SPTRK9039 Formation Treatment

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Ref NR/SP/TRK/9039

Issue 1
Date December 2005

Business Process Document

Formation Treatments

Endorsement & Authorisation

Endorsed by:

D Ventry, Head of Track Engineering

Authorised by:

A McNaughton, Chief Engineer

Accepted for issue by:

M McManus, National Standards Manager

This document is the property of Network Rail. It shall not be reproduced in whole or part nor disclosed to a third party
without the written permission of the Standard Owner.
© Copyright 2005 Network Rail
Uncontrolled copy once printed from its electronic source.
Published & Issued by: Network Rail 40 Melton Street, London NWI 2EE
Ref: NR/SP/TRK/9039
Issue: 01
Date: December 2005

Issue record
Issue Date Comments
01 Dec 2005 New Technical Specification but content unchanged from
3rd December 2005.

This Network Rail Specification is mandatory and must be complied with by Network
Rail/Contractors from 3rd December 2005.

When this Specification is implemented, it is permissible for all projects, which have formally
completed GRIP Level 4, to continue to comply with the Issue of any relevant Network Rail
Standards current when GRIP Level 4 was reached and not to comply with requirements
contained herein unless the designated Head of Track Engineering has stipulated otherwise in
the accompanying Briefing Note.

Where the Head of Track Engineering has specified that all projects will comply with the
requirements, specific authority not to comply can be sought in the usual manner using the
appropriate non-compliance authority processes described in Network Rail Standard,
NR/SP/STP/045 Managing the Process for Non-compliance Authority (formerly

In issuing this document for its stated purpose, Network Rail makes no warranties, express
or implied, that compliance with all or any documents it issues is sufficient on its own to
ensure safe systems of work or operation. Users are reminded of their own duties under
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1 Purpose 5
2 Scope 5
3 Introduction 5
3.1 General 5
3.2 Competence 6
4 Reference Documentation 7
5 Definitions 7
6 Types of Trackbed Failure (Inadequacy) 9
6.1 Ballast deterioration 9
6.2 Subgrade erosion (pumping) 10
6.3 Subgrade strength failure (cess heave) 11
6.4 Poor stiffness characteristics 11
6.5 Critical velocity 12
7 Investigation - Methods 12
7.1 Summary 12
7.2 Hand-dug trial holes and trenches 13
7.3 Window Sampling (Automatic Ballast Sampler) 15
7.4 Site records 16
7.5 Sampling and Testing 18
7.6 Geophysical (Non-intrusive) Techniques 20
7.7 Penetrometer Testing 21
8 Investigation – Planning, Analysis and Reporting 22
8.1 General 22
8.2 Desk Study 22
8.3 Design of Investigation 24
8.4 Layout of Investigation 25
8.5 Investigation of drainage 26
8.6 Trackbed stiffness 26
8.7 Critical Velocity 28

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8.8 Subgrade Strength Failure 29

8.9 The Trackbed Investigation Report 29
9 Design and Materials 30
9.1 General 30
9.2 Blanket 30
9.3 Geosynthetics 31
9.4 Required depth of trackbed layers 31
9.5 Track drainage 33
9.6 Standard Solutions 37
10 Construction 43
10.1 Preparation of formation 43
10.2 Compaction 43
10.3 Drainage 43
10.4 Supervision and Monitoring 44
10.5 Contaminated Ground 44
Appendix A: Lineside Sampling Protocol for Chemical Analysis of Used Ballast 45
A.1 Suggested Lineside Sampling Protocol 45
A.2 Sample Containers and Sample Handling, Labelling and Storage 47
A.3 Documentation 47
Appendix B – Example Legend Key for Plotting Longitudinal Sections 48

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Issue: 01
Date: December 2005

1 Purpose

This specification gives recommendations for managing investigation, design and installation
of trackbed treatments on Network Rail’s permanent way. Background information is
provided where relevant.

It also sets out the methodology for categorisation of spent ballast, based on risk assessment
and chemical analysis, prior to removal and delivery to the Local Distribution Centre.

2 Scope

This specification applies to all ballasted track (other than that specifically designed for a
particular purpose, e.g. on structures or where clearance restrictions dictate that alternatives
shall be used). It applies to routine track renewals and remodelling schemes.

This specification does not apply to new lines.

3 Introduction

3.1 General

The quality of a track, i.e. its ability to retain good geometry and its response to
mechanical maintenance (tamping, stone blowing) is directly related to the design and
condition of the trackbed and earthworks.

The trackbed is normally considered to consist of two elements:

1. The ballast, which allows for adjustment of the line and level of the track.
Ballast deteriorates with traffic passing and with track maintenance activities
and therefore requires occasional replacement.
2. The formation, consisting of blanket (if present) and subgrade, upon which
the required depth of ballast is placed. Ideally this should be permanent,
and not require replacement or maintenance.

The required depth of ballast, which gives the desired life before it needs to be
replaced, should not be confused with the total depth of trackbed layers (ballast plus
blanket) that is required to distribute the load over the subgrade.

On a well built formation the only trackbed treatment required should be ballast
replacement. However, in the UK there are many formations which do not provide
the ideal support conditions, and can therefore lead to a considerable reduction in the
useful life of the trackbed.

Figure 1 illustrates the terminology used to describe the components of a typical

trackbed. The design of each component is described in Section 8.

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Additional ballast depth

to protect geotextile
during future

Ballast Ballast
Geotextile Trackbed Layers

Blanket Trackbed

Capping Subgrade

Natural ground or fill

Typical Example on Defined Terms

Natural Ground or Fill

Figure 1 Illustration of Terminology

3.2 Competence

The competency of persons carrying out trackbed design should be determined by a

Network Rail Track Engineer. In order to undertake both investigation and
interpretative reporting the person should have a good understanding of the following:

• Trackbed Construction
• Methods of track maintenance and trackbed renewal
• The relationship between trackbed condition and track quality
• Trackbed deterioration mechanisms
• Geology and hydrogeology
• Drainage of trackbed and earthworks
• Logging of Ballast
• Logging to BS 5930.

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4 Reference Documentation

British Standards
BS 812 Testing aggregates
Part 102: 1989 Methods for sampling
Part 103: 1985 Methods for determination of particle size distributions
Part 103.1: 1985 Sieve tests
Part 110:1990 Methods for determination of aggregate crushing value
BS 1377 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes
Part 1: 1990 General requirements and sample preparation
Part 2: 1990 Classification tests
Part 7: 1990 Shear strength tests (total stress)
Part 9: 1990 Methods of Test For Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes, In-
situ Tests
BS 5930: 1981 Code of Practice for Site Investigations
BS 6906 Geotextiles
Part 1: 1987 Determination of the tensile properties
Network Rail Company Standards
RT/CE/S/006 Track ballast and Stoneblower aggregate
RT/CE/S/033 Blanketing sand
RT/CE/S/010 Geotextiles
RT/CE/S/102 Track construction standards
RT/CE/C/006 Design, installation and maintenance of lineside drainage
RT/LS/P/044 Track maintenance, renewal or alteration – used ballast
Network Rail Contaminated Land Manual
Network Rail Track Ballast Replacement – Work Site Risk Assessment Protocol
Deutsche Bundesbahn – DS 836 Vorschrift für Erdbauwerke 1987 (Specification for
5 Definitions

Single-sized granular material of specified properties, placed on the formation to provide
vertical and lateral support to the sleepers or bearers.

A layer, or several layers, laid over the subgrade to give the formation its desired properties.
The layers can include layers of granular material as a filter and geosynthetics as a modulus

Dynamic Sleeper Support Stiffness

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The peak load divided by the peak deflection of the underside of a rail seat area of an
unclipped sleeper subjected to an approximately sinusoidal pulse load at each railseat; the
pulse load being representative in magnitude and duration of the passage of a heavy axle load
at high speed.

The ground on which the ballast is placed, consisting of the subgrade plus blanket and other
protective layers (if present).

General term for synthetic layers included in the trackbed either to enhance the properties
of, or replace, a granular trackbed layer. It includes geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes and

Inherent Track Geometry

The best mean 35m Top Standard Deviation which could be achieved by a single annual
maintenance tamping on a given section of track under typical main line traffic conditions
assuming that the ballast is in good condition

Local Distribution Centre – regional centre for supply of new ballast and for handling and
recycling used ballast and other rail network infrastructure materials.

Pitching Stones or Penning

A layer consisting of large, often flat, stones or boulders, which was usually placed over clay
soils during the original construction of the railway to distribute load and protect the
subgrade. Ash or sand was often used as infill between stones or as blinding layer above and
below. This method of construction does not feature in modern practice, but nevertheless
usually facilitates good track geometry. Pitching should not be disturbed by trackbed
treatments unless absolutely necessary.

Renewal (trackbed)
The replacement of existing trackbed layers or provision of new trackbed layers. For the
purposes of this document, track renewal includes remodelling, relaying and reballasting.

The upper part of the earthworks or natural ground on which the blanket layer rests. The
subgrade includes any capping layer (prepared subgrade) designed to improve the properties
of a poor quality soil.

Subgrade Modulus
Young’s modulus of the subgrade.

A general term referring to the ballast, blanket and subgrade.

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Trackbed layers
A general term referring to all layers placed between the subgrade and the underside of

Track category
The classification of a section of track by usage and speed, so that requirements relating to
design, maintenance, renewal and inspection of the track may be specified and applied. The
procedure for categorising track is given in GC/RT5023.

Track geometry
The geometric properties of the track which affect the riding characteristics and safety of rail
vehicles, namely short wavelength vertical and lateral alignment and twist.

6 Types of Trackbed Failure (Inadequacy)

For the purpose of this document, trackbed failure or inadequacy relates to its ability to
retain good geometry. However, the condition of the trackbed can also affect track circuits,
in particular if the ballast is very dirty and retains water

Various mechanisms can result in poor track geometry. These can be divided into five

a) Ballast deterioration
b) Subgrade erosion (pumping)
c) Subgrade strength failure (cess heave)
d) Poor stiffness characteristics
e) Critical velocity

The above types of trackbed failure should not be confused with earthwork problems, such
as slips or superficial movement of embankment shoulders.

6.1 Ballast deterioration

New ballast is clean, free draining, resistant to settlement and responds well to
tamping. As it ages it breaks down gradually under the action of traffic and mechanical
maintenance until the voids eventually become filled with fines. While this will reduce
the effectiveness of tamping, the performance of the ballast is not significantly affected
until the fines reduce permeability to the point at which pore pressures cannot
dissipate under train loading, particularly when the ballast becomes saturated during
heavy rainfall. This normally occurs first beneath a rail irregularity, such as a dipped
weld, where dynamic loading is very damaging to the ballast. The onset of this type of
failure is characterised by the appearance of wet spots and rapid deterioration of track

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In addition to the products of ballast breakdown, fines may be deposited from the
environment (e.g. wind blown) or from freight vehicles (e.g. open topped coal wagons).

This type of failure must not be confused with subgrade pumping, since the methods of
treatment are completely different.

6.2 Subgrade erosion (pumping)

After ballast degradation, subgrade pumping is the main trackbed problem that is
regularly encountered. The symptoms of severe subgrade erosion are similar to those
caused by extensive ballast breakdown, i.e. poor track geometry accompanied by the
appearance of wet spots.

Subgrade pumping occurs when slurry rises into the ballast under the pumping action of
train loading because the blanket is either absent or inadequate. Slurry is normally
formed by erosion of a fine-grained subgrade, such as silt, clay or fine sand, although
weakly-cemented sedimentary rocks and poorly-graded blanket layers can also be

Small amounts of slurry in the base of the ballast have no effect. The problem becomes
serious only when the slurry migrates upwards towards the base of the sleepers and
affects the load bearing properties of the ballast. Soon afterwards the characteristic
‘pumping’ subgrade failure normally becomes evident. Track geometry then
deteriorates rapidly and cannot be rectified by tamping. Within a short time speed
restrictions may be required.

The rate at which a pumping problem will develop is difficult to predict. Where there
is fine-grained soil present at the base of a ballast layer some slurry will always develop
with time, even if the material is part of the subgrade or the blanket layer. If the
drainage is good and the line is lightly loaded, the amount of slurry produced might be
very small and have a minimal effect on ballast life, but if ballast is placed directly on a
highly susceptible subgrade, such as weak mudstone, and the drainage is poor, a
pumping problem could develop in less than a year under heavy traffic.

Slurry in the trackbed cannot be got rid of entirely, even if there is good drainage,
without replacing or modifying the blanket. It is generated by a dynamic process, and
once present is self-perpetuating. Shoulder ballast replacement can help in the short
term, as can hand packing and digging out of wet beds, but this needs to done regularly.

The worst pumping problems often occur shortly after reballasting, either on a track
already affected by subgrade erosion or occasionally where the reballasting operation
removes a layer critical for subgrade protection, such as pitching stones.

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6.3 Subgrade strength failure (cess heave)

Subgrade strength failure is characterised by the development of a continuous failure

surface between the base of the trackbed layers and the ground surface. Heaving of
the ground surface can occur on both sides of the track foundation although the final
movement occurs only on one side (normally the cess, because it is lower than the six-
foot), accompanied by loss of level of one rail. This mode of failure is typical of
overconsolidated clay soils whose upper surface has softened considerably, although
cess heave can occur on soils which are naturally soft. Possible cures are to increase
the depth of construction, together with any appropriate drainage improvement,
increase the modulus of the layers, use geogrids and use waterproofing membranes.

This mode of failure is less common on main lines than either 5.1 or 5.2, because the
depths of construction and general trackbed condition are mostly adequate to prevent

6.4 Poor stiffness characteristics

Stiffness is a very important consideration in track design, affecting vehicle ride

characteristics, wheel/rail forces, bending stress in rails, ballast breakdown and rate of
deterioration of track geometry. Stiffness at the rail-head is affected by many factors,
including rail section, sleeper spacing, pad and sleeper stiffness. However, the most
variable, and the most critical from the point of view of trackbed behaviour, is trackbed
stiffness. Values between 11 and 200 kN/mm/sleeper end have been measured on main
line tracks.

Ballast stability requires a stiff trackbed. Research shows that soft support will result in
large ballast settlements. When total settlements are large, high differential
settlements will result from repetitive traffic loading patterns, leading to poor vertical
track alignment. Variable trackbed stiffness also results in poor track geometry.

However, with the exception of very soft ground, most subgrade types provide a level
of stiffness that can be modified by shallow trackbed design, to give a value within a
suitable range. During the course of a trackbed investigation, the engineer needs to be
aware of the types of soil or the combination of features that that are likely to give
problems. Section 7.5 gives guidance on how to assess the stiffness of a subgrade and
its variability.

While a stiff trackbed is desirable for good track geometry it is equally important to
ensure that it is not too hard. On very hard formations, e.g. on shallow rock head or
on bridge decks with low ballast depths, the resulting high modulus can lead to damage
of track components, ballast breakdown and even erosion of the bedrock. Also, track
does not distribute loads as far on a hard trackbed, which further increases the
likelihood of track damage.

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The most direct method of compensating for a hard trackbed is to use softer railpads,
although in some situations this can adversely affect track performance.

6.5 Critical velocity

On most types of ground the stiffness of a trackbed does not vary with train speed.
However, where track passes over deep layers of very soft ground, such as peat bogs
or alluvium, the stiffness may diminish considerably at higher speeds. This phenomenon
is associated with a low velocity of surface wave propagation. As the trains approach
the “critical velocity” the ground displacement increases. In extreme cases it may not
be possible to run the trains at line speed without causing rapid deterioration of track

While it may be possible to make a slight increase in critical velocity by improving the
trackbed, a significant improvement can be made only by deep ground treatment, e.g.
piling. Sites with a low critical velocity are fairly rare and are, for the most part, well
known, but special consideration may need to be given when increasing the line speed
in some areas where there may not have been a problem before. Geological records
may be useful in identifying susceptible areas.

7 Investigation - Methods

7.1 Summary

A trackbed investigation may include various techniques, which normally includes some
form of trial hole or trench (intrusive), but may be supplemented by one or more
geophysical (non-intrusive) methods.

For the purpose of this document, intrusive investigation refers to the following:

• Shallow trial holes (to base of ballast)

• Deep trial holes (typically 1.0m)
• Extended trial holes (>1.0m)
• Trial Trenches

Traditionally all investigation has been undertaken using hand-dug trial holes or
trenches, with the holes being advanced below the base of the ballast, if necessary, by
hand auger or spoon shovels. However, in recent years the use of percussive coring
through ballast (e.g Automatic Ballast Sampler, ABS) for deep trial holes and extended
trial holes, has become commonplace. Both techniques have advantages and
disadvantages, compared in Table 1. The use of penetrometer techniques for extended
trial holes, to investigate the variability of the underlying ground, is becoming

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Geophysical, non intrusive, techniques which are now in common use are Ground
Probing Radar (GPR), and Falling Weight Deflectometer.

This Section describes each of these methods, together with associated sampling and
testing techniques. Section 7 then gives guidance on how to plan an efficient
investigation to provide the right amount of information to allow the correct decision
to be made on trackbed treatment.

7.2 Hand-dug trial holes and trenches

The location and dimensions of a hand dug trial hole depend on the objectives of the
hole (see para. 7.2) and the testing requirements (see para.6.5). However, there are
certain general rules that should be followed, and these are described below.

If formation failure is suspected, holes should be dug outside the immediate track area.

Trial holes and trenches should not penetrate a sand/stone blanket layer unless it is
implicitly required to achieve the objectives, other than to take a small sample.

On underbridges, care should be taken not to damage bridge deck waterproofing.

If trial holes are opened out in advance of an inspection date, or if the hole is likely to
require re-inspection, ballast bags or sand bags should be placed in holes to minimise
tripping hazard and to maintain track stability.

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Table 1 – Comparison of Hand Dug Trial Holes and Percussive Coring

Percussive Coring
Attribute Hand Dug Trial Holes
(e.g. Automatic Ballast Sampler)
Sample Description, Difficult at Night or in Wet Weather Samples can be examined and
Photography. photographed under ideal conditions
Versatility Can investigate lateral variation, trackbed ABS positions must usually be pre-
conditions can be interpreted on site, programmed and detailed examination is
additional pits can be excavated immediately not possible on site. Lateral variations
for confirmation, but obstructions to hand cannot be investigated satisfactorily, but full
auger progress or hard digging often limit depth samples are normally achieved,
achievable depth. except on hard rock. Option of sampling
to 2m.

Staffing Needs trained trackbed/p.way engineer on site. Engineer not required on site.

Excavation and Sampling Difficult, often impossible in granular materials. Will recover good samples in most soil
Below Water Table types.
Samples for Ballast Testing Sample size unlimited. Representative sampling Small sample only, not suitable for
possible for estimation of Ballast Cleaner estimation of Ballast Cleaner return. Good
Return, but difficult to sample fines accurately for condition assessment and chemical
for assessment of ballast condition. analysis.

Blanket/Subgrade Sampling of subgrade often impossible due to All layers sampled as a matter of course,
Sampling and testing obstructions or high water table. Full sampling fine granular and cohesive soils are sampled
and in situ testing is time consuming, and can undisturbed
seriously affect productivity.

Depth measurement All depths can be referred accurately to base of Corrections required to compensate for
sleeper, any sample loss.
Protection Required Red Zone Possible Green Zone Only
(Green Zone Preferred)
Typical Productivity, per 8hr 15 No. Shallow (<0.5m) -------
Shift per 3 man team. 10 No. Deep(0.5<1.0m) 40 No. to 1.0m
-------- 15 No. to 2.0m

Hand-dug trial holes and trenches must be excavated from within one bed or crib at
each location and must not be closer than 1.5m to a rail joint, weld or adjustment
switch. In S&C units trial holes must not be closer than 1.5m to crossing noses, obtuse
knuckles or switch toes. Excavated material must be placed clear of cables, signal
engineer’s equipment and walkways. Material must be returned carefully on
completion of the inspection.

If an effective sand blanket has been removed to facilitate inspection and sampling it
must be reinstated prior to replacing the ballast.

Where it is necessary to penetrate below a functioning geosynthetic layer, the hole

should be backfilled and reinstated as follows:

- excavate trial hole sufficiently large to enable a minimum overlap of

150mm around the cut geotextile

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- on completion, use arisings to fill to 150mm below geotextile

- add either sand (to RT/CE/S/033) or lean, fine grained concrete mix, placed
dry, to geotextile level
- place a geotextile patch which gives a minimum of 100mm overlap all
- reinstate the ballast.
Hand-dug deep trial holes are normally excavated using a combination of hand digging
then either hand auger or spoon shovels, once the ballast layer and any other coarse
granular layers are penetrated. As soon as cohesive material is encountered a hand
shear vane test should be undertaken, and repeated at 50mm intervals until the
required depth is reached. For special testing requirements a 38mm diameter
undisturbed sample may be taken (in accordance with BS 5930). The hole should be
continued to a depth of at least 0.8m below sleeper base unless hard material is
encountered which is identified either as the natural subgrade or artificial stiffening,
such as pitching stones. Where pitching is encountered, at least one hole every 400m
should be enlarged so that excavation can progress below the pitching to identify the
subgrade. If soft or firm clay is encountered (Cu< 80kN/m2) the hole should be
progressed to a depth of at least 1m.

Sufficient photographs of each hole should be taken to enable descriptions of ballast

condition to be confirmed at a later date. A clear label should be included in each
photograph identifiying as a minimum the date, site identifier and a trial hole number.

7.3 Window Sampling (Automatic Ballast Sampler)

The Automatic Ballast Sampler is a percussive coring device that takes a continuous
sample through the trackbed. It consists of a steel sampling tube lined with a 65mm
diameter clear plastic tube in which the sample is collected. The steel tube is capped
with a hardened steel cutting shoe and the whole unit is driven into the trackbed, using
a hydraulically powered hammer, to a depth of up to 1m. Additional smaller diameter
tubes can, if necessary, be driven even deeper into the subgrade.

When driving the samples, there may be some sample loss, particularly in loose ballast
at the start of driving, and occasionally at the end of driving, as a very soft subgrade is
penetrated. Measurements of the height of the ballast relative to the top of the rails
should be taken before driving and sufficient measurements of progress should be
taken during driving to enable corrections to be made for sample loss.

The samples should be sealed in their plastic tubes and clearly labelled with the site
name, date and sample number. The top and bottom of each sample should also be
clearly marked. Samples should be stored upright during transit to prevent ballast
segregation, in a dry, cool but frost-free environment. Logging should be carried out

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within three days of sampling to avoid desiccation, particularly in the case of clay soils,
whose strength is directly related to moisture content.

Window sampler holes should be backfilled using a 5:1 dry mixture of blanketing sand
and cement to within 200mm of the base of the sleeper. The remaining hole is
backfilled with clean ballast.

7.4 Site records

For each investigation a summary sheet should be produced showing, as a minimum,

the following information:

a) Date(s) of Investigation,
b) Site name, unique job identification number.
c) Engineers Line Reference, (ELR),
d) Track Reference, (Up, Down, Fast, Slow etc.),
e) The fixed point, e.g. a milepost, to which distances are related,
f) Logging Engineer (or Technician, if no engineer is present).

7.4.1 Logging/Photography

A log needs to be produced for each trial hole or trench. The log must clearly
state the mileage and yardage to the nearest yard, the lateral location, e.g. four-
foot, adjacent to cess rail, and a reference level, e.g. base of sleeper, to which
depths are related. For most trial holes it is sufficient to describe each separate
layer encountered and record the changes in strata with depth, to an accuracy
of ±5mm. Groundwater conditions also need to be recorded, together with any
test results. Sufficient information must be recorded at each hole to enable
interpretation of the data.

For all hand dug trial holes a colour photograph should be taken of at least one
side of the trial hole, showing the condition of the ballast beneath the sleeper as
close as possible to the rail seat. The photographed side should be prepared
beforehand by removing all loose or foreign material. The photograph should
include the bottom edge of the sleeper for reference. A reference sheet should
be included in each photograph giving as a minimum, the:

a) Date,
b) Site name,
c) Hole number.

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Where there is significant lateral variation a sketch of all relevant side-walls of

the trial hole should be made, together with sufficient photographs to illustrate
all significant material variations.

7.4.2 Sample Description – Blanket and Subgrade

The standard for logging of soils is given in BS5930, which produces a purely
factual description of the soil. It is recommended that this is used for soils
comprising the blanket and subgrade.

7.4.3 Sample Description - Ballast

The ballast condition is normally described in a form which is more familiar to

permanent way engineers. Important characteristics of ballast should be
described, including size, condition, mineralogy and whether it is contaminated
with clay slurry. The ballast layer may include several different horizons, each of
which must be described separately, as follows:

New ballast consists mainly of stone falling in the size range 37.5mm to 50mm,
and would normally contain a high proportion of this size of stone even when
life expired. If it is evident that the basic size range is less than 37.5mm, the
ballast should be described as undersized.

General condition
Four stages of ballast deterioration can be easily identified by visual inspection:
• Clean Ballast –essentially single sized with little or no fine material in
the voids.
• Slightly Dirty Ballast – there are clearly fines beginning to accumulate
in the voids, but the voids are far from being filled.
• Dirty Ballast – the voids are mostly filled with fines, but the fines are
essentially granular and permeable.
• Very Dirty Ballast – the voids are completely filled with fines and
appear to be impermeable.

It should be noted that the term “dirty”, when referring to ballast, does not
relate to the amount of dust or wet slurry adhering to the surface of larger
particles, but to the amount of fines which accumulate in the voids with time. If
the fines do not appear to be the products of ballast breakdown, the source of
the fines should also be described, e,g. coal fines.

The geological source of the ballast should also be identified if possible. In
particular, it is important to identify ballast formed of poor quality stone, i.e.
sedimentary rock (especially limestone) that is likely to deteriorate rapidly if left

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in the track. Where the ballast includes a proportion of poor quality stone, the
proportion should be estimated.

Clay Contamination
The presence of clay, clay slurry or other fine-grained soil derived from an
underlying trackbed layer or the subgrade should be identified, distinguishing
between relatively new ballast that becomes contaminated with slurry (or other
fine-grained soil) and older ballast, which has partially degraded before
becoming contaminated. The latter condition is less serious and may not
require immediate treatment.

7.4.4 Site Sketch

In addition to recording the positions of trial holes and the soils encountered, a
site sketch is required to show the positions and references of all adjacent
tracks and S&C. The following should also be included in the site sketch (using
key symbols, with mileages):

• Wet beds
• Cuttings and embankments, including heights
• General slope conditions including rabbit warrens etc.
• Structures and retaining walls
• Positions of infall, outfalls, catch pits, drainage runs etc.
• Any other feature likely to affect track performance.

The site sketch should be supplemented by general photographs along the site,
photographs of bridges, retaining walls, drainage, catchpits and to substantiate
comments on other features noted.

7.5 Sampling and Testing

There are various sampling and testing methods which are used regularly on the
railway. In order to procure the necessary samples for testing it is important to
understand the objectives of the sampling.

7.5.1 Ballast – Estimation of Residual Life

For this purpose a sample of ballast from the load bearing zone directly beneath
the rail seat area of the sleeper is required. A minimum 10kg sample is required.
The sample should be returned to the laboratory for sieve analysis, as described

Residual life may be assessed by interpolation from the proportion passing a

14mm sieve: new ballast should pass no more than 2%, whereas ballast may be
regarded as life-expired if more than 30% passes.

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7.5.2 Trackbed Layers – Chemical Contamination

For sampling of used ballast from the existing trackbed see also RT/LS/P/044.

There are two acceptable methods of procuring samples for assessment of

contamination levels.

Where the purpose of an investigation is solely to assess chemical

contamination, a sampling methodology, detailing how the sample is to be taken
and the referencing system that is to be used to ensure data can be easily
reviewed, has been established in agreement with both the Environment Agency
and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. This is included in Appendix

Where chemical contamination is considered as part of a trackbed investigation

for assessment of track renewal requirements, a more targeted approach to
sampling may be adopted. In order to procure the necessary samples the
engineer on site should first ascertain the lowest possible level that excavation
for trackbed treatments is likely to reach. The best sampling strategy is to
identify different layers within the part of the trackbed that is likely to be
removed during track renewals, and take representative samples from each. A
minimum of three samples should be taken from each layer at representative
locations spread along the site (or over the extent of the layer if it is not
continuous throughout the site). For long sites the number of samples of each
layer should be increased, to give a maximum spacing of 200m between chemical

7.5.3 Trackbed Layers – Physical Properties

Small samples of trackbed layers may occasionally be required, for example, to

check the grading of a sand blanket. Particle size distributions should be carried
out on samples taken (in accordance with BS 812: Section 103.1). Blanketing
sand grading distributions should be compared with RT/CE/S/033.

Sampling of geosynthetics may also be required occasionally to assess their

condition. However, this is outside the scope of this document. Refer to BS EN
13250:2001 and RT/CE/S/010.

7.5.4 Subgrade – Physical Properties

Selected undisturbed samples of cohesive soils may be tested for undrained

modulus in repeated loading of a soil specimen in a triaxial test. A confining
pressure of 30kN/m² and deviator stress of 30kN/m² should be used. The
modulus is calculated from the stress/strain secant modulus from the fifth repeat
loading (in accordance with BS 1377: Part 7).

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Selected samples may be tested to gain plasticity index (in accordance with BS
1377: Part 2) in order to assess their susceptibility to subgrade erosion.

7.6 Geophysical (Non-intrusive) Techniques

7.6.1 Ground probing radar (GPR)

The technique employs electromagnetic radar waves to identify the presence of

interfaces between the various layers making up the trackbed. The clearest data
is obtained by taking a single reading on each crib in the centre of the four-foot;
successive results are combined to provide an effectively continuous record. It
is also possible to collect data continuously from a moving vehicle, although
there is some loss of quality.

The technique works by measuring the strength of the reflected signal during a
fixed time period, typically several nanoseconds and, knowing the time of travel
and the dielectric constant of the ballast/sub-ballast, the depth of the interfaces
can be assessed.

The output is in the form of a continuous longitudinal section of the track

showing the reflected signals from the various layers beneath the sleepers. For
most effective use of the data, an expert commentary should be supplied by the
specialist sub-contractor on the interpretation of the various features of the
trackbed shown in the trace.

Although interpretation of the trace can appear somewhat daunting to those

unfamiliar with the system, some readily comprehensible features usually
become clear after a little practice.

One of the most beneficial features of the GPR trace is the ability to identify
accurately, locations where changes in the track substructure are occurring.
This is invaluable because it enables the optimum length of any proposed
remedial work to be determined and it assists in the efficient planning of an
intrusive investigation.

It is often possible to link sections of poor quality track geometry to the

information provided in the GPR trace, thus providing the track engineer with
an understanding of the cause of his track geometry problem and an indication
of the expected treatment.

Whilst it is useful as a stand alone investigative tool, particularly when its findings
clearly relate to the track geometry, GPR information is seldom sufficient to
enable the design of remedial measures. For design purposes GPR must
normally be supplemented by intrusive investigations at specific locations.

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7.6.2 Falling weight deflectometer (FWD)

The Falling Weight Deflectometer measures dynamic sleeper support stiffness in

situ. It was originally developed for the road construction industry but has now
been adapted for use in the railway environment.

The FWD applies a pre-determined impulse load to the sleeper close to the rail
seat areas. The response to this load in terms of the transient deflections
produced in the sleeper and the surrounding ballast are very accurately
measured using inertial displacement transducers (geophones).

Each test sleeper is disconnected from the rails in turn and a pulse of load,
having a peak value of 12.5 tonnes (typically the maximum load seen by a sleeper
under a passing 25 tonne axle load), is applied three times. Measurement of the
load and displacements are recorded simultaneously. Peak loads and
displacements should be recorded for three successive drops. Also, the load
and displacement history for the third load pulse should be recorded and
stored, especially if an assessment of critical velocity is required.

The deflections of the loaded sleeper (D0), the ballast in the adjacent crib (D300)
and the ballast in the next crib (D1000) are interpreted as corresponding to the
sleeper deflection, the deflection of the loaded ballast and the deflection of the
subgrade respectively. The data is presented as a continuous longitudinal trace
showing the variation of these properties along the track.

When testing on either concrete or steel sleepers the dynamic sleeper support
stiffness can be calculated directly from D0, i.e. concrete and steel can be
assumed to be incompressible. On wooden sleepers, an allowance needs to be
made for the sleeper compression.

The data can also be used to calculate the velocity of surface wave propagation
along the track, the so-called critical velocity.

The spacing of FWD tests is dependent on the length of the site and the
purpose of the testing, although maximum spacings apply. For a detailed
assessment of dynamic sleeper support stiffness a maximum test spacing of 10m
is recommended, and for investigating spatial variation of critical velocity, a
maximum 20m spacing is considered to be acceptable.

7.7 Penetrometer Testing

Where it is necessary to obtain deeper information relating to the subgrade, after

penetration of the trackbed layers, there are various types of penetrometer test
available, ideally suited to testing in the railway environment. These are described in BS
1377: Part 9.

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It is important to note that penetrometer tests are not appropriate for determining
properties of the trackbed layers, other than the total depth of granular materials,.

8 Investigation – Planning, Analysis and Reporting

8.1 General

This section deals with the detailed investigation of the trackbed in connection with
track or trackbed renewal. The primary objective of the investigation is to gather
sufficient information on the nature, condition and relevant dimensions of the existing
trackbed layers, subgrade and site drainage to determine the nature of the work
required and to reduce, to an acceptable level, the risk of unforeseen ground
conditions resulting in an inadequate treatment of the trackbed.

For the purpose of investigation, track drainage, where present, is considered to be

part of the trackbed. In addition to inspecting the drains and catchpits, the investigation
should also consider the condition of the material surrounding the drain from both the
point of view of protecting the drain against ingress of clay, silt or fine sand particles
from the blanket or subgrade, as well as allowing effective drainage of rainwater and
groundwater from the trackbed.

The investigation should be carried out in sufficient time to ensure that provision can
be made for the work required (for example, replacement of the blanket layers) in the
resources and track possession time allocated for construction.

The first stage in any investigation should be a desk study. This can highlight known
problems on the site and assist in the design of an investigation, i.e, both scoping and
planning layout. It may also be of use in the detailed interpretation of the results.

Before proceeding with a trackbed investigation a check should be made that the
problem is not due to an obvious earthwork deficiency, such as a slip or embankment
settlement, in which case embankment stabilisation measures are required. Usually,
areas of earthwork instability are well known to local engineers and there may be
records available. In the absence of any records, or visual evidence of earthwork
failure, the track engineer would normally suspect that poor track geometry was due
to some form of trackbed inadequacy.

8.2 Desk Study

The extent of information required will vary from site to site but the engineer
responsible for design should be aware of the following information sources:

Historical Track Geometry and Track Maintenance Data

Records of track geometry, i.e. the history of track geometry held on the
“Trackmaster” database, and the most recent High Speed Track Recording Car

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(HSTRC) traces can provide much information regarding the past performance of the
track and the likely areas of poor quality trackbed. The parameter measured by the
HSTRC that is most indicative of trackbed condition is the 35m vertical profile. This
should ideally be interpreted in the light of recent maintenance activity.

A knowledge of the performance of adjacent tracks may also be of use, particularly

where it is subject to similar traffic and the response to past formation treatment is

Records of Previous Investigations and Inspections

The quality of inspections and investigations of trackbed, earthworks and drainage has,
historically, varied considerably across the rail network. The reporting and recording
of the information and details of past remedial measures have also been variable.
Nevertheless, there is much remaining which is mostly held by the Maintenance
Contractor, but some is retained by the Network Rail Regional Records Sections.
Some of this information may assist in the design of an investigation, especially on those
sites/areas which are well known to local engineers as having a history of problems.
However, for routine investigations on sites where maintenance has been
straightforward in the past and there is no history of poor track geometry it may not
be worthwhile pursuing records.

Video Records

More use is now being made of video recording for track inspections. Where these
are available they are useful for a preliminary assessment of a site. Features visible on
route videos can include topography, drainage, track layouts, station platforms, bridges,
wet spots, cess condition etc.

Geological Records

An understanding of the local geology and/or hydrogeology can assist greatly in the
understanding of trackbed performance and drainage characteristics of site. Geological
mapping at either 1/63360 or 1/50000 scale is available from the British Geological
Survey (BGS), at Keyworth in Nottinghamshire, for most parts of the country. Larger
scale maps (six-inches to a mile) and detailed descriptions of local
geology/hydrogeology (Memoirs) are available in some areas. BGS also have an
extensive database of borehole records, which can also be of assistance.

Utilities Records

Before excavating deep trial holes or planning deep trackbed treatments it is advisable
to obtain records of the location of buried services. This information must be
regarded as supplementary to scanning an trial hole position prior to excavation (which
is mandatory), since this cannot detect non-metallic services.

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8.3 Design of Investigation

The extent of an investigation depends on its objectives, the existing knowledge of the
site and its past performance. Intrusive investigation below the base of the ballast layer
should only be considered after all existing data sources have been reviewed.

Shallow trial holes (typically 0.35m below base of sleeper)

Shallow trial holes would normally be sunk at proposal stage. They should only be
considered for trackbed design if the proposed treatment is ballast renewal or ballast
cleaning, and there is sufficient information available to demonstrate that the following
conditions apply:

• Trackbed depth is adequate for the subgrade throughout (normally>0.5m,

except on granular soils)
• Adequate subgrade protection will remain in place after existing trackbed is
• Track Geometry has been adequate in the past
• No indication of earthwork instability
• Adequate drainage

The purpose of the holes may be any of the following:

- estimation of residual ballast life

- location of buried constraints, e.g. depth of ballast above bridge decks,
clearance and depth of bridge footings
- estimation of rate of return of automatic ballast cleaner
- chemical contamination.

Deep trial holes (approximately 1.0m below base of sleeper)

Deep holes are required for ballast cleaning/replacement where the conditions for
shallow holes are not met (see above) and for all other trackbed treatments. The
investigation should be planned to determine the following:

- the nature of the subgrade

- the nature and depth of all trackbed layers
- the variability of the above along the site.

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Extended trial holes

Once through the trackbed layers there may be a need for deeper exploration, for
example to determine the strength and thickness of clay layers, or to determine the
nature of an embankment core. Various techniques are available, including further
window sampling or penetrometer testing.

Trial Trenches

These may be required to investigate the following:

- drainage paths or drain backfill

- lateral variation of trackbed
- embankment shoulder
- accurate determination of ballast condition.

8.4 Layout of Investigation

The spacing of trial holes and their lateral position relative to the track should be
determined to suit the particular purpose of the investigation. However the following
general rules apply:

- If there is no information which allows accurate targeting of holes, such as

GPR, or accurate vertical rail profiles, a trial hole is normally excavated
every 100m along a site, plus additional holes at 50m beyond both ends of
a site. Intermediate holes are then required to chase out observed changes
in trackbed construction or condition, such as pumping subgrade or
geotextile, to within 25m.
- If there is information available to allow accurate targeting, the site
should be divided into sub-sites according to changes in trackbed or track
geometry. A minimum of three trial holes should then be excavated on
each subsite, subject to a maximum spacing of 200m. For subsites shorter
than 50m, only two holes are required. On a site which exhibits rapid
variations in trackbed condition, a subsite may be declared which includes
several changes. In this case holes should be sunk at the worst positions,
since these will dictate the type of remedial measure required. A minimum
spacing of 25m is normally adequate.
On completion of an investigation the engineer should be satisfied that sufficient
information has been gathered to enable design of effective remedial trackbed
treatments and to demonstrate that the risk of unforeseen ground conditions is

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8.5 Investigation of drainage

A full drainage investigation should be within the scope of a typical trackbed

investigation. Sufficient information should be gathered to allow the adequacy of the
drainage provisions on site to be assessed, and to determine whether a full drainage
survey is required.

As part of the desk study the engineer should have gained an appreciation of the track
gradients, geology, hydrogeology, topography and hydrology of the area such that he is
able to determine whether the drainage system present is appropriate for the site. See
also RT/CE/C/006.

The location of all components of the drainage system within 100yds of each end of the
site should be shown on the site sketch (see para. 6.4.3).

For each catchpit, the survey should include, as a minimum:-

- pipe diameters
- the general condition, e.g. clean, full of slurry,
- invert levels relative to rail level.

8.6 Trackbed stiffness

In recent years it has been shown that trackbed stiffness is a key determinant of track
geometry. For good inherent track geometry it is essential for the track to have both
adequate and uniform stiffness. The stiffness of a trackbed is governed by the depth
and stiffness of all granular layers that form the trackbed layers together with the
stiffness of the upper part of the underlying subgrade.

For the purpose of this document, the parameter used to define trackbed stiffness is
dynamic sleeper support stiffness (K), expressed in kN/mm/sleeper end. This is the
most direct measure of trackbed stiffness and is an excellent indicator of trackbed
performance. It does not, however, allow the accurate determination of the elastic
properties of each component layer.

The measurement and analysis of stiffness of the trackbed layers is a complex subject
and a full treatment of the subject is beyond the scope of this document. It should
therefore be left to an experienced trackbed specialist. However, a brief summary of
techniques is given here to provide a background to the subject. The elastic modulus
of a given trackbed layer can be measured in two ways, either directly, e.g. in a triaxial
apparatus, or by performing a load test at the ground surface to measure a reaction
modulus and using back-analysis to determine the moduli of each layer. Table 2
summarises methods of determination of various stiffness parameters.

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Table 2 – Summary of methods of determination of various stiffness parameters

Relevant Phase of Parameter Quality of

Standards Trackbed stiffness
Type of Test treatment Application Measured information Remarks
and units

FWD on sleepers Specialist Investigation/ Track Dynamic High Good productivity, but high
Test Sleeper mobilisation cost. Can give
Design/ Support effective modulus of subgrade and
Stiffness other trackbed layers using back-
Diagnostic Tool analysis.
Can also be used to measure
kN/mm/ critical velocity.

sleeper end

FWD on circular Specialist Construction Subgrade, Reaction High Good productivity. Use
plate Test Modulus Boussinesq equation to give an
Formation effective subgrade modulus, but
kN/m2 can be back-analysed to give
moduli of individual layers.

Plate Bearing BS1377 Construction Subgrade, Reaction High Expensive, time consuming, only
Test Modulus appropriate for major projects or
UIC 719R Formation very sensitive trackbed, results
kN/m2 sensitive to creep and
consolidation of soils. Use
Boussinesq equation to give an
effective modulus, but can be back-
analysed to give moduli of
individual layers. .

CBR BS1377 Construction Subgrade CBR Indicative Traditional index test developed
for highway application. Can be
Formation % used to derive an approximate
value of stiffness.

Shear Vane or BS1377 Investigation/ Cohesive C Indicative Useful only on fine grained
Pocket cohesive subgrades.
Penetrometer Preliminary subgrade kN/m2

Repeated Load BS1377 Investigation, Cohesive E High Useful only on fine grained
Triaxial Test subgrade cohesive subgrades where a good
Design, MN/m2 quality uniform sample can be
(Cohesive obtained.
Samples) Construction

Triaxial Test Specialist Design Trackbed E High Used for research testing on
Test aggregates for use in trackbed
(Granular Layers) MN/m2 applications. Highly specialised.

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While good stiffness characteristics are important to ensure good trackbed

performance, it is not normally necessary to make direct stiffness measurements,
except in extreme cases. Stiffness does not need to be considered where the track
geometry has been acceptable in the past (with certain provisions, see section 8.4).
Under most other circumstances the adequacy of trackbed stiffness can be
demonstrated during the course of a trackbed investigation. The engineer should
show that the subgrade is well consolidated, sensibly uniform, and has no discrete hard
or soft spots. On cohesive soils, the Trackbed Index (see section 8.4) can be used as
an indicator of whether the trackbed depth is adequate. However, if there is due cause
to question the stiffness characteristics of a site, such as low Trackbed Index, or on an
embankment passing over frequent underbridges, or other situation which causes low
or variable stiffness, it may be necessary to make an accurate assessment.

After sufficient information is gained relating to the subgrade modulus and its variation,
the required depth of construction can be determined according to para. 8.4.

8.7 Critical Velocity

There is no established method for determining the critical velocity, or permissible

train speed, from intrusive site investigation data. There are

Confirmation of Existing Speed Limit

If trains regularly approach critical velocity there will be excessive deflection and rapid
deterioration of track geometry. If a site exhibits poor track geometry and the
suspected cause is low critical velocity, this can be checked by measuring displacements
under the typical worst loading conditions, i.e. maximum axle load and maximum likely
train speed. Ideally the deflection should be less than 4mm, although up to 8mm is
permissible, particularly if a geogrid or some other reinforcing technique is present. In
order to determine the variation of displacement with speed using this technique it will
be necessary to arrange for a series of similar vehicles to pass over the site at different

Assessment Prior to Proposed Increase in Speed Limit

While the above technique will accurately establish the degree of variation of
displacement at a single position on the track, to investigate spatial variation it will be
necessary to repeat the measurements at the required positions, or have several sets
of instrumentation available. It is however possible to measure a critical velocity
directly, for example, using a falling weight deflectometer. This will allow an estimate
to be made of the likely variation of displacement with speed, but its greatest advantage
is that it can be used to assess spatial variation. Once the worst spots have been
established, the exact variation of displacement with speed should be monitored as
described above.

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8.8 Subgrade Strength Failure

Subgrade strength failure (bearing capacity failure) may occur where train traffic with
increased axle loads are run. Subgrade strength failure manifests itself usually by a
heave in the cess. Subgrade strength failure may also occur where drainage problems
have led to softening.

8.9 The Trackbed Investigation Report

The trackbed investigation report should provide the minimum information necessary
to summarise problems on the site and offer appropriate solutions. It should consist of
a factual section and an interpretative section.

The factual section should include as a minimum the following:

- Written Section,
o Introduction
o Brief site description, i.e. location, track details, topography
o Geology
o Description of the fieldwork
o Summary of the ground conditions encountered
o Drainage condition and outfall arrangement (ditch, culvert, watercourse)
- Site Sketch
- Longitudinal Section, using easily distinguishable legends, showing:
o degree of ballast degradation
o slurrying
o track bed types
o formation materials
o ground water levels
o strength of clays
o obstructions to excavation
(note - an example of a suitable legend key is given in Appendix C)

- Borehole Logs related to rail level, or base of sleeper for constant rail/sleeper
- Selection of site photographs showing key features
- Photographs of each trial hole or window sample

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- Test Results
- Restricted Clearances and Shallow Obstructions
Where interpretation and recommendations for trackbed treatments are required the
following sections should be included:

- Discussion of trackbed condition, especially inadequacies

- Discussion of possible options for formation treatment
(including likely residual life and risk of failure)
- Description of any analysis and interpretation undertaken
- An indicative design cross section
- Drainage recommendations
The design cross section should show, in diagrammatic form, the recommended ballast
and formation designs. The sections should be drawn looking in the direction of
increasing mileage and show the thickness of new ballast, the crossfall direction and
amount and the placing of any geotextiles or sand bed materials. Drainage details may
either be included on the cross section, or reference should be made to suitable detail.

9 Design and Materials

9.1 General

Trackbed design is subject to design approval as given in RT/CE/S/003.

For ballast refer to RT/CE/S/102. Required ballast depth should not be confused with
required trackbed depth (see para. 8.4).

A reduced ballast depth should not be used over natural ground or embankment if the
trackbed layers, do not satisfy the requirements of total construction depth outlined in
para. 8.4.

A reduced ballast depth requires more frequent replacement of the ballast. The
absolute minimum depth of ballast required for tamping is 150mm.

9.2 Blanket

Experience has shown that the most satisfactory method of preventing subgrade
erosion is to lay a sand blanket, which consists of blanketing sand as specified in

A nominal depth of sand of 100mm, protected by a geotextile separator, is advised

where the total depth of construction is adequate (see para. 8.4).

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9.3 Geosynthetics

A geosynthetic layer cannot be used on its own to fulfil all of the functions of a blanket

The use of geosynthetics is covered in para. 8.6, standard solutions. These make use of
four classes of geosynthetic, as listed below:

• Geotextile Separator – a non woven geotextile having a typical weight of

about 300g/m2, used to separate a sand layer from ballast (specified in
• Robust Geotextile Separator - either a heavy duty geotextile or permeable
geocomposite which offers increased resistance to abrasion, used to
separate a coarse granular layer from ballast (typically either a non woven
geotextile having a weight of about 1000g/m2 or a 10mm aperture plastic
mesh sandwiched between two layers of Geotextile Separator)
• Impermeable Geocomposite - a heavy duty impermeable membrane with
provision for lateral dissipation of pore pressure from the underlying
• Geogrid Reinforcement - a plastic mesh with high tensile stiffness, used to
reduce ballast movement over soft ground.

9.4 Required depth of trackbed layers

This section applies only to existing trackbeds where critical velocity is not likely to be
a problem.

The required total depth of trackbed layers (beneath base of the sleepers) is
determined by the stiffness characteristics of the subgrade and the required track
category. In most cases the total depth of trackbed will be adequate for the existing
subgrade and track category and the only required treatment may be to replace the
ballast and occasionally install a sand blanket. However, it is important to be able to
demonstrate that the depth of trackbed is adequate before proceeding with any
trackbed treatment. If axle loads and tonnage are not being increased significantly, this
can often be done by studying past track geometry and maintenance records. Where
there has been difficulty in achieving the required track geometry it will be necessary to
determine whether it has been due to inadequate total depth of trackbed. A suggested
procedure is indicated below.

On a section that has previously supported good track geometry without excessive
maintenance requirements, it is reasonable to assume that the stiffness characteristics
(and hence the required depth of trackbed layers) are acceptable, provided that the
following conditions apply:

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• there are no underlying reasons to suspect that the subgrade stiffness has
been affected, for example by earthwork failures
• no track lowering is planned as part of the track scheme
• the blanket or pitching (where present) is in good condition and will not be
disturbed by any proposed treatment.

Where there has been difficulty in achieving the required track geometry in the past
the stiffness characteristics of the trackbed and subgrade should be checked (see
section 7.5). The total depth of trackbed layers required can be determined from
Figure 2, which has been derived using a combination of empirical data and multilayer
elastic theory and is in general agreement with the experience of German Railways (see
DB DS836). The required value of K is in Table 3.

Where trackbed is formed over cohesive soil and indicative values of undrained shear
strength are available, an indication of the adequacy of a trackbed can be given using the
Trackbed Index, which is defined as follows:

TI = Cu x D, where
Cu = undrained shear strength in kN/m² of the soil directly below the trackbed
D = total depth of trackbed, in m, measured from base of sleeper.

A value of TI of 40 is considered to be a minimum for main lines. It is important to

note that the Trackbed Index is intended only to give an indication of stiffness. If the
Trackbed Index is consistently low, more detailed stiffness information should be
obtained to enable a robust design to be obtained.

Table 3 – Required Dynamic Sleeper Support Stiffness (K)

(Maximum Axle Load 25 tonnes)
Minimum Dynamic Sleeper Support Stiffness (K)
kN/mm/sleeper end
Absolute Value 30
Existing Main Lines With Geogrid Reinforcement 30
Without Reinforcement 60
New track Up to 100mph 60
Above 100mph 100

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Thickness of
Trackbed K=100kN/mm/sl.
Layers 0.6
(metres below
base of 0.4
sleeper) K=60kN/mm/sl.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
40) (80) (120) (160) (200)
Undrained Subgrade Modulus (E ) MN/m2
figures in brackets give approximate Cu values (kN/m2)

Figure 2 – Required Thickness of Trackbed Layers

9.5 Track drainage

9.5.1 General

Adequate track drainage is an intergral part of the trackbed and is covered in

RT/CE/C/006. Track drainage should normally be provided in any location
where it is likely that water accumulating in the trackbed compromises track
performance. In practice this means that track drains would normally be
provided in all cuttings and low embankments (i.e. top of rail is less than 1m
above the surrounding ground) where either the natural ground is not free-
draining or the highest natural groundwater level is above the base of the

Track drains may also occasionally be required on other embankments as


• catchment transfer where the runoff from the track and surrounding
ground/groundwater is likely to exceed the capacity of a particular
• to intercept runoff which would otherwise have to flow across an
adjacent track

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• the embankment core is of low permeability and there is no clear

lateral drainage path to the embankment shoulder
• where dishing of the top of the embankment has occurred.

9.5.2 Assessment of Existing Drainage

The performance of a trackbed treatment can be affected by the quality of

drainage on a site. Poor drainage can, to some extent, be compensated by
adopting a more robust trackbed treatment.

Whenever trackbed treatments are carried out, existing track drains and the
surrounding backfill should be assessed to determine their condition and

Poor Drainage a site which has a history of drainage problems,

e.g. where standing water is frequently found
within 0.5m of the base of the sleeper.

Satisfactory Drainage a site where water is maintained at 0.5m below

base of sleeper or lower except during heavy
rainfall when surcharging may occur.

Good Drainage a site which has no history of drainage problems

and surcharging of the drainage system does not
occur on average, more than one occasion in
ten years. (i.e. the site is either on embankment,
with an uninterrupted drainage path to the
embankment shoulder, or in a cutting, where
the drainage has been specifically designed to
achieve the desired performance).

9.5.3 Design of Track Drains

RT/CE/S/102 gives certain requirements for drainage, and further guidance is

given in RT/CE/C/006.

The engineer responsible for the design of the drainage system and assessment
of runoff should be competent to assess whether or not the services of either a
hydrologist or hydrogeologist are required. Where a formation treatment to a
site in a cutting requiring track drains relies on good drainage, the design of
the drainage system should either be certified by a competent hydrologist (or
hydrogeologist, as required) or the site should be monitored (for rainfall, runoff
and water levels in critical catchpits) for sufficient time to enable adequate
performance data to be gained.

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In order to minimise drainage maintenance it is normal to design the drainage

system to run full occasionally, in order to remove sediment that may have
accumulated in the pipes. Most trackbeds will withstand occasional inundation
and therefore, for satisfactory drainage the suggested design criterion is that
the drains should be allowed to run full on an average of one occasion per year.
On sensitive formations however it may be desirable to further limit the
frequency of inundation, ideally to less than one occasion every ten years on
average, which is considered as good drainage.

Where collector drains or any part of the associated drainage system lies within
1.4 m of the running edge, they should be treated as part of the trackbed. In this
situation, and if no formation treatment is to be carried out, it is essential to dig
trial holes to check whether an existing geosynthetic or other essential trackbed
layer might be breached. Where a geosynthetic layer exists, it should be tied
into the new drain structure, to ensure that trackbed performance is not

Figure 3 gives a suggested drainage detail where a sand blanket is to be installed.

Separating Pea gravel surround to pipe.

BALLAST Geotextile
1:20 to 1:30 fall Perforated Pipe, to be bedded on
min. 25mm pea gravel.
Invert Level – minimum 0.85m below
rail level for pipes up to 250mm dia.
Sand Blanket minimum

Figure 3 – Detail of Integral Drain where a Sand Blanket is Installed

Ideally, a drain should be installed at the same time as the sand blanket. If this is
not possible, and it is necessary to install the drain afterwards, provision should
be made to ensure that both sand blanket and geotextile are continuous after
both have been installed. If it is not possible to lay a continuous width of
geotextile, an additional strip may be laid, but it should be lapped by 300mm.

If the existing blanket is adequate for the purpose of trackbed design, i.e. there is
no need for sand, checks should be made to ascertain whether this extends
below the proposed drain. Where there is not adequate formation protection
beneath the drain, the base of the excavation should be blinded with blanketing
sand and a geotextile, as indicated in Figure 4. If it is deemed that a geotextile is
required for the purpose of trackbed design, this geotextile must be extended
beneath the drain, as shown in Figure 4.

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BALLAST Pea gravel surround to pipe.
1:20 to 1:30 fall Perforated Pipe, to be bedded
on min. 25mm pea gravel.
Invert Level – minimum
0.85m below rail level
Blanketing sand minimum
to RT/CE/S/033

Figure 4 – Detail of Integral Drain where no Sand Blanket is Installed

Crossdrains must always be considered as part of the trackbed and, where

necessary, the backfill should be designed to counter subgrade erosion. Figure 5
gives a suggested detail.

Separating Geotextile

300mm 300mm

Note: where there is an 45°

existing geotextile, the Blanketing Sand
overlap should be 600mm
Plain Pipe, to be bedded
on 50mm pea gravel

Figure 5 – Suggested Detail of Cross Drain

Particular care should be taken to ensure that the pipe backfill is adequately
compacted, as follows. After bedding pipe on 50mm pea gravel, it should be
backfilled in 3 stages:

1. Fill to top of pipe then ram sand down the sides with bar
2. Lay a further 250mm, compact with vibrating plate.
3. Fill to 25mm proud of existing formation level, compact with
vibrating plate.

Note – if the depth of stage 3) exceeds 300mm, a fourth layer will be required.

Finally, a Separating Geotextile should be laid over the finished backfill,

overlapping by a minimum of 300mm each side, followed by reballasting and
packing the sleepers.

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9.6 Standard Solutions

The solutions given here are optimum treatments required to give stable trackbed
which should give a reasonable life while meeting track geometry standards. Higher
standards may be required as part of route upgrades where an increase in line speed is
required. In order to guarantee renewal standards as part of a route upgrade it will be
necessary to design for a dynamic sleeper support stiffness of 100kN/mm/sleeper end,
i.e. the recommended value for new track.

The standard solutions do not show drainage detail. However, the need for drainage
should always be reviewed as part of the design process and, if required, track drains
should always be considered as an integral part of the trackbed treatment.

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Figure 6 - Standard Solution No. 1 – Ballast Replacement

Criteria for Use

• No subgrade erosion problem.

• Satisfactory drainage.
• Adequate depth of trackbed layers (see section 8.4). For sites having
inadequate depth, see note b) below.
• No contamination of the ballast with cohesive material (from external
• Where the subgrade is erosion susceptible, there should be an existing blanket
layer at least 100mm thick separating it from proposed base of ballast. Where
there is any doubt about the suitability of the blanket, the grading should
conform to RT/CE/S/033
• Where there is an existing functioning geosynthetic layer, a minimum thickness
of 50mm of ballast should be left in place above it, undisturbed, during ballast
replacement to ensure its protection.
Clean ballast
required in this area
500mm 500mm to promote good
(min) (min)

Notes Ballast to RT/CE/S/006

f) For drainage
Minimum Crossfall 1 Uninterrupted path
details see Section in 30 to drain.
On embankments where no
g) Where possible this treatment should be installed using drain is present, crossfall must
an automatic ballast cleaner. extend to shoulder
h) If the total depth of trackbed layers is not sufficient to give
the desired dynamic sleeper support stiffness, but provides
the absolute minimum value, the treatment may be used by first placing a 3m wide
geogrid before placing the ballast.

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Figure 7 - Standard Solution No. 2

Enhancement of Existing Blanket with Geotextile Separator

Criteria for Use

• Satisfactory drainage (for poor drainage, see note d) below).

• Adequate depth of trackbed layers (see section 8.4). For sites having inadequate
depth, see note c) below.
• No contamination of the ballast with cohesive material (from external sources).
• There is an existing functioning blanket throughout but it is less than 100mm thick
in places.

Clean ballast
required in this
700mm 700mm
area to promote
(min) (min)
good drainage.

Ballast to RT/CE/S/006

Separating Geotextile – should extend at

least 0.7m beyond sleeper ends. If this is Minimum Crossfall Uninterrupted path
impractical, the dig should be extended as 1 in 30 to drain.
far as possible, with the excess geotextile
On embankments where no
being brought up the side of the excavation
drain is present, crossfall must
extend to shoulder


i) Where the blanket is formed solely of sand sized particles and below, use a
Separating Geotextile, but if there is a significant amount of coarse particles
(>14mm) in the formation, substitute a Robust Separating Geotextile.
j) For drainage details see Section 8.5.
k) If the total depth of trackbed layers is not sufficient to give the desired dynamic
sleeper support stiffness, but provides the absolute minimum value, the treatment
may be used by first placing a 3m wide geogrid before placing the ballast.
l) Where the drainage is poor, a Robust Separating Geotextile may be considered as
an alternative to Standard Solution No 3, but the risk of failure will be greater.

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Figure 8 - Standard Solution No. 3 Sand Blanket + Separating Geotextile

Criteria for Use

• Adequate depth of trackbed layers (see section 8.4). For sites having inadequate
depth, see note b) below.
• and either :-
i. Well established subgrade erosion problem,

ii. ii) Less than 50mm of good blanketing material separating susceptible
subgrade from proposed base of ballast, combined with poor drainage.

Clean ballast
required in this area
700mm 700mm to promote good
(min) (min) drainage.

Ballast to RT/CE/S/006

Separating Geotextile – should extend at

least 0.7m beyond sleeper ends. If this is
Minimum Crossfall Uninterrupted path
impractical, the dig should be extended as far
1 in 30 to drain.
as possible, with the sand and
geotextile/geogrid being drawn up the side of On embankments where no
the excavation Blanketing sand to RT/CE/S/033
drain is present, crossfall must
extend to shoulder


m) For drainage details see Section 8.5.

n) If the total depth of trackbed layers is not sufficient to give the desired dynamic
sleeper support stiffness, but provides the absolute minimum value, the treatment
may be used by first placing a 3m wide geogrid before placing the ballast.

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Figure 9 - Standard Solution No. 4 Use of Impermeable Geocomposite

Criteria for Use

May be used to control subgrade erosion under the following circumstances:-

• Good drainage.
• Adequate depth of trackbed layers (see section 8.4).

Clean ballast
required in this area
700mm 700mm
to promote good
(min) (min)

Ballast to RT/CE/S/006

Impermeable Geocomposite – should extend

at least 0.7m beyond sleeper ends. If this is Uninterrupted path
Minimum Crossfall
impractical, the dig should be extended as far to drain.
1in 30
as possible, with the excess geocomposite On embankments where no
being brought up the side of the excavation drain is present, crossfall
must extend to shoulder


a) A geocomposite should not be used without the prior agreement of Network Rail
Track Engineer.
b) For drainage details see Section 8.5.

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Figure 10 - Standard Solution No. 5

Deep Sand Blanket + Separating Geotextile + Geogrid

Criteria for Use

The total depth of trackbed layers is not sufficient to give the absolute minimum value of

Clean ballast
required in this
700mm 700mm area to promote
(min) (min) good drainage

Ballast to RT/CE/S/006

Separating Geotextile + Geogrid

Geotextile should be placed directly onto the Uninterrupted path
sand and extend at least 0.7m beyond sleeper to drain. On embankments
ends. If this is impractical, the dig should be Minimum Crossfall where no drain is
extended as far as possible, with the sand and 1in 30 present, crossfall must
geotextile being drawn up the side of the extend to shoulder
Blanketing sand to RT/CE/S/033
excavation. Geogrid should be placed on top of
(for required depth see section 8.4)
the geptextile and extend at least 0.2m beyond
sleeper ends.

Note For drainage details see Section 8.5.

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10 Construction

10.1 Preparation of formation

The minimum width of trackbed treatments should be 3.6m centred on the track
centre line. The minimum length of treatment should be 50m. A transition zone
should be installed between trackbed treatments and existing trackbed.

The surface of the formation should be trimmed to a crossfall not less than 1 in 40 or
more than 1 in 20 to a track drain, or where no drain is present such as on an
embankment, towards the cess without disturbing the underlying material. Positions of
pockets of soft material should be noted. If soft spots are expected, blanketing sand
should be made available on the site; the soft spots should be removed, as far as
practicable, and backfilled. Obstructions should be removed and replaced with
compacted spent ballast, provided that this does not compromise an existing blanket
layer. No pneumatic-tyred vehicle should be permitted to run on the subgrade or
trackbed layers.

10.2 Compaction

Blanketing sand should be compacted in one layer with at least two passes of a 1400-
1800kg/m2 vibrating plate compactor or equivalent.

RT/CE/S/102 requires, in some cases, ballast to be compacted in layers. This should be

done (except over structures) using at least four passes of a 1400-1800kg/m2 vibrating
plate compactor or equivalent. No pneumatic-tyred vehicle should be permitted to
run on a ballasted layer after compaction.

If compaction is carried out in this manner it will assist in maintaining track geometry
within the tolerances required for removal of speed restrictions (see RT/CE/S/102).

10.3 Drainage

Drainage may form part of the permanent works, or it may be necessary to effect a
temporary diversion to allow works to proceed.

When it is necessary to disrupt or direct drainage runs during track substructure

works, a diversionary channel or piped system should be provided. These temporary
works should keep the prepared subgrade dry and stable. Drainage works and
installation should start at the lower end of the site and proceed towards the higher, so
as to avoid flooding of tracks.

When excavating in a position adjacent to or under existing railway tracks, all

necessary timbering, sheet piling and other supports shall be provided and maintained
to uphold the sides of excavations. Excavation work shall be carried out in such a
manner and at such times as to avoid damage to existing works or interruption to rail

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traffic. Sufficient temporary support shall be provided to protect structures and

walking routes adjacent to drainage excavations from collapse.

10.4 Supervision and Monitoring

The contractor undertaking the installation of trackbed treatments should have in place
measures which ensure that any ballast, trackbed layers and any associated drainage are
installed correctly.

In the case of ballast cleaning only, depth monitoring can be achieved either by installing
approved metallic marker strips, to allow future detection by GPR survey, or by having
an independent observer on site to monitor depth of cut. If using marker strips, at
least three strips should be placed, one vertically below each sleeper end and one in
the centre of the four-foot, to extend throughout the worksite. This will enable the
crossfall and ballast depth to be established following renewal.

10.5 Contaminated Ground

A risk assessment should be undertaken for protection of construction staff working

with trackbed materials for substances hazardous to health. This should entail a desk
study on a site’s historical and current use. A risk categorisation should be determined
on the level of risk from likely chemical contamination. At most locations the risk is
classed as low, and is managed by ensuring general personal hygiene, e.g. wear gloves
when handling soil and wash hands before handling food. However, special precautions
need to be taken on some sites where there is deemed to be a greater level of risk.

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Issue: 01
Date: December 2005

Appendix A: Lineside Sampling Protocol for Chemical Analysis of Used


Assessment of the condition of used ballast, on receipt at the LDC is impractical in

operational terms. Sampling at trackside and assessment prior to removal of the ballast is the
most effective method of ensuring contaminated ballast is correctly transported and stored
at the LDC, whilst maximising the re-use potential of “clean” ballast. Contaminated ballast
requires storage in a contained area within the receiving LDC and is unsuitable for re-use or

The following special equipment is required for collection of used ballast samples for
chemical analysis:

Chemically resistant, heavy duty bulk sample bags (transparent/white) PVC or

Polyethylene (PE)

Indelible marker pen

Sealable plastic bag (e.g. freezer bag)

Dedicated cleaning rags or wire brushes.

A.1 Suggested Lineside Sampling Protocol

a) All lineside sampling should be undertaken at 40m intervals. A minimum of 3

samples should be taken on sites of less than 80m length.
b) A disturbed bulk sample should be obtained from the four-foot taking note of the
precautions outlined in paragraph 6.2.
At each sampling location, at least 10kg of ballast should be collected and should be made up
of approximately 5 increments from the surface to the base of the hole. Each increment
should be regularly spaced e.g. surface, 100mm, 200mm, 300mm and 400mm (bottom) depth
of the trial hole. The surface is given as the top of the sleeper.

The sampling procedure should ensure that the samples taken contain a representative
proportion of any fine materials present in the track bed.

c) Each sample should be transferred into a PVC or Polyethylene (PE) bulk sample
bag, which should be transparent/white in order that the sample identifier can be
recorded by indelible marker pen on the bag. To guard against the sample
identifier being rubbed off in handling and onward transport to the laboratory, a
slip of paper with the sample identifier clearly visible and sealed in a sealable plastic
bag, should be placed inside the bulk bag prior to taping/tying shut.

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d) The sample identifier should have the following format:

1 ELR Mileage Up/ Slow/ Date Sampler Company Sample Location
Down Fast No
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

i. Single number, ranging from 1 to 4. The numbers correspond to the type

of site as follows:
• Open running line
• Junctions
• Stations
• Depot/Sidings
ii. ELR – reference number from job bank (3 characters).
iii. Worksite Mileage – this is in the form of miles and yards (e.g. 245.0400 to
247.0100) indicating the area the work site covers.
iv. Up/Down – to identify on which line the sampling is being carried out.
v. Slow/Fast – required for 4 track situations (referred to as Relief in some
vi. Date on which the sample was taken (DDMMYY).
vii. Sampler – sampler's initials (Maximum No 3).
viii. Company – Company responsible for taking the samples (Maximum No 3
ix. Sample No 01, 02 etc.
x. The specific sample location e.g. 245.0400 (245 is the mileage and the 0400
represents the yardage).

Example Lineside Sample Identifier

2,XXX,245.0400–247.0100,UP,SLOW,120202,MSB,WA,01, 245.0400

Open running line, ELR = XXXXXX, mileage, up, slow, 12 February 2002, taken by sampler
MSB, company - Wardell Armstrong, sample no 1, at location 245.0400.

The foregoing is fundamental to the laboratory and assists in tracking the samples through
the distribution chain from the work site, to the depot, to the courier, to the laboratory.
The bulk bags should be kept in a cool, secure place, and transhipped to the chosen
laboratory within 48hrs of lineside collection. Guidance on sample preservation and storage
must be obtained from the chosen laboratory for each job.

e) Following collection of each sample, the shovel, fork or scoop must be cleaned.
This should involve the use of dedicated cleaning rags (which should be collected
and disposed of off site at a suitably licensed facility) or wire brushes as necessary.
Where heavy fuel/diesel contamination of the sampling equipment is apparent,
appropriate cleaning equipment should be employed.

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f) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn and should include, as a

minimum, protective coveralls, safety footwear, nitrile gloves (preferred) (latex will
give some protection and may be required to undertake “finer” tasks). All
operatives should adopt appropriate personal hygiene practices.
A.2 Sample Containers and Sample Handling, Labelling and Storage

Heavy duty, chemically resistant bulk sample bags for soils must be obtained and used. The
additional general advice in procedure SAGD/09 of The Network Rail Contaminated Land
Manual should be followed.

A.3 Documentation

Types of documentation and their control are as set out in The Network Rail Contaminated
Land Manual SAGD/05 and 06. Documentation as a minimum will comprise a Sample
Despatch Form and Sample Chain of Custody (available from the appointed laboratory).

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Appendix B – Example Legend Key for Plotting Longitudinal Sections

a) With no subgrade erosion Fill patterns below can be used for
embankments, made ground or cuttings
1 Clean Ballast
Use legend with bold outline to
2 Slightly Dirty Ballast
Indicate natural ground
3 Dirty Ballast
Where appropriate use fill patterns given in
4 Very Dirty Ballast (non-cohesive) Section 2 - Trackbed/Fill.
5 Very Dirty Ballast (cohesive)

b) With subgrade erosion a) Organic soils, clays and silts

6 Slurried Ballast – recently placed

7 Slurried Old Ballast 29 Organic Soil

8 Ballast – Voids filled with silt/fine sand 30 Soft Clay/Silt Cu < 40kN/m
Ballast – Voids Filled with soft/firm clay 31 Firm Clay/Silt Cu = 40 to 75kN/m
32 Stiff Clay/Silt Cu = 75 to 150kN/m
2 TRACKBED/FILL 33 Very Stiff / Hard Clay/Mudstone Cu > 150kN/m

a) Aggregates derived from naturally

occurring sands and gravels b) Hard Ground
(quoted sizes indicative only)

34 Interbedded rocks, including clay or silt layers

10 Fine Sand D = 0.06 to 0.20mm
35 Weathered, or weakly cemented fine grained rock
11 Medium Sand D = 0.20 to 0.60mm
36 Weathered, or weakly cemented coarse grained rock
12 Coarse Sand D = 0.60 to 2.00mm
37 Hard rock.
13 Sand and Gravel

14 Clayey Sand and/or Gravel

Slurried Sand and/or Gravel
b) Aggregates formed from crushed
stone and industrial by-products 0x X Soil penetrated by ABS, but not recovered

0d D Soil displaced by ABS – indicative of very soft soil

16 Well compacted weak rock – eg chalk

17 Well graded crushed stone 90% <40mm

18 Stone dust – 90%<5mm 5 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

19 Chippings, <30mm single sized
g – permeable geotextile separator
20 Fine ash (sand sized)
c – permeable geocomposite
21 Coarse ash (sand and gravel sized)
22 Ash and ballast/clinker (>50% coarse gravel size)
m – reinforcing mesh (geogrid)

23 Other well-graded granular fill p – impermeable membrane (polythene)

24 Other poorly graded granular fill h - heavy duty/composite membrane
25 Any of the above in a clay matrix w – water strike
26 Any of the above contaminated with clay slurry
ws- water standing
34– shear strength kN/m2
c) Formed from pitching stone
e – likely chemical contamination
27 Clean Pitching
l - >10 % limestone ballast
28 Slurried Pitching
hs – evidence of historical slurrying

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Standards Briefing Note
Ref: NR/SP/TRK/9039 Issue: 1 Publication Date: 26 August 08 Compliance Date: 26 August 08
Title: Formation Treatments
Standard Owner: Head of Track Engineering
Non-Compliance rep (NRNC): Principal Maintenance Support Engineer (Track)

Purpose: The following teams require

This specification gives recommendations for managing investigation, design awareness briefing:
and installation of trackbed treatments on Network Rail’s permanent way.
Background information is provided where relevant. Executive Management Group
It also sets out the methodology for categorisation of spent ballast, based on Commercial Property
risk assessment and chemical analysis, prior to removal and delivery to the Contracts and Procurement
Local Distribution Centre. Strategic Change
Scope: Engineering
This specification applies to all ballasted track (other than that specifically Asset Management
designed for a particular purpose, e.g. on structures or where clearance Civil Engineering
restrictions dictate that alternatives shall be used). It applies to routine track E&P Engineering
renewals and remodelling schemes. Enhancements Engineering
Future Railway Programme
Ops Principles & Standards
Rail Vehicle Engineering
Railway Systems
Telecoms Engineering
What’s New/Changed: Track Engineering
Document reissued as a result of Engineering and Maintenance Signal Engineering
reorganisation. Post responsibilities reallocated to those within the new
organisation. Finance
Govt & Corp Affairs
Human Resources
Information Management
Infrastructure Investment
Affected documents: Programme Management
Reference Impact Contracts & Procurement
Sig. Power & Comms
Implementation requirements:
The following posts have specific responsibilities within this standard and shall
receive technical briefing as part of the Implementation Programme: FTN/GSM-R
The following posts will receive an awareness briefing of this document
together with all upissued Track Documents related to Org 2A:
All TMEs
All Infrastructure Maintenance Engineers IMEs Infrastructure Maintenance
Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager (IMDMs) or representatives Maintenance Areas
A planning rep from each IMDM (ISM or ADPM) Operational Property
All Principal Maintenance Support Engineers (Track) Overhead Condition
Representative of Head of Track Teams Renewals
Briefings are planned to take place in late May or Early June. In addition there
will be a number of specific briefs by Engineering or the Maintenance support Legal Services
units to where identified as necessary. National Delivery Service
Network Development
For further information contact: Operations & Customer Services
Name: Colin Newsome Planning & Regulation
Contact number: 085 78853 Safety and Compliance
Email: colin.newsome@networkrail.co.uk Westwood

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