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An intense saga of dreams, hopes, hurts, truimphs and tears which last for years.

" Kiya aap mujh se mohabbat kar saktey hain ? "

Sentence was simple and yet so demanding, full of honest expectations.

He turned his head to see the innocent, young girl who sat on a stone bench with her chin
propped on her hands.
Despite of the serious nature of the question and sober look on her face, he couldn't stop himself
from smiling.

" What ? what did you say ? " His smile was very real, both lips and eyes took part in the

" I was asking, can you fall in love with me" ? She was a bit confused now. Ofcourse smile was
the least thing she was expecting from him on this question.

" Hmm, okay I guess you saw some indian love story movie last night, right ? " He tried his best to
give her a sober look.

Children, sometimes, are such difficult creatures to treat and deal with. Staring at the eight year old
Kashish, he thought.

" Noooo, this question came from my heart " She giggled. Slight movement brought her natural
golden brown silky curls over her forehead.
" Really? are you sure? well then let me tell you that our heart gives us many false, wrong ideas
sometimes, specially at your age heart is very uncertain about certain things. " He softly pushed
those beautiful curls away from her face.

" So you can't fall in love with me !! " This time her simple sentence and innocent facial expresion
didn't fail to make him laugh.

" Look Kashish dear, you're my very very cute little cousin sister so I already love you so much
okay? Besides, I'm whole ten years older than you, may be old enough to be your uncle. " He
touched her neat, firm nose playfully with his middle finger.

" But I'm not little anymore, please, why everybody calls me little, I'm whole eight years old
now" As usual her mood began to change at the common remark about herself.

" Okay my grandmother, you're very old, may be more than your parents and our parents, happy
now ? " He chuckled. Teasing this little bossy and moody girl, was one of his favourite hobbies.

And as he expected, her eyes became watery. This used to be the final limit of teasing. The truth
was that it was impossible for him to see tears in eyes of anyone of the both sisters.

" Hey Hey, crying is not allowed. I'm sorry baba. " He rose from his place and knelt down in front
of her, tying the lace of her shoe. As he did so, she looked at his shiny black hair with interest. At
the moment, he looked so cute to her that she wanted to reach out and touch his hair. Oh, she
couldn't think further.

" Okay I was kidding. Anyway, back to your question, I just dont understand why people always
talk about ' Falling ' in love , isn't there any way which could make people ' Rise ' in love? I mean
love's supposed to be very holy, sophisticated, spiritual feeling in our society , it should make
people rise you know. " He tried to change the atmosphere and the topic. He was not expecting an
answer for this question, it was just like talking to himself, and that was truth. He often used to
wonder about the quotation but never got an answer from anyone.

" Well, sorry cuties, I am sorry, that question was not for you, I would ask the question after like
ten years okay? I guess I'm already half an hour late for coaching." After checking his watch, he
was almost about to leave when a sweet, musical voice stopped him.

" Wait ", She raised her hand and motioned him to stop. From her expression, it seemed that she
was thinking something really deep. She was Kisa, elder of the two sisters.

" I know the answer " Kisa said energetically.

" For what ? " He was confused. This ultra-mature-for-her-age girl, with jet black eyes and hair
was very confusing at times. She was not a very beautiful girl with respect to her looks as
compared to Kashish.
Unlike Kashish's fair skin she had a wheatish complexion. Her simple black eyes didn't match
with light brown eyes of Kashish. Her black hairs were long but not straight, a bit curly too, a
sharp contrast to the long, soft and silky hairs of her younger sister. But her greatest features
were her sensible approach at such a young age of twelve, her manners and her neatness in dress
and acts. She was simply a neat and clean girl with mature thinking and nice nature.

" Your question Sameer bhai, that how can we ' rise ' in love. " Smile edging the corners of her
" Now I have a serious doubt that both of you have been watching lots of movies these days, this
is NOT a matter to discuss right now okay? We would discuss it when we all become mature
enough, I am sorry I ever inquired about Kashish's question. " He gave a concerned look to the
elder sister.

" By Sacrifice" Kisa was very determined to say what she had in her mind.

" Hmmm? "

" One can rise in love by giving sacrifice for love "

" What makes you think so ? "

" Look, we watch in T.V and read in news papers, on various national occasions like Defence Day,
Day that how much they appreciate those who have sacrificed their lives for Pakistan. How much
we all love them. How everyone salutes them. We all remember them now and then. We give their
relatives so much respect. I remember grand mother once told me that those who have sacrificed
their lives for our country, for the love theyhad for it, they now live in heavens, above all. It means
they have raised themselves above all, don't you think ? " Finishing her sentence, she looked
deep into his eyes with hope, like she wanted his confirmation for her opinion.

" Ohh, " A long breath escaped his mouth. She was unbelievable. At such a young age she had
resolved the mystery for him which he was trying to understand since so many years. Yes, this
was the answer he'd been waiting for so long.

" Yes , Kisa, perhaps you're right, you gave the best example for your logic and at such a young
age, great thinking , well done ! " He admired her happily and honestly.

" Thank you Sameer Bhai " Blushing, she lowered her gaze.

In the mean time, little Kashish had been the silent audience to this short but deep discussion.

" Oh, well we would discuss about it later, right now I have to be ready for the cricket coaching,I'm
already late"
He glanced at his wrist watch and began to put the sports stuff in his bag.

" Oouhmm, what are you doing, Sameer bhai stop her" Kisa's scream got his attention his

Kashish had grabbed some toys from Kisa's hands, pushing her aside. Kisa fell down on the
grass of the lawn from the

" Hey, Kashish, how bad you have become. Is this the way to treat your elder sister? He yelled. "
Learn how to respect your elders and others okay? Give them to me , here " Sudden interruption
made him angry. Kashish was really
possessive and bossy at times.

" She always takes my own things away, even steals them " Kisa's throat became tear clotted.

" Is she right , Kashish ? hey, come here, yes here, in front of me, and now look into my
eyes" Holding her soft, little hands, each in his own hands, he made her stand in front of him.
" Tell me is she right? Is Kisa RIGHT? " His voice became a little loud and uneasy.

This aspect of his personality was new for little, eight year old Kashish. Now, scared of him, she
put both of her hands on her face, hiding it away from him . This natural gesture involuntarily
washed off all of his anger. A simple smile came to his lips, which he turned off immediately.

" Look, Kashish, you are very good girl and good girls never, ever hurt others, even in play, okay
? and besides, you must remember that she is your sister too, an elder one. Always respect her,
my sweet cousin. " Holding her fair, pink wrists, he softly pulled them away from her face.

" Okay I hope this is enough for you but if you ever do such a thing again. Well then , I'm sorry to
tell you I would
leave your house" His sudden warning did more than enough to scare her.

" Oh no Sameer bhai, never please, she would never do anything like that again, please but you
don't leave us ever. " Kisa pleaded. Both sisters had been so used to his presence and
companionship that even the thought of him leaving them was painful.

" I promise Sameer bhai, I would always respect her and others. " The innocent, simple and
honest promise of little Kashish melted his heart automatically.

" Yes, my dear ones I would never think about that but cousins you must realize that we can't live
like this forever. " Looking at both of them simultaneously, he tried to tell them. " Each life has to
take its own course when the time comes. Now I have done my ' A ' Levels here in your city,
Karachi while living with you, in this beautiful house. Those last three years with both of you, with
uncle and aunty have been the best part of my life. But the nature of my father's job is very
uncertain with respect to place. He often gets transfer from one city to the other and last saturday
when he called, he told me that we might move even to abroad too if the management sends him
to the audit. "

" Abroad? but where? " Kisa was curious as always. But of them were now looking clearly
disappointed .

" Not sure, but most probably U.K or USA, as his company is establishing it's new offices there.

" Sameer bhai, would you forget us then" Twelve year old Kisa was curious about the future too .

" Hey what makes you think that, hmmm? I won't forget anyone, anything not even this beautiful
evening with my two cute, pretty , dear cousins and friends. " His smile was very reassuring. "
This bench, this big neem tree which often provides shelter to us. Under which we share so many
beautiful memorable moments, together. All of these sweet things are part of myself and how can
I forget myself, hmmm ? " He caressed her head with a gesture of affection and comfort.

" But who would tell us the stories then ?who would play with us, who would take us to those
amusement parks every week ? " Beautiful Kashish was almost about to cry.

" And who would be our all time friend ? " Kisa's condition was not much different from her little

And for the first time, Sameer felt like he had done some sort of mistake. Mistake of too much
involvement with these two little cousins of his. They'd been almost addicted to his company now.
His behavior and relationship with them was like a elder brother, a friend and may be more than
But what could I do ? He was helpless against his caring, friendly, sensitive nature. How can he
control his genuine, natural emotions in front of these two lovely, little creatures who happened to
be his dearest cousin sisters.

" Don't spoil your present by worrying about the unknown future. I'm here right now, with you two,
not going any where okay ? Now tell me how did you get these beautiful toys? He took the
beautiful hand made objects in his hands. A cute, small doll and a small hut.

" These toys are sand-made, Papa brought them from lahore " Kisa replied, caressing her hurting
forearm with the other hand.

" But I wanted him to buy electronic toys, like my friends have, made in Japan and
England" Kashish was not very happy.

" You know what Kisa and Kashish, " His voice was as gentle as a healing ointment. " These toys
are very cheap with respect to money, but they have something really unique, natural and original
. They are made up of ' sand' . Yes sand of our own, dear country, you can even smell the fresh
fragrance. The same typical smell which emits from the soft, light brown soil of our land,
whenever rain comes. " Sameer was saying in a kind, gentle voice and both sisters were listening
to him with keen interest and concentration.

" Okay time for ice cream, lets forget everything for a while. I guess Kisa it's your turn now, right?
" Sameer dropped the bag back on the ground. He had dropped the idea of coaching today, as
both of them were now in a sad mood and their happiness was more important to him than
anything else.

" Yes Sameer bhai, Vanilla is my favourite" Kisa smiled.

" Ohh nooooo, please not that " Kashish liked every ice cream except Vanilla.

" Well you can't do anything now hehe, its my turn now, last week we had to eat that bitter
chocolate snoop just because of you " Kisa teased her. Kashish's favourite ice cream was

" Yes Kashish she is right. Your choice comes next week now. Okay lets move quickly but first
both of you go back inside and get you cleaned up. In the mean time I inform Aunty. But please be
quick, tomorrow is your school too, so have to sleep early. " He took the keys out of the pocket of
his black trousers.

" Hey but wait, what about the home work, hmmm ? " Both sisters were about to rush into the
house when his voice stopped them. Slowly, they turned to face him, looking on the ground.

" So caught your theft again, but Kisa I was not expecting this from you too "

" Sorry Sameer bhai. " Ashamed, she kept her eyes downward.

" Okay, now both of you go and do your homework. I cancel the ice cream program today, we
would go tomorrow , insha'Allah " He put his sun-glasses back on his face.

Totally disappointed, they began to walk towards inside.

Normally he didn't use to change his decisions so quickly but this time, there was something,
some strange, unknown reason which changed his mind.
" Wait" He raised his hand and stopped them which surprised both of them. A feeling of triumph
tingled through their veins.

" Okay , I am forgiving you for the last time but no delay in home work again, okay ?"

" We promise Sameer Bhai " They chorused in joy, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

" And before we go, here's something to do " He smiled, and then holding their hands, he brought
them under the shadow of the huge neem tree. It was the same tree under which they were sitting
few moments ago.

" Hmm, so I thought why don't we leave some cute mark of our friendship here, hmm? even if I go,
you never cry okay? This thing will always tell you that no matter when and where we would be,
we would never forget each other." His deep voice was very matter-of-fact and reassuring as he
scraped at the thick stem of the tree with his sharp pointed key. Inserting the pointed end in the
stem, he first wrote Kisa'a name then his own and then Kashish's. All in one line, adjacent to each

" How's this " ? After he was finished with the process , he asked.

" Very memorable and great " Kisa smiled back.

" Thank you Sameer bhai " Little kashish was happy to see her name too.

Smiling then, together, they moved towards outside through the big main gate of their house.


Time is such a wonderful, weird and yet essential part of our lives which doesn't have any material existence and
yet it affects our lives on every scale. It's something which can be measured but is devoid of any weight, taste or
any physical property. It's something which is nothing and yet is everything. Time is very accurate, regular and
periodic but there are times, when it seems that time has passed very quickly especially those moments when we
have fun, when we enjoy, when we are happy, when we are non-worried and when we are young.

Making a pillow of his arms, he placed the back of his head over it and closed his eyes. It was
almost unbelievable when he thought about the last five years which he had spent in his uncle's
home. So much had been done. Now twenty, he was in his graduation course. Fourteen year old
Kisa was in her eighth class now, followed by ten year old Kashish in her fouth class.

It was just like yesterday when he'd come to meet his uncle's family from Islamabad. It was his
father's decision that he should complete his secondary schooling in Karachi. His father didn't
want disturbance in his studies due to their frequent postings from one city to the other, so after
discussing the idea with Sameer, he sent his only son to Karachi .

Salman Ali, brother of Sameer's father was a well-distinguished business man of Karachi. Very
much popular for his honesty and sympathetic approach. A very friendly and understanding
person. He and his wife welcomed him at their house with real love and affection and so did their
two friendly daughters, Kisa and Kashish.
Sameer smiled when his memory flashed back his very first meeting with them. After meeting
Kisa, he'd turned towards her younger sister, who happened to be the prettiest girl he had ever
seen. But at that moment, she looked very sad to him.

" Hey doll, you don't look very happy today " Looking into her eyes, he had asked.

" I don't think you really liked meeting me, I'm not as good as Kisa " She said, looking down on the floor.

" Hmmm, and what makes you think so ?" This girl looked very interesting to him.

" She is everyone's favourite" She told him, her tone filled with sheer disappointment.

" Really? why not you ? "

" Evey one likes Kisa, she is very wise and friendly. She makes friends so easily "

" But I like you too " He touched her nose. This cute cousin of his was just like a little, lovely doll.

" Really ? " Her big eyes became bigger .

" Yes, really, you're very cute and lovely, just like a cute doll made up of glass "

" Glass ? " Little Kashish was a bit confused now.

" Yes, very neat, transparent, inside is the same as outside, very sensitive too. It seems that if someone would
touch you with force, it would break you" He laughed.

And in response, her pink cheeks turned red. His eyes making Kashish feel as though he was looking right into
her mind and reading every single little thing that was hidden there.

" So you're going to help us in homework " ? She asked, looking at his face with interest.

" Yes , why not ? "

" And you won't punish ? " Kashish wanted to clear everything in the beginning.

" Why should I, as long as both of you do your home work regularly " He grinned naughtily.

" But what should I call you ? "

" Hmm... " He tapped on his chin for a while, like he's thinking some thing. " You can call me Sameer Bhai "

" Bhai ? You mean you're my brother?" Her eyes enlightened with the brightness of affection and sincerity. Yes,
she had always missed a brother. A protective, comforting elder brother who could help her in bad times.

"Yes , after all, elder cousins are like elder brothers, aren't they? He took a seat in front of her and crossed both
of his arms on his chest. Looking at this cutest girl with pure interest and likeness. She looked like a sweet,
younger sister to him. Sister, something he had always wished he could have.

" Oh I am so happy, you know I always wish I could could have a brother, who could protect me from everyone "
" See you finally got one. " He ruffled her soft, smooth hair.

" Sameer Bhai ! " As usual, they called from the other room on exact time. Their loud voice
brought him back to the present from the past. So many things were changing rapidly and
continously. But some were not.

"Hmmm like their homework " He glanced at his watch and smiled.

He threw the last glance on the book he was revising to teach them their new topic, and then left
for their room.


It had been a summer afternoon of thursday, a half day at their school. Kashish brought all of her
school friends to her home.

" See , this is my elder brother, Sameer Bhai. " She was telling every one with pride and joy .

Her friends were three girls, all of them were a bit older than her own age.

After he had gone, Kashish's friends gave her meaningful smiles and looks.

" Wow, your cousin is very cute and handsome you know. " One of them said, winking

" He is my brother, an elder brother and yes he is very nice. " Kashish smiled back.

" You're crazy. He is your cousin, you should realize this. A cousin is a cousin and a brother is a
brother, there is a difference. " Another girl said sharply.

" What do you mean ?" Kashish felt nervous, angry and confused, all at the same time.

" Nothing you stupid girl. You just keep considering him as your brother and some other girl
would take him away from you, okay ? " They giggled.

It was the first time when Kashish thought of Sameer in some other aspect too besides as her
elder brother. She, for
the very first time, sensed that she was searching for something , someone who chould be
everything for her. Not just a brother, but someone would always be with her, would never leave
her, would care for her in all the good and bad times.Yes, she needed someone, who could be
more than a brother for her.

Were they right ? If I keep considering him as my brother, someone would take him away from me ? " Flipping
pages of her poem book, Kashish thought.

One evening, when he was helping them in their home work, their mother entered their room
along with a very good- looking girl. She was of about the same age as Kisa's, hardly more than
fifteen. She had jet black bob cut hairs and her smile was one of the cutest smiles which girls
have at this age.

" Kisa and Kashish baita, meet Rida , your new friend, " Mrs.Salman smiled. " You always used to
complain about lack of girls here in our neighbourhood, see now here she is " Their mother
caressed the girl's head with loving gesture.

" Assalaam-O-Alaikum " Rida'a voice was no different from her personality. Very sweet and

" Wa-alaikum salaam " Kisa returned her smile and hugged her with affection. Her deep affection
for this new friend-to-be girl glowed with gentle light from her black eyes.

" This is my younger sister, she is eight year old so four years younger than me and this is our
cousin who is just like our brother. He is our friend, teacher and tutor too. " Kisa told her proudly,
looking admiringly at him .

" Assalaam-O-Alaikum, nice to meet you " Rida's style was very friendly and well-mannered.

" Wa'alaikum salaam, same here, I'm sure you all would have lovely time from now on. " He added
and returned
the greeting.

" Kashish Baita, you didn't say Salaam to her ? " Her mother gave her skeptical look.

As an answer, she turned her face away.

" Well I guess she is in a bad mood today, anyway so what do you do Rida and do you know our
names have the same meanings ? " Kisa took her hands in her own. To Kisa, this girl looked very
much similar to her own personality.

" Really? "

" Yes , Both words have the same meaning, a " Veil " . Kisa told her the meanings.

" Wow, that's amazing. I never knew that, I mean I do know about my name but didn't know the
meanings of Kisa"

" Well the good thing is that now you know " Kisa smiled.

" Hehe, yeah sure that is a good thing, I am in class eighth"

" What a co-incidence , our grades are same too " Said Kisa, excitedly. But their names and
educational levels were not the only things they shared. Kisa and Rida both shared similar
interests, hobbies, even natures and manners too which obviously made them real good friends in
no time at all. Very soon Rida became the fourth member of this little group. Sameer liked her too.
There was no reason for not liking this wonderful girl with so much understanding and friendly
nature and nice ethics. Now, Rida was an essential part of their gatherings, outings and picnics.

The only one who didn't seem to like her and who was really disturbed by her was Kashish. For
some strange reason she couldn't get free and frank with her. Though Rida's behavior to her was
the same as she had for Kisa and Sameer, but there was something wrong on Kashish's side. Her
small talks with Rida didn't go forward than the formal " Hello, Hi and then bye "

For Kashish, Rida was an interrupter who had disturbed their happy personal lives.


" Hey cousins I've bought these for you " Sameer put the gift packs in front of the sisters.

" Hello everybody, am I interrupting anything ? " Rida's face appeared at door of their T.V lounge.

Hearing her voice, Kashish's whole being became poisonous, mean while Kisa was busy in
opening the packets.

" Oh no Rida, we were just checking these new gifts from Sameer Bhai " Kisa assured her with

" Ohhh WOW, how lovely they are, " Kisa screamed with joy . There were two expensive Kurta
Shilwar suits with matching Dupattas.

" This royal blue is yours and pink is Kashish's " Sameer distinguished the gifts while giving one
to Kisa.

" Pink one is really nice. " Rida praised the outfit.

" It's not, I don't like it " Kashish said coldly. Pink colour was her favourite but now after Rida had
praised the suit, how could she praise it.

" Did you like it Rida? " He asked her.

" Yes, very much "

" Okay, you take it then, I would buy some other for Kashish, as she likes "

But the next moment surprised and shocked all of them.

All of a sudden, Kashish grabbed the packet from Rida, leaving her dumb at her place.

" What does that mean. You just said you don't like it ?" Sameer was shocked like every one else.
He didn't like this act of hers. Infact didn't like her at all behaving so badly.
" But it doesn't mean that I would not take it " This aspect of hers was totally new for Sameer.
Until now, she had
been very kind and well mannered girl in front of him.

" It's okay, after all you bought it for her " Rida didn't show a feeling or an expression and took a
biscuit from the

The atmosphere of the room was tensed now. Not a word was spoken since the last few minutes.

" Hmm, so what about the icecream? " Atlast Kisa broke the silence.

" Oh yes, Sameer bhai please " Rida begged too.

" Umm okay but its prayers time, you wait here I'll be back in a moment "

When he returned, Kisa and Rida were ready but Kashish was not there.

" Where is Kashish ? "

" She is in her room, I guess she's not feeling very well " Kisa replied.

Confused and worried, he knocked at her door which was already partially open. He opened it and
saw her lying on the bed.

" Okay now get ready for the Icecream, Kashish. Hurry up, we are about to leave" He instructed
her to change but her voice stopped him at the silhouette of her room.

" I'm not going " Her voice was filled with an angry tone.

" What? why? " Astonished, he put his hands on his hips. Kashish's behavior was getting worse
and worse day by day.

In an answer, she turned her back to him, never leaving the bed.

" Kashish this is enough. I have been observing you in last couple of months and sorry to say,
you have been really
bad in all of these days. You don't treat anyone nicely. What's the problem with you, hmm? " He
got near her, at the moment he was really angry on her behavior. She was getting out of control,
he wanted to know the cause for all of this.

" Kashish, here, look into my eyes " But instead of that, she put both of her hands on her face,
hiding it from him

" I'm asking something Kashish. " His voice was much louder this time as he repeated with
questioning surprise.


Still no answer.
And this really made him mad. He grabbed her hand, and turned her towards himself. But what he
saw melt his heart. There were tears running on her pink cheeks. Her nose was almost pinkish red
now. The sight did effect him but still he kept his tone a bit harsh.

" Now why're you crying? " As usual, like he used to do whenever trying make her understand
something, he took both of her wrists in his hands. It did make her feel comfortable.

" Look Kashish, this is not fair. " His voice was soothing, his touch was comforting. His nearness
was satisfying.

" See everyone around you loves you. All of us are very much concerned about you. If you have
any sort of problem then we want to know, but you just can't keep ignoring everyone here. You
don't talk nicely with your sister now and even with Rida too, you actually treat her very badly.
She is whole four years elder than you , your sister's friend and besides that she is a very nice girl
too." He told her gently in a slow, soft voice.

This sentence set her off.

" Yes she is very nice. The only bad girl in this whole world is me. I know her very much. She is
stealing everyone from me. She is a a bitch, a WITCH" Her language surprised and shocked him at
the same time. His anger returned.

" Why? hmmm? you've got to tell me WHY? why do YOU dislike HER so much ??? " Only now did
his control slip. He shouted, shaking her wrists. Her weak, sensitive body swayed from one side
to the other but he didn't lose her hands.

" Because YOU like HER " Atlast she yelled, hysterically.

The sentence was very simple but for him it turned out to be very weird, strange and shocking. At
first it was difficult for him to understand but her expression made it easy. Her eye lashes bent on
her cheeks, her face red. She was stealing her eyes from his.

Tired and hurt. For some strange reason, he felt tired and hurt. Softly, his hands left her wrists. As
soon as he disengaged his hands from hers, she fell back on the bed on her back like his hands
were the only support for her to stand. Slowly, he walked towards the door. Stopping there for a
moment to look at her for the last time and then left her alone.

She watched his response through her thick dark lashes. She didn't move from there for a long
time. Lying in the
same position, her mind and heart was full of thoughts and worries.

" I made him angry. Wwhat would happen now?? I am really sorry Sameer bhai but I couldn't help myself. I
can't answer you Sameer bhai. Even I don't know even about myself now, how and what am I supposed to behave
with others". A pearly tear made its way from the corner of her eye and absorbed itself in the bed
sheet. She wiped her eyes with her dupatta and closed her eyes.

Taking it as a usual, common, temporary infatuative childhood crush sort of a thing, Sameer
forgot the incidence in next couple of days but it was unforgettable for her.

He began his usual daily routine again. Helping them with their home work, talking, playing with
them, taking them
to places. He just became more careful in his behavior with Kashish as he didn't want her to get
hurt by any of his act or comment. Too much involvement creates those inner feelings which
could hurt real hard later, he knew this. But still they enjoyed all of those golden days of their
lives, extracting all the wonderful moments which life had to offer, wishing that such days would
never pass away.


But those days passed very quickly and never came again. Very soon, he was saying goodbye to
all of them.

" Aunty take special care of Kashish's studies. You know she is very weak in maths. " He told
their mother with a look of concern . Mrs. Saima Salman smiled, nodding her head. It was true ,
though they were the parents, but sometimes it seemed that he was more aware of Kisa and
Kashish than anyone. More closer to them, aware of their natures, acts, and even feelings too.

" And son you take care of yourself too. I am sure you would enjoy the environment of Lahore.
Pretty populated but has all the qualities of a big city . " Mrs.Salman said, keeping her hand on his

" Yes, infact I was waiting for that since my childhood, but as you know my father never got a
transfer in Lahore until now. " He smiled back.

" And Uncle, " He turned towards his father's brother. " Don't forget to take them to Icecream
every week and to amusement park too "

" Well, though the duty is tough but I promise " His uncle smiled. " Have a good journey. I am sure
you are going to enjoy in your home after all those five years. Your parents would be so happy to
see you there living permanently
with them. But here, we would miss you, all of us are going to miss you alot "

" I would miss you too , Uncle and Aunty. " He smiled sadly.

" And don't you ever worry or cry Kashish. I would send a lot of gifts to both of you, okay?
" Sameer turned to face the the sisters now.

" We don't need gifts, we just need you to be here, with us " Kashish was practically crying. Her
little nose turned red, tears were flowing constantly on her pink cheeks.

" I wish I could do that, but I can't, sorry my dears "

He sat in front of them, on his knees.

" You are very courageous Kisa.... very calm and patient, and girls like you never give away. They
fight with every kind of circumstances they face and try to overcome any obstacle they get in their
way to make others happy. " He looked deep into her black eyes. " I expect the same from you.
Promise you would not cry ??

In answer, she tightly closed her eyes and yet a tear squeezed its way through her lashes.
" And hey you you naughty, bossy girl, you have to make a promise too " He softly took Kashish's
right hand in both of his own. Her small hand felt very cold in his warm hands. Looking into her
eyes, he tried to smile. But this time his smile didn't do justice with what he felt inside. It was not
an honest smile, as only lips took part, eyes and heart didn't.

" Cousin you have to promise too, you would never fight with Kisa, would never let her get hurt,
okay? May I have your precious promise young lady ? " His throat became heavy and hurting, as
he swallowed the invisible the lump.

Kashish nodded, chewing her lips. It was simply a height of the patience for a girl of such a young
age and sensitive heart. She stood there, her nostrils flaring in and out rapidly and her lips
trembling, like they wanted the permission
to say thousands of unspoken words. She was trying her best to keep herself calm and silent. But
the thought of him leaving them for an unknown duration was unbearable. So much hurting and
painful. Her heart wanted to cry with
all of her might. Her whole being itched and craved for the release of those emotions and tears
she was trying to stop. She tried her best but the when she sensed that the final limit of her
patience was near, she withdrew her hand from his and ran inside, leaving all of them.

" Sir, we are becoming late. Your father told me to report at five p.m sharp. " Driver reminded him,
opening the back door of black honda accord.

" Okay Uncle and Aunty, take care of yourself, may Allah be with you all to protect and bless you,
Allah Hafiz. "

The scene imprinted itself in the memories of three minds and hearts. As his car moved, things
began to move with time, like a passing wave in a slow motion. Mrs.Saima Salman was the first
one to wave her hand, saying him good bye. Then as his car moved forward, he crossed his uncle
and then Kisa. She was smiling at him, with her hand up but heart down.

His car finally left " Salman Villa". Slowly, everything began to disappear, partly because of the
gradually increasing distance and, mainly because of blurring of his vision due to thin film of
tears which formed in his eyes. The last thing visible was their common companion, containing
mark of those old, beautiful days and memories, the big, old neem tree .


" Nice butt man, she really is some pretty tight piece of ass, that's all what he said about me, haha.
" Laughing, the blonde woman in the Mercedes convertible pulled into the strip mall and parked in
front of the small cafeteria. Both the car and the women themselves looked out of place in this
rather seedy section of Miami.

" Well Linda, this guy Tom really sucks, he makes me sick. We should rather call him a peeping
tom " The other gorgeous woman pulled herself out of the car from the next door.

" Oh come on Kiran, he was just praising me, after all, all those daily two hours at gym deserve
something from guys. "
" You bet Linda, eh? well if he ever tries to do something weird I am really gonna call the cops.
" Kiran gave her a concerned look as they both found a place to sit at the corner of this relatively
silent and calm cafeteria.

Most Miami cafeterias traditionally were noisy and crowded at noontime, and Kiran was grateful
when Linda decided to drive over to base cafeteria instead.

" He's too mushy to do that you know, those who bark, never bite, remember " Linda giggled and
took a long white cigarette from an expensive golden case and offered it to Kiran who sat down
beside her.

" Okay so, what else " Kiran asked, putting the cigarette between her full, maroon lips.

" Nothing, you know Kevin asked me out yesterday but I declined " Linda said and ordered black
coffee with chicken sandwiches.

" For a chip chop date ?" With a loud sound of " Click ", Kiran opened her lighter and bent her
head slightly to show the flame to the fore-end of her cigarette.

" I guess no, a real one. I'm afraid it would finally end up with us sharing a bed " Linda said, lost in
deep thoughts.

" You want him so much ? " She blew a thick puff of smoke.

" Well he is handsome, rich, tall, dark and sexy. A son of a big political dynasty in America. I really
love his taste in cars and dogs, what else do you want ? " Linda winked at her, biting her

" Well he looks more the rock impresario or the drug dealer than a successful business man. I
always knew that
sooner or later he's going to make a pass at you" Kiran chuckled. " And I'll lay you odds that he's
the kind that loves 'em and leaves 'em. "

" Besides, I like his company too and by the way I remember he has some really cool paki friends
too. " Linda smiled lively, ignoring her comment.

" Oh, You mean Amir ?" Keeping the cigarette in her left hand, Kiran raised the coffee cup in her
right one.

" Yeah the same guy with moustaches. He's quite a man, isn't he ? " Linda gushed as she took a
few stabs at her salad with her fork.

" Yes, he is a good guy as he's not a typical Paki, he was born and bred here in states. I like his
open mindedness. I guess I could consider him for an initial chip chop but not anything more
unless I'm ready and determined for my future." Said Kiran, pausing to take a sip of her coffee.

" Okay, I'm not saying that go and sleep with him. I know you're saving yourself for THAT day ,
hehe " Laughing,
Linda gave her a deep look. Finished with her salad, she started on her french fries.

" Yeah, I am a proud American but that doesn't mean that I'm like the majority. This girl of yours is
some what different from others around her " Letting out a long breath, Kiran picked up the cup
and stared into the black liquid.
" I know, so you would marry a muslim paki guy born and raised here in U.S, right ?" Linda took a
bite of sandwich followed by a warm sip of coffee.

" Yes probably , plus he shouldn't have that " Mom's Slave " attitude. I hate those paki hubbies
who prefer their moms over their wives. I want a free life, a separate home. " Kiran shrugged her
beautiful hairs with a care-free expression, a heavy mass of hair spilling over one shoulder.

" Well trust me Kiran, these paki and indian guys really piss you off, would you admit that baby ?
" Linda laughed in
a funny mood.

" Piss off is such a little word. These typical paki guys actually make me sick. Conservative,
backward, biased towards women..... piece of crap , act and behave like a poor villager you know,
speak flawless english. I already have to face Dad's relatives very often and that's been some
really bad experience for me. " Kiran's tone was very bitter and harsh, even Linda noted it.

" Hey hey, it's too much. So I get the impression you don't like Pakiz, right ? " Linda seemed to
enjoy teasing her best friend about her sensitive point.

" Well to be honest, I don't dislike them. Actually, I hate them " Kiran said in a straight, plain

" Haha, well said, I accept some of them are pretty hard and arrogant to deal with. " Finished with
the coffee, Linda took her purse out.

" Wutever, I don't care " Kiran took another thick puff of tobacco, smoke forming a long white line
in front of her lips.

" But your parents also moved here from Pakistan if I'm not wrong ? " Linda raised an eye brow,
wiping her mouth with a paper napkin.

" Yeah they did, and I am happy they moved here. Now we are Americans not Pakiz , and please
change the topic now, enough of this crap ! " Kiran took a last, deep sip of the coffee.

" Okay so what are you upto now? Finished with the assignment? " Linda glanced at her watch
and motioned her to move.

" Ooops, shit, just forgot that " Kiran replied helplessly,

" You always do, what was the topic anyway ? " Linda smiled.

" Ummm, Intergenerational effects of Intercontinental migration " Kiran laid her napkin aside and
picked up her purse.

" OMiGod, sounds deep "

" I guess so but gotta figure it out soon. I'm gonna search for the material from every source. But
I'm not the only one working on it, Professor Hudson asked whole of the class to make the same
assignment." Kiran's voice was now filled with a tone of determination.

As both of them got into the car again, Linda backed her car toward the outside way.
" Hiya Anita ? " Linda pointed her hand towards an indian girl, who was walking on the nearby

" Oh Linda, Hi there " She waved back with a joy of recognition.

" We're leaving for university, what about you ?" Kiran asked her, opening the door for her.

" Same here, " She smiled, as she sat beside them.

" Busy busy eh, what brings you over here ? " Anita threw a simultaneous glance on both of them.

" Umm not much for now, we were just having some lunch" Linda replied, turning the car toward
the main road.

" So where are you staying these days ?" Kiran asked.

" At the dorm. I can't afford a separate residence you know, plus it's nice to have uni at the
walking distance " Anita turned her head to look at the huge and high palm trees growing along
the big broad street in the heart of Miami.

" Hey I have been hearing lotz of rumours about some new comer, what about this new chick in
class anyway" Kiran changed the subject.

" whooofff.... oh yes dat guy is da bomb you know, he really rocks. " Anita replied excitedly.

" Rocks my sweet ass " Linda giggled.

" What? Do you know him, sounds like I'm the only one who doesn't know about these new
happenings " Kiran was bit astonished now.

" Nopes, just heard something that there is this new asian guy in our class. He is really hands,
dashing in addition to his rude, hard guts you know " Linda told them with interest.

" Yeah very rudy and stubborn, doesn't even shake hands with girls and stuff you know " Anita

" He sounds like some FOB " Kiran smiled thoughtfully.

" What's that" Anita was confused about the abbreviation.

" Fresh Off the Boat, sweety, means new in U.S. " Kiran smiled again, her emerald green pools of
eyes adding beauty to her already ultra-beautiful face.

" I don't think so, I guess he came here after transfer from some other state, hmm I guess from N.J
or Pennsylvania
but he sure moved. " Anita was one of the most informative girls in her circle, a class colleague

" N' just what the hell he wants now ? " Kiran was curious.
" Dunno .... just planning to place his feet here. But he sure is a genius. But I wonder why did he
choose Sociology
as his major in masters " Anita narrowed her eyes, recalling.

" Anyway enough of him. Please turn on some music. This has been a tired and tough day. Very
hot too " Kiran dabbed at her hot face and neck with a refresher pad and then repowdered her
nose and added a touch of fresh lipstick.

Linda inserted a C.D in the player.

" Wow you made my day Linda ' Can I touch you there' , I just love this score " Kiran exclaimed

" It's Micheal Bolton, golden hits ,

" I always wonder which place he's referring to by " there " in this song " Anita chuckled.

" He's really cool and so is the song "

" I prefer Brian Adams and Ricky Martin though. Did you hear this livin'la vida loca? God I love
that song" Said Anita, amazed.

They listened to the music, enjoying the moments. It was only after a few minutes that the big sign
of Florida International State University made them remember what they were up to. Linda moved
the car towards the parking lot.

" Oh Gosh I'm already late for the class and have to meet Professor Hudson first, well have to jet,
so later aligator ,
see ya guys, tata. " Kiran took her purse and got out of the car but remembering something she
suddenly turned
back, now facing them again.

" What happened? " Linda gave her a concerned look from the driving seat.

" Nothing. Hey Anita, you didn't tell me this guy's name ??? " For some strange reason, Kiran was
curious to know
his name.

" Umm not sure but something like sus...mmmm, oh yeah I remember now. It's Sameer ......
Sameer Hasan "

Bus...... Tum Ko Paana Hai

( Part 2 )

To know what's love .... Experience it personally

" So guys, the theme of our today's presentation was based on the same matter. There are lots of
practical examples of this sociological fact that every third generation of any immigrant individual
or a community becomes totally intermingled in the culture of that locality / country which they
occupy. " Professor Hudson softly tipped the middle of his glasses with his index finger.

" Also my fellows, colleagues and students, if anyone of you has any kind of question about the
matter I just presented, feel free to ask. " Professor threw a detailed look over hundreds of people
sitting in the huge seminar hall of the Florida International State University. The hall was two-
thirds full at the moment.

This hall was reserved for various meetings, seminars, presentations and other important official

" Can you please explain it further with some examples ? " Linda was the first one to ask the

" Sure Linda , ummm....lets suppose some Mr. Ram and his wife are residing in a big, rich-in-
culture asian country like India. Now due to some " Push " and " Pull " types of Socio-Economical
factors he leaves his motherland India and decides to live in some well developed, modern
country like England. Obviously they would face much different atmosphere, traditions and
culture there. Then the process of Socio-Economical transition would start. In this transitional
period Mr. and Mrs. Ram would be regarded as the very first indian representatives in their
language, clothing, cultural habits and traditional approach. Now, gradually with time, some
factors would definitely alter some of their things and with time their grand children, being
completely born and raised in the U.K, would defintely have many things different from them,
specially regarding culture and traditions. Though what won't change will be their genotype and
phenotype, I mean physical structure and genetic composition. " Professor Hudson gave his point
of view in long but clear sentences.

"Jesus, it's deep, Isn't it ? " A brunette from the front rows translated the feelings of majority
which was attending the presentation.

" I don't think so Julia, " He turned his face to the brunette. " It's very simple actually. See, Mr.Ram
and his wife came to live in UK from India, okay? They can read and speak Hindi very fluently as
they passed a pretty big part of their lives in India. Mrs. Ram always wears Sarhi or some other
pure indian dress, she never wore any western cloth like skirts or trousers. Infact she doesn't feel
comfortable in these cloths and thinks that such cloths expose and reveal her body. Similarly
both of them are well aware of their customs and traditions. Mrs. Ram is a pure house wife,
doesn't want to do a job unless there is a need. " At this point Professor stopped to take a breath
and then began again.

" Now after an year, this couple gets its first offspring. A son, then after an year a daughter. At this
stage, Mr. and Mrs. Ram decide that they would try their best to transfer their religion, customs,
culture and traditions to their children in its original form. And they do try their best but every
living form is different from other and requires specific environment, climate and conditions to
grow up in it's original form and needs special care for it's maintenance. They might try their best
to give eastern atmosphere to their kids at the home but when their kids would go to an English
school, they would meet with british kids who have western culture. Western culture, which has
many things which are supposed to be prohibited in the eastern society. But Mrs.Ram's kids
would hear, see and observe all those things for the first time through their british class fellows.
Naturally and automatically they would adopt many things and would do many other things too
because every body else would be doing those things . Is it clear? " He questioned, searching for
any questioning hand or voice but the general silence indicated that his message had been

" Now, after like thirty years of their migration, the grandchildren of Mister and Mrs.Ram would be
pure British citizens. Not just in papers but in acts, manners, language, acts, clothings, behaviour
and many traditions too. " He finally completed the last of his sentences.

" Professor, I'd like to ask about what you just mentioned. I mean you said there are pull and pull
factors which force an individual or a family to migrate. What are these Push and Pull Factors ?
"Linda was very much curious like everyone else.

" These are the well known terms which are used in the subject of community sociology. "
Professor took off his glasses, rubbed them gently with the tissue paper, then wore them again. "
Pull " factors are the conditions, matters, circumstances and attractions which pull an individual
or a family " towards" a better present and future. Like, for example luxuries and facilities of
United states of America, it's peaceful atmosphere, feeling of protection, money and other
attractions like that. All of these are " PULL " factors. You got it ? " Professor Hudson pointed
towards Linda.

" Yeah, thanks and PUSH factors ? " Linda nodded.

" It's exactly the vice versa. Those conditions and circumstances which push an individual or a
community "away" from a worst present and future. Like for example lack of facilities in some
third world country like Pakistan, terrorism, its inscure atmosphere, poverty and repulsions like
that. All of these are called as " PUSH " factors. " Finishing his sentence, Professor Hudson finally
took a long breath.

" Wow, still sounds deep but interesting. " Julia muttered.
" But Sir what about their ethical behaviour and religious approach? I mean how this migration
affects an individual or a family on a religious scale ?" This time it was a male voice, from the
back rows. It turned every head towards its direction.

" Well that's tough to answer. It actually depends on the family but still I would say that
atmosphere would definitely affect their thinking and approach towards daily life matters and even
religious too, not necessarily in negative way though. " Professor said, lost in deep thoughts.

" If you allow, I can explain it on the basis of religious approach too " The same confident voice
gripped every one's attention again.

That was something totally unexpected in this presentation. Professor Hudson, who was almost
about to wind up the projector and transparencies from the table on the stage, turned to face this
guy who had his place somewhere in the back seats.

" May I have the pleasure of your introduction boy? It seems I never saw you in my class before.
" Professor's astonishment was real and natural.

" Oh sure Professor, I am Sameer..... Sameer Hasan. I am originally from Pakistan. Just done with
the transfer procedure from Kent State University to here. So I am sort of a new at your place but
not in the subject though. " His smile was breath taking and so was his accent and tone.

" Well this presentation was basically a solo kind of presentation. If other people don't object, I
don't have any problem with any one taking part or proceeding this interesting discussion further
."Professor Hudson shrugged his shoulders and threw a detailed look over the audiences but all
of them were silent.

" Well I guess no one has an objection in hearing your point of view so it would be great to hear
you providing you respect all the religions and cultures and want to hear others too. " Professor
Hudson gave him a questioning look.

" Oh sure, I am very much willing to take part in such discussions. " He smiled.

" Okay, so you can come over here and explain, okay guys it's over to Sameer now. " Professor
moved from his place , inviting him to the stage of huge and wide seminar hall.

As Sameer left his seat, every eye rose towards him. He had the good looks of a model and wore
his clothing like one. Dressed in plain, fitting, half sleeved, simple white cotton shirt and black
trousers, he emerged from the back rows and took the charge of the presentation. His neatly cut,
sleek, shiny black hair style was the second external thing one noticed about him after his perfect
male height and strong broad shoulders. His body was powerful and well proportioned. His
straight black hair was combed back, wet and shiny, his olive freshly-shaved skin stretched
glowingly over high cheek bones, a cleanly cut jawline and strong nose. His luxuriant mane
telegraphed his attitude. No one told him what to do or what to think.

"Jesus, he's hot " Diana gasped . She was popular to have a " thing" for indian guys.

Now every eye was on him. Those glances and stares at him were loaded with interest and
expectation of what was about to come.

" Thanks Professor, for giving me the privilege of being here to present what I have for this
sensitive and significant topic. I am not here to argue with anyone. Infact I totally agree with you
on what you said about this migration philosophy. I just wanted to explain it from my personal
point of view in the light of the culture, traditions and customs of the region and religion to which I
belong. "Sameer began in a calm voice and balanced accent. "Actually I just wanted to evaluate
your presentation in the light of my own religion Islam which is the most rapidly growing religion
in America now adays. " Sameer added.

" Sure Sameer, carry on. " Professor replied, taking a seat adjacent to his fellows.

" Thank you so much Professor. In our religion Islam, every one has a basic right to act and
behave in a specific islamic culture. But at the same time, being a very neat, clean and well
organized religion, Islam wants its followers to obey its certain rules which ofcourse are benificial
for them. I won't call those rules as " Restrictions" , I would call those rules as " Discipline ". Like
in a strong army you have certain rules to keep all the soldiers or followers united and organized.
Islam gives every one a complete, pure, special and unique life style, a model protocol to spend
life and balanced rights and places to both sexes in the society. Islam also respects every one's
originality and promotes a typical holy and secure culture " Sameer said.

" But Islam is not our topic today " Professor frowned.

" I know, but I am making a ground for what I want all of you to understand. " Sameer smiled

" So, for example, Islam gives a separate and dress for men and women, fulfilling all the needs.
Islamic culture doesn't allow free intermingling of both sexes, unless they are not related, to
decrease chances of social crimes and problems. Like shaking hands with opposite sexes is not
allowed in our religion. " Sameer presented his opinion.

" Why ? the logic? I mean why your faith stops boys and girls to shake hands with each other ? I
don't see anything wrong in doing that. " This time it was Mrs.Lisa, another member of the staff.

" Can I ask why American health services advise in their so called "Sex Education " that boys and
girls should avoid physical contact with multiple partners and should always use protection ?
"Sameer asked in a serious and yet professional manner.

" Ofcourse to protect the society from unwanted effects. " Mrs. Lisa looked a little confused at his

" Aha, the only difference is that you guys use " difficult " protection at " late" stage and Islam
promotes " easy " protection at an " early " stage . Islam says don't sow seed for a plant which
would surely give you poisonous fruits later. In other words you can say that Islam does
emphasize on " Prevention is better than cure ". So why not avoid this unnecessary and formal
physical contact at an earlier stage ? His smile became deeper.

" Well I guess we are slipping from the original path " Professor Hudson changed his position on
his seat.

" Actually, that's what I am saying, that migration, from some islamic country to a non-islamic
one, does change one's purely religious, regional and cultural identity, either partially or
completely. "Sameer finally gave his opinion.

" Excuse me Mister, I just dont get what you're trying to say, we'd really appreciate it if you go
straight to the point. " The sentence itself was very rude in accent and sarcastic in tone but it
didn't fail to attract attention of everyone attending the presentation.
Sitting in the very first, front row of the seats, there was this girl with exciting beauty and modern
charms. Her complexion was fair in all senses. Her personality could be called as attractive with
every respect and aspect. She was tall even though she was sitting. She was smart, her figure and
body mould was well-differentiated in her fitting, light pink coloured cotton shirt with quarter
sleeves. Her fitting dark maroon slacks were adding more shape to her already well balanced

" Oh sure, Miss .... ?" He raised a quizzical eyebrow at her.

" Call me Kiran " The force with which she shook her shoulder-length brown hairs shocked many
people sitting there.

" Oh nice to meet you Miss. Kiran, nice name by the way. " He gave her a breath-taking smile. "
Anyway back to what I was saying......Hmm.... okay for your convenience, let me illustrate this with
an example.
About two centuries ago, a group of English farmers belonging to the " East India Company " tried
to grow mangoes here in the west. But unfortunately their experiment for mango plantation here
in the west became totally useless. The fruits of the same eastern "seeds" became sour, bitter and
weird here. They tried their best to find the reason for this failure. In the end they concluded that a
new, little seed needs its original "atmosphere", typical "environmental conditions" and specific "
soil " and special " weather " for germination. All these conditions are not alike in the east and the
west. Little plantations are so sensitive and weak that they can't hold themselves in hard tough
weather. So, ultimately they winded up their project , deciding what is praticed here in States and
Europe these days too. They now "import" all those " mature" , " grown-up " mangoes from India
and Pakistan. " Said Sameer.

" Okay so what do you suggest as a solution for this migration problem ? " Professor Hudson
took a long and deep breath. There was a gleam of appreciation in his eyes.

" There is only one way to remove this confusion. One who migrates here from the east on
permanent basis, should either adopt a pure and totally eastern life style or a complete western
life style . Even if they don't give it a thought right now, I am sure those days are not very far when
our future eastern generations living in the west would automatically become totally unfamiliar
with their original culture, language, clothings, traditions and many other things. By the way I
know many won't be agreed with me on this point, that's why let me add that it's totally my
personal opinion and everyone has right to disagree. I respect everyone's opinion " Sameer put a
critical glance at the audience.

" But can you please put some light on those factors which make your Pakistani people change
their culture while living in the west ? Do they do that willingly ? if yes then why ? I mean why do
they adopt all that western culture ? " This time, it was another Professor from the university staff.

" Hmm...Compromise, Collapse or Complex , whatever you call it. They realize that they are living
in a country that doesn't belong to their own ancestors. Their roots were not present in this
country. " Sameer said, turning towards him slightly.

" Complex ? " Professor raised an eye brow.

" Yes ofcourse, complex of being " brown " in a country of " whites". They know they can't change
their complexion, so they unconsciously adopt looks of western people in cloths. See this is a
gradual, chronic process....they have now completely adopted jeans and trouser culture. Just 50
years ago it was almost impossible to believe a Pakistani or an Indian muslim woman wearing
western cloths. See eastern women have many things different from western women like
complexion , religion and physical features. They can't change their religion, they can't change
their complexion and can't change their physical features too. However what they can change is
their language, way to dress, way to talk, daily habits and thinking and they do change all these
things, unconsiously. Pakistani girls studying in western institutes and working in offices here,
think that if they would wear Pakistani dress , people would laugh on them or would insult them,
bug them with the hint of pre-judice and laughter. " Sameer's voice was gentle but convincing as
he said,

" But I think people would look at you more if you wear Pakistani dress here, I mean you become
centre of attention, so you must look like them" A girl, wearing scarf but dressed in fitting jeans
and T-shirt, took part in the conversation for the first time.

" Aha sara, what a logic ? you mean if after like ten years, all american students in our university
stop wearing cloths at all and prefer nudity so even then should we look like them ? If every one
gets naked here, should we take off our cloths too just to remove ourselves as the focus of
attention? " He asked sarcastically. " If majority is doing something bad, we should also adopt
those bad things so that we should not be differentiated from the majority ? WOW " His smile was
brave, confident and very matter-of-fact.

Sara didn't reply this time.

" So what are the final results of such changes " ? Mrs. Lisa asked again, totally enjoying this
interesting discussion.

" Results are obvious, this new generation growing up in the west can not be called as a pure
eastern generation. By the way they are not purely western either. This creates a natural
confusion among them...I don't blame them. It's also because of their parents. Now such children
are unable to read or totally understand their urdu language and its vocabulary. In Pakistan,
women and girls don't wear wear western or male oriented cloths, by the way if anyone has doubt
about this , he or she should see it by visiting offices, streets, and different institutions of
Pakistan. But unfortunately what I saw here is that majority of girls here with south eastern origin
wear western cloths. Infact importance of culture and traditions has become so reduced for them
that I have heard some of them resembling two cultures as just two different colours like blue or
green. That's a real pity. " Sameer was well- prepared for such questions.

" Wait a minute, you mean your own people living here hate Pakistan and its local people ?
" Asked Julia, putting a meaningful glance at Kiran .

" Not all the people, but unfortunately you can easily find a big number of Pakistanis specially the
youths living in the West cursing their own country and giving its people names like narrow
minded, arrogant and stuff. " Sameer replied.

" But why ? " Julia really wanted to know the reason.

" The truth is that this western soil, weather and environment has modified those innocent little
plants... An originality-confusion modifies their thoughts and personalities. They ask, who are
we?? Since their childhood, many questions come to their minds which they ask from their
parents. They ask, are we Pakistani ? but when they go to Pakistan they see that Pakistanis can
speak and read their regional language , Pakistani girls don't wear jeans, skirts or trousers, they
don't shake hands with guys. So even their parents are unable to answer many of those
questions. " Sameer answered her confidently.

" Explain those questions and what are the answers ? " Mrs.Lisa asked for the third time.
" Like Papa why did we move here when Pakistan is our original land? Mom, how's Pakistan ?
how are the people out there ? Are they like us ? and many other questions. Usually the reasons
their parents tell for this migration are like good jobs in the West, feeling of insecurity in Pakistan,
terrorism, lack of facilities and illiterate people in Pakistan. "

" I see " Mrs.Lisa nodded.

" But there is more. Now mentality and thinking changes occur. As they spend their lives in the
West, the image they get of various social and religious things is very different from those found
in the East. In the West, they come across with nudity, sex, homosexuality but thankfully these
things are not very open and common in South east asia specially in Pakistan and for kind
information of all of you sitting here, nudity, extra-marital sex and homosexuality are serious legal
crimes in Pakistan and law proposes intense punishments for all of such social crimes. Now many
of you would think that we are legally " violating " the rights of nudists and sex maniacs but as I
said, we have different point of view on such things and being a muslim country, we've a
complete right to spend our lives in the way our religion wants. " Sameer said firmly.

" Aha, very well said. I do agree with what you said about different images. Like in your Pakistan,
women are supposed to sit at home only and make babies for you, you males treat them like
servants but here in the West, us women do something "productive" with their lives. " Kiran shot
him a sharp frown.

" In Pakistan, many women are supposed to sit at home to make babies who can be doctors,
engineers and intellectuals of the future, so they actually do something "re-productive" with their
lives ." His voice was firm and unshaken, with no touch of anger in it.

" I don't believe on your blind concepts. According to you, your Pakistan is free from every social
evil and all of such things exist in the West only, that's an extreme narrow mindedness. " Kiran
felt a real anger for him.

" I never, ever said such thing Miss. Kiran. Social evils do exist in Pakistan too but thankfully they
don't have much chances and oppurtunities there. Things like sex and drinking do happen there
too , but at very low scale and not in the open. Come to Pakistan and ask about the various sexual
techniques, terms, positions and conditions of sex which they show here in the West, on the
media. Majority of Pakistanis doesn't know about such things. " He smiled courageously, fixing
her with a sharp glare.

" Well, I feel bad for you guys, that's ignorance" Kiran stole her eyes.

" Nope, trust me, that's innocence " He smiled again.

The fractional tighening of Kiran's lower lip indicated the message had been received and

" Women of your country are much lower than other parts the world. Thank God I was born here in
the West, so I am a way up than those low women who live in your Pakistan." Kiran was now
getting kind of personal though against her wish.

" Do you know why they are " low" ? why your position is a way " up " than their ? " His voice
became a little emotional for the first time.

" Ever heard of a Physical balance ?? called as " Tarazoo " in Urdu. Yes the same apparatus
which is used to measure the weights of various objects and you can find it in many science labs .
So do you know what happened? Nature put women living in Pakistan in one arm of the balance,
while a western women in the other. Now the arm containing the Pakistani women was so heavy
with the weight of her modesty, respect, sacrifice and devotion that it became low and low. While
the other arm containing the western woman became so light-weight due to absence or less
quantity of such things that it rose up and up " His smile was never going to stop.

There was deep, deadly silence in the whole crowd. Every one from the teachers to the students
was lost in this deep but interesting discussion.

" And what about your " Paki " women being at home doing nothing but back biting , huh?
" Kiran's voice got emtional too.

" About " Back Biting ", I consider it as a universal property of women. It, really, is a bad thing
though less than some other sorts of " biting " which are pretty common here in your West." At
the end of his remark , the hall echoed with the sound of an intense laughter. Audiences, all the
seniors and juniors were equally enjoying this arguement.

" You're just using these turns and twists of words to prove your dumb ass stuff, I can't make you
believe what you don't want to. " She said harshly, but the truth was that for the very first time in
her life she was feeling like tongue-tied.

" Anyway, in our Pakistan, there is NO sex education at primary level, and how bad it is that you
get sex education here even at school but the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases is much
much bigger than the asian counteries. What's the advantage of this type of sex education then?
" Sameer asked the audiences, ignoring her personal remark about him.

" But we do have some good rating systems on the media which prevent children from exposing
to sex and nudity " Linda addressed him for the very first time.

" How funny it is that despite of all those rating systems and restrictions, in USA, an average child
is exposed to 9,000 sexual scenes per year, you can check the statistics if you have any doubt.
"Sameer told her.

" So your faith doesn't believe in sex education Mr.Sameer? " This time it was again Professor

" That's not true, sex education is an important aspect of life and our universal religion islam has
explained its every aspect in a very detailed and yet modest and neat manner. In our culture, we
don't learn about sex by reading novels, watching movies and magazines. Our religion explains it
at the proper time and stage in a very nice and holy way, preventing everyone who practices it
from various psychological, pathological, physical and social drawbacks. " Sameer replied

" You mean by religious books? " Professor tried to guess.

" Exactly, but not just that, our religious preachers perform the same duty. Anyone should feel
free to ask any question regarding any matter of life. In addition, there are many such religious
occasions, where one can easily inquire about any thing creating confusion. What we don't
believe is that sex should not be taught in the way they do it here in the West. Here they portray
sex in a very inciting way. " He stopped for a second to take a long breath.

" That's interesting to know " Mrs.Lisa nodded again.

" Besides, do you teach a duck how to swim or just put it in water and let it swim ?In every
American school, public or private, sex education is being given from grade 2 to 12. The projected
1990 cost to the nation will be $2 Billion per year. But what are the benefits of so much focus,
economical share and attention on the subject? The results are clear, instead of improving, the
condition is getting worse and worse here. " Sameer's presentation was loaded with up-to-date
statistics and proofs.

" Any example for that Mr.Sameer ? " Kiran added sarcastically, still feeling very much sure of
herself at the moment.

" Yes, the latest secular sex education devoid of morality promoted by educators like Dr. Sol
Gordon who really encourage nudity, sex education through media even at home too. And yet
they say that sex education doesn't mean a "Go Ahead " signal for that. I just wonder as to why
some folks after being, told the shape, color, smell and taste of a new fruit, and pleasure derived
form eating it, would not like to try it?" Sameer explained his point of view thoughtfully.

" But it's not the answer of my question. I asked can you prove that sex education, the way we
give it here in U.S, is not beneficial ? " Now, again, it was Professor Hudson, sharing the
discussion. There was a definite look of concern on his face.

" Ofcourse. According to Marion Wright Elderman, President of Childrens Defense Fund in a
recent report, " In USA, out of every 20 teens, 10 are sexually active but only 4 use contraception,
2 get pregnant and one gives birth. It is estimated that about 80% girls entering college had sexual
intercourse at least once. Going to church does not help either.The incidence increased to 43% in
17 year olds, 46% of 16 year olds, 29% of 15 year olds were sexually active ." Sameer's voice was
still unaffected even after continous questions asked by so many people.

" I did read that report with all those bio-statistics but still that's not the answer of my question.
" Professor looked little uncomfortable now.

" Oh yes, these epidemiological studies have shown that the health hazards of early sex include
sexual trauma, increase in incidence of cervical cancer, sexually transmitted diseases and
teenage pregnancy.TV where about 20,000 sexual scenes are broadcasted annually in
advertisement, soap operas, prime time shows and music channels. Not to forget open nudity in
news papers and sign boards. " Sameer was now presenting his opinion like a speech.

" Wait a minute, how do you say that about music too ? That's pure narrow mindedness and
extremism. I can't believe you said that music promotes sex. If you don't know music is
universally acceptable as a food for soul. " Kiran countered, catching him off guard.

" Ofcourse Miss Kiran.Thats why Kandy Stroud, a former rock fan, beg parents to stop their
children from listening to what she calls " Pornographic Rock ". Music affects our mood by
activating Melatonin, the hormone from the pineal gland in the brain. It is the same gland which
has been thought to trigger puberty, and affects reproductive cycle, and sex mood. Not to forget
about exciting, erotic musical videos too. " Sameer answered her in a kind, gentle voice.
Surprisingly, his face was still devoid of even a slightest hint of tiredness or exhaustion.

The crowed howled on this remark. They all were aware of the events but not of the statistics and
the facts.

" The sexual revolution of 60's has affected another dimension of health care. In 1985 alone , 10
million cases of chlamydia, 2 million gonorrhea, 1 million venereal warts, 0.5 million genital
herpes and 90,000 syphilis cases were diagnosed. The plague of AIDS is adding a new twist to our
fears. The disease is growing at a rate of one case every 14 minutes," His confidence, memory
and uniform accent added extra charms to his already pure masculine voice.

" I am sorry to say Mr.Sameer but it seems like you are obsessed with the West and also with its
development and open mindedness. " Kiran cut in sharply, her forehead showing few lines now. "
I don't blame you for that cuz I know you were raised in Pakistan, where every emotion is
exaggerated. Those sick religious fundamentalists around you have converted you into another
modern kind of fundamentalist. It's well known truth that you Pakiz just don't respect anyone's
rights. " Kiran said coldly, her voice a little louder than before.

" Apart from your insulting behaviour, you called me a fundamentalist. If you're a muslim, would
you like to answer a question Miss. Kiran. Tell me what are the fundemantals of Islam? " Sameer
asked. He was continously ignoring her harsh and rude remarks but her insults were becoming
too much now.

" Nopes, I won't answer your question. I don't wanna put myself into your typical religious crap,
when you guys don't find any other way to go, you always use your so called religious tactics.
"Kiran's behaviour was very strange at the moment, even for her own colleagues too.

Hearing this, he turned towards the side where senior teachers were present. " Professor Robert,
you're the head of the Political Science Department. I'm sure you have studied the muslim religion
and culture in depth. If you don't mind, we all would like to hear what do you know about the
"fundamentals" of Islam. I mean what are the fundamentals of Islam you know about ?"

" Well, to believe in a single God known as Allah, they believe in their Holy Prophet, their Quran, in
angels and in judgement day, " Professor replied insantly. He was well-known for his knowledge
about the world cultures and religions.

" Okay, so these are the fundemantals of Islam, now , Mrs. Lisa , " Sameer now turned to the
opposite direction, facing Mrs.Lisa now. " Sorry to disturb you, but as you teach english literature
here, you could explain it better than us. So Ma'am what does this word " fundamentalist " literally
mean?" As he asked, a slight smile appeared on his lips.

" Sure, Mr.Sameer, it literally means " one who practices fundamentals or any " basics " of any
sort "

" Thanks, Ma'am. Now from the above explanations, it's clear that a muslim fundamentalist is one
who pratices the basic principles of his religion. Doesn't he have every right to practice his basic
faiths?? and by the way Miss Kiran.... " Now his deep, large eyes had some colour of naughtiness
in them . " Don't you believe in all those beliefs which are fundamentals of Islam? " He completed
his sentence.

" Good God ......look at him, he's just like an advocate, fighting his case " Diana was totally lost in
the discussion and the sight.

Kiran never replied.

" If you practice all these basic things of Islam then you are a fundamentalist too and if you don't
then you can not be called as muslim . Also the most interesting point is that from the above
definition, every practicing and believing muslim is a proud fundamentalist. " It was now obvious
to her that he had her where he wanted her. Right in his sights, and he was not going to stop now.
"And alright Miss Kiran, I accept myself as a pure Pakistani asian, though I know what people like
you think about us but I feel proud to be born and raised in Pakistan. " He gave her a look that told
her more than just what he said.

" Now what can I do for you Mr.Sameer if you feel pride for living in a third class country " Kiran
shugged her shoulders , not even seeing him this time.

" I better prefer to spend my life as a first class citizen in a country you called as third class
instead of living as a third class citizen in a first class country " His remark balanced hers.

A loud " wow" from the audiences made them realize that both of them were not alone.

" May I know your nice name Miss ? " Sameer asked a blonde girl, who was sitting near the stage.

" Oh sure, I am Emma Frost from LA. " Emma felt excited when he spoke to her.

" I am sorry I disturbed you but I just want your help to decide about certain matter. " He smiled
re-assuredly. " See this is Mrs.Kiran, your class fellow. Now just suppose, let's forget everythig for
a while. Just look at Miss.Kiran. Now I want your honest, sincere and neutral opinion about how
does she look like, I mean forget about her nationality in " papers ", just tell me what would you
call her on the basis of her complexion, looks and physical features ?" Sameer asked her, his
accent filled with sheer expectation.

" Means? You want me to give her a racial identity ?" Emma felt little confused now but was very
excited too as at the moment she was the centre of attention for hundreds of seniors sitting there.

" Not really. I won't use the word " racial " here but can you tell me how does Miss.Kiran look like,
an American or an Asian ? "

The situation did upset Kiran . It was clearly something Kiran hadn't given much prior thought to.

" Well she sure doesn't look like an American or a white. She, definitely is an Asian and to be
more specific I am sure she, either, is an indian or a Pakistani. " Emma replied.

" Thanks alot Emma, you were of great help. So my precious teachers and colleagues, for the last
half an hour Miss.Kiran is trying her best to prove herself as a " first class " American but in the
end we find that even after being born and bred here in America, she is still considered as an
"Indian or a Paki " Thanks alot, that's all, I had to say. " Smiling, he began to walk from the stage
to the ground.

" Yeah yeah...whatever " Saying this, she left her seat too and walked the short distance towards
the stage where he was standing few moments ago. Reaching there, she took the mic in her hand
and said....

" So guys, you heard that ? The basic theme of Mr.Sameer's presentation was that devil or satan
doesn't exist in his holy Pakistan. " Kiran laughed, her voice filled with hatred.

Hearing this, Sameer who was about to leave the stage , took another mic in his hand. " Ofcourse
he does exist in Pakistan too, but he has less oppurtunities there , like you said we Pakistanis
don't respect anyone's rights so you can say that we didn't give much rights to Satan either. " His
breath-taking smile became fatal at the moment.

The whole crowd burst into a big laughter again.

Kiran's face reddened but no one would notice because the off-stage lighting was not very bright,

" Well I guess we don't have much time, if necessary we would talk more about the topic later, but
thanks Sameer, for your participation in the matter, I wish you luck in the future. " Professor
hudson stood up from his chair and shook hand with him.

Sameer thanked him and then during the loud sounds of appraisal he left the stage. Intense sound
of clapping from all over the huge seminar hall followed his steps. Every one had enjoyed
today and even his teachers were happy for him.

" Mr.Sameer you were fabulous, how can you do that? I mean so much information and
confidence, man wow , that was some nice piece of speech. " A blonde guy came near him and
exchanged the greetings .

' Oh thank you, but it was not a speech, I just wanted to present my opinion " Sameer gave him a
warm, welcoming smile.

" It was the coolest presentation I have ever attended. By the way I am John Roberts from
England, your class fellow if you don't know me. How about a cup of tea ? " He looked very much

" Nice to meet you John , well sure " Sameer accepted the offer and together they began to walk
towards the main door of the hall leading them towards outside. In their way, they passed a group
of girls.

" Hey man she is here, this gal's remarks were practically attacking you during the presentation,
you know that ? " John's comment made him look at the group. Yes she was there, Kiran. She saw
him too but instantly changed the direction of her glance.

" All guys are alike " Her loud sentence at his back followed by female laughters, stopped his feet.

Smiling, he slowly turned to face her, pouring his deep stare into hers. It was the first direct
collision of two sets of unique eyes. His jet black, bright shiny eyes meeting with her light green
eyes. Even their eyes showed a vast contrast .

Though she tried her best to remain unaffected externally, but inside, her heart skipped a beat. He
had charismatic personality and so were his eyes.

" Hmm, I don't know whether all the guys are alike or not, but you know what ...... every girl is
different. " His smile made the sentence more meaningful and then finally, he left.


Sameer fell on the bed as soon as he reached his room."Oh, this has been such a long, tired and
exhausting day." Putting his head on the soft pillow, he thought.
He was just about to step in the simple, plain valley of sleep when two cute faces came in front of
him from somewhere, washing every worry away, sweeping the tension of studies, cleaning the
depression of physical and mental tiredness. Same two smiling faces ..... whispering sweet words
in his ears, giggling in an innocent way.

"Sameer bhai, would you forget us then ? " A voice poured it's sweet essence in his
soul. He recognized the voice immediately.
" No, nopes. Never, ever . " He had said.

Suddenly, the scene changed into something else.

Mind and sense blowing fragrance guided him into that beautiful valley. He searched for the source of the
fragrance here and there and then saw her. She was sitting on a rock. Her long, hairs undone, those colourful
curls dancing along the wild air. She had her back on him.

"Who are you " ? He asked, dying to know her.

"Hehe" A soft musical giggle, like someone is striking the gold coins with each other.

"Me ? Well you can call me as the Princesss of your dreams." She replied in a sensitive tone, never
turning her face to look at him.

"Why do you disturb my sleeps , why do you bother me in my dreams, please answer me" Sameer begged to
get the answer.

"Really? do I ?" She laughed. It was the most natural, feminine laughter he had ever heard. Still, her
back on him , she never turned to show her face.

" Look here, I want to see you " He was really desperate.

" Na , na, you can't " She laughed again. God, it was not a laughter, it was a holy music which
angels create to express their innocence and worship.

Unable to control himself any longer, he almost ran towards her, dying to see her. Reaching near her, he tried to
hold her hand so that he could turn her towards himself. But before that she suddenly looked at him and he
finally saw her face.

God.......... she was right, he was unable to look at her. So much light, so intense glow, shiny bright waves were
emitting from her face, making his eyes blink frequently. She had the looks, features, qualities and those hidden
properties which had an ability to allert all of his senses. Her hairs were so long, straight and beautiful that his
eyes were unable to judge their exact length, shining and colour. There was a little, cute, traditional ring in her
nose and long matching ear rings in her ears too, making her look like a a princess but he also noted this small
but ultra-pretty feminine crown which was present just above her forehead, giving her similarity to some queen.
Her wrists had golden bangles and bracelets in them.Well, she was simply gorgeous.

Sometimes, beauty is not the word to describe a person. Sometimes words fail to evaluate some
things. Specially those things which can only be felt, like dreams and this dream was no different.

He woke up from his dream. His whole body was perspiring. He drank a glass of cold water to cool
his nerves down. It was the third time that he saw this dream. It was a disturbing dream and yet so
beautiful. The disturbing thing was this girl whom he had never seen ofcourse. Her strange face
always used to make him curious and worried. He wanted to know her, wanted to meet her and yet
he was not sure about even her real existence too.

He tried to sleep again, but there was no use. Then his thoughts collided with his memories.
Those two cute faces came again.

" Kisa...... "

" Kashish " He whispered their names , one by one. A smile came to his lips. Some people are so
wonderful that even their thought makes us happy. He thought.

He had not forgotten anything about them. Not even little things. After Kisa and Kashish moving
to a local town near Quetta, a distant city of Pakistan, they couldn't stay in touch with each other
as they didn't have international call facility there. Also on his side too, the busy, mechanical life
in USA hardly gave him much time to talk to them but it didn't mean that he had forgotten them.
He remembered that day too when he called them for the last time. It was the seventeenth birthday
of Kisa. But what made him really surprised was ........

" Sameer Bhai, you know what, I wrote a poem. " Her voice was emotional and youthful.

" Really ? wow, that's great. What about? " Sameer smiled.

" Would you like to hear it now on the phone or should I post it ? See you would be the first one to
hear it, I didn't show it to anybody yet. " Kisa asked, a little more careful and a bit scared too. It
was her first creation and she didn't want anyone to make fun of it.

" Hmm, I don't think I can wait that long so let's begin. " He smiled. He took a sip of the coffee and
changed the channel on the T.V. A typical "twinke star" or "Jack N' Jill" Poem. He thought, while
smiling. But still he was ready to hear it as it was his dear cousin's first poem ever.

There was a momentary silence on the other side.

" What happened? I am here, tell me the poem " His mouth took on a cynical twist.

" Are you sure, I don't want you to make fun of it Sameer bhai, just forget it if you don't like it. I
knew I could never be a poet . It's just what I wrote accidently " Her voice and way-to-talk was as
mature like always.

" Oh no ofcourse, never think that, actually......" He wanted to say more but she had already
started her poem on the other side.

" Kiss us on the forehead.....

As we have to...

go to the land...

which has fragrant sand

Having colourful butterflies

and wonderful fire flies

Butterflies with steady flight ...

and glow worms who spread Light...

They all call us

So Kiss us ..... "

Kiss us on the forehead... "

" Any comments Sameer bhai ?" When he didn't reply for a long time, Kisa asked, still little afraid.

" Well I must say ..... it's simply great, very mature for your age" Sameer told her honestly. " Two
thumbs up Kisa, keep it up, you are a born poetess. "

"Thank you so much Sameer bhai " Her voice was trembling with excitement and happiness.

Our little dear kids have grown up. While putting the receiver on the cradle, he had thought. It was
about five years ago from now but still felt like yesterday. A smile came to his lips which was
immediately cut off by the ringing of his phone.

" Yes Sameer here "

"Oh Mr.Sameer Hasan, George here, actually I was........"

"Oh ... listen Mr.George, I have told you like thousands of times. I don't need your damn credit
cards, so PLEASE leave me NOW. There is other language too besides that of money's . Learn to
understand it , bye for now. " He dropped the receiver back on the craddle and shot his glance on
the watch. It was morning time now.


" That was not very right thing to do Sameer " Sara said in a complaining tone as soon as they
met in the canteen, next morning. She was his only close female colleague in the university. A
very nice, modest and good muslim girl from a Pakistani family. She was born and raised here in
the state of Miami and yet she was proud of her Pakistan, her religion and roots.

" What did I do like that? " Sameer smiled. He had much respect for this nice and honest girl.

" You insulted us in front of all those officials and it's really hurting when you know that those
guys were non muslims and non-Pakistanis and you were insulting your own people while all of
them were pretty enjoying the scene" Sara was feeling anger for the first time.

" So you take that as an insult? I see, well, that's funny" He laughed sarcastically.

" What's funny? " She looked puzzled now.

" Our double standards. We actually set practicals examples of what I was saying there. I just
explained it "theoritically" while we people do the same things " practically" in front of them. Why
so shocked , hmm? He asked in serious tone.
" Don't you all Pakistani girls in the universities here wear jeans, trousers and skirts ? and what
about girls like Kiran , isn't she a Pakistani and Muslim? why do they shake hands with guys? and
even go out with guys? Can she read and speak her language like a Pakistani girl is supposed to
? And I don't mean to offend you Sara but what about you too? what about your own double
standards ? Do you regard this scarf of yours as your "Hijaab" . You go to cinemas wearing this ,
telling everyone that you're a muslim woman and then you see weird initimate scences there while
still being in "Hijaab", a couple kissing , licking on the big screen, doing low sick things and you
are sitting there with your eyes right way on the screen , and your , "Scarf" is on your head? " His
voice got little emotional now.
" Well you're right about that. It's bad from religious point of view but still that doesn't mean that
we have double standards " Sara shook her head.

" Okay, you tell me, I'm sure you go to religious events like Meelaads, Eids other cultural
festivals.You also go to mosque pretty often, what do you wear then ? His changed his mood to
normal and asked again, now smiling.

" A Pakistani dress . I mean Shilwar Qameez with veil or Dupatta " Sara was confused over his

" See that's my point. So why, I mean why don't you wear this jeans and trouser there too?
" Sameer's smile became deeper. Same artistic smile which was a hallmark of his expressions.

" Because those are religious meetings and we are supposed to wear a religious dress there" Sara
said quickly. She was unable to understand the purpose of all these questions.

" Aha, you proved me right, that's what I was saying. I never see my religion and culture as two
different things but you wear a veil, with shilwar qameez when you go to mosque and it means
you consider your cultural dress as religious too " His breath taking smile became more killing.

" Now may I ask another question Sara ? "

" Sure " She took a long breath. Arguing with him was like putting yourself into a telepathic

" Why do you wear Pakistani dress only at mosques or cultural events? why not all the time ?
does Allah see and observe you only at mosques or religious events ? why such double
standards ? "

In the answer, she just chewed her lower lip.

" And sorry to tell you this is not the Hijaab , if you think that you're wearing a Hijaab by just
covering your hairs with this pretty scarf, then I'm sorry I can prove you wrong right now, with the
help of very valid proofs. " He was as determined like always.

" I would be happy to hear those proofs" She took a sharp breath.

" This scarf doesn't cover your upper front, it just covers your hair, and do you think it's a proper
Hijaab? "

" What's the proper Hijaab then ?"

" Don't trust me blindly in this regard, trust yourself. I am sure you have read the Holy Quran.
" Sameer said in a calm accent.

" But I believed that I am Islamically covered in these outfits" Sara gave her own opinion about

" That's funny. What do you mean by islamically covered? "

" I mean it covers majority of my body, not much of my skin is showing " Sara told what she
" Didn't you read or hear those two famous Ahadees and sayings of Holy Prophet that ," Be the
curse of Allah on such women who are " covered" and yet they " naked" and what about the second
hadees which says " Be the curse of Allah on those males who wear female-oriented cloths and those women
who wear male-oriented cloths " . Now would you admit that this jeans which you're wearing right now
is an un-disputable male-oriented cloth. Not even simple males but rough cow-boy-wear.". He

Sara listened to him with respect and concentration. She was one of those who have courage to
realize their own mistakes and power to correct them.

" Until Sixtees when the West had this so called "sexual revolution", not even western women
used to wear such cheap clothings . They had pretty feminine and modest clothings called as
Maxis and very long skirts" . But In blind race of "equality " with men, they started to wear men's
clothings. " Sameer added.

" But you know THAT time was different. Things do change with time" Sara tried to say more.

" What do you mean by that? Islam is the religion of ALL times ", but it doesn't mean that we
should modify it the way we want. " Sameer's voice was unshaken like his beliefs.

" In Holy Quran , Allah says......

`It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His messenger have decreed a matter that
they should have an option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, has
indeed strayed in a plain error.' (S33:36) "

" But I thought my shirts and trousers are not very tight and are not body hugging. " Sara gave
her last point.

" Okay then what about this verse.........

" Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their " Veils "over
their bodies " S33:59
Sameer was well-versed on the topic.

" Why Allah didn't say that just wear lose fitting cloths ?? why he asked you to put a " VEIL" ? It's
because no matter how hard you try, your T-Shirts and shirts can't hide your bosom and its swell.
No matter how much you want but your cheap jeans wont hide the space between your thighs,
your thighs and buttocks like shilwar qameez does. " He explained his point of view in the light of
Islamic law.

" Besides, don't you have any of your own choice as a muslim ? when you come to Pakistan you
start to wear Pakistani cloths, when you are in America you wear American cloths.... why? When
you go to mosques and religious gatherings you wear Pakistani cloths , cover your head, and
when you go to your school you have your head "naked" why? why you are always following
others? "He asked the same question again.

" I don't think I am prepared for all this arguement, I just wanted to mention something you did in
presentation. " She looked a little uncomfortable now.

" Sorry I got little sentimental, but you see religion and Pakistan are those topics which do need
one to be sentimental and emotional about them because love without emotions is nothing. Sara
you're better than the most other Pakistani girls here. Atleast you cover your hair, you don't shake
hands with guys, you don't eat forbidden food, you don't attend their parties . Two thumbs up
from me . I salute you for that. But both of us, you and me have double responsibilities. We have
to maintain our religious customs and also have to transfer them to our next generations . But it's
your life, and I don't have any right to indulge in your personal matters. You're free to spend it in a
way you want " He smiled but now his voice was flat, not very emotional.

" It's okay, I respect you too, more than anyone else here " She gave him a real friendly smile.

" Hey, wow, Babar is here " Her voice gripped his attention again as she pointed towards a guy
sitting at a table on their back.

" Really ? You mean your fiance ? " Sameer asked.

" Yeah, he would love to meet you, but I guess he has already heard all of our conversation , hehe
" She giggled as she motioned him to come to their table.

Babar was a neat guy with medium height and good personality. Sameer warmly exchanged
greetings with him.

" It's been a pleasure meeting you Babar, If I am not forgetting Sara told me that you are doing
residency here, when did you come here, in states I mean? Sameer asked after Babar sat beside

" About four years back, and finally got residency last year, " Babar said." I just heard your
interesting opinion Sameer. You sure are right about many things. There were three such
experiences which really made me feel uncomfortable at first but then gradually I got used to it.
Ofcourse it's the West man, you have to compromise on lots of things. " Babar took a sip of his

" I would really like to hear about those three experiences of yours " Sameer was curious.

" Well...not that bad though. The recent one is about the hospital I'm working in, right now. Well
they need me there sixteen hours a day you know. That's fine with me but unfortunately I can't
pray regularly there. I used to pray very regularly before. But you know, they don't have islamic
ablution system, and you just can't pray after using a toilet paper. Also when I was in Pakistan, I
never missed Fajar prayers even in winters too. But you know the weather here. You need lots of
guts to wake up in negative degrees and yet without the sound of Azaan. " Babar told them with a
sad tone.

" Yuck.... yeah thats bad, I know that, anyway what about other experiences ? " Sameer knew all
these problems.

" Last year I was spending my vacations with my uncle's family in London. Unfortunately he
passed away and the most bad part was that he died on a weekend. Now islamically we should
bury our dead immediately after the prayers and bath. But man we had to wait for whole two days.
" Babar said. His accent showed hurt and pain.

" Oh but why ? "

" You can't bury your dead one there unless they issue you an authorized death certificate. Also,
unlike Pakistan we can't take the dead body to our home or to the mosque. "

" I see, well what else you can do here, I am sure Allah does understand our problems " Sara
shared his grief.
" Well the third experience was really hurting. When I was in Pakistan, whenever someone used to
inquire about me or ask about my house address, my countrymen used to tell that this is Dr.
Babar's house. But now here, though I have more money and every thing but when anyone asks
about my name or address, people tell that this is the house where an Indian or an Asian doctor
lives. You see, my indentity has been lost. Also I have noted that no matter how much money,
status and luxuries you get here, whites and original american or britishers always think of you as
someone cheap and low. Racial prejudice does exist here brother. " Babar told his experience.

" Besides, I must say you were right about that double standard thingie. For example you can see
all those Pakistani "aunties" who themselves wear Pakistani cloths here but don't object when
their daughters wear cheap western cloths" Babar added.

"I think you forgot that the only reason those Pakistani aunties wear Pakistani cloths is their age
and weight , otherwise they are not less than their daughters " Sameer smiled. His sentence was
followed by a loud laughter of Babar.

" Hey guys, dont' forget that a lady is sitting here too, so hold your tongues " Sara smiled back.

" Babar you are not done with your coffee yet ? Man, you'd better make it fast; we roll out of here
in a few minutes, it's lecture time ! " Sara glanced at her wrist watch.

" Hey when you guys are gonna done with your masters ? I guess it's your last month here?
" Babar took the last sips.

" Actually yes, theory papers have been finished, so now preparing for the Viva " Sameer replied.

" Excited you are. Are not you ? Masters in Sociology , wow not very common subject here
" Babar smiled, standing up.

" Yeah unique and nice things are often very rare " Sameer smiled back.


" It's thirty six B, twenty four and thirty eight buddy, damn sure about that, surely Linda has got
the super model figure." Tom laughed.

" Man, look at her back. She likes to show its clasp too, good God, and it's push up kind, I'm not
sure about the colour though". Nomi said, unaware of his own condition, lost in the looks of the
girl in front of him. His eyes following her every movement.

" Wow, what a tiny waist. " Tom whispered to himself.

" Do you think she's ready? "

" Ripe for plucking," Nomi said, smiling

" Damn, you guys are sick and crazy. You folks are nothing but a group of perverts and nympho-
maniacs " The third man took off his sun glasses and winked at them, smiling meaningfully.

" Holy shit, that's a crazy joke. Amir, you might ask yourself exactly who the sick one is. " Nomi
smiled wickedly, staring at him now.
" We are not,....well.... just reading an open book , haha, well every thing about her says " Touch
Me " Tom chuckled , his eyes never leaving a group of girls walking at some distance away.

" Her shirt is so thin and mushy you can judge everything man, and by the way, she didn't seem to
mind it," Nomi laughed, " In fact, I'd say she rather enjoyed it! "

" And who is this Paki gal with her ? is she Kiran? " Amir's eyes narrowed on a glamorously
smart, good-looking girl wearing ice-blue fitting jeans and navy blue shirt which was clung to the
ups and downs of her body, attracting his lusty spurts.

" Yes, she is Kiran, the most beautiful asian chick in town, but you can't even touch her, ever
" Nomi's off-white teeths appeared between his dark lips as he smiled nastily.

" You bet eh? " Amir's clever smile became more deep. He, too, had had his eye on the
curvaceous personality-plus Pakistani girl ever since he first saw her, and his instincts told him
she'd date him if he asked.

" Yeah man, I know you have guts to seduce those chicks but this gal is not an easy dish. She is a
cherry, I'm sure as a hell " Nomi smiled, looking at him in challenging style.

" Okay Nomi buddy, are you ready? How many bucks then? "

" As much as you want, just shoot " Tom was interested too.

" Yeah, I'm pretty confident and would take her to date soon to check everything and tell you then,
" Amir replied, his eyes inspecting her every move, like an experienced hunter judges his
innocent, ignorant prey.

" Okay, so how about a thousand dollars ? "

" That's ridiculous, I could suck a million bucks for this duck "

" This gal is a tough dish, plus I have a feeling she hates asians, you know, so you sure ?"

" Positive, hundred percent " Amir made the deal.

" Okay then it's the deal, who ever wins, affords five thousand bucks plus a luxurious dinner in
Bennigan's and then some jazz fun at Lemon's kiss, I love this new club in North Miami , O'kay
" Nomi made his final decision , excitedly.

" Agreed "

" Phew, you've got guts man, let's celeberate the deal with a toast to the forth coming fun " Tom
motioned them to walk toward the local pub .

" Let's see. I know she goes to Star Gym, in central Miami. I guess I would try to meet her there for
the first time, " He ran the tip of his tongue between his lips. Amir had the primitive streak of a
hunter who didn't accept being thwarted. If one approach didn't work, he used another, and
another, until he had what he wanted.

His wish became true very soon. He met her at the Gym in the same evening. What really surpised
him was that she knew him too. Being class fellows their friendship started very soon.
They even arranged some sessions of combine study at her place, preparing for the Vivas. Kiran
was specificially impressed by his broad minded thinking, fun-loving nature and and positive
approach towards women and their rights.

Their friendship got stronger and and stronger day by day and with in few months Kiran got so
close to him that she didn't hesitate when he asked her for a dinner for the first time.

This was going to be easier than he had expected.

That was very special day for Kiran. She was going out with a man for the very first time. She felt
excited and happy at the same time.

They managed to meet at the University after the classes were off. Though their exams had been
finished but the whole Sociology department was attending some extra classes as Professor
Hudson insisted them to do so. They stayed late that day. Talking and thinking of what was about
to come. Then two guys came to meet them. Amir introduced them as Nomi and Tom. She knew
Tom and didn't like him at all. Linda had told her about his lustful eyes.

"Kiran you stay here, we just have to do some important talk, I'll be back in few minutes. Sorry for
your patience" Amir excused.

" No problem. I'm here on the stairs but make sure you return soon cuz it's getting late here" She
smiled .

He nodded and then left with his friends.

While sitting there, waiting for him two figures got her attention. She reallized them. One was
Kashif and the other was Sameer ofcourse. Both of them were sitting on the next corner and It
seemed to her that they were preparing notes.

" Poor Pakiz, studying so late to get some more bucks for their job" She thought and smiled.

Amir returned after half an hour. He looked a little sleepy in his gait but she ignored.

As soon as she got into her car with him, a familiar unpleasant aroma filled her nostrils.

" Well, Amir, do you drink ? " This aspect of him was new and strange for her. She had thought of
him as someone who was different in every way.

" Well not much, just occasionally, I usually prefer red wine, but sometimes even Vodka too, haha.
It's fun baby." He laughed sleepily, gazing into her eyes with keen interest.

She felt another wave of disgusting smell in his breath. She felt scared and sick at the same time.

" Well, I'm sorry but I need to go " She bit out. Her heart fluttered in alarm.

" Why Kiran, see it's our first date so should be special dear " Amir's speech was slurring at the
moment. A chill ran down her spine.

" It's not the kind of date you're thinking. I wanted to go out just to understand you better. I think I
got the answer very soon. "
" What ? "

" I said, I'm sorry, we would think about it some other time. Right now I really need to go. I will
pick you next time, you too may go now "

" Not before you kiss me sweety " He dropped his hands to her shoulders.

Kiran jerked her body back as if it had been scorched by fire.

" Don’t touch me, you yankee scum! " Kiran yelled out. His alcohalic breath was making her sick.

His next couple of sentences was so nasty and dirty that she could hardly believe her ears. She
was nothing for him, just a doll, a sex doll to satiate his animalistic lust. A wave of nausea
cramped her stomach. She was hardly able to believe her ears that the elegant sophisticated, '
broad-minded ' Amir would use coarse expressions like those.

" Take it easy darling. You need to relax baby, just relax and enjoy " An animal growl came from
his throat.

" Fuck off, you asshole " She yelled with all of her power.

She tried her best to withdraw her arm from his powerful grip but the next instant, he was trying to
spread himself over her body. Kiran wanted to breath but couldn't, she wanted to scream but
didn't find the power. He was too heavy and strong for her. She had never felt so helpless in her
whole life.


" Did you see her ? She is no different. I am sure, tonite she is gonna sleep with this rich guy,
Amir. He's a son of my father's friend. His father is a famous lawyer here. " Kashif pointed on a
couple which was walking towards the parking area located few feet away. His voice caused
Sameer to lift his head and look but then without saying a word he bent it again on the book they
were reading. For some strange reason he felt sad for her.

They were both preparing notes for their final Sociology thesis. They continued to do their work
then suddenly, after few minutes, a feminine scream broke their concentration.

" You heard that ? " A concerned look came on Sameer's face.

" Yeah I guess it came from the parking lot " Kashif said a little evenly.

" I think we should go and check. There's something wrong with the couple. " Sameer left his

" Come on buddy it's not Pakistan. Mind your own business, don't indulge yourself in other's
matters." Kashif tried to stop him.

" Suit yourself, I am gonna help her. "

" Stupid you're, they're just having some little fun. " Kashif tried to smile.
" Fun? " He felt like little confused. " But yaar It doesn't sound like that, I heard her scream. "

" Hahaha, here gals do that in fun too, you dork. "

He looked at him for a moment, his mind fighting with his heart. And then his heart won. Ignoring
Kashif's suggestion, he decided to check them out.

He ran towards the Parking area which was was very silent as majority of the students and
teachers had left.

There was a single car parked under the shades. Its lights were off. There was no one around the
car, just the dark night spreading its shadows over there.

Carefully, Sameer reached near its front door and then heard a sharp gasp again, followed by a
muffled feminine scream.

Taking the risk of invading someone's privacy, he put his hand on the handle of the front door and
opened it up but the scene he saw inside blew his minds off.

There he was, Amir, trying to spread his huge body over Kiran's who was protesting with all her
might. Blood was running down her chin and her shirt had been slipped from one of her

Seeing this, warm blood began to flow in his whole body. A typical Pakistani " narrow minded "
man emerged from some place situated deep with in his being. Same Pakistani male who couldn't
see any man taking advantage of any woman even if she is his enemy. Sameer grabbed one of
Amir's arms and pulled him out of the car with force and then without giving him a second,
Sameer's left hand struck him on the face. His hand was so strong that it left its marks on his
cheeks. Amir tried to slap him back but Sameer caught his hand in the middle and pushed the
drunk youth towards the wall with force and pinned him there. Like a wild, blind bull Amir ran
towards him, waving his arms.

" Hmm, so you need something else " Sameer's body turned itself away from Amir's swaying
figure, and yet without seeing in Amir's direction, Sameer raised his left leg in a fast, strong
motion, making a rapid circle in the air. His powerful back-kick struck Amir right on the jaw. It had
so much potential that it lifted Amir a feet above the ground, crushing him back with the wall and
then he finally fell on the ground, unconscious.

It all happened so fast that it took a while for Kiran to gather her breaths and to gain power to
speak. " What...what happened to him ? Her throat was completely dry, her tongue tried to moist
her dry lips but failed. Her voice trembling with fear. Blood was running down from her bruised lip.

At her indication, Sameer sat beside the lying figure, and tried to listen for his breaths. " Well he is
just senseless for a while. "

" Shit " A male voice caught their attention. Sameer and Kiran both turned to see the stranger.
Recognizing him, Sameer took a relaxing breath. He was Kashif.

" Hey hurry up, leave him, you two get out of here instantly. I will take care of him. If someone
sees you guys, you could get into a real trouble. " Kashif took Amir's limp body in his hands and
checked for his pulse.

" Go Sameer go, we don't have time, go and drop her to her house safely. I will handle him here.
Just keep this whole event as a secret cuz if someone finds out about what happened here, it will
definitely cause Kiran's bad reputation. "

" But he needs to understand a real lesson " Sameer threw an angry look over the resting body of

" That will only mean scandal, " Kashif said quickly. Only then they realized he was right.

" Don't worry about him. Such guys are real coward. I think he has already understood but I will
make sure he doesn't do anything like that again in the future. His father is a big lawyer, they
might involve your name instead of his. Besides, he is a friend of my father too. Amir knows this
and he won't do anything like that again because then I would inform his father. Now for God's
sake, leave. " Kashif begged.

Both of them got into her car. Though her breaths were still unsteady, she tried her best to gain
her remaining power and ignited the engine. She put it into the gear, backed it and then in a flash,
their car left the place.

" Oh God..... " She gasped and took a long breath after putting the the car on the long, broad high

Sameer didn't say a word.

Moments passed and no one spoke even a single word.

" I'm sorry " After a long silence, her lips gave way to her heart.

" What for ? " He had his eyes closed while his head was resting on the seat in a relaxed position.
He was so calm that it seemed like nothing had happened.

" For my behaviour, it was bad I know " Her voice became husky.

" No it's okay. It was not new for me. I have been facing such comments and remarks since last
six years. I mean the day I came here in the U.S " He said , but his eyes were still closed.

" But I attacked you even personally too. I won't move from here unless you accept my apology
" Getting emotional, Kiran stopped the car.

" Why did you stop the car, are you crazy ? Isn't it better that now you have realized your mistakes
? Look you just need to relax at the moment, we can talk about the past later. Just drive to your
home so that I can have my own way to my home " Sameer realized that her physical and mental
condition was still upset due to the event.

" So you are not mad on me now ? " She didn't start the engine.

" I was never mad on you, now please move " Sameer pleaded, looking into her beautiful, deep
eyes for the first time.

Kiran smiled and was about to put the car in gear when a sheriff's car pulled up behind them.
Rather than pull away suspiciously she waited as he got out and walked up next to her window.
She rolled it down to talk to him.
" Yes, officer. What can I do for you? Anything wrong ?" She asked.

" May be. Could I see some identification please? Your drivers license, registration and proof of
insurance." He asked.

Kiran shrugged and dug in her purse for her license and then in her glove box for the rest. All the
while the deputy shined his light around inside the car. He paid particular attention to Sameer.
She handed him the documents.

" Now may I see your identification please?" Kiran asked.

" What for, gal ?" He asked.

" Because you have not identified yourself to us.You could be anybody posing as a police officer.
You have a legal right to ask for our identification, which we have provided you. We have a legal
right to know who is asking the questions. You are required by law to provide us with such
identification." Kiran said, confidently.

He took out his ID and showed it to Kiran. She saw it then nodded. The deputy took his card back
and moved at the back of the car , throwing the light there too.

" What does he want? " Sameer whispered.

" Nothing. We've done nothing illegal. He's just an over zealous cop, an egotistical asshole who
uses his badge to dominate people for his own ego gratification. I guess he'e just fishing for some
crime. Just relax. I think our conditions made him more curious. " Kiran said, biting her lower lip.

" What is your probable cause for detaining us like this, Officer ?" Kiran asked.

" The present condition and a suspicious set of circumstances. You are parked on an isolated
stretch of road at 11-o- clock at night with an asian man you are not related to. " He threw a sharp
look on Sameer.

" If you have a specific complaint against us please inform us of what it is so that I may call my
attorney, Mr. James Scott. " Kiran replied.

The deputies eyebrows went up again at the mention of the attorneys name. He swallowed

" Why this guy isn't talking , is he dumb? " He laughed.

" Excuse me, Officer I was just enjoying the show quietly. But it seems you don't like that ? Okay
Kiran, did I coerce you into performing illegal acts or violated your civil rights in any manner?
Please answer honestly for the officer." Sameer asked, smiling.

" No. Not at all." Kiran replied.

" You're not making this very easy." Said the officer.

" First, it is not my legal responsibility to make your work easier. Second, I have provided all the
information that I am legally required to provide. Third, this is a free country. There are no laws
making it illegal to sit and talk, parked off a public highway. In fact it's covered under our rights to
freedom of assembly. Now we were not blocking traffic, we are not on private property, I broke no
traffic laws, I have not been drinking and my vehicle is properly registered and insured. Beyond
that you have no legal right to detain us." Her voice didn't show even a little trace of fear.

" Now, any other information you desire? For the past half hour we have been sitting here
honestly answering questions within the legal limits of our constitutional rights. We have not been
conspiring to commit any crimes, but under the fifth amendment, we would not be required to
provide you with that information if we had been. " Kiran's accent became a little uneasy now.

" But perhaps your superiors will find your explanation sufficient enough to justify your detaining
us for a half hour and making us wait in the cold while you played your little ego game. Now will
you unblock my car so that we will be on our way ? "

" Lady, this sort of attitude isn't going to help you." he said.

" Do I need help?" Kiran asked.

" You aren't being very cooperative. I have a legal right to ask you questions" said the deputy.

" Within the limits of the constitution, you have no right to ask about our private affairs." Kiran

" Affairs?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

" If you don't know the meaning of the word, look it up. I am not legally required to give you a
lesson in semantics." Kiran said.

" You were sitting on a dark stretch of road for no apparent reason, with your torn cloths and
blood running down your chin and this guy was sweating too . You did not have your seat belt
and emergency blinkers on as a safety measure. It could be a rape or even an murder attempting
case." replied the officer.

" No, that is not what happened here. There was no visible probable cause to justify this intrusion
into our private lives. There was no legal reason to detain us as we have been. If my lawyer finds
any specific violation of our civil rights from my deposition then I fully intend to file charges. Now
please unblock our path so that I may safely proceed about my own business." Kiran's looks and
acts were still unaffected by the cop's presence.

" If you have done nothing wrong, why would you need a lawyer, lady ?" asked the officer.

" Not for myself. I was referring to my filing of harassment charges." Kiran said.

" Well " deputy looked at both for what seemed for hours and then released a deep sigh.

" You may go now Ma'am. My apologies for your inconvenience Ma'am." said the deputy.

She wanted to say much , but the time, her condition and the cirumstances didn't allow her. She
finally put the car in the gear and headed to the main high way leading to the heart of the city.

" That's why I was telling you that don't stop on the main high way. We were just caught in the
middle of very severe situation. " Sameer said.

" Sorry for that too " Said Kiran, increasing the speed of the car.
" Oh man, we humans, such an unpredictable things we are , aren't we ? I never thought Amir
could be like this " She sighed.

" Yes we are, we all are in some aspects. Did you ever see onions Kiran, I mean from inside? "

" What do you mean, yes ofcourse I have " For the first time she seriously doubted about his
mental condition, he was talking about onions in such a serious condition.

" Well don't doubt my mentality, I was just giving an example. When you cut onions, you start
from the the outside and then proceed to the inside and yet all the layers are alike. Superficial and
deep aspects are the same. But for us humans, it's not the case " He smiled.

" "Ah I agree " Kiran nodded. " Where is your home ? "

" Very near from here but I wanted to make sure you reach your home safely " Sameer said with a
tone of concern in his voice.

" It's okay. I'm feeling much better now. Don't worry about me just tell me where is your place ? "

He told her the address. With in few minutes, she stopped the car at the front of his home.

" Well thank you for dropping me at my home " He said sincerely, pulling out of the car.

" And thank you too for saving me " She replied in a plain voice, looking at him with watery eyes.

" It was my duty. "

" Really ? Are you in Police ? "

" No way, why do you ask this ? "

" You just said, it was your duty " She replied seriously.

A wonderful laughter left his mouth. " Well said, Ma'am "

" So friends ? " Hopefully, she extended her hand in front of him.

" To be honest with you, I don't believe on friendship between opposite sexes. I mean friend is
someone who is very free with you and I don't think I can get much free and frank with any
unrelated female. It's my personal opinion anyway"

" You don't believe on such friendship or you can't afford it ? " She took her hand back.

" Meanings are the same, just the words are different, lady " He smiled.

" You can call me Kiran "

" Oh thanks for that. Anyway Kiran you know what, you're pretty confident. " He crossed his
strong arms over his broad chest, smiling in a pleasant mood.

Her last sentence before her car left his place gripped his feet again but when he looked back she
was not there.
" Yeah may be the first thing we share !!! " She had said.


Taimoor Khan searched for his daughter in T.V lounge but she was not there. Letting out a long
breath he headed towards the only place which was left now. Her studio. His guess was right . The
whole studio was drowned in darkness but a swaying shadow of a relaxing chair on the wall told
him that she was there. He looked into the darkness , " Kiran, baita are you here " ? is everything
alright daughter ? " He switched the lights on.

" Yes Dad, thanks " The swaying chair stopped for a moment.

" Okay Baita, take care of yourself, I am going to an Important meeting, UAE shipment is on its
way and I have to make arrangements for the next delegation."
He switched off the light again and was about to close the door of her room when her voice struck
his ears.

" Dad "

He stopped at her unexpected call.

" Yes ? "

" Why did you leave Pakistan ? " Her voice was thick with emotion but sounded innocent.

" I wonder why do you ask that now ? "

" Yeah may be you're thinking why I didn't ask such a basic question before, right ? Simply cuz I
never felt need for knowing the reason. Also because I never questioned myself but now I want to
know who I am and why I'm here and you've got to tell me Dad " Kiran said impatiently.

He didn't say a thing, just stared at her face. Her behaviour was very strange today.

" There are some more things which I want to know, besides information about mom's parties
and your business. May I have some knowledge about few other things too besides those details
about ttock exchange, shipments, the effects of weather and this year versus previous years ?
" Kiran's voice began to shake with emotions but she didn't stop.

" And what was my fault ? why you two didn't give me any brother or sister ? I have always
missed someone at my home. Either a brother or a sister who could share my feelings, happiness
and sorrows. With whom I could share my secrets . Someone I could fight with and play with. Tell
me Dad why ? " Her voice showed lonliness.

" Your mother. She didn't want to have more children after you. She said it would effect her figure,
her busy schedule and children do affect a woman's job and life . She wanted to give all
concentration to her job and work . " Her father replied in a tired tone.
" Wow, so for her, children are less important than her Job ? I feel sorry to call such a
materialistic woman as my mother." She looked angry, stern and deadly serious.

" Kiran, she is your mother . "

" And I'm her daughter, you forgot that Dad ? A formal hello on the breakfast table and then an
occasional good-night in a week doesn't make her my mother. She is called as my mother just cuz
she gave birth to me. Otherwise I never felt any special emotion for her. You know why Dad ?
simply because she never gave me a chance or time to express myself. " Tears were running
down her face.

" Tell me dad why did you leave Pakistan ? " She forced out.

" Well I was young. I couldn't find a suitable job there. I wanted to make money, after all I had the
same right on the luxuries and facilities of the world like everyone else has and it seemed to me
that I couldn't get fulfillment of all those dreams while living in Pakistan. "

" Wow, and then you married an American national citizen here , right ? A smart, gorgeous lady
who never forgets to go to Gym and never affords to miss any nice social party. But yes what
could she afford to ignore her only child, her twenty six year old daughter. " She blinked back her

" But Kiran we never put any restrcition on you, you are free to do what ever you want providing
you don't hurt youself "

" That's what I want Dad. I want you to put restrictions on me. Treat me like parents do with their
kids in Pakistan. Care for me like them. Give me orders like Pakistani parents. Love me like you
really care for me. I have always craved for your and Mom's love dad." She was getting hysterical

" I guess you should better take some rest now . It's been a hard, tough day at the university I'm
sure , take care and good night honey " He closed the door.

" You'll never understand Dad, you'll never feel the way I feel, Oh God " She dropped her head on
her knees, sobbing, trying to wash her anger and sadness through her tears.


" I went out with my girl friend last night, we had fun " John prompted, smiling.

" I see, if you don't take it as personal, may I ask is she your first ? " Sameer took the cup of tea to
his lips.

" Oh nopes, I had three others " John smiled.

" And you loved all of them ? " Sameer wondered.

" Yes ofcourse I loved them and so they did. We loved in every sense, and made it too. But don't
think of it as a plain sex, I dont believe in casual sex, sex without love is dirty. "
" I see, well I was just thinking you loved three different women and never married anyone
" Sameer smiled back.

" Well, I was not prepared for all those heavy responsibilities of marriage. Marriage binds you. You
can't spend a free life then. " John's philosophy was not very strange for Sameer. He had listened
the same things thousands of times here.

" And man would you believe I have been a virgin till my twenty first birth day " John added,

" Really? why so late ? " A sarcastic smile came to Sameer's lips which he hid immediately.

" Well, I was raised in a strict catholic family plus I was waiting for the right one, even then I
wasn't prepared for physical relations but it was too much. Gosh, guys began to call me a fag "

" Fag ? "

" Yeah, I mean a gay "

" Oh " Sameer let out a long breath.

" So I decided it was time to prove them wrong " John laughed.

" And besides, if you don't know I was married as well " John added roughly, gulping his tea.

" Was married ? "

" Yeah my wife was from Scotland. A real pathetic loser she was. She divorced me last year, but
man now I'm
so goddamn glad that she divorced me." John's tone was very calm and firm.

" But why ? "

" Well, shopping, jobs and having fun were the only meanings of life for her. I wanted to have kids
too but she denied. And though we tried our best to make our marriage out but it just didn't work,
anyway, it's over now " John stopped to take a long but cold breath.

" Was there nothing wrong on your side ? " Sameer asked, curious.

" The only fault of mine was that I just loved to annoy her, haha " John laughed again, but Sameer
felt that it didn't sound like a real one. It occured to him that there was something really missing in
John's life.

" I feel bad for you. " Sameer gave him his friendly remark.

" You don't need to be, I am much happy now, am passing independent life and I can have any
thing I want. No restrictions, no reservations. About my ex-wife, who gives a shit, I believe on live
your life the way you want " John smiled.

Sameer nodded but didn't say a word.

" Boy you didn't tell me about youself, I mean family and all that ? " John asked.
" Well I'm not married yet, though my mother always insists but I wanted to complete my
education first. Just after a month, I mean after our results and degree awarding ceremony, I
would leave for Pakistan. I guess they are preparing for my marriage. "

" When did you move here, in U.S, I mean " John wanted to know more about this man from
Pakistan who was the most interesting person he had ever met.

" About six years ago. I was living in Lahore with my parents. Then my father got his transfer here
in U.S. Though I graduated in Pakistan but decided to do graduation here in U.S too, taking
Anthropology as my major and then started doing masters too. About two years ago, my parents
moved back to Pakistan after my father's retirement. And now I am living with a family of my
father's friend. " Sameer told him the details, taking another sip of his tea.

" Oh I see... I guess you have travelled alot in your life. About Pakistan, you would move there
permanently, right ?" John asked.

" Yeah. I never thought to stay here in U.S for whole life. I have my own family, relatives and
ofcourse my Pakistan there. My own customs, traditions and culture. "

" Wow, you know what, I always wanted to see your country. I mean eastern people are so much
thoughtful and emotional. I love your traditions. I wish I could see your land and it's people. Hey I
have an idea . " John's voice became excited.

" What ? "

" I have my Uncle in Pakistani capital city. I guess it's Islamabad ? He is a first secretary in British
embassy. I was planning to meet him soon but what If I go with you ? " John looked at him with
eyes full of expectations.

" Sounds wonderful. But I would suggest that don't visit Pakistan with too much expectations. Go
there with your heart plain and clean as a slate. Observe it and feel the experience. "

" Don't worry, I already know much about Pakistan. After all it's seventh atomic power of the
world. "

" Yeah and after all it was your british colony before 1947 " Sameer smiled harshly.

" Yeah man that was some mistake, anyway do you want me to do any special preparation for this
Pakistan visit ? I mean anything I don't find there for myself ? " John asked, a special look of
concern came on his face.

" Yeah there are many, but for the starters just keep a bunch of toilet papers in your stuff . "

" What ???? " John couldn't believe his ears.

"Just kidding "

John's laughter echoed through the walls of University canteen.

Degree awarding ceremony went great, specially for Kiran as she got first class first. It turned out
to be the most happiest and wonderful day of her life. Receiving admiring glances, greetings and
congratulations from everyone was the nicest experience specially when Sameer met her.

" Congrats Kiran, you made it, you got whole eighty percent marks. I'm so pleased for you today.
As a matter of fact, you should give me a treat now " Sameer greeted her honestly and with his
heart. He did feel really happy for her today.

" Sure what do you want as a treat ? " She looked deep into his eyes, her spontaneous style
changed the direction of his eyes from her face to the ground.

' Well, I was just asking formally, don't need one "

" Hey come on. I would love to give you one, after all, all of my folks deserve it now, their prayers
being answered. " She laughed, softly pushing her long, dancing curls away from her fair face.
Her features were almost supermodel
gorgeous and yet there was still a warmth and humanity to them.

" What about a nice dinner in Cafe Beethoven, hmmm? Famous for it's French, German,
Hungarian,Spanish and Swiss foods. They make some really nice Hamburgers and pastries and
believe me it's very cool out there. You will enjoy your stay and the treat too " She smiled. There
were stars of hope sparkling in her deep green eyes.

" Umm sounds nice, Okay " Though he tried to resist but when he thought of leaving U.S next
week, he agreed, ofcourse for the first and the last time.

He reached her place at 8:00 p.m sharp and then on her suggestion he left his car at her home and
together, they left for Cafe Beethoven in Kiran's car. Cafe Beethoven was a really beautiful and
glamourous place. Surrounded by long palm and coconut trees, it's large glass windows gave
way to the wonderful Miami beech, bathing in the shiny moon light.

The porter welcomed them with a smile and nod of his head. Sameer stepped back to let her
precede him into the restaurant. Inside was no different from the outside. The windows of this
candlelit restaurant offered a panoramic views of the beautiful Miami beach. It was place for
lovers. Soft light and softer music. Tables set discreetly apart, food and service faultless.They
went straight to the central dining hall. It was all drowned in a dark dim blue light. Couples were
sitting here and there, whispering secrets to each other. A wonderful and huge sound system was
playing the notes of Kenny G's " Breathless " instrumentals. It was simply romantic and luxurious.

When they entered the dinner area, Kiran received the usual appreciative male glances . But there
was a difference, for she received intent female glances too, as her companion was assessed and
sighed over.

There were many tables set neatly in a well organized fashion all around the hall. Every table had
a wonderful decorating equipment in it's middle. Burning candles at the centre of each table were
adding charms to the beauty of this royal atmosphere. They selected a table in a relatively calm
and silent corner. He settled her in a chair then took another seat for himself in front of her.

" So what would you like ? " Kiran asked, checking the menu.
She wore tailored dark maroon, long but fitting skirt and blouse with lacy border that displayed
her shape and figure. A pair of just-this-minute four-hundred-dollar mid-heel pumps completed
the ensemble. Her neatly combed silky and straight shoulder length hairs were undone at the

" Anything you like, except meat, ofcourse " He took a deep sigh and closed his eyes, tipping his
head on the back of the chair. He was feeling tired again. It had been such a busy and long day.

" Why? You vegetarain ?" She looked at his shapely figure which was showing effects of regular
excercise and balanced diet.

" Nopes, because of the haraam forbidden meat here, I only eat fish or vegatable when I'm
outdoor. I have been here in States for last six years and never ate that forbidden flesh. "

" I see , well item number eight and forty three along with salad variety and some soft drinks" She
told the desired menu to the waitress.

" I guess today, it's some special occasion here " And then her eyes got the answer of her
question. She saw a lady sitting in the VIP, chief guest section. She was wearing a royal dress of
french style.

" I see, so they have this French princess as their cheif guest today " She said.

" Yeah I think so, it means this place is very famous and special " Sameer replied, lost in deep

" Ofcourse, that's why we are here " She smiled, caressing her hairs with her hand.

Another waitress brought them their spanish omelets with Italian salad with reen onions and
peppers for omelets and some fresh mushrooms. Some orange juice mix, coffee beans and coffee

" Thank you bravo, can you tell me who's this french lady? " Kiran asked the waitress.

" Oh oui Madame, that is Contesse Madeleine de Nouville, have you met?"

" Oh no, was just wondering" Kiran smiled. The waitress smiled back in answer and left.

For some time, neither Kiran, nor Sameer said a word. Sometimes, you search for words to start
the conversation but don't find any.

" So tell me about Pakistan, its foundation and it's people " Kiran broke the silence finally.

" Well a long story. I would suggest that you should visit Pakistan now for your personal
experience. Though naturally, many things have been changed but still we have preserved our
culture and roots in its best form possible. " Sameer said.

" Roots ? "

" Yes roots. Those basis on which we founded our Pakistan after a long hard work and countless
sacrifices. You know what Kiran, even very strong and big trees can't survive and persist if
someone cuts their roots. " Sameer took the first bite of his dinner.
" Tell me which kind of advantages Pakistanis get while living in their own country and what were
those basis you're talking about ? "

" Okay I will tell you about those things in the light of history in a brief way. But you should have
your mind and heart open to hear those facts as many Pakistanis living here don't follow the
Pakistan foundation theory " Practically ".

" Sorry I didn't get you " She felt confused.

" Okay let me explain. You know the reason on which Muslims founded Pakistan in 1947 ? It was
two-nation theory, which stated that Muslims and Hindus are two separate nations. Different in
every respect including their religion, culture, language, traditions and heritage. "

" Yeah okay, so ? " She said impatiently.

" Now you tell me one who has decided to leave Pakistan on permanent basis , how is she or he
supposed to support the Pakistan foundation theory ? He or she practically rejects this theory
ignoring all of its beneficial features . " Seeing her interest, Sameer didn't stop.

" See Kiran, The following were the major and basic reasons for Pakistan foundation.

1- To get a separate land for muslims which shall be ruled by a muslim governament.

2- To get a separate muslim society for muslims in which they could practice their customs in a
completely different way from hindus and other non-muslims.

3- To get complete freedom from the British or any non-muslim rule.

4- To get a piece of land where we can freely pratice what we believe and to prevent our future
generations from every aspect of non-muslim society which might be harmful to our eastern and
muslim origin.

5- To save our traditions and culture and other religious values. To prevent our culture from the
bad effects of western society like from wearing cheap western cloths and eating forbidden food
like the kind of meat which is common here in the West.

6- To save and protect our own language, national mother tongue which is known as Urdu, in
such a way that all of us including our future generations too, could read, speak and understand it
easily, frequently and fluently.

Now you tell me do you have all these features in your society while living in the United States of
America ? " He finally stopped to see her changing expressions.

" Oh God, never knew that . So what do you think of such Pakistani people in the West? you
probably think of them as bad people, I am a bad person right ? " She asked many questions at a
time which showed her uncomfortable condition at the moment.

" Look Kiran, I respect you alot. As a lady, as a muslim, as a Pakistani and yes as a person too.
That day, you could have easily offered your body to Amir and enjoy, but you protested. It shows
your roots your blood, your yeast belongs to the same land to which mine does too. Our thinking
and approach towards many things might be different but it doesn't make us enemies. " His eyes
showing the reflection of his words.
" Don't ever think again that I don't respect you. I have the same respect for Pakistani girls living
in the west like I would have for any girl living in Pakistan. I have seen many good familes here
who practice Islam in very good form and keep themslves away from forbidden food and acts .
And after all my family too, used to live here just few years ago. But my point is that if you call
youself a Pakistani, be like one, dress like one, act like one, behave like one. "
When they were talking, no one could guess that while sitting inside this beautiful cafe, eating a
candle light dinner in this romantic atmopshere this perfectly beautiful couple would be talking
about Islam, Pakistan and the East.

" But I just believe in letting other people live their lives the way they choose to. My whole lifestyle
is contrary to
what the most public would be comfortable with. But they don't live their lives for me. I damn sure
don't intend to live mine for them. Nor am I going to interfere with others living their lives in a
manner that society would find uncomfortable. To do so would be highly hypocritical of me." She
said in a cold tone. " Beside it's my life and I am what I am " Her tone became typical.

" That's what I'm saying, Actually you won't be changed.... you would just try to be more
original..... to be what you really and actually are. It would be more nice of you to live as an
eastern girl living in the west instead of "pretending" like a western girl living in the West. This so
called " free " western society accepts even homosexuals and nudists too, why they won't accept
a girl wearing Pakistani dress in her daily life ? When a non muslim western doesn't feel any
shame in coming in front of the whole world in just her undergarments, then why do you feel "
shame" in wearing Dupatta at university? " His question left her answerless.

" But Sameer you must realize that it's not that easy, I mean every Pakistani girl studying here in
the schools, universities and colleges wears western cloths " She tried to protest.

" You're right but let me tell you many girls here wear those cheap western cloths like jeans,
skirts and trousers just because everyone else is doing the same here. But why ? dont you have
any of your own choice? "

" Okay, suppose If I try to change myself in a positive way, what should I do ? " She was curious.

" Hmm first you should have courage, confidence and real guts to do that because not every girl
has such courage or ability here specially while living in the West . Are you prepared to act,
behave and spend your life as an "original" Kiran ? He wanted to judge the determination in her

" Let's see, just tell me what to do "

" Hmm well the plan might sound a bit tough to you initially but trust me, in the end you would feel
like a true, pure graceful woman " He smiled.

" I am listening "

" Okay, first start to dress like a real muslim woman. Dress like your own separate
that other people could identify you as an eastern muslim girl among Kathy, Pooja and Linda .
Don't eat meat at the fast food or any parties which you think are arranged by Non-muslims.
Because here meat is not Halaal. Prefer fish or vegetables when you are out of your home. Third,
act like a true, free Pakistani muslim woman, don't shake hands with guys... I know it would be
hard for you at first, you might think that other guys would take it as an insult but what is more
important to you? Your ALLAH or guys ? Fourth, please start to learn the national language of
Pakistan, your mother tongue Urdu. I know you can speak it somehow but you are not very good
at vocabulary. Also you must be able to read it too.
While he was talking, she observed him with concentration. How much different he was from Amir
. She remembered Amir's eyes, always X-Raying her body, looking at different parts of her body
with interest but then those daring eyes were compliment for her.
But the eyes of this guy...... he was talking to her directly and yet his eyes, hardly meeting hers, or
looking towards her only once ....talking slowly, staring at the floor like he had some real respect
for her. I like it, she confessed in her heart secretly. A quite unexpected feeling of proprietorial
pleasure swept over her as she noted the admiring glances he received from several other women
in the restaurant.

Suddenly, for the very first time, totally against her wish, a weird feeling came in her mind. Yes,
this was the man she wanted in her life.

" OMiGod, sounds tough " Kiran wondered, lifting a forkful of warm , oniony omelet to her lips.
The sharp bite of peppery salsa lingered on her tongue after she swallowed.

" Yes, it is and so is life. " He confirmed without hesitation. " Anyway it's your life Kiran. Spend
the way you like it, as an answer to your question I just told you some essential features of
Pakistani muslim women. " He added and smiled.

" I am gonna give it a try anyway, I would try my best "

" Yes, if you're willing to change yourself in a positive way, it won't be so much hard as it might
sound to you at this stage. " Sameer assured her in a calm and gentle voice.

" But I don't want to change myself for anyone, I am what I am. I may not have acheived much in
your sense but I'm proud of myself and I don't want anyone looking down on me. "

" Exactly, don't change yourself for anyone, but for your own sake. Don't let yourself governed by
those who don't belong to you. This is NOT real Kiran. Be what you're . Be true muslim, be real
Pakistani. "

" Wow, man phew. You made my day, nobody has ever made me feel like you do. " Kiran felt really
impressed by him, he was the first person who had ever impressed her in a positive way.

" By the way you didn't tell me to change in your way ? who knows that may be Kiran wants
Sameer to be like other guys here ? " He smiled naughtily, teasing her for the first time.

" Nope, you should not be like others, you are different so keep yourself different ". Her accent
contained something really strange, sudden and something instantaneous which made his eyes
look toward hers.
So much "clear" eyes those were, like light, or when little sparkling bulbs twinkle in deep green
waters. Her eyes looked even more startlingly beautiful in the light of candles. He couldn't fight
with those eyes and avoided his gaze.

" Tell me about your life now, I mean where did you spend you childhood and early days, in
texas? " Sameer tried to change the topic and the environment too.

" WOW, how did you know ? Well yes I was born in Texas, cowboy land land hehe, but hey you
don't need to worry. I am not a wild rancher. Anyway, then we moved to New York, I was fourteen
then and since that time, I have been there. It was only two years ago that Dad decided to expand
his business upto Florida too. But how did you know about the Texas thingie man ? " She was
totally astonished by his wild guess.
" Hmm, by your voice " He smiled . " Though it's New York cultured, but one could still detect a
trace of a Texas drawl. You can't eradicate it entirely. "

They talked about few more things then silence gripped them again.

" Those guys are thinking we are on a date" After few minutes of silence, Kiran chuckled as she
noted the admiring and even some jealous glances of the people sitting here and there.

" Oh " Her remark made him to take a look of their surroundings and for the first time he realized
that he was sitting with a very beautiful woman. Those envious stares of other women on her and
admiring glances of the men present there, explained many things to him.

" Well I think we should better go now, it's about ten p.m now ". Finally, he threw a look on her
face, a detailed one, to judge and compare his own ideas with the others. He was not much of a
beauty admirer but he had to confess that, right then, she was looking very pretty and gorgeous.
Infact a real gorgeous from head to toe. Even her smile was very sophisticated, neat and
decorated with equally alligned, small, pearl like teeths. Not to forget about those twin-leaves-like
maroon lips. At that moment, yes, he did see her like there was no one else except her and her
charming personality.

" Sameer it's not so late yet, I would like you to meet my Dad. He'll love to meet you I'm sure if we
catches him at home tonite " She said as they left the place.

" Well "

" Please ?"

" Okay lady, as you wish " He couldn't refuse any of her requests today and he just didn't know

The ride to her home was pleasant. If your companion is understanding, nice and friendly then even small
and short journey becomes so lovely and beautiful that sometimes you wish that it should be a journey forever, an
endless journey. Driving to her home, she thought.

Luckily, her father was at home. He did sound very nice to Sameer but somewhat professional and
business minded too, which was not anything he didn't excpect.

Her home was very warm and inviting much like her personality, bright colors and lots of plants
and comfortable places to be. She gave him a tour of the house. Then she showed him, her
paintings in her self-made home studio.

" I like to play with colours " She pushed a long, soft curl away from her cheek with the end of her
painting brush.

" And they like to play with you " Looking at her pink cheeks turning red, he said. The words just
slipped even before he could stop them.

She laughed softly, spreading musical notes in the atmosphere.

" God's it's hot today " She opened the big glass window of the studio, giving way to the cold and
soft night breeze of Palm beach, Florida. Her gaze lingered on his averted face and watched the
breeze rumple his silky, black hair.
" I'm going to fix a cold drink, what would you like ? Lemonade or iced tea?

" Hmm again, as you like "

There were about fifteen paintings hanging on the plain white walls of her huge home studio.

" Ever plan to acquire it as a profession too ? " He asked, as she returned carrying the drinks.

" Duuno, who knows , but first it's my interest " She offered him the glass containing cold
lemonade.They sat down at the wooden table placed in the centre of the studio.

" I see " He took a sharp sip.

Once finished with the cold drinks, Sameer took a thorough tour of her studio, listening to her, as
she told him briefly about each and every painting.They spent almost a half hour in the studio
looking at the paintings, Sameer clearly impressed by the quality of Kiran's work. It all had a
common color, a thread of sadness and, yes, undeniable overtones of lonliness that ran like a
thread through every picture.

"Well, that's it," Kiran said as they came to her last painting.

" What do you think?"

" I think it's good. It's very good," Sameer managed to say, without too much of a catch in his

" So tell me which portrait do you like the most ? " She looked into his eyes, trying to judge

" To be honest all are wonderful, what is your favourite by the way ? " He asked back.

" Haha, it's just like you are asking a mother which one of her children is her favourite " She

" Some times you understand one of your children better than the others, so any case like that ?
" He smiled.

" Aha, well I really like this portrait " She pointed towards a painting of a middle age girl sitting on
a ledge, cross legged, with her right fist beneath her chin, like she was waiting for something.

" It looks great. " He agreed.

" Sameer tell me which kind of idea you get from it, I mean give me your opinion about this
painting "

He observed the painting for few seconds. It looked mysetrious and yet so simple. " This painting
is beautiful. I like realistic art, easy, universal and yet so mysterious. Abstract art often doesn't
present life in its original form. Well this portrait of yours, shows a woman. Hmmm, looks like she
is lost in some deep thought or is she waiting for someone. But she's not sure whether she'll be
able to see the sun of her hopes rising or her only fate is " Always keep waiting for him ". He
" Getting in kind of deep, aren't you? " Kiran smiled." Well you're right, the subject of this painting
is "A Waiting Girl". She has a heart which is full of hopes and expectations. "

" Ah, you know it's an expecation which hurts. It's good to not to lose hope but sometimes
expectaions become so much that if you don't get the wanted results, it hurts, it really hurts. So
never expect anything from others unless you are sure of yourself and others." Sameer said.

For some reason, Sameer's opinion about the expectations made her unhappy, but she didn't
show a sign.

That day, they talked about many things. For the first time he told her about his family. About his
childhood memories and then about Kisa and Kashish. Their good times together, those little,
cute fights. He even told her about that big old neem tree which had mark of their old friendship.
Kiran enjoyed every moment of their discussion. She specially liked it when she heard the theory
of his cousin, Kisa, about " love", that how one can " rise" in love. Kiran admitted that she liked
and enjoyed his company. But the sadest part of their mutually pleasant time was when he told
her that he was leaving for Pakistan next week.

" Really ? and when you'll be back ? " She felt her heart losing its beats.

" Don't know, right now I don't have any plans as such. I always wanted to spend my life in my
own Pakistan and finally this wish is becoming true, hopefully. "

" Well, I wish you best of luck wherever you live" She tried to smile.

" Thanks I would wait for your visit, have you made your mind ? " He asked.

" Nopes, no chances in the near future, only God knows "

" Oh, well I should better leave now, it's too late " His wrist watch finally took their most wonderful
time to an end.

Kiran walked him as far as the front door and watched him climb into his car and drive away.

" I would miss you Sameer.......more than you can ever think " She confessed in her heart and then closed
the door.


Second ring of the telephone broke his dream. Trying to open his eyes, he picked up the receiver
and then immediately recognized the voice. It was his mother's.

" Yes Ammi I am alright, what about you and how's Abboo ?" He inquired about his father.

" He's fine by the grace of Allah, Sameer we are really waiting for you. Here we have a marriage
coming in the next month. Faraz is getting married with Rida, you remember her ?" His mother's
voice was filled with hope of seeing him again after such a long time. Faraz was his first cousin,
son of his mother's sister. He was two years younger than Sameer.

" Oh really ? Ofcourse I remember Rida. She was Kisa's friend and actually she was my friend too.
I can't wait, I miss all those sweet weddings in Pakistan, Insha'Allah I would be there next week.
" Sameer almost screamed with excitement.
" And Ammi, how are Kisa and Kashish and their parents ? I never heard anything about them
since last two years." He imagined in his mind what their reaction would be when they saw him.

" Yes they have settled back in Karachi last month, so you'll be able to meet them too " His
mother said.

" Oh I can't believe , it still seems like yesterday but I didn't see them since last eight years "

" But you used to talk to them on phone ? "

" Yes we did, but only for couple of times, then it stopped when they moved to Quetta. I can't wait
to see them, I am sure both of them would have grown up so much , haha " Sameer never felt so
much happiness in last few years.

" Yes Kisa should be twenty three now... and Kashish is nineteen " His mother told him.

" Wow , just give them my best wishes if you ever meet them during this time "

" Sure I would , Sameer we have so much plans for you, I mean me and your father, we are also
well prepared for your marriage. I have started searching bride for you, tell me if you liked any girl
in U.S " His mother wanted to know.

" Oh no Ammi, didn't like anyone in that way, so don't worry. About bride, well I have complete
trust on your choice whoever you choose. " He smiled.

" Okay then see you next week here in Pakistan insha'Allah, don't forget to call before you leave ,
okay? and please take extra care of yourself "

" Yes Ammi, you too, say my salaam to Abboo. Allah Hafiz, see you in Pakistan "


" Hey Kiran, baby we are waiting for you. Let's get together, its' weekend night, and above all
tomorrow is Valentine's day so we arranged a little slumber, would have some dance, music and "
fun " films you know some really cool movies , hehe , tonz of funz " Linda's excited voice was
non-stop as soon as Kiran picked up the receiver.

" I'm sorry Linda but I don't feel like going " Kiran sighed.

" Why ? you feeling all right sweetie ? Linda asked with a worried tone.

" I'm just not feeling well today "

" But why ? and what about this guy Amir ? you were planning a date with him last week ? " Linda
wanted to know everything.

" To be honest, I don't want dates, sex and fun. I want to know how much important and special I
could be in a real man's life." Kiran replied in a tired voice.

" I have noted that you don't feel okay since that last presentation of this Paki guy , are you
adopting so called eastern thinking ? " Linda giggled.
" Dunno about that. But such things like dates and stuff do sound and feel temporary. About films
, I just don't feel interest in them since few days. To be more exact, films and such stuff sound
kiddish to me now "

" Oh I see, our seet little gal has grown up now, hehe, anyway sweety I just want you to take care
of yourself, and be happy "

" Thanks Linda "

" Bye Kiran honey"

" Bye Bye " Sighing, Kiran put the receiver back on the craddle.

She tried to gather her thoughts again which had been disrupted by Linda's phone. For the first
time, she was thinking about her future in a different way. Now, she was trying to realize her
needs and wants in a more personal way. She reasoned that she needed someone attuned to her
personal life, someone with whom she could talk about the things that were important to her,
someone who understood. A man who could supply that in a way no other man could. And who this
man could be ?

But what on earth had happened to her ? He was as man as they could get, filled with everything she hated and
feared: typical Pakistani, "narrow minded", extremist, masculine aggression, male power, unbending strength.

As soon she her head touched the pillow, his smiling face came in front of her. She began to smile
too. Yes.....She needed Sameer. She wanted him. She craved for him. Involuntary, her hand
reached the phone, she was almost about to dial his numbers when some thought stopped
her. What if he doesn't like me? Then after some time she gained courage again and picked the phone
but when her fingers started to press the numbers, something stopped her again.
" What if these feelings are one-sided only ? "

God....... just what am I feeling right now ? These feelings, such emotions are very new, strange but oh so
pleasant for me. I am lonely and yet talking. There is nobody and yet I am here, smiling. What on earth has
occured to me ? She thought to herself.

" It's love" Someone had whispered deep inside her being.

" Really ? "

"Ask yourself and you'll get the answer " The same whisper came again.

" Hehe " she giggled. Sameer you are a wonderful person. She felt as though this was a person who
genuinely cared. Someone who had asked out of genuine concern and not out of superficial
observation or 'politeness.' Someone who would listen and who would understand.

All in all it had been a distinctly odd kind of evening, especially for someone who was more used
to spending her free time either alone in her studio, or dining out with typical friends like Linda.

Rolling from side to side on the huge Victorian bed, she tried to sleep but sleep was everywhere
except in her room.

Yaad " Tum" aatey rahey, aik hook see uth'ti rahi
Neend " mujh" sey, neend sey " Mein " bhaagti chhupti rahi
Hours passed but not her thoughts. The wall clock in her bed room announced the time as 12- O-
Clock. Today was the Valentine's day. She picked up a pen and started to write the letter .......

Be My Valentine

..............February , the fourteenth

" Sameer Hasan...... I don't know how and where to start. I just know one thing that I've been
driving myself crazy with this all night long. A thousand times I wanted to call you and say
what was on my mind, but I knew I would never be able to find the right words. A hundred
times I must have picked up the phone and then put it down again, unable to finish dialing
I was so nervous.

Never in my life did I feel the way I did with you yesterday. Being with you was just so perfect.
It was like one of those moments you wish you could freeze and hold in place forever. I felt like
I could tell you anything and you would understand. I have felt so confused. So much of what you
said mirrored things that I felt inside. I felt like there was a part of me within you and a part of
you within me. I know it's crazy but being with you just made me feel so wonderful.

You know what Sameer, I only rarely pray to God, I never felt like praying for anything, I got
everything I wished. But for the first time, I ..... I , me..... I really need and want something from
God for myself. I want " You" from my God. This is the only prayer of mine Sameer and as it includes
you so I'd never have the feeling that Kiran prayed for anything cheap .

Overnight her life had taken a dramatic turn in a fresh direction, and all because of Sameer Hasan,
or so it seemed.
She finally finished writing and switched off her bed lamp. " God, I have changed " It was her last
thought and then a satisfied sleep hugged her. A sweet smile came to her lips even in sleep too.


Sometimes, fate answers your dreams even before you could see them completely. Kiran got the
most pleasant shock of her life when she saw Sameer at her door next evening.

" Wow, you know I was thinking to visit your house today "

" Really? any specific reason ? " He wanted to know.

' Not really " She smiled meaningfully.

" I actually came here today to say Good bye to you, I'm leaving for Pakistan tomorrow. " He said
as she guided him to the sitting room. Though she knew it before but his sentence caught her

" It means I've got to tell you right now, I don't have much time" She excused herself for a moment to
arrange some drinks for them. It was a perfect evening. She filled the coffee-maker and switched it
on. Then she got a pitcher of iced tea from the stainless-steel refrigerator and poured a couple of
tall tumblers and added a slice of lemon. She also arranged for a light refreshment. She put the
potatoes in the microwave to bake, gave the salad a final toss and arranged the chilled melon with
a squeeze of lemon in glass dishes.
When she was about to step in the sitting room, his words stopped her. He was talking to
someone on his cellular phone. Though it was against her ethics to hear him like this but what
made her to do so was her own name.

" Yes, I'm at Kiran's place right now " He had said.

" Haha....well no way, how'd you think like that ? His voice came again.

" Yes buddy, but let me tell you one thing. My ideal is not so much extra-ordinarily beautiful girl
like Kiran. Her personality is charismatic, one which can completely arrest many. I never saw such
a beautiful contrast of attractive looks and mature mind, but still my heart didn't develop those
emotions and feelings which are known as " love" and it's not necessary that a guy like me would
fall in love with a very beautiful girl. Plus I don't see or feel those emotions in my heart for a girl
like Kiran, I mean she is nice but our mentality, our thinking is almost opposite to each other. "

Her heart contracted.

His every sentence was like a hammer on her heart and mind, knocking her senses out. She
almost threw the trey containing coffee cups. It seemed that someone was suffocating her soul.
She ran towards her room, sobbing and crying. She fell on her bed, powerless, unable and afraid
to move. Someone had shattered her dreams even before she could see them fully. Continous
streams of tears found their way through her closed eye lashes, taking away all of those fresh,
wonderful dreams and fantasies which had yet to be fulfilled.

" Oh God , I didn't ask for anything more. I just wanted one thing " She put her wet cheeks on the pillow,

As she rolled her cheeks on the pillow, she saw a rolled piece of paper beneath it. Seeing the
paper, a weird but most sad smile came on her lips. She took the paper in her hands, wiping her
tears with it and then after reading it for the last time, ripped it apart into many pieces. It was her
letter to Sameer. Last night, she had opened her heart for him in the same letter. Now, She treated
the letter in the same way like her heart had been. Broken into pieces. There was no use of
showing it to Sameer now.

It hurts to love someone

and not be loved in return,
but what is most painful ......
is to love someone,
and never finding the courage,
to let the person know how you feel.

Tears formed in large droplets and gathered pace as they streamed down her cheeks. She
slumped forward, propped her elbow on the bed and covered her face with her hand as she wept
again and again. Then remembering something she hurried into the wash room and poured tons
of water over her face, wishing it could wash everything away. But it didn't clean anything except
her external tears. Fighting herself, she gathered courage to move in the sitting room again. He
was there, waiting for her.

" Kiran, what happened, were you crying ? " He sure had deep observation.

" Nopes " She tried to avoid his look. But the final moment had come. She could not prevaricate
further. She felt tears of pain and frustration prick at her eyelids.

" Hey, girl, look into my eyes " He stood up from his place, got near her.
" Look, I don't know but if you have heard what I was just telling John then I'm sorry but well it
was the truth. I explained it to you in the beginning that never expect anything from me . It's an
expectation which causes so much hurt and....." He tried to explain.

" What do you mean Mr.Sameer ? huh ?" Her sudden change of accent, style to talk and tone
astonished him for the moment.

" Who am I for you ?? Who gave you this right that you decide about my feelings without even
asking me ? She nearly exploded.

" Kiran let me explain .... " He tried to sooth her.

" I don't need any explanations Mr.Sameer Hasan. Now I know which kind of person you are.
Human emotions mean nothing to you. What you can see in the whole world are your own ideals,
your own values and feelings. I never thought one could be so selfish. " She yelled, getting
angrier by the second.

" I care about you, Kiran" He said stiffly. " I care alot "

" " The pained truth of his feelings for her reflected in her eyes as she dragged her gaze
up to his.

" You care about me only when it suits you. I'm nothing for you but just an ordinary girl. I don't
need your sympathies for the sake of " humanity ". I never thought that this man I loved is a
heartless, insensitive, callous brute " She hurled at him but realized her mistake immediately.
God, what she had said.... she " loved " him ?

Her sentence changed his expressions. Involuntary his eyes mashed with hers. But he couldn't
look into her eyes for a long time as there was something irresistible in those green eyes.
Sometimes eyes are like a mirror to your heart. They reflect your emotions, feelings and thinking.
Here eyes presented the same example. Pleading, sobbing and crying for him.

He didn't say a word then. He just looked at her with genuine sadness in his eyes. With unsteady,
short and slow steps he walked his way out to the main door of her house.

The urge to run after him impelled her feet forward. She reached the door and saw him. He was
getting into his car.

" I don't want you to go " Her heart came on her tongue.

" That's what I trying to tell you that...... " He tried to speak again.

" Go " She cut off his sentence.

He raised his head and tried to speak something but she stopped him again

" I said.... go " She demanded tonelessly.

Her nostrils flaring in and out rapidly, her breathing heavy and fast. She put her right hand on her
mouth, and looked at him like she want to absorb his sight for the last time. Like she would never
see him like this again.
He finally climbed into his car, started the engine and then putting a final glance at her, moved

After he had left, she felt helpless and powerless. She leaned her head against the door and
fought the wave of weakness that hollowed her stomach and turned her knees to water.

" You know what Mr.Sameer Hasan " She began to say in a trembling , husky voice. " A silk worm
does know that he would finally die making silk and yet he keeps doing that because it's his
instinct, his nature. We girls do know that while decorating our eyes with dreams , our own eyes
often get injured and yet we do that . Simply because its our nature. " Talking to herself, she put
her head down on her knees.

A sad thing about life is ...

when you meet someone
that means a lot to you,
only to find out in the end,
that it was never bound to be ....
and you just have to let go


" Jeez, Sameer, you look awful, are you okay?" John asked with a concerned look. Both of them
were present on the departure terminal of the Florida International Airport, Miami.

" Why do you say that? Infact I'm really glad today. After all I'm going to my Pakistan after six
years "

" But you don't look much happy, well atleast not at your heart , probably because of yesterday's
incident with Kiran. "

Sameer didn't reply this time. He just continued to put his stuff in the baggage trolley.

" Most probably you're thinking how nice and wonderful it would be if she could come here to see
you off, right ? "

" Wonderful things are often impossible, John " He let out a cold breath.

" Hey, how's it goin'?" A feminine voice appeared at their back.

It was familiar, unique and heart-touching voice. Yes, he could recognize this voice in thousands
of sounds. Sameer turned around impatiently. For an instant he couldn't believe his eyes.
Yes, she was there with a smile on her lips but tears in her eyes. But what surprised him most was
her "original" form and her looks. For the first time she impressed him by her looks too. She was
wearing a royal blue kurta shilwar suit of organza with matching dupatta which was very properly
placed on her upper front in traditional " V "shaped style. This suit was hiding her body in a nice
manner and yet adding extra charms to her organized personality. Her neatly combed hair was
undone. Traditional indian eye-make " Kajal " was bordering her big, beautiful eyes like an
expensive show-case, making her face and her special eyes more prominent. There was some
specific mind-blowing fragrance emitting from her which was very particular for her. Pakistani "
khussa " saleem shahi shoes decorated her fair, perfect feet. She was looking like an eastern
princess and yet not so formal.

" Well I never thought that Sun could rise in the West too. " It was the first sentence which
escaped his mouth after long moments of silence.

" Well Sun is always the same but places are different. " She smiled with all her might.

" Anyway, just thought we should say good-bye to our cute Pakistani man. " She said,
exchanging greetings with John too.

" That is such a sweet and loving thing to do. It speaks volumes. Thank you so much Kiran " His
voice got emotional.

He walked few feet towards her. Reaching in front of her, he looked into her eyes. For the first
time, neither of them could steal the glance. Their eyes dead-locked on each other other with
nobody speaking even a word. Just their eyes talking. Few more moments passed, then he saw
her thick eye lashes began to tremble. Slowly, a tear trickled down her face.

" You know what Kiran......." After some moments of complete silence, he finally gathered his
nerve to say something.
" Tears are such a weird and yet wonderful things. So transparent, so clean and clear and how
neatly they clean us from shame, dirt and sometimes even from pain too... "

" But Sameer Hasan. Some pains are not physical. " She breathed back. " They are eternal and
spiritual and there is no remedy for such pains. Such pains only get worse by time. Anyway I just
wanted to say nice wishes to you, may you get what you want for your life and may you always
keep smiling like this " She tried to smile again.

" I would like to say one more thing if you could listen. " He wanted her permission to say more.

She gave him a questioning look.

"The other day you said you love me, which kind of love is this ? " His voice was gentle and yet
firm. " When we love somone we love everything attached with our beloved, his relatives, his
surroundings, his country. You are very well-educated, an American national but that doesn't
necessarily mean that you are an ideal girl . All I am trying to say is that it's just a temporary
emotional involvement, not anything bad but not an eternal thing either. Very soon you would
realize the difference between our thinkings and natures. " Said Sameer.

" I won't comment on that Sameer. But I have made my mind for one thing. I would definitely
change myself in a positive way . I wont change myself for anyone, but for myself , for my
own....for my religion...for my faith.... for my real culture, for my customs...for my originality. " Her
confidence, her determination showed how much ambitious she was.

A lady announced that the final time of their flight's departure was near. Against his wish, he held
out his hand in front of her, involuntarily.

" Hey you forgot, we Pakistani girls don't shake hands with boys, practice what you preach
Sameer Hasan, hehe. " She giggled.

" Ooops Sorry. " He took his hand back. "Just couldn't control myself." He smiled.
" Khuda Hafiz Sameer, may Allah keep you happy always, " Tears of sincerity began to flow again.

"Allah Hafiz Kiran and I promise, I would visit you here whenever I get chance, please take extra
care of yourself "

I lived on your promise as I thought of it as lie

If I could trust you, happiness could make me die

" And the last thing Kiran, but not the least. Never feel disappointed....because those who really
believe on God... on Allah, they never feel disappointed, no matter how bad the conditions
become. Allah hafiz, finally ! " Saying the last words he motioned John to move.

She stood there, watching them leave. Sameer began to walk towards the boarding tunnel, but
waving his hand at the same time, never losing an eye-contact with her till the last moment. She
waved back. A sad smile playing on her lips. Finally as both of them entered the tunnel, the dark
black glass door closed in front of her, separating him from her. Perhaps forever !!!

Giving someone all your love

is never an assurance that they'll love you back,
don't expect love in return,
just wait for it to grow in their
hearts but if it doesn't,
be content it grew in yours.


Once in the air, Sameer forced himself to relax. It was going to be a long flight, no point staying
wound up. John made himself sleep, mainly to pass the time, but also to avoid the inevitable jet
lag as best as he could. Finally, several hours later their plane touched down in Karachi. Sameer's
heart began to pound again. It was an early evening of a mid summer here. They made their way
through the terminal, collected their baggage, and then spread out. Sameer saw some passengers
being met by friends or relatives and some having emotional reunions with loved ones. Seeing
such events, he felt a pang of regret for not telling his parents the exact time of his flight. But it
disappeared when he reminded himself how much they would enjoy his surprise. They found a
taxi, and told the address.

While on their way to the home from airport John heard a weird sound .....which was awesome
and yet so pleasant.

" What's this, how's this sound ? " The sound astonished John.

" This is the same sound which Armstrong heard when he put his feet on the moon for the very
first time" Sameer smiled meaningfully.

" Oh you mean...... ? "

" Yes...Its Azaan for prayers "

" Greetings .... its the indication that now, you're in Pakistan" Sameer said, smiling.

"So Mr.John Roberts........................ Welcome to Pakistan "

Click here to read third part of this story

Some stories are unforgettable !


A Story By IKRAM

Chaltey chaltey , chaltey chaltey

Yoonhi " koi " mil gaya tha......


Chaltey chaltey

Waheen thum ke reh gai hai,

Meri raat..... dhaltey, dhaltey

Chaltey chaltey

Jo Kahi gai naa mujh sey...

Woh Zamaana keh raha hai

Yeh fasaana bun gai hai

Meri baat..... taltey, taltey

Chaltey chaltey

Shab-e-Intezaar aakhir

kabhi ho gee mukhtasar bhi

Yeh charaagh bujh rahey hain

mery saath........ jaltey, jaltey

Chaltey chaltey.....

Yoonhi " koi " mil gaya tha......

Chaltey Chaltey

Bus.....Tum Ko Paana Hai

( Part 3 )

Come....... share a traditional Pakistani wedding

" Shah Palace " was one of the most well-known places in this posh locality of Karachi. It was
simply a big and awesome mansion. Covering an area of about ten acres, this white-coloured
huge building never failed to attract everyone's eyes. It was constructed in typical, ancient
traditional Indian style. Palm trees lined the pink cobbled driveway leading up to the main gate.
Central living area had three stories, twenty rooms, and a lovely slanted red tile roof splattered
with bird droppings. All the rooms had balconies and faced the sparkling blue waters of Arabian
ocean. Big white, gleaming marble pillars were used to support the building. Inside the boundary
wall, there was a large, beautiful lawn which had evenly spread lush green grass, bordered by
different varities of trees and plants. The air there, always remained thick and fresh with the sweet
scent of roses of almost all varities.

This giant building belonged to the famous feudal and business legend, Waris Ali Shah and his
family which comprised of a graceful wife, a twenty six year old handsome son, Faraz Ali Shah,
followed by his twenty two year old cutest sister, Sadaf Shah.

Today was the special day for everyone belonging to Shah Palace, in connection with marriage
ceremony of Faraz Ali Shah. The celebrations were going to start today with " Mehndi ".
" So your work all done Farah begum ? " Waris Shah took a detailed look of the big central hall
and then glanced down at his wife who was busy in giving instructions to the decoration and
lighting staff.

" Yes almost, just about to finish with the sitting arrangements. " Mrs.Shah replied, as she
adjusted a big golden chair on the main stage which was constructed in the middle of this huge
dinning hall.

" Oh so many seats, it's just a " Mehndi" Farah, how many guests you're expecting today by the
way ? " He asked impatiently, jerking his cigar in the ashtray.

" Hmm. Like you won't know? I invited everyone, after all It's first wedding in our home. " She
smiled, as she instructed the staff to bring some more chairs.

" Okay and what about the girl's side? what did you tell them ? "

" Well I didn't restrict them. I told them to bring as much guests as possible. " His wife was
looking really excited today.

" Hmm " He sighed. " Let's hope every thing goes fine. It's not very easy to manage such big

" You don't have to worry, insha'Allah everthing would be fine, just leave everything on me.
" Mrs.Shah smiled, seeing him once again and then re-continued her work.

" I already have. Infact I have complete trust on your management abilities and you know it. " He
smiled back.

" Oh thank you so much Shah . "

" For what ? "

" For being so nice and for all of your co-operation and support. " She sincerely thanked him and
it was the truth too. Their mutual understanding and sincerity had made their couple, a model one.

" But still, I didn't get the whole picture of the ceremonies, I mean what 'd be the exact order and
the number ? " He said with a confused tone.

" I think I have told you this like hundreds of times !" She gave him a complaining look.

" Men are not much used to such stuff. I personally think that wedding is purely a ladies
department. " He smiled.

" The order is simple. First of all, two Mehndis followed by a rat-jaga, then a marriage and finally,
a Valima."

" All at our place ? " He wondered.

" Ofcourse not. In second Mehndi, we would be going at bride's place, taking the mehndi just like
they are coming here today. Oh, even kids know these things Shah." Mrs.Shah tried to explain the
things in an easy manner.
" Well it's a big program. "

" So is the occasion ! " Her voice was very-matter-of-fact.

" So, anyone special in the guests ?" He gave his wife a meaningful look, stubbing out the cigar.

" Not really. But...... oh yes, I forgot to tell you, Sameer would be participating too, he came back
last week. " Her eyes gleaming with pride while talking about her elder sister's son.

" Oh really, that would be nice. Beside I never got much chance to talk to this nephew of yours.
" Said Warish Shah, while sitting on a nearby sofa.

" Yes me too. As you know nature of his father's job kept their family disturbed. Always moving
from here and there. Anyway he's finally here, after doing his masters from States. " Mrs.Shah
replied softly, giving a final critical look to the hundreds of chairs arranged in a neat and well-
organized manner.

" That's a good news for sure. So what he's been doing these days by the way ? "

" His mother told me that he is very busy these days with some of his British-American friend,
taking him to all the places here and stuff. "


" This area, is one of the biggest food centres of this city, Karachi. It's called as Burns Road.
" Sameer stopped the car in front of a small restaurant located in between a series of many food
shops and other restaurants.

" Gosh, sounds, smells and looks fantastic " John opened the side door of the car.

" Yeah, you can find every Pakistani dish here, ranging from various sorts of Kabab, salad,
Nehaari, Paayey, Tikka, Sajji, Haleem, Briyaani and many eastern soft drinks too. Here you can
find preserved food as well, as many people take these tins with them when they go abroad .
" Sameer told him, as they took their respective chairs in the restaurant. It was ten a.m in the
morning and the place was partially occupied with the people as most had already done with the

" Man I want to give those food a real try " John was lost in the sight of various colourful food
items neatly placed in big dishes.

" Really ? Are you sure ? Look, all of this stuff is really hot and spicy and you western guys aren't
used to such spicy food, It might affect your digestion habits. " Sameer smiled with a warning
tone in his voice.

" That's what I wanna do here, to experience your culture in depth and that includes your food too,
right ?

" Ofcourse. Okay, as it's a breakfast time, so I think we should start from " Halwa Poori. " A lively
smile came on Sameer's lips.
" Halwa Poori " ?

" Yes, a very unique and yet so common dish here. Specific for morning time usually. It's common
in every social class, rich, poor, all are fond of it. " Sameer said, as he ordered some fresh pooris
along with sooji ka halwa.

They chatted about other Pakistani dishes, while eating the warm, fresh, delicious breakfast.

The thing which surprised Sameer was that John didn't show any signs of dislike to this typical
Pakistani breakfast. Infact he seemed to enjoy every part of it.

" It was great. Thanks Sameer, but it was sort of heavy too, now I'm feeling a little sleepy . "

" Hey, we have a long program today. " Sameer smiled as they both stood up from their places.

From there, they went to Sadar, Karachi.

" This is the largest shopping centre of Pakistan. It consists of many markets, specific for
electronics, cloths, furniture and jewelry. It's said that you can find every thing here, ranging from
a little needle to even upto big cars. "

" Oh my much rush and pollution. " John had never seen so large number of people and

" Yeah, unfortunately, we have every kind of pollution here. Noise, atmospheric and water
pollution too. Due to bad planning and lack of proper management, pollution and bad traffic are
the common problems here. " Sameer replied, weakly.

Their next spot was National Museum, Karachi. John took deep interest in watching everything as
Sameer briefed him about Pakistani history and its culture.

" In 712 A.D, Islam came in the whole Indian sub-continent for the first time through this region
which is called as Sindh province of Pakistan. Karachi is the capital of this province. Sindh has
also been called as the land of saints as various holy pesonalities have come and stayed here to
spread Islam." Sameer told him as they saw a model of the war between seventeen-year-old
Muslim general Muhammad bin Qasim and Hindu King, Daahir.

" Show me the mummy you guys just discovered here. " John was aware of the wonderful
discovery through the news papers.

" Sure. "

They found mummy in the most crowded portion of the museum.

" Actually it was found in the province of Balochistan. They say it's of some Persian princess and
is like two thousand and five hundred years old. " Sameer told John as his eyes widened at the
large historical object displayed in front of his eyes.

" Wow, look at the crown and the jewellery she's wearing. So much gold. "

" Hmm. Looks like she's not more than eighteen years. " Sameer said, looking deeply at her face.
" Don't judge her age. You'd make her angry. " John said with a hint of naughtiness in his voice.

' Yes, so what if she's dead. After all she's a woman. " Sameer said.

Laughing, John accompanied him towards the outside.

" Well it was nice to be there. I enjoyed my time. "John was honest, as so far, his visit to Pakistan
had not been bad at all.

" Where do we go from here ? " John asked as Sameer backed his car.

" Any space left for lunch ? " Sameer smiled.

" Well, to be honest not much but I am very much willing to taste some of your popular salt dishes
too. "

" Okay then what about Gola Kabab and Matka Gosht ? " Sameer asked, smling, though he was
sure John didn't know about these dishes.

" Sorry ? don't have any idea "

" Well these two dishes are pretty " IN " here these days, specially in parties and
weddings. " Sameer said, stopping the car in front of a big restaurant.

Once they got inside, he ordered Gola Kabab and Haleem.

" Yummy whats this ? " John muttered, his eyes were fixed on the table, as the waiter put the
requested food in front of them.

" Well this is called as " Sheer-maal " , a pure Pakistani food item. A complete food. You can eat it
with roast, saalun or any saltish liquid food but the unique thing is that you can take it alone too.
It's so tasty but you do need guts to prepare it. It tastes a little sweet and a little saltish. Look at
those marks on its surface, they make these small depressions so that the heat could penetrate it
during cooking. It's composed of wheat and flour, mixed with sugar and ghee, rolled into a round
shape. Then, they cook it on the flame. " Sameer exclaimed as they started to eat.

" Oh how interesting, I particularly love its appearance , golden brown and what an attractive
smell " John said in an excited tone.

" So which restaurant is your favourite one ? " Sameer asked, as they ate.

" Umm not anyone really. I prefer the food instead. But back in London, I like Tante Claire. It's a
nice three-star restaurant. But man one has to book weeks in advance to get a table there. "

" I see " Sameer said, as he ordered some sweet dish.

" Now very specific sweet dish. It's called " Rubree ". Sameer pointed at the off-white, creamy

" Yummy, I love the way it tastes and feels. So soft, rubber like and so delicious. " John said, as
he took the first spoon to his mouth.
" It's composed of milk, cream, sugar, and some other things. which even I don't know. " Sameer

"Jesus Christ, one more spoon and my tummy's gonna burst. " Atlast, finished with the food,
John placed his hands on his belly.

" God. I never ever ate so much in my whole life. "

" Yeah, but you've never been in Pakistan too. " Sameer smiled, as he paid the bill.

" Oh My God. " John said in a shocking tone, as soon as they emerged from the restaurant.

" What ? " Sameer tried to chase the direction of his gaze and then immediately knew why he was

"The way your Pakistani women sit on the motorcycles behind their men, both of their feet on one
side instead of our women who put each of their feet on the either side of the seat." John was still

" Oh yes, actually motorcycle is supposed to be a cheap and not a very modest and suitable thing
for ladies in our society. So ladies don't drive motorcycle here in Pakistan. Also their style to sit is
very modest, here women don't take seat between their thighs like women of your country
do. " Sameer smiled meaningfully.

His sentence brought a lively smile on John's lips.

" Haha . Hey look at this bus. it's is looking like an ancient archeological piece. " John stared at
the big public bus, interestingly.

" Hey man wow, separate compartments for women even in the transport ? " John's eyes took a
detailed look of the bus as they both sat in Sameer's car.

" Yes something and may be only thing which I really admire about our public busus. " Sameer

" The only thing ? " John raised a questioning eye brow.

" Yeah, unfortunately due to mismanagament, over population and less bumber of vehicles,
majority of public buses here, don't give you a pleasant expereince for the first time. Plus most
roads are not very clean and smooth."

" But what's the reason for all these problems? I mean it's now been more than fifty years since
Pakistan's foundation and you guys are still in a "developing" phase ?" John's curiosity was

" Well yes, we've been pretty unlucky in this department. But you must realize it's background too.
Britishers stole our freedom and ruled over us for whole two hundred years and during this period
they tried their best to transfer our wealth and resources to the West. Specially the Muslims, they
faced british prejudice more than any other nation here. " Sameer backed his car, and finally put it
into the broad smooth road.

" Oh " John let out a long breath.

" And then at the time of partition, Britishers did a great injustice with us. Instead of equally
distributing all the resources, they gave all the resources, wealth and funds to India. Can you
believe that all banks of Pakistan and whole national treasure was empty at the time of foundation.
" Sameersaid, as he increased the speed of his car.

" Oh man, it must be a miracle that you guys survived . " John was astonished.

" Yes that's what a famous Indian prime minister said too, that Pakistan would not survive more
than few months but thanks to Allah, now it's more than fifty years old. " Sameer smiled.

"That's amazing. " Said John.

" But the story is not finished yet. British Govt left a real bone of contention between India and
Pakistan.Yes I mean Kashmir." Sameer added.

" But why ??? "

" The reason is obvious. " Sameer said in a sad tone, his face showing a very sober expresion. "
The britishers didn't want India or Pakistan growing up into a big powerful state. Famous English
Policy of "Divide and Rule " persisted even after partition too. Now most part of the budget of both
counteries goes for "Defense" . The same money which should be used for education, health and
public facilities is now used to make guns, bombs and Jet fighters. "

" But didn't your own leaders plan anything ? " John asked matter-of-factly.

" This also has been another tragedy. We always lacked good and sincere leadership. The loss
started right from the beginning. Pakistani nation became orphan just after one year of Pakistan's
creation, when its founder died. Then just after four years, when baby Pakistan was trying to
stand up, an international conspiracy took the life of our first prime minister, Liaquat ALiKhan.
"Sameer let out a long, cold sigh.

" But you know what John, thought we are "economically" poor but "socially" we are the richest
nation. We still have ethical values , family system, religious and cultural customs. We have our
'own " rules here. " Sameer smiled.

" Yeah like you told us in the presentation that extra-marital sex and nudity are big serious crimes
in Pakistan. " John's memory was very good.

" Yes. Drinking, any kind of nudity, even partial or little nudity of woman is not allowed on media
or anywhere else. Also the expression of intimacy like kissing, touching is not allowed in the
open. If you would ever do this on the street, Police would arrest you. No girl friends here , okay ?
" Sameer smiled naughtily.

John smiled back but said nothing. It was all very new and surprising for him but interesting as

" And yes, these make us feel that yes, we are living in a free muslim country according to our
own rules and traditions."

After some minutes, their car was crossing the main gate of Karachi University.

" This is the largest university of Pakistan. I did my BSc.Honours from here. I thought you'd like to
visit it too."
" Hey hey, who are these gals ? Look like Chinese ? " John glanced down at the group of girls,
walking on the side footpath.

" They are Philipinees and Koreans, and those graceful women in long black coat overall and
scarf are Irani women. A pretty big number of foreign students come to study in various
institutions of Pakistan. They include students from Iran, UAE, Lebenon, Saudi Arabia, Philipines,
Korea, Malaysia and some other counteries. " They parked the car near university library.

" Haha that's funny " John laughed, still looking towards the group of girls.

" Yes, It is " Sameer smiled back in answer.

" What? do you know what I was thinking ? " John was surprised.

" Yes I do, you're probably thinking that these foreign students have maintained their culture and
way to dress even in Pakistan, right ?" There was a wonderful smile, playing on Sameer's lip.

" Yes, I mean it's so wonderful and surprising to see these foreign girls studying in your country
and wearing their own national cloths. Those Chinese girls are wearing pants and these Irani girls
are in their own outfit, but the girls from your country living in the west, dress like western
women ?"

" Yes a tragedy " Sameer smiled. " Forget it, anyway. "

" But why ? " John was curious and confused.

" I think I have explained it enough in the presentation at our Uni. Simply you can say its their
inferiority complex or whatever which initiates them to dress like your western women. They feel
shame in wearing Pakistani cloths in western universities and colleges . They don't find these
graceful Pakistani eastern dresses suitable to wear in institutes and at working places and in
doing so they forget even the orders of our religion too. Their parents have compromised on
religious and cultural values in that respect. Or in other words, simply " they don't care. "

" That's sad "

" And bad too, anyway I don't want to talk about that now , right now you are in Pakistan. So enjoy
Pakistan and its culture " .

Sameer showed him various departments of the university and other interesting places there.

" Oh " Suddenly, Sameer gasped as he looked at his watch.

" What ? "

" It's getting late. I have to attend my cousin's wedding tonite. "


" This is it ! " Sameer breathed as his eyes fell on a handsome brass plaque with the name " SHAH
PALACE ". He parked his maroon honda accord and climbed out of it to take another look of the
huge mansion in front of him which was not less than any real king's palace. Specially at the
moment when it was looking like a bride, with all those heavy, coloutful lights decorating its walls,
pillars and roof.

" They must have done a real hard work for so much lighting and decoration" He thought.

" And ofcourse have spent a lot of money too. " He smiled and introduced himself to the security
guards present at the main door. One of the guards picked up the intercom and told Sameer's
name to some one inside.

Sameer glanced down at his watch. He was about half an hour late. He was seeing this house for
the first time as Faraz's family used to live in some other colony until they bought this place a
couple of years ago. When Sameer was in Karachi, he always enjoyed meeting his favourite Aunt
and her family.

" Sameer baita, is this you ? " A loud masculine voice dragged Sameer back to the present and
he looked up as his uncle, a tall, distinguishable-looking man in his late fiftees, emerged from
inside the house. Accompanying him was Aunty Farah, sister of Sameer's mother.

" Aadaab Uncle " He took hand of his uncle, then turned to greet his aunt too, as they both
hugged him with pure affection.

" Aadaab Aunty "

"Jeetey raho baita " Mrs.Shah kissed his forehead, smiling, looking at him again and again.

" You saw him ? my favourite nephew has become so big and handsome now, Masha'Allah. "

" Yes, I still remember that Sameer, who used to sit in your lap, always giggling and laughing.
" Waris Shah caressed his head lovingly.

" Oh yes, Sameer was the first child who came in my lap ever, otherwise I used to be pretty
allergic from very small kids."

" I think you still are. " Mr.Shah grinned naughtily, as they began to walk toward the living area.

" Uff.... see Sameer baita, he's still the same. " She protested with a hint of artificial anger in her

" First of all accept my heartiest congratulations on this auspicious occasion Aunty. " Smiling,
Sameer changed the topic.

" Oh thank you baita, and congratulations to you too, for your masters. " Mrs.Farah replied with
affection, as they walked together down the corridor.

They guided him inside the dining hall and waved him to a chair.

Sameer noticed that the interior of the house was equally sparkling. Everything was arranged in a
neat and well-styled manner. Ancient styled wooden furniture was adding royal beauty to the
arrangement supported by heavy beautiful, coloured bulbs and glamourous electric fancy lights.
" I suppose all the guests are not here yet ? " Sameer questioned as he took a detailed look of the
big hall having about three hundreds chairs . At the moment, only half of them were occupied with
the people.

" Actually, we're waiting for the guests from bride's side. They are little late, I guess. "

" I see. Well being a little late at such occasions has also became a routine in our society.
" Sameer smiled.

They chatted about different things of the present and the past. Sameer briefly told them about his
last six years in America.

" Uncle, where is Faraz and what about Sadaf? " Sameer asked about his cousins. He had not
seen any of them since the moment he'd reached here.

" Oh Faraz is changing in his room, he'll be here shortly. He was very desperate to meet you
Sameer. And Sadaf, hmmm.... " Leaving her sentence unfinished, Mrs.Farah Shah called out her
daughter's name.

With in few moments , she was there, in front of them. With her, was another girl, both of them
were wearing silky "Lehngas" of the same colour and even their hair style was the same.

" Assalaam-o-Alaikum Sameer bhai. How nice to see you after such a long time. " Sadaf greeted
him in a happy voice. She was looking very fresh and alive.

" Wa'alaikum Salaam. Same here girl. Looks like you have grown up so much. I'm feeling like,
I'm meeting all the new people, for the very first time. " Sameer said, wondering.

" Hehe" She giggled shyly. " Oh sorry I forgot. This is Samreen, my very, very, very best friend.
She's just got married a month ago. "

" Hmm, I can already see a lot of similarities between you two . " Smiling, Sameer answered
Samreen's greetings.

" I still wonder how did you reach Rida. I mean it'd be so wonderful and pleasant to see her as
your daughter-in-law. " Sameer asked to his uncle. He was truly curious about how they met Rida.

" Yes. Actually we met her through Kisa. One day, she and Rida visited us. Your aunty really liked
her and so did I. But what really surprised us was that Faraz liked her too, though he didn't tell us
till the last moment. " Waris Shah smiled.

" Yes, I guess he's never been very expressive. But I must say, masha'Allah a very good choice
and the nicest thing is that she is everyone's choice." Sameer smiled, softly. He was really happy
for his cousin and Rida.

" Yes, it's all due to Allah's blessings. My children never disappointed me in any way. " Aunty
Farah's voice was thick with emotions.

Suddenly, some loud, excited voices broke their talking session.

" Larki Waaley aa gaey " Hearing the announcement of arrival of the people from bride's side, they
all turned in their seats to look back at the main entrance.
" I guess they are here finally, we should be present at the reception . " Waris Shah said, standing
up. His wife and Sameer followed him towards the reception area.

It was not bride's party. It was a sweet storm of lights and colours, a wonderful flood of
fragrances. They were getting out of their cars and buses, arranging themselves for getting into
the Shah Palace in an organized style.

First row was of girls. It included little girls, teenagers as well as elder girls. They were all holding
dishes and plates containing Mehndi, arranged in various beautiful designs, with burning candles
on every plate and dish. On their lips, were, traditional Mehndi songs.

Behind them were middle aged women, married women, clapping and contributing in their song

Then there were boys, smiling, some of them were clapping, some of them were just trying to
absorb the beautiful sights and sounds.

In the last of all, there were middle-age men, husbands of the women present, chatting and
waiting for the women to move forward so that they could finally have their way inside the house.

There was smile on every face. Someone was beating the " Dholak " in a very perfect way,
accompanied by the wonderful sound of " Dafli " .

Sadaf and her friends were already present on the reception, lining up together to welcome the
guests with the beautiful flower vases in their hands.

Colours. Lights. Fragrances. Happiness, every where.

At that moment, Sameer sincerely prayed for each and everyone present there, specially for Faraz
and Rida.

"They'd make a perfect couple, insha'Allah ! He thought.

Finally, the people from Rida's side began to move forward from the main gate towards the big
dining hall, receiving greetings and wishes from Faraz's parents, sister and relatives.

But Sameer was desperate. His eyes were searching for those two faces which were used to be so
close to him. Looking here and there to locate his best friends, his cousins.

Suddenly a voice resolved his mystery.

" Aadaab Sameer Bhai ! "

God, how could he forget this voice ?

But when he saw her, he gasped. He was not going to identify her without hearing her voice as
she had been changed so much. Yes, she was none other than Kisa.

She was wearing a maroon, full-sleeved kurta shilwar of thick silk. A big black scarf was covering
her hair completely, giving her an awesome and modest touch. She had some light make-up,
making herself even more graceful with the help of a big, broad matching Dupatta covering her
upper front in a neat manner.
" Oh Aadaab, how are you Kisa ? Well you certainly don't look like the Kisa I left here seven years
ago. " He stared at her with amazement.

" Really? But you certainly do look like the same Sameer bhai. May be you are always the same
" Her eyes sparkled as she took another deep look of him.

" Where is Kashish ? " Sameer had thousands of things to say, hundreds of questions to ask.

" Oh Kashish ?" She repeated. " Most probably, she won't be coming tonight. "

" But why ? " He asked, as together, they walked down the lawn.

" Unfortunately she was not feeling very well today. She's got some fever and sore throat. So, we
suggested that she should take some rest today so that she won't miss wedding and Valima. "

" Does she know I'm back in Pakistan ? "

" Yes, ofcourse and she can't wait to see you since the day your mother called and informed us
about your arrival. Infact we tried to meet you at your home but our mother stopped us. She
thought, you might be busy ! "

" Come on, I'm not that busy for you, but I was thinking to visit your home with full relaxed mood
so that I could spend alot of time there . "

" So I suppose we should expect your visit soon ? " Her Kajal-encased, pure black eyes
brightened up on his sentence.

" Sure, Insha'Allah . " He smiled, as they sat adjacent to each other on the huge Sofa.

" Do you remember everything Sameer Bhai ? " Her face flushed with real expectations and
genuine happiness.

" Yes, I remember each and everything. Even our dear old neem tree. "

Despite of the short time, they talked about many things . Kisa told him about her parents, hers
and Kashish's progress in education, about their years in Quetta and about Rida too.

" She is so nice Sameer bhai. She really is. We all were so happy when Faraz's proposal came for
her. It's like my own real sister getting married. " Her face and eyes reflected her sincere emotions
for Rida.

" And what about Kashish's relations with her ? I remember she didn't use to like her very much. "

" Yes, in the beginning their relationship was very superficial but they are just like sisters now,
mainly because of Kashish's changed bevahiour. She is more mature and courageous now. " Kisa
told him.

" Yes, I remember each and everything about Kashish too. " He smiled dreamily. " She must be
really big now, nineteen years old. " He kept smiling, imagining her and preparing his mind to
meet his little angry doll.

" Doll....... yes that's what I used to call her. " He remembered.
" Sameer bhai you sit here, mean while I say Salaam to Uncle and Aunty, right ? " Kashish said,
standing up.

" Hey I have not met Faraz yet. You meet them while I search for this naughty little young man. "

" As you wish. " She smiled and turned back.

" Kisa "

" Jee ? "

" You look very graceful in this scarf and this suit looks great on you. " He was surprised at how'd
the sentence slip from his mouth before he could think.

" You think so ? " Her expression looked very weird to him.

" I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it ."

" Do you always say what you mean ? " Her black eyes lit up with a naughty smile.

" I don't know. May be not always. " He said silkily.

"Then how will I know whether to believe you ? " She laughed, teasing him playfully.

" I'm sure you'll manage" He answered with a smile. " Most women have a highly developed sense
of self-preservation which enables them to know when they're being lied to . "

" Hmm, now I won't comment on that. " She smiled again as a slow blush colored her face.

" Well.... lady, you've not changed in this department, always catching the others. " Saying this, he
was almost about to touch her nose when he stopped himself. Oh yes..... Kisa was not a child
anymore. She was a grown up girl now. An attractive one.

It was impossible. Later, he admitted to himself secretly. It was impossible not to be impressed by the range
of Kisa's maturity, immediate power to answer and neatness in everything she owned.

The youth party was having fun. Song competition had been started. A group of girls was seeking
for its prey with Ubtan in their hands. Sameer smiled but immediately decided to search for some
other spot so that he could get out of their reach.
He didn't hate this act of "Ubtan-Pasting" but he had always felt a little uncomortable while seeing
young girls pasting Ubtan on the faces of guys and children.

" What the hell is this ? Oh my God " A guy yelled, literally holding his head with both of his
hands. His scream was followed by a chorused female laughter. Sameer saw they had put some
Ubtan on his neatly combed hairs and face.

Smiling, Sameer decided to leave the spot. While he was searching for some relatively calm place,
he saw two little children, fighting with each other.

" You can't do that, you don't even know him. He looks dangerous and awesome. " Wafa
challenged her.

" Aha, let's see " She was very determined in her goal. She picked up a handful of deep yellow "
ubtan " paste.

" Think again, he could get really mad on you for doing this. " Mushkbaar warned her again.

" If we can do this to everyone else here then why not with him too? he is no different from us.
" She smiled courageously.

" Well best of luck girl, but be careful, this guy's gonna take it too seriously." Another girl tried to
convince her.

" Don't worry Muskaan, its just a fun simply, that's all " She was not listening to anyone at the

" It's a blind risk "

" So is life. " She smiled.

" And besides, I like to take risks. " She stopped to say the last word, then dipped her other hand
in the Ubtan containing dish. Now both of her hands were loaded with a considerable mass of
yellow ubtan paste.

She took the first step towards him.

He was busy talking with two children now. All she could see, was his broad back. He was
wearing a raw-cotton Kurta shilwar of light grey colour with dark grey waist-coat. Matching
Peshawari sandals in his feet were adding extra charms to his looks.

She gathered her breaths again and took the second step.

He laughed on something. Her breath stopped. But he didn't turn .

She took another step.

The whole group of girls was silent, counting every second with heart beats.

Now or never. She thought, then like a flash, she was on his back, just few steps away.

" Really ? so sweet, but don't worry, unexpected things do happen some times. " He was saying,
while caressing the head of a little boy.

She took the final step to reach exactly behind him.

The whole world stopped, then every thing began to move in slow motion.
She raised her right hand. But, sometimes everything seems to be going wrong, totally opposite
to what we expect. Perhaps nature and the fate was waiting for this moment.


He turned back, gripping her hand which was almost about to touch his head. He had caught her.
Right at the exact moment. He first looked at her soft, feminine hand....right one... which was now
in his own hard, masculine hand.... left one.

Then his eyes changed direction, now looking at the beholder of this beautiful hand.

He saw her.

She saw him.

They finally came face-to-face. Hers, few inches lower than his.

It was an intense collision of eyes. His gaze locking with hers for a breath-stopping second.
When she met his dark, deep, jet black glance, there was a vibrancy to his look that tugged at her
breath. She could see the the black centres of his vibrantly wonderful eyes as they looked down at
her face.

He couldn't remember anything but only this moment.

She forgot everything, but only this instant.

Chaaha tha yeh kahein gey,

Socha tha woh kahein gey

Aaey " Woh " saamney tou

kuch bhi na keh sakey, Bus....

Dekha kiyey unhein Hum !

Her breathing was shallow, affected by his nearness and his magical touch. She tried to look up
with all of her might but only to find his gaze centered on her eyes with disturbing intensity.

He looked at her face again and again, infact never breaking his sight even for a moment.

She was young, she was innocent.

She was pretty, she was elegant.

Her natural golden brown hairs providing a strikingly prominent frame for what was an essentially
feminine face, oval in shape and set on a long Nefertiti neck. Her eyes were large, deeply lidded
and emphasised with finely arched brows. Her nose was small and yet straight, the slight flare of
her nostrils balancing a generous mouth. Her soft and subtle make-up doing an equal justice to
her beauty with a fine touch of shadow and eyeliner to emphasize the brown of her thickly lashed
eyes, a barely discerible brush of colour to highlight her cheek bones and a dusting of an
expensive powder to give her skin a smooth lustre. The curves of her mouth were perfectly
outlined with a tan lip-pencil and filled in with peach gloss. Simple but long, deep blue ear rings
were hanging in her ears, a sharp contrast with a cutest ring of pure silver in her nose.

Dekh kar Tum ko Yaqeen hota Hai

Koi itna bhi Haseen hota hai

She wore an elegant long sleeved, traditional kurta made up of an organza material, with a narrow,
feminine, choori-daar Pajaama. The navy blue colour of her pure eastern outfit was a
complement to her golden brown hair.There were neat, dark blue strapped sandals in her feet. A
matching navy blue dupatta was spread modestly on her upper front making her sophisticated
and covering her gracefully.

Yes, no doubt she was what he had always wanted. The princess of his dreams. Her facial
features, her hairs, her personality was exactly identical to the princess who had been coming in
his dreams since all those last years.

Oh yes, it was the same face which had been disturbing him in all those previous years.

He wanted to find out WHO WAS SHE ? what she was doing here.

For some reason her face looked so familiar and yet so new. What a face, he marvelled. The kind
you didn't see much anymore. There was something so new about it. Challenging.

Who ever she was, her everything was like herself.

" Oh God, this can't be "him" ?" With shaking heart and trembling mind, she thought.

She tried to withdraw her hand from his but his fingers tightened around her wrist, holding her
prisoner, just like his eyes had done to hers.

She tried with all of her might to win this fight with sight. Neither of them losing an eye contact
with the other. No eye blinking even for a thousandth of a second. He didn't leave her hand.
Perhaps he forgot. There was a definite throb of tension in the air.

The pressure of his hand increased. The world stopped and there was only the two of them. This
deep, long silence was broken by the sound which was produced by the breaking of her glass

Her face felt as if it were burning. And then, shyness defeated boldness. Shyly, modestly, she
lowered her gaze, not able to fight with her sight. Eastern shyness gripped her and made her
eyelids felt as if there were lead weights attached to them.

He couldn't remember when he last saw a woman really blushing in last seven years. It was

" I never understood this " Love-at-first-site " thingie. It exists only in movies, I don't believe on this crazy stuff.
" These were his opinions until this moment arrived. Oh yes, he'd joked with his friends about the
" thunder-and- lightening" meetings of lovers in films, the corniness of love-at-first-glance. And
now it seemed to be happening to him.
" Excuse me you two. Any one at home ? I mean any one at all ? " Faraz's voice was loud, but
both of them remained unaffected.

Just what on earth was happening to them ?

Their magical spell was broken by Faraz's voice which came again, this time more louder.

" I'm speaking to you, you hear me Sameer and Kashish ? "


The moment freeze both of them to pure stillness. Silence, once again, fell over the two. Someone
stopped the time and turned both of them to marble.

Faraz's voice did break their mutual magical trance but the realization of what he said dropped a
bomb on Sameer's head. For an instant, he couldn't move or speak or even think. What on earth was
happening to him ? She was Kashish ?????

" Hey, it's an interval time now. " Someone's chuckle crackled between them.

When he glanced around, he saw a large number of young people surrounding them. Some were
smiling meaningfully, some were silent and shocked and some were laughing. He felt sheer

Slowly, unconsciously, he eased his hold on her wrist. She withdrew it slowly, caressing it with
her other hand. In doing so, both of her wrists became ubtan-coated and she presented a weird
but cute picture.

" Oh Doll " He let out a long sigh " You have grown up " He whispered softly.

She smiled slowly, softly and shyly, then turned back towards her friends.

" Oooooo hooooo " As soon as they got some privacy, all the girls burst into a lively laughter.

" Miss. Kashish,.... " Smiling, a young girl in her early twenties came in front of her. She placed
her hand beneath Kashish's chin and tipped it upwards.

"Just what was happening there, hmm ?" She winked naughtily.

" Nothing, Wafa. It was just an accident. " Kashish turned her face away, trying to control the
involuntary smile.

" Ahemm Ahummm " Sadaf cleared her throat meaningfully.

" So gals you heard ? Kashish says it was an accident. " Mushkbaar chuckled.

" Yeah but a cute, sweet accident. " Wafa said.

" Kashish, hey girl look into my eyes. " Wafa took both of her hands in her own.
" Yeah what's the matter with you folks, hmm? " Kashish tried her best to keep herself very

" If something so sweet is known as an accident, then I''m afraid, we'd all begin to pray for
accidents to happen. " Muskaan smiled.

" You know what, Kashish, you were pretty, you were beautiful, you were gorgeous, you still are,
but what I now see is something unique. Some light, some glory, some brightness on your face.
This pinkness, this shyness, this flushness, this blushness is very new for all of us and we
wonder what suddenly brought these sweet things on ur face. " Wafa said, staring deeply into her

" Don't be stupied, it's enough ! I don't have any clue what you gals are talking about. It was just
an accident. Mistakenly I became a bit late, and he sensed my presence before I could do
anything. " Kashish replied quickly, this time a little angrily too.

" You sure ? " Muskaan asked, chewing the gum in her mouth and making a big bubble out of it.

" Yes pretty positive, now would you just give some space so that I may safely proceed to the hall.
I have not even met aunty and uncle yet. "

" If they see you in this condition, they are going to get scared. You don't even have your hands
clean, and this Ubtan has left some really scary marks on your face. Take a look in the mirror. " A
laughter muffled in Wafa's voice.

Reluctantly, Kashish turned her head and looked at her reflection in the full-length glass of the
dressing table.
" Oh " She gasped. She did present a weird picture with all those Ubtan marks on her hands and

" Here is this wash room, so get yourself cleaned up, we're waiting for you outside. Okay gals
move, we're not finished with them yet. " Wafa said, walking towards the door. Laughing, they
followed her.

Once inside the wash room, she got some chance to gather her nerves.

" How on earth I didn't recognize him at first ? " She asked to herself.

" But how was it possible ? He had his back on me. " She took some deep breaths and then thoroughly
washed her face and hands but it washed off her make-up too. But perhaps, things were going to
get even more worse as while washing her face, her long, beautiful ear-ring slipped out of her ear
and fell down into the basin.

" Ooouch " She felt for it with her hand and thankfully found it before it could get its way through
the main drainage. She felt relieved when she saw the dressing table in the room was fully
equipped with all the necessary stuff. She applied light make-up as usual. A very light blush to
lead the eye to her strong high cheek bones. Just a hint of mascara to accentuate her big eyes
and then just a hint of eye liner and a touch of shadow.

Once done with the make-up, she was finally about to wear her ear-ring when she heard a knock
on the door.
While trying to fix the ear-ring in her left ear, a long curl of her golden brown hair came to rest on
the left side of her face. Both of her hands were attached to her ear lobe and the ear ring, her long
artistic fingers playing with the ear-ring. What she didn't realize was that, in doing so, she
presented a perfect picture for any artist of the world to draw an stylish, classical portrait in a
realistic way.

" Yes, who's this ?" God, why this damn ear-ring had to create the problem just now ? She felt really
frustrated. She was becoming late to join the party.

Whoever the person was, he came in the room along with pure masculine, mind intoxicating

Few seconds passed. Atlast, after fixing the problem with her ear-ring, she half turned to find a
manly figure standing at the door of the room.

"Oh no, not again. "

Yes he was there, Sameer, with his arms crossed over his broad chest. The picture of him, now
leaning against the wall with apparent indolence, in an stylish way, left her momentarily
speechless. Inwardly, she felt nervous and shy for some weird, unknown and strange reason.

He kept watching her with pure interest.

There was so much freshness, innocence and even holiness on her face. She was breath-taking.

" Aadaab" She muttered when she finally summoned her voice. Her right hand reaching near her
eye brow in typical traditional gesture of eastern greetings.

"Aadaab " He breathed. The deep, resonant voice thrilled her nerves.

" How are you ? " Her eyes lashes covering her big eyes.

" Thanks to Allah...I'm fine and you ? "

" I'm happy."

" Good, Masha'Allah ! "

" It's......... " Her lips parted again. " It's...... been so long. "

" Yes it's been so long. But now, how exciting and pleasant, hai naa ?" He said, then asked.....

" Do you remember everything Kashish ? "

" Hmmm, each and everything."

" I see "

" And you ? do you remember too ? " She tried to look at his face.

" How could I forget ?" His sober facial expression matched his tone.
She began to play with her neat and clean nails.

" You know what Kashish....... "

" Hmmmm ?

" You have changed .... and I really mean it. "

" Well ..... changed or grown-up ?" She muttered.

" Both " He smiled. " Growth brings change. " His gaze playing with her lashes.

She didn't reply this time.

" Ahemm, so lady what are you doing these days, may I ask? " His smile became little teasing.

" Study, eat, sleep, walk and things like that. " She replied with simple plain style. Her voice was
slow, low and rhythmic. Like somone has strummed the strings of a hollow guitar.

" Wow, you really have some unique hobbies. " His laughter made her embarrassed.

Her beautifully arched eyebrows rose. Was he laughing at her ? She wondered, and, studying him
through lashes , saw his face held no expression whatever. But what a handsome face it was. His
eyes were dark and bright, his skin clear and glowing with health.

" Kashish, we're waiting for you. That's not fair, please hurry up." The girls called her from the
other room.

" Doll, by the way do you ever look up ?" His eyes looking at trembling eye lashes with interest.

" Why do you like to torment me ? " Her response was so unexpected and sudden that he felt
himself answerless for a moment.

" Sometimes I think you forget that I'm not eight anymore. You always did. " Her sentences were
strange but he couldn't find out whether she was really angry or was just teasing him back.

He gave her an odd look and seemed about to say something, and then, as though he had thought
better of it, he said matter-of-factly, " How're you feeling now ? Kisa told me you were not feeling
well today ? "

" Yes, I got a little flu and sore-throat. But I couldn't afford to miss today's event."

" Neither could I. " The sentence slipped out of his tongue like a murmur.

They kept talking. Soon, his free and frank behaviour broke the unseen wall of unnecessary
preliminaries between them.

While talking with him her eyes dared to see him in a detailed way. No doubt, he was the most
impressive man she had ever seen. His personality was charismatic. His hair was black and thick,
like his heavy brows. He was looking so " man" with his fresh, masculine features. The fragrance
of " Eternity ", emitting from him, was constantly disturbing her in a pleasant way.
" Kashish, where're you ? I've been searching for you in the whole place ? " Kisa's voice was
enough to make them remember that why they were here.

" So you're here finally, hmm? Well sister you'd never change. Always surprising the others.
" Kisa said with mixed happiness and shock.

A wonderful smile came to Kashish's lips.

" I like to give surprises. "


Nothing had gone right lately, and now the pattern seemed set to continue. She felt his eyes on
her during the whole time. She felt strange, something new, something unique, for the very first
time in her life. A weird satisfaction.

But she was nervous too. Aware of the intense effects his strong personality was creating on her.
Relieved that she had came out of his reach, Kashish spun around, intending to return to the
dining hall only to cannon into a broad masculine body.

Raah mein " Unn " sey mulaqaat ho gai

Jiss sey dartey thay, wohi baat ho gai

" I'm so sorry " she gasped as steely fingers clamped around her arms to steady her.

Perhaps, this was the most beautiful turn of the life. Without bothering to look at her helper, she
turned away, starting to walk in the opposite direction.

" It's okay " She heard the man's voice.

A gasp tore from her throat as she recognized the voice and looked up into a pair of all too familar
jet-black male eyes.The effect was mesmerising.

" I guess, tonite, nature has planned lots of surprises for us . " His voice was manly and heavy.

" I must go, or I'll be late. They are waiting there. Ceremony is just about to start. " She had to be
there, otherwise girls were not going to forgive her this time.

" Okay, you may go, ofcourse " His smile was disturbing, bringing nervousness .

" Won't you be coming ? "

" Ofcourse I will. I was here to make an important call. "

" Oh I see. " Nodding, she turned away.

" Wait " His voice came again.

" Yes? "

His eyes turned back to her with a dark, turbulent glare.

" Nothing "

With a questioning look in her eyes, she finally walked away. On her way, she stopped at the
adjacent room and saw Wafa and Muskaan talking to each other.

" Hey...... they're waiting for us there. Ceremony is about to start. " They turned to see, as
Kashish's face appeared at the door.

" Okay we won't be late. " Wafa said, not paying much attention to what she said.

" Hmm okay " Kashish smiled. " By the way, you two must be talking something really important,
right ? " Then giving them a final, meaningful look, she headed towards the main dining hall.

" So, what were you saying. " Wafa asked.

" Just that I have strong belief that it's possible to get your ideal in this world. Okay, not always
like the one you expect but sometimes you do get what you want. "

" I think it's all some movie-impression thingie. " Wafa said.

" No... it can happen. Believe me. " Muskaan replied, her tone filled with hope and belief. "
Couples are made on the skies and meet each other on earth. "

" Do you think so? okay tell me about your ideal. "

" Hmm....well....He will be beautiful. Very graceful. He will be brave, would protect me like a cave.
He will be dashing, he'll be charming. Someone with a power to disturb my sleep and understand
me deep. A guy with a great sense of humour, won't care about any rumour." It looked like
Muskaan was not going to stop now.

" Oh my God. " Wafa gasped as she saw her friend going into some trance-like condition.

" I'm sure you've been watching lots of movies lately. " Wafa shook her head with a sympathetic
tone in her voice.

But Muskaan didn't stop, saying what she had to, unaware of every one but her dream and ideal.

" And then in no time at all. He will enter my heart through me eyes. He will knock at my heart's
closed door and will ask in a soft, masculine dream-like voice....... " Muskaan closed her eyes

" May I come in ? "

They both gasped and turned back to find a young man standing at the door which was already

Whoever he was, he was simply " unexpected and sudden ", like a shocking surprise or like a
wonderful co-incidence.

" Hope, I'm not interrupting anything. Am I ? " He asked, smiling, as he entered the room.

" Yes you are. Infact you have ! " Wafa replied in a plain voice, trying to recognize him. He was tall,
slim, smart and cute, hardly more than twenty four. He wore a plain light green shirt and black

" Who are you mister ?" Muskaan asked, throwing a criticial glance at him.

" Oh, actually Kashish told me that you two are here so I thought why not provide you gals a little
company. " He smiled again, and took a chair to sit near them without even asking .

" Two is company, and three is a crowd. " Muskaan said, trying to give him an ignoring
impression. But the truth was that his presence was creating a disturbing intensity in the room.

" Yeah and company needs crowd for some real business. " His smile was very alive and
refreshing, like his own personality.

" So are you sure you don't know me ? " He raised his brows, looking deeply into Wafa's eyes.

" Yeah you do look familiar but...well may be it sounds silly, but I have no idea what your name
is." Wafa tried to recognize his face.

" Think again . " He smiled and took a chair to sit in front of them.

" Oh, are not you the same boy who used to eat soil and whose nose always used to flow?
" Wafa's eyes got a gleam of recognition.

" Excuse me lady, you have not been very nice. " He felt uncomfortable. " Hell..... what a way to
remember? Eating soil and flowing nose ? Damn. "

" Okay, I got you now. You're Sadaf's cousin and Aunty Fozia's eldest son. "

" Aha you got me now, thanks . And my name is Jahanzaib, in case if you forgot that too. " He
took a breath of relief.

" Anyway girls it's just to inform you that your parents and all the guests are waiting for you at the
stage. The actual ceremony is about to begin. " Saying this, he stood up.

" By the way you didn't introduce your friend. " Smiling, he looked towards Muskaan.

" Why ? why do you want to know ? " Before Wafa could say anything, Muskaan said quickly. For
some reason her voice became harsh and she just didn't know why.

" Just to increase my general knowledge. " He grinned and then throwing a final look on them, he
finally left.
" So do you two know each other ? " After he had gone, Muskaan asked.

" Yeah sort of. Actually our mothers used to be class fellows in the college. They are friends and
we used to visit his home in childhood but then we moved to Lahore. I didn't see him since then .
"Wafa said.

" I see. " Muskaan didn't show much expression then.

" Hey it was a wonderful co-incidence. Don't you think ? just like you got an immediate fulfillment
of the dream you were talking about. " Wafa said softly, smiling.

" was not like that. He is definitely not my hero. Perhaps you were right. It happens only in
movies. " Muskaan said, following Wafa towards the main ceremony hall.

" I knew " Wafa's musical laughter echoed through the walls as they left the room.


The customs of the Mehndi ceremony had been started. They made Faraz sit on the big main
stage at the centre of the huge guest hall. Dressed in an off-white cotton shilwar qameez and
sitting at the centre, while being surrounded by all the people, he was looking like a prince-
charming. All the close relatives were surrounding him, while a large number of remaining guests
was watching the scene from the seats.

Sadaf and Samreen spread a big, broad and thin silky veil of red colour over Faraz's head, making
a sort of shelter over him.

" Hmm so who should start the proceedings, Kashish, you're from Rida's side and youngest of her
friends so let's start. " Said Mrs.Farah Shah, , smiling.

" Me ? " Some how, she felt really uncomfortable for becoming the focus of every one's attention.

" What's the matter ? just an hour ago you were ready to put Ubtan even on Sameer and now ?
" Wafa gave her a puzzled look.

"Oh but .... " She tried to protest weakly.

" NO buts and ifs. Lets start. " Muskaan gripped her hand and brought her forward.

She tried to protest even more but there was no use, ultimately she had to obey them. She sat in
front of Faraz on her knees. Heat began to rise in her cheeks, feeling every eye on herself.

She put a laddoo in her right hand and smiled.

" So Faraz bhai, this first gift is from your little cousin Kashish ! " Smiling, she took her hand near
his mouth. His lips picked the sweet laddoo swiftly. Though it was a bit big to swallow in just one
try, but he did it successfully.
" Thank you Kashish " He smiled.

" Mushkbaar, your turn now !" Wafa smiled naughtily.

" Oh I see. Faraz bhai, Kashish did nothing to you but I'm not gonna leave you like this, our sweet
doolha bhai ! " She smiled, replacing Kashish in front of him.

" What else you can do with this single laddoo, huh ? " He challenged her, smiling.

" Lets see ! " She accepted his challenge.

" Don't worry Faraz Bhai, you have our full support ! " Jahanzaib said, as he sat beside Faraz,
eyeing Mushkbaar.

Mushkbaar said nothing. Smiling, she took the upper most ladoo from the dish and offered it to

" Think twice before eating it ! " Mushkbaar looked deep into his eyes. Her style and way to speak
was bold and daring.

" Why? Does this laddoo belong to wonderland ? " Jahanzaib asked sarcastically.

" Naah, but it's in Mushkbaar's hand, which makes it so special. " Muskaan smiled.

Faraz looked towards Jahanzaib as if asking for his permission. He nodded and tapped on his

On his green signal, Faraz finally opened his mouth which was soon filled by the laddoo. Quickly
Mushkbaar withdrew her hand and stood up.

" Yeah so ? " Faraz asked with difficulty, his mouth completely filled with the laddoo.

" Nothing. " The girls smiled meaningfully and became silent, like waiting for something to

Faraz slowly began to chew the laddoo. He was not afraid but their meaningful smiles and
expecting glances had made him conscious. He knew that one could expect anything from the
girls like Mushkbaar, at this occasion.

The secret didn't reveal itself, until, suddenly Faraz's facial expressions became wild and weird.

" What on earth you've put into it ? "

" A little ball of salt, and a small red spice, hehe " The girls laughed simultaneously.

Leaving all of them in a hurry, Faraz almost ran towards the wash room to wash his mouth.

" Thats not fair ! " Sadaf didn't feel comfortable at this joke.

" It's cheating. " Jahanzaib was angry too.

" Wah, why not ? We are his proud sisters-in-laws after all, we have a right to play little games
with him ! " Mushkbaar said, firmly. The girls were unaffected by their angry expressions, even to
the slightest extent.

" Being a sister-in-law doesn't give you a liscence to kill someone, yeah ! " Jahanzaib was angry
and ashamed, after all it was him who gave the permission to Faraz to eat the laddoo.

"Okay okay, bhui no more jokes, we are already getting late ! " Seeing the little arguement, the
elders interrupted.

" Did you mind Faraz Bhai ? " The girls asked, as he returned.

" Ofcourse not, but one can't afford such jokes every day you know. " He smiled.

" This day doesn't come every day " Wafa smiled.

" Okay, now you Muskaan. "

Muskaan took her position, with the new laddoo in her hand.

" Beware Faraz bhai" Said Jahanzaib and then he whispered something in his ear.

On his remark, the girls first looked at each other, then looking at Faraz, they smiled meaningfully.

" Okay we won't do anything like that now, but we want one assurance. You would eat this laddoo
from Muskaan's hands without touching it. I mean without involving your own hands. " Wafa said.

" Okay bhui, I don't have any objection on that . "

She raised her hand and Faraz moved his face forward, opening his mouth, but naughtily, instead
of putting the laddoo in his mouth, she withdrew her hand rapidly, leaving Faraz in a weird,
unexpected condition.

They all laughed. Indeed, Faraz presented a strange picture with his face forward, mouth open and
hands down.

Faraz's smile indicated that he didn't mind at all. Infact he was enjoying the act.

She did the same thing again . She took the laddoo just near his mouth but as soon as he opened
his mouth, she took it away, smiling.

But she was not going to stop, she repeated the act third time too, teasing him, very skill-fully
withdrawing her hand.

"This is too much. " Faraz's temper began to shake when he couldn't pick the laddoo for the
fourth time.

It was only the sixth time, when Muskaan took her hand in front of his mouth, then, before she
could withdraw her hand, someone grasped her hand tightly.

He was Jahanzaib.
" Quick Faraz Bhai, pick it up." While holding her hand, Jahanzaib motioned Faraz to eat the

" Nooooooo. This is a pure foul. " The girls shouted.

" All is fair in love and war . " Jahanzaib winked wickedly.

Laughing Faraz opened her fingers, took the ladoo out and finally put it in his mouth.

Muskaan's face became red. Anger, shame and embarrassment, these were her feelings at the

" Wow, beauty becomes beautiful in anger. " Jahanzaib looked interestingly at her flushed, red
angry face.

Muskaan eyed him with dislike but couldn't say a word.

Their laughters were never going to stop. There was not even a single face, who was not enjoying
this interesting situation. Kids were clapping, elders were smiling. All were enjoying this little war
between the two sides.

She tried her best to give him a real angry expression and look but his eyes were so deeply
focused on hers that she had to drop her own.

Then smiling, he gently eased his grip on her hand.

Muskaan's mood had become bad now. She moved to the corner of the stage, now silently
watching them. At the moments, she did face Jahanzaib's naughty gestures and teasing glances
but tried to ignore them in the best possible way.

" I'm not going to forgive him so easily. How dared he thought to do anything like that. " She chewed her
lower lip.

The next round was of putting the mehndi on Faraz's hand. They all did it one by one. Starting
from little girls, it finally ended up with Rida's sister in law, Mrs. Dua, putting the Mehndi on his

Even after then, they all continued to tease Faraz, taking their turns, smiling and enjoying. Their
mutual fun came to an end only by the dinner announcement.


After dinner, the whole " Cousin Party " retired to the lawn for some chat and coffee. The lawn
was studded with beautiful bulbs throwing colourful lights over them. It was after several years,
that all of them were here. Twin sisters Muskaan and Mushkabaar and their cousin Wafa, were
from Lahore, while Jahanzaib, Samreen and her husband Naazir lived in Karachi.

The night-sea-breeze was a bit cold but upto bearable extent. Being near to the sea, they could
hear the sound of waves striking with the land and rocks.
" So cousins, please make yourself comfortable in the best way possible. " Jahanzaib took his
position in the middle of them, as they all sat in chairs which were arranged in somewhat round-
shaped way so that they were kind of facing each other, with Jahanzaib in between them. Sameer
glanced around the garden, the neatly trimmed lawn and the flowers surrounding them. Kashish
and Wafa joined them in the last of all.

Kashish's heart began to throb more rapidly as she saw the last empty chair in the lawn was
directly opposite Sameer's.

She tried to keep her expression neutral and made every effort not to stare at him across the lawn

As she sat in front of him, the sea breeze tossed her long, waist hair length mane of thick golden
brown hair about her face and she raised a slender hand to push it back.

" I, first of all, would like to thank our elders who gave us permission to stay here all night and
then Faraz bhai for giving me this golden oppurtunity to manage this little family gathering. "

" Golden oppurtunity ? " Naazir couldn't understand what he meant by that.

" Yes actually, woh kiya hai ke.... now I can express myself as the best leader too. " He smiled,
counting them all.

" Oh I see. " Naazir smiled. " So you think this is some sort of political meeting? "

" It might be. As you can see, a fair number of ladies is present here, so you can't totally exclude
the possibility of politics. " He winked and then sensing that someone was missing he asked.....

" Ladies, is some one missing here ?" He gave a questioning look to Kisa and Wafa.

" I guess Muskaan is not here. Wait, I would get her." Kisa stood up from her place.

" Muskaan ? Wow what a name. Yes please !" He smiled.

She found Muskaan in one of the empty rooms, turning pages of some big, old book.

" Muskaan come on, they're waiting for you there. "

" I don't feel like going. "

" But why ? "

" You know the reason. "

" Oh forget it Muskaan. Things like that do happen at such occasions. "

" I hate the way he acts. Like a total flirt. " Her voice was cold and expressionless.

" So you're gonna spoil the whole fun tonite just because of him? If you don't like him just ignore
him. Okay ? Now I won't hear a word. " Holding her hand, Kisa pulled Muskaan to her feet.
" Beside I think you don't really hate him. Do you ? " Kisa glanced deep in her eyes, a
meaningful smile playing on her lips.

Muskaan gave her an angry look but didn't say a word, as she silently accompanied her towards
the lawn.

" I was born with the leadership qualities. Public really needs a leader like me, trust me it's truth.
" He was saying, ignoring their smiling faces.

" See it's because of leaders like Mr.Jahanzaib that our country is still under-developed. " Her
voice thrilled through his nerves. He instantly turned to find her at his very back.

" Oh welcome Miss.Muskaan. So you're finally here. " His voice a little loud, due to happiness.

" Not yet, could you just give me a little space so that I may proceed further?" Muskaan said, as
she was practically blocked by two sofa sets on either sides, with Jahanzaib in front of her, very
near to her.

" What if I don't ? " His expression became naughtier.

" Nothing. Flirts often do that. " Muskaan replied in a plain voice.

" Really ? So you think of me as some flirt guy ? "

" I don't even think of you in any way, now please unblock my way, so that I could sit with my
friends. Will you? "

" You called me a flirt. " His voice became weak. From his expressions, it was very difficult to
judge that whether he was serious or was just joking.

He waited to hear some explanation from her but she didn't say a word. Her nostrils were flaring in
and out rapidly, her breathing fast, her face flushed like she was in some real pain or was

Enjoying her condition, Jahanzaib finally permitted her to move.

" Well, sorry for taking your precious time, You may now leave Muskaan." He kept his tone a little

" I can't leave you " She replied in a serious tone, biting her lower lip.

" Really ? " For an instant, Jahanzaib couldn't believe his ears. " Oh Muskaan no one has ever
said anything quite so wonderful to me. " His eyes were sparkling.

" Actually..... you're standing on my foot. "

Embarrassment caught him. Their giggling made him feel like stupid in front of them for the first
time. But he was Jahanzaib, who knew very well how to pay the price back.

" Ooops Sorry ! "

" Jahanzaib sit here, no need to be emotional or sentimental. " Faraz tapped on the sofa,
motioning him to sit. He took few steps back and sat back beside Faraz, without saying any word
this time.

A chuckle of amusement came from the girls side.

Suddenly, electric supply went off. They howled loudly as the lawn drowned in the darkness.

" See Sameer bhai, welcome to Pakistan, hehe " Sadaf giggled.

" I know bhui, sometimes it's fun here when electric supply goes off. It provides precious
moments for relatives to get together and talk, specially in summer nights. " He smiled,

" So boy whats up ? what are your plans for the future? " Faraz asked Jahanzaib, trying to change
his mood which wasn't looking very fine at the moment.

" Nothing much. I thought graduation would be enough but this society finally made me believe
that today, the most important thing is money. If you have money, you have everything.
" Jahanzaib said, his voice not very hopeful at the moment.

" Well money is not everything, Mister. " Muskaan gave him a sarcastic look.

" Ofcourse, there's Master Card and Visa. " Jahanzaib's serious and instantaneous answer broke
the formal atmosphere among them as they laughed, all together.

" Well said. Do establish yourself soon because today when I met your mother today, she was
only talking about your marriage. She is waiting just due to your job. " Naazir said.

" Yeah she believes that, may be, my marriage would unlock the door of a successful life for me.
" He smiled.

" She is absolutely right. I guess you forgot that behind every successful man, there is a woman.
" Wafa said.

" And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. Did you forget that ? " Jahanzaib's response
brought another wave of smiles in the atmosphere. He was now really getting into his typical

" Though, I do believe that marriage can unlock the door of a successful life, but economical
factors like earning and good planning are also important. " They realized that Jahanzaib's
philosophy was not so superficial or stupid like the way he was acting.

" Earning ? why do you say that ? " Mushkbaar was confused like many others.

" Well, because successful man is one who can earn more than his wife can spend. " His
sentences were causing them to smile again and again. His remarks were a definite source of

" Okay but who is successful woman then ? " This time it was Samreen, ignoring the naughtiness
in his tone.

" A successful woman is one who can find such a man. " Jahanzaib chuckled.
There was not a single set of lips there which didn't get smile on his comment.

" But I believe that success is a relative term. " He added.

" What makes you think that ? " Muskaan asked sarcastically.

" Because ....... it brings so many relatives. " He replied, seriously.

Now, the chorus of laughter was louder than ever.

" Sameer bhai you have not said a word since we've gathered here, are you fasting on silence ?
" Muskbaar turned towards him.

" Yeah, if you note, co-incidently, the eldest and the youngest among us didn't say a word at
all." Jahanzaib threw a glance at Sameer and Kashish.

" What's the matter Sameer bhai? We do know thar you're the ultimate sober guy in the whole
family but does it mean to keep youself silent even in such wonderful occasions too ? " Said
Jahanzaib. A soft smile playing on his lips.

" Well, I'm equally enjoying your discussions. " Sameer smiled. Though Jahanzaib's sentense
was simple but it made Sameer to sense the bitter reality. Just what he had been thinking ?

" She is whole ten years younger than you. Still a teenager. Stop it man, before it goes out of your hands. " His
mind warned him, but unfortunately his heart didn't seem to follow.

" Feeling lonely Sameer bhai ? " Wafa asked.

" Not really ? " He tried to smile. Thankfully she couldn't see his face due the darkness.

" Do you think that life was going to be more better with one more brother or sister ? " Wafa's
question was very spontaneous. They all looked at him and waited for what he would say next.

" Well..." He breathed. At the same instant, he, for the first time, felt that Kashish was staring at
him. Though it was darkness there, but somthing made him feel that she was looking at him. May
be she was curious like others, to hear his opinion.

" It can sometimes be lonely without a brother or sister but I must say that Kisa and Kashish
never let me feel like that. " " Beside...." He added. " That's how Allah wanted me to be, without
any real brother or sister because after my birth, doctors had told my mother that she won't be
able to have more children due to some complications. "

" Oh.... I see. "

" But thanks to Allah, I'm much happier, satisfied and contented at the moment." Sameer smiled,
he was not uncomfortable about the topic even to the slightest extent.

As soon as he finished his sentence, the power supply came on. It was a wonderful moment. As
with the flash of light, Sameer's eyes became four with Kashish's. From time to time, he would
throw a glance towards Kashish and she immediately lowered her eyes. She was very much
conscious of him. She felt relieved when Sadaf motioned her to accompany her as they both went
to prepare tea.
" Faraz bhai, you're the chief guest tonite. After all tomorrow is your wedding is , so say
something " Mushkbaar's sentence diverted their attention.

" Like what ? "

" Anything "

" Ummmm " He was drowned in deep thoughts.

" Okay tell us how do you feel about marriage ?" Samreen grinned.

" Well cousins, marriage is a wonderful thing and my motto is that.... every man should marry.
" Faraz smiled slowly.

" Hurrey, that should be the spirit. " Wafa said, admiring his opinion.

" Yeah, every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. " Jahanzaib
prompted in his loud voice. This time their laughter reached the sky.

" Why do you always think the worst ? " Muskaan raised her eye brows.

" I don't agree. Infact people call me a born positive thinker. " He said proudly.

"Aha, you're so euphoric about yourself. " Wafa laughed.

" I'm just realiastic and honest." He smiled wonderfully. Perhaps, he was one of those who never
give up, atleast, when it comes to talking.

" Hey folks, Tea-Time. " Sadaf's voice brought a pleasant change in the atmosphere, as she and
kashish reached there, carrying a tea-trolly loaded with tea, coffee, biscuits and some saltish food

" Oh, thank you so much Sadaf " Kisa said, smiling lively as she took her cup from Sadaf's hand.

" All of you got your cups? " Sadaf asked, after distributing the cups among them.

" I guess Sameer bhai is still left. " Kisa said.

" Oh Kashish please give him the cup , would you ? " Sadaf looked towards her.

Kashish felt a strange wave of emotion passed through her body but she didn't say a word. She
simply took the trolly and pushed it forward in front of Sameer.

Without saying a single word, she poured tea in the plain white cup. Then she put the spoon in the
sugar cup and waited, wishing he would tell her without her asking him. But he didn't say

" How much " Ultimately, she asked, her spoon-holding hand slightly trembling. " God, Why I'm so
nervous today ?" She was uneasy to find herself so strongly affected by him, exactly the way she'd
been before.
" Ummm, two spoons. " His eyes never leaving her face, enjoying her nervousness.

Although she tried her best to stop it, a wonderful but shy smile came on her lips.

Her smile gave him a chance to see her glistening, neat and white teeths, shining like pearls,
evenly arranged inside her beautiful mouth.

He sipped his tea with deliberation and murmured, " Thank you . "

" Naazir bhai, you're the only married man here. Now, I don't know whether should I use the
word" fortunately " or "unfortunately", but anyway tell us one of the most interesting event
related with your marriage. " Now, Jahanzaib turned to face Naazir.

" What do you want to know.?"

" Something personal..... ofcourse if Samreen bhabhi doesn't mind. " He winked.

In the response, Samreen opened her mouth to say something, but then smiling, she kept herself

" What... what..... hey come on, I guess Samreen bhabhi was gonna stop Naazir bhai. It means
there is some interesting memory, right ? " Jahanzaib's eyes were like an eagle's.

" Haha....what do you think Samreen ?" Naazir laughed. " Should I tell them ? "

" I... I don't know. " Nervously, shyly, the one-month old bride tried to steal her gaze.

" Okay. I think you guys are going to enjoy alot when you hear about that. Its actually related with
the marriage night. "

" WOW " Jahanzaib's eyes became bigger, sparkling with the light of hundred-watt-power bulbs.

" Hmm... I'm sure Naazir bhai won't forget that ladies are also present here . " Kisa smiled soberly.

" So what.... I strongly believe that there should be some softness in censor boards of Pakistan.
Naazir bhai, we're dying to hear. Please !!! " Jahanzaib was really curious.

" Okay bhui.... well as you might know, Samreen was my first cousin too, so we were really closed
to each other since childhood. I mean she knew all the things about me. Where I keep my things
and what are my weaknesses like I have this really bad habit of keeping my stuff here and there
and then I forget afterwards. Until my marriage, it was tolerable somehow, but it became too much
at the stage of " Moonh-dikhaai" in my marriage night. " He stopped to take a breath, then began

" As soon as I uncovered her face from her ghoonghat...well guys....... " Smiling, he left his

" Yeah, yeah then ? " Jahanzaib translated the curiosity of everyone sitting there.

" As I turned her ghoonghat away and put my hand in my jacket's pocket, I got the strongest
shock of my life. " Naazir took few moments to begin again, like he was remembering the actual
scene and trying to present it in its best form.
All the time, they kept listening to him with keen interest, as not every one hears such secrets
every day.

" As my fingers reached my pocket to take the "Moonh-Dikhaai" gift out, I found out that my
pocket was empty. Nervously but quickly I looked for the gift in all the pockets, forgetting that I
was presenting quite a show to my lovely new bride. "

" Then what happened ? " This time it was Muskaan, who was enjoying the interesting memory
like everyone else. They were all smiling, some were trying to hold their laughters.

" Nothing.... my condition was getting worse with the time. I began to look for the gift in all the
places of my room, but didn't find it. Atlast, Samreen interrupted. She asked..... " What are you
looking for ?? " I said..... well....I'm sorry but I think I have lost your gift. " She smiled and said....
" Have you looked in the cupboard ?? " Damn....yes...It was there. " Completing his sentence,
Naazir let out a long, loud laughter which was followed by theirs.

" Haha, well that was interesting, but is there any real need to give such formal gifts like for "
Moonh-Dikhaai " ? " Muskaan asked.

" Hey, such gifts are not formal. Infact, sometimes you do need such helps to prove to your wife
that you really love her. Plus, it's a tradition too. " Samreen said, as she sure was experienced in
the department.

" So what would you do Jahanzaib, suppose you have to prove to your wife that you really love
her. What'd you do to make her believe? " Faraz asked, enjoying.

" I'd simply say, my precious heart...... believe me and trust me, I love you and I could die for you.
" Jahanzaib said, in a typical gesture of serious expression, keeping his right hand on his heart.

" Really ? how soon?? " Muskaan asked with the same serious expectation. The whole lawn
echoed with a burst of laughter.

While they were laughing and smiling, Sameer paticularly noted the appearance of those two
small dimples, forming in Kahish's cheeks, whenever she smiled, adding extra charms to her
already ultra-beautiful face.

They talked, sang and laughed for whole of the night until their bellies ached. Only the Azaan of
Fajar stopped their talks and they realized they were too tired.

" Prayers times janaab...which guy would be accompanying me ?' Asked Sameer as he left his
seat, smiling.

" Well..." Jahanzaib arched his tired, sleepy body on the chair.

" Bad lazy boy . There 're two Rakaat only" Faraz pulled him to his feet. They all smiled as they
saw Jahanzaib reluctantly followed the other men.

" I enjoyed alot today. It's been so nice to sit together and refresh the early memories. " Said
Samreen, in a pleasant voice.

" Yes, I think we all enjoyed alot." Kisa said, standing up.

Today Faraz's relatives were going to take Mehndi to Rida's home. On Sadaf's suggestion, they
had decided to try something different today. Instead of cars, they were taking the Mehndi on
beautifully decorated, victorian-styled horse carts. The fruits, sweets and gifts were present on
two camels. The arrangement simply reminded everyone of the classical memories of old indian
muslim culture.

They reached at Rida's place at ten p.m. Her house was, ofcourse, not as big as Faraz's but it was
not small either. It was even more glorious inside. Beautiful crystal chandliers were hanging from
the ceiling. Each wall was decorated with sparkling and dazzling fancy lights of various shapes
and shades. The lawn of the house was big enough to accommodate place settings for about
three hundred guests, at thirty tables. Each table was covered with white silky table-cloths
centred by a maroon piece of linen. There were candle holders at the centre of each table, having
large, burning candles, six on each table. At one corner of the lawn, a light orchestra was
spreading soft, romantic notes in the air.

Today, Rida was looking very sober, pretty and unique in her yellow Mayoon outfit. It was a plain
yellow cotton Kurta and narrow, choori daar pajaama. A matching dark yellow silky Dupatta was
covering her head and upper half of her face gracefully. Her make-up-less face was receiving
appreciative glances from everyone around her, for her real and original beauty. She was sitting
on the carpetted floor with her chin resting on her knees and both of her arms were around her
legs. All the girls surrounded her as soon as they saw her.

" Wow, Masha'Allah, Rida you are looking sooooo cute ! " Kisa sincerely admired her best friend .

" Rida, you look absolutely superb today. " Kashish smiled. She was wearing a kurta shilwar, a
royal, glamourous outfit which she had choosed for this occasion---- a brownish golden silk to
match her eyes and hairs and had let her long, straight silky hair flow down her waist like waves.

" Bhabhi, may Allah protect Faraz bhai from your dangerous charms, hehe. " Sadaf smiled, as she
saw her beautiful future-sister-in-law. She felt real pride that her sister-in-law was nice, both in
looks as well as in nature too.

They all kept teasing her for some time and then the dinner was served. It comprised of tasty
"Seekh kabab", delicious Paraathas and Chicken Biryaani along with cold drinks.

" Oh my God, no snap or movie between the dinner. PLEASE !!! " Muskaan protested as
Jahanzaib wanted to take her snap with Wafa and Kisa while they were eating the dinner.

" Why do you want the snap just right now ? I mean you can take it later too. " Wafa asked,
sipping the cold drink through straw.

" Why not ? I believe it would be the most natural pose...and...well... interesting too." He winked

" Okay bhui.... " Kisa smiled.

" Kisa Baji !!!! " Muskaan gave her a sharp look with a protest in her eyes. It was a pure between-
us-girls look.
" Hey wait, Jahanzaib. You don't have our mutual consent right now, so I guess you should wait.
Now let us finish with the dinner first. Okay ? " Kisa said gently.

Totally disappointed, he was about to leave when suddenly he turned back.

" Now what ? "

" Nothing. " He smiled. " Just wanted to inform you ladies that be prepared for Rat-Jaga occasion.
We have some really cool surprises from our special store for that day. " His smile acquired a
clever colour.

" Like what ? " Wafa asked, as she put a spicy rice-filled spoon in her mouth.

" Don't worry, just some titles. It's sort of a farewell fun. " He smiled again.

" By the way Miss. Muskaan, would you mind if I say something personal ? "

" I don't mind over what mindless people say. " She said, apparently ignoring him but at the same
time trying her best to hide her smile. She just didn't knew the reason why she was not getting
really angry over him. No guy had ever said such things to her. Though, she tried to react back in
the worst possible way and yet her heart seemed to beat in its own accord.

" Haha, well said " He laughed, unaffected by her bold answer. " Could you just stop wearing this
pure red lipstick ? "

" What????? what the hell are you talking about ? " She shouted, when atlast, her temper began
to lose.

" It's for your own interest, because in red-lipstick...... you look like...... well.. "

" Look like what ? " Her eye brows rose to meet the frowns of her forehead.

" You look.... you look so " Married " Atlast his words found their way. On his comments, Sadaf,
Wafa and Kisa had to try their best to suppress their laughters but they couldn't succeed.

" Oh, that's crap, I don't believe you," Muskaan said, with the slight continuing awkwardness
caused by the newness of their situation.

" You know you do," Jahanzaib said gently, his eyes looking warmly into hers.

" But don't take it to your heart, acha? " On his continous remarks, her eye brows rose to a
dangerous extent.

" I mean, you may take it to the kidney "

"Ohhhhh this is craaaaazzzyyyy " Muskaan tried not to laugh but laughter won out. The other gals
broke up too, doubling over.

" Don't try to be smart , because....... you're not " She clenched her teeth, trying her best to act like
someone who is really angry.
" Yeah I know, actually I'm handsome. " And then, before she could react, he almost ran away
from there.


As soon as his head touched the pillow, Sameer took a long and deep breath. He simply couldn't
get Kashish out of his mind. What a shock it had been seeing her again. Only a shock?
Surprisingly yes, and he found it hard to understand.

"Just what on earth is happening to me, huh ? " He asked himself in a soft whisper.

" You so called mature and sober man falling at first sight for a teenager who is whole ten years younger than
you? He whispered again.

" Yes, its love ofcourse. Why do you restrict love with respect to age? Beside ten year difference is not very big
difference. " Someone answered deep in his being.

" But it seems like, her looks did the wonder. "

" No, it's not love at first sight. You have been meeting her since many years. " The unknown voice was very
calm and relaxed like it knew every answer.

" Me meeting her ? Really ? but where ? " He wondered.

" In, dreams. " The strange voice came again.

" But could we trust dreams ? "

"Ofcourse, if you believe on nature, human emotions and feelings, then you must believe on dreams too.
Sometimes they are real and true."

" But, I'm unable to figure out how it exactly happened. " He said, confused.

" I tell you... what is happening between you and her is a gradual combination of feelings. Feelings which you
were having since last seven years. Her new face just completed the old scenery in your heart. You respect her,
you care for her, you understand her. You were her cousin, her friend, her teacher. A companion in sad and
good times, someone to share her tears and wipe them and yet you think it's "at first sight " ? The voice was
very sure and re-assuring.

" But... but she was my cousin sister. "

The strange voice laughed.

" First you decide who was she ? your sister or your cousin ? "

"She is my cousin ofcourse, but I mean we were close enough, like a family. "
" So ? You must realize that it was her, who first unlocked the mysterious relation between you and herself."

"When ? " He was curious.

" You forgot the reason why she used to be so jealous of Rida? just because she thought you liked her and she
was taking you away from her. "

" Oh I know...but it's so confusing and unexpected. " He finally said.

The same voice laughed again.

" Do you think love is something we expect ? "


It was a cold winter night of Karachi.

Karachi......... where winters, being rare, are special.

Special moments are rare too. Specially when all the special persons get together at special
occasions, it feels so special.

They were staying at Kashish's home. On Kisa'a suggestion, Wafa, Muskaan and Mushkbaar, all
the three cousins from Lahore had decided to stay at her place until the end of Rida's wedding
ceremonies. However, their parents were staying at Rida's place.

It was about one a.m. The night was cold but there was warm inside the house.

" You have gained some weight in last couple of years, Muskaan. " Kisa pointed out. They were all
sitting, with a blanket across their laps, on the soft carpets, supported beneath by thick under-
lays, talking and chatting while Mushkbaar was busy, watching T.V in the same room.

" It feels really good to be together, specially after so much years. " Wafa thought, as she pulled her soft,
plush blanket up to her chin.

" Really ? am I fat ? " Muskaan felt a bit uncomfortable. She was very sensitive about her weight
and height.

" Umm not really, but you're just crossing the limits of what we call as moderate. " Kisa smiled.

" You wanna be skinny ? " Wafa asked,

" God no, I hate this word. " Muskaan muttered.

" Good for you. " Wafa smiled, motioning Muskhbaar to turn-off the T.V.

" Attention everybody, it's tea-time." Kashish appeared in the room, carrying a big trey containing
steaming tea cups and some plates.
" Wow , thank you so much Kashish, we really needed this ! " Mushkbaar thanked her with real

" Yummy, what else do you need. A winter night, a hot cup of green tea, peanuts and french-fries.
" Muskaan said quickly, drawing the plate of peanuts in front of her.

" See, this is the reason." Wafa laughed. " She is always the first when it comes to food. "

" I don't think that is something really bad. But there should be balance in every field of life. " Kisa
smiled soberly.

" Exactly, and specially in the food department. By the way cousins, if you don't mind, I can tell
you a golden principle to keep yourself fit, healthy and beautiful." Mushkbaar said,

" What's that ? " Wafa asked, taking a sip from her cup.

" If you want to change the way you look, just change the way you cook. " She winked playfully.

" That makes logic. But I think we all are pretty satisfied with the way we look, except Muskaan
ofcourse. " Wafa teased her.

" Yeah. Tell you what, every Sunday is the beauty day for her. " Mushkbaar chuckled, eyeing her
sister naughtily.

" Mushkbaar !!! " Muskaan gave her a look filled with warning.

" Beauty day ? " Kisa asked, looking at the twins.

" Yeah, threading, waxing, bleaching and blah blah. " Mushkbaar giggled.

" Oh, well, why don't you try Laser technique? It's easy and permanent. No weekly headache
afterwards. " Wafa suggested.

" Nooo. My mother won't allow. Plus it's too much expensive and risky . I mean it's something
surgical for your skin. " Muskaan said.

" So what, it's safe and sound, some of my friends have tried it and it really worked. "

" So Mushkbaar what are you planning to wear on the main wedding day ? " Kashish tried to
change the topic.

" Well.... I have selected a a shaarara suit of cream colour. It's of fine china silk. "

" Mushkbaar, if you don't mind, then as an elder sister, I'd like to suggest something." Kisa asked
her in a soft but firm voice.

" Sure Kisa Baji, you can say anything. " Mushkbaar had very much respect for this three years
elder cousin of hers.

" You don't wear your dupatta properly, it should be properly spread on your body . " Kisa said in
a simple, plain voice. There was no order, no offensive tone in her voice, just simple friendly
" Sorry Kisa Baji, but I thought we all are cousins and close. "

" Yes we are but despite of the fact that they all are really nice guys, it doesn't mean that we
should forget the rules of our religion and culture. "

" I'm sorry " She lowered her head, ahsamed.

" Yes, a Dupatta is an identity of a Pakistani muslim women, respect it , if you want to get respect
from others. " Wafa supported Kisa's opinion.

" Don't feel bad. Atleast you do realize your mistakes and, it, itself is a very good quality. There
are many girls who don't even know that Dupatta is a symbol of an eastern muslim woman's
dignity and her modesty." Kisa's voice was very comforting.

" Acha, come here. " She patted the rug beside her, motioning Muskbaar to sit there.

Mushkbaar rose from her place and sat beside her.

" I'm sure cream colour would really suit your personality. " Kisa smiled, holding her hand in hers.

" Thank you Kisa Baji and what would you be wearing? " Mushkbaar asked back.

" Umm, didn't decide yet really. Most probably a kurta shilwar. I don't have much Sharaaras and
Lehngas. "

They talked about many things. Kashish felt real close to the twins as there was just one year
difference between them. Wafa was also very talkative. They enjoyed each other's company,
smiling, laughing and refreshing childhood memories.

Suddenly they noticed Kisa was silent, staring blankly at the ceiling.

" What're you thinking Kisa Baji ? " Kashish put a pillow in her lap, which was followed by a plate
full of pop corns over it.

" Just wondering about something "

" About what ? " Mushkbaar said, turning off the television.

" What would Faraz bhai give to Rida in "Moonh-Dikhaai" I mean what would be his first gift for his
bride?" Kisa said and then smiled. They knew the reason for her smile. She was remembering the
same thing, Naazir and Samreen's story.

" Does it really matter ? I mean the type of gift. " Wafa took a pop corn from Kashish's plate.

" Ofcourse it does. After all its moonh-dikhaai tradition. First time ever, for two spouses to see
each other. It does have very important effects on the relationship afterwards.....just like the first
night." Kisa smiled gently.

" Beside you must not forget, that first impression is the last impression. " She added, drinking
her tea, slowly.

" But how does this first gift affect one's life? I didn't get you, sorry. " This time it was Muskaan.
" Let me tell you. " Kisa smiled. " It actually indicates husband's nature to some extent.
Remember.... those guys who give a chain on first night, they have a dominant nature but are
willing to spend a happy life-long partnership. Those men who give a locket or necklace, well
they're too romantic . " Smiling, she stopped to see their changing facial expressions.

" Those guys who present ear-rings, they want balance in life and mostly prefer house wives.
" Kisa further said.

" Okay and what about those who give cloths or suits? " Mushkbaar asked, enjoying the

" Those who give gifts of any kind of cloth or an outfit, they would really protect you "

" Wow, and what about the men giving bracelets or bangles ? " Muskaan was as much as curious
like the others.

" Those who give you a bracelet, their love is holy and eternal and those who give a ring for your
finger..... well, you can't trust their nature or charecter too much. " Kisa said, as she finally
finished her tea.

" Kisa baji, if you don't mind, we want to know your personal preferences for the men you'd want
to marry. " Mushkbaar said, her voice filled with curiosity. She was impressed like the others by
Kisa's information on the matter.

" Well.... " Kisa took a cold breath. " Not necessarily handsome but someone suitable in his looks
. A man who could help me to explore myself in every aspect of life. Who could provide me
chances to re-create myself, a man who could discover those qualities of mine which I never
think, could exist in my personality and nature. "

" Wow..... but what about physical aspects. I mean looks and all that ? " Muskaan asked.

" That's stupid question. I don't think a mature girl would ever care about appearance. " Wafa
shrugged her shoulders.

" Who says physical aspects of ideal are not important ?" Kashish's voice surprised them all. " I'm
sorry, I don't agree here. "

" So let's AGREE to DISAGREE " Mushkbaar prompted, winking.

" Come on, Kashish. You can't judge a book from its title. " Wafa laughed coldly.

" But you should not forget that we can't know about the subject of the book until we see its title
and name. " She smiled. " And in case if you don't know, legally, a book without a title is
considered as a "stolen" property."

" Aahaan, you gals are comparing looks with the books? that's interesting. " Mushkbaar chuckled.
She was enjoying the little arguement.

" God I never thought " Looks" could be so important for you Kashish ? " Wafa looked puzzled.

" Yes, for me they are, and If you don't know, I can explain. " She smiled.
" I'm confused, could you just evaluate please ?" Muskaan was frustrated, curious and
anticipating, all at the same time.

" Okay, I would want......a man...... with a height, tall enough to accomodate my whole being, to
hide me from false glances and to provide me shelter and shadow from the bad looks. " They all
stared at her blankly as Kashish began to say.

" With shoulders and arms, which should be strong, competent, wide and broad enough to protect
me from bad people, to surround me completely whenever I feel heart broken, to provide me a full
circle of comfort and love. A man whose fingers are long and powerful enough to hold mine, to
guide me, whenever I needed help. " Kashish was talking like she already had this kind of image
in her mind.

" Wow " The twins exclaimed simultaneously.

" And a man with a feet, which should be steady and regular in speed, so that we could both walk
together, side by side, like two friends. " Kashish said.

" Aha, but you didn't mention anything about his mentality. I mean won't you want an open-
minded hubby ? " Wafa asked, smiling.

" Naaah " She shook her head , laughing. " Not at all, because If you're open minded, your brains
will fall out. "

On her sentence, they all burst into a loud laughter.

" Yeah broader would be the mind, more would be the place for other women beside his wife
" Mushkbaar murmured.

Suddenly, a phone began to ring somewhere in the house.

" I think it's my personal number. Let me check. " Kashish said as she got up from her place and
walked towards her room.

She picked up the phone on third ring.

" Yes ? "

" Kashish, this is Sadaf, how're you doing ? "

" We are all here, enjoying the moments, talking, talking and just talking about everything .
" Smiling and playing with the wire of the receiver, she fell on the bed on her back.

" Hmm sounds like fun, you're making me jealous. I wish I could be there with you gals. " Sadaf

" Hehe, well people from bride-groom's side are not allowed here today. " Kashish teased her
naughtily. Her mood was very pleasant and fresh even at late night.

" I suppose you folks are really enjoying over there. It's two a.m and sounds like sleep is no
where. " Hearing their giggling in the back ground, Sadaf said. " By the way, what you gals are
talking about ? "
" About many things. But right now they're discussing the always-in topic of " Idealism " with
respect to husbands. " Kashish replied in a smiling tone.

" Wow, sounds interesting. Hey what're you planning to wear tomorrow ? " Sadaf's curiosity
brought an smile on Kashish's lips.

" That's top secret. " She giggled.

" Oh you clever girl. Any way dear see you tomorrow, insha'Allah, Good night, Shab-Bakhair. "

As Kashish put down the phone, she found Mushkbaar already lying on the adjacent bed. She was
sharing Kashish's room while Mushkbaar and Wafa were sharing Kisa's room.

" What happened ? finished with the ideal talks ? " Kashish smiled.

" Yeah, it's too late now. But you made my day or to be more exact , you made my " night.
" Muskan smiled. " I just loved the way you decribed the " Looks" aspect of an ideal. But
again....what about those, so called internal qualities ?"

" Ofcourse they are equally important. You know what Muskaan, I would like my husband to be a
real man, one who doesn't follow his wife but a man who guides his wife through various twists
and turns of life. Mature and sober, who talks slowly in a wonderful accent. " Kashish closed her
eyes dreamily.

" Kashish, what about Sameer Bhai ?" Muskaan's sudden and unexpected question shocked her.

" What ? I wonder why do you say that ? "

"Just thinking, as I find all these qualities in him. I mean the way he acts and behaves. So
sophisticated, slowly and lovely. Don't you think he is very nicely talkative ? " Muskaan asked.

" Yup, he is the most scintillating conversationalist. He does know how to make and take others
while talking . " Kashish rose from the bed to turn the lights off.

" Hmm, very political sort of answer. " Muskaan smiled.

" It's simple "

" You know what...I just love the way he talks. Like he's one of those who are supposed to have
"colours" in their voice. Sameer bhai has got this lovely dark brown, velvety sort of voice.
"Muskaan's own voice was very excited.

Kashish didn't reply this time.

" Anyway dear, sleep well ,Shab-bakhair " Muskaan pulled a soft, double blanket over herself.

Kashish thrashed about in bed, seeking a more comfortable position, but there was no comfort to
be had.

At last a faint drowsiness began to overtake her.

Her final waking thought was........ about him, ofcourse. Then she drifted away into the land of


When she woke, it was nearly ten p.m., and the wind was howling like a banshee around the
corners of the house, making the windows rattle and the frame structure creak and groan with
each renewed blast.

It was lonely in her room and the sounds of the storm were dangerously loud and horrible. She
tried for a while to go back to sleep but eventually she gave up. Atlast she sat up and switched on
the small lamp on the bedside table. The pink shade cast a warm glow in the bedroom.

" My love....." Her lips moved with the storm air. She shivered as the wind moaned yet again and
the draft snaked across the room to wrap her in an icy embrace.

" Hmm, love decorate our lashes with so much beautiful dreams. " Thinking, the most sadest smile came
on her lips.

Dreams........ which are fragrant like flowers.

Dreams........ which twinkle like stars

And then sometimes.....

All the dream birds fly from the stems of lashes. " She almost fell on the bed on her back.

And our eyes become lonely

Yes, lonely,


The rest of us....

She rolled from one side to the other with her eyes closed.

" I can't lose you. " She breathed. Suddenly her eyes began to glitter with a new ambition. Like she
knew her ultimate distination. She rose up from her place, searched for something on the side-
table and then after finding it, she took it to her eyes, touched it there, wiping her tears.

It was a piece of blue-coloured thin velvet. To be more exact, it looked like a hand-made

" You're my life. With this single and so short life we've got in this world, it's impossible to even think of it
without your companionship. It... it really hurts.... it gives me pain when I think of life without you..when I
think of days without you...when I think of nights without you.....I want you. I have to get you...just have to get
you.....Mujhey tum ko Panna ho gaa...., Haan tum ko Paana hai.
Smiling, she gathered some papers which were dispersed in her room, all around her bed. Once
back in the bed, she placed the same cloth on her eyes, like it was some sort of shelter between
her and the outside's cruel world.

" Bus....Tum Ko Paana Hai." Whispering to herself, she lost herself in the deep valley of satisfied


Rat-Jaga turned out to be very memorable and sweet night for all of them. The girls and the guys
had planned a particular " dress code " for tonite. All the gals wore white-coloured, narrow
choori daar Pajamas and Hyderabadi Kurtas of organza material with green Dupattas, and the
guys had choosed to wear white shilwar qameez of pure cotton.

The night started with the song competition between the two sides.
At first Rida's side felt heavier. As Kisa, Kashish, Muskaan, Mushkbaar and Wafa along with other
young girls were not less than any one. On Faraz's side, mainly there were only two girls, Sadaf
and Samreen. So girls on the bride-groom's side were a bit less, both in quantity as well in songs
quality. With Wafa beating the "Dholak" in very perfect rhythm and Muskaan playing with the "
Dafli ", Rida's party was almost about to win the competition when, suddenly, someone reached
there to help Faraz's side.

He was Jahanzaib.

" See, tha jiss ka intezaar, woh Shahkaar aa gaya. " Muskaan's mood began to change.

They tried their best to win but his loud whistles, spicy remarks and wonderful performance was
more than enough to keep them below. Without caring, he adjusted himself in between the the
girls circle and took the " Dholak " from Sadaf's hand and then the atmosphere began to change,
with his strong male hands beating the Dholak and loud voice singing the latest songs, soon they
were far ahead of the opposite party.

Though Jahanzaib was completely busy in his active participation, he didn't miss any chance to
throw a lively glance on Muskaan, who sat on the opposite stage, clapping in between the other
girls. She looked very beautiful in golden brown Kurta shilwar of pure cotton material. From time
to time, she felt his piercing , steely blackish brown eyes looking right through her. No doubt
Jahanzaib had got a truly lovely smile that was quite something. Against her wish, she had to be
impressed. At the same time, she felt herself blushing due to his intense dark gaze.

Atlast the competition came to an end with the announcement for victory of Faraz's party and this
announcment was done by Jahanzaib himself.

" We don't accept it at all. It was total foul-play. The competition was between the girls. Boys were
not allowed. " Mushkbaar yelled.

" Yeah total boycott from our side. " Muskaan supported her sister.

" Who cares? " His fingers showed them a typical " V " of victory in return.

" Hey hey.... it's enough now. " Laughing and joining them, Faraz motioned Naazir and Sameer to
" What about the title-awarding ceremony? " Naazir asked, he was curious like everyone else
about what Jahanzaib and Faraz had planned tonite.

" Oh yes. Ladies and gentlemen, please make yourself comfortable. We're, now, about to
experience the most interesting event tonite. " Jahanzaib grinned, as he took a mic and stood at
the middle of the stage.

Slowly, they all sat on the chairs, facing the stage, waiting for what had to come next.

" Who gave you this right to put labels on us ? " This time, it was Wafa. She didn't feel much
comfortable about the situation.

" These are not labels. Just the titles. " Jahanzaib grinned, as he took a golden coloured plastic
box from Faraz.

" Well... don't worry just enjoy it. It's something funny. Nothing bad at all. I assure you . " Faraz
smiled and sat beside Sameer who was present in the front row of the seats.

" And who's going to give these titles? who was in the jury ? " Kisa asked Faraz. Unlike others,
she was not a bit nervous. She and Kashish were very calm and relaxed, as they both knew Faraz
and Jahanzaib very well.

" The jury comprised of me and Jahanzaib. " Faraz said.

" Oh no... total boycott. " Muskaan tried to rise from her seat but Wafa pushed her back.

" But what's the purpose for all of this ? " Mushkbaar was nervous too.

" Nothing important. It's just a little play . " Faraz assured her gently, as Jahanzaib opened the box
and took a peice of rolled paper out from it.

" So the first title is.... " Leaving his sentence, he glanced around meaningfully, enjoying the
expressions on their faces.

" The first title is of ... " Founder of World War 3", is that who would most likely start the next
world war. " Jahanzaib said cheerfully, his eyes fixed on Muskaan.

Sameer smiled and looked around to see smiling faces of Kisa and Kashish. Only Wafa, Muskaan
and Mushkbaar looked puzzled and nervous.

" And the title goes to .... oh yes, you guessed it right... its, Miss.Muskaan. " His voice was
followed by their clapping. Now seeing the nature of event, they decided to enjoy it.

Muskaan bit her lip but didn't say a thing. There was something about Jahanzaib that made her
feel edgy, on guard.

" The next title is of ....the most handsome guy of the family " Jahanzaib said, taking another
paper out of the box.

" Now let me tell you, I don't think that I'm less than anyone. But Faraz bhai said that it's better to
give this title to the person who deserves it most. " Jahanzaib said, his voice a little disappointing,
not really though.
" The most handsome man of the family, no doubt is , Sameer Hasan. " This time, clapping from
the girls side was louder than before, as they all were agreed on this title.

Kashish's gaze ran over him for a second. From his eyes to his black hair. He was not just
handsome, he was graceful too.

" The next title is named as Miss.Unpredictable. A girl with invisible features and you can expect
anything from her, any time, anywhere. " Jahanzaib unrolled the next piece of paper.

" The Miss.Unpredictable of our family is Miss.Kashish. "

" Really Kashish ? " Wafa looked deep into her eyes.

" I don't know really, believe me. " Kashish was honest. She was unable to find out why they
thought of her in that way.

" But guess what, she holds one more title." Jahanzaib said, as he prepared himself to announce
the next title.

" I know... " Wafa said before he could say anything.

" What ? '

" She is the most pretiest girl of our family, no doubt about that."

" Well, the next title is of the most beautiful girl of the family. And again the decision was not very
difficult to make. The title for the most beuatiful girl goes to Miss.Kashish . "

" Hey congratulations Kashish. " Kisa caressed her head lovingly. Kashish smiled and received
greetings from everyone. In the last of all, her eyes met with Sameer's who was smiling. Almost
against her will, she answered him in the same manner. He gave her a long, steady look that
made her pulse quicken, her cheeks flushing swiftly.

" The next title is for the most sober guy of the family . Well no marks for guessing , as you all
know it. It's again Sameer Bhai. "

" Hey hey...I am just normal person like everyone else here. Don't put me on the sky. " Sameer
said, a little unevenly.

" I guess they're putting you at your original place. " Naazir smiled and tapped his shoulder.

" The title for the most well-dressed person was pretty tough. As we all are so well-dressed I think.
" Jahanzaib stopped for a moment to take a long breath. " The title of the most well-dressed man
of the family is shared by Faraz bhai and Sameer Bhai and the title for the most well women of the
family goes to Wafa and Miss.Kashish. Well done guys, keep it up . " Jahanzaib clapped with

" Now it's another thing that, it was me who taught these people how to dress. " He raised his

They smiled again but said nothing, perhaps it was useless to say anything in front of him.
" The next title is very interesting indeed. It is called... " Ustaani jee". Yeah, Miss.Teacher who is
always well-prepared to give you lectures of all kinds. "

Hearing this, Kisa's lips parted to form a wonderful gesture of natural smile. She knew what he
was going to say.

" Again no marks for guessing. The title for " Ustaani jee" goes to Kisa. " Trust me Kisa, you just
need a pair of glasses on your eyes and then the picture would become complete. " Jahanzaib
said, firmly.

" I... I guess you're right. " Kisa replied, with a rather self-conscious little laugh. She was a school
teacher in real life too.

"And now is the time for the most important and great title. It's "Made for each other
title." Jahanzaib took another piece of paper out, but this time from his shirt's pocket instead of
the golden box.

" What ? I don't think we made any title like that. " Faraz was astonished.

" How it's possible. It's the most honest title." Jahanzaib raked his fingers through his hair and
then finally opened the paper.

" Wow " He breathed. " The title of " Made for each other couple " goes to Jahanzaib and
Muskaan. " They all exchanged meanuigful smiles which immediately dropped off when they saw
Muskaan suddenly standing up. She reached the stage and smiled.

" In the last of all, I'd like to announce the most interesting title and i think , it's the most well-
judged and accurate title. " Muskaan said, she looked emotional and touchy.

Jahanzaib crossed his arms on his chest and looked at her, smiling.

" Yes folks..... we're not finished yet." She gave them a breath-taking grin. " So, the title of "Charlie
Chaplain of the family" goes to Mr.Jahanzaib."


" Now time for the biggest surprise for all of you. " Jahanzaib announced, as their laughter finally
stopped after Muskaan's act. Her revenge was very cute and spontaneous.

" Yeah, some really cool surprise. " Faraz smiled, as he told them to stand up and follow him.

" What it could be ? " Kisa wondered.

And then, their eyes widened as they reached the very corner of the huge lawn of " Shah Palace."
This portion of the lawn was located at the back of the living area, usually hidden from the

The surprise was there. The whole area was drowned in dazzling lights and colourful bulbs. The
grass was covered by a plain, white carpet which was surrounded by beautiful flowers decorated
with small bulbs. On the carpet, there were large white " Gaao" and big pillows, arranged in a
typical traditional style. On the very corner of the carpet, two famous ghazal singers of the sub-
continent were present. It was a couple, husband and wife. Behind them, were musicians, with
their " Matka" , " Tabla" and other instruments. A full-equipped sound system was also there to
assist the singers.

" Oh, it's like a dream. " Wafa gasped.

" I never attended such a beautiful and wonderful marriage. " Muskaan said, in a trance-like voice.

" It's simply fantastic. " Mushkbaar breathed.

" Yes, as the last item of Rat-jaga, we've arranged a fabulous ghazal night. Tonite would be the
night. " Jahanzaib said in an excited mood.

" Oh I guess, I'd have to leave. " Suddenly Sameer's voice caught their attention, as he looked at
his watch.

" Noooooooooo" They all were shocked to hear this unexpected news.

" I'm really sorry, but believe me I don't find much attraction in all these things , plus it's too late

" Oh, come on Sameer bhai, its only one a.m " Jahanzaib was not happy at all. He and Faraz had
really worked hard to arrange this program.

" Sameer bhai please, don't break our heart. Please? we beg you ! " Sadaf pleaded.

" Sameer bhai, please for our sake? for anyone's sake. " Even Samreen wanted him to stay.

" Bhui, this old man won't be able to participate in your fun. So forgive me " Smiling, he tried to
convince them.

" Ruk Jaaiyey naa, Please ? " Kashish's voice gripped his feet as she requested in an uneven, low
voice, her eyes staring down at the floor. Her long curvy lashes trembling, as she spoke.

" Yes Sameer bhai, if you leave, we are not gonna stay here alone. " Muskaan protested.

" Well.... " He finally let out a long sigh. " Okay. But try to wind up soon, please. "

" Hurrey " They howled, happiness dancing on their faces, as they moved towards the carpet.

As Sameer sat along with Faraz and Naazir, Kashish took a detailed look of him. He looked
stunning, dressed with plain white kurta shilwar and black waist-coat. With his silky, shiny and
thick black hair dancing softly with the air, he looked so heart-touching and soul-engraving. She
saw, as he brought his long slender fingers in an attempt to push the hair away from his forehead.

Sensing her look , he turned to her with a sober but deep expression , and her pulses leaped when
his ultra-attractive eyes lingered on her face.

The male singer drew the big harmonium in front of him, and then, after a little introduction, his
fingers started to play with the long buttons, with the other hand playing with the the other part of
the instrument. He started to sing with the stanza....

Kaun kehta hai, Mohabbat ki Zubaan hoti hai !

Yeh Haqeeqat tou Nigaahon se Beyaan hoti hai

" WOW " The whole youth party howled in amusement.

The female singer's voice was very musical, soft and feminine as she followed her husband......

Woh Na Aaey tou, sataati hai, Khalish si Dil Ko

Woh Jo Aaey tou, Khalish aur Jawaan hoti hai

They found themselves getting lost in the musical magic. The atmosphere was romantic with the
moonlight and star-filled sky above their heads. The poetry was wonderful. The singing voices
were soft and playing with the strings of their hearts. Sameer found himself walking in some
dream land. He placed his back on the big pillow, supported by his elbow and curled his legs in a
more comfortable and relaxed position. Suddenly a sweet, cool wave of feminine fragrance
touched him and surrounded his whole body. As he raised his eyes, he saw Kashish in front of
him, bending slightly to offer him " Paan " and "Chaaliya" neatly placed in a golden, oval shaped

" Thanks " He muttered, as he put the small Paan in his mouth. It was very sweet, as his whole
mouth became fragrant and cold, his lips slightly red now, with the colour.

The female singer, had now started the new ghazal.

Tujhey dekh ke....dharakta hai Dil

Merey Dard ka, Tujh ko ahsaas hai ?

At this very instant, his eyes met hers. As her eyes met his, she felt the now-familar tingling deep
in her being. The sensation was wonderful. They were communicating with their eyes what they
were both too shy to say with words.

Teri Aashiquee, meri Zindagi

Honton pe merey, teri Pyaas hai

Her eyes quickly moved apart and looked away, as his gaze particularly lingered on her slightly
trembling lower lip, tiny beads of sweat glistening on her forehead.

He looked at her with some new aim, ambition and assuring look, accompanied by the voice of
male singer...

Tamanna yahi hai, Jaan-e-Wafa.....

Terey Pyaar ko Mein, naya Naam doon

His eyes kept meeting hers again and again. For him, it was not the female singer, it was Kashish
who sat in front of him, singing......

Chhupa loon tujhey, Zulfon taley.............

Ghari do ghari, Tujh ko Aaraam doon

While watching her, a little eight year old Kashish came, in front of him from some where, smiling.
Her chin resting on her hands, smiling, she giggled.... " Hehe...can you fall in love with me ? "

His thought was dispersed by the female singer....

Kabhi aik pal, ho ke juda...

Mein ne Akeley guzaara nahin.....

Then the male singer translated Sameer's emotions.....

Mein terey bina Zinda rahoon.....

Meri chah'haton ko gawaara nahin...

" I guess Kashish has everything, I would want to see in my wife. She is a complete answer to my all
expectations, hopes and wishes in this regard. A fulfillment of my dreams." Sameer was lost in the words,
related with his own thoughts and feelings.

In the last of all, the female singer presented a beautiful solo performance in the form of a famous

Shayer'ana si hai , Zindagi ki Fiza, Aap bhi Zindagi ka maza leejiyey

Mein "Ghazal" bun gai Aap ke saamney, shouq se ab mujhey gunguna leejiyey

Yes, at the moment, Kashish did look like some " Ghazal " , like an an attractive poem, with her
long, straight hairs undone, flowing down to her lap, as she sat at one of the corners. Her ear
rings slightly shaking and soft silky curls on her forehead ligthly dancing along the cool, velvet-
soft night breeze.

Sameer could read the betraying signals , the parted lips, the quickened breathing, the colour
coming and going, the faint but visible trembling and above all, her sheer, shy beauty.

The magical spell created by Kashish was finally broken by female singer's voice.

Aap ke pyaar ka jo bhi mayaar hai, iss se kab jaan-e-jaan, mujh ko inkaar hai

Jiss tarha Aap chaahein, nazar aaoon Mein, mujh ko hur rang mein aazma leejiyey


Kashish was back in her room, looking through her cloths and trying to decide what to wear for
the wedding. Her hand stopped at pink sharaara suit of silk and taking it out, she held it against
her and looked in the mirror. Donning matching red pumps, she surveyed herself in the mirror.
Thick-fringed brown eyes stared back at her. After finishing with the dressing, she looked at her
image once more. Pressing her full lips together to make sure the lipstick was spread across them
evenly, she gave a touch of pink to her cheeks and mouth, and, even if she said so herself, she
looked a dream.
Today was the most wonderful and memorable day for Faraz and Rida, as they were finally getting
married tonite.

The bridegroom's party, Baaraat, reached bride's place at nine p.m sharp. Muskaan and
Mushkbaar blocked bridegroom's pathway, demanding huge money. Despite of Jahanzaib's full
support, Faraz was unable to get into his bride's house until he paid them a huge amount of

All girls stood at the reception, with " flower vases" and" haars" in their hands, to welcome the
bridegroom's party.

Standing at the very front, Kashish found herself scanning all the guests to find him.

Finally he appeared in the last of all. He was wearing a black dinner suit with a maroon tie and
plain white cotton shirt underneath. Decent, charming and graceful. So " man ".

" Thank you. " A thick masculine scent of " eternity " mixed with the perfume of his own male
body intoxicated her senses, as he gently took the flower vase from her hands.

" WOW" Every eye became wider, when the girls finally brought Rida on the huge bridal stage.
She was looking absolutely gorgeous tonite.

" May God be with you tonite, Faraz bhai . " Jahanzaib whispered in Faraz's ear.

Faraz said nothing, just smiled. It was right that, at the moment, he was thinking of himself as the
most fortunate man on earth for having such a wonderful wife. He sincerely thanked his parents
for being so co-operative and ofcourse to Allah, for giving him such a great gift.

" Sameer bhai, meet Dr.Shahraam. He is our family doctor. " Pushing soft tendrils of hair away
from her forehead, Kashish introduced the man she was along with.

" Nice to meet you doctor. " Sameer smiled.

" Like wise" He returned the greeting, as they both shook hands firmly. Dr.Shahraam was a young
doctor in his late twenties, with fair complexion and smart looks. His looks showed him like a
typical intellectual and modest man.

" Sameer bhai, I'll be back in a minute, while you talk with Kisa baji. She's not feeling very well
today. "

" Sure" He replied, as Kashish accompanied Dr.Shahraam for his further introduction to some
more people.

" Hey girl. What's wrong ? " Sameer asked with genuine concern in his voice, as he saw Kisa
sitting alone at the table.

" Nothing. Just got this headache again. It really hurts. "

" Is it severe? " A worried tone came in his voice, as he asked.

" Not much. But it really hurts some times. " She said in calm tone. That was Kisa's quality. No
matter what and how she felt inside, no one could ever judge from her external appearance.
" Did you go to any doctor ? " Sameer asked softly.

" Yeah a couple of times. They say it's an ordinary episode. I think so too, as I always get relief
after getting Aspirin. "

" What could be the reason ? "

" Most probably, stress and work. " She gave a weak smile.

" So you're not following your own philosophy, hmm? Balance in everything . " Sameer smiled

They talked, mainly about Kisa's job and future aims. She wanted to open a nursery school in her
own administration, which sounded like a great idea to Sameer.

" I must go now. " He rose from his chiar after an hour.

" Why? Won't you go back with Faraz bhai and Baaraat? "

" No, actually my father is waiting for me at home. He has to catch the flight for Lahore."

" Lahore ? but why ? " Kisa was curious.

" One of his old friends passed away this morning. "

" Oh acha, say my salaam to him and what about Aunty " Kisa said, in a soft tone.

" Yes, she would be staying at Faraz's home tonite. " Sameer told her about his mother and finally
walked away, promising Kisa to visit their home soon.

" And hey..... " On his voice, Kisa found him stopping on his way, as he turned to face her once

" Please, take good care of yourself, acha ? "

" Jee" She gave him a sober, shy smile.

As he walked towards the main door, Sameer swung his jet black jacket over his broad shoulder.
His fresh, crisp white maroon tie, plain white shirt and dark black trousers looked superb. Feeling
the weather suddenly getting warm, he had rolled up his shirt sleeves, which revealed his strong,
wheatish forearms lightly covered with soft, curling black hairs.

" Sameer bhai, leaving ? "

He turned back to find Kashish staring at him.

He told her the reason, as they walked side by side towards the main door.

" Take care" She said, softly.

" You too. " He whispered. Then giving her a deep look, he opened the front door of his car. She
stood there, watching him leave.

Then, like he was thinking something, he approached her once again.

" You know what..... " His voice was deep dark,and disturbing, like the way Muskaan had
described it.

" There aren't many girls like you " He told her admiringly. His tone was so soft that it was almost
inaudible; the way he said the words made them different from any compliment she'd ever had

Nervous ! No, he didn't look nervous, he looked confident and in control as always.

Her heart bounded across her chest. She began to play with her nails, her eyes never looking up.

" I remember..." He took a small pause, like he was searching for words, " Once you
said.......that.... I often forget that you are not eight any more, hai naa? "

" Jee " She didn't understand why he was talking about that, now.

" Oh girl yes, that's the whole problem.... You're not eight anymore. " He said, then he was gone,
leaving nothing behind him but the trace of his perfume and an image in Kashish's mind's eye.


One month passed soon, but this fast period of time was long enough to bring many changes in
their lives. Faraz and Rida were back from Switzerland, after their honey moon. Muskaan and
Mushkbaar had returned to Lahore to join their graduation classes. Jahanzaib was busy in his
new job after getting it atlast. John Roberts was in Islamabad, staying at his uncle's place. Sameer
had not heard from him since last month. He wondered why.

The next month passed even sooner than the last, may be because it was of Ramzaan.

It was twenty ninth of Ramzaan and Faraz and Rida had arranged an "Aftaar party" that evening.

As the newly-wed couple welcomed him, he thought that it was more good to see them like this,
as a husband and wife.

True love brings so much glory and beauty on one's face. Staring at the glistening faces of Faraz and
Rida, Sameer thought.

" Hey, you're still here ? " He was surprised to see Wafa with Kashish.

" Why ? do you mind ? hehe " Wafa giggled, trying to push the curly hairs from her forehead.

Kashish wore a plain georgette jumper shilwar of sky blue colour with a broad dark blue dupatta.
She looked special even in her casual dress. She wore her fragrant, soft, shiny golden brown hair
in a neat chignon.
" Ofcourse not. It's been a pleasure actually." Sameer smiled, then realizing someone was
missing, he asked Kashish about Kisa.

" Where is Kisa ? "

" At home. Baji was not feeling well today. The same headache problem. She is getting it very
often. We all are very much concerned about her." She replied in a worried voice.

" Did you consult the doctor ?"

" Yes, infact a long ago. But Dr.Shahraam says there is nothing to worry about. It's just stress or
something. Anyway she is on rest these days. She took a month's leave from her school. "

" That's better. But tell her not to think too much. I know Miss.teacher since her childhood. She
definitely is our Miss. Philosopher. " Sameer grinned.

" I wonder what does she think. I have always seen her thinking, she never talks alot. " Wafa said.

" Sensible and mature people don't talk alot. " Jahanzaib had heard her sentence.

" That's true, other people could learn something from that. " Samreen smiled, looking at
Jahanzaib meaningfully and though Jahanzaib did get his message but he was one of his
kind. Smiling back, he simply ignored her sentence.

" So Sameer, enjoying Ramzaan after six years? " Faraz said, as he placed a dish full of fresh
dates, on the dining table in front of them.

" Yes, thanks to Allah, I'm really happy to be back. " Sameer let out a relaxed breath.

" To be honest , I think Ramzaan, Eids and Muharrams are at their best in Pakistan. You feel the
passion, you feel the spirit. You get the holidays which I really love . " Jahanzaib said, as he drew
the plate of " fruit chat " in front of him.

" I agree. It was really painful to go to job or university even on Eids and Muharrams. But
alhumdolillah, here in Pakistan, we get official holidays for such occasions. " Sameer took a
breath of relief. It was the truth, he was really glad to be back to his homeland, to his motherland,
his love, Pakistan.

" Yes after all....Apna mulk ... " Apna " hota hai . " Faraz smiled, as they waited for the sound of
Azaan to begin their Aftaar.

" Yes. Likewise, I adore the weddings here. Majority of such traditions and customs are our
heritage and we should try our best to preserve them in the best way possible. "

" Majority ? why not all ? " Faraz asked, raising his eyebrows.

" Well....there are some weaknesses in our society too, at social levels, with respect to such
traditions I mean... " Sameer said.

" Like ? " Faraz took a chair beside them as they all sat around the round table which was fully
covered with plates, cold drinks, tea, fruits and various dishes. The girls listened to their talks,
" Like the way we waste our money in weddings and other social parties. Don't mind, I'm talking in
general sense. It's good to celeberate your happiness in proper way but when majority of the
people here lives a life of low-standard, we should think about them first. " Sameer was honest,
with them, with himself.

" You're absolutely right. We would have to stop this war of status symbols. " Faraz said.

After Aftaary, on Sadaf's suggestion, they decided to enjoy the lights and night of the city. There
were two cars, Faraz's and Sameer's. Before Kashish could say anything, Samreen and Jahanzaib
and had already occupied Faraz's car, so ultimately she had to come to Sameer's.

" Where to go ? Uzma Market or Tariq Road ? " Sameer asked her.

" I think both are beautiful. " Kashish said, her voice very soft at the moment.

" So are you. " The words just came out without thought in a whisper which was barely audible,
but she did catch it. He looked at her pink cheeks, while holding the car door open for her to slide
into the passenger seat.

For some unknown reason, she felt shyness engulfing her at the moment.

" I'd rather prefer sitting with Sadaf and Wafa" She opened the back door.

" Sure, as you wish" He grinned and closed the door.

She didn't answer nor did he talk again as they drove to the shopping centre. Her hands playing
with her gold locket in her creamy neck.

Their eyes playing a sweet, secret battle through the back view mirror of the car. His bold, hers

Tonite, Karachi was at its climax. There were lights and colours every where, every shopping
center and every restaurant was full of people, smiling, chuckling, shopping and walking.

After a long traffic jam , they finally parked their cars in front of a famous, glamourous shopping

For a moment, they just walked around, enjoying the rush, the typical noises, the traditional
beauty of "Chaand Raat ."
Then the girls got into a bangle shop. Sameer looked at Kashish with interest. She was with her
friends. Sadaf, Samreen, Wafa and Rida all were there, laughing, smiling , trying different bangles,
and bracelets, comparing their sizes with their wrists. The scene reminded him of something
wonderful. Watching her, surrounded by her friends, his own childhood returned once again.,

She reminded him of a fairy tale, which he used to hear in childhood by his grandmother. The
story had many butterflies, which used to fly over the garden, together. But there was this
beautiful, colourful butterfly, which was very distinguished among others, flying higher, and
always singing. Yes, she reminded him of the same buttferfly. A bit funny, a bit crazy, a bit mad, a
bit sober. A litle innocent. So known and yet so stranger. He laughed.

" What ? " Faraz asked.

" Nothing " God, was he talking to himself ? He smiled and then looked away.
Next, they went to a Mehndi parlour, completely filled with the girls and women.

Kashish made beautiful designs and wrote " Faraz " on Rida's hands with the help of a cone

" Wow, that's why they say " Mehndi Terey Naam Ki " Jahanzaib chuckled, without caring that the
shop was full with the girls, with no boy around, Jahanzaib was present there.

It was about one a.m when Faraz asked them to move.

In the car again, they drove saying little. During the journey they stopped at a place to eat some "
Gol Guppey" then finally their mutually beautiful moments came to end with a wonderful ice-
cream session at " Shah Palace".


She put her blue BMW in the top gear. Nothing seemed to give her even a temporary relief from
the continously-occuring thoughts.

" Even these long drives. " A sad smile came to her lips.

It was a cold winter night. The high-way was lonely and silent, looking darker despite of the
uniformaly arranged street lights.

After an hour, she was parking the car along the beach. The sounds of waves striking with the
rocks in the silent, dark night produced a strange combination. But she was not scared at all.
However, she was hurt.

Yes. She knew she could only hurt herself with his memory. But now as his memory never
seemed to leave her heart , she was confused. The sense of loss was stunning.

She shivered as her shoeless feet touched the cold sand of the beach.

Loss of what ? She asked herself. It wasn't as if there was anything mutual but respect between
herself and him. And the way her life had gone, the last thing she wanted was anything more than
that. As if there was something she had forgotten, or misplaced , and couldn't quite remember
what it was, only that it was somewhere, waiting.

Her hand reached out to pick the cellular phone from her shoulder bag but she stopped herself at
the final moment.

Dil kehta Hai.... chal, " Unn" sey mil

Uthtey hain qadam, ruk jaatey hain

Dil Hum ko kabhi samjhaata hai

Hum Dil ko kabhi samjhaatey hain

Instead of the phone, her hand found a square-shaped piece of cloth which was now very
familiar. It was the same handkerchief which was now becoming very precious to her. Something
to treasure her tears, her fragrance and her feelings.

Another tear found its way out of her tightly closed lashes , then slowly, smoothly, sliding over
her cheeks, it dropped on the blue coloured, thin velvet cloth, which instantly absorbed it.


It was a sunset time. One of the favourite times of Kashish, time to gather her thoughts, to relax,
to think and to sing. It was also the time for her favourite hobby, as she sat on the slowly swaying
craddle, with the pencil between her lips and some papers in her hand.

It was a beautiful craddle of an old indian style. Supported by two thick ropes, hanging from the
branch of the high, huge neem tree. Both ropes were completely covered by fragrant red and pink
english roses.

" Hmmmm.... " Her lips moves beautifully in a whisper-like rhythm as she started to sing one of
her favourite poems. She arched her back and pushed her feet on the ground and then suddenly
lifted them off the ground. The craddle began to sway back and forth, at fast rhythm at first, but
then the pace became slow and steady.

Everytime I see the sunset

I think of your beautiful eyes
and how they remind me of Angels in Heavenly skies

She sang softly under her breath, in her light, musical, clear voice. Her head fell back, she was
lost in the sweet fragrance of the roses surrounding her. Her lips moved again.

Everytime I see the Sunset....

I think of the talks we share
and how we both seem to care

Then, somewhat, a healthy but a daring smile came on her lips. She closed her eyes dreamily
and breathed softly.

Everytime I see the sunset

I think of how I was afraid before
and how I am no more

Everytime I see the sunset

I think of how I love you
and how I know it's true
Everytime I see the sunset
I think of you.

She didn't know how and when did the partial condition of sleep touch her. The soft evening
breeze, caressing her hairs and touching her body, was enough to make her feel sleepy. She
didn't remember when did she place her feet in the beautiful dreamland.
She had gone far from this world, may be out of this world, so that no sorrow could reach her. Next, she found
herself standing in a wonderful jungle, full of flowers. In the middle of the jungle, a small but lovely house was
located, beside a beautiful lake.
It was a poetic interlude where only the earth and the waters spoke. Then, suddenly she found out that she was
not alone. He was there, with her. He saw her. She saw him. They both smiled. He offered her his hand which
she held firmly as they both walked on the wet grass without shoes on. Hand in hand, talking and laughing.
Every scene was filled with colours and lights.

The craddle had stopped swaying a long ago, perhaps to give her some more chance to continue
her beautiful dream.

And then, as the evening became dark, the stars woke up, with silky darkness engulfing the scene. They both sat
there to talk....... talk about everything, anything. Then slowly, gradually moon come to bath in the lake water
but instantly became shy on seeing her in his arms.

Suddenly the craddle began to move again, very slowly. Afraid of some unseen stranger, she
opened her eyes but there was no one in the front. With fast motion she turned her head back only
to find him pushing the craddle softly, smiling at her all the time.

" Oh you? Aadaab. " She left the craddle immediately.

" Aadaab. " As soon as his glance touched her face, she lowered her eyes, eeling as nervous as

" Where is everyone ? Uncle, Aunty and Kisa ? "

" They went to the nearby market, for some shopping "

"Weather has been beautiful today.... hai naa? " He asked, trying to judge the environmental
effects on her hace.

" Yes, it sure is. Looks like rain is near. " She filled her lungs with soft, cool evening air.

" Yes, rain is near. " He breathed.

" Would you like tea or... ? "

" Nothing " He shook his hand, stopping her before she could finish her sentence.

No one spoke a word for moments.

" Do you remember this tree ? " She finally asked, trying to break the usual, disturbing
atmosphere between them which now seemed to be something essential, whenever they met.

He slowed and turned to see where she was pointing and gasped. He was there. Their old friend,
their beloved neem tree whose droopping branches hung low over the lawn. His mouth
compressed slightly as he remembered the tree and the sweet memories related with him.

" Oh yes, how could I forget our old friend ? "

He got near the tree, inspecting the thick broad stem with concentration.
" The mark is still here. " He said, as he looked at their names, embossed on the brown, wrinkled
stem. His name in the middle, with Kashish's and Kisa's name on the either side.

" Yes, when you were not here , me and Kisa Baji used to refresh our memories through this tree
and this mark. It's wonderful ."

" Kashish we need to talk. " He stopped walking, and turned to face her as they reached the main
door, walking side by side.

" Do we ?...... Well I'm here " Her voice trembled a little. From a side-way glance he noticed
colours disperseing on her face but she tried to look normal.

" I mean... " He hesitated. " I have to tell you something. We must sort out matters between
us." He was searching for the words to begin when a car entered the house.

" They are back. " Kashish said.

" Sameer, what a pleasant surprise to see you here, son. " Sameer turned to see the graceful man
in his late fiftees. He was Salman Ali, his uncle.

" Aadaab Sameer bhai" Kisa greeted him at the same time, as she stood on the other side of the

Sameer turned to see the graceful man in his late fiftees. He was Salman Ali, his uncle.

" Aadaab uncle, how you have been ? "

" Alhumdolillah fine, and you ? " Smiling, he hugged him.

" Sameer, I have noticed you are not visiting us any more like you used to do in the past, hmm ?"
His aunty asked with a complaining tone in her voice.

" Yeah, we last met on Rida's wedding, right? " His uncle's eyes searching through his face.

Sameer smiled, but said nothing, feeling embarrassed.

" Keep visiting us son, it makes us feel better to see you often, and you know it. " Sameer's uncle
put his hand on his head, pure love emitting from his eyes.

On his nod, his uncle and his wife finally went inside.

" So Kisa how are you feeling now , what about the headache? "

" It's much better now, thanks " She smiled. " And no heacahes since I have started to act on
doctor's advise. I mean proper sleep and moderate work . "

" That's good. "

Before he could say anything else, they felt the early rain drops touching their heads.

" Oh its wonderful. Sameer bhai you sit here, while I make some " Pakoras " . The weather is
perfect, suitable for some Pakora party. " Kisa smiled, excitedly.
He tried to stop her but both sisters went to Kitchen, without listening a word.

" So I couldn't tell her today as well . " He thought as they sat on the terrace, enjoying rain with tea
and pakoras.

He decided to leave, as the rain stopped after an hour. Both sisters and their parents waved him
good bye, after taking his promise to visit them again soon.

" It's enough now. I can't wait any more. I would have to talk to Ammi today." Thinking, he applied some
more pressure on the accelerator, so that he could reach home quickly, without thinking that there
were some speed breakers on the road.


Trying to control himself, he finally picked up the receiver and dialed Kashish's personal number.

He really felt thankful to his fate at the moment. Specially, since everything seemed to be going so
calmly and smoothly at the right track. As he had expected, his mother didn't show a slightest
sign of dislikeness. Infact, she was happy when he told her about his interest in Kashish. But still,
she told Sameer to ask her atleast once, before she goes to their home with his proposal for her.

" She should be there, yes......yes......yes " He silently prayed, glancing at his watch which showed the
time of eleven a.m.

" I am honored beyond the ability of words to accept your proposal of marriage, she would say". He imagined
and smiled.

She was there. She answered the call at the fourth ring.

" Kashish, this is Sameer. How are you ? "

" Not bad." Her voice was a little weird and weak.

" Were you sleeping? "

" No, just feeling a little tired. "

" Oh acha. So you remember Kashish, I'd told you that we needed to talk "

" About what ?"

" Well. I won't use the magic of words here. No twists and turns of sentences. I just have to ask a
simple question. "

" Yes ? "

" What I've guessed in the last few days.... is that we both like each other..... I won't say that we are
dying for each other...but Kashish....... I have come to realize that life would be more beautiful if
we spend it together. Don't you think?" He finally emptied his heart in the most shortest way
From the other side, he just heard few breaths.

" I would wait for your answer, take your much as you want." Unable to suppress the
hint of expectation that crept into his voice, he was about to put the receiver when her voice
stopped him.

" Listen " Her voice was shaking. Probably due to the intense happiness she felt due to his

" You don't have to wait when you can have my answer right now. " She said in an unpredictable

Sameer's heart began to beat in an unsteady but fast fashion.

Kashish's sigh travelled down the phone.

He waited for what seemed like hours. No doubt, it was the most critical time of his life and...
for...his life.

When atlast she spoke, her words caused a shock that thundered through him.

" Just how on earth you thought that I like you or anything ? "

" You're my cousin and that's all. Don't give names to my temporary childhood involvement.
Beside, kids don't have much sense. " She added in a rough voice.

" let me tell you, our heart gives us many false, wrong ideas some times, specially at the young
age, heart is very uncertain about certain things. Do you remember these words Sameer Bhai ?
"She laughed in a weird style. Her words came like a chain of bombs linked with each other.

There was a long silence on his side.

" Tell me, this is some kind of sick joke. " There was a definite trembling in his voice when atlast
he spoke.

"Joke ? I never ever told you any jokes Sameer bhai. We have never been so close I guess? "

She heard him taking a deep breath.

" Won't you ask the reason for me "rejecting" you ? " Her tone became harsher.


Her words hit him like blows and felt like a slap.

" Okay let me tell you. I like somone else Sameer bhai. I love him. You have seen him too. " She
took a little pause just to hear another sharp intake of breath.

" Yes, I'm talking about Dr.Shahraam. We are very much in love with each other and planning to
get married soon. I'm just waiting due to Kisa Baji. As soon as she gets married I would marry
him. "
She said many other things as well. It was only after few minutes, when she realized that he had
disconnected the line a long ago.


Sameer hung up the phone and breathed a long cold sigh. His feet felt so weak that he had to grab
the nearby chair for support.

For a minute, he thought he hadn't heard Kashish properly but, unfortunately, that was not the

Shocked, hurt and wounded. He felt like a disabled, injured man. Like a lonely warrior, who fights a
losing battle on the only hope that his last soldier would not betray him. But only in the end, he
finds out that his last hope too, was a traitor.

Kiya hai Pyaar jissey, Hum ne Zindagi ki tarha

Woh Aashna hi mila, Hum se Ajnabi ki tarha

" Was she a flirt ? " His heart asked.

" But she never told you that she loved you. " His mind answered.

" Okay, she didn't tell that by words. But what about all those gestures of likenes. Those shy looks, those sweet
styles, those meaningful smiles. Why she didn't stop me at the first stage then ? " The heart argued.

" You better know. But" Kashish" and " Flirt " are two totally opposite things. " Mind said again.

He had never been afraid of any sort of arguement. But this arguement seemed to break his whole
being into pieces. No doubt, the most dangerous and deadly arguement is one which happens
between heart and mind.

That night, he memorized a girl. An always-lonely girl, who was called as Kiran.

For the very first time, he felt the same pain, same shock, same killing surprise which one gets
after being hurt in love.

He had hurt Kiran, no doubt, though unwillingly but now history was repeating itself in an
opposite manner.

" Why did you do this, Kashish? " His heart contracted in the most painful way.

Barha ke Pyaas meri, Uss ne haath chor diya

Woh kar raha tha, Mohabbat bhi Dil-lagi ki tarha

He was surprised when he sensed two rivulets of tears running down his cheeks unheeded. May
be he was past resistance. " Hell..... Kashish doesn't deserve even these two little tears from you. "

He felt a dull, heavy headache behind his temples which seemed to radiate through his whole
He lit up a cigarette for the first time in his life, trying to forget her image for a while. But there was
no use. As he blew a thick puff of smoke, the smoky layer began to dance in the air, and then
slowly it formed an image of a smiling girl. She was Kashish.

She just didn't seem to leave him.

" I would try to forget you Kashish. But you know what.... I'd not forgive you. Never, ever. "

He stayed in the same condition for what seemed like hours, lying on the bed, with his eyes on the
ceiling, hands clasped behind head and continously smoking the cigarettes, one after the the

As he lit up the ninth cigaratte, his mind was thinking about some new possibilities.

When sleep finally grabbed him from the silent valley of lonliness, he had come to a certain, firm,
fixed and unshaken decision.


" That's why I told you to ask her before proceeding further. These days, girls of even our own
society have become very unpredictable. You can expect anything. " His mother felt being hurt for
her son's disappointment, as he met her next morning on the breakfast table. Her face was
showing the pain, she felt for her son.

But to her surprise, he looked very calm and relaxed, like he had come to a certain decision.

" You're smiling ? " His mother was confused.

" I'm smiling because I'm happy and calm. " He told her in a gentle tone.

" She refused your proposal and you're happy ? "

" So what Ammi ? Is my happiness related with her only ? "

Unable to understand what he was saying and unable to judge what he wanted, his
mother decided that it was better to leave the topic and close the chapter. After all, Kashish was
not the last girl in the world.

They ate their break fast silently. Once done with the food, she rose from her place.

" Sameer I'm going to call your father in Lahore. He didn't call us since last week. I want to make
sure everything is all right with him. And don't take anything seriously, okay? I am proud that my
son is not like those silly teen-agers who destroy their lives for such things. I'd be back soon. "

He nodded but didn't say anything, drinking his tea silently.

" So Ammi, when you would be going to their home, today ? " His voice stopped her feet when
she was about to cross the door. She felt like floor gripped her feet.
" What ? " She turned back to face him again. " What would be the use of going there now, when
she has refused your....

" Oh yes Ammi, " He interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

" You would definitely go there, today. " His accent was smooth, his tone was gentle, his voice
was simple.

" But why ? " She asked, puzzled. His behaviour was totally strange and confusing.

" With my proposal " He smiled, and for the first time she doubted his mental condition.

" Oh no Ammi " He laughed. " I'm not mad or crazy, don't doubt my mental condition. "

He then took a little pause.

" You would go there, with my proposal. Not for Kashish ofcourse............. but for Kisa "

Bus.....Tum Ko Paana Hai

( Part 4 )

Enjoy the ecstacy, perceive the passion, experience the emotions,

Kashish stood in her room, staring at the swaying receiver which her hands had just dropped. She
rubbed at her face, not sure if she was crying or not. Then her eyes moved to the bed. There it
was. A diary, which was partially open. Staring at the white pages, her control began to lose. Her
lower lip trembled, her eyes watered.

It was just a matter of time. Few minutes, or may be some seconds, but those few moments were
enough to shatter all of her dreams, breaking all of her fantasies and destroying all of her hopes
and expectations.

Just half an hour ago , she had come to Kisa's room in search of some poetry book. To her
surprise, Kisa's room was empty. Kashish noted the time and wondered why Kisa was not there at
ten p.m. It was unusual for an indoor-kind-of-person like Kisa.

" Ammi " Kashish called her mother.

" Yes ? What's the matter ? " Her mother's voice came from the kitchen.

" Where's Baji ? "

" She is at her friend's place. Her friend's father had an heart-attack this evening. All friends are
there to comfort her. "

" Oh I see. " Biting her lower lip, she ran her eyes from one corner to the other, and as usual, she
admired her great elder sister. Kisa's room was very neat, clean and well-organized, like her own

" Where it could be, hmmm ? " Keeping one hand on her hip, she tipped her chin with the index
finger of the other.

And then, her eyes fell on the small book shelf adjacent to Kisa's bed. It was full of books. Most
books were on urdu poetry, literature and history, Kisa's favourite topics.

Kashish eyed the first row of the books, then the second, and then, letting out a long sigh, she
found the book she was searching for. " Khushboo" by Parveen Shakir. Swiftly, she drew it out
from between the other books. But, as soon as she took it out, something came along with it and
fell on the floor.

" Ooops." Kashish bent to pick it up. It was a diary with plain black cover, without any title.

Natural curiosity made her to do something against her ethics, as she wondered what it could be.

She turned few pages of the diary. The pages contained some of Kisa's poems, her daily routine,
some phone numbers and few addresses.

" Hmm, so my poor sis still likes to write diary." She smiled and without much interest she flipped some
more pages lazily. The next page caught her attention, as it had some paragraph in Kisa's writing,
with the name of Sameer in bold letters.

Without thinking what she was doing, Kashish started to read it.
SAMEER..... I wish............. I hope.....I dream...... I pray........ that, that..........I could tell you this, that I have
worshipped you. I have loved you, from the very first time I saw you. When you came to meet us for the first
time. Oh, you don't know, how much I wanted to tell you this... I just wished.... I could tell you. But weak and
sensitive girls like me are very much afraid and scared. You know what Sameer Hasan, we eastern girls live our
lives with so many secrets. Secrets which're not revealed to any one ever. We don't have the courage to express
ourselves. Specially girls like me, who're without any specific quality.
Nope , it's not an inferiority complex or anything, infact I'm very much satisfied and content with the way my
Allah has made me. It's just that there is nothing in me which could match your qualities. My complexion, my
looks, my features, my personality doesn't match with yours in any way. I'm dumb Sameer. I always wanted to
tell you but never got the courage and I know I can't tell you this ever. I would be happy if you could find a
suitable girl for you. You know what Sameer.... I bet you should marry a beautiful and nice girl like Kashish. She
is my blood and is the most lovely sister of the world. I'm lucky that I got a sister like her. Though I'm not
eligible, even to give a little sacrifice for you both, but trust me , if I were, I was going to do that . Yes, she does
match you in many respects. Your couple would be really great, Insha'Allah. This couple would have many
things in common. Yes...... many things in common, including my "Love" .

Kashish couldn't read further, as she felt her throat tightened, her limbs going weak.

These few lines had shattered her whole, wonderful world like crystal glass.

" Why Kisa Baji, WHY ? " She screamed in silence. " Why you didn't tell me ? " But no answer came.

" If you could tell me, I was going to stop myself at the first place then. "After few moments, she managed
to stem her tears,

She fell on her bed, mindless for a moment, just staring at the ceiling. She realized, there's not
much time. She had to make her mind soon, as " his " question was expected at any time. One
one side , she saw her sister's happiness and on the other hand, she saw her own. And then,
memories, voices and pictures began to flash in her mind like a slow motion.

" She always takes away my own things. " Kisa was saying, with tears in her eyes.

Tears stung her own eyes, and even as she made a valiant attempt to stop them, they escaped,
slipping from beneath her lashes. She felt them trickle warmly down her cheeks. Unable to hear
her sister's voice, she rolled to the other side of the bed, but only to hear another voice. This time,
it was Sameer's.

" You must remember that she is your sister too, an elder one. Always respect her , my sweet cousin. "

" So will I " She tried to get back to books but she was so disturbed, so uneasy, that she couldn't
concentrate: she couldn't even sit still, she had to get up and walk about, mentally going over the
various things she was going to say to Sameer. After few moments of disturbed prowling, she
came to standstill at the window of her room, practically registering for the fisrt time that the
night had finally begun, without her noticing until now. The sky was black, the moon was half,
somewhere a night bird was singing and the trees had broken into leaf.

" Look, Kashish, you are very good girl and good girls never, ever hurt others." Memory of his sentence
brought a sad smile to her dry lips.

"Yes but what if they hurt themselves while preventing others, hmmm? what about that Sameer Hasan? " She
asked to herself, as she struggled with the catch and opened the window to let in air which was
cold on her skin, fragrant with the scent of flowers.
" Cousin you have to promise too, you would never fight with Kisa, would never let her get hurt. " His voice
was never going to stop. The sounds came again and again and finally turned into screams.

" Oh God, " She put both of her hands on her ears, trying to stop the hurting flood of voices.

Suddenly, the magnetic field of screams was broken by an even more loud ringing of the
telephone. She glanced at the wall-clock and noticed it was eleven p.m. Not very usual time for her
friends to call her.

She stood for a few moments as if considering not answering it. But she had to move on now.

She swung away from the window, her mouth tight. It looked like the final moment had come, and
so had her final decision. She had come to the final conclusion. She knew, she couldn't buy her
own happiness on the price of tears in her sister's eyes.

She was right. It was Sameer.

And then......

She didn't remember how and when she told him all those things. Things, she never believed she
would tell him. But she did, at the same time, hating herself for lying to him. She made herself say
many things which she didn't even remember afterwards. Slowly, she put down the receiver and
came to fall on her empty bed.

" Oh what I've done. " She put her hands on her face, but to her surprise, this time, there was not
even a single tear on her skin. Perhaps she had passed that stage. Perhaps, she was beyond any
emotion, feeling and thought now.

Taking a deep breath to help gain control, she carefully placed the diary back at its original place
and with unsteady, tired feet, she came back to her room.

" And now, you'll hate me Sameer Hasan. I know. " She sighed.

" It's so easy to hate. It's so hard to love "


" Your decision doesn't make any sense at all, Sameer ! " Said his father, shaking out his
morning paper and glancing at the front page, as they all gathered next morning around the break
fast table. Sameer's father had just returned today from Lahore but was not prepared for the
situation he met here.

" I've thought about it with every respect, Abboo. " Sameer glanced at his father and then at his
mother. " And I take full responsibility for that. "

" Be sensible Sameer, it's your life we're talking about. " His father reiterated. " Most people won't
think about marrying the sister of the same girl who didn't want to marry you . "
" I know abboo but I'm not the "most people", alhumdolillah " He said gently but firmly.

He was true. Most people in the situation in which he now found himself would have immediately
agreed to their parents. But Sameer Hasan wasn't " most people ".

" Besides, If I'm not wrong, Ammi did inform you on the phone yesterday before going to Kisa's
home. " Staring straight, Sameer slowly gulped down his tea.

" Yes, she did. But she didn't tell anything about Kashish's refusal. " His father replied.

" It doesn't make any difference for me now ! " Sameer said, slowly sipping the last of his tea.

" It does. You're not buying a wrist watch that, when you couldn't get one, you instantly choosed
the other. " His father gave him a harsh look.

" I think you both know very well that how much I've been close to both sisters. It's true that I
misunderstood about Kashish's likeness, but it doesn't mean that I don't know them at all. I
understand both of them, more than anyone else." Sameer put the tea-cup on the table.

" Infact I've always appreciated Kisa's manners and her maturity. She is a sober girl. Though
exactly not my ideal, but I've never been so optimistic about my ideal. " He added in an un-
emotional tone.

" Oh Sameer you don't understand. She doesn't suit you in many respects. She's not very pretty,
she's just an average girl by her looks. What would people say, when they'll see your couple ? An
average-looking girl with so much handsome and smart guy. " His mother looked frustrated and
worried, which was very natural.

" Who's more important for you Ammi ? "Other people " or your " own son" ? His voice was still
very firm and soft. He'd not shown even slightest anger or disrespect while talking about such a
senstive matter.

" Oh you just don't understand. " His mother's voice was a little shaky, filled with sheer tone of
concern for her son.

" I do Ammi. However, what I don't understand is that what's the use of all these talks when they
have already accepted my proposal for her yesterday. It doesn't make much sense now. "

For the next hour their family meeting continued.

" Listen Ammi. You know very well, I can't even think of going against your decisions. But it's the
truth too, that this decision of mine is very well-thought. And I feel very much calm and content.
The final decision would be yours ofcourse. But just don't forget my happiness. " Saying this, he
stood up from his chair.

" And I know. Both of my parents trust me. " He glanced at his father then finished his sentence."
As much as I trust them."

His parents didn't reply this time. Both were deeply lost in their thoughts. After all it was not
something they had expected for their only son.
" And Ammi, no need for special preparations. I don't like the waste of money on such occasions,
which has almost become a part of culture now. Just one-dish party would be enough, and there's
no need for lots of parties. " Stopping at the door, he finished his last sentence.

" We can't let him get away with it." His father let out a long breath after he had left.

" He's not a man we should order around for marriage decision. He's not a teenager either. He's
mature and sensible."

His mother replied, lost in her own thoughts.

" I'm not sure. " His father's voice was as smooth as the silver-grey hair brushed back from his
high forehead.

" But he's very much sure of himself " She replied, still thinking. " Like always. "


" Doc please, please help me. You don't know what it's like to be in love, the way Sameer and I
are..... " Kashish tried her best to convince the man who sat in front of her, looking at her with an
unbelievable expression.

He was Dr.Shahraam, and at the moment, he was finding himself in the most difficult situation
after what Kashish had told him.

" No, I dont " Dr.Shahraam agreed firmly. " Nor can I see why you don't simply tell him to forget
you and say you're in love with someone else. Come on, Kashish, it's not a child play or
something. "

" You don't know doctor." She responded darkly. " I've already told him about you . "

" May be it's alright for you, you're so strong-willed, so firm in what you want to do. But I'm not.
It's a whole lie. " He said unevenly.

" Yes, it is. But for a good purpose. It's not going to hurt anyone. Infact it's going to make three
people happy. " Placing both of her hands on the table, Kashish looked directly into his eyes.

" What if it affects my reputation? What if my family finds out about it, what then, huh ?
" Dr.Shahraam gave her the most serious gesture.

" I give you a guarantee about that. It'll be a secret just between you and me. No one will ever find
out about it. It's just matter of weeks. Everyone will forget it then. " Kashish was very determined
in her plan.

" Okay so? But I still can't see why you need my help ? " Dr.Shahraam stared at her with a
confused expression.

" You know me, how weak and hopeless I am "

" Oh God, Kashish you're driving me crazy "

" Please Doc ! All I'm asking you to do is to pretend something . "

" What exactly is it you want me to do ? "

" All I want you to do is to confirm that you and me are in very much love and going to get married
as soon as Kisa Baji gets married, okay ? " Kashish, finally told him what she wanted.

" Would they need my confirmation ? "

" I don't think so. Pretend it only at the front of Sameer. Because, as far as I know him, he won't be
telling this to anyone that Kashish and Dr.Shahraam love each other. He respects people's privacy
and affairs. " Kashish told him, all in one breath.

" And which kind of benefit you're going to get from it ? " Pushing his body back on the chair, he
crossed his arms over his chest.

" My sister's eternal happiness. I want her relationship with her husband to be completely free
from any traces of my previous involvement with him. "

Dr.Shahraam kept himself silent this time. It occured to Kashish that he was thinking at the same
point now. That's what she wanted. He'd finally understood her situation.

" Please doc? I do know doctors belong to the most sophisticated and noble profession. To serve
humanity is their aim. Extend this aim outside of your patients too. Remember, you'll be making
three hearts happy. " Kashish said, her lips trembling, and eyes pleading.

" Alright, Kashish. I'll do as you say. However, let me tell you, you've taken a pretty wild decision.
But at the same time, I have to admire your spirit. You're sacrifying your love for her. I salute you
for that. " Dr.Shahraam tried to smile.

" Thank you so much Doc. That's all I needed from you. " She sincerely thanked him.

After she had left, he let out a long sigh and picked up his intercom.

" Next patient please "


And then, it all happened so fast that no one could believe. Every one was shocked and surprised
to hear the news of Sameer and Kisa getting married. Specially Faraz, Rida, Wafa, Jahanzaib,
Muskaan and Mushkbaar, they were more surprised than anyone else. No one had ever thought
that Sameer could like Kisa, without giving a slightest hint before. But at the same time, they were
very much happy for them, as both of them were really nice people to them, and they knew that
the two were going to make a nicer, understanding couple.

" Kashish, Baaraat is here, you're supposed to be at reception. " Mrs.Salman gave her an
instructive look, while trying to put the " Gajra " in her hair.
" Kashish, come on, where're you ? " Muskaan's voice came from outside.

With slow, tired steps, Kashish managed to move forward. Every face was glistening with
happiness, every one was smiling. Between the heavy sounds of band, songs, clapping and
laughter, no one could hear the short gasps which tore free from her mouth. While walking in
between the rows of girls and women who were singing and clapping at the reception, she slowly
moved towards the well-decorated bridegroom's car.

Her gaze going over him as he slowly opened the car's door. Her heart stopped and her eyes
widened. He was there, like a pure eastern bridegroom, with all of his bride-groomal glory and
masculine charms, so fresh, so alive, so handsome and, ah, so traditional.

Silently, she wished Kisa luck with this wonderful man.

How much difficult it is even think of your beloved marrying some one else.....and how it
would feel like to see him right in front of you, as a bridegroom with all of his charms, but only
prepared for some other girl instead of you.

" Hey what're you thinking? Go forward, you're supposed to block him, it's a tradition. " Muskaan
shook her elbow and she moved forward.

" Excuse me Sameer Bhai. " She smiled with force as she stood in his way, before he could get
out of the car.

On her voice, he looked up into her eyes from the car's seat. She hurriedly looked down, her lower
lip trembling.

Ignoring her, he managed to climb out of the car, but a soon as he placed his feet on the ground,
she put a hand on his arm, not believing herself for doing this.

" Sameer Bhai, you heard me ? You've to pay some bucks before you get into the wedding hall.
" She brought a teasing smile on her lips.

" Okay, how much ?" Instead of her, he asked to Muskaan.

" Kashish is the boss for now. " Muskaan smiled lively.

He turned his face to hers now, but didn't repeat his question.

" Oh, well lets say folks, what about ten thousand rupees ? " She cleared her throat and managed
to smile again.

Some times, it becomes so difficult to speak, to say even a single word. Kashish thought, as she swallowed
hard in an attempt to clear her tear-clotted throat.

" I won't take less than ten thousand rupees" She repeated proudly. But the next instant
surprised every one present there. Kashish's mouth fell open when Sameer kept the required
money on her hand without saying even a single word. No bargain at all, no naughty tease, no
sweet words. He turned his face away.

Insult, shame, embarrassment and hurt. For some reason, Kashish experienced a weird combination of
feelings. It looked like he was determined to ignore her completely.
Even then, girls started chanting, " More money, more money ! "

But with the help of his friends and interruption from the elders, he finally moved forward.

And then, when he was walking towards the main wedding stage with in the circle of relatives and
his friends, she, for the first time, saw him in detail.

With a cream-coloured, raw-silk sherwani, shilwar and a wonderful, maroon, crown-like " Kulaah"
on his head, he looked like a real prince charming. So tall, so handsome, so eastern.

" By the way, your Doolha bhai is very cute " Her friend, Saima whispered in her ear.

" Wow, your jeeja is so smart Kashish " Another friend said.

" Yes he is, Masha'Allah. " She tried to smile. Her brown eyes bright with hurt.

They carried him to the stage, where he stood, receiving appreciative glances from every one.

Smiling, Sameer moved forward as his father-in-law, Salman Ali, hugged him warmly. While taking
his body into his arms and saying thanks to him, he accidently glanced at his front.

Only then he saw Kashish. She was unaware of every one, standing lonely in between the
laughing faces and smiling lips. Her face plain and expressionless, not showing much emotion at
the moment. She was staring at him.

This was the moment, when, for the first time during that day, his eyes met with Kashish's for a
long moment.
She was seeing nobody except Sameer, her eyes never left his figure.

Confused at her condition, he looked back at her. Her hair was simply done, combed and brushed
until it gleamed like dark gold cascading down her back. She wore something strange for today. It
was not the outfit which was strange , as it was traditional kurta and shilwar and Dupatta. But it
was its colour, which was not so suitable for a teenage girl to wear at her only sister's wedding.
She wore a white kurta shilwar, with white Dupatta. There was no particular fancy to it. Just a
silver-coloured border around the big Dupatta.

She had matching shiny silver bangles in each of her wrists, six bangles in each wrist. There were
Khussa shoes in her feet, giving her a rich, sober touch.

He watched her coldly for an instant then turned his face away.

After the Nikaah ceremoney, while Sameer was receiving greetings from his relatives and friends,
some one gently tapped on his shoulder. He turned back to see a man smiling.

He was John Roberts.

" Oh you. " Sameer smiled, as he hugged him." I thought you won't make it tonight. "

" How could I. It was your wedding after all. I finally got a seat in the last flight from Islamabad.
" He smiled back.

" It's wonderful to see you after so many days."

" And believe me, it's even more wonderful to see you as a bridegroom " There was a pure
admiration in John's voice.

" You've been very nice, thank you ! " Sameer smiled.

" So how was your stay in Islamabad. " Sameer asked, as they both sat on the huge sofa, with
camera flashes clicking around them continously.

" Absolutely amazing. " John said excitedly. " I loved every part of it. I enjoyed my visit very much
Sameer. I, for the first time, realized the family values, your ethical social system, the great
traditions and culture. You people are not poor Sameer. You guys make the most richest nation of
the world. "

" That's what I've been saying all the time back in States. " Sameer said, as he called one of
the waiters to bring soft drinks for John.

" And I've decided to get married, to raise a family, to have my own home. Oh Sameer, only now I
realized that we westerners have lost our social values in the blind race for rights. The respect of
elders, the family values, the social bounds, we have lost all of that. " John said in a painful tone.

" Hey congratulations in advance for the marriage. " Sameer greeted him. " So when you''ll be
leaving ? "

" After a week, I guess. But hey, before I leave, I've something for you." Smiling, John took
something out from his jacket. It was a white envelope.

" What's this ? " Sameer asked, as John kept the envelope on his hand.

" See your self " His smile was meaningful.

Wondering what it could be, Sameer decided to open it right then. While his eyes on John's
grinning face, his hands opened the envelope. Seeing what was inside, Sameer took a long

It was a ticket. Ticket for one-week stay in the bridal suite of a five-star hotel.

" Oh thank you John, but.... " Sameer tried to say something, but John stopped him.

" No buts. I wanted to give some thing more precious but didn't have much oppurtunities. It's a
reservation for Pearl Continental, in Bhoorbhan, Muree. I visited this lovely spot when I was in
Islamabad. It's simply lovely. "

" Thank you. " Sameer thanked John as he stood up from his place.

" And hey, take good care of yourself and your wife okay? Enjoy your honey moon. Infact I wish
that you two enjoy your whole lives as a honey moon. " Laughing, John left the stage.

Jahanzaib smiled tentatively at her. His hands down in his pockets. He wore black slacks and a
short sleeved, light blue shirt, open at the neck. He, sure was, cute and charming.

" Assalaam-O-Alaikum Muskaan jee" Jahanzaib smiled again, the whiteness of his teeth
accentuated by his tanned skin.

On hearing his voice, Muskaan felt like getting trapped again as ever.

" Wa'salaam " She replied dryly, then turned her face on the other side.

" How're you ? " He reached near her, ignoring her behaviour.

" Not bad. "

" I can see that " He smiled.

" What ? "

" Nothing "

" Where's your sister and Wafa ? " He asked.

" In Lahore. They had exams, so they couldn't come. " She tried to appear as normal in front of
him, but as usual, he had noted her frustration. He sure had some keen observation.

" I see. " He let out a breath. " I was thinking if you could sing some song for us today. You've a
lovely voice you know. "

" WHAT ??? leave me out of it. Will you ? " She said bitterly.

" I wish I could. " He rubbed the side of his jaw.

" And get a life. " Muskaan turned her face away.

" Why not a wife? " His eyes intent on her angry face.

Atlast, realizing that it was useless to argue with him, she stood up from her table, finding another
suitable place for herself. She sighed with relief when she saw Sadaf, Rida and Samreen sitting
around another table at the corner of the huge lawn.

They greeted her and asked about Wafa and Mushkbaar.

" They were dying to attend this wedding.... " Smiling, she told Samreen.

Suddenly a familiar voice touched her ears, someone was about to start a song with the soft

This time, when the voice came, she had no doubt about it. It was Jahanzaib's.

Hearing his voice, she straightened up and looked at him. He was on the stage with mic in his
hands. Her eyes met his. it was a wonderful incident, as he smiled at her and started to sing.
Phoolon sa chehra tera, Kaliyon si " Muskaan " hai

Rang tera dekhe ke, roop tera dekh ke, qudrat bhi hairaan hai

On hearing her name in the song, Muskaan felt her cheeks burning. She was uneasy and
disturbed due to his bold gaze. He often looked like that, shooting a glance at her with dark black
eyes that seemed to strike at her nerve endings.

Hirni ke jaisi, Aankehin hai teri, Bulbul ke jaisi teri chaal hai

Maathey pe terey Sooraj ki laali, Resham ke jaisa tera baal hai

While singing, his eyes never left her face. He had taken all of her confidence. She felt crushed by
his swift, all-encompassing glance. She bit her lips together.

Chaand Sitaaron mein, Aik hazaaron mein

Tera yahaan koi jawaab nahin hai

Shokh baharon mein, mehkey nazaaron mein,

baagh mein bhi aisa Gulaab nahin hai

He was a good singer for sure, she admitted to herself secretly.

Khushiyon mein " Toou " hai pali, hur ghum sey anjaan hai

Rang tera dekhe ke, roop tera dekh ke, qudrat bhi hairaan hai

Smiling again and again, his naughty eyes flashed over her swiftly, taking in every aspect of her
appearance in a second.

She wore a dark maroon kurta shilwar and dupatta of fine silk with matching jewelry and light
make-up. Her shoulder-length hair surrounded her beautiful face in a perfect way.

And despite of all of her tries, she blushed heavily.

" You're in love," Sadaf said as if it were a natural thing. Perhaps she'd been inspecting her
condition very closely.

Muskaan blinked and stared at her.

" Excuse me? "

" I can see it in your eyes."

" Don't be silly Sadaf. It's not like what you're thinking. I'm not that stupid to think about such a
stupid man." Her harsh tone surprised even herself. She just didn't know why her voice used to
become so rude and blunt while talking about Jahanzaib. It was confusing and became even more
confusing when his voice came again.

Phoolon sa chehra tera, Kaliyon si " Muskaan " hai

Rang tera dekhe ke, roop tera dekh ke, qudrat bhi hairaan hai.

On the other side of the lawn, sat Kashish, lost in her own deep thoughts. She'd realized that
Sameer hadn't spoken to her since the baraat had entered the place.

" Where's Quran Majeed, Kashish ? it's Rukhsati time " Her mother's voice made her realize that
the time of Kisa's departure had finally arrived.

Slowly, trying to gather her nerves and senses, Kashish raised the Quraan Majeed in her right
hand, placing it above the heads of the newly-wed couple as they both began to move towards the

Salman Ali hugged his daughter, tears gathering in his eyes. His favourite daughter Kisa was
leaving them forever.

Mrs.Salman was the next one to wish her daughter with the final words. " His home is your home
now. You belong to him now, always remember this. May Allah bless you two. Khuda Hafiz my
dear. " Mrs.Salman atlast lost her patience, as she hugged her elder daughter.

And now, Kisa came towards Kashish. The next moment surprised every one present there when
Kashish didn't shed a single tear while hugging her elder sister. Infact, for some strange reason,
she was smiling when she took Kisa's hands in her own.

" Don't bother him too much Baji, hehe " She laughed.

" That is some really emotional scene. Isn't it ? " Jahanzaib whispered to Muskaan.

" Yes, it is. Oh we would miss you Kisa Baji " Muskaan replied, completely lost in the trance of
this touchy moment, without knowing with whom she was talking, but his next sentence brought
her back to her senses.

" You may cry too if you want. I'm sure they have water-proof make up now "

Sadaf and Rida both held Kisa's beautiful, fawn-coloured Raajhistaani Sharaara and helped her to
get into the wedding car with her bridegroom.

The car finally moved, slowly at first, then getting a steady pace, it soon disappeared from their

Finally, breaking all the dams against the flood of tears, Kashish put her face on the Holy Quran.

Rukhsati " Unn" ki hai, kuch aur nahin pass apney

Aik Aansoo hai, so woh Nazr kiyey detey hain

It was nearly one a.m when the Baaraat returned to Sameer's house. But before they could enter
the house, Sameer had to face another tough situation when his mother told him to lift his bride
up in his arms and carry her inside.

" It's our family tradition Sameer, you forgot. " His mother smiled.

" Ammi but..... " He opened his mouth to object, not knowing what to say.

" Come on Sameer bhai, Kisa bhabhi is not humty dumty, she weighs no more than a flower.
" Jahanzaib chuckled from the back.

Bending, he slid one of his hand behind her knees and with the other, he supported her back. His
strong, powerful arms scooped his bride up like a doll, like she weighed nothing. A sweet wave of
delicious fragrance intoxicated his senses as he gently carried her towards the house, passing
the threshold. And he, for the first time, realized that the slightly trembling creature in his arms
was a mass of beauty, femininity and desire.

Once they entered the sitting room, there began another session of customs. Women of Sameer's
family helped Kisa in washing her feet in a big bowl. Then she and Sameer had to eat " Kheer " by
teasing hands of the girls and women present there. In the last of all, they had to cut their wedding
cake. Jahanzaib never ceased to throw meaningful sentences on the couple, as they both shared
the cake with the same spoon.

" Hurry up, bhui. It's two a.m now. Take bride to her room. " Mrs.Hasan finally announced when
she sensed they were not going to leave the couple even after one whole hour.

" Oh it's alright Aunty. So what if they become a litle late tonight. After all, from now on, they have
their whole lives to spend with each other." Jahanzaib winked.

" Hoon, right, I would ask when your time comes. " Saying this, Sameer's mother motioned the
girls to bring her daughter-in-law forward. Samreen, Rida and Sadaf helped Kisa in standing up
with all of her heavy jewelry and luxurious bridal suit. Sadaf lifted her dress above the ground so
that it won't come under her feet, Rida held her heavy Dupatta and Samreen carried her bridal bag
with her. Together, they slowly brought Kisa to the dream-like atmosphere of her bedroom. After
adjusting her on the bed in a clasical, eastern bridal style, they continued to tease Kisa for some
time, whispering naughty words in her ears.

" Hey, we should be going now. " Samreen laughed softly as she glanced at the wall-clock. And
then wishing Kisa for the thousandth of time during the day, they left her alone in the room.

On his mother's voice, Sameer put his first step in the way to his room but suddenly, some one
grabbed his hand. He turned his head to see three smiling faces. They were Rida, Samreen and

" Na na na..... where 're you going Sameer bhai ? " Smiling, Rida came on his way.

" I..... I thought. " He found himself in sort of an embarrassing situation.

" It needs some patience.... " Sadaf laughed.

" Yep, and some, ahemmmm, money too. " Samreen giggled.

" Oh, my pockets are empty now, believe me. "

" We don't know a thing. You can't go inside unless you pay a price for it. " Rida crossed her
hands over her body.

Atlast getting some help from his parents, he was finally able to have his way inside his room,
paying them another big amount of money.

" They really hijack you on your wedding. " Smiling, he thought.

Taking a sigh of relief and murmuring "Allah's " name , he softly pushed the door of his room.

A sweet, fragrant wave of cool air touched his nostrils.

When he was about to cross the threshold of his room, there was only one prayer on his lips....

" Oh, Allah give me power to give all of my love to my wife, give me potential to be sincere with her. May my past
never bother us in any way. "

But as he entered his bedroom, he was not prepared for what he saw inside,


With the typical ringing sound of the cellular phone, her hand reached to pick it up from her bed-
side table.

" Yes ? "

" I've got some news for you. " It was a thick male voice.

" Related with him ? " She bit her lip.

" Ofcourse. "

" Good or bad? "

" Dont' know. May be good for him, but bad for you. "

" Tell me "

" You sure ? "

" Positive " She held out her breath.

There was a momentary silence on the other side.

" He's getting married tonight. "

" Nooooooo " Slipping from her hands, the phone fell down on the floor. With shaking fingers,
she took it back to her ear.

" Hello.... what happened ? You shocked ? "

" To death. " She replied, her voice trembling, mirroring her whole body.

" Try to calm yourself. He was not in your fate. You've your whole life ahead of you. Don't ruin it
for a single man who didn't even love you. "

' I... I would try. " Words obstructed her throat.

" Yeah. After all he was not the last man on earth. You could find many men like him. "

" Okay talk to you later. And hey.....

" Yes ? " His voice became heavier.

" Keep me informed about him. "

" I sure will "

" Thanks, see you " She finally turned the phone off and sighed.

" So you were not mine ? It's so hard to believe. " She thought painfully.

" So what if you're not here with me. Atleast I've your sweet, wonderful memories to treasure on. And yes, I can
spend my life with your memories. It won't be a bad deal at all. "

Unlike her bright memories, the night was dark. Really dark and deep.

Shab ke jaagey huey taaron ko bhi neend aaney lagi

Aap ke aaney ki aik " Aas " thi, ab jaaney lagi

" Happy marriage, Sameer. " She whispered, as her hand reached to hold the same blue
handkerchief. Slowly, she took it to her eyes, wiping her tears with it.

And then, there began a continous series of his memories, never leaving her for a moment. His
memories were like breaths for her, as they continued to enter and leave her mind like breaths. In
and Out. In, out.

" Yes... " She managed to say with utmost difficulty.

" I can find some man " like " him. May be someone even better than him. But..... he won't be " him

The master bedroom was huge but practical. The luxurious, king-size brass bed was seven foot
wide, with royal blue satin spread, and pillows. Its bronze, fan-shaped headboard matching the
bronze and smokey-grey glass bedside tables. The bed had beautiful wedding-styled shelter of
roses, arranged in straight rows, completely covering the bed from four sides. The carpet was
darker blue, thick and soft, and was well-complimented by pearlised blue-grey walls. Heavy satin
curtains were so identical in colour to the walls that it was only the thickness of the material that
brought them to the eye. A sofa on one wall and a few easy chairs were also present in the room,
adding a practical touch to the place.

But that was not which shocked Sameer.

It was Kisa, who surprised him, shocked him, scared him.

He had expected that his bride would be sitting in the centre of the bed, in a typical traditional
bridal style of the east, with her face down, her ghoonghat covering her completely.

But, this was not the case here.

She was standing, right in front of him, with her ghoonghat covering her hair only. Her face was
uncovered, all wet with tears. Her nose was red and her lips were trembling. She was sobbing,
crying, not loudly though.

Yes, she was crying. But why ?

" Are.... are you alright Kisa ? " Open-mouthed, he asked in a worried tone.

She didn't say a thing and just stared at his face, short sobs still coming from her mouth.

" Listen Kisa. There's nothing to worry about, no matter how worse the matter is. You can trust
me. Remember we are friends too ? "

Slowly, he moved towards her.

" Yes we are friends first, then a husband and wife. Tell me what's the matter. " His voice was soft,
his tone sweet.

His gentleness was deliberate to get her started.

" Are you ill or something, please tell me. " He muttured as she stood transfixed in front of him.

" I'm not ill. " Atlast she managed to say few words, trying to hold back more tears.

"Are you sure you're all right, hmmm ? " His concern was completely genuine, and because of
that it caught her off guard. She stared up at him through eyes which for no big reason at all had
decided to film with tears.

" Listen .... " She gasped between sobs.

" I've to tell you something. "

" What ? " For some reason, he couldn't get near her yet. He stood at his place and waited.

" I, I.......... "

" I know we don't make a good match.... " She finally said, her voice heavy with tears.

" I do realize this. I also guess you're not marrying me on your wish. May be Aunty forced you to
do so, right ? But please, I beg you, don't feel bad because of me, please ? I know I am not very
beautiful. But...I loved you...I love you, I always have " Kisa finally opened her heart in front of

Oh, what she was saying. Her words shocked him even more.

" I promise you to service you, to try my best to make your life beautiful. But...... but, just don't
ignore me. Don't hate me. Please ? " She groaned inwardly.

" And I can't live without you.... just don't leave me ever, please ? "

" Oh " He let out a long breath of relief. Poor Kisa. She was scared, afarid of him leaving her, that
he would treat her badly. Crossing both of his strong arms over his broad chest, he reached
exactly in front of her.

" You really scared me Kisa. " He smiled softly.

His fingers reached to pick up her tears one by one, never letting anyone go wasted.

" Hey, hey...what do you think of me, huh ? " Putting his hand under her chin, he slowly, gently
tilted her face upwards, so that he could look down into her teary eyes. He caught one droplet on
the tip of a finger.

" I choosed you according to my pure personal preference. I always adored you Kisa. I find all the
essential qualities of a good wife in you and that doesn't include extra-ordinary, show-biz like
beauty. I like your simplicity. I like your soberness, your manners, your maturity. " His words felt
like a magic.

" You know what Kisa...... you have touched me with your depth, your wisdom, your enterprise,
your kindness, your devotion, your loyalty, your patience and your love. " His words were pouring
a sweet essence in her soul through her ears.

" Yes and even you don't know your own qualities. " His lips framed the words slowly.

" Let me tell you " His voice filled with honesty and trust. " You're brilliant, charming, witty,
elegant, attractive, sincere, confident, well mannered, well educated, erudite and outspoken and
yet, ah... so shy. " His words became a mere whisper in the end .

It sent a shock of disbelief through her.

She couldn't believe her luck. Was this all true ? He was praising her actually, like he respects her,
cares for her, may be even loves her. She began to cry again. But this time, these tears were due
to intense happiness she felt. She cried, her tears covered her whole face. She became senseless.
But then, she felt gentle touch of someone'e lips on her eyes, wiping her tears away, picking them
up, kissing them away. Bending his head, his his mouth brushed her lids, and that was
comforting; she sighed shudderingly.

Hers sobs stopped, she stood very still, quivering at the strange sensation, her tears over.

" I'm not beautiful " She whispered unevenly, shakily.

" Shhhh sshhhhhh " His hand smoothed her hair back from her face.

" It's not important to be beautiful....'s beautiful to be important. " His words caressed
her heart and soothed her mind.

" Besides, you' re beautiful. You can't judge your beauty in your own eyes. "

She tried to say some thing more but he put his long, slender finger on her soft lips, silencing her,
playing with her lips.

" No yesterdays, no tomorrows, just these moments. Just you and me alone, and this night. His
words came like a spring season, refreshing her whole being.

" Yesterday is a history..... " He was gentle.

" Tomorrow is a mystery... " He was sweet.

" Today is a gift.... " He was kind.

" Yeah, that's why we call it present. " She laughed, lashes shadowing her cheeks.

" Thank God, atlast you laughed. " She heard him laugh softly, deep in his throat.

" Infact, you're very beautiful. " He had to tell her what he felt inside at the moment. " You are as
lovely as the dawn. The light of the world shines in your eyes. Your face is stunning. Your
cheekbones high. Your dimples adorable. Your eyes electric in depth. I look into your eyes and I
sink. "

His gentlenes didn't surprise her at all, for he'd always been gentle in all the other things as well.

" Wow, you know how to praise women. "

" Nopes, actually I know how to admire my wife's real beauty. " He said, then remembering
something, a smile came to his lips.

His hand reaching up to cup her chin and tilt her face again.

" Hey, Pakistani brides are supposed to express some shyness on their first night. " He teased
her, trying to hold his smile.

His sentence brought her back to the sheer reality. She realized, for the first time, that where was
she, why she was here and how was she?

Oh, she was his " wife" now. His new, fresh bride. And they were alone, for the first time. Yes, they both were
alone, sharing their first night together.
" Go back to bed, sit there and wait for me, there are some private traditions reserved only for
husband and wife, and we're not done with them yet. " He smiled.

Shyly, but carefully, she adjusted herself on the bed again, exactly in the same manner like her
friends had done earlier.

" Yes, that's the way it is. " He murmured.

And then, for the first time he looked at her in a way, in which a groom is supposed to look at his
bride, like a husband is supposed to see his wife. He saw her, as she sat there at the centre of the
bed. Her romantic, softly curving figure was set off to perfection in a new, eastern, traditional,
Rajhistani bridal dress with a matching heavy Dupatta.

Slowly, he unbuttoned his raw-silk sherwani, revealing his white kurta underneath. It did a little to
hide his strong, shapely figure.

" Janaab, " His tone was naughty. " How do I look like now, tell me. " His voice was teasing.

She couldn't raise her head.

" Look at me. " His voice came again.

But shyness was too heavy at the moment, despite of her best try, she couldn't raise her head to
look up.

" Hmm... so you won't obey " He smiled softly.

She tried again, but all she could do was to raise her lashes a little. This time, she became
successful in watching the man of her life though her lashes.

He was wonderful. He looked handsome, even more than before. Wearing plain, white Kurta
shilwar, he looked so "young" and cute. She couldn't see more. Blushing, she fixed her eyes
back on the golden bridal purse present in her lap.

" Ahemm ahumm " He cleared his throat. " May I proceed Kisa jee ? " He smiled as he began to
walk towards the bed.

Then he stopped, saying nothing. She heard the sound of cupboard opening and then closing.
Perhaps he was taking something out.

Perhaps, some gift? She thought. Then, reaching there finally, he sat in front of her, facing her.

As she saw, she noted it was some gift box, a big one, as he placed it beside her.

" Guess what I've got for your Moonh-Dikhaai " He said, then began unwrapping the box. It had
several other items inside it. He carefully unpacked it and then picked some specific object.

" So I thought why not try something different today? " He smiled wonderfully. " When every one
turns back the ghoonghat, I would try to see my bride's face without removing the ghoonghat
." He smiled again, his mind playing games.
His soft words touched her like a physical caress. Her head lowered down, atleast six more

" How it was possible ?? If he won't pull down her ghoonghat, how could he see her then ? " She couldn't
understand what he wanted.

Smiling continously, he slowly turned his back to her, and then began arching his back slowly,
ever gently towards body. He lowered his head backwards, lower, more lower, until his head was
finally resting in her lap. Now his face was exactly below hers. His eyes looked up, to see her eyes
looking down on his. Their eyes met. Hers shy, his bold. The whole universe began to smile.

She looked so unique to him. With her ghoonghut still covering her head, her nose was small and
slightly narrow, and her cheeks were rounded with just a hint of dimple.

It was unbelievable. Never had she thought something so romantic. He was ....... She couldn't think
further as her eyes captured what he was holding in his hands.

It was a simple but smart gold necklace with a prism-like small diamond in its centre.

" Those men, who give a locket or necklace, well they're too romantic . " The memory of her own sentence
made her grin. She didn't show it though.

Slowly, very gently, not raising his head from her lap, his hands went around her soft, creamy
neck and closed the necklace around it.

" Touch me " He breathed.

Yes, that's what she wanted, to touch him, feel him. His words were like a key which unlocked the
door of her hesitation, giving her the ultimate permission. With shy, trembling fingers, she
smoothed his hair back, where it had fallen over his forehead.

So soft, smooth, silky and fragrant. She liked the texture of his hair. The feel of his skin was
unbearably lovely, as she slowly caressed the skin of his forehead with her fingers.

They felt each other's touch for some moments. No one saying a word. Just the sounds of swift

Then, he softly lifted himself off her lap and left the bed.

Reaching near the window of the room, he pushed its covers aside. The night was lovely outside.
With moon spreading its light over the land, everything looked so shiny and cool.

Still without saying a word, he held out an inviting hand.

She understood his signal. Mesmerised due to his mysterious trance and lost in his magical spell,
she slowly left the bed and reached near him. Staring into his dark, deep eyes, she gave her hand
into his. Together, they paced to the window, to glance out at the sky which was filled with stars,
with the moon in between them. Trees stood black against an indigo sky, picked out by starlight.

They peered up at the moon through the window.

" It's lovely night " She felt her heart throbbing.
" You're right " He felt his pulse squeezing.

" Chaandni Raat Hai " Her remark was spontaneous.

" Chaand bhi saath hai " His response was instantaneous.

" Say some thing " He touched her trembling lips with his finger.

" Sing some thing " She smiled softly. " I know you can sing. You used to sing many songs for us
when we were young."

" You remember ?" He laughed.

" Yes "

" Alright, what do you want to hear ? " He gently took her in his arms.

" Some wedding song " She whispered, smiling.

" As you wish, glad to oblige you " He grinned and cleared his throat before starting to sing one of
his favourite, classical, old romantic songs.

Do sitaaron ka zameen par hai milan, Aaj ki Raat. "

Muskuraata hai, Umeedon ka chaman Aaj ki raat

She listened to him with interest. His voice was dreamy, like every thing else present around

Rang laai hai, merey Dil ki lagan aj ki raat

Saari duniya nazar aati hai " Dulhan" aaj ki raat

Tor dey, tor dey..... " Pardey " ka chalan, aaj ki raat. "

" That was wonderful, thank you. " She murmured in a magical voice, as he finished the song.

He slowly pulled back the window covers, separating himself and his bride from the rest of the

" I haven't uncovered your hair yet " Suddenly he realized that her ghoonghat was still on. He
wanted to see her completely now.

Gripping one of its corner between his long, slender fingers, he slowly pushed it away. Slowly,
very slowly, gently, firmly, lovingly, charmingly.

" Oh, my God " He gasped as gradually her head got free of the bridal veil. He reached back and
pulled her hair around, untied the ribbon on the end. It fell shining, full and long behind her. He
had never seen so long, such a beautiful hair. Shiny, silky and extra long, almost touching the
back of her knees. The dim, dreamy light of the bedroom caught the shiny jet of her hair and the
intensity of his gaze made her skin burn. The present condition of her hair made her feel
vulnerbale and unprepared.

" Night is about to over. " She managed to say with difficulty.

" Yes, not the love though ........ "


" Incredible " He murmured.

" You're a beauty, Masha'Allah "

She felt proud and at the same time, she was so much thankful to Allah, that " He" had given her
the precious gift of "him".

" Let's dance " He smiled and softly, playfully, touched his nose to hers.

" Wha...what ? Sameer, please but I just can't do that. I don't know a thing about it " She was
blushing like a sixteen-year old girl.

" Neither do I. Never danced or never attended even a single dance party, but lets try it tonight.
" On his bold suggestion, her heart began skipping beat in a schoolgirl fashion.

"As this is the right and appropriate occasion for this, and..... for every thing. " He added softly,

He turned on some soft piano music on the bed-room stereo system. It was simply a dream. Kisa
couldn't believe what she was feeling, what she was seeing, what she was hearing and what she
was experiencing.

Dark, deep blue bed-room light produced their beautiful shadows on the carpet, moving with the
music. Kisa felt like she was crossing the border of a dream-reality, with its blue-shaded lights, its
fragrant air and natural romantic music.

He stepped closer to her, holding out one of his hands.

" Hey you don't have to do anything, just give your right hand in my left one, " Sameer's voice
made her believe that it was not a dream.

She put her hand in his.

" Yes, like this, now put your fingers between mine, " He instructed her gently. She obeyed him
lovingly, and yet she felt a dark blush covered her face with every move she made.

She felt the contact of his hands, warm and heavy and stood very still. Every detail of his hands
was conveyed to her through her skin sensors.
" Now your left hand on my right shoulder, hmm alright. Now just let the nature take the
course." He put his other hand on her waist. His words were caring, understanding.

Slowly, they began to dance. Very gently, romantically, swiftly and soberly.

They moved around the room with the soft, barely audible music, in perfect rhythm with each

" Say something " He whispered, as she placed her cheek on his chest, burying her head against
his shoulder. Kisa felt the most beautiful feeling and sensation as her body touched his. Her
fingertips touched his shoulder and she wanted to lay her hands along those broad shoulders. He
pressed his fingers against her back and steered her with the pressure.

She didn't say a word.

She couldn't say a word.

His mere whisper stimulated her pulse. He kept his eyes up, she kept hers down and they
continued moving.

He hid his face with in her rich, luxuriant hairs, breathing deeply, smelling the pure, sweet
fragrance which was only hers. She was satin and silk, soft femininity and gentle perfumes, milky
skin and dark eyes.

" You're beautiful, dear wife. " He muttered softly into his ear, then raised his hand and lightly
stroked a strand of her silky black hair.

She wanted to tell him she wasn't---- her looks weren't anything special, just average, nothing
more. But he had a way of telling her she was drop-dead gorgeous, then making her believe it.
Because no one had ever worshiped her as if she were a gift sent down from heaven just for him.

" You have only to look into a mirror to see the beauty and femininity you possess in breathtaking
abundance. " His hand drifted to her cheek, his touch feather-light.

There was no need. She could see it reflected in his eyes as he regarded her with heart-stopping
intensity. Her heart hammered against her ribs.

" Did you say something....... ?" His lips brushed the curve of her ear.

" Did you hear something? " She asked back in the same tone, laughing softly. She studied the
room over his shoulder, her long, thick curvy eyelashes decorating her cheeks.

They were swaying along each other's breaths. They kept moving, one triangle after another,
around the room.

" Did you get what you wanted ? " Playfully, he pulled a soft, silky curl of hers.

" Yes, the fulfillment of my prayer "

Slowly and shyly, she turned herself away from him, conscious of the fragrant manly, musky
smell of him.
" Well, that is rare " His warm breath touched the soft sensitive skin behind her ear. She shivered.

From behind her, he slid both of his hands around her waist, touching his cheek with hers. With
an involuntary motion, she arched her back. Her arms reaching behind her own body, then behind
his neck to hold him there for support. He was irressistable. The heat travelled through her skin as
if it had been touched by branding iron. Gasping, turning back to him, she placed her shaking
hands on either side of his face.

Nothing had a name or meaning anymore; dimly, madly, she realized that she was past all
thought. There was nothing, nothing anywhere but this.

To her tender delight, her deep surprise, he mirrored her action. He took her face between his
hands and with shaky fingers started tracing her features, one by one, with delicacy and

" Your love is royal " Her fingers were feather soft, like velvet on his face.

" And your's, loyal "

Unable to control herself any longer, she wound her arms around Sameer, revelling in the
complex contours of his back, the ridges of muscle that flexed beneath her palms. He smelled so
good and his body was so strong and yet so familiar.

She wanted him, she needed him in her life.Yes, she had wanted a man who was hers, just hers.
She needed her mate This was her man. Her man. Possessiveness rose in her intensely, stronger
than she thought, a deep-running instinct.

She experienced a profound feeling of need, of tenderness, and imagined that her very veins were
suffused with racing lava.

" Yours feet won't move " Their bodies swaying from one side to the other, simultaneously, at
the rhythm of the music.

Hearing his voice, her feet with no will of their own, matched his pace as they had in the fleeting
vertigo of their dancing.

" I'm scared " She was so breathless she could barely speak.

" Scared, but why? " The warmth of his breath caressed her skin. She drank in the intoxicating
smell of him, a combination of after-shave, perfume, body spray and that individual, unique scent
that was his alone.

" Ummm not scared, but shy " She took a content breath and finally opened her eyes to found him
at the very front of her.

Sameer's feelings were no different from hers. She was reaching him at a level so elemental, so
basic, that he could almost feel the connection of his soul to hers. She was his wife, without her, the
life was going to be..... Oh, he couldn't even bear to think of it.

" And why these lovely eyes are closing " He touched her thick lashes with his lips. His touch
sent tremors through her.
" Because of your touch, which's growing " Hesitatingly, she managed to say.

" You're like a dream, " He murmured. " This is like a dream, Kisa. "

Possessiveness made him protective. She was his to care for, to shelter, to cherish, to love. He
would place himself between her and every danger or fear. He would ensure that with him she was
always safe. He would give her nothing but joy and comfort.

He then traced an imaginary line on her soft, silky skin with his index finger. Starting from her
temple, the finger moved, slowly, down her cheek and chin and jaw with exquisite lightness, as if
she were something utterly fragile and precious. The wonder in his look was repeated in his

The finger moved down over her neck. She gasped when his finger reached the sensitive area at
the junction of her neck and shoulder. Next, his finger slid to her throat and came to rest on the
pulse which fluttered like a caged bird. Moving up again, his finger now met the beating hollow at
the base of her ear.

" You are bold "

" Just like gold " Lifting her hair with a gentle hand, he blew his warm breath on her nape.

" What ? " Her voice very low.

" Your skin " His lips brushed the spot where her neck met her shoulder.

She couldn't stop the audible intake of breath. He was very gentle, touching her with a kindness
that made her throat tighten.

His contact was so fleeting, so delicate, so swift and yet she was electrified.

" But I have been sold " She breathed.

" Really ?

" Yes, in your love, and without any price " She closed her eyes to feel and perceive the royal
emotions his touch was creating.

" Aha, say it twice " He gave her body a romantic twist, completing a circle in their slow, sober,
sophisticated dance.

" You're the most precious gift in my life " She laughed, her eyes still closed.

" So is my dear wife "

" You're my pride "

" So is my lovely bride "

At the moment, Kisa thought of herself as the luckiest woman on the planet. Physically he was
everything she wanted in a man. Mentally too, he was intelligent, sober, brilliant, genius and full of
common sense. In the simplest words, he was her ideal. Kisa felt, for the first time in a long time,
safe and secure in her life.

He had been gentle, knowing her needs as well as his own, living through his imagination just as
she did.

Filled with the fragrance of roses and jasmine, coloured with the light blue, semi-dark shades, and
running along with the soft, barely audible whispers in between the music produced by the
striking of bangles, it was a heavenly atmosphere.

Specially, when two pure, reserved and untouched bodies touched each other for the very first
time, nature smiled, holiness giggled, shyness blushed, innocence laughed and love praised

It was the most delightful, wonderful, passionate and romantic night of their lives. The only thing
that made its passing bearable was the knowledge that it would only get better.

Aasmaan ko bhi yeh haseen raaz hai pasand

Uljhi uljhi saanson ki.... Aawaaz hai pasand


It was the most worst, bad and ugly night Kashish had ever experienced. Rolling on her bed, from
one side to the other, her heart was was beating so fast that it felt like it will break her rib cage at
any instant.

Then, sweet memories began to fill her mind. Memories of their childhood. Memories of Faraz's
wonderful wedding. She remembered those sweet transfer of gestures and looks between herself
and Sameer. Her heart sank and for a moment she stopped quite still. Remembrance came,
nauseating sharp, the past whirling again.

It was the last night she dreamt of Sameer Hasan, willingly, a jumble of images that fast receded
as she opened her eyes to the morning.

" Stop it Kashish. He's your brother-in-law now. " She told herself.

But she also knew that it was going to be impossible while living so near to him and yet not to
think about him. The best possible way to get rid of his memories and trance was......

" Yes " She finally made her mind.

I will go very far from here. As from now on, it won't be possible for me to see you in the way I want to. Oh I love
you both......

Slowly, she opened her eyes and listened to the birds making sweet wounds. She realized it was a
near morning time now.

To soothe herself, she decided to offer Fajar prayers and sat at the " Jaey-Namaaz" praying for
the newly-wed couple and for her own future ahead. With in ten minutes, the beauty of prayers
had worked its special magic on her heart. She felt really better, after emptying her heart in front
of Allah. She felt like she was not alone. Her creator was there, to share everything, to comfort
her, to calm her.

After that night, things started to improve. She drew her shoulders up and decided to quit
manufacturing problems for herself. Life was challenge enough as it was. Kashish took admission
in Quaid-e-Azam university, Islamabad, to do B.A honours in English literture. It was the same
university where Wafa was doing her masters, so it didn't feel much hard for her to adjust in a new
city and environment. Over the next few months, things got better still. Kashish was very much
determined in her plans and ambitions, when she thought about giving CSS exams for getting a
high post in Pakistan Governmnet, later.

She, sure had, some tough years ahead of her.


" Guess who, baby? " Said a voice in her right ear.

"Jesus Christ, Anita, you scared the shit out of me ! " Gasped Linda.

" Come on gal, life is pretty scary itself, don't be so creepy " Anita ruffled Linda's hair.

" What're you doing here by the way ? " Anita asked.

" What else I can do in a dress shop ? Ofcourse trying to buy some clothing. " Linda frowned,
as she called a sales woman.

" Show me this jeans. " Linda told the sales woman.

" Wow. It's fabulous. You'll look sexier " Anita pressed her left eye.

" I thought I already do . " Linda smiled seductively.

" I personally prefer Levis, ice-blue colour. Pretty comfortable and makes you curvy. It's even
better if it's a little skimpy, you know. " Anita smiled.

" So wassup honey ? Any thing new or really exciting ? " She took the cigarette from Linda's
offering hand.

" Hell no. Same boring crab-like life. Even more messed-up now. "

" Why ? " Anita took the burning cigarette to her lips.

" I refused to marry Tom. "

" What ? Baby, don't try to kid me. " Anita couldn't believe what she was hearing.

" I'm damn serious "

" Where in the name of God did you get an idea like that? You know every gal in town is thrilled to
death over him." Anita asked, trying to select some thing for her from a hanger full of trousers. " I
really thought you two gotta married"

" No way. He makes me feel like a kid with a nanny or something. Besides, I'm not ready for
marriage yet. I mean, first, I want to enjoy life in it's fullest. Anyway forget about me...what about
you ? How's your new boy friend, umm I forgot his name. "

" Sabeeh Khan. This chick is from New York, was born and raised here, though his parents are
from India, like mine. " Anita said, finally selecting a pair of sky blue trousers.

" Yeah, wutever. So you two have been dating around ? " Linda asked.

" Not yet. Just met him once. Though can hardly bear to wait to meet this gorgeous hunk again.
" Anita smiled. Her voice heavy with anticipation.

" Wanna get laid or something ? " Linda giggled.

" Heaven's sake, no. I mean first I'd have to know him better. " Anita muttered.

" From the snaps you sent, I guess he's a nice chick. And oh, boy, were the pictures gorgeous ! "

" He is gorgeous in real too. " Anita smiled.

" Excuse me, can you tell me where's trial room so that I could try this jeans ? " Linda asked one
of the staff girls present there.

" Oh sure Ma'am, it's over there. "

" Thanks . "

" Hey what about your old Pakistani friend? " Anita's voice stopped her before she could walk

" You mean Kiran ?"

" Yeah baby, the gal who got the positions in our finals. "

" Well " Linda sighed. " We don't talk now. She left Florida an year ago. She now lives in New
Jersey, so no news from her lately. Jeez, She's been so changed, you won't believe your eyes if
you ever meet her now. "

" It's ridiculous. Silly she was, I mean ruining your whole life after one guy, you know what I mean.
" Anita felt really bad for Kiran.

" Yeah the guy himself left States. He sure was one hell of a guy. Sort of a hard dish to eat. " Linda
shivered, as she remembered the memorable arguement in their university.

" What does she do now ? "

" Don't know really, but someone told me, she now runs some Pakistani educational centre, a
school sort of a thing and a welfare organization for her religion. "

" Dear wife, what's going on in here ? " Kisa smiled to herself as her husband's voice came to her
from behind.

" Nothing much. Fixing dinner. " She shook the spoon in the fry pan, looking for the jar of red
Sameer slowly came up behind her. Inside the kitchen, working so carelessly , she looked so
" wife " to him that he was unable to stop himself. He buried his face in her soft fragrant tresses,
inhaling deeply. He was breathing in life, not the fear of death, breathing in her special womanly
scent combined with the fragrance of the fresh air.

He could feel all of his day-long tiredness washing off as soon as he put his face in her dark,
frangrant hair.

" Ummmm. You know what, I want to marry you again. " He breathed in her ear. The sight of Kisa
in the kitchen at the end of a long day, had knocked everything else from his mind.

Kisa's face had been with more than the heat of kitchen, her eyes too bright.

" Yes, to get a cook, who's always ready to prepare dinner, breakfast and lunch for you, right ?
" She teased him.

" Hey.... " Slowly, he turned her to himself, holding her shoulders.

" You know something?" Sameer said thoughtfully, as he gently raised her chin up with his hand.

" I wanted a wife, not just a housekeeper, worker and cook. And you're a dream come true. " On
his words, another slow blush colored Kisa's face. She found it most difficult to raise her eyes in
front of him.

" You are my life, my greatest desire, my wildest dreams come true and my deepest love
embodied. And your face a vision of loveliness and your eyes that touch my soul. "

She kept listening to him silently, congratulating herself for having such a wondeful husband. But
then, remembering something, she raised her lashes, intent on telling him about some thing
important. " Dear janaab.... "

" Hmmmm ? "

" I want to tell you some thing. "

" You're not going to tell me you've got the headaches again. Are You? " His eye brows rose up, a
worried tone of concern crept in his voice.

" No, ofcourse not. But there is something..... "

" You're thinking to join your job again "

He looked so confused she had to suppress her giggle. At the same time, he looked so cute and
innocent to her that she wanted to ruffle his hair. Shyly, keeping her gaze lower, she slipped her
arms around his neck.

" Am I going to like this surprise. " He asked again.

" Yes, I think you're going to love it as much as I do. " She couldn't suppress a smile. She waited
another five seconds, then whispered in his ear.

" We're going to have a baby. "

Then instantly, she covered her face with her hands.

For a second, he looked totally stunned. He gripped her shoulders and studied her face for so
long she felt as if he'd memorize every pore. Then the smile came, a wonderful satisfied smile that
sent her heart soaring. Gradually, artistically, the smile changed into a lively laughter, full of joy
and happiness.

" Oh Kisa. You don't know how much happy I'm. Oh thank you so much Kisa. " He gently, softly
shook her shoulders in a loving gesture.

Still smiling, she didn't look up.

" But how'd you know ? " Suddenly , curiosity over took him.

" I was feeling a little nausea this morning. Ammi brought me to the lady doctor, who confirmed
Ammi's thought. " She lowered her face, feeling shy again.

" Hmm..... so that's why Ammi was smiling meaningfully before I came to the kitchen. And what's
the expected date ? " He caressed her hair, teasing her by his question, enjoying her shyness.

" As it's May now, so the doctor said hopefully by the new year, in January, Insha'Allah. " Her
voice became much slower and low. Why he was asking all of this at once ?

" I appreciate you so much Kisa. Through your efforts you're further enriching my life with the
addition of hearts dear and true to me. "

" Sweet talker you are. " Kisa smiled lively.

" And hey, let me tell you.... " Smiling soberly, he cupped her face in his hands. " From the
moment you came into my life, it has been richer. Each day has been filled with love and
happiness. "His expression was real, his feelings were genuine.

" I love you Kisa " He touched his forehead with hers.

New tears glistened in her eyes. " I love you, too. "

" Do you want a boy ? " Suddenly, Kisa asked in a low voice, her face showing concern.

" Hmm I want a girl....and you? " He asked...

" A boy, ofcourse, but why do you want a girl ? " She was very astonished.
" Daughters are the blessings of God. Sweet, cute angels. Daughter is some one so precious that
our dear holy Prophet ( peace be upon him ) had his first offspring as a holy daughter. " He
smoothed her hair back. " So it's actually an honour to be blessed with a daughter. " He told her

His sentence brought tears in her eyes.

" Oh, I love you so much " She whispered in a breathless, little-girl voice.

" And I promise you dear janaab, Whatever happens, I would always be with you in all the good
and bad times. I would never leave you till last of my breaths " Kisa's voice was intense with love
and emotions.


And then, the new year brought many smiles and greetings to their home, accompanying all the
happiness and smiles, was a cute baby girl in their home, a daughter of Sameer and Kisa.

Sameer was in Lahore on his job tour, when he got the good news from his parents. Despite of all
of his efforts, he couldn't manage to see his first child before three days. But once back in
Karachi, he immediately went to the hospital to see his wife and daughter.

" See Sameer, your daughter is just like her....... " His mother left her sentence unfinished,
bringing the baby in front of him.

Sameer first saw the smiling face of Kisa, lying on the bed and then his eyes returned to his

His heart stopped when he saw his daughter for the first time.

He couldn't believe his eyes. She was..... she was just like Kashish. Same brown eyes, same
golden brown hairs, same complexion, same features even at such a little age.

" Yes, she's just like her cute aunt. " Kisa laughed softly.

For an instant, he felt hatred, an intense rage of emotions. Now Kashish was going to be in front
of him, all the time, in the form of this little girl.

But then, something in him brought him down to the earth immediately.

God, she was his daughter. His own blood, his flesh, his love. His heart melted in the most lovable way
possible. Father won over Kashish's lover. He took the small trembling creature in his arms,
placing butterfly-like kisses on her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, her eyes. He smelled her,
touched her. She was his. His own part. A sweet gift of Allah, only for him and his wife.

Experimentally, he slowly placed his little finger in her small, ultra-soft, pink hand. And then,
something wonderful happened.
In a sweet, primitive neonatal reflex, the baby girl grasped his finger, closing her little hand
around his finger in a small fist. He laughed loudly. His intense happiness surprised even himself.

" Thank you Kisa." He looked towards his wife, with eyes filled with pure love and sincerity, his
voice thick with emotions and sentiments.

" For what? " She smiled weakly.

" For giving me this precious gift. For showing me the proof of our mutual love. " He said softly.

Kisa blushed.

" Now we would have to think about her name. What it should be ? " His mother asked, as she sat
beside her daughter-in-law, caressing her head.

" I've already decided about that. "

" What ? You never told me " Kisa's eyes widened.

" You never asked me . " He smiled, then looked back at his daughter.

" Her name would be..... " He paused for a moment, enjoying the suspense he had created in both
women's minds.

" Yes ? " Kisa was curious.

" Saba ......" He breathed. " Which means sweet and fresh early-morning air. " He bent his head to
place another kiss on his daughter's face.

" Hmmm, Saba Sameer. Nice name. Fragrant, fresh and feminine " Kisa smiled, and expressed
her agreement.

" Do you have any objection Ammi ? " He turned his face towards his mother.

" Not at all. It's a sweet name. " His mother took his wife's hand in hers." Just like herself. "

" Mr.Sameer, Dr.Fareeha would like to see you in her room. " A nurse announced in the room.

" Oh, Okay. " Giving the last kiss to Saba, he carefully, gently, handed her over to his mother.

" What's the matter ? " Kisa asked, her eyes deep and dark on his face.

" I guess, it's probably about hospital bills and stuff. Don't worry, I'll be back in a moment.
" Sameer assured her and left the room.


" Please have a seat Mr.Sameer. " Dressed elegantly in a neat jumper shilwar and typical, white
medical over-all, Dr.Fareeha motioned him to sit in front of her.
" Well, " The doctor took a long breath and smiled weakly. " Congratulations to you. "

Sameer smiled back, accepting her greetings.

" I've got to tell you some thing about your wife's health. " Closing a file in front of her, Dr.Fareeha
took off her stethoscope from around her neck.

" Yes, please " Sameer said firmly.

" Did she ever tell you about her past history of headaches ? "

" Yes I know. But thankfully, she doesn't have them anymore, since we've got married."

" Did you inquire about that ? " Doctor questioned.

" I asked her. She told me it was due to stress. Like almost every one has these headaches due to
continous work and stress. " He replied. Now the doctor's inquiry was beginning to make him a bit
uncomfortable. What was the reason for asking all of this ? He asked in his heart.

" She had this headache again, about thrice during her pregnancy. I had the same opinion like
you've. But in her last follow-up, about one month back, I decided to take her CT-Scan and MRI,
referring her file to our Neurologist. " Dr.Fareeha opened the file again.

Sameer didn't say a word, but kept listening to her silently, carefully.

" Last week, I had a meeting with the neurologist and we discussed about her reports. " She
looked deep into his eyes, like she is trying to judge some thing.

" Anything significant ? " Sameer tried to control his tone and breaths.

At this moment, the lady doctor took a long breath, like she is preparing herself to tell him
something important.

" She has an Astrocytoma. " She spoke, when the words finally came out.

" What's that ? "

" A fatal brain tumour. "


Sameer felt like someone's stabbed a sharp sword right through his heart. He felt the floor
beneath his chair slipping away from its place. Suddenly he was flowing, and falling in the space.

" But yes, let's hope for the best. There's remedy. Open brain surgery does increase patient's
survival rates in pretty fine number of cases. " Dr.Fareha continued to say, then stopped to see
his rapidly changing condition.
" You're man Mr.Sameer. You've to comfort her. Specially right now, she needs special care. So
don't let yourself get down. Allah's going to do the best for us. "

" Ah, well.... " His breath was long and tired.

" Do I have to tell her ? "

" Not yet. There would be no use of telling her right now. I would inform you when to tell her. Right
now, all you need to do is to take special care of her and the baby. " The lady-doctor said.

Nodding, Sameer left her room with short and tired steps.

What was happening to him and his family ? Before he could enjoy the happiest moments of his
life, he had to deal with the most worst situation. Was this justice? Partially due to hospital
timings, and mainly due to his own condition, he couldn't stay longer with his wife and mother
that day.

Next morning, when he reached his office, every one greeted him for his baby's arrival. But
despite of all of their love and greetings, he couldn't put off the the thought of Kisa from his mind.

He was about to lit up his cigarette when he heard a gentle knock on his office door.

" Yes ? "

" It's me Sir, may I come in ? " A sweet voice came from the door, accompanying it, was a face of
a lady in her mid-twenties. She was not so beautiful naturally but had tried her best to be like one

She was Fareena, his junior office colleague, a very "social" and "out-going" career woman of
their circle.

" Have a seat please " Sameer jerked the cigarette in the ashtray and then brought it back to his

As she sat, he saw that she wore a fitting jumper, which showed the upper curves of her body. Her
Dupatta fell down at only one side of the body, not covering her bosom.

" How're you doing Miss.Fareena? " He asked, completely ignoring the way she tried to expose
her figure.

" Very well sir, thank you " She gave him the most wonderful smile.

" Sir I was just thinking, If we employers could get a treat from you. "

" Sure, why not. In case if you don't know, I'm going to arrange a party in the office next week.
" As he spoke, smoke formed a thin layer in front of his lips.

" Oh well sir, I was thinking about an individual treat. I mean if we could go out for some dinner.
Only if you don't mind"

" You mean to some hotel. Just you and me, right ?" His voice was very unpredictable at the
Fareena looked apologetic, as if knowing Sameer had guessed what had been going through her

" I'm very happily married man, Miss.Fareena. And I've no intention for going out with other
women when I myself have a charming and sincere wife."

His words slapped her.

" Probably you're thinking how much narrow minded I'm , right ? but that's how I'm . " He added

How dare he talked to me like this. He has no right to insult me. Fareena had never felt so much disgusted
in her whole life. .

" However, I just need one favour from you. "

" Oh sure " She tried to smile. " Please. "

" When ever you come to my office, try to wear your Dupatta properly." He opened the file which
was present over his table.

" Oh" She gasped.

" I'm sorry sir " She had never felt so much shame and embarrassment. He was practically
disgracing her.

" Yeah I'd really appreciate that. You may go now. "

Biting her lip, she rose from her place and then left his room, without saying any word.

" What happened ? Did you go through ? hehe " Another girl asked sarcastically, as Fareena
entered the common room.

Fareena didn't reply. She was lost in what had just happened to her.

" Rude, narrow minded.... an educated illiterate " As she reached her table, she clenched her teeth
and closed her fists with force.


Kisa put on a soft light-grey cotton jumper shilwar, a shade much lighter than her eyes, standing
brushing out her hair. She was clipping in her earrings when she saw his image entering the room
in the mirror of her dressing table.

Without turning to him, she raised her wedding necklace in her hands and put it around her soft,
smooth neck.
As if in a dream, Sameer stepped up behind Kisa and took the clasp from her fingers. He noticed
that his own fingers were shaking, and hoped that she wouldn't notice. He glanced over her
shoulder into the mirror and froze, Kisa stared at Sameer in the mirror.

" You're a bit late today " Slowly, she turned to him, smiling coldly.

" Yes. I went to see the Neurologist "

" I see. " She turned back to the mirror. " What did he say ? " She took the brown lip stick out from
an expensive make-up case.

" Nnn...Nothing. " He slurred, making his mind to say some thing appropriate.

Slowly applying the lipstick to her lips, she said nothing. Her behaviour was strange today.

Suddenly, she kept the lipstick down and reached at the very front of him.

" Why're you lying dear janaab ? " She smiled and took both of his hands in her own.

" I have a brain tumour , hai naa ?" She looked deep into his eyes, her face demanding nothing
but honesty and loyality.

" Oh God.... " He stole his eyes, tears filling his eyes.

" I am not a child " She smiled sadly.

" Dear janaab... why 're you crying huh ??" She moved her right hand over his face, capturing his
tears on her fingers.

" Men don't cry and specially handsome men like you should not cry. They don't look good at all
" She laughed shakily.

He tried to change the subject.

" Where's Saba ? "

" With her grand parents and aunt " Kisa smiled. " Kashish is here on her summer vacations.
Today, when she came to meet me, she took Saba with her. She would drop her by the night. "

" Oh I see. "

" Sooooo, my dear husband " She grasped his tie in her hands, slowly pulling him toward her own

" We've got some special hours today, all to our selves . " She smiled plainly, sort of seductively.
Sameer couldn't understand her behaviour today. It was very strange just like her weird mood.

" We would go to some place, like... ummm let's say a beach ?"

" Sure. " He said in a tone-less voice.

" There won't be much crowd there at night. So we should have plenty of peace and quiet "

" I think so " He was worried about her condition. Why she was behaving like this today?

" I'll make some coffee and we can take it out to the beach,"

" As you wish "


" They have fixed the date for operation. It'd be in next month. I was going to tell you anyway after
a week or so". Sameer told her, as they walked across the sand through the pooling moonlight.
Their shoes were back in the car; their bare feet whispered across the white sand. The light of the
moon softly lit the front yard.

Kisa sat down abruptly, working her toes into the warm sand. Sameer sat down easily beside her
leaning back on his hands. The half moon glowed silently above the waves.

' You know what, couple of days ago I read a very touchy poem. Wanna hear it ? "

" Okay I would read it later, when we get back to home. " Sameer gazed over the dark, silent sea.

" No, no. I want you to hear it now. Here, with just you and me, and this beach and sky. " Her voice

" I don't have much time dear Janaab " Her tone gripped his heart in the most painful, hurting way.

" Hmm....okay , let's start then " He smiled forcefully.

" Thank you. " She opened her shoulder bag and searched for a paper. Finding it atlast, she
started to read in the most sweetest voice.

Love me as if I am dying.
Tell me those things,
That you will wish you could say.
Love me as if I were dying.

Take me places,
Do things with me.
Whisper, laugh
Giggle and snort.

What would you say to me,

If you knew I am dying?
Tell me now! Don't delay.
Hold me close, now closer.

Share with me as if I am dying.

Show me those things,
That you will wish you had shown.
Share with me as if I am dying.
Let's not think of why we can't!
Let's find ways for us to do!
Build memories today,
For we may not have another.

Love me as if I am dying.
Hold me as if I am dying.
Talk to me as if I am dying.
Laugh with me...
Laugh like we'll live for ever!

Sameer felt wetness coming to his eyes as she read. Smiling, she atlast finished reading it.
Perhaps, Kisa was determined to hurt him tonight in every way possible.

" It's a good poem. But.... " Sameer wanted to say but Kisa didn't let him.

" Sheeeshhhhh " She silenced his lips with a finger.

" Don't say anything. " She pushed back a black lock of hair from his forhead.

" Let me see you. " Her voice a husky whisper over which she had no control.

" I want to absorb you in my sight " She said as she sat at the very front of him.

" I'm scared, " She said slowly, her voice thin and weak.

" Not of death ofcourse. I am scared of going away from you........ " She said like she was talking
to herself. " I am afraid, not of death but of myself leaving you for ever. "

Apney marney ka ghum nahin laiken,

Haaey....... Tujh sey Judaai hoti hai

Suddenly she began screaming hysterically, tears running down her cheeks.

" Oh, Sameer. I don't want to die. Please save me ? " While crying with all of her might, she started
to cough. And Sameer realized that it was the first time that she'd called his name, since their

Aankhon mein aik, Pyaara sapna... Jhil-mil, Jhil-mil karta hai

Jab sey miley ho Mujh sey sanam, ab Jeeney ko Dil karta hai

" Don't cry " Sameer said harshly, and then both of his arms went round her. Taking her fully into
his arms, he began to cry too. Their tears mingled with each other, as he merged her body into

Pulling her closer; he put a hand on the back of her head, pushing it down on his chest, and
began gently to stroke her hair.
Her loud screams gradually became soft whispers, as she lay against him, trembling, her eyes
closed, beginning to calm as the comforting caress continued.

His human warmth soaked into her, permeating her entire body until she was able to relax
completely in his arms, giving herself a deep contentment. Her instincts now whispered that she
was safe with him.

After few more minutes on the beach, they decided to go back.

On their way back, he inserted a C.D in the stereo player of his car to change the atmosphere.

A feminine voice echoed in the silent atmosphere.

Haan Judaai sey, darta hai Dil

Mout sey tou, Mein darti nahin

Aur darti tou...... sun le Sanam

Pyaar tujh sey Mein, karti nahin

Driving, Sameer looked at his wife through a side-way glance. She sat beside him with an
expressionless face at the moment.

Aik armaan iss paar hai

Aik armaan uss paar hai

Hum ne khud hi banaai thi jo,

Raastey mein woh deewaar hai

Taking a long breath, she continued to gaze over the trees which grew along the road, through her
side-window. She was lost in thoughts, but at the same time, very much aware of the song.

Aik Khushi Dil ne kiya maang lee

Hur Khushi ko nazar lag gai

Zindagi jab qareeb aai tou,

Zindagi ko nazar lag gai

" No, don't " She stopped him, as he tried to change the song. Trying to control herself, she
passed a trembling hand over her face.

Ab taman'na ho dil mein koi

Mein taman'na hi karti nahin

Aur darti tou...... sun le Sanam

Pyaar tujh sey Mein, karti nahin

Haan Judaai sey, darta hai Dil

Mout sey tou, Mein darti nahin


That day, when Sameer returned to his home, he was very happy, he couldn't wait to tell her the
good news.

As soon as he pulled the door of his room open, his eyes came across with the most wonderful

Kisa was offering Namaaz.

He looked at his wife for what seemed like endless moments. She was looking so holy, so
innocent while praying. She wore plain, white cotton jumper shilwar. Her black Dupatta was
surounding her glorious face like dark clouds surround a moon.

No doubt, no sight is more beautiful and romantic than a muslim wife offering prayers at her
home, calmly and peacefully.

Once done with the prayers, she carefully folded the Jaey-namaaz and was keeping it on the
show-case when a familiar fragrance touched her nose. She smiled and closed her eyes

" You look even more beautiful when you pray, you know that ? " He slid his hands around her

" I'm not beautiful " She said.

" May be not to someone else, but to me, you are most definitely beautiful. Exquisite. A fairy tale
princess. "

" Hmm so dear janaab, you were already here, watching me all the time ? " She laughed softly.

" How do you always know ? " Smiling, Sameer reached for her hands.

" A woman has some specific senses which tell her many things about her husband." She said
softly. " Like , right now I can see you're very happy today, right ? "

" Yes, I'm sooo happy today. " He caressed her hands with his. " Today, doctors told me that
you're improving now. And would be alright after the operation, Insha'Allah. "

In reply, she said nothing but lowered her face to stare at the floor.

" You're not happy ? " Sameer looked deep in her eyes, touching his lips to her hands.
" Are you ? " She asked back in a weird voice.

" Yes, very much. " He laughed.

" Then I'm too. " She smiled weakly.

" What's the matter Kisa ? " He was confused. He reached up and stroked her hair.

" Nothing. I'm fine. Yes, honestly I'm alright now. " She tried to smile.

" You don't look though " His mood began to change.

" Oh come on. You know that I don't like seeing you in bad mood " She giggled and put her arms
around his neck.

And as usual, he wondered that how could she know about his mood and feelings so well ?

" You know what dear janaab ?"

" Hmmmm ? " He pushed back the soft hair from her forhead.

" I just have one wish now . "

" And what's that ? " He lifted his black-as-night eyes to her face.

" It's in this shair. Wanna hear it ? " She smiled then without waiting for the answer, she read it.

" Dil cheez hai Kiya Jaana, yeh jaan bhi tumhaari hai

Teri baanhon mein dum nikley, hasrat yeh humaari hai

" Why do you always end up with poems about death and separation ? " Angrily, he turned his
face away.

" Hey dear janaab, anger is not allowed. Okay, sorry, I won't tell you such poems any more. Happy
now ? "

Nodding, he smiled and took her into his arms.

Taking a long sigh, and putting her face on his chest, she closed her eyes.

Hum na hongey tou kaho kaun manaaey ga Tumhein?

Yeh buri baat hai........ hur baat pe rootha na Karo

Just after one week, while sleeping in his room, some thing awakened him instantly.

He lay still, his sleepy mind trying to focus on what had disturbed him. He'd heard something. Not
Saba; should the baby awaken at night, her sound were always familiar, a soft stirring or crying
out. This was more of a moaning or groaning sound. He looked beside him and saw Saba's small
body carefully wrapped in soft, plush baby blanket. She was sleeping peacefully.

However, Kisa was not on the bed. A fluorescent 3:00 blinked at him from the digital clock.
Attached-bath room lights were on, which meant she was inside. Wanting to check on Kisa for his
further satisfaction, he left the bed. Barefoot, he crossed the carpet and went to the partially open
bathroom door.

" Kisa " He whispered quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping baby.

" You alright Kisa ? " He knocked at the door.

There was no answer.

When she didn't reply on his third call, he decided to enter the bath room.

His breaths stopped and his heart pounded wildly as he saw the scene inside. Kisa was lying on
the floor, her head was near the wash basin. Her eyes were closed, a thin stream of blood running
down her chin from her nose. Swallowing, he didn't bother to remind himself to stay calm. It was
too late for that.

He screamed. Grabbing her body, lifting her from the floor, he carried her to the bed.

" Kisa.... my dear, my heart, what happened ? huh ? " Moving like a mad man, he checked for her
breaths, only to find very slow sounds. He went to her pulse. Yes, there was some beat.

Without wasting another second, he raised her body in his arms and ran toward outside.

" Ammi, abbo..... " He yelled.

" Wha... what happened Sameer " His father's worried face appeared at the door of their room, his
mother following him.

" I'm taking her to the hospital, you take care of Saba, hurry up please. " And then without waiting
for their answer, he ran toward the garage. From behind, he heard Saba begin to cry, his mother's
voice followed, trying to calm her.

He took Kisa's motionless body to the nearest hospital. They took her away straight to the
emergency, out of his hands and left him with nothing to do but wait.

" Your wife had a brain hemorrhage. We would have to do an immediate operation. We have called
our neurosurgeon, he'll be here in minutes. " The doctors on duty told him.

" Sameer baita, how's she ? what happened ? " Sameer turned back to see his father standing
behind him.
" She had a brain hemorrhage. Oh Abbo she needs your prayers, please...... pray for her." He
begged, wiping her eyes from his cuff. His whole body was sweating at the moment. The ever-
brave man was scared for the first time in his life.

" We all are praying, son. Don't worry, every thing would be fine. Just try to stay calm and relax.
" His father hugged him, caressing his head.

" Always remember one thing baita....... " His father gripped his shoulders tightly.

" No matter, what ever happens, nothing is going decrease or increase her age. She would
complete what she came with in this world. She's going to complete her whole life which Allah
has given to her. You understand ? "

He nodded and pressed his father's hand back.

The operation started as soon as the surgeon reached. It was the most frustrating and scary time
for Sameer. On his lips, were prayers for his wife's safety and in his eyes, were tears of his wife's

After two hours, the surgeon emerged from the operation theatre. Sameer's breath stopped, he
couldn't think of what he was going to ask him, as the surgeon reached near him.

Taking Sameer's cold hands in his, he whispered. " That's what nature wanted. "

A heavy wave of dizziness surrounded Sameer's whole being.

" Her irreversible brain death has occurred, we're giving her artificial respiration, but it's useless.
I'm sorry Mr.Sameer. " Surgeon's words crushed his mind like a hammer. With disabled legs and
blind eyes, he moved his body towards the intensive care unit, where they now had Kisa's body.

" something , please ? My wife, my Kisa is just twenty five years old. You hear me ?
She is just twenty five, Oh God. " Sameer couldn't proceed further, his eyes heavy with tears.

" We tried out best Mr.Sameer, " The surgeon put his hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort
him. " But the tumour had been already spread to the adjacent tissues. "

" Infact it was a miracle that she didn't show any other symptom except that occasional headache.
Most of the patients might lose their mental balance too. " Another doctor added. But Sameer was
not interested a bit in what ever they were telling him.

Like a starved man, he gripped Kisa's cold, pale hands.

" Mr.Sameer it's useless, she is not able to hear your sentences , her clinical brain death has
occured. Please try to control yourself. " Surgeon tried to convince him.

He gave him a final look , then ignoring his sentence, he got down on his knees near her bed.
Tears started to run from his eyes as he saw her face closely. With oxygen mask covering her
mouth, her face was so bright, so neat, so calm. But, ah, so pale and cold at the same time. He
cried, forgetting where he was and what the others were thinking. Nothing mattered to him but his
wife, his sweet, dear wife. Doctors and the nurses tried to control him but he jerked their hands,
never leaving the place.
" Dont leave me Kisa, you forgot the promise ? " You said you would never leave me till last of
your breaths ?

" Kisa..... " His scream echoed through the walls of the intensive care unit.

" Kisa" He called her name for the second time, this time in a less loud voice.

" Kisa " His voice now became a mere whisper.

And then, a miracle happened, the most incredible thing came before their eyes.

With her eyes still completely shut, a tear emerged from the corner of Kisa's right eye, like she
she was saying...

" Yes Sameer, I can understand your pain, can feel your love . But what can I do, death has tied my hands.
Sorry Sameer, forgive me. "

Every one became stunned at his place. How it was possible. She was senseless. Immobile, Not
hearing anything, not listening to anyone, and yet what did this tear mean ?

" You saw that Doctor ? " His tone was sarcastic now. " That's called as power of love. But your
medical science won't understand it ever. " Turning back, he went back to Kisa once again.

" It's okay Kisa. I got the message. I understand. " New tears filling his eyes.

He saw her face for a long time. Her face was framed in a glory of black hair, and Sameer could
think of only one word to describe her in this peaceful eternal sleep: Innocence.

Suddenly Kisa's body jerked upwards, only once, then it went limp. Everything became silent

She was dead.

Loud screams of Mrs.Salman came from outside. Even the nurses had tears in their eyes. They all
felt pain for this young, twenty five year old girl who had just started her new life.

Sameer didn't break his stare on Kisa's face. So peaceful, like an angel's. She didn't look like a
dead woman. She was sleeping, a wonderful smile on her lips.

When you were born,

you were crying
and everyone around you was smiling,
live your life so that when you die,
you're smiling
and everyone around you is crying.

And Sameer. Strangely, he was smiling too, as he was present in some other world.

" Sameer Bhai, you know what, I wrote a poem. " Seventeen-year old Kisa was telling him.

" Would you like to hear it now on the phone or should I post it ? See you would be the first one to hear it, I
didn't show it to anybody yet. " Kisa had asked.
" Are you sure, I don't want you to make fun of it Sameer bhai, just forget it if you don't like it. I knew I could
never be a poet . It's just what I wrote accidently " Her voice and way-to-talk was as mature like always.

Kiss us on the forehead .....

As we have to...

go to the land...

which has fragrant sand

Having colourful butterflies

and wonderful fire flies

Butterflies with steady flight ...

and glow worms who spread light...

They all call us

So Kiss us ..... "

Kiss us on the forehead... "

Bending, he touched his lips to her forehead, and then, finally covered her face with the white


" Before the burial, I want my daughter to see her mother. " Sameer announced when they were
about to take Kisa's body to the graveyard.

" Sameer baita.... she's just one year old. She doesn't know what's going on. " His father tried to
make him understand.

" She should. " He said in a loud, emotional voice.

" Sameer.... please yaar try to control yourself. " It was Faraz's voice.

" I said, bring her here, please. Will you ? "

" Okay, " Faraz went inside and when he returned, he had little Saba along with him.

Sameer took his daughter from his hands and moved to the place where Kisa's body lay. He sat
down beside her, and gently removed coffin from her face.
" See Kisa. Saba 's here. I know you'd seen so much dreams for her. May be you thought about
her marriage too, right?" He looked at Kisa'a face as he held Saba. Then he kissed his daughter's

" See Saba, Saba honey. This is your mother. I want you to memorize her face. Okay ? This is the
woman who gave birth to you. " Atlast, he last he had lost his patience. He began to cry in front of
hundreds of people present there.

On this sight, there was not a single eye which was not shedding the tears,

" I love you Kisa.... I know you're leaving me forever. But thanks for leaving your mark, your
precious gift for me. You're here in my arms, alive in the form of your daughter. Your blood, your
flesh...even she smells like you. " Little Saba trembled, taking her thumb to her mouth, as Sameer
pressed her tight against him, whispering soothing words.

The last thing he remembered was Faraz 's voice, saying something to him, as Jahanzaib took
little Saba from his hands. Sameer didn't remember what happened afterwards. As he became a
live robot then, silently obeying their commands and doing all the things which people want from
a widower during his wife'e funeral.

Pyaar rehta hai Zinda sada,

Zindagi hai yeh .... marti nahin

Aur darti tou...... sun le sanam

Pyaar tujh sey Mein, karti nahin


First day passed, then the second.

It was an evening time when Sameer saw his parents-in-law at his house. Both were genuinely

" She's silent since last two days, not eating anything. " Mrs.Salman wiped tears from her face.

" And doctors have advised us to take her to the hospital. " His uncle's voice was shaking.

On his words, Sameer, for the first time realized that just in two days they both looked much older.
Kisa's loss had removed all the freshness from their faces.

" Hospital ? " Sameer was shocked to hear.

" Yes, they say she's in the early stage of coma, no verbal response at all. It's only solution is her
admission to the hospital. "

" Okay. I'll go with you, I want to see her " He made his mind. Their happiness and comfort had
always been his first concern.
When he entered her room, it was completely drowned in darkness. A deep, nerve-raking silence
was covering the whole place. He pressed the button to turn lights on and then.....

He couldn't believe his eyes.

This girl couldn't be Kashish. He thought. She was sitting on the cold floor, with her long hair undone,
uncombed, dispersed all around her face. Her face was as pale as an egg's yolk. Her lips were dry,
wrinkled. She was staring blankly in the front of her.

" My....... " He gasped.

" Kashish... what you've done with yourself ? " Slowly, he sat in front of her. His eyes now looking
directly into hers. His sight merged with hers. But Kashish's gaze was blank. She looked at him
and yet it looked like she's looking in space, at some unseen object.

Empty. Yes, at the moment, she was nothing but an empty, useless body, there was no emotion in
her, no feeling at all. She was cold and frigid.

His heart throbbed with pain. Was this Kashish ? A girl who didn't know how to get sad, always happy and
smiling all the time. He thought again, as he brought a glass of water near her lips.

" Drink it, please. " He said, gently.

No Response.

" Kashish. " Then seeing no reaction from her, he slowly carried the glass to her lips.

But it was a useless attempt. As he edged the glass along her motionless lips, water began to
flow, but instead of her mouth, it went down on her body, wetting her cloths.

He tipped Kashish's chin up and looked into her. Her face was coated with perspiration and her
long brownish hair a damp clinging tangle around her neck.

" Oh Kashish, please I beg you. " His voice became thick, mainly because of the tears
accumulating his throat.

No, he wont let anything happen to the other sister now. Nopes..... she had to be alright now.
Suddenly warm blood filled his temples, his breathing became fast. Holding her shoulders, he
helped her to stand on her feet, then reached in front of her.

" You hear me ? Your sister died couple of days ago. Yes, she won't be coming back now. " His
voice grew louder by second as he steadied her.

" Kashish, your sister is dead. " And then without realizing what he was doing, he threw the whole
glass of water on her face. She shook her whole body, her lips now started to tremble.

" Your sister is dead. Your elder sister Kisa died, left this world forever " He shouted.

" Seeeessss " She muffled a small gasp, like she's trying to say something but is not gaining the
power. Then she put her hand to her mouth and shook her head violently.

Perhaps the ultimate moment had come.

"Oh Kashish forgive me for this. " He silently begged.

And then, powerful slap of his right hand on her left cheek raised her weak, light-weight body
many feet above the floor.

She fell on the bed on her back, but even Sameer had not thought of what was going to happen

Immediately, like the bed had powerful springs hidden, she raised herself from the bed and with a
power like a wild lioness , with an speed of a sharp arrrow, her body merged into his.....taking him
with her...crushing him.....pinning him to the wall, and, herself to his body. She cried, with all of
her might. Her arms went around him, she held him so tight, so close that he felt like it would stop
his breath. He hugged her and pulled that convulsing body against his own.

He held her, his chest heaving and damp beneath her cheek, as she weeped. She leaned over him,
gripping the smooth strength of his broad shoulders for support.

She cried and cried. She cried with screams, which reached the heights of sky, with tears, which
matched the waters of the seas and with sobs, which touched the depths of the earth.

Atlast, gently, softly disengaging her arms, he helped her to sit on the bed. Only then he noticed
that the room had been filled with many people. Kashish's parents and her relatives were there.
With in them, he noticed, was Dr.Shahraam. He tapped Sameer's shoulder in a gesture of
thankfulness and admiration.

" Oh thanks Allah, my daughter... my Kashish " Mrs.Salman ran towards her, hugging her
desperately. Sameer could understand her pain. After Kisa, Kashish was her only property.

Sameer's duty was done now. While Kashish's parents and relatives surrounded her, he silently
moved from the place, leaving the room.

" Please, don't gather here. I'm going to give her some drips and sleep injection. She really needs
some rest. " Behind him, he heard Dr.Shahraam's voice.

While passing across their beautiful lawn, some thing gripped his feet.

It was their old neem tree. Much older now, with its herbs showing. Unable to stop himself, he
reached near it, touched it, felt it with his fingers. It's old, typical fragrance reminded him of those
beautiful days which he'd passed with the sisters beneath its comforting, friendly shelter.

He felt the wetness of tears soaking his shirt.

And then his eyes captured their names written at the centre of its broad stem. He touched his lips
to the spot where Kisa's name was present. In doing so, a tear found its way through his tightly
closed lids and absorbed in the wrinkled stem.

Mein akela na reh paaoon gaa

door tak, raat hi raat hai

" Zindagi " aik alag cheez hai

" Zinda " rehna alag baat hai

Umer kaisey guzar paaey gee

Aik pal jab guzarta nahin

Aur darta tou, sun le sanam......

Pyaar tujh sey Mein karta nahin

Haan Judaai sey, darta hai Dil

Mout sey tou, Mein darta nahin


" Time is the greatest ointment ", this saying is very true. No matter how worse and painful the
sorrow is, time ultimately heals it. Filling the wounded space with new tissues of fresh days,
weeks, months and years, time heals the wound better than any other medicine. Gradually, slowly,
perfectly repairing the damage, and leaving only a scar afterwards. This scar represents the
memory of those who have left us forever.

" How true " Sameer wondered, as his eyes waved through the paragraph in the book he was

Now after two years of Kisa's death, he remembered that, since then he had been plagued with
sorrows and attacks of sadness. He'd been the target of disappointment and hopelessness. The
days after that were little more than a blur of sleepless nights and too much cigarettes. Then
things had grown even worse, when just after few months, his father had died of a sudden heart
attack. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to remember, wrestling with the thick dark past.
The nightmare of those days still had its effects on him. And now, after two years of Kisa's death,
though the condition was a lot bettar than before, he still had memory gaps from those dark days,
both before and after the deaths of his wife and father. But again, it was time which had helped
him. The months that had followed had gradually but partially fed his deep sorrow, locking the
emotional doors on his soul.

No matter how much itense and deep the loss is, one ultimately has to move on. That's what life
demands from you.

Sameer sighed, as he read the last line and then closed the book. He was about to turn his bed-
lamp off when he heard a soft knock on his door.

" Yes ? " Next, he saw his mother appearing in the room.

" Oh Ammi, please you could have called me. It's late night and you should be sleeping by now.
" His brows rose, his face showing a genuine concern.

" I've been unable to sleep since many nights, waiting for your answer. " Mrs.Hasan replied
thickly, as she sat on the sofa present in front of his bed.
" Answer ? "

" Yes. As I told you before, Saba needs a woman now, more than anyone else. She wants a
mother, who could take care of her, who could love her, and who could try to fill the space which's
been empty since Kisa left us. " She said quickly, all in one breath.

" But Ammi, I am trying my best to do what I can . "

" There are thousands of things about little children Sameer, which only women know but men
don't. And you're not present at the home all the time. You have to do your job too. I'm more than
willing to take care of Saba, but now my health is not permitting me to do so. This diabetes is
eating me up slowly, day by day... " His mother's logic was very matter-of-fact.

" What do you want me to do ? "

" Marriage. " She said. " This home needs a woman now. A daughter for me, a mother for Saba
and... a wife for you. " She added in a gentle, firm voice.

" But I certainly don't need a wife for me now. " He said, a clear tone of protest creeping through
his voice as he spoke.

" Ofcourse you do. You're just not ready to admit it. "

He groaned. They'd had this same discussion countless times over the past two months, always
with the same results.

Mrs.Hasan had noticed the restlessness that plagued him lately, the lonliness that haunted him
black eyes when he thought no one was looking. And as his mother, she'd decided there was only
one cure for what was plaguing him.

" Please try to understand Ammi. I DON'T NEED A WIFE ! " His voice finally became louder than
hers which was very unusual.

" That's what " you " need to understand. Kashish holds the same opinion as well. "

Her sentence knocked his senses off.

" What ? What did she tell you ? " He frowned.

" She has agreed to marry you now. She said she doesn't have any objection now. I really admire
the sacrifice she'll be giving for Saba. " His mother said soothingly.

Sameer didn't believe his ears.

" How dare she thought about anything like that " Suddenly his voice became loud in front of his

" Listen, If you don't want to marry her, it's alright. I would find some other nice girl for you. But
you must marry now. That's what we all want now. It's enough now. " Mrs.Hasan tried to calm him
as she could understand his anger towards Kashish.
" Ammi, please, don't torture me emotionally. I don't have much patience now. I don't want
second marriage and this is the final word. That's it. " While saying all this, Sameer forgot that
he'd never talked to his mother in such a harsh tone. But at the moment , he was out of his
senses, and that was mainly because of Kashish.

" What the hell does she want from me now ? " Sameer asked to himself, as his mother left his
room with tears in her eyes, without saying a word after his rude, blunt words.

For an instant, he hated himself for hurting his mother like this, but soon his thoughts turned back
to Kashish. He was now determined to teach her a real lesson, to tell her to stop this damn
business of playing with human emotions and feelings.

" See you tomorrow Miss.Kashish. " He clenched his teeth and finally turned the lights off.


He jammed his hands in his pants' pockets and stared up as Kashish slowly walked across
downstairs in front of him.

Studying her, he noted changes. A more determined walk, more spohistication that gave her an air
of independence. Just as he'd changed radically in three years, she too was different. Her brown
hair was longer now and she'd pulled it back in a pony tail at her nape. She wore a sky-blue kurta
shilwar suit and a broad dark-blue dupatta.

It was very hard for him to look at her and not to be impressed by her charismatic intensity.
Realizing this, he turned his back to her.

" Aadaab" Her voice was as sweet as ever. He tried to ignore the disturbing sweetness.

He didn't reply.

" Please, will you atleast sit down ? " Her voice came again.

" What did you talk to Ammi ? " He asked, without looking at her. His voice was gritty, his mouth

" We just talked about Saba'a future " Her voice was confident and yet lower than his.

" I see. Very impressive. " He said dryly. " You make good excuses "

" Beg your pardon ? " She raised her brows.

Atlast turning back to her, he gave her a long measured look.

" So you are now ready to marry me, huh ? " Bitterness twisted his mouth into a thin line.

" Not ready, but prepared. "

" Don't try to make me fool. Ammi told me that you won't have any objection in marrying me. " He
said, now looking directly into her eyes.

In an out-of-breath voice with an underlying soft huskiness that wove into Sameer's mind like a
lingering echo, she said," I apologize if you got any wrong impression. But I sincerely don't have
any objection if I become Saba's mother. Infact I would love to. "

" Love " He voice grew louder, colder, harsher. " Don't use this word, you don't deserve it. "

" I do very well know what does it mean and I respect this word. " Kashish replied firmly, trying
her best to keep her voice low. " May be you've misunderstood me. I don't know what you think of
me. "

" Hypocrite you're. A two-faced woman with double standards. " His comments were very
spontaneous and fast. His remark shocked her.

" I don't have any double standards in love. " Her voice was now a little shaky.

" Aha, I see, that's interesting. And what about your past " love affair" with your dear doctor ?
Doesn't he make you happy any more ? "

His words suddenly hit her with all the impact of a sledgehammer.

" Sameer " She trembled. " You're insulting me "

" Insulting you ? And just want do you think about me, hmmm? " He laughed sarcastically. " You
used me like a toy. Whenever you wished, you played with my feelings and emotions and
whenever you wanted to discard me, you did so. Who I am ? Nothing but a toy for Miss.Kashish. "

" Sameer.... She gasped, fighting back her tears.

" Shut up " Anger flowing through his vains.

" I can't believe you could ever talk to me like this. " Her voice became huskier.

" That's exactly what I thought when you "rejected" me three years ago " He'd never been a tit-
for-tat sort of a man but for some reason, he wanted her to feel the same like he had.

" And the last but not the least, I've to tell you some thing " Stepping forward, he came to stand at
her front.

" You know what... " His voice was dark and heavy. " For the very first time I 'm feeling this
emotion for anyone. And I 'm sorry ....really sorry, I don't feel anything for you now, but just hate.
You wanted it, you deserved it and now you have it. Do you hear Miss Kashish ? I have just three
words for you " I HATE YOU ", with all of my heart and soul "

Completing his sentence, he moved towards the door.

" And yes, " He stopped at the threshold, ready to fire the last round of bullets in her weak body.

" I'm not marrying you !" He snarled. " Do you understand ? Whatever happens, I won't marry
you, at any price. Goodbye finally. "
She watched in wide-eyed disbelief as Sameer pulled open the door and walked out, slamming the
door so hard that he made the glass window rattle. Kashish stood in the dining room, staring
at the door, not believing that he had walked out on her like that, until she heard the car starting,
and then pulling away.

His words had made her powerless. She fell on her knees, covering her face with her hands.

Then, remembering some thing, a sad smile began to dance on her lips.

" As I knew Sameer..... " She thought.

" It's so easy to hate... It's so hard to love..."


When Sameer entered his house after another long and tired working day, there was some
unusual silence in the atmosphere.

"Ammi ?" Keeping his brief case on the table, he called his mother

No reply.

" Ammi..... Saba ? " This time, he called his daughter .

Again, no answer. His sixth sense began to ring alarms. It was very unusual condition. It seemed
like no one was at the home.

Loosening the knot of his tie, he opened the door of the sitting room and gasped.

There she was. His mother, lying on the carpet, her eyes closed. The scary scene reminded him of
Kisa, that's how he had found her that dark night.

He ran towards her.

" Oh Ammi, what happened " Sitting beside her motionless body, he put her head in his lap and
then sighed with relief, her pulse was beating, very weakly though. He lifted her up and carefully
placed her body on the nearby sofa.

" Ammi... " He poured some water on her face. Slowly, her eyes fell open. She groaned in pain.

" You all right ? What happened ? "

" Oh, I was working in the kitchen, then suddenly had this attack of dizziness. I don't know what
happened then " She tried to speak. Then glancing around the room she quickly asked....

" Where's Saba ?"

" Oh. " Sameer's whole body trembled. While dealing with his mother, he'd forgotten his two-year-
old daughter. How could he ?

Leaving his mother in the sitting room, he quickly checked through the other parts of the house.

" Saba, baita where are you ? Saba, honey, you hear me ? "

He looked around the living room, then sauntered into the kitchen. Where was she? He looked into
all the wash rooms. Then, he fled upstairs, realising that he was sweating. There was some small,
store-like room at the roof of the house. He threw a glance there and the next moment gripped his
breaths. She was there. Sound asleep on the intensely cold floor of the store .

He filled her small body in his wide arms and scooped her up.

" Saba, Saba , my life why were you here, hmmm? " He put his lips on her eyes. She stirred
groggily, then weakly, she parted her eyelids just for once and then closed them again. Her whole
body was cold and there were marks of tears on her cheeks. Looking at her in such a miserable
condition was just like somone's stabbing his heart with a sharp knife.

He carried her back to his mother.

" I guess, she'd got scared whe she saw me motionless. " His mother took her grand-daughter in
her arms.

After giving some food and medicine to his mother, he bathed Saba. Then, dried her gently with a
soft towel and bundled her into a cute frock. Then whispered about her favourite cartoons while
combing through her shiny black hairs. That done, he finally took her to his bed and tucked her in.

She went to sleep soon, This had been a really rough and tough day for her. He kissed her
forehead, adjusted the blanket properly over her and then turned away to see his mother. When he
reached her room he saw that she, too, was asleep now.

Slowly he came back to his room, checking for Saba once again. Then he moved to the adjacent
dining room.

" Things just can't go on like this " He realized, as he lit up the cigarette.

He was hoping for the best while expecting the worst. Reality was reality. Even on the best days
and what seemed like the happiest days, the unpredictable could happen. He had learned many
things now.

He didn't sleep that night, trying to think over different possibilities, considering
several circumstances.

Next morning, he went straight to his mother. He had to tell her what he'd in his mind now.

For the first few moments, he couldn't speak, searching for the right words to begin. When atlast
he spoke, his voice was very tired, like a hopeless warrior.

" Alright Ammi. You won. I won't have an objection for the second marriage now."

His mother couldn't believe her ears.

" I don't have any particular girl in my mind." He added, taking a deep breath.

" I'm ready to marry any girl you'd choose for me, except Kashish ofcourse "


Mrs.Hasan was happier than ever. Perhaps this was the most pleasant turn in her son's life now,
after so much tears and sorrows. Now, her only wish and aim was to find a nice, suitable girl for

She lifted Saba's little body up, giving her support with one hand. Then she picked up the basket
and walked out of the house, without noticing the black mercedes which was following her very
slowly, carefully.

Once at the huge departmental store, she selected all the daily items to buy.

" Mummmaa " Little Saba clapped her soft, cute hands as she saw packets full of candies.

" Sure, my dear. Mumma would buy you all the sweets. " She said, adding Saba's favourite
candies to the cart. Now her basket was full of items . It was heavy, she realized when she tried to
lift it up while supporting Saba on her other arm at the same time. Without caring about her own
weak body, she raised the basket up and moved toward the counter for the payment.

It was a mistake.

Unable to carry all the heavy stuff, she was almost about to slip on the smooth floor when,
suddenly, two hands gripped her firmly from behind.

With that, a sweet wave of soft feminine fragrance touched her soul through her nostrils. She
looked up to see her helper and found herself gazing at the most graceful lady she had ever seen.
Perhaps in her late twenties, she was tall, with oval face. Her shoulder-length, soft, shimmering
dark brown hair flowed around her head like a rich cascade. It was full and thick, and it framed her
face perfectly on both sides. She wore no make-up, and needed none.

The only jewelry she wore at the moment was a small, round, shiny ring of silver which looked
perfect in her nose. But, right then, the most striking feature in her looks was what she wore. She
was wearing a black Saarhi, a black quarter-sleeved blouse and there were smart black sun-
glasses on her eyes. Combined with her creamy, fair complexion, her black eastern outfit
produced an awesome contrast, making her unique and more prominent. She was simply a black
beauty, to say the least.

Her arms went around the old lady's shaking body and helped her to gain her balance.

" Oh, tha.... Thank you " She managed to say thanks to the lady, as she finally got her balance

" May I take her ? " She had the sweetest voice.
Sameer's mother stared at her blankly, not sure what did this gorgeous lady really mean by that.

" In my arms, I mean " She laughed softly and Mrs.Hasan noted she'd never heard such a beautiful
musical laughter.

She gave the baby to the younger woman. She gently took her, gripping her softly to her body,
caressing her back with her hands. She showered soft kisses on Saba's face, continously but

" So sweet, so lovely, so beautiful " She murmured gently while Sameer's mother paid the bill at
the counter.

" Where's your home ? " The young lady asked, as they both walked out of the store.

" Oh I live at the walking distance from here. " Replied Mrs. Hasan, her voice clearly showing the
appreciation she felt for this fabulous woman.

" I see. Well if you don't mind, I'd love to drop you off, you shouldn't be walking in your present
condition, with so much stuff, I mean " She offered, as patted Saba on her back.

" It's okay daughter. I don't want to bother you and......... " Mrs.Hasan wanted to stop her but she
stopped her before she could finish her sentence.

" Oh no, it'd be a pleasure actually " She smiled wonderfully as they reached the parking area.

For some reason Mrs.Hasan couldn't refuse her sincere offer. Besides, she was too tired and
weak to walk for now.

The younger woman ordered the chauffeur to bring round her car. Slowly, a black mercedes of the
lastest model stopped in front of them.

The lady first placed Saba carefully on the back seat of the car.

" Driver, hold my bag please " Saying this, she helped Mrs.Hasan as she climbed into the car.

" Daughter, may I know your good name? You came like an angel to help me. " Sameer's mother
asked when atlast her breaths grew uniform, the mercedes running smoothly on the big, broad

" Well... " She said softly but smartly, her lips tilted in the semblance of smile.

She took off her jet black sun-glasses to reveal the most attractive set of soft green eyes.

" I'm Kiran "

Bus.....Tum Ko Paana Hai

( Last Part )

It hurts to love someone ......

" Welcome Miss.Kashish Ali. It's so very nice to see you here lady. " The man in his late fifties left
his chair to welcome her.

" Thank you sir, the feeling is mutual "

" Make yourself comfortable please. "

" Thank you Sir. " Kashish said in a uniform, formal voice as she took her chair opposite to his.

" I certainly feel well-honoured that I'm talking to the youngest lady CSP officer of Pakistan ever.
You've done the great job. " He smiled, staring at the young twenty two year old girl who had done
so much in such a little age.

" Thank you sir. The honour is certainly great for sure. "

" So how're you feeling ? " The old man said, folding the document on the table and removing his

" Great, but at the same time, more responsible than ever. " She managed to say.
" You should. Your first posting is in the department of Housing and Finance, and it sure is a
tough job. " He folded his bony hands on the desk and waited to hear her response.

" Yes Sir, I can understand. "

The man nodded in approval, then pressed a button on his intercom.

" Yes, give my message to Mrs.Sumaira. " He told someone, then put down the receiver.

Just with in few seconds, the door opened and a graceful lady in her mid-thirties entered the

" This is Mrs.Sumaira Ahsan, she would show you your office and the arrangements. " He told her
in a thick, formal voice.

" So shall we go now Miss.Kashish ? " The lady asked with a sober smile.

" Oh yes, sure. "

" Best of luck, Miss.Kashish " The man gave her an encouraging smile.

Her new office was glamourous, huge and awesome, Kashish realized as the older woman guided
her through the various portions of the office.

For the rest of the day, Mrs.Sumaira showed Kashish what she would have to do in the office, and,
though assured that the job wasn't ardous, by six o' clock Kashish was in no mood to agree.
Apart from taking countless telephone calls, she was expected to deal with tons of files, the
matters with ministry of finance and the other pure official matters.

" Scary ? " Mrs.Ahsaan finally asked, when they both got some time to relax.

" Not exactly. " Kashish took a deep breath. " I'm wondering how to handle this job which seems
to be pure "male" sort of nature."

" Yeah it is. We were pretty surpised to know that the Government selected a twenty two year old
girl for this highly responsible post. But let me say Miss.Kashish, when I saw your results, read
details of your interview, I admired their choice. " Mrs.Sumaira smiled, she looked truly

" Thanks again " She said sincerely. " So when to join ? "

" From tomorrow " Mrs. Sumaira said, then smiling, she added, " The holidays are over "

It was her third working day in her office when something really unexpected happened, but she
was not the only one who was not expecting this to happen.

" Hope they'll solve my problem Insha'Allah " Sameer thought as he parked his maroon Honda Accord
outside the huge building of Ministry of Hosuing and Finance. He was so deeply lost in his
thoughts that he didn't even read the name of the director as he went through the glass door
labelled " Kashish Salman Ali, Executive Director of Housing and Finance"
As he stepped inside the luxurious office, he saw a woman behind the large, glassy office table.
Her face was hidden behind the file she was reading.

" Ahemm hmm, Assalaam-O-Alaikum " He cleared his throat to draw her attention.

Hearing his voice, the lady put her file down.

It was like a flash, an electric flash, which spread currents through their bodies.

His beats ceased in recognition.

Her breaths stopped in realization.

His pulses quickened in appreciation.

Her nerves tingled in anticipation.

Behind the large, glass office table, she sat. Yes, she was none other than Kashish. His eyes grew
wider and he stared
at her without blinking

Dressed in a plain, expensive full-sleeved white kurta and shilwar with matching broad
Dupatta, she looked more graceful and lovelier than ever. And above all, that broad black scarf on
her head gave her personality a unique, modest and an awesome touch.

He immediately turned away, without glancing at her again. He was about to pass the threshold
when he heard her saying some thing.

" Mr.Sameer " Her voice gripped his feet. " If you wanted to meet " Kashish" you can sure leave
the place, if you want. But if you had a meeting with ' Director of Finance and Housing ', I'm here.
"Her words were wonderful, confident and very-matter-of-fact.

Slowly, he turned back to face her once again. For few moments, he said nothing. Then shaking
his head he moved toward her table.

" Have a seat please " She said confidently.

He obeyed her silently.

" Nice to meet you here. What can I do for you ? " She said politely, a sober smile decorated her
face as she spoke.

" Aw...well, I thought you already got my application. Our problem has come up with our
accommodation. " His gaze flickered over her face and then briefly on the file present on the table.

" Oh yes, I remember now. But I didn't know it was you. " She said evenly.

" Does it make any difference. " He laughed sarcastically, turning his face in a primitive gesture of

" Not professionally but emotionally yes, it does. " She took off her glasses, as her chin came to
rest on her closed, mingled fists.
" I see. What's more important for you ? " Suddenly he looked deep into her eyes. Peircing,
thrusting, injurious, his gaze was dangerous.

" Profession for CSP officer, and emotions for Kashish Ali. " She said in a firm voice, her nostrils
gently flared as she spoke.

" Aahaan. So I'm meeting with a " CSP Officer " now, right ? " He asked in a thick, harsh voice, a
wounded smile playing on his lips.

" Right now and right here, Yes. "

" Like always, you change your standards according to the place and circumstances. I knew it. "
He gave her a hard look.

" We all change Mr.Sameer. Essence is the same though. "

He said nothing, just looked down at his hands, thinking some thing.

" I read your file in detail. " She opened the drawer of her table then picked up a red file. " I can
suggest some alternatives if you like. " She set her smart, sober frame back on her nose and
opened the file.

" I hate alternatives "

" Do you ? " This time it was her turn to give him a frank, brave smile.

Her expression and meaningful remark made him uncomfortable.

" Anyways. In case you consider, I have this large and nice house in my area. The owner is
leaving the place and is willing to sell it in the earnest. "

He didn't reply, though his face showed he was listening to her.

She looked down, watching him through her lashes, wishing she knew him better, understood
him, could guess what he was thinking.

" I'm supervising their matter too. And I do know that you changed your house few weeks ago. I
can understand your problem at a new place and in a changed atmosphere, specially when you
have a little child like...... " She caught her tongue at the last moment.

Why she was getting personal ? When she had called herself professional.

" Who is the owner ? " He asked suddenly.

" Well.... " She stopped for a moment, as if searching for the right words. " We were the owners,
but now a rich industrialist owns it. "

" What do you mean ? " He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

" We sold our Salman Villa about a month back. " She finally told him the shocking news.

" Why the hell........ " He couldn't say more.

She didn't reply either.

" But why ? Why uncle and aunty left that great place ?" His voice was husky, his tone painful.

" We didn't need a big house now. That place had now started to bite us. " Despite of all of her
efforts, water began to flow in her eyes. " Besides, after Abbo's shattered business, we needed
money too "

" But why you didn't tell me ? " The words were out before he could stop them. He hated himself
for saying so.

" Tell whom ? You ? " She laughed quietly. " I guess the last time my parents saw you was about a
year back, right ? "

He lowered his head, feeling truly embarrassed and ashamed of himself at the moment. His
dispute was with Kashish, not with his uncle and aunty.

" Anyway " She closed the file casually. " Hope you could atleast think about what I said. I dare
say, I can do something for you. " She added in a calm tone.

" How much he's demanding ? " He asked, now looking directly into her eyes.

" About sixty lacs "

" Oh, that's too much. I don't have so much money " He let out a long, tired breath that clearly
showed his disappointment.

" But atleast you can try ? " She glanced into his eyes, trying to find any hint of ambition. Her own
eyes were twinkling with hope.

I wish, just I hope he could buy our old, beloved house. So that it won't belong to "others" now. She thought

A pause. She forced herself to wait.

" Okay, thanks. I'd think about that. " Breathing a long sigh, he stood up. Then glancing at her for
the last time, he walked towards the office door.

Her eyes went after him, viewing his manly back and strong shoulders. He still wore his special
old perfume. She could remember that. Despite of the lovely perfume, he had that typical air of
masculinity which never seemed to leave him, always surrounding him in its magical circle.

Then something happened.

He turned back. He had to tell her this, if he was honest with himself. He couldn't control himself

She was still staring at him.

His eyes met hers, then started a bold battle.

His won.
" Well. Just in case if you don't know.... " He tried to say.

" Jee ? "

" This scarf looks good on your head "

And then, he was gone again, setting a pace that was surely against the laws and principles of her


" Hey Samia, how're you doing kitten ? " Anita gave a superior grin to the girl standing at the

The girl was in her early twenties with fair complexion and short dyed hair. She wore a white T-
shirt and fitting blue jeans, which showed every curve of her body.

" Nothing. Just enjoying a typical Miami morning. " She tried to smile.

" Yeah, its about to rain." Anita threw a glance at the clouded sky. " You know baby, I just love it
when it's pouring. "

" Hmmm " Samia said and lowered her head.

" So, excited for tonight ? " Anita asked excitedly.

" Not really. "

" Hey honey come on. What's the matter, huh ?" Anita asked, now looking directly into the eyes of
younger girl.

" I... I don't know how to dance. "

" Nothing to it, Samia. Just takes practice. Hell, you can learn it, too.

" My..... my parents won't allow "

" Why the shit they won't ? Don't they trust you? "

" It's a long story. " Samia took a long breath. " I was brought up to be so prudish. A typical
goody-goody girl. Unfortunately my parents are a bit narrow minded. "

" But why the hell they're ??? "

" Come on. Like you wont know. They're Pakiz yaar. " Samia told her with sheer embarrassment.
" I don't get you. Okay, I'm muslim too, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy the life. Come on
yaar, don't be so conservative. "

" Its tough. "

" Nothing is tough, gal....... " Anita said emotionally.

" This is AMERICA my babe. Be what you're. Enjoy the life to its fullest. You've every right to do
what you want. No one's gonna stop you here." Finishing her sentence, Anita took a little pause to
see her effect on the younger girl's face.

Samia bit her lips, like she was trying to come to a certain conclusion.

" Come on, baby ... come on! Loosen up! " Anita was near her success.

" Okay " Samia took a long breath and finally smiled. " What's the program ? "

" Not much, hehe" Anita giggled. " A dance party with some delicious chicks, then some movies.
The movies are a little spicy " She pressed her left eye naughtily.

" Okay, you've my word now. I would try my best to make it out."

" Thanks deary " Anita gave a light peck on her cheek. " I'm sure you're gonna love it as much as I
do . "

" And hey... " Suddenly a warning tone came in Anita's voice. " For God sake don't come in your
Paki cloths. This is West man. Didn't you see how people were making fun of you when you wore
your stupid shilwar qameez that day . "

" Don't worry. It was a mistake. I now wear Paki cloths only at the weddings and religious
occasions. " Samia smiled.

" That's my girl, hehe " Anita chuckled.

" Hiya, you two. Wassup ? Another feminine voice grabbed their attention.

They both turned to see a smiling blonde in a well-cut mini skirt.

She was Linda.

" Oh baby, G'day. Meet Samia, she's new here. Her family moved to States just a couple of years
ago. "

" Hi honey . " Linda hugged Samia, lightly kissing her lightly on the cheek.

" Nice to meet you . " Samia smiled shyly.

" Same here, golly you're a pretty thing. Isn't she Anita ?" Linda grinned lively.

" Yes she is, after all she's my pal. " Anita laughed, then asked, " So what you've been doing
lately ? "
" Not much. What about you sugar? How's you boy friend going. That guy from Queens, umm I
forgot his name..." Linda tried to remember but her couldn't.

" Sabeeh Khan " Anita said harshly, making a bad mouth.

" Oh yeah. How's he ? "

" That bastard! Gosh. He thinks of me as a sixties sex godess or something "

" Eeewwww. What happened ? " Linda asked. " As far as I remember, you two were getting along
pretty fine with each other. "

" Yeah, things were all right for a while, but they ... they dropped off."

" But you still date him, don't you? "

" Yeah he's behind me all the time like a fat puppy. Asking for another date. I don't know how to
get rid of him." Anita's voice became colder.

" Ah, tell him it's the wrong part of the month" Linda winked naughtily.

" Shut up Linda. I'm damn serious. " Anita hissed in an angry tone." Besides... " A grin came to
her lips. " It'd be a temporary excuse. "

" Did you tell Linda about your new proposal ? " Suddenly, Samia interrupted in between their

" WHAT??? Heyyyyy, you clever fox !!!!! " Linda screamed.

" Come on. Don't you know about Amir ? He proposed me. And tell you what, I'm seriously
considering him. "

" Despite of knowing that he's nothing but a Good-For-Nothing son of a bitch. And how one gal
has already kicked his butt. " Linda said sarcastically.

" Okay I know, he's been a little flirtatious. But atleast he's broad minded and educated. " Anita

" What ? " Samia was confused. " Who kicked his ass ? "

" Ah, forget it. " Linda sighed. " She was the most wonderful gal, bravest lady in town. I never saw
any gal like her. "

" Oh you mean she kicked Amir ? "

" Yeah, but why're you asking ? " Linda asked, her eyes growing wide with the colour of
naughtiness. " You like him too my pet, don't you? "

" No way " Samia said harshly. " I just know him as a guy who proposed Anita. "
" He's a pure Hollywood, you better believe it " Anita said, her tone showing how much impressed
she was." His face, his hair, the rest of him..... think about that, buddy " She warned her. " And
you'll never sleep a wink tonight, hehe "

" But Anita you have some other proposals too, from some nice Pakistani families living in states
" Samia reminded her, ignoring her remark.

" Yeah. But they're typical mom's slave guys. I hate them. No life, no activity. They're boring yaar.
They would want me to change " Anita lifted a hand to brush her black shoulder- length hair

" So ? " Samia was confused. " I mean if they want some positive change, what's the big deal then

" Yeah yeah whatever. I am who I am. I can't change myself for anyone. " Anita shrugged her
shoulders, taking the cigarette case out of her jean's pocket.

Linda suddenly burst out laughing.

" Why're you laughing, you stupid ? " Anita yelled.

" Nothing. Your sentence just reminded me of some one."

" Oh your mean, her ? " Anita bent her head to show the flame to her cigarette.

" Yeah. "

" Oh my God. You two're driving me crazy. WHO WAS SHE ?" Samia shouted. It was not fair at all.
They were not telling her the name of some popular girl. She hated this suspense and wanted to

Anita opened her mouth to blow a thick smoky puff then answered her,

" Her name was Kiran.


" Make yourself comfortable, please" Mrs.Hasan smiled, motioning her toward the sofa.
" Meanwhile I'll call him. Actually he just got back from his job and is now offering Isha prayers "

" Oh no problem Aunty. I'd wait for him. I'm pretty comfortable here " Kiran smiled back. " I just
love these paintings." She added, as she wandered around the spacious room admiring the
paintings on the walls.

" One of Sameer's old passions. He's a great fan of art. " Mrs. Hasan told her.

" Yes, art of all kinds . " Kiran said under her lip.

" Did you say something ? "

" Oh nopes. I was saying, these works are just wonderful. " Kiran smiled again.

" Thank you daughter, now I'm going to inform him about you " Mrs.Hasan repeated and then left
the dining hall.

Kiran turned back, still standing and waited.

She felt something strange. Her heart beat and her breaths had acquired a fast pace for some
unknown reason.

She had waited a long time for this very moment. And now here she was, waiting for him again.
These moments seemed to be the time of her life.

And then, with the approaching sounds of heavy but steady steps, she guessed the approaching
figure was of a man. He was coming in her direction.

Footsteps came closer.

She stiffened, but tried to keep herself calm.

As she threw a final look on the fabulous land-scape painting in front of her, from the corner of
her eye she saw a broad-shouldered man on the far side of the dining hall.

She would know those shoulders anywhere, Kiran thought.

" Aadaab" He said gently, softly, slowly, carefully and respectfully. His voice was as soft as silk.

A voice which had the power to raise the hair on the back of one's neck.

Kiran turned.

Her heart did a flip-flop as she recognized Sameer. She could recognize him in billions.

She was used to good-looking men but standing beside her, elegant in plain white shirt and black
pants, was a man to inspire poetry. Dark black eyes, wildly shining black hair, tanned skin, full
mouth and a perfect height. A nice and neat frame-less glasses on his nose gave him a sober,
experienced touch.

His hair was wet from the fresh wazoo. With a one-day old thick shave, and a tweedy black jacket
which was slung over his shoulder, he didn't look formal at all. Nothing really fashionable or
trendy about him. But that was his quality. To produce ' rareness ' in ' common ' things.

" Salaam Alakum " Words left her mouth automatically, as she stared at him.

" How're you ? " He asked in a low voice.

There was an authority in the way he stood, in the tilt of his head as he spoke. He was neither the
typical young father she'd expected nor anything like the younger Sameer.

' I'm... fine . " She said with difficulty.

" Please, sit down. " He pointed toward the sitting arrangements.

" Oh thanks " Blankly, fighting with her annoying self, she moved to the nearby sofa. As she sat
down, Sameer took his seat on the front sofa, exactly opposite to where she sat.

While she was sitting, he, for the first time, got a chance to study her closely.

His eyes became wide as he stared.

She wore a plain, sea-green, cotton jumper shilwar with dark green Dupatta which covered her
upper front broadly. She had shown remarkable constraint in her use of cosmetics, adding only
some blusher to her cheekbones, eyeliner, and a touch of light brown lipstick.

She was wearing heels and very nearly matched him for height.

Her face was as pretty and prominent as ever. Her walnut-shaped eyes were large and expressive,
enhanced by the hint of some strange sadness in their depths.

As they both sat down, she got another chance to study him closely. Yes, this Sameer Hasan did look
some what different than the Sameer Hasan she'd met few years ago.

" You've changed. " Her words left her tongue swiftly but fast. Admiration was clearly evident in
her expression.

He laughed.

" Why Laughing? Did I say something funny ? "

" No. " His laughter changed into a wonderful smile as he stared at her. " Actually you're the first
person who said that. Otherwise, I always hear people saying that I never change. "

" Come on Linda, men don't change, do they ? Not once they get over thirty " She remembered her
arguement with Linda on the same topic.

She smiled back in silence.

" By the way, by "change" you meant my " looks ", right ? " Sameer raised his left eyebrow in a
primal gesture of inquiry.

" Ah, well that too. But I hope this change is not limited to " looks " only. "

" Ah. " He sighed. " You now talk complicatedly"

" And you now talk easily " She grinned.

" Acha " Her remark elicited a smile which softened the angles of his face, making him look more
than attractive.

" And what about my side, do you notice any change at all ? Curiosity overtook Kiran's
" Ah, certainly lady. It's been a privilege seeing you like this in your ' original ' form. " He smiled. "
And you look positively reborn. " He added adoringly, peering at her through his sober

" But you're getting too thin. What have you been doing to yourself ? " Sameer asked with a tone
of concern.

" I'm not thin, just fashionably slim. " She protested.

" Alright, if you say so. " He laughed gently

After few moments of killing silence, he finally asked.

" Enjoying your time in Pakistan ? "

" Yes, very much so. "

" Been here long ? "

" Oh I've only just arrived. About a week ago. " Kiran lowered her head, staring at her neatly
trimmed nails.

" And where're you staying at ? "

" My Dad's cousin lives in Karachi. Not very far from here. "

" I see. " He took a long breath. " So enjoying your stay ? "

" Very much, for sure. " Her smile was wonderful and that's why suited her personality too.

" You look good in glasses. " Her words left her mouth before she sould think.

" And look bad without glasses ? " A teasing tone crept into his voice.

" Nopes, may be even better " Kiran's sentence matched his.

He laughed, then murmured, " Thank you "

Again a long silence, which lasted for minutes.

" Oh well, you know what, your mom is just so graceful. " Atlast, she managed to say some thing.

" Thanks again " He laughed softly. She saw his even, white teeth.

" So what are you upto now? " He asked in a plain voice and simple tone.

" Beg your pardon ? "

" I mean what you've been doing back in states and what're your future plans ? " He explained.
" I've established a Pakistani school in N.J. Besides that, I'm preparing for the thesis of my
Doctorate degree "

" Which kind of school is this, religious? " He inquired.

" Not really " She smiled. " It's a primary school, but different from other schools out there, as
besides studies, we mainly concentrate on Eastern traditions and culture " Said Kiran. " As for
religious school, I'd have to make myself a model religious lady first " She smiled.

" I absolutely agree " He murmured.

" But that's my next project. Hopefully, with the help of Allah, I'm planning to launch a unique
Islamic school too. " She said firmly, her voice filled with an expression of determination.

" That's awesome" He was clearly impressed. " You told me about your thesis. Which topic you
have selected ? "

" Transgenerational effects of intercontinental migration"

He laughed as she spoke.

" Why this laughing now? " She looked puzzled. Why he was laughing so much today ? Was he really
happy after meeting her or was it just superficial?

" If you remember we argued over the same topic. "

" Yes I liked that. " Her reply had an expression of honesty and impression of likeness.

" Arguement or the topic ? " He raised his left brow, a teasing smile matched his tone.

" Both " This time it was her turn to laugh, as she answered him.

" Sameer baita, tea is ready " They heard his mother's voice from somewhere in the house.

" Right Ammi, we'll be there in a minute . " Sameer turned his head to reply.

" Hmmm " He let out a long breath. " Would you like to see my study ? "

" Sure, my pleasure " She grinned soberly, then followed him as he moved towards the other
portion of the well-decorated house.

" Marvelous " Kiran commented, crossing the small square hall and following him into the study
room. Her eyes took in the several beautiful pieces of antique furniture.

" Hey, I just hope I didn't make you bore or something. " Sameer asked, turning his face towards

" Not at all. " She shook her head finely. " It's been an honour actually. Meeting you after such a
long time is just wonderful. " She said, as they both took their seats in the wide library room.
" So how did you find my address ?" He enquired, staring at her across the table which was
present between them.

" I told you. My dad's cousin lives in your neighbourhood. His son, Shaheryaar helped me finding
your house. " Kiran raised the pure white steaming tea cup of fine china in her right hand,
brushing her hair with the other.

" I see. So how's America ? these days I mean "

" Cold " She sipped the tea with perfect sophistication.

" I thought so too. You live there alone? "

" Eternally single, that's me." Brushing her hair over one shoulder, she gave him a genuine smile.

" Why ? "

" Ah, well never got what I wanted. Besides..... " A sort of naughty smile came to her lips as she
completed her sentence." I'll be an old maid soon. "

" I don't think so " He clearly refused her comment about herself.

" Acha, what do you think then ? " Her smile became bold, wild and dangerous.

" I.... well nothing " He tried hard to resist from getting into her obcessional trance.

" What do you want for yourself ? " He suddenly asked.

" You.... " Words slipped away before she could think.

" What ? "

" You.... knew I guess. "

" Knew what ? " He was confused.

" About my expectations and ideal " She lifted a hand to push her hair back off her face.

" How could I ? You never told me. " He smiled.

" Well, okay " She smiled slowly. " Just search a simple, family-oriented guy for me, who's been
raised in Pakistan. One, who could speak wonderful urdu and loves his religion, culture and
motherland. "

He smiled but said nothing.

" Why smile ? Do I expect too much ? "

" No. Your expectations are simple and nice. No doubt about that " He sipped his tea with delicate
" And yes, the guy should be an ' inventive ' sort of a man, in ' every ' aspect, I mean " She gave
him another naughty smile.

His brows rose on her comment. He smiled back in silence.

" A man.... " She continued, " With whom I would like to share my life: someone whose integrity I
would never doubt, whose faithfulness I could take on trust. In short, a man of honour. " Her face
had now acquired the most serious expression.

" Or to be more exact " She finally added " A man like " you " !! "

" Well " He sighed, then threw a brief glance on her face. " Though Masha'Allah, I dont see
anything western in your looks, acts and gestures now, still I dont think that a guy like me would
be appropriate for you. "

" Why do you say that ? " Her question was rapid.

" Still, many differences like... " He stopped, searching for the right words to explain himself. "
You can't blame me for being out off. I mean what future is there for us? You're one of the super-
rich and I'm an ordinary guy economically."

" I'm still Kiran. " Her response was spontaneous. " For goodness' sake don't let my stupid money
come between us. "

" Well, but you shouldn't spoil your future. I mean I'm a widower, a thirty-two year old father of a
little girl "

" So what ? " She said thickly. " Still this ' widower' is much... much better than many so called '
virgin ' guys I know. " She was determined to argue on every point he raised.

" Acha " He smiled softly. " Anyways, I'm glad you're here "

" Yes " She sighed, keeping the tea-cup on the table. " Only now I realized that Pakistan was the
centre of my dreams, I always loved it, adored it. I was just not prepared to admit it before. "

" I appreciate you for that. " He looked at her thoughtfully. " How do you see Pakistan. I mean if I
ask you to define it in two words, would it be tough for you ? " His question was deep but she

" A land of sacrifice " She said with confidence. " I wish I could give some sacrifice for this land.
But tell me, do we always need to give sacrifice to express our love ? "

" Hmmm " He looked at her with pure admiration. It was true, this Kiran who sat in front of him was not
the one he had left in Florida. She was much different now. Not just in looks, but in every thing.

" Actually, I personally think that love is another name of Sacrifice. " But before he could say
further, his own sentence brought him back to those sweet memories.

A twelve-year-old girl was telling him something.

" I remember grand mother once told me that those who have sacrificed their lives for our country, for the love
they had for it, they now live in heavens, above all. It means they have raised themselves above all, don't you
think? "
" Hey, I didn't know my question was so difficult that you're taking so long to answer, hehe
" Kiran's voice made him realize who he was and where he was.

" Oh " He smiled sadly. " I was thinking some thing. "

" Thumhari ghar bhoot achi hei " Suddenly Kiran's voice, accent and tone shocked him, surprised
him. And above all what surprised him most was the language she speaking in. Yes, she had said
the sentence in ' urdu '.

" I can't believe you said that" Sameer gasped.

" Why ? Did I say something wrong ? "

" No. It's.... it' cute, just so wonderful. You speaking urdu I mean. Wow "

" Were there any mistakes ? If yes, then can you please correct ? " Kiran asked in a worried tone.

" Not really " He smiled. " But it should be like, " Tumhara ghar buhut acha hai "

" Thanks. " She smiled lively. " I've been taking Urdu classes and am determined to learn it. "

" I'm sure you'll learn it fast, Insha'Allah. "

" I hope so " She wished, then said, " You know, I just love the way you speak urdu. And I adore
the way you read it, specially when you tell all those beautiful stanzas of Urdu poetry in your
typical style . "

" That's nothing unique of me. Lots of Pakistani men can do that. Anyways, thank you " He
thanked her with a sober smile.

Again a long pause. A steady silence. No one was not looking at the other, and yet knew the
condition of the other.

" So why this sudden change ? what makes you change your decision ? " She asked, noticing his
classical straight nose and the generous curves of his mouth and brows.

" Which decision ? " He asked, giving her a look which contained confusion.

" Aunty told me, you're now ready for the second marriage. "

" Because it's become enough. I'm tired out. " His voice gave her the proof of what he was saying.
He looked tired too. She had never seen him look even reomotely weary before, but there seemed
to be lines of strain around his face that she couldn't fail to see.

" I didn't think you could tire. I imagined you were automatic. " She stared at him. His chest hair
visible in the V of his shirt.

The words just came out without thought and she flushed with embarrassment as soon as they
had left her tongue. He laughed, though, the sound bubbling up in his throat.

" Insult or praise? I'm not sure how to take that "
" I'm not sure why I said it. I don't normally make personal remarks. " Kiran felt sudden

" You don't normally make remarks at all." He was watching her closely. " But you're different
tonight "

" I hope different in positive way ? " She said while giving him a look that wanted his

" Ofcourse " He said, as he sipped the last of his tea.

It would have been nice to show him that she too, could inspire personal loyality. Kiran found she
wanted to impress him. Wanted his respect.

" I was sorry to hear about your wife. I feel really bad for her. I mean she was just twenty five
and.... " Kiran's eyes reflected sincere grief. She tried but couldn't find the right words to show her
feelings to him.

He sighed but said nothing. Though the hard and hurting expression on his face told her the
untold sad story.

" Oh I forgot to tell you Sameer, " She suddenly said with a real broad smile. " Your daughter is
sooo cute, so beautiful. I fell in love with her the instant I saw her."

" Yes... she is just like her aunt. " The sentence made its way before he could try his potential to
stop it.

He regretted this very moment.

" What ? who ? her aunt.... who is she ? "

" She has an aunt too, younger sister of my wife. " He stole his eyes.

" Oh yeah, I remember now. " Kiran breathed. " Her name was something like Kash.... "

" Kashish "

" Oh yes. What does it mean by the way. It sounds really cool and unique. "

" It means... ' attraction '.

" Wow " Kiran exclaimed with interest.

He didn't reply this time. His eyes slid away to some distant point.

" Do you love her ? " She was sudden, her question was unexpected and her tone was shocking.

His mouth fell open, eyes became wide, like he couldn't believe his ears.

All the while, she watched him closely, deeply.

He was about to say something when the telephone bell broke the dangerous silence between

" Excuse me " He stood up from his place and picked up the phone.

" Sameer Hasan here "

" Oh Shahroz is this you ? " His voice became loud with excitement.

" Man how're you, long time no see yaar " He said, Kiran watched him keenly as he talked. Liking
the way he expressed his surprising condition.

" Really, are you getting married ? " Sameer blinked in surprise.

" But with whom ? "

" Wow, what a co-incidence. Yeah I know Muskaan. She was a friend of my wife. Anyways,
congratulations in advance."

" Don't worry, I would definitely attend the wedding in Lahore, Insha'Allah. " He added, smiling.

" And hey don't just send the card only. You too should come along with the card. " He laughed.

" Take care, see you, Allah Hafiz " Saying this, he hang up the phone.

" Your friend ? " Kiran raised her brows.

" Yeah, Shahroz Ahmed, one of the best guys. He's getting married next week, in Lahore. "

" Oh I see, must be wonderful for him " She smiled.

" Yeah for him it sure is. However, I don't know about the girl though " Sameer's face acquired a
strange, weird smile.

" Who's the girl ? "

" One of my wife's friends, a very nice girl. We call her Muskaan "


" Try to undersand Muskaan. You should atleast see him once. " Wafa said, taking Muskaan's
hand in hers.

" It doesn't matter for me now. I trust Allah, my parents and you too. All of you guys like him, so
would I . " She turned her face away.
" Don't be stupid Muskaan. Okay, Shahroz Ahmed is a nice guy, but he's not "him" Wafa said,
feeling really angry for this stubborn girl who happened to be her closest friend.

" What the hell do you mean by ' him " ?

" You know very well, what I meant by that " Wafa said plainly.

" Shut up Wafa. There was nothing between me and Jahanzaib ever. If there was something, it was
from his side. I never ever thought of him." Muskaan replied thickly.

" Always remember my words Muskaan " Wafa sighed, her eyes glistening with deep sympathy. "
It's better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than lose that someone you love with
your useless pride. "

" I DON'T LOVE HIM, did you hear that? " Muskaan shouted in pure anger.

" Sorry I don't agree. You're denying yourself. Don't be so blunt with yourself Muskaan. It's the
matter of your own happiness. I just don't understand why you don't accept the fact that you like
him."Mushkbaar interrupted for the very first time.

" Haa, ' like him ' and me ? " She blew air from her mouth forcefully. " Phew, it would be the last
and the worst thing I'd ever be doing.... humph. "

" Stubborn, bad girl. You'll destroy yourself. " Mushkbaar added.

" Yeah you're gonna hurt youself in the end. It's the matter of your whole life. Infact two lives.
" Wafa was determined to convince her .

" You don't how do I feel when I face him. " Muskaan lowered her eyes.

" Okay then tell us, how do you feel ? " Wafa raised her brows.

" I feel like Red Riding Hood, "

" I see, and what do you think of him " Wafa tried her best to hide the smile which was about to
come on her face.

" Big bad wolf " Muskaan said unevenly.

Wafa and Mushkbaar laughed simultaneously.

" He's a self-centered, pompous man . " Muskaan closed her fists, her voice cold, her tone

" Think again, Muskaan. He's here, you have your choice" Mushkbaar smiled meaningflly.

" What ??? who's here ? "

" Jahanzaib, ofcourse. "

" Why on earth did you invite him here ?" Muskaan felt like a totally left out little girl who was
unaware of every thing.
" To attened your marriage. He really wanted so. His whole family is here." Wafa told her.

" Okay, what ever. "

" Oh Allah, Muskaan, my sister you're going to spend your whole life with a total stranger, just
because you want to take revenge from Jahanzaib ?? " Mushkbaar tried her best.

" And yes, what kind of revenge is that and why ? Revenge, because he's interested in you
??" Wafa didn't give her a chance to answer Mushkbaar.

" Answer me, Muskaan. "

" Oh God.. " She screamed, keeping his hands on her ears.

" One more word from you gals and I 'm gonna do something really terrible. Get out of here. Will
you , please, ? " Muskaan began to cry.

Wafa and Mushkbaar exchanged meaningful glances and then silently decided to leave her alone
in the room.

" Before we go, we just wanted to inform you that be ready for shopping today. We'd be heading
to Liberty in the evening, we're not done with your shopping and jewelry yet. " It was the last
sentence which Mushkbaar said, then they both left her room.

" Oh Allah " She took hold of her bursting head with both of her hands. Why, why they just don't
understand me ?

" And why not YOU understand some thing, hmmm ? "

It was a familiar voice.

" Huh " Trying to catch her breath, she quickly turned around to find any one standing there. But
there was no one. She was alone in her own room with its closed door.

" Where did this sound come from ? " She thought, totally confused.

Only then if she could notice the fast, strong beating of her tender ' heart ', she could know the
source of this sound.


" Hello, is this Miss.Kashish speaking ? " A female voice came from the other side of the phone.

" Yes, this is Kashish Ali "

" Oh Miss.Kashish, welcome to Islamabad. When did you arrive here ?

" Just yesterday "

" So do you already know the schedule of the conference or should I brief you ? "

" Oh yes I know, thanks. But could you please tell me how long would I have to stay here in
Islamabad ? "

" Miss.Kashish, just couple of days. You don't need to attend all the sessions. "

" Okay. Thanks alot. "

As she put down the receiver, she sighed loudly.

Her hands involuntary reached up to touch her cheeks. Not surprisingly, her face was wet.

Slowly, she wiped the tears off her cheeks, regaining control of herself.

I don't even realize it when I begin to cry. She thought painfully and headed towards the basin in the
wash room.

She splashed cold water on her face to remove traces of tears.

I wish... I just wish this cold water could remove the tears which are present inside the human body. But in vain,
it only removes external marks. She thought, as she reached the beautiful terrace of the hotel she was
staying in.

Lonliness, at times, is such a wonderful companion. Some times it removes the need to see the mirror. As it, itself,
is a mirror of a personality. Very clear, neat and bright.

For Kashish, this lonliness had three consecutive phases.

Initinally it was a need for her. Then it became a habit and now this lonliness was like an addiction
for her. It had even become a leader for her, guiding her through various circumstances , giving
her the power to make various confident decisions.

But there were times, when even this lonliness seemed to bother her more than any thing else.

And then, her only companion was " his " memories.

His most recent memory was of the day when he had come to help her while Kisa had left all of
them forever. The way his arms had held her, comforting and protecting her in the shocking
afterwarmth of the news, had formed a bond between them that nothing could ever break.

She inhaled the sharp, clear mountain air, pine scented, edged with coldness.

The serrated outline of the Margala Hills was etched sharply against the backdrop of summer blue
sky as she stepped in the terris. She lifted her gaze to the distant peaks.Their slops were lush
green with thick Pine forests. The intense blueness of a cloudless sky appeared to mock the bleak
propspect of her future.

She sighed, putting her her head on the hard wall behind her, she closed her eyes.
The next instant, he emerged from somewhere. He had his arms crossed over his chest and was
smiling wonderfully.

She raised from her place and finally stood facing him, his wide black eyes unreadable.

Then, suddenly, his expression began to change. Next, his face became serious. And then
gradually, an angry look overtook his facial expressions.

" Why did you do this to me, hmm ? " He asked harshly.

She couldn't reply. She just stared at him blankly.

There was so much pain and sorrow on his face that she couldn't see more of him.

Even his sight was hurting.

Suddenly, afraid of herself, she closed her eyes.

" I'm sorry Sameer." She said gruffly, atlast giving way to her heart.

" I don't believe I did this ... but I had to. "

Hidden birds chirped in the towering pine trees that edged the road below.

She opened her eyes.

He was not there. He was no where.

" No Sameer, No. I can't let you go like this. " She screamed in silence.

But there was no one to hear her cries, to consider her protests, to relieve her pains, to heal her

She paused a moment to draw a couple of long deep breaths of cold air. Nothing had changed,
she told himself. She had only thought it might, but it hadn't, so everything was just the way it had
always been. Except that now she knew what it felt like to have her heart torn out by the roots.

Stifling an uncontrollable sob, Kashish raised her fist to her mouth and shook her head violently,
then broke from the terris and ran quickly to her room, shutting the door behind her.


It was eight-o-clock in the morning and Sameer was fixing breakfast when the sound of door bell
interrupted his thoughts.

" Who this could be ? " He glanced at the playing figure of little Saba beside him, then left the
" Oh you, " A long breath escaped his lungs as he opened the door, only to find the smiling face
of Kiran in front of him.

" May I come in Sir ?" She asked in a tone as if he won't allow, she'd leave right from the door.

" Ofcourse, Madam " He gave way to her.

" Ummm, what are you cooking- it smells great " She sent him a wide-eyed, innocent look.

" Actually I was fixing breakfast. "

" Oh really? That's cute " She said, as she stepped past him into the living room.

" What 's cute? break fast or me ? " His smile was very meaningful.

" Aww.... you clever man. " She laughed. " Where is Aunty ? "

" She's in her room, reading newspaper. "

" Oh, let me say Salaam to her first. " Kiran said, glancing round the elegant drawing-room and
smartly tossing back her mane of ash-brown hair.

She stopped outside Mrs.Hasan's room and knocked. On hearing her call, she inched the door
open, peeped in and smiled before finally letting herself go in.

" Assalaam-O-Alaikum Aunty, hope I didn't disturb you at the breakfast time, though I know I have,
hehe. " She laughed softly.

" Not at all. How's my daughter ? " Smiling, Mrs.Hasan took Kiran's hands in hers, as she sat
beside her on the bed.

" I'm fine, Aunty, you tell me, Aap ka Tabiyat kaisa hei ?? "

" Oh so cute, hehe " Mrs.Hasan warmly pressed her hands. " You look even more cute when you
talk in urdu. I'm fine baita, alhumdolillah "

" That's good. " Kiran put her hands over the elder woman's with genuine affection.

" You know I called your parents yesterday. Your father and mother both were really happy to talk
to me. " Mrs.Hasan smiled. " You father does know Sameer. "

" Yes, he'd met him, when we were in university. " Kiran said.

" I talked about few more things. " A meaningful smile was now playing on Mrs.Hasan's lips.

" Acha, like what ? " Kiran asked innocently.

" Hmm, like they said, they won't have any objection, if you say yes. " Mrs.Hasan's smile grew

" About what Aunty ? " At first Kiran couldn't understand what Sameer's mother wanted to tell
" Will you marry my son, Kiran baiti ? "

" Oh" A long gasp tore free from Kiran's throat. She felt stunned and paralyzed at her place.

After few seconds the impact of what the older woman had said, brought a rush of colour to her

And then, without knowing what she was doing or what was happening to her, something really
wonderful took place for the very first time in her life.

She wanted to say something, wished she could open her mouth, but her trembling lips refuse to
help her tongue.

But at the moment, her lips were not the only things that betrayed her, as her lashes too, began to
dance up and down.

Yes, she was blushing. Blushing, like a pure eastern Pakistani girl is supposed to blush.

Mrs.Hasan looked equally pleased at her reaction.

" I'm delighted, delighted. " Mrs.Hasan was beaming from ear to ear.

She lost her words. She had never felt this kind of shyness. Redness coloured her cheeks, her
lashes suddenly felt so heavy that she had to close them for a while.

" Oh, Ammi, I think Sameer is waiting for me there. " Grinning with shyness and still keeping her
eyes low, she went out.

" Oh Allah, " She said to herself as her breaths grew normal. " What happened to me !!! " She

On her way to the kitchen, she saw another room. It's door was open. Though it was against her
ethics, but the beauty of the well-furnished and well-decorated room made her change her mind
as she entered the room. It was Sameer's room, she realized as she glanced at his big framed-
portrait hanging over the wall. It was not a bed-room in real sense, as besides a bed and attached
bath, it also had a study table, few chairs and a computer.

She glanced around, silently praising Sameer's choice even in little things too. She was about to
turn back when some thing caught her eyes. Completely lost in the trance of what she saw, she
moved towards the partially open cupboard. As she neared the cupboard to open its door
completely, she saw it was a picture of a cute, attractive girl. The smiling girl hardly looked more
than twenty-five.

She must be Kisa, Sameer's wife. Despite of the fact that Kiran had never seen her in real, she had no
difficulty in recognizing Kisa when she compared the picture with the image she had in her mind,
the image which she had formed after what Mrs.Hasan and Sameer had told her about Kisa.

Praising the beauty of this long-haired girl, she lifted the picture from the shelf to observe it more
closely. Only then she realized there was some other picture present behind it. Unable to control
her curiosity, she straightened it and gasped.
Kiran had never seen such a beautiful face. So much innocence, so much loveliness, such a
fabulous grace, and yet she didn't look more than a teenager.

Infact, Kiran decided, She was just like a big doll, so cute, so fragile and yet so alive. For some unknown
reason, her face looked familiar to her. She wondered where she had seen her and then sighed.

Yes, she now knew why this girl looked so much familiar. Her face was very much similar to

" So, you are Kashish !!! " Kiran breathed, then slowly placed both the pictures back on their
original position.

Sameer was bending over the frying pan to give the golden puffy eggs another look, when he
heard Kiran's voice.

She was calling Saba.

" She's here. " Sameer said. " Wait for us at the dining table, break fast is ready. We'd be there in a
minute. "

He scooped Saba up and carried her to the table.

Kiran was waiting for her with her arms spread wide. She took Saba gently from him and saw him
cleaning the table.

" Hey, can I help ? " She asked him, kissing the top of baby's head.

" Na na, you're guest here " He gave her a bit naughty smile

" Ahaan, that's interesting " She caressed Saba's hair softly.

In his next round, he carried the tray which contained tea cups, and the tea-pot. Bread, jam, milk
and juices were already present at the table.

When he turned for his last round, Kiran couldn't keep herself silent any more.

" Oh God, Sameer, what else's remained now ? "

" Omelets, " He called back. He turned back to the stove, cut off the heat, and served the omelet
up on two plates he'd set on the sideboard.

" So, janaab, how're you this morning. " Sameer smiled as he took his chair opposite to
hers. " Hey, you didn't start to eat ? "

" I'm fine. " She ruffled Saba's hair, as the baby girl sat in her lap, drinking the milk from her

" I already had a big heavy breakfast before I left for your home." She told him. " I ate ' Paraatha
and poori '

" Oh yes, that sure is heavy " Sameer laughed lightly, as he slowly gulped his tea.
Though he insisted alot, she hardly ate anything.

The rest of the breakfast was silent, with both of them silently searching for the right words to

" No no, don't do that. " He tried to stop her as she began to clear the empty plates and dishes
from the table.

But she didn't pay any attention. While he nibbled the last slice of toast, she cleared the whole
table and stacked the dishes in the sink.

After the breakfast, Sameer handed Saba to his mother, then came to stand at the door of his
kitchen. There she was, working so "un-formally".

The sight of her working like this in his own home, so casually, so usually, fascinated him. He
didn't know why.

The sight was wonderful. She made it even more attractive by what she wore at the moment.

She wore a light pink, printed kurta shilwar of Georgette. A big, broad V-shaped red dupatta
covered her gracefully.

He knew these outfits would be cute on her, but he just didn't realize how cute.

" So you're wearing these eastern cloths just in Pakistan or ? " He couldn't help himself asking,
though left his question unfinished, as if to see her response first.

" Yes. I'm so proud, I have stopped wearing western cloths since the last couple of years. No
cheap masculine cloths, no jeans, not sick trousers." She turned to him for a second, smiled, then
resumed her work.

" Wow, I'm impressed. So what do you wear then ? "

" I usually prefer Saarhi, though it is not purely islamic either but it's far better than cheap english
cloths. Other than that, I like Kurta shilwars. " She said, fixing the glasses in the stand. She had
impressed him, she couldn't believe her fortune.

" I'm sure it's been a long and tough way for you. " Sameer wondered.

" Yeah. Initially, it sure was tough. People tried to make fun of me. But I didn't give a damn. No one
else lives his or her life for me, why should I care ?" Kiran turned back to the sink, finished rinsing
the dishes, and then put them in the dish washer.

" I really appreciate you for that . "

" You know Sameer, before I met you, I always wondered if a man existed who didn't mentally
undress a girl when he first met her. " She said, drying the remaining dishes, then putting them in
a kitchen stand.

" Really ? Well alhumdolillah there are many men like me who don't view women in that respect.
I'm not the only one like that. " Sameer crossed his arms over his chest, still standing at the
doorway of the kitchen.
" Well, may be you're right. But I've now realized that it's us ' women ' who give men chances to
do so, revealing our bodies. " She replied.

" Well " Atlast done with the kitchen job, she turned back to face him once again. " Shall we go
now ? "

" Sure " He left door for her and followed her to the living room.

" So, how's your thesis going ? " He asked with a long breath.

He had now gone to stand by the open window, and his features were etched against the bright,
shiny sun-light. A broad forehead of an intellectual--- a comparison heightened by the thin-rimmed
spectacles that were as much as part of him as the silver encircling his wrist, the slimmest watch
in the world. His nose, like his charecter was firm and unyielding, chin and mouth equally
determined. A man not to be taken lightly, she decided again.

" Pretty fine, thank you. I'm gathing more information about the social and cultural problems ."

" Problems in Pakistan ? " He asked, not turning to her yet.

" Problems don't exist in Pakistan only. We asians living abroad have our own kind of problems. "

" Like what ? " Though he knew those problems, but for some reason he wanted to know her own,
personal point of view.

" Like brought-up of children in an Islamic and eastern atmosphere, which's very tough out there.
" She told him. " Plus marriage. Most ' Aunts ' over there have fixed double standards for this,
they're playing with their children's emotions. I have seen such ' Aunts ' insulting Pakistan and its
people but when their "American" sons grow up, they search girls from Pakistan for them,
ignoring us girls living there. Such guys and their moms are kidding us, making us fool. "

Sameer couldn't believe his ears. It was ' Kiran ' who was pointing out all these bitter facts and
social draw backs of western society with respect to Pakistanis.

" We have been told that Pakistani men are chauvinists. As a result, now some of us gals are
suffering from this so called Paki-male syndrome. " She added.

" Sounds like you've thoroughly researched the subject " Sameer said with pure interest. " But
why do you talk about girls only ?

" Because I personally think that the role of a woman is more important than man's regarading the
new generation and their future. If we want better human beings, we would have to make good
mothers first. " Kiran talked confidently. That was her hall mark, she never seemed to lose her
confidence regardless of the time, place and the subject.

" I absolutely agree " Sameer nodded in agreement.

" It's a silent, secret conspiracy against the Pakistani girls growing up in the west, and mainly
their own parents are responsible for that. Our brains have been washed. We have been taught
that Pakistani men are narrow minded, rude and arrogant. " Kiran said softly, despire of the
seriousness of the matter, her tone was still very calm and gentle.
" But that doesn't apply as a rule, not all families are like that " Sameer raised a valid point on the

" Ofcourse all fingers are not alike, and this is not the case with every family living there. But it's
still the fact that their number is increasing day by day."

Their mutual discussion turned towards other things as well as they compared notes on books,
art and current affairs.

" I must go now. I've to meet my cousins this afternoon. " Saying this, she stood up.

" Thanks, Kiran. Thanks for your time "

" That's my line. " She grinned.

" But hey, wait, I've to say Khuda Hafiz to Aunty . " Smiling, she went to his mother's room.

When she returned after few moments, she had a wonderful but somewhat shy smile on her
lips. She looks more unique now, Sameer decided as he took another detailed look of hers.

" Acha khuda hafiz. " She said, giving him her typical, feminine smile.

" Would you like to have dinner with us ? " His words were out before he could stop them and she
seemed to be rooted to the spot.

Slowly, she turned to face him again.

" Invite me again, slowly and calmly. " She ordered in a sweet, soft tone. Her eyes intent on his
face. " Please be careful what you say. "

" I thought you might like to have dinner with us "

" That'll be great! But when? "

" How about tonight? " He asked, his eyes gleaming with hope.

" Hmm not sure about tonight. What about tomorrow ?" She asked back.

" Hmmm, as you wish. And make it around nine p.m, unless you have something better to
do!" Sameer suggested.

" No I don't have any thing particular in my schedule yet. " She said.

" Okay, so then........ lady would you mind giving us the precious pleasure of your sweet company
at the dinner tomorrow? " He was smiling now.

All the while, she was watching him closely, seriously, a smile growing slowly along her lips.

" Thank You. I'd like to."


" What's the matter Muskaan ? " Mushkbaar reiterated.

" Not a thing" She said tightly. "Just a loss of sleep "

" Is that all ? " Mushkbaar expelled a sigh of relief, as three of them walked towards the parking of
their huge house.

" I told you naa ? " Muskaan replied unevenly, raising her brows at her twin sister.

As they reached the parking, she saw a new car parked near the main gate.

" Where are we going ? " Muskaan asked, confused. " This is not our car. "

" Yes, it's not our car, but today we would go in this one " Mushkbaar said, without glancing at

" But why ?" Muskaan asked, but before she could get the answer of her question she saw a man,
standing beside the car with his back on them.

" Who's this ? " Before Muskaan could finish her sentence, he turned back.

He was Jahanzaib.

" Assalaam-O-Alaikum " He murmured slowly, his voice was surprisingly soothing and gentle

As he turned, she got a good look at him.

With his bright, dark lashed black eyes, his noble features and splendid voice, he was perfect in
his looks.

Wafa and Mushkaabar replied to his Salaam, but she didn't. She just couldn't, and she didn't know

His chest rose and fell but he didn't say a word after his salaam, and she fancied she could see
the fabric of his shirt expand and contract with the beat of his heart.

She tried to ignore the distracting sight of his muscular arms revealed by his rolled-up shirt

" Where are our own cars ? " She turned to Mushkbaar.

" One is with Abbo, Ammi is using the second one, and the third one's engine had some fault.
" Mushkbaar said as if nothing was unusual. Opening the front door of the car, she seated herself
in. Wafa followed her instantly.

Muskaan bit her lip but said nothing.

There was no choice for her now, except to get in some thing which was ' his ' property.

With an unusual silence, Jahanzaib shifted his car into the gear and they moved out of the house.

As Muskaan sat beside Wafa, she tried her best to not to glance at him, all the while looking out of
the car through the window.

But it was impossible for Jahanzaib to do the same. He just couldn't help himself from looking at
such a nice, lovely face. Her hair was undone, dancing along the evening breeze coming through
the car window.

From time to time, he threw brief glances at her but never got any response in return. She was not
even looking at him. His heart sank.

Muskaan's condition was no different. Though, she didn't look at him but was supremely
conscious of him.

It was understandable to her that she and Jahanzaib weren't talking, but what made her even more
confused was that even Wafa and Mushkbaar were silent for some strange reason.

The killing silence began to bite her.

As if knowing her condition, he inserted a C.D in the player. Stereo began to spread romantic
notes in the atmosphere of the car.

Kabhi tou Nazar milaao

Kabhi tou Qareeb aao

Jo Nahin kaha hai

Kabhi tou Samajh bhi jaao

How true, He thought. The song seemed to translate his own feelings at the moment. Biting his lips
and trying to control himself, he looked at her through the back-view mirror.

This was the moment he was waiting for.

Listening to the meaningful song, Muskaan felt uncomfortable and as she shifted on her seat, her
eyes met his through the back mirror.

Hum bhi tou hain tumhaarey....

Deewaaney,,,, haan deewaaney

She froze at her place, turned to a stone statue. She forgot to breath, forgot to take even her gaze
away. His eyes stole her breaths. Black and intense with emotions. His eyes were so powerful,
they had almost hypnotized her.

He was always far too quick at noticing her reactions. That was even more worrying. You might
almost think he could read her mind, and that made her shiver. Was he on her wavelength? Could
he sense what was happening inside her? Or was it just that women were always reacting to him
like that? No this couldn't be the case here as Wafa and Mushkbaar didn't seem to find him a bit
irritating. Infact she'd always seen the two girls laughing and enjoying his company.

After few moments, like he knew her condition, his eyes left hers.

Hum ne tum ko dekhtey hi Dil diya

Tum hi socho, Tum ne Hum sey kiya, Kiya

Mera dil na toro

Kabhi Dil sey dil mila lo

Hum bhi tou hain tumhaarey....

Deewaaney,,,, haan deewaaney

He wasn't looking at her now, but grimly concentrating on the road.

After few more minutes, they had reached the gorgeous shopping mall of Lahore known as
Liberty. It was not an Eid season or a time for some festival and yet there was so much rush and
lights that it felt like that tonight was " Chaand Raat", a traditional Pakistani moon night.

As soon as he parked the car, Wafa and Mushkbaar climbed out of the car quickly, like if they'll
not do so, some thing bad will happen. Their behaviour surprised and shocked Muskaan. Why they
were ignoring her ? What was her fault ?

Jahanzaib locked his door and then without glancing at her, he followed Wafa and Mushkbaar
towards the main building of the shopping centre.

Biting her lower lip, Muskaan slowly opened the door and placed her feet on the ground.

" I'll see both of you, Wafa and Mushkbaar !!! " She murmured toughly, anger flowing through her
vains. Taking her purse out, she locked the door and then shut it with force.

But as she tried to walk forward, some thing stopped her. She turned and gasped.

She had been arrested in a tough, weird situation. One end of her big, long red Dupatta had been
slipped inside the car, without her noticing it. And now with the door closed and locked, she was
in an impossible situation. Half of the dupatta was on her body, and half of it was inside the
locked car.

She tried to pull it, but it was tightly enclosed. It was clear that applying more force will tear it
apart. She didn't know what to do or what to think. She could leave the Dupatta there but her
modesty, her brought-up, her manners, her grace didn't allow her to walk in front of people
without her Dupatta on.

" OH, Allah help me " She prayed silently. Tears of helplessness filled her eyes.

With pure frustration, she turned around and then, there was him, Jahanzaib, coming to her, to
help her, to take care of her.
" Is anything wrong ? " He stared at her in concern.

" My, my..... dupatta got hooked in the door. " She stammered.

" Oh" He breathed, then taking the key out of his pocket, he unlocked the door.

His fingers touched the corner of her Dupatta. Bending beside her, he placed one of his knee on
the ground.

His gesture was remarkable. It impressed her

His act was sincere. It made her heart melt in the most weird way.

After his efforts for few minutes, he finally mananged to pull it free from the hook of the door. But
he didn't say a word as he rose. Instead, slowly, he moved to stand in front of her.

And then, with slow, deliberate movements, he raised his Dupatta in his hands, putting it gently,
modestly on her head.

It was just like a slow-motion. Lifting her head completely, she suddenly found herself trapped by
a pair of impossibly black eyes looking back at her. Something in their azure depths called to her
soul. Her heart ceased to beat. She found herself getting lost in the real mirage of his personality.

If she'd thought things moved in slow-motion before, now she wondered if all activity had ceased.
He was so near, that she could smell the masculine fragrance of ' Eternity ' emitting from his

" You know what Muskaan, " His words felt like silk. " Perhaps you think I'm a bad guy or some

Then without waiting for her answer, he continued. " If I tease you, it doesn't mean I don't respect
you. "

She just stood there, speechless, hearing his touchy whispers.

" Those days at Faraz bhai's wedding were very memorable for me....mainly because of you.
" Completing his sentence, he took his hands off her Dupatta, then turned back in silence.

Blood rushed to her face. The tension between them might have been generated by anger but it
was something else now.

She had never seen this aspect, this look of Jahanzaib.

Their shopping went on for three hours. Jewelry, cloths, cone-Mehndi, make-up kits and then
bangles, they didn't miss a single thing. Wafa and Mushkbaar did note Muskaan's unusual silence
but didn't comment as if they knew that it would be useless. During whole time Muskaan couldn't
control her heavily beating heart. From time to time, she threw brief glances on him but their eyes
never met again.

Once they all were inside the car, Mushkbaar glanced at her watch

" Jahanzaib Bhai it's dinner time now ! "

" Sure " He said softly, igniting the engine and shifting the car into reverse." What you ladies
would like for dinner ? '

" Hmm, what about Siri-Payey ? " Wafa said, smiling.

" Oh... well they're sort of hard to eat and heavy to digest. " Mushkbaar said.

" Come on. Once in a blue moon, it's okay to try those foods, specially when Jahanzaib is in
Lahore with us. " Wafa said, looking at Muskaan at the same time.

Muskaan turned her face away to glance out of the car's window.

They ate Siri-Paaya at the famous spot of Lahore, called as " Phujja Payey Wala ".

They didn't speak on the way back. There was a long, tense silence. Muskaan was dry-mouthed
and dumb, her ears beating with the sound of own blood.

She leaned back in her seat, angry with herself for letting him get to her again. How on earth had it
happened, this time? She had been angry with him one minute and breathless the next, and it was
without rhyme or reason.

She was going crazy; it was the only explanation.


The night had been warm and her excitement high, as Kiran prepared herself for the dinner. For
tonight, she had choosed to wear a kurta shilwar suit of fine lenin. Being plain and indigo in
colour, the outfit made her complexion extremely fair, with just a hint of pink showing through
the velvety skin of her cheekbones. Brown lipstick made her full lips more prominent. She braid
her hair into a coronet and with circlet of pearls around her neck, presented a perfect image of a
noble dinner-lady.

Just after an hour, she was ringing the the bell of his not-very-large but smart house, her heart
doing its usual flip-flop as Sameer opened the door and smiled down at her.

" Aadaab " He said softly.

" Wa'alaikum Aadaab, hehe " Her voice revealed her happiness.

" You look wonderful tonight. " He murmured, admiration evident in his eyes.

Fresh colour flamed in her cheeks.

" Thanks, you too, " She smiled.

Stepping on one side, he left space for her so that she could pass through the corridor leading to
the living room.The settings had been changed, she noticed---black carpet, red-lacquered walls,
black and white furniture. She wondered if it was a normal usual change or was just for her.
" Where's Aunty and Saba ? "

" Saba is in Ammi's room, hearing her daily night story " He told her.

" Oh really ? " Her eyes widened, " So cute "

She went straight to Mrs.Hasan's room, offering her greetings and salaam.

Both grand mother and the grand daughter were lying on the bed, Saba looked sleepy with her
head over her grand mother's shoulder.

Kiran leaned over and kissed the top of baby's head." How's my brave little gal doing today, hmm

Saba smiled shyly then turned her face.

" She's sleepy, but still insists about hearing the story of a princess " Mrs.Hasan smiled up at

" That's so cute, so touchy " Kiran said. " I wish I could hear that story too "

" Ofcourse you can, but first things first, as dinner is ready " Sameer's voice remineded her of
why she was here.

She turned back to find him standing at the door way of the room, smiling.

" Okay, little princess, good night, ummmm " Leaning forward, she kissed Saba's cheeks.

" Aunty, won't you join us for dinner ? " She asked with concern.

" No daughter. Actually due to diabetes, I have fixed my own schedule with separate food.
" Mrs.Hasan told her. " So don't you worry about me. I already had my dinner about an hour ago. "

" Alright Aunty. Acha, take care, good night "

" Shab-bakhair baiti " Mrs.Hasan smiled back, sincerely praying in her heart for this cute and nice
girl, who was so caring and understanding.

" So how're you doing these days ? " He asked, as they entered dining hall, walking side by side.

" Nothing much, thesis is almost about to be finished. "

" Good, " He muttered.

She took a round of the whole dining hall, staring at the fabulous paintings hanging here and

Sameer poured them both cold drinks and turned to watch her slowly walk around the walls,
looking at the paintings hanging there. The curtains were drawn and shaded lamps cast a soft
glow over the paintings over the walls.
Suddenly, she felt the back of her neck prickle, knowing he was watching her. Being alone with
him had always been nerve-racking.

" Make yourself comfortable please. " He said in a deep, dark voice.

" I'm admiring your taste in art. " She evaded, turning away to stare at a large, modern landscape
hanging over the window.

" I admire yours too. " Silent as a winter night, he had come to stand beside her, handing her the
glass of cold drink.

" I hope so. I never realised what a wonderful medium water colour is. " She said back in a trance.
She was lost in the magic, she didn't know was it because of the beauty of the paintings or due to
the man standing beside her.

" Yeah, oil is good too, but water is more sophisticated. " He said, his eyes following hers.

" I like to paint life " She took a steadying sip of her soft drink.

" I know " His voice was dark, silk-like as he leaned closer.

His closeness enfolded her in the potent male aura of his aftershave lotion so that she felt slightly

She was suddenly intensely aware of him, an awareness she had never felt with any man. It
brought a haunting purple shadow to her eyes and a tingling to her skin.

Why did he make her feel this way? She had never wanted anything so much in her life before. But,
yes, life was very unfair to her.

" I guess you don't know " She managed to say.

" What ? " He asked.

" really have a way with the women."

They cried out simultaneously, laughing.

" So shall we proceed to the dinner, lady ? " He looked into her eyes.

" Please " She smiled back and then followed him to the table.

While he held out the chair for her in a well-mannered way, she got a chance to stare at him in

Wonderfully dressed in navy blue jacket and pants with sky blue shirt which he'd left unbuttoned
in its upper part, he looked superb. His outfit emhasised his physique, his dark black eyes--behind
his thin rimmed spectacles----regarded her unblinkingly. He wore the same perfume which used to
be so familiar to her. It was very nice: faint, slightly floral with a vague hint of musk, and no
'sharpness' to it.

They sank into the opposite chairs around the huge, oval-shaped dinner table.
" Oh, so much !!! " She exclaimed loudly as she glanced at the table full of different dishes,
salads, fruits and food items.

" Who made all this stuff ? "

" Most items are ready-made, Chicken Karhaai and Briyaani is of Ammi's hands. " He smiled.

" But why did you bother her ? "

" I told her not to, but she insisted. "

" Oh, she's so sweet, Sameer you're lucky " Kiran's voice reminded Sameer of something. Yes,
Kiran had never been much close to her mother, and he could still feel the hurt, pain and loss.

Suddenly they heard Saba crying in the other room.

" Excuse me, let me see her " He rose and went toward his mother's room.

When he returned, he had Saba in his arms.

" Our little princess is hungry and wants to share dinner with us " He smiled, kissing Saba's

" Oh yes sure, please, give her to me " Kiran said, as she picked a napkin from the table.

" Na na, princess is in a bad mood today, she just wants to be with her father for now, hai naa
? Sameer looked back toward Saba's face, as if he wanted to confirm his thought. She nodded
silently, rubbing her left eye with one of her hands.

" See " Sameer smiled again. He then gathered up two napkins and made his way to the table.

He first seated himself on the chair which was directly opposite to Kiran's then he lifted Saba on
to his lap, settling her against him, eating with no difficulty.

Kiran stared at them silently, loving the lovely sight. Father and daughter eating the same dinner,
sharing the same spoon. Due to Saba's small mouth, Sameer choosed a relatively small spoon.

" What 're you thinking ? " Suddenly he asked, looking at her with curious eyes.

" Nothing, just imagining the extent of your love for Saba and others. " She said, pulling the dish
of Chicken Karhaai towards her.

" Love has no extents." He smiled, while putting another rice-filled spoon in Saba's mouth.

" Yes, I guess you're right. " Kiran sighed. " Only heart can feel how deep love is "

" You know Kiran, " He said gently, " Hearts are like mirrors, but the basic difference between a
heart and the mirrors is that you can clean and polish the mirrors again and again but in case of
heart, if one's image becomes blurred, you can't clear it ever. "

She stared at his face through the flames of burning candles present on the table between them.
His eyes were in deep shadow but glittered every time the flame came on.
For some strange reason, his eyes made her uneasy, edgy.

The flame went on again. Off again.

" Tell me " She said, " Shouldn't we expect something in love ? "

" No " His voice a mere whisper. " When you love, you must not expect or accept any thing in
return, for if you do, you're not loving but investing. "

" Why does it hurt to love some one ? " Her question startled him for a second. He had not
expected such questions on the dinner ofcourse.

" Well " He took a long breath. " One aspect of love to feel pain. Whether it's a failure or
success in love, you feel pain in your heart, right from the beginning. Sometimes this pain is
pleasurable...and sometimes, infact many times, it’s hurting.
Expectations.....dreams...wishes...fantasies...when one can't get fulfillment of all of these things,
ultimately it hurts."

" But ... " She protested. " but, why do we accept this pain ? why don't we reject it? " Her
shoulder-length ash brown hair fell forward, hiding the hurt which sprang into her green eyes.

" I guess you have no control over that. Besides, If you love, you must prepare to accept pain, for
if you expect happiness, you're not loving but using it to make yourself happy."

" Love.... " He added in the same voice, his tone still similar and uniform " Love may leave your
heart like shattered glass, but keep in mind there there's someone who'll be willing to endure the
pain of picking up the pieces so you could be whole again"

Though he was telling her every thing very gently, softly, carefully but hearing all these things
made her unhappy somehow. She didn't know why was that but she decided that she must not
spoil this beautiful night by talking about 'pains '.

" Excuse me, do you mind ? "

Hearing her voice, he raised his head to see her standing near the sound stereo system, she had
some CD in her hand.

" I mean, it's my favourite one, I want to listen it right now during the dinner "

" No problem " He said, helping Saba to drink water.

" Thanks " She smiled. Turning the sound system on, she returned to her chair.

Soft musical notes began to surround them as they ate silently.

Yeh shaam phir nahin aaey gee,

Iss shaam ko, iss saath ko,


Amar kar lein

They ate rest of the dinner in silence. It seemed like they were talking to each other without ever
speaking a single word.

Dil ki baatein sabhi,

Dil kahey, Hum sunein

Hont khaamosh hon,

Aankehin kehti rahein

Aankhon Aankhon mein

Baaton Baaton mein

Jeevan basar kar lein

Amar kar lein

Yeh shaam phir nahin aaey gee,

Their eyes playing a continous sweet battle. His up, hers down. Then hers up, his down. His
brave, hers shy. They stole each other's glance whenever they got the chance.

Mein tumhaarey qareeb, Tum merey pass ho

Aur kuch ho na ho, Bus yeh ahsaas ho

Aankhon Aankhon mein

Baaton Baaton mein

Jeevan safar kar lein

Amar kar lein

Yeh shaam phir nahin aaey gee,

And then with the beats, along with the soft dreamy music, she found herself getting lost in the
musical trance. She saw herself walking along with him, side by side, smiling, talking, laughing.

Aik doojey mein Gum,

iss tarah Hum jiyain

Haath mein haath ho,

Lamha lamha bahein

Aankhon Aankhon mein

Baaton Baaton mein

Jeevan....... Sahar kar lein

Amar kar lein

Yeh shaam phir nahin aaey gee,

Saba was asleep before they had even finished the dinner. Sameer lifted her off the chair and
walked to his mother's room.

Once back, he led Kiran into the living room.

" Well, the dinner has been smashing. " She smiled.

" Thank you " He murmured. " You stay here, I'll go and make us both some coffee or would you
prefer tea ? " He asked as she sat beside the old antique paino set.

But she didn't reply. It seemed like mentally she was present some where else.

" Wow " Her voice was filled with appreciation and excitement. " Is this yours ? "

On her question, she noticed his features tightened.

" No " He said coldly. " It was Kashish's gift to Kisa on our first wedding anniversary "

" I must say, Kashish has a wonderful choice " She looked deep into his eyes.

On her meaningful sentence, he averted his eyes away.

" Do you love her ? "

On her question, Sameer looked at her, conscious of the sudden change in the atmosphere, a rise
in his own personal tempo.

She observed him, studying her from strangely solemn eyes.

He was at a loss of words, and she filled the silence with her own.

Was it her imagination or had the conversation stopped between them?

" I don't like it when you ask silly questions. " His voice was louder than normal.

She sat upright, tense and still, and watched his profile intently. He wasn't talking like a man in
love or was he ? his voice was impatient, irritated, his face matched his tone. Was this he really felt
or pretending?

She laughed then.

" Forget I asked. Coffee would be great. " Kiran slid her hand around the back of her neck, flipped
her hair forward over one shoulder in a habitual gesture.
After he had gone into the kitchen for their coffee, Kiran sighed.

She frowned and chewed anxiously on her bottom lip. There was something different about
Sameer. She was aware of a tension within him that she had never noticed before. Sameer was
always so calm and controlled. She rarely seen him lose his temper, never heard him raise his
voice. He was a man of infinite resource and capability, adept at concealing his thoughts and his
feelings, and yet today she had sensed that that control was slipping.

He returned with two coffee mugs in his hands. He handed her one and then sank into an easy
chair in front of her.

" May I, lady ? " He suddenly asked.

" Oh " She gasped in pure astonishment. He had cigarette case in his hand.

" Only if you like "

" Thanks "

Keeping the coffee mug for a while, he lit up the cigarette smoothly with the help of a golden

Not every man takes coffee and tobacco at the same time. She wondered.

Kiran stared in fascination as he sat in front of her, with his one leg placed freely on the other in a
typical masculine gesture. His hands were of medium size, well shaped with long, slender fingers,
cute hands.....caring hands.

Her eyes went to the long, supple fingers of his right hand clasping his mug, nails rounded and
well manicured, skin smooth as velvet, and yet thick and strong as silk, covered by soft, fine black

Next her gaze lingered upon his left hand. She particularly noted the style with which his fingers
jerked the cigarette in the ashtray, to remove the ash with a certain delicacy.

They both sipped their coffee for a moment, then Kiran said, " Would you like to listen some ?
" She pointed toward the huge piano set.

" Sure, my pleasure. " He half-smiled and raised his coffee mug in acknowledgement.

On his approval, she sat on the chair attached with the huge Piano set. Slowly, she put her fingers
over the uniformly arranged black and white piano buttons.

The lamplight was a warm, golden glow, it made the atmosphere truly touching and romantic.

She began to play with piano.

It was very fantastic atmosphere, a dream-like reality, as the lean, long slender fingers began to
do the magic on the black and white buttons.

And yet it was not enough.

Sameer got a wonderfully shocking and strangely pleasant surprise when she began to sing.

Yes, she was singing an old classical song in fluent Urdu language.

Lag ja galey ke......

Phir yeh haseen raat ho na ho

Shayed phir iss janam mein....

Mulaqaat ho na ho

His head fell back as he inhaled a thick puff of smoke, the cigarette between his long, male fingers
looked very lonely. The whole room was lightly fragrant with her pure feminine scent. Waves of
disturbing intensity were emitting from her body. She was a woman, a wonderful, attractive one...a
desirable mass of female beauty.

Hum ko mili hain aaj yeh....

Ghariyaan naseeb sey

Jee bhar ke dekh leejiyey...

Hum ko qareeb sey

Phir aap ke naseeb mein,

Yeh Raat ho na ho

Shayed phir iss janam mein....

Mulaqaat ho na ho

Kiran glanced at Sameer, who sat with his arms folded across his chest, listening to her
performance with concentration.

When her gaze met his, he blew cigarette smoke at some unseen image hidden in the air.

Pass aai'yay, ke Hum nahin....

Aaein gey baar baar

Baanhein galey mein daal ke...

Hum ro lein zaar zaar

Aankhon sey phir yeh Pyaar ki....

Barsaat ho na ho

Shayed phir iss janam mein....

Mulaqaat ho na ho

As she sang, she found herself going to some other land. Apparently her eyes were on piano
buttons, but she was present some where else.

The fantastic window of imagination brought her to the dream land for a while. And for a moment
she forgot where she was and who she was.

Dressed in a cream-coloured bridal Lehnga, she was standing in her bed-room. Waiting for him with all of her
might. And then he appeared from the door with the grace of a king. Smiling, he walked towards her in slow,
steady steps. Her breaths stopped. Yes, she had craved for this very mement. She had prayed for this magical
instant. She wanted nothing but him. Nothing else mattered to her but him. She just wanted the comfort and
security of his arms. He came near her, grabbed her arm, turned her towards him efficiently so that she came
face to face with him.

" I feel you smiling. " He whispered.

He lifted one of his hand to cap her head before his slender, masculine fingers slid down again to savor the
texture of her hair, trace the outline of her cheekbone, then her nose and chin and lips. His fingers closed over
her arm once again, drawing her more nearer towards him. She could smell the typical male scent of his body.
This close, he took her face in both of his hands, bringing his mouth so close to hers that that she felt the
warmness and flow of his breath. A pause so long that Kiran thought it might never end, that she would stand
here always, breathing in the scent of him, staring at his uncompromising mouth and wondering how would it

Completely forgetting in that wonderful instant where she was, Kiran found herself submitting---- more than
submitting, letting him pull her nearer, lifting her shaken arms until they circled his neck. While one of her
hands stroked the thickness of his deep black hair, the other grazed his cheek with trembling fingers. He angled
his head and then his lips were near hers...barely an inch away from hers. As he leaned down, her lashes
fluttered closed. Their breaths touched each other. Her lips tingled, parted. Then his breath touched the corner of
her lips, not touching yet it travelled sideway, grazing her cheek like a velvet.

" Thank you" He breathed in her ear then smiling, turned back.

" Hey what happened? where're you ? " Sameer's voice brought her back to the reality.

For the first time, she realized that she was trembling inside, her whole body was sweating

" Nothing " She laughed huskily. " I was dreaming. "

" I thought so. " He smiled.

" But why did you thank me ? " She asked.

" Because you performed so wonderfully. It was a pleasure listening to you. "

" Oh, acha " She was confused. " I learnt this song, though I know its urdu was difficult for me. "

" Perfect " He whispered, a glint of appreciation in his eyes. " You're a perfect singer and a born
musician. "
" Now, you're flattering me " She chuckled.

" No, you're great, nice and wonderful "

Kiran's mouth fell open on his sudden, unexpected compliments. He'd never been like this.

" And that's what Ammi thinks too " He added.

" Yes, me and Ammi had a talk last night " He said in a low, calm tone.

" About you.... " His voice touched the strings of her heart.

Kiran's beats quickened. Her heart was hammering so hard that she wondered wildly if this was
some sort of early heart-attack warning. She was totally unprepared for what he was telling her.

She then saw his hand to his packet as he took out a small maroon box.

" And it's our mutual decision to offer you this. " His hand reached out near hers.

With trembling fingers, she took the box from him.

He looked at her for a minute, his eyes intently searching her face.

" Open it " He commanded gently.

She gave him a smile and opened the box with swift eagerness.

On a bed of black velvet lay a square cut sapphire ring, the deep blue stone surrounded by heart
shaped diamonds.

Involuntarily, Kiran brought a finger to touch the brightly coloured light blue sparkling diamonds.
She had fallen in love with it at the first sight.

Holding it in her hand, and still staring at the fabulous gift, she said, " It's charming. Thank you so
much. "

She glanced at Sameer.

" I'm glad you liked it " He answered tonelessly, and as their eyes met, she thought his looked a
little uneasy.

" I'd like you to accept it as an engagement present, " He went on, without even knowing she had
lost hers senses.

It had been difficult enough for her to realize that he had an extraordinary effect on her.

He made her feel so alive, so much like a woman. She was so shocked at the moment that she
didn't know what to say or what to think. She couldn't believe her ears. She tried to tell herself that
it was some kind of joke but when she looked at him, all of her doubts vanished away.

Oh this was what she'd always wanted.

Speechlessly, she looked up at him, cathing the expression in his eyes, eyes that were enormous
and anxious.

" I'm asking you to marry me. " He added simply.

" Shhhhh..... " She put her index finger on her lips.

" Say it again. " She breathed.

Puzzled, he repeated. " I want you to be my wife. "

His words were right, but the tone wasn't. It seemed to her as if she has his word but not his heart.
She couldn't think further.

" Say it again," She went on.

Let's talk more slowly

As someone would be listening the beats

These walls, these doors have ears

And would hear all the secrets

Talk like.....

Only heart could hear the story

And eyes could repeat it

Let's talk more close

let's close all the doors

So that night won't steal the dreams

And no breeze could take them away

Let's come so close today

that there would be no distances

Between you and me, just the two of us

" Tell me Sameer, it's not a dream. " Colour stained her cheeks. She blinked rapidly, determined
not to let Sameer see her cry.

" It's ....not... a..... dream " Words came in parts from his mouth.

" After you have given this ring," Kashish said slowly. " I have some rights on you, and using
those rights Sameer, I want to know about Kashish"
His facial features changed instantly, like he's trying to gain some patience. Like he's making his
mind for some thing.

Neither of them made conversation for minutes.

" I wanted to marry her " He finally opened his mouth, letting out a long breath.

She didn't interrupt him then.

" I thought she was interested too " He continued. " She gave those looks, those expressions,
which sure made me feel like she loves me. "

Taking a little pause, he lit another cigarette and then began again.

" She just didn't tell me by words, but her eyes, her gestures, all kept screaming that she loves
me. Besides, she'd expressed her love in her childhood too. Though I didn't take her too serious
then . "

" And then, she suddenly she turned her back to me, when I proposed her. " Completing his
sentence, he closed his eyes for a while.

Oh, Kiran gasped, feeling real pain for this wonderful man who sat in front of her.

" What did she say ? " She asked for the first time.

" She.... " He laughed weirdly. " She said she loves some other man. "

" And who was he ? "

" Dr.Shahraam, their family doctor. "

" What else did she say ? " Kiran's breath quickened.

" Nothing " He closed his eyes again. " She said they are waiting just because of Kisa "

" WHAT ?? " Kiran's voice rose above than normal.

" She said, as soon as Kisa gets married, they would do the same "

" I see " She said, lost in deep thoughts. Some thing was strange, some thing was weird. The
whole story felt like, well, some well-made plan. She thought.

She shook her head, then glanced at her watch.

" Oh, it's too late, I should be going now. " Picking up her purse, she rose.

" You didn't answer yet. " He asked.

" About what ? "

" About me proposing you. Do you have any objections ? " He asked with concern.
" Oh no, not at all. " As she said, her cheeks burned. " Just give me some formal time, for few
preparations. Do you know what I mean, hehe"

" Oh, alright lady. " He laughed.

He walked her to the door and opened it for her. Kiran glanced up at him.

" So good of you to come on dinner tonight," He said smoothly.

She gave him a genuine smile.

" The pleasure was all mine "

As she climbed into her car and ignited the engine, she glanced at her closed fist and smiled.
Slowly, she opened it. Her hand still had the ring he had given. She didn't wear it yet, but she had
made her mind.

Yes, I would marry him. She decided and smiled. She felt complete, and sure that she had made the
right decision as she felt his closeness. It was so good to feel a man who cared, a man who could
love her for herself and not her body, she thought ecstatically.

I would keep this gift for a more special occasion, when his own hands will help me to wear to this. Smiling
shyly, she pressed the accelerator.


" Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we're honoured to have a privilege of being with a wonderful
personality of Pakistan."

The anchor's voice came out of the T.V, and echoed through the room, but it was unnoticed by
Sameer as he continued to flip the pages of the book he was reading, " Social History of America,

" Poor red-indians and half-breeds " He thought and smiled.

Saba sat beside him on the bed, with her favourite dolls in her lap and the plate of pop corns in
her hands.

" Achieving the highest marks in the capital of Pakistan, this ambitious lady also holds the record
for being the youngest female CSP officer appointed by the Government of Pakistan. So ladies 'N
gentlemen, please welcome Miss. Kashish Salman Ali "

Even then Sameer didn't hear what was going on the T.V as he was lost in the book and in his own

Suddenly Saba began to giggle and clap her small hands which broke his concentration.
Putting the book aside, he first stared at Saba and then following her cute eyes, he turned his face
towards the T.V Screen.

It was not really a shock for him, as he'd already been aware of Kashish's popularity and
reputation through other sources of media.

Not finding himself in the position to hear her anymore, he tried to change the channel, but Saba
gave him an angry look. She was clearly protesting.

" Okay, okay, sorry " He said, trying to control himself.

He tried to open his book again but her voice didn't allow him to do so.

" Miss. Kashish do you think you're unique ? " Interviewer was a smart young man, Sameer noted
as he asked the question with interest.

" I think we all are unique and different. No two human beings are exactly alike. Some times these
differences are not very prominent, but still they're always present. " She answered confidently.
Confidence and determination were her hall marks. No doubt, her ' internal ' qualities to impress
others were not less than her "external' ones.

" I would now like to ask some personal questions, but only if you allow "

" Sure, I'm a ' person' ofcourse, so I don't mind ' personal' questions, as long as they make sense
" She said soberly and softly.

" Well said " The anchor smiled. " We often see you in white cloths, any specific reason for that
Miss.Kashish? " As he asked the question, Sameer noticed that the interviewer was still smiling.

On this question, Sameer took a detailed look of hers. She was looking very traditional and
eastern tonight. She wore a plain, white Saarhi, with plain white full-sleeved blouse. There was
this big white scarf which covered her hair completely and not just hair, it was spread down to her
upper body too, giving her a ' holy ' touch. Over all, she looked like a woman who represented her
gender, culture and religion to a considerable extent.

" It gives rest to my heart and peace to my soul. " She smiled back. " White, a symbolic
expression for peace and calmness. "

" I see " He became serious.

" Ah no no " She laughed lightly. " I'm not a dead soul. I just like silence, simplicity and peace. "

" So, Miss. Kashish you're not married, any plans in the near future ? "

" No, not at all " Her voice was plain and expressionless , just like her face.

" Why, may I ask ? "

" Hmm, I love someone " She said ina casual tone." The question of marriage with some one
who's not ' him ' is useless. So if I ever get married, It would be only with ' him ', Insha'Allah. "

" Wow, thanks for being honest and frank "

" I'm always like this "

" Your viewers would probably want to know that how does it feel to love some one ? "

" Well .... " She took a long sigh and then closed her eyes for a moment. " It hurts to love some
one. "

" You mean, for you it's a hurting experience, right ? "

" No, even generally speaking, I think if you don't feel pain or hurt in some relation, it can't be
called as a human relationship. " She replied matter--of-factly. " Love does hurt you alot. If it
doesn't, then it's not love "

" Well..... I see " The anchor was clearly impressed now. " And what about him ? Does he love
you too ? "

" Don't know really. But I'm sure he hates me so you can say, yes, may be he loved me too . "

" Really ? well that's interesting. But how can you say that ? "

" Because where is hatred, there is love too "

" Umm, one more question Miss.Kashish. " He requested.

" Sure "

" What's your favourite sher ? "

" There are many, but the sher I read most often is....

Leaving her sentence unfinished, she became straight, facing the Camera. On the T.V screen she
appeared like she was directly speaking to Sameer, looking into his eyes.There was some strange
boldness in her expression. Like she knew he was watching her.

Sameer's heart beats became fast for no reason at all. Or was there some reason ?

She closed her eyes then, but opened her lips. When she spoke, she had the sweetest voice but
the most sad tone.

Apni Aankhon ke Samandar mein utar Jaaney dey

Teri mujrim hoon, mujhey doob ke mar jaaney dey


Larka Tumhaara kanwaara reh jaata

Ke Maano, humara Ahsaan

Ke Larki ne ' Haan ' kar dee

Unable to hear the wedding song any more, Muskaan placed her hands on her ears. As she sat on
the stairs, dressed in her plain yellow ' Maayon ' suit, she could hear the giggles, laughters and
chuckles of the guests. Tomorrow was her wedding day and at the moment, whole of the house
was fully loaded with guests who were staying at her place to attend the wedding.

Every one was happy, every face was smiling. Every eye was filled with enjoyment. There was
only one person in the whole house who looked sad, confused and frustrated, and this person
was the bride herself, Muskaan.

With a sheer look of pure disappointment, she put her face on her knees, like doing so would
enable her to hide her expressions, her feelings, her thoughts.

" May I have a word with you in private? "

On hearing the sudden, unexpected voice, she raised her head and saw Jahanzaib standing
beside her.

She just stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say.

" Please ? " He asked again.

Short of being rude she couldn't refuse. She preceded him into her father's study.

What on earth did he want ?

Once inside the study, he motioned her to sit down but she didn't obey. He didn't sit either.

" You are getting married Muskaan, hmmm? accept my congratulations " Jahanzaib's mouth
tightened in the most painful way.

" Thanks " She said simply, turning her face away to stare at the huge collecetion of books neatly
placed in the shelves.

" Excited ? "

" Ofcourse. " She said firmly. " Every eastern girl dreams of her wedding since the day she's born

" I know... but I thought you're not a ' dream-kind' of person. "

" Why not ?" She turned her head to look at him. " I was half dreaming about about the wedding
when you came along few moments ago "

" And me ?" He said.

There was that glitter in his eyes again that made her throat dry.

" What ? "

" You must have dreamed of me, too. " His voice was low and grainy, rippling down the back of
her neck.

Muskaan stared at him, wondering if he could possibly know just what a weakness she had for a
voice like this.

" I... I guess you might have got the wrong idea, " Saying this she started to step towards the
door, but the second she took a step, he came in front of her, blocking her way.

Startled, Muskaan gasped. " Let go of me ."

" Stop this silly business Muskaan. It's enough now. " He said firmly, his voice louder than
normal, his tone serious.

Caught in the sure grip of of his strong eyes, her eyes wide and heart slamming against her ribs,
she stared up at him. She'd never seen him angry before.

" Wha... What do you mean ? " She tried to speak.

" We have to sort things out between us "

He was very confident.

" There's nothing between us, Jahanzaib. " She frowned, her typical stubbornness returning to
her mind again.

" Ah that's the whole problem girl . " He cut in sharply. " There 're lot of things between us. "

" And there is ... " He moved closer. " There is something between us which we both are trying to

" What're we trying to deny ? " She looked up into his magical eyes. As she did so, her body
began to shake and she couldn't breath.

" Something which we should accept. " He said, or his eyes said, she didn't know. She was lost.

" Accept what ?"

" The fact "

" What's the fact ? "

' Love "

" No "

" Yes"

" Okay " She took a fast breath." May be I liked you. But that doesn't mean I didn't hate you, too."
" I see " He sighed, looked away for a moment then stared back at her again. "are you sure there
is nothing between us?"

" Ye.....yes " She swallowed hard, her lips started to tremble. Only then she realized that her whole
body was trembling since the time she'd entered this place with him.

" You're trembling. " He observed.

She closed her eyes momentarily to stop staring at him.

" You're crying. " He said tightly, coming closer.

She drew back.

" Look into my eyes, girl " He finally stopped moving.

" Oh stop it Jahanzaib. " She sobbed.

His face softened as he saw the glitter of her tears.

" Why're you crying , hmm ? " He asked, huskily.

" Please, I beg you. " She didn't move, either; she was crying silently, tears trickling down her
wheatish cheeks.

" Tell me do you love me ?" His voice demanded clear-cut honesty and courage. So does love.

" Break all the walls. Just tell me once, only once. Do you hate me ? or love me ? " He said with a
bluntness that brought the blood to her face.

Moments passed, no answer from her.

" Tell me Muskaan, please be honest with me. Be honest with yourself. Don't hurt yourself
anymore. "

She closed her eyes, the tears leaked out under her eyelids and ran down her cheeks.

" Don't you love me ? " He repeated.

" No..... no " Tears didn't seem to leave her eyes. She shut them, shaking her head.

" I , I " She said atlast. Her voice betraying her expression. She was shaken.

" What? " He asked plainly. " Sorry, could you just say it again please ? I didn't hear you. "

" I .....hate you.....I I ... " Red faced, she tried to open her mouth.

" While your lips are saying you hate me, your eyes are telling me the opposite. " He continued,
not seeming to hear,

" No " She shook her head. " I... I hate you "
" I see...but you know what... I don't hate you. " His voice was soft, confident and matter-of-fact, a
sharp contrast to hers at the moment.

" Jaha....Jahanzaib--- " She croaked, staring at him, wanting to say something meaningful but she
didn't know what. She thought she should know at a moment like this, exactly what she felt for

" Infact........ " He took a pause, and glared directly into her deep eyes.

" I love you " He whispered softly.

And that was what she needed. His confession swept all the inhibitions, wiped off all the
limitations and broke every dam.

" Me...mme too " Her sobs became louder, colour flooding her cheeks.

" You what ? "

" Oh.. God.... yes..I LOVE YOU... and I hate myself for that. " Screaming, she hid her face in her

She didn't stop then.

" We can't do anything now. " She was crying like a little baby girl.

" Tomorrow is my wedding. I can't destroy the trust my parents have on me. I can't ruin my
family's reputation. I have already said ' yes '. Shahroz's family already has our ' word ' " She
sobbed uncontrollably.

" Oh Muskaan you took so long to say just these two simple words." His own eyes were heavy
with tears now. " Girls like you spoil their whole life just because of this unnecessary hesitation. "

" Forgive me " She rubbed her cheeks, a useless effort to wipe her tears.

" I know, I can't get you now " He whispered. She felt like his voice was coming from miles
away.. " But atleast now I've a content feeling that our love was mutual. "

He took a little pause then began again.

" I'm leaving this country tomorrow. I'm going to Australia"

" No no " Muskaan shook her head. She swallowed, her throat hurting. He was going away.
Jahanzaib was leaving her, going thousands of miles away. She might never see him again.

" Forgive me too " He said without any expression. " As I won't be able to attend your wedding as
a guest. I just can't see you as a bride, sitting beside some one else. " His voice became thick and
hurting in the end. " I just can't see you in all those bridal charms, only prepared for some other
man. "

On his comment, Muskaan raised her head and looked into his eyes. A big, warm tear escaped out
of the corner of one of his eyes. Slowly, he raised his index finger to remove it.
" Allah Hafiz " He said and turned back so fast that if he'll look at her again, he would become

The door closed behind him.

Tears in eyes, Muskaan stared after him. His words, his sight, his remarks made her feel like the
infatuated adolescent she'd never had the chance to be.The only difference was that of the
feeling. It was pure love, no doubt about that. And she'd just confessed about that.

Fire, water and Jahanzaib. To be avoided or taken in very small doses.


Due to heavy rush of traffic and thousands of people, it took a while for Sameer to find a suitable
place to park his car.

" It's Sakhi Hasan graveyard of Karachi. " He said, as he went round to open the door for her.

" Wow, its lovely here. " Kiran's eyes widened as she looked around to see the place filled with
lights, vehicles and traffic. " I never thought even " Shab-e-Baraat" could be so traditional. "

" It's Karachi, madam " Sameer smiled, as he took little Saba in his lap and moved forward.

" It's... it's just like a festival or something. "

" Indeed, it is. " Sameer said, as they entered the boundary wall of the huge graveyard. " On Shab-
e-baraat, people living in Pakistan make different sorts of ' Halwa ' and then kids distribute them
from door to door in the whole nighbourhood and in relatives, just like we distribute meat on
Baqra'Eid, Eid-ul-Azha. "

" Oh, wow. You know I just love ' Sooji Ka Halwa ', yummy " Kiran said excitedly, taking Saba from
his hands.

" Yes, it's tasty. But my favourite is of 'Chaney ki Daal ka Halwa', very delicious. " He told her,
leading her towards a specific portion of the graveyard.

Graves as far as the eye could see. Lonesome trees crouching some graves. But the night was
dazzling today even at the graveyard. In connection with Shab-e-Baraat, whole area was filled with
the people who were reciting prayers for their loved ones. The whole place was drowned in the
candlelights. There were flowers every where, spreading assorted fragrances here and there.

" Is she sleeping ? " Kiran caressed Saba's hair, trying to look at the little girl's face.

" Nopes, she's silent. " Leaning forward, he kissed his daughter's forehead. " May be she's
realized that she's here to meet her mother." Sameer's voice became husky in the end.

Then, to divert Saba's attention, he said...

" See Kiran, our daughter does know who's she "
" Really ? tell me, you big girl, hehe " Kiran laughed softly, as she ruffled baby's hair.

" Hmm, Saba, who are you ? " She kissed her hair.

" Puppppa's princessss. " Saba smiled shyly then giggled.

" You cute baby, mmmmm " Unable to control herself, Kiran showered big kisses over her whole

" And who is our God, Saba ? " Sameer asked, as they reached near his father's grave.

" Allah miyaan " She said without wasting a second.

" Shaabaash " He smiled.

" And your Kiran aunty would also like to hear Kalma from you, baita" He smiled, touching her
cheek softly.

Saba didn't say anything for some seconds. Her soft little lips trembling like she's gathering
power to speak. And then she told the whole Kalma in a wonderful way. Though her words were
not very clear ofcourse, but the way she spoke the words was very perfect.

Kiran felt tears flooding her eyes. It was so lovely, so touchy, so cute.

" This is my father's grave. " Sameer pointed towards a grave located at the right. As they
reached there, Kiran noticed it was very neat and beautiful. White marble tiles covered the main
spot completely, except at the centre where sand was visible.

She helped him to spread fresh roses all over the grave and then on neighbouring graves. That
done, he lit up several joss sticks and placed them at various points on the grave.

The wonderful fragrance of fresh flowers mixed with the magical smell of ' Agar-Batti's ' was
something Kiran really liked. It was a holy and heavenly atmosphere.

She looked at Sameer silently, watching him intently. His eyes were closed and his lips were
moving slightly, as he recited the verses of Holy Quran. She did the same, repeating his words in
her heart. He had great pronounciation and accent for Arabic language as well. She liked that.

" My father, a great man with memorable qualities " He murmured slowly as he sat beside the
grave. His eyes showed the pain and hurt which was evident in his voice too.

" I'm sure he was. May Allah give rest and peace to his soul, Amen. " Kiran's voice translated her
own sincere feelings for him. After all he was your father, she wanted to say, but stopped herself.

" You know Kiran, the great older generation present at the time of foundation of Pakistan is
leaving us, day by day. It's such a great loss. " He whispered sadly. " We'd have to preserve their
heritage, their traditions, their values. "

" Yes " She agreed. " They gave so much sacrifices for us. "

The next few minutes passed in complete silence.

" Allah Hafiz Abbo " He finally rose, his throat tear-clotted.

" Where're we heading now ? " She asked, as they left the place, Saba still in her lap.

" To Kisa's grave. It's in other portion. " As he said, she felt him stiffen.

After few more minutes of walk, they found the grave.

Sameer didn't say a word. He just stared at the grave, his breathing acute and heavy. And then for
the first time, Kiran saw him crying. Yes, he was crying. A man was crying. A man who was always
so strong, so firm, so fixed, so unshaken was now crying like a child.

After crying for minutes, his sobs changed into silence.

He drew in his breath and let it out slowly, like he's trying to control himself. Turning towards
Kiran, he reached for Saba's hand.

" Saba..... say salaam to mother " He demanded huskily, pointing towards Kisa's grave.

Perhaps Saba was very much used to this, as she complied him without any difficulty.

" Saamm mummmma " Saba slurred, her eyes fixed on her mother's grave.

This was the time when Kiran couldn't stop her tears either.

Next, Sameer began to spread roses on the grave. With in few seconds, the whole place was
looking like a beautiful flower bed, a rose bed. Sameer finally lit the joss sticks and placed them
all over the spot. Once finished with that he stood up, his lips tightly closed.

Neither spoke. The silence was sad and hurting. Unable to stay there any longer, she took few
steps back and then she heard some thing.

The sounds were those of feminine sobs, like someone's crying out there.

Patting Saba on her back, Kiran edged closer. Then she saw something.

There was some shadow behind the back of Kisa's grave. Curiosity initiated her to move towards
the point.

Slowly, carefully, she reached at the back of the grave and then saw her.

Yes, she was there. Kashish, alone. Her hair was dispersed all around her face. Despite of the
semi-dark atmosphere, Kiran could see her red nose and watery eyes. She sat there alone, with
her face down on her knees.

" What are you doing here like this ? " Shocked, Kiran couldn't supress her cry of astonishment.

" What ?" Sameer's voice came from behind. " Who's there ? "

" Ammmiii, ammmeee " As soon as she saw Kashish, little Saba began to scream desperately.
She was yelling so loudly that kiran completely forgot what to do or think.
" Give her.... " Sameer's voice made her come back to her senses. " Give Saba to her, she's not
going to stop otherwise,"

Slowly, Kiran lowered Saba on the ground. As soon as Saba's feet touched the floor, she rushed
towards her aunt.

Kashish took her swiftly, raised her, lifted her up. She's was now laughing, smiling.

Kiran glanced back at Sameer but found nothing. He was not there, perhaps he was back to Kisa's

For some unknown reason, Kiran suddenly felt like a left out person, alone.

Only then she heard a strange, feminine voice from some where.

" Suniyey "

" Hmmm ? what ? " Confused, Kiran looked here and there.

" Listen , I'm speaking to you. " The same resonant, quiet voice came again. It was the voice of a young woman,
very musical and ' spiritual ' sound.

Searching for the source, Kiran turned to her right and jumped. Startled, her hand immediately raised up to her
mouth to stifle her scream.

Standing just opposite to her, beneath the huge tree was a figure of a young woman. She was dressed in pure
white, plain Saarhi. Her hair fell loosely over her choulders. She had the longest hair, Kiran had ever seen. But
that was not what had shocked her. It was her face.

This was the face, Kiran could recognize in millions.

She was Kisa.

Kiran could recognize her easily. Though she had never seen her in real but her features were exactly similar to
the woman she'd seen in the pictures.

As she stared at her, paralyzed, she felt a niggle of fear. She felt so dizzy that she thought she might faint any

" No " Kisa smiled gently. " Don't be scared. I Just wanted to say thanks to you. "

Kiran couldn't speak a single word. She was totally dumb at the moment.

" Thank you. " Kisa breathed gently. " For being so nice to my husband, my mother-in-law. Thanks Kiran,
thanks for loving my daughter. "

While she was talking, Kiran noticed the heavenly glory on her face. She looked so much" holy " , like a Godess,
like an innocent angel.

" I just have this single request. " Kisa pleaded softly. " Just don't hurt my sister. Please? it would be so nice of
you " Her voice became heavy with tears in the end.
" Kiran " Sameer touched her shoulder.

" WHAT? " She turned to him so rapidly that he had to hold her shoulders to keep her from falling

" What's the matter, you thinking something ? "

"'s just that " Still lost in trance, Kiran turned back to the tree, and sighed.

There was no one now. The whole place was empty and silent.

" Yeah, who's there ? " He asked again.

" Nothing " Kiran smiled weakly. " Just my imagination. Should we go now ? "

" Yes "

Seeing Saba in his lap, her eyes searched for Kashish and then she realized that she was gone

They didn't talk much after that. Kiran leaned forward and closed her eyes as the car slowly left
the parking lot. Neither said anything as they drove. To her her surprise, little Saba in her lap was
silent too.
Perhaps she is tired, or may be sleepy. Kiran thought, as the car sped away rapidly. This time their
journey lasted for half an hour and then the car stopped. Out of the corner of her eye Kiran could
see a big, beautiful traditional house surrounded by trees. But right then, it was drowned in
darkness. Even then Kiran could read the big words, Salman Villa, painted beautifully on the tower
of the house.

" You and Saba stay here. I'll be right back . " Sameer said to her, getting out of the car.

" Where're you going ? " Kiran asked from inside the car, as he made his way into the house.

" To meet some one . " He replied over his shoulder, then murmured something to the watchman
present at the door. Watchman nodded and then invited him inside.

Feeling sheer anticipation at the moment, he made his way to the lawn. But the instant he reached
there, his mouth went dry. His excitement died immediately, his anticipation faded away.

' He' was not there.

Sameer felt his heart sinking. Panic tore at him and he swallowed hard to prevent himself from
He closed his eyes momentarily. The loss was unbearable.

Kiran waited for him for more than fifteen minutes and when she saw no sign of his return, she
decided to check in. She kissed Saba who was yawning sleepily and rubbing her big brown eyes
with the balls of her little fists. She picked her up as the baby girl struggled to her warmth.

Slowly, Kiran entered the house, looking here and there to find him. And then she saw him.

He was sitting on the grass. Crying, silently.

Surreptitiously, she studied him. Oblivious of her regard, he was cleaning his glasses with a
handkerchief, the movement slow and deliberate.

Without spectacles, he appeared strangely vulnerable, innocent almost. So much like the Sameer
Hasan she had met at the Florida university. It surprised her, as did the length of his lashes----a
darker black than his hair, and thick and spiky as a child's.

Then suddenly, he tilted his head and looked in her direction.

Kiran gasped, she wanted to say some thing but no words came out of her mouth.

" You remember once I told you about our old neem tree ? " He asked. Perhaps he'd realized her

She simply nodded.

" He was our friend, a companion of old times. They have cut it. "

Her heart ached with pain for him, her huge eyes widened with the intensity of her emotions.

" Who did this ? "

" The new owners. Kisa's parents sold the house due to their financial problems. " He sighed,
tears still running down his cheeks.

Not knowing what to say, she planted kisses on Saba's tousled, soft brown hair. " She's sleeping
" She said slowly.

Sameer rose from his place and then glancing at the empty space for the last time, he
accompanied her towards the car.

" This is the first time I've seen you without your glasses since the time I'm in Pakistan. " Smiling,
she tried to change the atmosphere, their car running towards his home at a swift, steady speed.

" Does it make any difference ? " He asked, now smiling.

" Well some times, it does. " She winked naughtily. She was pleased at his reaction. She felt like a
powerful woman. She had the guts to bring smile on his lips. And at the moment, this feeling was
greater than anything else.


" Beautiful, isn't it ?" Sameer's voice came in her ear, as they both got out of the car and looked
at the wide luxurious wedding lawn in front of them.

Other cars were parked nearby, and people were coming and going all about them.

" Yes, it sure is . " Kiran said. She looked truly mesmerized.
Sameer glanced at her, as if guaging the depth of her interest.

" Gosh, it's like I'm sharing a Pakistani wedding for the first time in my life. " She said, as they
both headed to the main gate.

" But you sure have visited a lot of Pakistani weddings in States too. Haven't you? " Sameer said.

" Yes, but you know, it's different. A Pakistani wedding in " Pakistan " She smiled, as they entered
the huge wedding lawn.

As he let her preceded him to enter the lawn, he got chance to look at his companion. No doubt
Kiran was pretty, but tonight she looked stunningly beautiful and gorgeously dazzling. She wore a
plain, royal blue saarhi of fine satin-silk with matching full-sleeved blouse. A half a dozen dark
blue bangles softly jingled on her wrist. She moved around the lawn with a royal swiftness,
leaving luxurious fragrance behind her.

Kashish had not expected that Sameer would be coming to Lahore to attend the wedding. But this
was not the only surprise for her at the moment, as she sat at one of the corners of huge, lawn
talking with Wafa.

Suddenly the soft glow of the lights around her brightened, and she swung around to see Sameer
was coming towards her. But he was not alone. Accompanying him was a beautiful, gorgeous

Kashish gasped. Who was she ?? Surely she couldn't be his wife, or was she ?

Kashish looked over at her with an unpredictable, plain gesture. Instead of coming to her, Sameer
turned away in opposite direction. Laughing, he exchanged introductions with the other couples.

As always, she struck by his looks. Beautiful almost, except that was too feminine a word for a
man of such virile masculinity. She admired the fluid movements of his body, enhanced by his
superlatively cut dark grey suit. His black shirt made his wheatish skin appear fairer.

Just then he looked over and smiled at someone, a special kind of smile that made Kashish turn
to see who had softened those black eyes. The same attractive, gorgeous woman waved her hand
to him and came toward him. Her ash brown shoulder length hair flipping against a rose-petal skin
that marked her as a fresh, beautiful female. She was expensively dressed in a royal blue saarhi,
matching full-sleeved blouse and some very good gold jewelery.

Tonight, Kashish was also a little heavier with her make-up, using blusher on her high cheek
bones, and mascara to darken lashes long and thick.

How old was she - twenty five, twenty six? Yes, they did make a good couple. They suited each other even age-
wise too.

Kashish was watching them. It was the same instant when, for the first time, the strange beautiful
woman looked at her. Kashish quickly darted her eyes away, then back...then away again. Very
confusing. The woman looked across the table at Kashish and tried to judge her state of mind.

As expected, Sameer had totally ignored her. Her heart contracted in the most hurting way.

He could pretend she wasn't there and there was nothing she could do about it. The hurt stabbed
her as Kashish fought back the tears.
But hurt was not the only thing which filled her heart then. She was also filled with an
uncontrollable jealous anger, turning her face away from his smile when he looked at her.

" Shahroz, congratulations man. How're you ? " Suddenly Sameer's voice came from very near.

Kashish turned to see, they were now beside her table.

" Actually, I should ask that first. But as I can see, you look pretty fine, specially right now
" Shahroz winked.

" My ex-colleague in Florida University, a very nice lady. " Smiling, Sameer made an introduction.

" I see, does she have a name ? " Shahroz asked, a naughty smile playing on his lips. Dressed in
cream-coloured raw-silk sherwani and matching shilwar, he looked absolutely handsome and
traditionally great.

" Actually I do have a name, but don't need much fame. " Kiran gave him a wonderful smile,
tossing her hair expressively.

" She's Kiran " Sameer told him.

" Wow " Shahroz's eyes narrowed initially, then he smiled. " Miss.Kiran, you talk pretty smart, "

" Thanks for the compliment, but that was just the start . " She smiled back.

" Cool. So what're your hobbies ?"

" Lots of things, like books, arts, thinking and stuff. " She hung her head, judging him at the first
glance. He was very talkative person, sort of bold too. But she did know how to handle such men.

" Don't you see movies Miss.Kiran? " Shahroz asked, his mouth thinning in another teasing smile.
He was anxious to get any chance to throw something funny at this girl but she was determined
that she won't give him one.

" Nopes " She smiled gently, facing him without slightest problem.

" Really ? since when ?

" Since the time I have grown up. "

He laughed, and for the first time, his eyes sparkled with the gleam of admiration.

" You two make a pretty good couple, you know " He pressed his left eye, smiling.

" Thank you, you think so ? " She laughed, pushing aside a long silky curl with her slender finger.

" Actually, you make so " He smiled.

The introductions were swift and friendly and Kiran hardly had the time to take all the names
before Sameer was turning to Kashish. But to Kashish's shock, he completely ignored her while
introducing Kiran to Wafa and Mushkbaar.
" Hey ! " Kiran straigtened and called, waving her hand. " You must be Kashish, right ? " Kiran's
sweet and feminine voice had drawn all the eyes to her again.

It was the first time when their eyes met directly, judging each other at the first glance.

It was the most amazing and strange moment for Sameer. He looked at them with fascination, as
they shook hands.

If one was the princess of innocence, the other was a queen of maturity.

If one was a mass of beauty, the other was fragrance of femininity.

If one was modest, the other was graceful.

If one was girl, the other was woman.

Women have a way of understanding each other far better than men do. A look, a word, a gesture,
an intonation,
can say so much.

Kiran noted, Kashish was one pure mass of feminine beauty. She was one of those who "click" at
first glance. She was innocent, she was pretty, she was beautiful and she was young.

She had huge, brown eyes, and her hair was neatly but completely covered in a broad white scarf,
which emphasized her oval face and high cheekbones. She wore a white kurta and matching
choori-daar Pajaama with a big broad white Dupatta spreading across her upper front in a modest,
graceful way.

" Hey, you're just like Saba. " Kiran exclaimed loudly, her pitch high with excitement. Her wavy
brown hair fell to her shoulders as she shook hand with Kashish.

" I see, so this woman knows about Saba too. " Kashish thought painfully.

" No, let me correct you, " Kashish gave her the bravest smile. " Actually Saba is like me . "

" Aha, " Interest grew in Kiran's eyes. She noticed that Kashish's voice had a soft, husky quality to
it, surprisingly low and soothing, as she conversed with her.

Kiran wanted to say something in reply but couldn't as Sameer had begun to introduce her to

And then as the dinner was served, the couple had sat at the beautiful well-decorated dining table
and eaten the most delicious Pakistani food. Spicy chicken Biryani with raa'eta, chicken Qorma,
sheermaal and naan with indian salad.The waitres also supplied several cold drinks, Kashmiri and
green-tea and coffee.

Kashish's table was only few feet away from their table, which gave her a clear view of the couple
as they talked and laughed. Kashish saw that Kiran was watching her scrutinise her. Kashish
chewed at her lower lip and turned her face away, giving an ignoring look.
A curious, aching pain built up inside her and spread tormentingly through her body. It made her
feel umcomfortable, uneasy, edgy and off-guard. She didn't show it though, as she talked with

" So how's your CSP job going along ? " Wafa asked.

" Alhumdolillah great. It is a tough and hard task, but so is life. " Kashish tried to smile, as the
wedding staff served the tea and coffee on her table.

' Hey, Muskaan is calling me. I'll be back in a minute " Wafa said and then on Kashish's nod, she
rose, leaving her alone at the table.

Sipping her tea, Kashish saw Kiran touched her cup with Sameer's.

Jealousy, swift as a summer storm drenched her, washing away the belief that Sameer could find
happiness only with her now.

From the side-way glance, she saw Kiran saying some thing to Sameer and on his nod, she rose
at her place, leaving him behind her.

Kashish's beats grew faster, as she saw Kiran was walking in her direction.

" May I sit here ? " She had the sweetest smile, for sure.

" Only if you like " For some unknown reason, Kashish's tone became a bit harsh.

" I wasn't sure you wanted a company. " Kiran said with a friendly gesture, as she took a chair
beside Kashish's.

Kashish glanced at her but said nothing.

Hers and Kiran's eyes speaking a language that only two women could understand.

" Sameer's told me so much about you . "

" All of it good, I hope " Kashish tried to smile.

" Ofcourse " Kiran laughed softly, brushing her shoulder-length wavy hair with her left hand.

" You've got brown eyes. " Said Kiran.

Her sudden, bold remark astonished Kashish.

" What ? " She was taken aback.

A long pause.

" I mean, you're unusual " Kiran said atlast, smiling.

" And that's not meant to be a compliment, is it ? " Kashish raised her brows.
" What makes you think I was complimenting you ? Maybe I don't like brown eyes. " Kiran smiled
again, showing very white, even, small teeth.

" That's why I wanted to confirm it first. " Kashish said plainly.

" You're very beautiful. " Kiran said with a casual tone. " You shouldn't need others compliments
for cerification. "

" I don't need them, "

" Good for you. "

" Words travel fast " Kashish sighed.

" So do we " Kiran smiled lively.

" By " we", you probably meant, you and Sameer, right ? " Kashish asked coldly, her voice filled
with sacrastic tone.

" Ah, " Kiran gasped, her smile never leaving her lips.

Kashish found her smile really irritating.

" You probably thought of me as his girl friend or something, right ? " Kiran's voice acquired a
teasing tone.

" That's ridiculous. " Kashish laughed expressionlessly. " No one can ever prove this to me that
Sameer could have a 'girl friend ', it's not possible.

" Nothing is impossible. " Kiran was now a bit serious. This young girl seemed to be very proud of
herself. And Proud people was one of Kiran's dislikes.

Kashish turned her face towards her. She stared at her for few seconds, then suddenly burst into
a laughter.

" You make me laugh, lady " Kashish laughed.

" And you make me smile, girl . " Kiran smiled, noticing attractive female dimples forming deep
grooves in Kashish's beautiful face.

" See..... " Kiran began to explain. " By gender I'm a girl, and by relation, I'm his friend. So a ' girl '
who's supposed to be his ' friend ', shouldn't we call her as his "girl-friend" ? "

" Moving kind of fast, aren't you?" Kashish said, as she took another sip of strong black coffee.
Inwardly she praised the logic of this woman.

Kiran sensed that, but showed nothing than another smile.

Her smile was killing. It was like pouring gasoline upon a fire.

" Listen lady, I don't know you but whoever you're, this is not your USA, this is Pakistan, don't try
to use your typical tactics here " Kashish said thickly.
Kiran felt a surge of anger, but forced it aside, keeping her voice even as she said,

" If I live in America, it doesn't mean Pakistan is not my country " Kiran's voice now matched
hers. " And I have the same right on this sweet country as much as you have "

" Just for the record, how long long are you staying?" Kashish demanded coldly. " A week? A
month? What? "

Giving her a sachharine smile, she shrugged. " Not that it's any of your business, but I haven't
decided yet. Do you have a problem with that young girl ? "

" That depends on why you're here, Miss.Kiran." She tossed back in a tone that was as mocking
as hers.

Kiran's green eyes snapped with outrage, she leveled her with nothing more a glance. " Then I
suggest you stay out of my way, sweet girl, because I'm staying as long as I need to. "

Kashish just bit her lower lip with force.

" And by the way who're you to raise a finger on Sameer and his personal matters ? " Kiran asked,
trying to keep her voice lower than Kashish's.

" After Kisa Baji, Saba is my responsibility. " Kashish said with an air of finality. " So is Sameer. "

" What dutiful, responsible twenty two-year-old girl you must have been. " Kiran smiled harshly,
studying her unrevealing profile.

Kashish kept herself silent, ignoring her remark, though it registered her with the fact that Kiran
was aware of her age too.

" Anyways, I thought we could be friends. " Kiran finally let out a long sigh.

" We're oil and water, Miss.Kiran. We'll never mix. "

" Not unless we find the right emulsifier. " Kiran smiled.

" If you're getting technical... "

" Sorry " Kiran's smile curled the edge of her mouth, as she drained her tea.

" Don't be. Anyways, welcome you to Pakistan. Though it demands alot from the people.
" Kashish said evenly, though her face didn't show any expression yet.

" That's kind of you. " Kiran said gently and set the cup down.

" No need to be sarcastic ! " Kashish said, keeping her tone quiet.

" I wasn't. I always mean what I say, young girl. You should learn to take me at face value."

" I might if I were able to read your face ! But it's an unpredictable one. "
Kiran smiled completely. " Aren't you getting personal ? "

" You did it first. " Kashish's tone was weird, strange and sort of harsher than before.

" Oh " Kiran gasped. " You might be very mature and educated girl, but you lack something. And
that's potential for compromise. Learn how to compromise, young girl . " Kiran said, finally rising
up from the chair.

" I don't compromise for my own things "

" Yeah, but you don't own everything. Do you ? " Kiran said, then moved forward.

" Let's see "

" Let's hear first " Turning back to her, Kiran took few short steps towards her. " I'd like to see you
trying anyway "

" Sometimes we get things even without a single try . "

" Nopes, " Kiran said spontaneously. " If you never try, you always lose."

" Ah, well " Kashish took a long breath and smiled. " Time will tell who wins and who's the loser "

" Why depend upon time ?" Kiran smiled back. " We should trust ourselves "

Kashish wanted to say something but Kiran cut in. " Anyways, it was nice meeting you. I'd like to
meet you again. Take care"

Finishing her sentence, she left with the same charisma with which she had come.

Sameer was there, waiting for her.

" We should go now, it's twelve-o-clock at night, and I have to drop you first " Sameer said,
leaving his chair. She followed him silently.

Once outside, he checked for his keys and motioned her to climb into the car. The air was warm
and soft and the starlight so bright that they could easily see each other's face.

They did so but said nothing.

The quality of silence was matched by the splendour of the nigth sky.

" So where to drop you ? " Once they were inside the car, he asked.

" You forgot ? " Kiran said. " I told you my Aunt lives in Model town. "

" Oh yes, I remember now "

" And what about you, where would you go from here ? " She asked, turning her face to his.

" My father's closest friend lives here in Lahore. I'm staying with his family " He replied.
" Oh I see "

" So enjoyed a Pakistani wedding in Pakistan ? " Leaning back in his seat, he fumbled for a
cigarette in his jacket.

" It was superb and memorable. The traditions, colours, everything was amazing, the atmosphere
electric. " She said, observing him with interest.

He found his lighter and lit the cigarette. She admired his magnificent head bending over the
minuscule flame.

" I'm glad you enjoyed your time. " He said plainly.

He switched on the ignition and shifted into low, moving around the circular driveway and
heading out of the parking area of the lawn.

" Sameer "

" Hmm ? "

" May I ask something ? "

" Sure "

" What do you think of Kashish ? " Her sudden, strange question surprised even herself.

He exhaled a cloud of smoke and then turned slowly to observe her.

When she met his jet black gaze in the half light, her heart seemed to flutter. Never, never, she
thought, had she seen such powerful eyes.

" You love her, don't you ? " Her question left him answerless.

" Be honest, please " Her eyes, her face, her expression demanded nothing but honesty and the

He tore his gaze away.

Next there was a traffic signal on the road which turned red as they reached the spot.

He stopped, gave her a baleful look then reluctantly laughed. " You don't know what're you talking
about "

" As I told you, she was my past. Right now, I've some thing else in my mind and that is......" He
left his sentence unfinished. Then, turning to face her, he looked deep into her eyes.

His eyes fastened her breaths and quickened her pulses.

" You. " Her heart raced on his bold remark. " I'm asking this again. Will you marry me Kiran ?
" He asked plainly.
He was serious. She realized, stunned her gaze locked with his.

But his tone was casual. Like he's talking about some of his duty. Again, there was nothing
special in it.

This is the time. To tell him that yes, I'm ready. Sameer, I'm honored beyond the ability of words to accept your
proposal of marriage. A shy smile began to dance on her lips as she managed to say,

" Hey, the green light is on"


It's time to decide. Muskaan thought as she sat on her wedding bed, trembling, shaking, waiting for '
him'. Waiting for Shahroz Ahmed who was her husband now, her bride-groom.

Things had gone so fast, so rapidly today that she hardly had any chance of even realizing her
own condition. She had not felt any special emotion, any feeling, any good thought today, like the
brides usually have on this specific day, and for this special night.

Perhaps, he had stolen everything from her. He had left her forever with nothing but his hurting,
painful memories.

Jahanzaib. She said softly. her lower lips quivered, and one huge, silvery tear appeared on her
lower lash.

Handsome, clever, gentle, a man with good sense of humour, he had seemed too good to be true.
He was !

What I'm doing ? This is my marriage night, and here I'm sitting on my wedding bed, waiting for my husband
and thinking of some other man ? She thought and felt like a disgusted girl.

Only then she heard the door of her bedroom opening and then closing softly.

Her breath caught in her throat and she wasn't breathing.

He was finally near her. But it's just physical nearness. She thought. " I wish, Shahroz Ahmed , I could feel
your nearness mentally and emotionally too. "

Pain. Sadness. Uncertainty.

Her heart thumping wildly as he got closer. Should she hide her feelings. Or should she simply sit
here, welcoming him with false smile and fake reaction. It would be a big lie to herself and to him.
And she knew that those relationships which are based on lie, can't last longer.

He took the first step, then the second.

As he sat beside her on the bed, Muskaan's nostrils quivered with his intoxicating clean male
But she'd made her mind now. She couldn't wait any longer. Withour raising her Ghoonghat-
covered head, she opened her lips, giving way to the words she thought he must hear.

" Listen, Shahroz. Before anything else, I've to tell you something . "

She heard his sharp, small intake of breath. Like she'd shocked him.

" I.... I've to be honest with myself and above all, I've to be honest with you, you my husband.
" Her voice was shaking, like the rest of her body. " There was someone... there was some other
man in my life. I used to like him, may be even loved him but nothing more. " She finally said,
gaining all of her courage and bravery.

He didn't say a word, just kept listening to her quietly, silently. May be he was too much shocked
and hurt to say anything now.

" We never did anything which could betray my parents trust and break my religious rules. " She
continued, her words high but her head still low. She didn't find much courage to raise her head
and look into his eyes. " All I've done is that, I loved him and believe me I had no control over
that. But I promise, I would forget him. I know it'll take some time. But I assure you, I would love
you more than anyone. "

Finishing her sentence, she became completely silent. She was now waiting for his reaction. What
would he do now? Punish me, beat me, divorce me or what. She couldn't think more.

For the first few moments, she didn't hear anything except his long breaths.

" I see, that's interesting. " He finally spoke.

But, somehow this voice sounded familiar. At first she was totally confused. This voice had some
thing typical in it. She felt like, she remembered him, knew him.

She raised her head, and got the strongest shock of her life.

Infact the shock was so strong that she forgot everything, she left the bed and was about to
scream when he gently put his hand on her mouth.

" Shhhhhhhh shhhh " He placed his index finger over her lips, silencing her.

" Take it easy, whole of the house is sleeping "

" But...what're you doing here Jahanzaib ??

" What's a bridegroom supposed to do in his bride's room ?" He smiled, his finger now playing
with her lips.

" But... but.... where's Shahroz ?? how dare you come to a room of some other woman like this
" She bit her lips, trying her best to keep her voice low.

" Other woman ? " He shrugged his shoulders. " I thought you're my wife. "

" What's this all about ? Some kind of stupid game or a low joke ? " She said quickly.
" Ofcourse not. " His smile was very assuring.

" Where's Shahroz ?

" Right here, in front of you. " He smiled.

" But you're Jahanzaib "

" Jahanzaib is my family nick. Shahroz is my real name "

" Oh " She felt her knees going weak, she sat back on the bed. " I'll kill Wafa and Mushkbaar.
They didn't tell me anything."

" I told them not to . If you remember they insisted that you should atleast see Shahroz once. "

" Why did you do this ? " At the moment, she didn't know how to express her feelings. The shock,
the surprise was too great to bear.

" I wanted to make sure that our feelings were mutual, before we get married. " He said in a slow
voice, now sitting beside her on the bed.

She just stared at him unblinkingly. Not believing how lucky she was. Here he was, right in front of
her. And he was all hers. She was his. He was hers.

" I wanted you to belong to me and only me. I couldn't face the thought of any other man having
been in your life. It hurt. Even so early I knew there was you and nobody else. I had a sleepless
night----- several sleepless nights. " Very gently, he took her hand in his. The touch re-assured her
that it was not a dream. It sent shivers through her body. But the shivers were warm, not cold.

" Muskaan " His breathing was heavy. " The way you make me feel is impossible to describe. "

She looked sideways through her lashes at his clear cut, familiar profile, and said huskily. "
Jahanzaib... ?

" Hmm ? " He asked, as he lifted a hand and flicked a strand of hair away from her eyes.

" I'm scared. " She whispered, and he turned to look quickly at her.

" Scared about being with me ? " He touched a finger to her chin, tilting her face up to him. The
light touch against her throat and the intense concern she glimpsed in his eyes was almost too

" Scared about being so happy. " She confessed. " It's frightening to feel like this. "

His face cleared and he laughed, taking her hand and touching his lips to her palm lingeringly.

" It's going to last Insha'Allah. " He promised, his dark eyes passionate. " I've never been so sure
of anything in my life. We belong together, I think I knew it from the moment I saw you. "

" You're surprising, tonight. " She whispered, smiling into his dark black eyes, her own eyes
wonderfully black.
" This night would be full of surprises. " He pressed his eye naughtily, smiling. " And so would be
our life, Inshsha'Allah. Full of pleasant surprises, tender feelings and love. "

He bent his head to look into eyes that shone with happiness, his hand tracing her face, gently
pushing back her hair.

" I hate you . " She whispered, happy tears flooding her eyes when she thought of what life had
been like without him.

" Acha, that's a news for me. By the way what were you saying the other day ? " He winked

" Youuuuuuuuuuuuu " Unable to hide her shyness any longer, she covered her face with her

His arms tightened around her, and Muskaan melted against him, two bodies that yearned
together, two hearts that beat as one, perfect happiness to face a brand-new life.

Love couldn't be hidden..... it could be denied though.


" They were not wrong. "

As she heard the sudden, sweet voice, Kashish cast her eyes up.

There she was, standing in front of her table, smiling broadly. Dressed in navy blue Saarhi with
matching full sleeved blouse, she had the power to impress others at the first glance. Black,
feminine sun-glasses made her fair face even more prominent and awesome.

" Oh Miss.Kiran you ? " Kashish blinked and stared. Their eyes held across the room, for much
longer than was conventional.

Kiran looked at the young girl who sat behind the large office table. Thin rimmed glasses perched
on Kashish's nose gave her an elegant, cute touch. She wore little or no makeup today, a big
cream coloured scarf around her face making her sophisticated, unique and modest.

Finally, breathing a long sigh, Kashish ran her eyes up and down her in a way that told Kiran she
wasn't the least impressed.

" I'm glad you remember me. " Kiran smiled, as on Kashish's request, she took a chair exactly
opposite to hers.

" I hope, I didn't disturb you in the middle of something. Your secretary told me it was an off-time
for you. But looks like the young lady is still working, isn't she? " Kiran said plainly, as she placed
her purse on the table.

" Yeah, due to heavy work, I stay up late these days. "
" I see " Kiran said, and studied her keenly.

" So what're you saying? Who was not wrong and about what ? " Kashish asked as she ordered

" People have told me, you're the youngest female CSP officer of Pakistan "

" Oh yes. Thanks " Kashish gave her a formal smile.

" Why did you thank me ? "

" I.... I mean you talked about me being the youngest woman in authority. " Kashish suddenly
found herself trapped in the magical trance produced by this mature, beautiful woman.

" So do you think being ' young ' is something appreciative ? " Kiran glared at her with interest.

" Don't know. But with respect to my post, it is. " Kashish was not less than her either in any way,
except the age, ofcourse.

In the mean time, one of the staff men brought tea for them.

" So how does it feel to be an authority ? " Kiran looked at her enquiringly.

" To me, much more responsible and sensitive. " She managed to steady her voice enough to

" Good " Kiran murmured, taking the first sip of her tea.

" So what brings you here ? " Kashish asked.

" I wanted to discuss matters with respect to Sameer." Kiran said, her voice a little more active
now. " Care to talk about it? " She asked quietly.

" I'm a good listener and I think we're walking in the same direction." Kashish replied in a casual

Kiran raised her eyes, watching her for a minute, and then she smiled, a slow, beautiful smile.

" That's the whole problem " Kiran's tone became even more serious now. " Directions are same,
but paths are different."

" I see " Kashish said unevenly. " And who's on the wrong path ?"

" To me, it's you " Kiran said casually.

" Listen lady.... " Kashish closed the file in her front and bending a little she now gazed directly
into Kiran's eyes. " I don't know what are you upto, but you have no right to judge who's wrong
and who's right. "

" Yes, but as far as the matter of Sameer is concerned. I do have this right " Kiran said soberly.
" Aahh, and who gave you this right ? " Kashish gave her a pure sarcastic expression.

" Sameer " Kiran answered. " He trusts me and thinks I'm very reasonable. "

" Men always say women are reasonable. But in a group they just can't help treating woman as

" Rubbish. Stop treating everyone according to your own immature criterias. " For the first time,
Kiran's voice became a bit loud.

" That's exactly what're you doing ' Miss.Mature' " Kashish said, as she poured some tea for
herself, then added, " Men give you every reason to distrust them, then made you feel an idiot for
doing so. "

" You're an immature and inexperienced young girl. " Kiran said, trying her best to keep her voice
low. " Sameer is a mature man and you're too young for him. "

" How can you say that ? Besides, does love need one to be experienced ?" Although Kashish
didn't raise her voice, there was steel in it.

" Do you love him "

" More than you "

" Do you trust him ? "

" More than myself '

" So do I. " Kiran's tone was calm, her accent clear.

" What? " Kashish's finely shaped eye brow raised quizzically.

" I love him. "

" I see. " Kashish breathed a sigh of sarcasm." Is your beloved aware of your prejudice against
age-differences ?" She enquired with acid sweetness.

" He knows I don't have any prejudices as such "

" I don't agree " Kashish turned her face away.

" Okay, tell me something Miss.Officer " Kiran suddenly asked, her tone a little complicated now.

" Yes ? "

" Does it hurt to love some one ? " Kiran looked deep into her eyes, as if trying to test her, judge
her feelings.

" Why ? Do you care ? "

" Only if it doesn't " She shrugged.

Kashish laughed.

" You are one interesting lady, do you know that " Kashish smiled up at her.

" Yes, I love talking with trouble makers. " Kiran pressed her left eye naughtily.

" I would take that as a compliment " Kashish brought the cup to her lips.

" Are you always this much trouble ? " Kiran said, gazing low into her tea-mug as if she might
read something from the tea-leaves.

" An ordinary question, I take it " Kashish smiled stiffly.

" You can, if you want. But before considering it an "ordinary" one, do remember that it's about
you "

An intense wave of pure anger passed through Kashish's body. She looked hard at Kiran.

" Nothing personal, but you're wasting your time. " Kashish replied in a calm tone. " Sameer
doesn't care about girls like you . "

A rapid flood of sheer anger wanted to sweep her mind off, but Kiran tried to remind herself that
she wasn't a woman who flew into rage easily. Most of her friends had never even seen her lose
her temper. But this "girl" was making that damn difficult. If she could be blunt, so could she.

" You're in the right place but at the wrong time " Kashish added thickly.

" Who knows " Trying her best to contain her patience, Kiran gave her another smile." May be, its
the wrong place but the right time "

" You're difficult "

" Easy " Kiran breathed gently. " Take it easy. "

" One of us is confused here" Kashish said sweetly. " And it's not me. "

" I'm glad you atleast think there's some confusion. " Kiran giggled. Her giggle made Kashish
angrier than ever.

" I just don't need you messing him up, OK ? She stopped for a moment, like she's trying to
control her nerves. " So, I'm warning you now, just don't play games with him. "

" May be you should mind your own business, Kashish. " It was now enough for Kiran too, she
wanted to break the pride present in this girl. " Sameer's not a child and you don't have any right
to interfere in our relationship. "

" Relationship ? " Kashish said with scorn. " Lady, you came just couple of weeks ago and you've
established "relationships " with him, huh ?"

" We knew each other since years "

" I guess you make relationships very fast, don't you ? " Kashish remarked sarcastically.
" We don't always make relationships young girl, sometimes they're automatic and involuntary.
Anyway, we've got a lot to discuss, sweet girl. " Kiran still had that strange softness in her voice,
and it totally mystified her. She sounded like a different person.

" I don't want to discuss anything with you " Kashish said coldly.

" If manners indicate age, you're still a fifteen-year-old child. " Kiran glared at her with sadness.

" Stop treating me like a child. "

" Stop behaving like one. "

" Why do you always think of me as some ' young girl ' " ? Kashish's anger was clearly showing

" Because you are a young girl. " Kiran smiled wonderfully.

" No. You call me so because of your own complex. " Kashish muttered thickly. The amusement in
Kiran's gaze taunted her.

" That's the biggest joke. Complex of what ? " Kiran laughed, shaking her head like not believing
what she's hearing.

" Age complex. You have passed your golden era. "

" Being twenty nine, I'm more close to him with respect to age. " Kiran reminded her.

Kashish came up out of the chair, and stared at her, then went to the office window. Then looked
at her again. Biting her lower lip, she looked like a woman in distress.

" I think I know what's uppermost on your mind right now. " Kiran's smile was never going to

" Oh yes ? " Kashish challenged.

" You're probably wondering that how do I know so much about you and Sameer "

Kashish didn't say a word.

Kiran took the last sip of her tea, quite enjoying Kashish's silence.

Kashish's answer brought a look of surprise to her eyes.

" You don't know him at all, that's it. " Kashish said, with a self-assuring tone.

" And Miss.Kiran, I'm not making polite conversation now. That's an order." Kashish's anger didn't
surprise Kiran, as she was already prepared for her reaction.

Kiran bristled at her tone but saluted and said. " Yes, Madam '

" Since when do you call me Madam? "

" Since when do you ever make polite conversation with me ? "

Kashish laughed softly.

Unexpectedly, Kiran laughed as well. " I don't blame you for being angry, and I understand why is
so. Jealousy is burning you up."

" Phew, jealousy of what ?Miss.Mature woman ? " She cut in sarcastically.

" That I have everything. I have Sameer, his mother, his love, his respect. But you don't have
anything. "

" I see " For some strange reason, a weird smile came to Kashish's lips.

" Yeah, this must be awful for you, but you don't have anything like that " Without her wish,
Kiran's voice grew harsh.

" Me ? " Kashish shrugged her shoulders in a casual gesture. " I........ have ..... Saba " She smiled

For an instant, Kiran didn't know what to say or what to think. For the first time, Kashish had
caught her from a weak, sensitive point. Yes, Saba was something she couldn't blame to own in
the present circumstances.

" Look - I'm not out to seduce your cousin or whatever." Kiran replied bluntly, annoyed to be
explaining herself. " And Sameer isn't losing his head over me. He likes me, may be even loves me
and that's none of your business. "

On her remark, Kashish's smile vanished immediately.

" Aah, we'll see " In Kashish's eyes was molten look of challenge.

She was not quite sure what was going to happen next, only that they were locked in what felt like
mortal combat.

" Is that a threat ? "

" You better believe it, Miss.Kiran. Consider yourself challenged." Kashish said in an odd, soft
voice, charged with something----amusement or threat, Kiran couldn't be sure which.

Smiling, Kiran put her sunglasses on. Then without saying anything more, she left her chair,
glanced at Kashish for the last time and then turned back.

" Stop playing games with me Miss.Mature woman " Kiran heard her say on her back.

Kiran turned back to face her once again, a very sure-of-herself smile now decorating her
beautiful face.

" I'm not playing. The games are over. " She finally said, then turning on her heel she stalked out.

" Let's see who wins "

Kashish's last words nearly drowned out by slamming of her office door.


" Nice to meet you Miss.Kiran " Dr.Shahraam gave her a sober smile. " What can I do for you lady

" First of all. I want to apologize for disturbing you so late. But I had to, see it's very important

" Not at all. I sleep late these days, preparing for some exam actually. " He pointed towards the
steaming coffee mugs present on the central dining table.

" However, the only thing I wonder about is that how did you locate my address. " He murmured.

" It was not a tough job. " Kiran smiled softly. " Besides, your friend Shaheryaar's family has
terms with my family."

" Oh I see. That's wonderful. " Dr.Shahraam felt truly surprised. " So, what's the important matter

" Do you remember a girl named Kashish ? " Kiran raised the coffee mug in her hand, now looking
directly into his eyes.

For an instant, he felt pure confusion and didn't know what to say.

" Look doc, I know it's against your professional code of conduct to disclose any information
about your patients..... " Kiran was as confident like always.

" But you must not forget, that I'm not here to gain some clinical information " She added
ambitiously. " Right now, I'm at your house, and want to inquire about some personal, family
matter. It has nothing to do with your profession. "

" Okay . " Dr.Shahraam cleared his throat. " I'm her family doctor. "

" I see. " Kiran slowly sipped her coffee, all the while observing him very carefully.

" So ? Still I don't know what's the important matter. " He was little frustrated now.

" I was just coming to the point. " Kiran smiled gently. " If you remember, about three or four
years ago, Kashish's sister, Kisa got married with their cousin. Do you remember ? "

" Yes, I know " Dr.Shahraam's beats now acquired a fast pace. " What the hell this gorgeous woman
wants from me at 10:00 p.m ? "

" Good. " Kiran smiled again. " Do you know, before proposing Kisa, the guy Sameer, wanted to
marry Kashish. "
" I don't know about their family matters. "

" That's interesting. " Kashish laughed. For some strange reason, her laughter sent cold shivers
through his spine.

This woman, sure had some strange, unseen features in her personality.

" It's really interesting doc.... " Her tone became a bit rough. " She said, you two were in love, and
were prepared for marriage and now you're saying you don't even know about her family matters.

" But... "

" Wait.... " Kiran raised her hand, cutting his sentence. " I'm not finished yet. What's even more
interesting is that our Doctor.Shahraam got married last month with his colleague and Kashish
participated in his marriage very happily. "

" For God's sake. " Dr.Shahraam whispered, clenching his jaws. " Keep your voice low. My wife is
in other room. "

" Okay, okay . " She laughed for the third time. " Don't be scared. I'm not here to blackmail you. I
just want the truth. "

Dr.Shahraam let out a steady, long breath.

" See doc, it's very important matter. Four lives depend upon it. " Kiran was determined to
convince this man.

" Ah, thats what she said too. " Before he could make an attempt to stop them, the words were

" What ? "

" Oh nothing. "

" Listen doc, you've got to tell me. " Kiran's eyes were now deeply looking into his, not giving him
any chance of escape.

" Well. Okay, " He sighed heavily, then straightened up on the sofa, like he's now determined to
empty his heart.

" Besides, I guess after Kisa's death there's no use for keeping it a secret anymore. Infact the girl
sacrificed her whole life. We must appreciate her for that." He added matter-of-factly.

" WHO ? For heaven's sake Doc. Tell me who're you talking about ? " Despite of her effort, Kiran
couldn't control her voice this time.

" Kashish " He said automatically.

" Yes. " He said again, but he was not going to stop now. It was becoming enough for him.
" Kashish loved her cousin Sameer. But at the monent, when he was almost about to propose her,
Kashish suddenly found out that she was not the only one who loved Sameer. " He said in a firm

" Oh My God. " Kiran gasped. " Don't tell me that.... "

" Yes, her elder sister, Kisa. She was also in love with him. "

Kiran swallowed hard, as Dr.Shahraam told her all the details. She had never thought Kashish
could think like this at such a young age. Her game was so mature, her plan was so tight.

" Her plan really worked. As she thought, Sameer changed his proposal at the very moment when
she told him that she loves me, and is waiting for Kisa to get married with some one. " He told her
every thing then.

" Thanks doc. Thanks for your time " Taking a long breath, she finally stood up. " And forgive me
if I said anything harsh, but as you can know, that was necessary. "

" It's okay. I understand. " Dr.Shahraam replied firmly as he guided her to her car which was
parked in the porch.

" So what're you going to do now ? " He asked finally, as she ignited the engine.

" Honestly, I don't know. I'm confused, even more than ever. " Kiran glanced at him through the
car window.

" Anyways, take care, Allah Hafiz " She gave him the last smile.

" Young girl........ " She whispered to herself, as she put her black mercedes in the top gear.

" I didn't know you're so great. "


Sameer was silent for a moment after listening to her intently, as Kiran told him about her meeting
with Dr.Shahraam.

His eyes grew wider as Kiran fed him about the details of Kashish's plan.

" I never thought she could think like that." He took a long, deep breath. He was still shocked from
the details of what Kiran had just told him.

" And that was the whole fault. If you could think on this ground, you were not going to hate her.
" Kiran smiled soberly.

" Yes, she did give a big sacrifice. " Sameer admitted as she stopped. " No doubt about that. "
" But the way she used me, the manner she behaved in. It was so hurting. " As he spoke, he could
still feel the biting memories of how Kashish had talked to him.

" Yes, an arrogant, proud Miss.Attitude she's been. " Kiran smiled softly. " But she is really nice at
heart. More sober now."

" Anyways, I was just going to make some tea. Or would you like coffee ? ' He scrambled to his
feet. His tone was so casual and ordinary that Kiran was seriously confused. Was he hiding his
feelings and expressions or Kashish didn't mean anything to him now ? Kiran asked to herself.

" Oh, tea would be great. " She answered and then silently followed him to his kitchen.

" Did you ever wonder why I married Kisa ?" He asked abruptly, taking tea cups out of the kitchen

" Why do you say that ? " She asked back plainly.

" I mean, I thought you might wonder that if I was interested in Kashish then what suddenly
changed my mind and I married her sister instead ? " He asked, now looking deeply into her deep

She smiled, then laughed softly. " Ofcourse I know " She crossed her arms over her body." You
always liked Kisa. Though you loved her only in the end, I mean after marriage. "

" Well... you sure have deep observation. " He set the kettle on the stove and turned on the gas
burner. He was clearly impressed. She was telling him things which he thought no one knew
except his own heart.

" Your rage, anger and hatred for Kashish became your love and affection for Kisa. " She added.

This time he didn't say anything. His lips were tightly closed, and though his voice and tone
showed he was normal as ever but his facial expessions revealed the opposite. He's looking like a
depressed man, a tensed one. Kiran decided after studying him thoroughly.

She watched him move around the kitchen with masculine grace, taking the box of herbal tea from
the cupboard, opening the packet that held the tea bag with hands so male, it seemed impossible
they could perform such a delicate task. The kettle whistled, and he poured hot water into the cup.

" You remember once you told me that Kisa presented the theory of how one can rise in love ?
" She asked, still lost in his sight.

" Yes. I do remember. We were in Florida then. " He said, admiring her memory.

" This is the whole philosophy behind what Kashish had done. " Kiran said, then stepping forward
she raised the tray containing tea-cups in her hands.

A second later, Sameer followed her into his room.

" I guess you're right. " Sameer sighed. " That's why I think that love is another name for sacrifice.
You can't test, can't judge your feelings unless you give a hard, tough exam for that. And most
often, to get a real success, you've to sacrify. "
He opened one of the windows wider----- it was a glorious spring day, the air just warm enough,
the sun already brilliant.

" Yes I agree. " She said, handing him his tea-cup.

" But she behaved so selfishly. Why didn't she think about my happiness too? " He said in his
slow, deep voice, as she got to the Sofa and sat beside Saba.

' Yes, Kashish's plan was sort of a selfish one. She did play with your feelings, hurting you.
But you must not forget that she did so for her sister's happiness. " She explained, watching Saba
with interest as the baby girl played with her toys.

He sat down opposite her at the easy chair.

" But Again Sameer, what's the big deal, huh? Even now, she will marry you. " Kiran sipped her
tea slowly, then without giving him chance to speak, she asked, " So now you tell me. Do you still
love her ? Be honest and frank Sameer. If you don't love her, then yes, she can't take you away
from me. "

" I don't know what're you saying, but I assure you one thing. Once we get married, you'll be the
only woman in my life, in my mind and heart. That's a man's promise. " As he spoke, she searched
his face and his eyes but didn't find a slightest hint of lie. Yes, he was honest and sincere like

All the feelings of closeness warmed her again. Yes, she would be her man now. Only hers. No
one would take him away now.

" But hey... why you are taking her side? hmm? why are you giving explanations for her ? " He
asked. She felt his searching look on her.

" Me.. I... well " Before she could reply, they heard Mrs.Hasan's voice.

" Sameer you have a phone call . "

" Excuse me for a moment. " He said and left the room.

This was the moment Kiran was waiting for. Quickly, she opened her purse and drew a small
framed picture out. After confirming that no one was watching, she opened Sameer's cupboard.
Her hand immediately found the required object. Without wasting a second, she returned to Sofa ,
sitting beside Saba who was playing with her doll.

" Saba, sweet girl, your Aunt wants to ask you something ? "

Saba raised her head and simply glared at her. Not sure what to say or do.

Carefully, Kiran put the two framed pictures in front of the baby. One was her own, and the other
was Kashish's.

" Saba sweety, who's good ? " Kiran asked, her voice filled with expectations and hopes.

" Ammmiii " Saba's little hand reached out to touch Kashish's picture. She grabbed it, taking it to
her mouth.
The answer was evident.

" Ammi achi ? " She caressed her head.

" Jeeee "

Kiran let out a long, tired breath. Then, hearing his foot steps, she ran towards the cupboard, and
placed Kashish's picture back at its original place, and finally closed the cupboard.

" Hey, this is nice picture. " Hearing his voice, she turned back.

Sameer had her picture in his hands.

" Thanks, it's like two years old " She tried to smile.

" Doesn't matter. " He smiled gently. " You're still the same. "

" That's the whole problem. " She sighed. " I'm not the same. " Then glancing at Saba, she
whispered to herself.

" Atleast to Saba . "


The sun shone, the Karachi sky was a stunning blue dome and she was with a handsome man full
of life and energy. No complications, no unsafe subjects. She felt suddenly free and young and a
bit crazy. The beach wind tugged at her hair.

" I love the beaches of Karachi. So peaceful, so modest, unlike Miami beaches. For example Las
Olas beach of Miami, where you don't see anything except nude people. " Kiran chuckled, feeling
easy and elated. The rain had gone. The air smelled wonderful, just right-cool and crystalline.

" Yes, the beaches are another speciality of Karachi " Sameer's black sunglasses turned towards

He wore wrap-around reflector sunglasses and all she could see in them when he turned to her
was a distorted version of her own face.

" Saba" He called, " Come here princess ! "

He looked cool and graceful in a stone-coloured, light-weight suit and a white, open-necked shirt
that showed off the tanned column of his upper chest and neck.

Kiran walked towards Saba, who sat on the beach's sand, making little house of sand with the
help of her little hands. She hadn't succeeded in making one yet.

" Let me help you Saba " Brushing her wavy dark brown hair away, Kiran sat beside the little girl
and began to help her.
Sameer looked at them with interest. The sight was very touchy, as both concentrated on the little
house, like it'd be the one they're going to live into.

" Aadaab"

Though the sudden, unexpected voice had come from behind, it was enough to allert all of his
senses as he stood transfixed at his place.

Not believing what it reminded of, he slowly turned back to locate the source and then gasped.

Kashish was there. Alone, dressed in plain white kurta shilwar and the matching Dupatta and
scarf. She looked more lonely, more sad than ever.

" I... I hope, I haven't caused any trouble. "

Sameer stiffened. His eyes were wide and he stared at her without blinking.

" Aummiii, ammmiii " Totally forgetting her interesting game, Saba rose and began to run toward
her aunt.

" Come here, Saba, you won't go there" He clenched his teeth and picked her up in his arms
before the baby girl could reach her aunt.

Saba began to cry in protest.

" What on earth you're doing here ? " He finally managed to choke out.

" I invited her "

Instead of Kashish, it was Kiran who replied.

Sameer turned to Kiran.

" What ? You invited her ? " Sameer couldn't believe what he was hearing.

" Yes. "

" But WHY ??

" She challenged me. "

" I still do " Kashish replied thickly.

" Challenge ? about what ? " Confusion and frustration over took him completely.

" To get you " Kiran said, as she left her place and came to stand few feet way from Kashish.

It was a strange sight, with Kiran and Kashish in front of each other and Sameer and Saba in
between them.

" What?? "

" So young gal, you'll see the climax of this game now. " Kiran said, a wild smiling playing on her
lips now, she ignored Sameer as she spoke.

" Yeah, that's why I'm here. " Kashish's tone matched hers.

" Stop this stupid game. " Sameer's patience had now crossed its final limit.

" Who am I, huh ? WHO I AM ? a toy, or a victory prize ?? " He yelled. He didn't stop then.

" It's enough now, for God's sake, stop treating me like a prize money or something. I'm a living
human being, with all of my senses alive. "

Both women stood at their respective places, listening to him but saying nothing. Perhaps there
was nothing to say now.

They, for the first time, realized that in their mutual selfish egotistical war, they had ignored him,
the main reason, the basic cause of their dispute.

" It was Kashish who challenged me. " Kiran opened her mouth after a long silence.

" WOW, and you accepted her challenge ? " Sameer cut in sarcastically. " If she's immature then
what about you, huh ?"

" And you Kashish " He turned his head to look straight at her. " Leave me please, don't ruin my
remaining life, go away. "

But before she could react, some one stopped her.

" Wait " Kiran raised her hand, then she stared at Sameer. Her voice was very determined, her
tone very strange.

" Okay, Sameer, we leave it to you now. Now you decide your future, your life partner. " Kiran said.

" Are you in your senses? This is not some stupid game of little kids " Sameer shouted.

" Yeah, that's what I'm saying. This is the most serious matter, and you have to decide about it
" Kiran said, looking deep into his eyes with hope and expectation.

" You're putting me in an impossible situation. " A muscle clenched in Sameer's jaw.

" No, Sameer Hasan, you've put yourself in this situation. " Kiran said sharply.

He stood like a stone statue in between them. It was the toughest, most impossible situation of his
life. He had to decide, he had to select, he had to choose one living human being as his future,
while rejecting, discarding and leaving the other one.

Here they were------the two most wonderful women on his either side.

One woman had his ' heart ', the other had his ' word '.

He had to choose one, and had to leave one, for ever.

" Or do you need some more time to think ? " Kiran laughed.

It occured to him that if he won't decide it right now his brain would explode at any second. He
decided that finally, after years of suspecting it, he was at last utterly losing his mind. He had to
finish this dangerous, wild game right now.

Still he didn't move, didn't even blink. He stared at Kashish, feeling a loneliness he knew was
going to damn him for the rest of his days.

Almost on a sigh he heard himself saying, " I...... I've made up my mind. I'll...... "

Leaving his sentence unfinished, he glanced at Kashish for the last time, then lowering his head,
he stepped towards Kiran.

Kashish looked up, her eyes still dark with shock. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words
emerged. She was looking at Sameer and yet it was almost as if she was looking at stranger.

Kiran's face lit up, she smiled with all of her beauty and power. She had won. There was no doubt
about that.

Kashish parted her lips to try to speak. Instead, to her horror, a sob issued forth. Her hand flew to
her lips and she gazed up at Sameer.

" Sorry Kashish...... but..but... you don't deserve me. Or may be, I don't deserve you " He said
painfully, without turning back to her.

Kashish gasped in fear. Was that really him saying those things ? It was almost frightening to realize
that she couldn't bear to have him let her go.

" Sameer, don't, please. " Her voice was a thick, unfamiliar croak, but at last speaking freed her
from her momentary paralysis. Crying like a typical eight-year-old girl, Kashish tried her last
effort, but it was useless.

" I don't want to lose you now . " Kashish said shakily. There were silent please in her teary eyes.

Kiran gave her a look that said she hoped in vain.

He didn't listen to her. He ignored even Saba's screams. He had become senseless man now, like
a robot or a machine who doesn't have any emotions or feelings.

Slowly Kashish lifted her head, until she was looking straight at him. He saw the fear in her brown
eyes, saw the tears she was fighting, saw the courage that sustained her despite everything.

" Alright,...... as.... you wish" Atlast Kashish said shakily, her tone felt like one of a defeated
warrior, who had lost everything.

" I... I would leave you two, but.... She was now looking at Kiran with odd mixture of pain and
defeat in her eyes. Her breath locked in her throat, tears not far away again.

" What else you can do now, huh?, you don't have any choice young girl " Kiran didn't let her
finish her sentence.
" I beg you Kiran,....Sameer... ? Please. I swear, I would never come in between you two. I would
go very far from here....just...." She promised.

" Yeah ?? " Kiran raised her brows sharply.

" Just... just give Saba to me. I can't live without her. Please I beg you " In a tortured voice, she

Kiran bit her lower lip, not knowing what to say now.

" Yes, I assure you she'd be very happy with us. With me, with my parents. They miss her alot
" Kashish said in a low, husky voice.

Sameer was completely silent now. He just didn't understand which kind of game his fate was
playing with him.

Scared as much as a little lamb who's about to be sacrificed, Saba began to cry.

" Stop it, Saba, guriya " Sameer patted her.

He then transferred his gaze to Kiran.

" What should I do ? " Reaching near her, he whispered.

" I don't know, you decide. You're her father " Kiran replied thickly, her voice devoid of any

Surprised at her strange behaviour, Sameer lost last of his hope too.

He swallowed hard, and then turned back.

With trembling feet and shaking hands, he placed the desperate and crying figure of Saba in
Kashish's hands. Kissing his daughter, he threw a final good-bye glance at her, fighting back his
tears. But perhaps today had been the worst day for him so far. Fate only had continous defeats
for him today. Even tears defeated him, as the large, warm drops trickled down his cheeks. He
rubbed his cheeks with the back of his palms mercilessly and then leaving his life in the arms of
Kashish, he began to walk towards Kiran with forceless, tired steps. He knew there'd be no
turning back now.

" Bye loser" Kiran addressed Kashish loudly, a wild smile of victory was present on her lips now.

For the last time, Kashish glanced at the couple. She had Saba in her arms, the baby now quiet
and content, sucking her thumb.

But Kashish didn't say anything then. She didn't even look at Kiran. All she did was to stare at

She stared and looked at him in silence, like she would never get a chance to see him again. Her
deep brown eyes growing darker as her penetrating gaze swept over him as though committing to
memory someone special. Someone you knew you wouldn't be seeing again.

His felt heart cried out in anguish. Her eyes were saying goodbye !
Then with slow, unsteady steps she walked away, leaving the couple behind her, caressing Saba's
soft little body with her hand.

Sameer was completely lost in the sight of Kashish and his daughter going away, leaving him
forever, when suddenly some one grasped his hand.

" Give me your hand my bridegroom-to-be ." Kiran said happily. Her voice was loud enough to be
heard by slowly- walking figure of Kashish.

" Paa Liya " Kiran screamed.

" Got you finally, haha " She couldn't keep the laughter inside.

" Bus Tum Ko Paana Tha . ... so Paa Liya " She felt hysteria edging into her.

Her laughter was so loud, high and continous that Sameer looked at her with sheer astonishment,
doubting her present mental condition.

" Are you laughing or crying ? " Seeing the deep waters in her eyes, he asked.

He had never seen such aspect of Kiran.

" What do you think, huh ? " She asked back, her voice uneasy and weak.

Unn Aankhon ka hansna bhi kiya....

Jinn Aankhon mein Paani Na Ho

As she held his hand, he noted that she was cold and yet sweating at the same time. Her fingers
were shaking, her whole body was trembling.

She held his hand for few moments. Then she closed her eyes, not saying a word, just
experiencing the wonderful feeling of his magical touch, perceiving his charismatic nearness. She
had possessed him, made him hers, claimed him. The feeling was just so satisfying and

Letting out a long breath, she pressed his hand lightly, softly and then took her hand back.

" Go" A mere, strange whisper came out of her mouth.

" What ? "

" I said go " She gently pushed him back.

" But where ? "

" To Saba, to Kashish, to your ' love' " She sobbed.

Sameer opened his mouth to deny her but she went on.

" I have found you, I've got you, but now you don't lose her " She said speechlessly.
" GO SAMEER, for God's sake, stop her before she goes out of your reach. You love her Sameer.
Trust me, you both love each other. Right from the beginning and.... " She stopped to take another
breath then began again.

" She loves Saba more than any other woman. I can't love Saba ever like the way she does.
Besides, Saba is Kashish's own blood."

" But ... " He wanted to argue, but she didn't seem to be listening.

" You know what Sameer, I was always waging a losing battle. Ultimately I won at the price of the
loss. Kashish lost the battle but love won, like always " Kiran's eyes were watery.

" But Kiran I like you "

" Yes, you ' like ' me but you ' love ' Kashish " She tried to smile.

" No " He closed his eyes, fighting with himself.

" Yes, " She shouted with all of her force. " For God's sake. You have to tell me this today. I'm
asking this for the last time. I would never forgive you if you don't answer now "

" What ? "

" DO YOU LOVE HER ? " She yelled.

He didn't reply at first. He stood fuming like a steam-engine about to burst from internal pressure,
clenching his fists till the nails dug into his palms.

" Do you.... " She wanted to ask again, but he cut in sharply, yelling back.

" YES, I love her. Is this what you want to hear, hmm ? Are you happy now ? "

For an instant she became speechless. How painful it was, how hurting it was, to see, to hear him
confessing his ' love ' for some other woman.

Gaining all of her power, she opened her mouth to speak.

" Yes, much calm and happier than before " A sob caught in her throat. Her lips snarled, quivered,
then curved in a strained smile.

" But before you go, here's some gift from me " She said in weak, tired voice, as she opened her
shoulder bag and took out a big key.

" What's this ?" He asked, taking the key from her hand.

" Salman Villa " She gave him a sad smile. " A present from Kiran to Sameer "

" Oh God, Kiran.... " He wanted to protest, but she pushed him with force.

" Now go please, tumhein khuda ka waasta " She cried, " Please ? "
Chewing his lip, Sameer nodded, then pressed her hand back with assurance. But as soon as he
turned back her voice stopped him again.

" Wait, Sameer. "

Without saying a word, he turned to face her again.

" There's one more thing. " She stiffened, a sob caught in her throat.

And then, extending her hand in front of him, she slowly opened her closed fist. Sameer saw she
had his engagement ring in her hand.

She didn't say a word then. She just stared at him with watery eyes and trembling lips.

Looking deep into her eyes, he lifted the ring from her hand. While doing so, his fingers touched

She gasped, the contact was electrifying. Her lashes fluttered closed on their own will. When she
opened her eyes again, he was not there.

" You were never mine " She said tearfully, as she saw him walking towards the slowly
disappearing figures of Kashish and Saba.

" And still I got you. " The words whispered past lips, trembling slightly with the aftermath of
shock of " Letting him go ".

She saw him until the last moment, and then he disappeared from her sight.

Kiran didn't move from her place. She stood at her place for what seemed like hours.

" Get inside " A pure masculine voice brought her back to her senses.

" Huh? " She stared at her right and saw a black mercedes approaching her slowly. From the side
window of the car, she saw him. He wore a black shirt and black jacket, which made him appear
more handsome than ever.

Once inside the car, Kiran closed her eyes and leaned back against the headrest. She was tired ...
so tired

" Why did you do this ? " He asked.

" To save three lives from ruining " She whispered breathlessly.

" Three ?"

" Yeah. Lives of Saba, Kashish and Sameer. Saba loves her aunt and father. Sameer loves
Kashish and his daughter and Kashish loves her niece and her cousin. No home left for Kiran you
see? "She smiled sadly.

" I see " He took a long, slow breath and put his black sun-glasses back on his face.
" Besides, it's not a big deal. If Kiran's sacrifice can make three lives happy then it's not a bad
business at all . " She said, rubbing the side of her cheek to absorb any remaining traces of tears.

" Well... " He sighed loudly. " A sad ending of an unforgettable love story " He ignited the engine.

" No " She shook her head. " Love doesn't have to have a happy ending, 'coz love doesn't have to
end at all."

" Was he your ultimate dream ? "

" I never dreamt of ' owing ' him, ofcourse. " A breath escaped from deep in her throat. " Might as
well have dreamt of owing the moon. However, I did dream of ' getting ' him, and as you can see,
my dream finally came true. "

Shifting the car into reverse, he backed out of the road.

" See, what're they doing now " He said in a cold voice, as their car slowly passed beside them.

Kiran turned her head, looking at the couple for the last time.

Saba was between them. Both of them were on either side of hers, kissing her cheeks at the same

" Well....... I guess they're talking about me. " With smiling lips but crying eyes , she placed her
head back on the headrest and closed her eyes.

How can I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was never mine? Why is
that I miss someone I was never with and I ask why I love someone who's love was never mine?"

A spattering of rain began to fall, blurring the windshield.


He approached her from her left, drawing her sideways glance.

" Kashish?"

It was Sameer's voice. She froze, stood transfixed like a saint before a vision of heaven.

Her eyes met his. His met hers. They were not speaking a single word, yet their eyes were. Some
times, we don't need words to express our feelings. Do we ? Infact our eyes are more powerful
than our tongue. Telling, whispering, laughing, smiling and showing those feelings which you
can't express through words.

She stopped at her place, so did he.

Her heart thumped so loudly she was certain he would hear it. He got near her and looked fully
into her deep lake-like eyes.
The collision of eyes was intense than ever. Both remained motionless, frozen in time as they
stared at each other. Kashish's eyes wide and wondering, her lips slightly parted.

" I'm back " His eyes cried.

" Where were you ? " Her eyes asked.

" In your heart " His answered

" Did you miss me ? " Hers inquired

" More than you think " His answered.

" I'm sorry, forgive me , would you ? " Hers matched his.

" For what ? " His questioned.

" I hurt you alot " Hers said.

" It's hurts to love some one. " His spoke.

" Yes, it does " Hers reflected.

" I wish I could tell you how much I love you " His expressed.

" And I wish you could feel how much I love you " Hers showed.

" You know you look more beautiful than ever " His told hers admiringly.

" And you look more graceful than ever " Hers smiled shyly.

" Tell me, this is not a dream " Hers wanted assurance

" It's not, my Kashish. But it's a fulfilment of our mutual dream " His assured hers.

" Puppa, Puppppa" Saba began to clap happily. Unable to stop her tears of gladness and
contentment, she kissed Saba on her cheeks. It was the instant when her senstive nostrils came
across with a wonderful, familiar, male fragrance. She opened her eyes, only to find him very near,
infact just in front of her, with only Saba between them.

" Oh, looks like rain is near. " He filled his lungs with soft, cool evening air and stared up in the
depths of clouded sky.

" Yes, rain is near. " She breathed.

" Yes, " He whispered. His slow, deep voice stirring unknown, undiscovered emotions and
feelings deep with in her. "Rain of happiness, blessings and greetings "

They didn't speak a word then. Opening the door of his car, he motioned her to sit beside him. She
obeyed him silently, happily, satisfactorily. As she sat there, she could smell Kisa's fragrance
emitting from Saba who sat in her lap, giggling happily. She kissed her hair, inhaled the sweet
fragrance deeply and then closed her eyes with sheer calmness.

She opened her eyes only when the car stopped. They had reached Salman Villa.

Her eyes widened in shock and surprise, but before she could ask any thing, she saw him
nodding and smiling.

His expression gave her all the answers.

She couldn't believe her luck today. Just few moments ago, she was disappointed, lost, hurt,
thinking of herself as the most unfortunate woman of the world. And then here she was, smiling,
laughing, crying with contentment. As they truly say, you never know, until you get it.

Climbing out of the car, Sameer unlocked the main door of the house then stepped inside.
Kashish and Saba followed him slowly.

" It's still like the past days. " Sameer breathed.

" Yes, " Kashish said, having a look of the surroundings. " I can still smell the fragrance of Kisa
Baji " Her voice became husky.

Without even having to strain her imagination to the slightest degree, she could already see Kisa,
herself and Sameer laughing, smiling, chuckling.

Those had been good days...... happy, carefree days, before.........

Time was when they had been completely light-hearted, nothing seeming able to touch the happy
circle that was family. But tragedy had struck with bewildering speed.

" Same doors, same walls, which shared our childhood, our golden days..." Sameer couldn't stop
his tears either.

Noticing change in his voice, Kashish looked at him automatically.

In that instant, as if somebody had suddenly cast her backward in time, she was eight years old
again, and an eighteen year old boy with shiny black hair was kneeling before her to tie the lace of
her shoe. Due to his nice manners and sincerity, he had been drawn to her parents attention, had
been drawn into her family. Her parents had treated him like a son, and Kashish Ali had treated
him like an adored older brother. Yes, it had been the best part of her life because of Sameer. But
now, the boy who had taught her to play, read and build forts out of beach sand was standing
there, looking as if life had treated him even worse that it had treated her.

She caught her breath, but just then Sameer looked at her, an bit older face. A cold, impassive, '
man ' face. One look at his face was enough to tell anyone that he had learned life's lessons the
hard way.

Slowly, he raised his gaze to her face and wondered what had kept him so distant from her. She
was Kashish. His Kashish. He hadn't been able to keep his emotional distance from that little eight
year old girl, so what on earth had made him think he could keep his distance from the woman
she'd become? She had grown up, she had changed, she was in no way like the child he
remembered, but she still had the power to fascinate him, although the fascination was of an
utterly different charecter now.
He would make her his by giving her what no one else ever had. It was that simple. A man didn't
hold a woman by making her his slave, his toy, or his victim. He didn't hold her through terror, or
fear, or superior strength. A man kept his mate by making her want to stay. A man kept his mate
by respecting her, pleasing her, loving her.

" Where're you going? " He asked, as he saw her walking towards the lawn.

" To lawn, to see ' him ' " She replied.

" It's useless, " He sighed . " They cut.....

" Noooo " She shook her head, the brown hair brushing her cheeks with the violence of her
Then without saying any further word, she ran towards the lawn. The lawn now looked deserted.
Only few dry, lonely plants were present there. No flowers, only thorns. Pains and sorrows had
not only affected human beings of this house, plants were involved too.

Their friend of old times, companion of happy and sad times, their fellow, their dear old neem tree
was not there.

But before she could do more than register the impact, she saw some thing else there.

There was some small neem plant out there, exactly at the same place.

Sameer's eyes widened as he followed Kashish, with Saba in his lap.

" I can't believe this. It's..... it's so cute " She edged closer.

" It's so beautiful " He breathed, touching the leaves with gentle fingers.

Only then, they noticed a small plain card attached with its thin stem.

On it, was written,

" With Love, from Kiran "


" Ladies and gentlemen, we instruct all passengers of flight number PK-110 for New York, to gather at the
respective counter. "

Distantly, Kiran heard the first call of her flight.

" Take care Shaheryaar. " She gave him a slow, sad smile. " And do stay in touch. "

Nodding, Shaheryaar gave her a reassuring smile. She looked absolutely wonderful today. Pains
and sorrows had given her a unique and special kind of beauty.
A queen of sadness, almost. Shaheryaar thought, as he stared at her. She wore a dark black kurta
shilwar with big black Dupatta, which not only covered her body but was present on her head too,
in a pure Pakistani style, hiding the full length and softness of her hair.The only jewelry she wore
at the moment was a big, ring of silver in her nose.

She was breath-taking and yet so modest, so precious, so un-revealed, so pure, so Pakistani, so
eastern. Shaheryaar couldn't think more.

" You know what Shaheryaar, when I came to Pakistan, I was prepared to spend my whole life
here, with him. But seems like I don't deserve this country. " She murmured slowly, gazing at the
sky above.

" No. You now deserve this country more than many of us. " Said Shaheyraar . " But may be
there's more need of you in America. See Pakistan has many Sameers and Kashishs, but America
doesn't have many Kirans. "

She smiled at him. " What makes you think that I deserve this country more than others. ? " She

" You gave such a great sacrifice for two Pakistanis... which is a great service for Pakistan too.
You now belong to the holy sand of this land. " He said gently, praising her honestly.

" You're great Kiran. " Shaheryaar added. Admiration was so clearly evident in his expression. " A
great eastern girl who was born and raised in the West, who has so much potential for sacrifice,
who sacrificed even her love too. "

" Nah, nah, the love we give away is the only love we keep. Don't you think ? " A soft, sober smile
edged the corners of her lips.

" Yeah, so true. " He whispered.

" I've finally found out that the love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is
essential to your own." She said in a confident, calm tone.

Shaheryaar simply nodded. " I'd miss you. "

" So would I. I'd miss every one. This country, its people, its culture, its traditions and I would
miss......... " She closed her lips tightly," And I would miss Karachi. I love this city. This is MY city.

" Ofcourse, it's your city " He smiled .

" I'm planning to visit Pakistan again, hopefully in next Ramzans, Insha'Allah. I can't wait to
experience Eid here. " She said excitedly.

" You're welcome. It's your own country. " He said, smiling.

She smiled back.

" Khuda Hafiz, Shaheryaar. Don't forget to give my salaam to Sameer and Kashish. " Her voice
became husky in the end.
On his nod, she turned back towards the passenger louge. It was the same instant when some
one pulled the corner of her Jumper.

" Oouch. " She turned, staring at her right and left, but no one was near but as she lowered her
head, her face lit up.

Saba was there, smiling in her typical shy style.

" Oh my life, Saba what are you doing here alone ? " She kissed baby's forehead.

Instead of answering, Saba took her hand in her little hands and tried to pull her towards a certain

Children are the bridges of love. Like Saba was. A bridge between two distant lovers who'd been apart for so
long. Staring at the little baby girl, Shaheryaar thought.

" What ? Baita I have a flight. Where is your father? " Kiran asked, taking a hand to brush the
silken strands of her brown hair from her eyes.

Saba blushed even more but kept pulling her. Confused, Kiran simply let her pull foward and then
she came across with something she had never expected.

Her eyes widened at the scene she saw. It was the most memorable, wonderful and lovely scene
she had ever seen in her whole life.

They were all standing there, with thanks and affection in their eyes and smiles on their lips.
Sadaf, Samreen, Naazir, Rida, Faraz and ofcourse, Kashish and Sameer.

As she saw them, they began to clap in chorus.

Her eyes became watery. Then she saw Kashish who was walking towards her.

Slowly she stepped forward. Taking Kiran's hands in her own, she tried to speak,

" All you've done is very special for me that I'll never forget. Thank you so much. " Saying this,
Kashish couldn't stop her tears either.

Smiling, Kiran reached in her purse and gave her a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

She wiped her eyes gratefully, and then said, " You're great Kiran. So adorable. "

" So are you. " Kiran thought. She let that message go from her eyes to hers and saw Kashish's
gaze change, brighten, felt her hands squeezing hers more tightly.

Then there was him. Kiran saw his eyes, which were saying thanks, and many other things too.
Seeing him was like some trance. The next instant, they both were lost in each other.

" Sameer, you always used to tell me that Pakistan is a land of sacrifice, you were right. Hope this little sacrifice
of mine could mingle with this holy sand. " Her eyes told his.

He reached to stand in front of her.

" The way your goodness appealed me indeed, has won my heart. Your image will flourish in my
vision as a symbol of decency forever. " His words, his accent, his tone filled her heart with joy,
pride and love.
But now this love was for everyone as she was receiving the same from everyone present there.
She had been thirsty for love in whole of her life and here she was, getting real, true love more
than she could possibly bear.

He then took his right hand near his brow, smiling sadly. He was saluting her. He could see her
tears as she turned and waved back at him.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion then.

" Suniyey " A voice came from very near. She turned back and saw a glorious face of a precious
lady dressed in plain white kurta and chooridaar pajaama.

" Oh you " Kiran gasped, as she recognized Kisa.

" Thank you " Kisa smiled. Her eyelids were closed over the blackness of her pupils, small crystal
tear droplets hanging in the long curling lashes,

Nodding, laughing, crying and waving final good-bye to all of them, Kiran turned back and left.

After few minutes, all of them were watching her plane as it left the Quaid-e-Azam International
Airport, Karachi.

Sighing, Sameer finally turned to Kashish. He was about to say some thing when he saw a blue
handkerchief in her hands.

" Oh, who gave you this ? " Unable to control himself, Sameer took the satiny handkerchief from
her hands.

" I guess...Kiran " Kashish told her, then seeing his affection, she asked, " Is this your
handkerchief ? "

" Oh yes" He brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply." It was my favourite handkerchief. I lost it
when I was in Florida. May be in Kiran's home. "

" Oh, I see. See how she kept it safe and preserved for you "

" Yes, I'm surprised. " He said, still lost in his new-found old property.

There was a momentary silence then, both searching for words to began.

" I couldn't sleep last night. " Kashish said shortly.

" Neither could I. " He had made an admission.

They looked at each other in silence for a moment, their breathing fast.

" So, madam If you don't mind me asking a question ...." A wonderful, naughty smile came to his
dark masculine lips.
" Sure "

" Kiya aap mujh se Mohabbat kar sakti hain ? " His smile broadened.

Stealing her glance, she felt like a dumb girl. Shyness had attacked her completely.

" I think.... " She whispered when she was finally able to speak. " I have answered this question a
long ago "

" Really ? but when ? I don't remember at all " His grin became more intense. " Could you tell me
again, please ? " Smiling continously, he came to stand in front of her. And then, crossing his
arms over his chest, he waited for her answer.

It was wonderful to see her like this again. Right now she didn't look like a serious, mature, lady
CSP officer. She looked like the same Kashish who'd been disturbing his sleeps, making his heart
ache for her.

" Well " Lowering her thick lashes, she managed to say with difficulty, " I'm going to tell my
answer to Saba. She'll convey the message. "

" Really? How come? " He was truly amazed, wondering what she could possibly mean by that!

Smiling, Kashish bent down and whispered something in child's ear. Little saba nodded in
response and ran towards her father. He knelt down at the floor to hear what the child wanted to
say. But as soon as he brought his ear near her lips, Saba surrounded his neck with both of her
soft, little arms.

And then, very softly and gently, Saba touched her lips to his cheek.

The End of the story

Love never ends, though

Aik Mann tha Merey pass....

Woh ab khoney laga hai

Paa kar Tujhey

Haaey... Mujhey

Kuch honey laga hai

Aik Terey bharosey pe,

Sab baithi hoon bhool ke

Yoonhi Umer guzar jaaey

Terey saath guzar jaaey


To those Pakistani youths living abroad, who actually belong to the holy soil of Pakistan, but fate
and circumstances have taken these flowers far away from their original garden, and yet they
crave for their real land Pakistan, respect its people, follow its culture and love their motherland.

Bus.....Tum Ko Paana Hai

I hope all of my precious and valuable readers enjoyed reading , " Bus.... Tum Ko Paana Hai., as
much as I did while writing it. It's a love story, which emerged on social backgrounds and covered
two continents and many charecters. I had to do a thorough research on the sensitive subject,
specially while writing the second part. This story is different and unique from other stories with
many respects, as you can sure notice yourself. It has many messages for those who are mature
and sensible. English is not my first and favourite language and I'm not a professional writer, so
ignore any possible mistakes and errors. I'm sure this novel was going to be much better if I wrote
it in Urdu, but in doing so, majority of my readers couldn't read it. In the end, I hope every reader
who enjoyed reading it and is sincere and honest, won't forget to send his / her comments and
remarks at . Thanks for every thing.

Ikram Abidi


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