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Name Physical Social Intellectual Teaching Implications

Loved cricket, played the Newly arrived in Australia Confident in explaining his
BP sport during recess, and his first year at the justification when solving Promptings for the awareness of the
lunch time and after school. mathematical problems and academic and behaviour
school. Comfortable and proud to sharing his cultural experience expectations and noise level.
Often demonstrated share with me his with the class.
exemplary behaviour experience in migrating Enjoyed answering quizzes.
during lessons from India with his family Incorporated mine and his cultural
Math-unit of measurement
who were mostly were heritage in UOI teaching and learning
ZAD at 50% Year 5.5 level,
engineers and architects. materials and 21st century migration
ZPD 6.5
Often observed chose to reason of skilled migrant. Watch the
work alone during group riddles during eating time.
Sometimes talked too loud Commended appropriate and exemplary
during independent work behaviour to show the class what the
time. expectations look like

Enjoyed the 5-minute Enjoyed sharing smart jokes Enjoyed playing with words
LW brain break in the oval. with me and the class. and meaning of words. Included physical brain-break at the
Interested in volleyball Often sought time to share Careful consideration to oval between lessons and play silent
and handball some thoughts with me. share things regarding ball at the end of day.
Close with a few certain classmates and other
students and sometimes sensitive matter.
distracted by them. Informed individual teaching
Quick to understand new
strategies: Pairing seating strategies
topic particularly with new
and prompting a student to
participate in class discussions to
Strong willingness to
promote focus.
attempt difficult tasks.
Spent too long of time when Modelled concise reasoning and
sharing ideas, explaining guide LW’s elaborative answers with
reasons, or justifying specific and strategic questions.
Math-unit of measurement
Incorporated open-ended tasks as
ZAD at 54% Year 4 level, ZPD
differentiation to challenge and
extend ZPD in numeracy and literacy.
PAT test in English went
down by 1 point to level 5 for
spelling in 2021.

SC Enjoyed basketball, Preferred learning and Enjoyed hands-on activities.

loved PE lessons. working on tasks with a Loved being involved and Informed individual teaching
Legible handwriting. friend. doing the activities such as strategies: Pairing seating strategies
Enjoyed painting and doing experiments. and prompting a student to
drawing and loved Good level of spelling. participate in class discussions to
animals. Math-unit of measurement promote focus.
Very close with a few ZAD at 50% Year 2 level,
certain girlfriends in a ZPD 3.5 Planned playful learning experiences
class and often got PAT test Math went down that were hands-on and involves
distracted and off-task. from 8 in 2020 to 4 in 2021. everyday objects, multimodal
Easily got bored when Enjoyed answering quizzes. resources and interactive.
tasks were considered not Often sought for further
challenging. explanation after explicit Scaffolded her Zone of Proximal
teaching to the whole class Development (ZPD) in one-on-one
conferencing, and a brief mini lesson
with a small group, incorporated
open-ended tasks as differentiation to
challenge and extend ZPD in
numeracy and literacy.

to scaffold her Zone of Proximal

Development (ZPD) included one-on-
one conferencing, and a brief mini
lesson with a small group

VM (NCCD Often touch and hit Able to maintain With brief explanation and
plan-ASD) classmates body parts conversation and prompts, able to register Reinforced repetitive prompts to sit on
spontaneously. register ideas quickly. learning and solve Math chair appropriately to ensure safety
Often lied on the floor Enjoyed conversation problems promptly. and help to focus when working on
and read book when the in a gentle manner and Enjoyed reading graphic or task. Incorporated his cultural heritage
expectation was to work with soft voice. animated books. and others in the teaching and learning
on an assigned task. Proudly expressed his Math-unit of measurement materials.
Often asked for a one-lap origin from Zimbabwe. ZAD at level year 3, ZPD at
run at the oval to refresh Year 3. Differentiated teaching strategies to
his focus in learning. PAT test Math went down utilise his interests in reading and
Often asked to go to from 4 in 2020 to 1 in 2021. incorporate visual learning resources,
library to read and have PAT test in spelling went down modified tasks design and level of
a quiet space. to level 5 and up to 5 in challenge to ensure active participation
reading in 2021. and achievable learning success within
ZPD, dedicated own mini whiteboard to
draw/write ideas/responses.

Co-constructed agreement with

students when to organise a library
pass in. 15 minutes each visit, twice a
EB (NCCD Dyslexia and dysgraphia Confident in expressing her Confident in sharing her Informed individual teaching
plan-ASD) – difficulty in reading and feelings to me and the class thoughts and ideas during class strategies: seating strategies and
organise and express Close with JH and ME. discussion paired with positive learning student,
ideas in writing Shared with me about her Often went out with DLAs for assisted to scribe long sentences and
Poor eyesight, worn ‘stone’ family she shared specific literacy and numeracy difficult words in her book, modified
corrective lenses with JH programs and exercises task to be typed on laptop and
Kept trying and persistent online, ensured support and
Math-unit of measurement ZAD communicated the specific and
at level year 1, ZPD at Year F.5 required learning assistance with

ME (NCCD Dysgraphia – difficulty in Low attendance rate Math-unit of measurement ZAD Informed individual teaching
plan-ASD) organise and express Enjoyed hands-on activities at level year 3, ZPD at Year 3 strategies: seating strategies, assisted
ideas in writing and science experiments to scribe long sentences and difficult
Often asked to go to the words in his book, modified task to
‘Hub’ during be typed on laptop and online,
independent task time ensured support and communicated
the specific and required learning
assistance with DLAs

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