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Viewpoint Synthesis Assignment Description

Showing multiple viewpoints and connecting them to your own your own view
Synthesis means “putting together.” In this Viewpoint Synthesis paper, you will flesh out
your own view on your research question in the context of what you have discovered
about other perspectives through your research. This paper is not a researched
argument or an objective report; rather, it is a brief overview of how your perspective fits
in the wider social conversation going on between three significant perspectives, ways
of thought and belief, about your question. All of your work in unit 3 is designed to help
you with this task.

1. 4-5 pages.
2. Identify and explain 3 views of your issue using sources to objectively explain
each perspective. Each viewpoint will have a claim and supporting evidence
(from your Research Journals.) Really, you are writing 4 short (1-page)
position summary papers each with a claim and supporting reasons.
3. Your conclusion of the paper will be your own view of the issue. It might be a
fourth perspective on the issue if you don’t fundamentally agree with any
perspective. Carefully contextualize your views with and against the research
you have found.
4. Use attributive tags (As Johnson argues… OR In contrast to Johnson….) to
situate your view amongst your sources

As you write, consider the following guidelines:

1. If you do not introduce your sources within your text, use parenthetical in-text
citations (Bramble 27) after any ideas or short paraphrases you use. Rely on
paraphrase and quote sparingly, but ALWAYS signal to the reader when you
are summarizing someone’s viewpoint. In order to avoid “armadillo roadkill,”
direct quotes ALWAYS require attributive tags (Johnson notes, “Blah blah
2. Remember that while this paper is meant to show you understand some of
the viewpoints of your issue, it is also meant to give you the chance for you to
stake out your own position.   Do everything in your power to be credible and
persuasive in giving your reasons for your position. Make sure to include
evidence that adds to your ethos and logos.

You must show at least three viewpoints plus your own informed viewpoint about your
Introduction: Give context and explain the issue.
synTHESIS statement: Summarize the views.
View One: Explain the position with supporting evidence. One source isn’t enough
evidence. Look for multiple sources to summarize the perspective.
View Two: Explain and support with a variety of evidence. (Ask your instructor if
personal interviews are appropriate sources!)
View Three: Explain and support with a variety of evidence.
Conclusion: Your view. Explain your perspective on the issue in relationship to the
other views and sources.

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