Year 6 English Language Exercise

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Year 6 English Language Exercise – Unit 9 (page 87 / Part 3)

Name : _______________________ Class: _________________ Date:_________________________

This is part 1 of the lesson.

It is given the Rukun
Negara in English and
Bahasa Melayu.

Question : What are the values that is found in these principles (the Rukun Neagara) that help
Malaysians to be good citizens?


This is Part 2 of the lesson.

This is a programme which has

a list of planned activities by
the Rukun Negara Club at SJK
Taman Murni.

Questions :
1. Based on the programmes , state the months in which the pupils will learn about

Values Months
a. Patriotism
b. Respect for the laws of the country
c. Respect and tolerance for the people who
are different.
2. For each value, explain how the activities will help them learn it.

a. Patriotism
b. Respect for the laws of the country
c. Respect and tolerance for the people who are different.

3. Does the programme help to teach the pupils the values found in the principles of the Rukun
Negara? Why?

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