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Bachelor's · Business & Technology · Business


SUMMER I - 8 WEEK 2018 Section All 3 Credits 05/07/2018 to 07/01/2018 Modified 01/30/2018

 Description
When we think about entrepreneurs, people often focus upon high-profile individuals, such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff
Bezos. While they are undoubtedly entrepreneurs in the accepted sense, the reality for most people, however, is that entrepreneurship
and entrepreneurialism, can be seen in innovative Silicon Valley or small garage start-ups, or even from someone within a large
organization, whether a corporation or a non-profit, who exhibits innovative and entrepreneurial solutions and thinking. In this
introductory course, you will gain insight into what entrepreneurship is, as well as the varying types of entrepreneurs that exist. Part of
the focus for this course will be assessing the environment for entrepreneurship, so that you can better prepare yourself for business
venture ownership or for initiating an entrepreneurial project. This course will also help you determine the entrepreneurial route you
envision for yourself, whether as a start-up entrepreneur or someone involved in an entrepreneurial project. Finally, you will evaluate
the purposes and benefits of various types of business models available to entrepreneurs.

This is a 3-credit course, requiring a minimum of 18 hours of course engagement each week in an 8-week term, or 9 hours per week in
a 15-week term (refer to the Credit Hours Calculation Policy in the Student Handbook), Course engagement includes such activities
as discussions, reading, study time, and assignments.


 Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Identify new opportunities and conduct preliminary feasibility testing regarding entrepreneurship.
2. Identify the key steps required to develop a viable and effective plan to support small growing ventures.
3. Apply principles of entrepreneurial law to real world situations.
4. Apply skills, concepts, and strategies relevant for start-up company ventures and early stage entrepreneurs.

Course Outcome Matrix

Course Outcome 1 2 3 4 Notes


Case: Turner Test Prep. p. (page) x x


Case: Jim Boothe p. 467 x x x

Case: Beijing Sammies p. 470 x

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Case: A Monroe Lock and Security x X
Systems p.468

Business Plan Proposal Paper X X X

Case: Mamma Mia! P. 484 x

Case: The Beach Carrier p. 492 x

Mini Research Project - Marketing X X X X

Case: Gourmet to Go p. 495 x x

Case: Intervela D.O.O Koper p. 502 x x

Mini Research Project: Organizational x x x x

and Legal Issues

Case: The Gril-Kleen Corp. p. 509 x x

Case: The Winslow Lock Co. p. 516 x x

Case: NeoMed Technologies p. 525 x x x

Case: RugBug Corporation p. x x x


Mini Research Project: Financing X X X X


Case: Nature Brothers Ltd. p 550 x x

Case: Amy's bread Co. p 557 x x

Final Mini Business Plan and PPT x x

Module 1 Discussion x x

Module 2 Discussion x x

Module 3 Discussion x x

Module 4 Discussion x

Module 5 Discussion x

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Module 6 Discussion x

Module 7 Discussion x

Module 8 Discussion x

The course outcomes matrix

Program Outcomes Course


Program: Undergraduate Business 1 2 3 4

PO Demonstrate comprehension of the principles of X X X

(Program accounting, marketing, finance, management and
Outcome) economics.

PO #2 Demonstrate comprehension of the legal and X

social environment of business

PO #3 Demonstrate comprehension of the global X

environment of business

PO #4 Apply ethical considerations to the obligations and X X

responsibilities of business.

PO #5 Apply business tools to real-world situations. X X

PO #6 Employ information literacy techniques.

PO #7 Communicate effectively, orally and in writing. X X X X

PO #8 Apply business concepts and functions in an X

integrated manner.

The program outcomes matrix

 Deliverables
Click here ( to view the 8 week Term Schedules.

Click here ( to view the 15 week Term Schedules.

Course Schedule
Weeks start on Monday,12:01 AM ET (Eastern Time) and end on Sunday, 11:59 PM ET, US (United States).

Unless otherwise noted, all assigned items are due at the end of the module (by 11:59PM, Sunday).
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Week Module & Title Reading Assignments Online Discussions Course
Related to
this Module

Week 1 Module 1-Entrepreneurship Text: Chapter1 Introductions 1-4

and the Entrepreneurial
Mindset M1D1 (Module 1 Discussion 1):
Being an Entrepreneur

Text: Chapter 2 M1A1 (Module 1

Assignment 1): Case Study
(choose either Turner Test
Prep or Jim Boothe)

Week 2 Module 2-The Entrepreneurial Text: Chapter 3 M2A1 Case Study (choose M2D1: Imitation Strategy 1-4
Idea either Monroe Locke or

Text: Chapter 4 M2A2 Business Plan:

Proposal Paper

Week 3 Module 3-Analyzing Text: Chapter 5 M3D1 Going Global 1, 2, 3

Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Text: Chapter 6 M3A1 Case Study (choose
either Supply Dynamics or
Beach Carrier)

Week 4 Module 4-The Entrepreneurial Text: Chapter 7 M4D1: Business Plan 1-3
Planning Process
Text: Chapter 8 M4A1 Case Study (Choose
either Gourmet to Go or
Intervela D.O.O Koper)

M4A2 Mini Research Paper:

Marketing Overview

Week 5 Module 5-More on Text: Chapter 9 M5D1: Proprietorship 1-4

Entrepreneurial Planning
Text: Chapter 10 M5A1 Case Study The Gril-
Kleen Corp. p.497 or Case
Study Masi Technology
p.503 Select one case to

M5A2 Mini Research Paper:

Organizational & Issues

Week 6 Module 6-Funding the Venture Text: Chapter 11 M6D1: Funding Sources 1-4

Text: Chapter 12 M6A1 Case Study NeoMed

Technologies p.511 or Mayu
LLC p.526 Select one case to

Week 7 Module 7-Managing Growth Chapter 13 M7D1: Motivating Salespeople 1-4

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Text: Chapter 14 M7A1 Case Study: (Choose
Nature Brothers Ltd.


Amy's bread Co. )

M7A2 Mini Research Paper:

Financing Options

Week 8 Module 8-Succession Planning Text: Chapter 15 M8A1 Final Mini Business M8D1: Course Review 1, 3, 4
and Course Wrap Up Plan Paper and PPT

The course schedule

 Evaluation
Grade Ranges

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = below 60%


Activity/Assessment % of final grade

Weekly Case Studies (7 total) 30%

Business Plan Idea Paper 10%

Mini Research Projects for 15%

Business plan

Final Mini Business Plan and 25%


Participation in Weekly Online 20%


Total 100%

The grade breakdown

All papers in this course are subject to anti-plagiarism software.

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Business Plan Idea Paper - 10%

This paper should be a maximum of a two (2) page proposal describing your business idea that will become the basis for the final
Mini Business Plan paper. The proposal should clearly communicate what the business idea is. Here are some suggestions of
items that should be included in your proposal

The business – a clear and concise overview of what the business idea is
Product/Service – What is the product or service you are selling? What customer needs does it fulfill? Why would the
customer buy your product/service?
Market Opportunity – Briefly describe the target market – who is your market? What are the characteristics of that market?
Competition – who is the competition? Must identify something or someone.
Competitive Advantage - -what makes your product/service stand out from the rest? What distinguishes it from the
competition? Will this stand up over time?

Personal Criteria – Why are you the right person for this business idea? How did you come up with this idea? What excites you
about it? Is starting this business the right fit for you now? In the future?

Mini Research Projects for Business plan - 15%

Module 4 – Marketing overview

Provide a 1-2 page overview of the marketing issues for your potential business plan
This information should include target market, competition etc.
Module 5 – Organizational and Legal issues
Provide a 1-2 page overview of the organizational and legal issues that should be considered for your business plan
Look into state, local and federal issues for your business idea.
Identify the form of business ownership that should be considered
Identify a management team
Module 7 – Financing options
Provide a 1-2 page overview of your financing options
Research various financing options for your mini-business plan.
Look at debt financing, equity financing and any other financing you might be able to get for this venture

You do not need pro forma financials for this, but should identify your financing options and explain why those would work.

Final Mini Business Plan and PPT - 25%

This is based on the Business Plan Idea paper posted during module 2. This mini business plan assignment is a basic blueprint
for how to turn your idea into a potential business opportunity. This mini business plan proposal should be a maximum of five (5)
pages. It is not a full business plan (which would be 20-40 pages!). Your proposal should include the following sections

Executive summary (1 page max)

Market opportunity
Management Team

Participation in Weekly Online Discussions - 20%

A series of discussion questions will be posted during the course.

By registering for a web-based course, you have made a commitment to participate regularly with your instructor and other
students in online discussions. You will be expected to use online course tools (Discussions and Chat rooms) to interact with
your peers and work collaboratively to improve your understanding of underlying course ideas and issues.

To lessen the risk of losing your work, do not write major discussion postings directly into a discussion posting. Instead, compose
and check your work in other software (such as Microsoft Word) and then use the Create Thread button and paste your text into
the new posting.

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 Course Policies

Late Assignment Policy

You are expected to meet deadlines for all quizzes, examinations, assignments and discussions. Late assignments will be subject
to a deduction of 5% of the available points for every calendar week that the assignment is overdue.

If for any reason you are having difficulty keeping up with your coursework, be sure to check policies on Course Withdrawals and
Course Extensions.

Save ALL Your Work:

If you are enrolled in a School of Business and Technology degree program, please save your coursework, laboratory
assignments, term papers/projects, and assignments. These may be required as potential supporting documentation for projects
in your capstone course, including portfolios, exams, and presentations.

Late Quiz/Exam Policy

All quizzes and exams must be completed by the end of its designated module ( Sunday at 11:59 PM EST). Plan ahead and use
your time wisely. Be sure to begin your exam with enough time to complete it before the due date and time. You are responsible
for submitting your attempt on time.

Discussion Policies
Students are expected to write an initial post which responds to all aspects of the discussion and elaborates on course materials by
making connections between key concepts and ideas and/or through application to real-world contexts. Initial posts should
demonstrate critical thinking and be backed by evidence to support claims made within the post. To receive full credit, initial posts
must be submitted by Wednesday at 11:59 PM EST. This deadline for full credit is set to promote early engagement in discussions,
and to allow more time for interaction between students.

In addition to an initial post, students are expected to provide at least (2) substantive responses to other students’ initial posts.
These responses should add new ideas and/or advance the discussion by incorporating course materials and concepts or through
application to real-world contexts. Response posts should be submitted early but will be accepted up until the last day of the
module. No initial or response posts will be accepted after the last day of the module. Students who submit an initial post or
response post after the module will receive a 0 for the discussion during that module.

Permission to submit late discussions must be made in writing to the instructor prior to the due date for the discussion, and is
granted at the discretion of the instructor. If extenuating circumstances preclude prior notification, students must get in touch with
the instructor as soon as possible after a missed discussion. Students who do not meet the deadline arranged with the instructor
will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.

 Institutional Policies

Weekly course participation is required. Please see the Student Participation Policy (
policies/student-participation-policy-for-online-courses/) for more details.

Instructor Participation

Your instructor will:

Post a welcome message during the first 24 hours of the course.

Schedule real time office hours through the chat room and/or by individual appointment.
Communicate with you through the Learning Management System communication tools, including internal course messaging.
Respond to student communications within two days.
Log into the course to review and participate at least three different days a week in 15-week courses, or four different days a
week in 8-week courses.
Provide you with formative feedback midway through the course based on work submitted to that point.

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Grade all formative assignments within seven calendar days of each assignment due date in 15-week courses and within four
calendar days of each assignment due date in 8-week courses, and grade summative work within five calendar days after the
end of the term.


You are responsible for being familiar with all the policies that are related to your activity in this course. Complete information on
Excelsior College policies can be found in the Course Information area or by visiting the Excelsior College Policies page

All student work in this course may be submitted to plagiarism detection software. The reports from this software may be used as
evidence in support of disciplinary actions. Please see the policy on Academic Honesty (
policies/academic-honesty/) for more details.

 Additional Items
This course contains the technologies listed below. Click each link to view each technology's accessibility statement.

Canvas Learning Management System (

In some courses, you may be required to provide information such as a name and email address to log in to external websites. In these
cases, the privacy policy for each website is listed below. Click the link to view the privacy policy.

Canvas (

Technology Requirements
Please be sure to review System Requirements and Required Software (
software/). This is especially important if you are taking a course that contains any interactive components, such as games and

View more information about Disability Services (

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