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Variable Description


Variable name Description

Ethnicity Variable indicating the ethnicity (based on the name) of participant i
1: Danish-sounding
2: Muslim-sounding
3: Other
Male Gender-dummy for participant i
1: Male
0: Female
Main Dummy indicating whether participant i took part in the main experiment
Prod_followup Dummy indicating whether participant i took part in the productivity follow-up
Recog_followup Dummy indicating whether participant i took part in the name recognition follow-up
NoName_followup Dummy indicating whether participant i took part in the NoName follow-up
Info Dummy indicating whether decision maker i in the main experiment had information
about candidates’ round 1 productivity (treatment Info)
Prod_1 Round 1 productivity of participant i
Prod_1_vie Round 1 productivity of participant i in the days follow-up experiment
Prod_2 Round 2 productivity (of the team, if participant i worked in a team in round 2)
Prod_partner Round 1 productivity of participant i’s coworker in round 2
Prod_chosen Round 1 productivity of the candidate chosen by decision maker i
Prod_non_chosen Round 1 productivity of the candidate not chosen by decision maker i
Own_prod_2 Participant i’s productivity in round 2 (i.e. half of the team production if working in a team
in round 2)
Type Participant i’s type in the round 2 team
1: Decision-maker
2: Chosen (as round 2 partner)
3: “Forced” (into round 2 team), i.e. i was part of a team in round 2 but neither chose the
partner or was chosen by a partner
4: Alone
5: Worked only once
Type_partner Participant i’s partner’s type
1: Decision-maker
2: Chosen
3: Forced
Worked_with_chosen Dummy indicating if decision-maker i worked with his/her chosen partner in round 2
Prod_own Round 1 productivity of the candidate of decision-maker i’s own ethnic type (based on
Prod_other Round 1 productivity of the candidate of the other ethnic type (based on name)
Variable name Description
Couple Variable indicating the homogeneity of round 2 team
1: Homogeneous
2: Heterogeneous
3: Alone
4: Other
9999: No show/NA
Choice Choice made by participant i
1: Own type candidate
2: Other type candidate
3: Forced
Offer_day_1 Weekday offered for the first candidate
Offer_day_2 Weekday offered for the second candidate
Type_day_1 Type of candidate on the first day offered
1: Own
2: Other
Type_day_2 Type of candidate on the second day offered
1: Own
2: Other
Chosen_day Day chosen by decision maker i
Discr Dummy indicating whether decision maker i discriminated (i.e. chose own)
Timesworked Number of times participant i worked (1 or 2)
Productivity Dummy indicating whether participant i is eligible for inclusion in the estimation of the
team production function. Reasons for excluding includes participants not showing up in
round 2, participants/teams working less than 90 minutes because they had to leave early
(e.g. one person started to feel unwell, one person received a phone call and had to leave)
or in one instance working more than 90 minutes due to a malfunctioning alarm clock.
Prod_guess1- prod_guess7 Productivity guesses for male workers 1-7 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Prod_guess8- prod_guess14 Productivity guesses for female workers 1-7 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Prod_guess15-prod_guess20 Productivity guesses for male teams 1-6 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Prod_guess21-prod_guess26 Productivity guesses for male teams 1-6 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Act_prod1-act_prod7 Actual productivity of male workers 1-7 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Act_prod8-act_prod14 Actual productivity of female workers 1-7 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Act_prod15-act_prod20 Actual productivity of male teams 1-6 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Act_prod21-act_prod26 Actual productivity of male teams 1-6 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Eth1-eth7 Ethnicity (based on name) of male workers 1-7 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Eth8-eth14 Ethnicity (based on name) of female workers 1-7 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Eth15-eth20 Ethnicity (based on name) of male teams 1-6 in the productivity follow-up experiment
Eth21-eth26 Ethnicity (based on name) of female teams 1-6 in the productivity follow-up experiment

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