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Background of the Assigned Material

● In between 1928 and 1946, Emilio Aguinaldo produced in a long hand written details of
the first volume of his memoirs: "Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan" in the year 1964.

● It was then translated in english from the original tagalog as the "Memoirs of the
Revolution" by Sulpicio Guevara in 1967.

● In his preface Aguinaldo says the memoirs were all based on the diary he had kept
along with his other documents and their family lore by which was gathered from his

● Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan was officially released to the public in 1967, it was presumed
by Ambeth Ocampo.

● And in 1998 during the 100th anniversary of the Philippine Independence a second
publication was made.

● It covers the resumption of the Philippine Revolution against Spain and the
Philippine-American war.

● Aguinaldo wanted to correct the history by making a solid reference to the historians'
confused accounts of the beginning of the Revolution.

● Not all sources were documented for the lack of reliable source/references. It may add
more confusion to our history, maybe there is still undiscovered diary or other papers
tuck in the Aguinaldo's shrine that can track down the volume 2 of memoirs.


- "Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan" is significant in the grand narrative of the Philippine

history because it is considered as a hard historical evidence of all the events that took
place during the resumption of the Philippine revolution against Spain and the
Philippine-American war, it was simply based on Emilio Aguinaldo's memoirs of the time
of the battles and is assumed by the society as accurate and correct since aguinaldo
have kept and preserved all of these entries. Thus, it gave us a full understanding of the
history of our country and the true meaning of independence.

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