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Maria crocifissa della concezione letter

Maria crocifissa della concezione letter

Letter is more than 300 years old, cracked by modern codebreaking software. A supposed letter from the devil was partially translated, more than 300 years after it was written. LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) - A letter written by a nun who was said to be possessed by the devil more than 300
years ago has been partially decoded. Sister Maria Crocifissa della Concezione wrote - or found the letter in 1676 while she was possessed by the devil, according to contemporary accounts. The letter features strange writing, mostly symbols. She said she woke up to find the letter and could not say who
wrote it. Sister Mary lived in a convent in Sicily, and has lived in the convent since the age of 15. The bizarre characters of the letter were beheaded using software found on the dark web. Scholars figured out which alphabets Sister Mary probably knew and decided on Latin, Greek and Arabic and Runic.
They have this alphabet in a code breaking software application available on the dark web, and they let the program work its magic. The program recognized several of the characters and activated researchers to decode the mysterious writing. Not all the letter could be translated, but enough was
beheaded to get its meaning. The letter claims that people found out God and Jesus and later described them as dead weights. The letter also criticizes God and says, God thinks He can release mortal... The system works for no one... Maybe Styx is sure now. Styx is the river in Greek mythology that
separates the dutch from the world of the living. Sister Mary was known to shout and faint at the altar. She often warned others that the devil tried to get her to serve evil rather than God. Scholars doubt the letter was written by the devil, or if it was written by the devil, then he used Sister Mary. They
believe the sister had Schizophrenia, who could have made her think she could imagine conversations with the devil. They believe she had knowledge of different languages and alphabet and used that knowledge to write the letter. It is unclear whether she deliberately wrote the letter as a hoax, or if she
wrote it while she was possessed. Scholars are now translating the whole letter. Millions of people navigate the internet every day. What most don't know is that, peeking encrypted and hidden within the everyday web we all use for news, games, and social media part is also the Dark Web, full of bitcoin,
drugs, cyber crime, and other shady matters. But in this case, the Dark Web was useful, revealing a code breaker that recently allowed scientists to translate a letter an Italian nun said that Satan wrote to her. For more than 300 years, researchers have been tightened, unable to behead the symbols and
letters in the foreign document. According to Live Science, the director of the science museum in the province of Catalan in Sicily, Daniele Abate, said the Dark Web provided an intelligence-grade code-breaking system that enabled them to beheaded the letter. We've heard of the software, which we
believe is used by intelligence services for code breakage. We prepared the software with ancient Greek, Arabic, the Runic alphabet and Latin to descrums some of the letter and show that it's really demons, Abate said. The letter appeared to be written shortly.' We speculated that Sister Mary created a
new vocabulary using ancient alphabet she might have known. We analyze how the syllables and graphs [thoughts depicted as symbols] repeat in the letter to find vowels and we end up with a refined decryption algorithm. The story began in 1676, when Sister Maria Crocifissa della Concezione of the
convent of Palma di Montechiaro in Sicily, 31 years old, claimed to be owned by Satan. Records of the convection written by Abbess Maria Serafica show she struggled on a daily basis with her faith, fighting and shouting almost every night against evil spirits that wouldn't leave her alone. Palma di
Montechiaro convent CC BY-SA 3.0 Sister Maria, born Isabella Tomasi, arrived at the Benedictine convent when she was 15 and she was known and liked the other Sisters and the Abbes. On August, their sister found Mary in her quarters on the floor with an ink-stained face, holding a letter she wrote
during an episode of possession. The letter was 14 lines, written in an undecidable language. Sister Mary claims the letter was written even though she was written by Satan in his efforts to steal her away from God. The characters used in the letter seemed like a combination of runs, modern shorthand
and alphabetical letters of other languages. According to Abbess Maria Serafica, Sister Mary refused to sign the letter instead of writing Ohimé (o me), for which she was later blessed. No one could behead the letter in the 17th century or for decades thereafter. Now that it has been beheaded, researchers
say the letter rambles on how people invented God and Zoroaster. It claims that God and Jesus are deadweights and that the system works for no one. It also speaks of the River Styx and says, maybe Styx is now sure. The River Styx appears in Greek mythology as the separation of the living world from
the dead. When one died, the soul reached the River Styx and waited for Charon the ferry to deliver the soul to the Underworld. If the family buried the deceased with a coin, Charon would love to take them over the river to wait on a new body and life. If not, one had the choice to try to swim or be left to
haunt the family that did not provide the coin. The River Styx was also used by Thetis the nymph to make her son, Achilles, immortal by baptizing him in the river, except for the heel with which his mother held him what was his poor place, so that Hector could kill him with a poisoned arrow supposedly by
Zeus. Abate knew that discovery of more about Sister Mary insight into the letter. It is opinion that Sister Mary, who was well educated, suffered from schizophrenia or perhaps bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia seems to be the most logical answer than those who are harassed often hear voices that tell them
to do specific things. Related story of us: The 10-foot-long Cardiff Giant went viral in America's golden age of hoaxes Researchers around the world was excited to learn that the letter was finally translated, but the actual research and findings have not yet been published, which allows for peer review. In
war there is much worse than death. Some soldiers say they prefer to die than to be caught by their enemies - it is more honorable. And sometimes the fate awaiting prisoners is so gruesy that a quick death is preferable. During World War II there was an island, Chichi Jima, 700 miles south of Tokyo,
where an incredible horror was waiting to capture Americans. In September 1944, nine U.S. aircraft attacking Japanese installations were shot down by Japanese troops stationed on the Chichi Jima Island. All nine of the pilots managed to escape their aircraft in the water of the Pacific Ocean. Some of
them instinctively swam to the island while others were captured by the Japanese, their boats filled with armed soldiers, and brought to the island as prisoners. One of the nine pilots decided to ditch his damaged plane further away from the island than the other. With an open head wound, he managed to
survive on a life raft. The Japanese boats could not grab him out of the water because they were under an open fire of more American aircraft, so the pilot was rescued by the lifeguard submarine USS Finback. The pilot was the future (41st) president of the United States, George H. Bush, then a 20-year-
old pilot. Official portrait of George H. W. Bush As for the terrible fate of the other eight, the details have been kept a secret for years to save their families of need. It was later discovered that the eight airmen were beaten and tortured before being beheaded. And that's not all. It was discovered that the
Japanese officers on the island had attacked parts of the bodies of four of the men. The airmen were executed on the order of lt. Gen. Yoshio Tachibana. A later investigation revealed that after the execution, the corpses were passed on to island surgeons who slaughter and cooked americans and then
served the meat to the Japanese officers. And there was even more terrible assertion that keeping the meat fresh kept the men alive while their limbs were amputated one by one. George Bush was rescued by the lifeguard submarine USS Finback in August 1944 in August 1944, Tachibana was tried
along with 11 other Japanese staff associated with carrying out US naval airmen. They were also tried for cannibalism of at least of the airmen, but at the time of the military and international law did not contain provisions against cannibalism so that they could not be heard and so, in the end, the Japanese
officers are on trial for murder and prevention of honourable funeral. In 1947, during an investigation into war crimes, 30 Japanese soldiers were prosecuted and five of them were convicted. Among them was Tachibana, whose sentence was death by hanging. Lieutenant General Yoshio Tachibana
Although the full story of the airmen's fate was held top secret, Bush's bravery was brought to the public's attention and he was awarded the Flying Cross. Bush also wrote about his experience in his autobiography, Looking Forward, where he gave a version of his part in Chichi Jima incident. But 44 years
after the crash, Chester Mierzejewski, a retired World War II naval crew man who was the revolver in another plane during the attack near the Chichi Jima Island, decided to tell his version of the story, and George Bush, when a vice president, that he left two crew mates at the back of the plane. Read
another story of us: In 1944, Operation Halyard lifted 417 American airmen from behind enemy lines in Yugoslavia The man said that Bush's plane was, in fact, never on fire. Although he was accused of granting the vice president on the night of his nomination for President of the USA, Mierzejewski said
he never had such an intention. His version was widely dismissed. It was probably the most notorious mutiny that happened off the coast of Australia, and perhaps the biggest that happened anywhere else in the world. On 27 October 1628, a ship named Batavia, which belongs to the Dutch East Indian
Company, sailed on his daughter-in-law journey from the port of Texel in the Netherlands. The ship, ordered by senior trader Francisco Pelsaert, carried large quantities of silver and gold. It was bound for the Dutch East Indian Islands where it was supposed to trade the treasure for spices. Since the
beginning of the trip, something hasn't been right. Among the 341 people on board (crew and passengers) there were some very shady characters. Some of them would become the most important antagonists in this terrible story. Second commissioned was Ariaen Jacobsz, the skipper. It is speculated
that he and Pelsaert had previously met in Surat, India and were not on the best terms. The strict wood of the batavia. Another suspicious man on that aboard the ship was junior trader Jeronimus Cornelisz. He was a bankrupt pharmacist from Haarlem, who fled to the Netherlands. Cornelisz has been
accused of his ketic beliefs. He was afraid of persecution because of his ties to John van der Beeck (Torrentius), a Dutch painter and alleged Rosicrucian follower and a supposed believer in satanic ideas. The restored strict division of the Batavia. Photo Credit Gnangarra CC BY 2.5 au Shortly after the
trip began, Jacobsz and Cornelisz got to know each other and a plan to take over the ship. Their idea was to take the gold and silver and start a new life in a distant country. Start. A short offer stops in Cape Town, and after sailing again, Jacobsz managed to send her off the main track and separate her
from the navy. Until then, Jacobsz and Cornelisz worked on convincing a small group of people to join them. With the ship safely affected from the rest of the navy, they began arranging an incident that had to cause a mutiny. Their plan was to harass a rich female passenger to motivate Pelsaert to
unfairly discipline the crew, hoping it would inspire more people to join their side. The target was a girl named Lucretia Jans. This attempt failed because she could identify the attackers. Jacobsz and Cornelisz decided to wait for Pelsaert to arrest the sailors and then make their move, but it never
happened. A functional replica of the Batavia, which was dropping in the Netherlands on 4 June 1629, the Batavia hit a morning ice near Beacon Island in the Abrolhos Islands chain. Most of the people managed to swim to safety on Beacon Island, but 40 people weren't so happy and drowned. It was
nothing compared to what was waiting on the survivors in the next months. The events that follow are one of the most gruesome in early Australian history. After looking for food and water, the survivors realized their situation was bad. No fresh water source was found and almost no food was in their area
except sea nose and birds. A group lead by Francisco Pelsaert and consisting of Skipper Jacobsz, some senior officials, crew members, and passengers, decided to sail to the mainland in a 30-foot boat. Whitecarra Creek, which is thought to have left two members of the crew. Guy de la Bedoyere CC BY-
SA 4.0 This journey was also unsuccessful; no water was found there. With no rescue on the road, Pelsaert decided to go and bring a rescue ship out of the city of Batavia (present-day Jakarta) on Java. He took the same group of people on the longboat and started an epic 33-day journey. He
successfully reached Batavia and no one died during the trip. It is considered one of the toughest trips in an open boat even today. An 1897 map of the Abrolhos islands shows the wreckage of the Batavia when they arrived in Jakarta, Jacobsz was arrested for negligence while the Governor-General, Jan
Coen, took Pelsaert command of a ship called Sardam to go and save the other survivors. He returned to the shipwreck two months later after sailing from Jakarta. Meanwhile, Jeronimus Cornelisz has appointed himself in charge of the rest of the survivors. Fearing that Pelsaert would return and accuse
him of mutiny, he prepared to cut down and escape the rescue ship. To do this, he first had to get rid of all who pose a threat to him. He first took all the food and weapons under his organised and sent a group of soldiers, led by a soldier named Wiebbe Hayes, to the nearby West Wallabi Island. He
promised to send people to save them if they and food there. In fact, he left them there to die. Silver coins removed from the wreckage of the Batavia With all the threats, Cornelisz began his dictatorship over the rest of the survivors. He began killing anyone he considered a threat. According to some
accountables, he killed only one person himself; all the other murders were made by a group of cruel men under his command. To make things even more terrible, he kept the women in so-called rape. His plan was to reduce the population on the island to 45, in order to extend its supply reserves as long
as possible. Cornelisz and his gang killers killed more than 110 men, women and children. In the beginning, he convinced those wicked men that the victims committed crimes like theft, but later the mutineers began to kill only for pleasure and because they were bored. A 1647 engraving showing that the
survivors, meanwhile, managed to find sources of water and food to survive. Unaware of the slaughter that happened under Cornelisz's rule on the other island, they sent smoke signals that announced their findings. After some survivors escaped from Cornelisz and informed them about the monstrostics,
the soldiers began to prepare for defense of the mutineers. They even built a small limestone and coral fortress. When the insurgents were attacked, they were no match for the better trained and protected soldiers and lost the battle. At the moment the rescue ship was close, and a race for the ship began
between Cornelisz and his group and the soldiers led by Wiebbe Hayes. Hayes managed to first reach the Sardam and explain the situation to Pelsaert. A short battle happened afterwards and Pelsaert succeeded in captuding all the mutineers. The man himself – Wiebbe Hayes. Photo credit Massey9293
CC BY-SA 3.0 Pelsaert was gone for three months, and during that time Cornelisz and the sheep players were killed 125 men, women and children. In his book, Batavia's Graveyard, welsh writer Mike Dash claims that Cornelisz was almost likely to be a psychopath. In his research he found out that
cornelisz displayed unshakable behaviour on many occasions: he had dreams of making a personal kingdom, and he was assured that all his decisions and actions were justified because God Himself inspired them. Cornelisz and few of the worst mutineers were immediately punished; both of their hands
were cut off, and they were hanged. Two of the mutineers who were not as guilty as the others were banned on the continent. The rest of the mutineers were brought to Jakarta for trial. Five of them were hanged and the rest were punished by floating. Jacob Pietersz, who served as second in command
on the island under Cornelisz, was punished on the breaking wheel, the penalty on that Skipper Jacobsz was tortured, but he never admitted his involvement in the mutation; he probably died in jail in Jakarta. The wreckage of the was discovered in 1963. Since then, many archaeological discoveries have
been made in the area. Even 300 years later, discoveries about the fate of his survivors were still found there. There is also a replica of the ship built in Lelystad, the Netherlands. The replica was sent to Australia in 1999. In 2000 Batavia was the flagship for the Dutch Olympic Team during the 2000
Olympic Games. Since 2001, the replica has been held at Bataviawerf in Lelystad and is now open to visitors. Visitors.

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