Ruvimbo R Mushaninga-Project Management (BM404)

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1. Explain what project management is and why it is different to other forms of management.

2. Explain how project management can be applied to your company’s projects.

Question 1.
Project management is the application of processes,knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to
a venture’s activities so as to meet that venture’s requirementsin the form of outputs, benefits
or outcome within set guidelines, budget and timeframe.This application is done through
planning, organising, leading and controlling a distinctive temporary endeavour, undertaken
to achieve intended objectives. Through proper management a project is said to be successful
upon reaching or upon fulfilling the aim for which it was undertaken.Project management has
processes that fall into five groups, these are what needs to be done inorder to manage the
work. The five groups help to properly manage complexity, resources and to use time wisely
these are project initiation, project planning, project execution, project monitoring and control
and project closure. Project management knowledge draws on scope, quality, cost, time,
integration, procurement, human resources, communication, risk and stakeholder
management. Although other forms of management are also concerned with these what
makes project management different is it brings a unique focus shaped by goals, resources
and schedules ofeach project and these are what make up the core of project management.

Project initiation
This is the first process of the project management. It defines and clearly articulates the
purpose for which the project is being undertaken for example building new hospital wards to
cater for more patients. When initiating, project values and feasibility are measured using
evaluation tools like business case document and feasibility study prior to committing staff,
materials and finances. Project management here means initiation is a planning tool which
should be specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time-bound and if used efficiently
can assist the project’s management plan a successful venture.

Project Planning
This is the project management’s way of providing direction on project implementation,
guiding the team andkeeping them on time and on budget. Itis the baseline that enables
management to monitor project progress to initial plans, estimates and forecasts. It also gives
guidance on ways to acquire finances and procure the required resources and determining the
fate of the project. With a sound plan the team has direction on producing quality outputs,
managing risk and suppliers, creating acceptance, understanding the cost, scope and
timeframe of the project and also communicating benefits to stakeholders.
Project Execution
Project execution is about deliverables that are on time, within budget and satisfying to the
quality requirements expected by customers and stakeholders for example constructing and
opening the new hospital wards with state of the art equipment and catering for all patients’
medical needs. Project management at this stage means mastering a specific set of behaviours
and techniques that will enable competitive advantage. The sole purpose of this is to
complete the work defined in the project management plan and to meet people objectives.

Project monitoring and control

This is the process of tracking, reviewing and regulating a project’s progress in order to meet
objectives conducted from the start of the project to the end for example doing constant
checks on the construction of the hospital wards to make sure more patients will be
accommodated and the available space is adequate for the required machinery to fit. The
management aspect is on the monitoring and control checks to see whether there are any
deviations from the intended outcome. This assists the project’s management to obtain
experts’ judgement, use analytical techniques and information systems to come up with
performance reports, change requests and updates on the project (Keizer 2017).

Project closure
This is the last process of the project management process groups, it involves recording and
evaluating project documentation, making final payments and completing the project.
Management at this stage is crucial in order to make sure that the finished project has been
delivered for example closure only happens when the ward building has been built and
completed. Management is also relevant at this stage to ensure communication of completion
is made to stakeholders and resources are released to other projects and the teams can move
on. Mistakes and successes of a project at closure can be used to build future stronger
processes and successful teams

Difference of project management to other forms of management

Other forms of management deal with the external as well as the internal environment of an
organisation, whereas project management primarily deals with the internal procedures of an
organisation that is the development of the project or service. Project management is different
from other forms of management in that it focuses on the management of a specific task
unlike operations management which focuses of the operations of the entire organization for
example finance, marketing and others. Other forms of management have processes and
functions that are composed of recurrent activities that are ongoing for the entirety of the
organisation’s existence and that generate the same product or service for example
maintaining roads or selling shoes. Project management however is a temporary endeavour
which has set goals that need to be achieved with allocated resources, within a given
timeframe and cannot be managed the same way as processes and functions.

To add on project management is central, unique, highly planned and unpredictable. Each
project has different aspects to manage, every requirement is different, stakeholders are
different and each project resource has different aspirations. Project management resources
are limited as compared to general management which is responsible for sourcing resources
necessary for the continuation of a function.Project management requires the use of teams
made up of personnel who are often assembled or borrowed from other business managers
like operations. Project management typically focuses on maximising productivity from
individuals during the entirety of the project whilst general management is more likely to
focus on long term relationship and personal development.

Finally the difference between project management and the other forms of management lies
within the scope of responsibilities aligned with each role and for project management the
scope includes the major milestones, top level requirements, assumptions as well as

In conclusion project management is the application of skills, tools, knowledge and

processes with the aim to produce a final product that will bring change beneficial to the
organisation which undertook the project with the given resources and within a certain period
of time. Processes like initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control and closure
best describe what project management is made of. Project management is also different from
other forms of management as seen by its lifespan.
Burke, R., (2003), Project Management Planning and Control Techniques, 4TH Edition, Wiley
and Sons: USA.

Cote, A., (2019), What is Project Management.

Kerzner, H., (2017), Project Management 12th Edition A Systems Approach to Planning,
Scheduling and Control, New Jersey:USA.
Shaffer, S.M., et al (2017), Project Management: A Managerial Approach, New Jersey:USA.

Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2® , 2017 Edition, TSO: United Kingdom

Project Management Journal,,( Accessed on 30 March 2020)


Explain how project management can be applied to your company’s projects.

Project management application is putting to use the knowledgeacquired, the skills obtained
and tools needed in order to come up with a specific project and fulfil that project’s
objectives inorder to reach set goals with a given budget and timeframe. Project management
can be applied to any project depending on the project size, nature and industry. Project
management can be applied to my company’s project by way of planning the project, keeping
the project on track and utilization of project management software.Successful project
management is achieved by the intelligent application of sound principles.

Planning the project

The success of any project begins with planning. Burke (2003) says planning enables the
project to be tracked and controlled to ensure it meets its objectives. Planning the project
involves components such as identifying the project, defining goals and objectives, defining
tasks, building a team, creating a timeline, getting feedback and adjusting the plan

Project identification involves choosing a project that best suites the long term goal of my
company. It sets outs a clear explanation of what the project is all about for example
expansion of office premises. After project identification follows defining goals and
objectives.These are what that project intends to do and how it is going to do it for example
bring in more income from letting out the expanded premises. This also involves coming up
with a long term plan for the company that is where it has been and where it is herding.
Setting up goals and objectives can be done with a team that can help give insight to some of
the questions that may be raised in coming up with goals.

The other part of coming up with a plan is building a team. When undertaking a project there
is need to come up with a team, these are a limited number people who will be responsible to
fulfil the objectives of the project. Their roles and responsibilities are aligned to the ultimate
goal of completing a successful project. The team should include a project sponsor, experts to
define the scope of the project, the project manager and the team members.
After building a team there is now need to define tasks. This involves defining tasks involved
to complete the project for example to expand business premises one of the tasks would be
procurement of resources that are within budget.

To add on planning as an application of project management in my company also involves

establishing the project’s timeline and milestones. A project should have an implementation
schedule and a delivery date. Tasks should be broken down and dates for tasks should be
scheduled so as to keep track on progress being made. Milestones also need to be taken note
and resolved.Getting feedback is also an essential part of project management. After getting
the initial plan there is need to seek feedback from team members, stakeholders and clients
before proceeding (Kerzner 2017).

There is also need to adjust the plan accordingly. It is normal to encounter obstacles when
undertaking a project. It is however better to think of problems earlier before they arrive
inorder to come up with measures to counter them. Being aware of the changes in the
unforeseeable future allows for flexibility to adjust and plan accordingly.

Keep the project ontrack

A clearly defined project plan is a guideline for the entire project but there is also need to
constantly review, revise and monitor the project. Keeping the project on track can be done
by scheduling regular intervals to check on the project, documenting progress, being flexible,
communicating with the team, addressing problems before they occur, providing direction
and reviewing and managing changes.

Scheduling time for regular intervals of checkingand reviewing the progress of the project
ensures that everything is in place and it is herding in the right direction. Constant checks are
also important for early detection of problems that may arise before the project is completed.
There is also need todocumentthe progress made. A successfully managed project documents
plans and progress. There is also documentation of work which helps in keeping track of
what has been done, the commitment and what needs follow up. It also helps to measure
progress against the set timeline. Documentation is also used for accountability purposes and
gives drive to perform better.Proper documentation allows for effective tracking, negative
outcomes can be dealt with by exploring other options this can be done through consultation
with team members (Adewumi 2014).

Not only that, being flexible also another component of keeping the project on track. Trust
for the team is of importance because the teams are the experts and they have the knowledge
and experience to make the project a reality therefore their suggestions need to be valued and
heard. Flexibility allows for sharing of ideas and innovation. Team members are able to learn
from each other all of which is a huge advantage when it comes to the success of the project.
Flow of information through communicating with the team allows for everyone to be in the
know, thus there is need for status updates and meetings so that everyone gets the recent
updates and are able to work on them for example movement of deadlines, shift changes and
change in deliveries and other factors that affect the project.Addressing problems before they
occur is also crucial in applying project management.Preparation for obstacles in advance
allows for solutions and measures of preventing future problems to be made beforehand. This
allows for the project to move on without setbacks.

In addition providing directionis the responsibility of the project manager to keep the team
informed and to make sure everything runs smoothly. This can only be done through
adequate provision of resources and information for the timeous completion of the task at
hand. Also reviewing and managing changes is important it involves reviewing progress
made, what has been done, what next steps to follow and whether the project is still on track
or plans that need adjustment. Project plan can be adjusted as well as the timeline and
objective basing on what the review has shown this can be done by using change

Utilization of project management software

Although a plan and adequate preparation maybe put in place there are bound to be some
problems along the way. Management can make use of some project management software
for effective organization and communication with the team as well as for the successful
completion of the project.

To conclude, my company can apply project management by ensuring that there is a plan in
place to undertake that specific project, keep that project on track and utilize project
management software. Project management should also go further in making sure that all of
the above are done correctly and at the right time inorder to achieve the set goals.

Adewumi, D., (2014), Applying Project Management in the Workplace.
Burke, R., (2003), Project Management Planning and Control Techniques, 4TH Edition, Wiley
and Sons New Jersey: USA.

Kerzner, H., (2017), Project Management 12th Edition A Systems Approach to Planning,
Scheduling and Control, New Jersey:USA.

Shaffer, S.M., et al (2017), Project Management: A Managerial Approach, New Jersey:USA.

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