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Types of columns for reviews

Types of columns for product

2. Columns dropped from reviews

Columns dropped from product

2.2 Dropping null values from tables

2.3 Final tables after merging

2.4 Statistical summary of the table

From the above table we can see that average rating is 3.8 and we have received more
than 50%, 5 ratings. Minimum rating received is 1.

2.5 Rating countplot

More than 35,000 5 ratings have been received. Least no of customers have given 2
rating followed by 3.

2.6 Distribution of Brand

From the above graph we can see that Samsung is the most popular brand followed by

2.7 Distribution of Ratting

From here we can see that 5 is most popular rating.

3. A new column in the dataframe is created
4.1 Distribution of sentiment

We can see that positive sentiments are much more than negative sentiment and
neutral sentiments are least (less than 5000).

4.2 Cross-tab of sentiment with brand

5. 5.1 Lowercase data in title and body

5.2 Removing punctuations

6.3 Accuracy prediction of model

6.4 Model is overfitting because we observed very high accuracy for train data when
compared with test data.

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