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1. Patient : I need a medical check up, can you help me?

Nurse : “Yes, of course. ……………?”

Patient : “Yes, you may. My name is Rita Sugiarto.”

What do you think the nurse is asking?

A. May I know your name?
B. May you know my name?
C. They may know my name.
D. He may not know his name.

2. Nurse : Good morning.

Patient : Morning.
Nurse : I am a nurse. What brings you to the hospital?
Patient : ……

How should Patient respond?

A. I am a patient.
B. You are a patient.
C. I am not breathing well.
D. You are not well.

3. You look …….

A. angry
B. pale
C. hungry
D. happy

4. You seem ……… with your neck.

A. Painful
B. rigid
C. tense
D. swollen

5. Among all the options below, what is NOT included as patient’s condition?
A. Pale
B. Bruise
C. Naughty
D. Rigid

6. Among all the options below, what is included as patient’s condition?

A. Torn
B. beauty
C. sleepy
D. suffocate

7. you seem to have problem with your…… . You look bent.

A. finger
B. head
C. back
D. muscle

8. Is your ……. feel uncomfortable? You look limp.

A. Leg
B. Finger
C. Mouth
D. Stomach

9. You seem ….. with your body.

A. happy
B. uncomfortable
C. sad
D. lively

10. what is the symptom of diabetes?

A. Often feel dizzy
B. Often feel happy
C. Often feel hungry
D. Reduced muscle mass

11. The laboratory is…. The nurse ward. You can go… the stairs.
A. Close, down
B. Above, up
C. Around, walk
D. Inside, run

12. To get from here to surgery, you ……. to wheel the trolley …… three wards.
A. Have, through
B. Go, around
C. Carry, past
D. Go, on

13. What is the right question for this answer of this direction. “it is on the left side of pharmacy”?
A. Where is the pharmacy room?
B. What is the nurse ward?
C. Excuse me sir. I am looking for the reception .
D. Is it mental hospital?

14. Where is the nurse ward?

A. It is inside the building
B. Go straight the third room from here, the nurse ward is on the lef t
C. It is on board
D. Walk from here to there

15. A snake bite can be….

A. Sick
B. Silly
C. Life-threatening
D. Angry

16. Receptionists make …… for patients.

A. Prescriptions
B. Beds
C. Notebooks
D. Wards

17. Go into the …… to get undressed.

A. Room
B. Pharmacy unit
C. Cubicle
D. Reception

18. Arms and legs are called ………

A. Legs
B. Arms
C. Limbs
D. Hands

19. Sometimes it is difficult to read …….

A. Treatment
B. Assessment
C. Prescriptions
D. Diary

20. The Nurse decides on the correct …..

A. Assessment
B. Life
C. Treatment
D. Operation

21. A triage nurse makes an initial …..

A. Appointment
B. Assessment
C. Treatment
D. Entertainment

22. The patient is …. to certain antibiotics.

A. Addicted
B. Allergic
C. Afraid
D. Scared

23. The surgery room is …… the pharmacy room

A. Inside
B. Outside
C. Next to
D. On

24. The maternity unit is….. the reception.

A. Above
B. Around
C. Down
D. Outside

25. “The labour ward is under this department, you can…. From here and go down the first stairs,
the labour ward will be… the toilet.”
A. Turn left, above
B. Turn left, inside
C. Turn right, next to
D. Turn right, outside

26. I would like to ……….

A. Train you
B. Ask your mobile phone
C. Collect your identity
D. Ask your demographic data If you don’t mind, please?

27. How to collect past illness data?

A. By judging the patient
B. By asking their phone number
C. By asking the kind of disease they have ever had.
D. By calling the patient

28. What does nurse usually ask to collect demographic data?

A. Name
B. Facebook ID
C. Name of parents
D. Size of dress

29. What is the wrong way to ask patient’s occupation below?

A. What is your occupation?
B. Do you have any academic title?
C. What is your title?
D. Are you married?

30. “I was about 17 years old”

A. How old are you now?
B. How old is this house?
C. How was your day?
D. How old were you when you got it?

1. How do you usually introduce yourself to the patient?

2. If the patient has a neck pain, what medical checkup will you suggest to the patient and how to
express that?
3. How many questions commonly used to ask demographic data of patient? What are they?
4. Make a simple dialogue about this situation: “The patient needs to go to the laboratories to do
the DNA test”
5. Make 2 sentences using preposition of place and movement.

Answer :

1. Hello, Good Morning Sir/Maam. My name is Marlinawati , I’ll be one of the nurses taking care
of you here. What can I do for you?
2. You seem to have a problem with your neck neck sir/maam. Based on the result of your medical
records, I suggest you to do laboratory test and x-rays examination.
3. a. Name
b. Age
c. Address
d. Phone
e. Marital Status
f. Health Insurance
g. Occupation and Title
h. Next of Kin
i. Reason for contact
4. Nurse : “
Patient : “

Nurse : Hello, Sir/Maam. How are you feeling today?

Patient: A bit better.

Nurse: That's good to hear. Are you still feeling sick?

Patient: yes, a little bit.

Nurse : Okay, for the result, It looks like you're going to need to go to laboratories to do the DNA test.

Patient: Should I? Where should i go, Nurse?

Nurse : Let me guard you

5. If you wanna take your medicine, you can go to the Pharmacy on the 2 nd floor.
You can walk across the loby and then you can turn right onto the toilet. The Pharmacy is on the

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