); only child 5 missed one treatment for health rea-
line phase with a mean of 1.7 treatments. Had they followed sons. According to the parents, intensive therapy periods were
the usual therapy program, children would have received 48
treatments (24 weeks × 2/week) over a 24-week period.
All children showed some increase in their total GMFM
Table IV: Change in motor performance in each GMFM
scores at the end of the experimental phase (see Fig. 2 and
dimension score
Table III) but improvement of performance was significant
(p<0.05) in only three (children 1, 3, and 5). The two other Child Dimensions
children showed very little improvement, with total GMFM A B C D E
scores remaining usually below the 2SD line. No child
showed a deteriorating trend during the experimental 1 = ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨
phase. A closer examination of the motor performance (see 2 = = = = ∨
Table III and Fig. 3) after the first intensive therapy period 3 = ∨ ∨ = ∨
(Bt1) indicates that increases in the total GMFM scores 4 = = = = ∨
ranged from 4.8 to 11.2% in four (children 1, 3, 4, 5) with 5 = ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨
only one (child 2) without any change. Note that after the
first rest period (Br1), the total GMFM scores from three =, GMFM dimension score did not change significantly; ∨, GMFM
(children 1, 2, and 3) continued to slightly increase (1 to dimension score increased significantly (>2SD line or p<0.05).
A, Lying and Rolling; B, Sitting; C, Crawling and Kneeling; D, Standing;
2.2%) while in the other two (children 4 and 5) it slightly
E, Walking, Running, and Jumping.
decreased (2.6% and 0.6%). The changes after the period
without therapy were not significant, indicating that the
motor performance had not deteriorated nor continued to
significantly improve after the first rest period. Motor per-
formance during the second period of intensive physical 16
therapy (Bt2) continued to improve with changes in the total
GMFM scores (from baseline) ranging from 3 to 15.6%.
When treatments were suspended a second time (Br2) the 12
GMFM scores (%)

total GMFM scores again remained generally stable; they

slightly decreased in four children (range from 0.1 to 1.4%) 10
and increased 0.6% in another (child 4) indicating again that
the improved motor performance was maintained during
the second rest period. Over the 24-week period the maxi- 6
mal increase in total GMFM scores ranged from 3 to 15.6%
(see Fig. 3 and Table III).
Table IV gives a summary of individual changes for each 2
dimension of the GMFM at the end of the experimental phase.
Note that significant improvement of performance was found
Bt1 Br1 Bt2 Br2
in all children in the walking with support task of dimension E,
conversely, the performance remained unchanged for dimen-
sion A. Significant changes were found in two children for Figure 3: Changes in total GMFM scores during
dimension D and in three for dimensions B and C. experimental phase for children 1 to 5. Mean baseline
values were used in calculation of change score. Bt1&2 :
Discussion represent changes after 4 weeks of intensive therapy
Results of this study confirm the feasibility a rehabilitation (4/week) and Br1&2 : represent scores after 2 months
program comprised of short intensive therapy periods fol- without therapy. , child 1; ■, child 2; !, child 3; , child
lowed by longer rest periods. First, the high level of compliance 4; , child 5. Bt1, first treatment phase; Br1, first rest phase;
during both intensive treatment periods demonstrates that Bt2, second treatment phase; Br 2, second rest phase.

Intermittent Physiotherapy in CP Johanne Trahan and Francine Malouin 237

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generally well tolerated by the children. The parents of child 1 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INTERMITTENT THERAPY
and child 2 (with the most severe disabilities), admitted that Varying the frequency of treatment delivery with blocks of
their child needed more rest by the end of the experimental intensive therapy alternating with rest periods provided advan-
phase, but it did not reduce their collaboration, nor interfere tages of a different nature. The main advantage reported by the
with their compliance which remained over 90%. These obser- therapists was that seeing the child almost daily during the
vations, however, suggest that intensive therapy should proba- intensive therapy phase had positive effects on the interaction
bly not be prolonged for periods longer than 4-weeks at a time and communication with the child and family. They felt that it
in children with more severe disabilities. The low level of com- was easier to develop and maintain a good relationship with
pliance (median of 73%) and complaints of fatigue and stress the child. Moreover, as the child made progress, short-term
by the participants when intensive therapy (5/week) was pro- goals could be adapted regularly on a day-to-day basis. Such
vided over a 6-month period (Bower et al. 2001) further sup- observations suggest that therapy on a more regular basis
port the idea that intensive therapy for a very long period is not helped in establishing a stronger child–therapist interaction,
necessarily better than routine therapy. which by increasing the quality of the time spent with the child,
may have contributed to the optimization of the treatment.
MOTOR PERFORMANCE Another advantage reported by both parents and therapists
Increasing the frequency of treatments, from twice a week to was the beneficial effect of the rest periods. At the beginning of
four times a week, improved the level of motor performance the study, the parents and the therapists were concerned that 8
as measured with the total GMFM scores. Such findings sup- weeks without therapy would result in a deterioration of the
port the idea that more intensive therapy can accelerate motor child’s motor performance. Once they realised that such was
skill acquisition of severely impaired children with CP. Present not the case, they felt more confident and parents were able to
results are in agreement with findings from others (Mayo take advantage of the periods without therapy to enjoy a less
1991, Bower and McLellan 1992, Bower et al. 1996) who also stressful and more normal family lifestyle.
observed more gains with a higher treatment frequency. The third advantage was economic in nature. Present results
Earlier, we observed a mean GMFM gain of 6.2% (SD 7.5%) showed that the motor performance of all children increased
over an 8-month (32-week) period in a group of 24 children from phase A to B even with a lower mean number of weekly
with quadriplegia who were treated twice a week (Trahan and treatments in the experimental phase (Bt and Br) indicating
Malouin 1999) for a total of 64 treatments. In comparison, the rate of treatment delivery to be more critical than the num-
children in the present study had a mean gain of 9.2% (SD ber of treatments. This is a most crucial finding given the limit-
5.8%) over a 6-month period with half the number of treat- ed human and financial resources in most health systems. In
ments suggesting that combining enhanced therapy periods the present economic context, wherein treatment benefits ver-
with rest periods can optimize the effects of therapy. sus costs are questioned and where therapists have to provide
The rate and magnitude of gains, however, varied markedly optimum therapy with less resources, the proposed regime of
across children, with the best gains in children 1, 3, and 5 (9%, care delivery deserves further consideration.
13%, and 15%, respectively) and smallest (3%) in the two oth- The main disadvantage with the proposed treatment regime
ers. Poor collaboration and severity of impairment are two fac- was organizational. The scheduling of treatments was more
tors that, in part, explain the small changes in children 2 and 4. difficult when children had appointments in other services.
Child 2 had the most severe impairments (mean baseline Increasing the frequency of treatments over a given period and
GMFM 9.4%), supporting the slower rate of change in gross cancelling them for the next period also required much collab-
motor function (Russell et al. 1990). With child 4, although oration from the persons involved with the transportation.
the oldest, there were problems in keeping her focused and
maintaining her collaboration during therapy throughout LIMITATIONS
the study. Although the multiple-baseline design provided an interest-
ing means of monitoring the progress on an individual basis,
RETENTION OF GAINS changes observed cannot be attributed solely to the treat-
All the children increased their total GMFM score and none of ment regime under study. Without a control group, the natur-
the children had a score lower than their mean baseline score al variation of the motor performance cannot be controlled,
during the whole experimental phase (Fig. 3). Such findings however, the multiple-baseline design provided a way to
indicate that the motor performance did not deteriorate monitor the stability of the measures before the experimental
despite the two 8-week rest periods even without a home ther- phase and the variations of measures during the baseline
apy program. Unlike other studies (Bower and McLellan 1992, period were taken into account in the data analysis. Within
Bower et al. 2001) which reported some deterioration with these limitations, it was shown that three children demon-
therapy cessation or reduction, the level of performance never strated significant improvement, but two did not. Severe
markedly decreased. On the contrary, in most children the total motor impairment could be responsible for the lack of signif-
GMFM scores continued to increase. Such results raise the pos- icant improvement in these children and observations over a
sibility that the child’s daily activities in their natural environ- longer period may be needed to detect significant changes in
ment provided practice conditions that contributed to the children with more severe impairment. The small sample size
development of motor skills and promoted the consolida- and the homogeneity of the group must be taken into consid-
tion of skills learned during therapy sessions. Such findings eration and present results need to be replicated in a larger
are consistent with increasing evidence to the effect that sample of children. The actual treatment regime may be well
repetition of meaningful tasks (Dean and Shepherd 1997, Carr tolerated by children with less severe impairment and it would
and Shepherd 1998) and variable practice (Gentile 1987, be of interest to measure the benefits of intermittent physio-
Schmidt 1988) can promote retention. therapy on the development of their motor performance.

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reading of the manuscript and Mr Daniel Tardif for the preparation Medicine & Child Neurology 33: 578–84.
of the figures. This work was supported by the Consortium de Richards CL, Malouin F, Dumas F, Marcoux S, Lepage C, Menier C.
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