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Under 50% is a Fail

Name Computers Science A) Computers (Fail or Pass)

Jim 49% 25%
For A) & B) Make sure
Heather 90% 85% you copy all answers
Bob 67% 55% down the column and
Nancy 22% 99% ensure the answer works
for all students
Shea 50% 80%
Mike 49% 79%

Scholarship =IF (logical test, value if true, value
$500 Rules to remember
The Logical test must use an operator
The Logical test must analyze 2 things (any combination of other cells, numbers or text)
When using text, you MUST put the text inside quotation marks
NEVER put numbers or a cell reference inside quotation marks


= > < >= <= <> Symbol

If a number is higher (greater) than another number >
if a number is lower (less) than another number <
if a number is higher than or equal to another number >=
if a number is lower than or equal to another number <=
if a You
number/text does
can specify not equal
numbers another
or text number/text
or you can specify <>
cells that contain numbers or text =
if a number/text equals another number/text
80% or Better Conditional ABSOLUTE CELL REFERENC
B) Science Scholarship Formatting $5.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
$2.00 $2.00 $2.00
Make sure
l answers $3.00 $3.00 $3.00
olumn and $4.00 $4.00 $4.00
answer works $5.00 $5.00 $5.00
$6.00 $6.00 $6.00

value if true, value if false)

i) In cell M2 create a formula that adds cells J2, K2, L2 and H
of other cells, numbers or text) ii) In cell N2 create a formula that multiplies cells M2 by P2.
marks A) IF the Computer's grade is under 50%, Output the text Fa
marks B) If the Science grade is 80% or better, Output the scholars
C) Add conditional formatting to the range B3:C8 so that an
D) Add conditional formatting to the range B3:C8 so that an

Use Example E)
Add conditional formatting to the range D3:D8 so that an
Change the colour of the conditional format in Quest. D)
Numbers ONLY 1 G) Delete the conditional format in cell H2
Numbers ONLY 1
Numbers ONLY 1
Numbers ONLY 0
Numbers OR Text 1
Numbers OR Text 1

E28 F28
2 1
E30 F30
Yes No

adds cells J2, K2, L2 and H2. Copy it down the column
multiplies cells M2 by P2. Copy it down the column
r 50%, Output the text Fail, otherwise output the text Pass
etter, Output the scholarship in cell A11, otherwise output 0
he range B3:C8 so that any grade under 50% is filled with red
he range B3:C8 so that any grade over 80% is filled with green
he range D3:D8 so that any text "Fail" is filled with yellow
tional format in Quest. D) to Dark Blue with White Font
Under 50% is a Fail
Name Computers Science A) Computers (Fail or Pass)
Jim 49% 25% Fail
Heather 90% 85% Pass
Bob 67% 55% Pass
Nancy 22% 99% Fail
Shea 50% 80% Pass
Mike 49% 79% Fail

Scholarship =IF (logical test, value if true, value
$500 Rules to remember
The Logical test must use an operator
The Logical test must analyze 2 things (any combination of other cells, numbers or text)
When using text, you MUST put the text inside quotation marks
NEVER put numbers or a cell reference inside quotation marks


= > < >= <= <> Symbol

If a number is higher (greater) than another number >
if a number is lower (less) than another number <
if a number is higher than or equal to another number >=
if a number is lower than or equal to another number <=
if a number/text does not equal another number/text <>
if a number/text equals another number/text =

You can specify numbers or text or you can specify

cells that contain numbers or text
80% or Better Conditional ABSOLUTE CELL REFERENC
B) Science Scholarship Formatting $5.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
$0.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
$500.00 For A) & B) Make sure $3.00 $3.00 $3.00
you copy all answers
$0.00 down the column and $4.00 $4.00 $4.00
$500.00 ensure the answer works $5.00 $5.00 $5.00
for all students
$500.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00

value if true, value if false)

i) In cell M2 create a formula that adds cells J2, K2, L2 and H
of other cells, numbers or text) ii) In cell N2 create a formula that multiplies cells M2 by P2.
marks A) IF the Computer's grade is under 50%, Output the text Fa
marks B) If the Science grade is 80% or better, Output the scholars
C) Add conditional formatting to the range B3:C8 so that an
D) Add conditional formatting to the range B3:C8 so that an

Use Example E)
Add conditional formatting to the range D3:D8 so that an
Change the colour of the conditional format in Quest. D)
Numbers ONLY 1 G) Delete the conditional format in cell H2
Numbers ONLY 1
Numbers ONLY 1
Numbers ONLY 0
Numbers OR Text 1
Numbers OR Text 1

E28 F28
2 1
E30 F30
Yes No
$8.00 $1.04 13%
$11.00 $1.43
$14.00 $1.82
$17.00 $2.21
$20.00 $2.60
$23.00 $2.99

adds cells J2, K2, L2 and H2. Copy it down the column
multiplies cells M2 by P2. Copy it down the column
r 50%, Output the text Fail, otherwise output the text Pass
etter, Output the scholarship in cell A11, otherwise output 0
he range B3:C8 so that any grade under 50% is filled with red
he range B3:C8 so that any grade over 80% is filled with green
he range D3:D8 so that any text "Fail" is filled with yellow
tional format in Quest. D) to Dark Blue with White Font
Last Name Gender Location Status Clearance Pay Grade Salary Question 1)
Hovey M Whitby FT 2 3 $85,000.00 $10,200.00
Overton F Home FT 2 1 $40,000.00 $2,800.00
Fetherston M Toronto PT 3 4 $37,244.00 $2,607.08
Lebrun F Oshawa FT 2 3 $80,000.00 $5,600.00
Hanson M Whitby FT 5 4 $65,000.00 $7,800.00
Beck F Toronto FT 3 5 $125,000.00 $8,750.00
Simmons F Whitby FT 1 3 $95,000.00 $11,400.00
Akambi M Home FT 2 2 $36,000.00 $2,520.00
Harris M Alaska PT 1 1 $22,000.00 $1,540.00
Logical Functions (Make sure you create functions that work when copied down for all employees in rows 2
1) If they are from Whitby multiply their salary by the Bonus 1 Percentage in cell N13, otherwise multiply their salary by 7%
2) If their salary is under $40,000 output the text "Need Raise" otherwise output the text "Over Paid"
3) If the bonus from question 1) is lower than $5,000 output the text "Crap Bonus" otherwise output the text "Hot Tub!"
4) If they have a clearance of 2 or more then they get a Salary Bonus of the amount in cell N15, otherwise they get 0
5) If they have a paygrade that is more than 4, output the text "President" otherwise output the text "Expendable"
6) If they have a salary that is $45,000 or under output the text "No Vacation" otherwise output the text "4 Weeks Off"
7) if they are NOT part time output the text "You're Lucky" otherwise output the text "You're Fired!"
8) If they are full time, their bonus is 10% multiplied by the average of everyone's salary, otherwise the bonus is 5% multiplied
Conditional Formatting (Make sure your conditional formats work for all em
9. Add conditional formatting to the salary column so that anyone with a salary of $40,000 or under is filled with std col light b
10. Delete the ICON conditional formatting rule on this page (I created this myself)
11. Add conditional formatting to the Bonus salaries in column H (Question 1). Use Solid Fill Data Bars with your choice of colo
12. In column M (Question 6) use conditional formatting so that the text "4 Weeks Off" has a font (not fill) of std colour Red a
13. Use conditional formatting so that anyone with an below average clearance has a fill of a custom GREENISH colour of your
14. Use conditional formatting in column F (Paygrade numbers) that highlights all paygrade cells that have a duplicate value. U
15. Use conditional formatting in column B so that if they are male "M" fill with dark blue and a white font, if female "F" fill wit
16. In cell N17 use the date function to enter your favorite future or past date of this year. (It can be any date in 2019).
When you are done, please save as YourFirstName YourLastName Lab 7 and s
Question 2) Question 3) Question 4) Question 5) Question 6) Question 7)
Over Paid Hot Tub! $10,000.00 Expendable 4 Weeks Off You're Lucky
Over Paid Crap Bonus $10,000.00 Expendable No Vacation You're Lucky
Need Raise Crap Bonus $10,000.00 Expendable No Vacation You're Fired!
Over Paid Hot Tub! $10,000.00 Expendable 4 Weeks Off You're Lucky
Over Paid Hot Tub! $10,000.00 Expendable 4 Weeks Off You're Lucky
Over Paid Hot Tub! $10,000.00 President 4 Weeks Off You're Lucky
Over Paid Hot Tub! 0 Expendable 4 Weeks Off You're Lucky
Need Raise Crap Bonus $10,000.00 Expendable No Vacation You're Lucky
Need Raise Crap Bonus 0 Expendable No Vacation You're Fired!
down for all employees in rows 2-10) (Use Absolute Cell References when necessary!)
wise multiply their salary by 7%
Bonus 1
er Paid" 12%
e output the text "Hot Tub!" 1.5 Bonus 2
5, otherwise they get 0 1.5 $10,000.00
the text "Expendable" 1.5 Manual Date Function
put the text "4 Weeks Off" 1.5 13-Sep-2021
Fired!" 1.5
erwise the bonus is 5% multiplied by the average of everyone's salary 1.5
nditional formats work for all employees in rows 2-10)
under is filled with std col light blue, anyone over $85,000 is filled with std colour red MARKS
ata Bars with your choice of colour 1
font (not fill) of std colour Red and the text "No Vacation" has a font of std colour blue 1
custom GREENISH colour of your choice. (It must be a custom colour..use RGB) 1
ells that have a duplicate value. Use the 2nd default format "Yellow Fill, Dark Yellow Text" 1
a white font, if female "F" fill with pink (you'll need to find it or create it) and black font 1
can be any date in 2019). 1
Name YourLastName Lab 7 and submit via DC Connect
Question 8)
$58,524.40 3-8 AND 10-16
$58,524.40 WILL BE GRADED

Bonus 1
Manual Date Function
13-Sep-2021 ASKED FOR IN

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