Best Practice in Project, Programme & Portfolio Management - MoP, MoV, P3O

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Management of Value

Foundation Courses and Management Briefings

There has probably never been greater pressure on individuals and organisations, in both public and private sectors, to do
more and more with less and less. For all organisations, finding the resources to meet essential and, often, escalating
demands is putting unprecedented pressure on product and service quality. There is clear need for a way to match what is
delivered with the available resources, without undermining essential quality of the outputs and to be able to demonstrate
clearly that the decisions taken will maximise value.

Management of Value (MoV™) has evolved from the tried and successful practice of value management across many
sectors and over many years. The MoV™ guidance aligns the established methods with OGC Programme and Project
Management guidance. The MoV™ guidance aligns the established methods with OGC PPM guidance. The guidance
describes methods that are not new, but their use is often overlooked or misapplied.

The guidance is intended to help organisations use a successful, proven methodology to supplement their current
management practices, so that they can increase the value they deliver and make better use of resources.

MoV™ is relevant to portfolios, programmes and projects. In the context of MoV™, portfolios reflect the organisation's
strategic objectives and set the agenda for the programmes that deliver the objectives , which, in turn, define the projects
that deliver the required outcomes. At project level, MoV™ takes its direction from Programme Management, who set the
agenda for delivering benefits for the organisation. Outputs and Lessons from the applications of MoV™ are reported back
to Portfolio or Programme level as appropriate to inform management and to share lessons for improvement across the

MoV™ supplements the main purposes of PRINCE2® (successful delivery of justified business benefits through projects),
MSP® (transformational change), and M_o_R® (reducing uncertainty) with its main purpose of maximising value.

Management of Portfolios
Foundation Courses and Management Briefings

To be successful, organisations must evolve and this means improving how they run their business on a daily basis
(business as usual) and adapting to emerging demands and expectations. Portfolio management helps organisations make
decisions about implementing the right changes to business as usual; those changes are delivered via projects and
programmes. It also provides a 'helicopter view' of all change activities - both those in planning and those in delivery -
including providing a clear line of sight about what is in the portfolio, what it is costing, what risks are faced, what progress
is being made, and with what impact on business as usual and the organisation's strategic objectives.

Rather than representing a new discipline, portfolio management seeks to build on, and better co-ordinate, existing
processes such as strategic planning, investment appraisal and project and programme management. Portfolio
management is not concerned with the detailed management of these projects and programmes; rather, it approaches the
management of change projects and programmes from a strategic viewpoint, focusing on the key issues outlined above.
This is reflected in the formal definition for portfolio management, which is: “A co-ordinated collection of strategic processes
and decisions that together enable the most effective balance of organisational change and business as usual”.

Portfolio management can be used effectively within specific directorates of the organisation - for example, the 'IT portfolio'.
However, the greatest success is realised when management boards use portfolio management to deliver the
organisation's corporate change portfolio as a whole.

Portfolio management addresses the fundamental questions:

Are we doing the right things?
Are we doing these things right?
Most significantly, are we realising all the benefits in terms of more effective services and efficiency savings from the
changes we are implementing?

Contact SPOCE for more information on MoV™ and MoP™ Foundation Courses and Management Briefings

+44 (0)1202 736373  
MoV™ and MoP™ are Trade Marks of the Office for Government Commerce
Portfolio, Programme & Project Offices
Foundation & Practitioner Courses

A P3O® model provides a decision enabling/delivery support structure for all change within an organisation. This may be
provided through a single permanent office which may exist under several different names, for example Portfolio Office,
Centre of Excellence, Corporate Programme Office. It may otherwise be provided through a linked set of offices (portfolio
office, programme offices, project offices).
Who is the course designed for?
Managers who need a structure for working alongside corporate organisational investments (projects &
Individuals newly-appointed to portfolio, programme or project office roles or those wishing to gain a formal
qualification after some support office experience.
Team members employed within or alongside a support office.
Anybody who needs to know the basics about providing portfolio, programme and project support.
Any Support offices may be known by a variety of titles such as; Portfolio Office, Centre of Excellence, Enterprise or
Corporate Programme Office.
Individuals who require the P3O® Foundation or Practitioner certificates
What are the course objectives?
By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:
Describe the high level P3O® model and know the differences between portfolio, programme & project management.
State the key functions and services of a P3O®.
Identify which P3O® model is most appropriate to your organisation’s strategic objectives.
Know the arguments for establishing a P3O® model and measuring its success.
Understand and learn to measure the value that a P3O® offers to an organisation.
Know the roles and responsibilities associated with a P3O ® service.
Describe the tools and techniques used by a P3O®.
Understand the relationships between strategy, portfolio, programme and project, and how these different
relationships affect management issues.
Learn how to implement or revitalise a P3O®.

Available as a 3-day Foundation course or 5-day Practitioner course. Venues include London and Bournemouth.

IT Service Management
Foundation Courses

ITIL® is the most widely accepted approach to IT service management in the world. ITIL provides a cohesive set of best
practice, drawn from the public and private sectors internationally.

IT Service Management (ITSM) derives enormous benefits from a best practice approach. Because ITSM is driven both by
technology and the huge range of organisational environments in which it operates, it is in a state of constant evolution.
Best practice, based on expert advice and input from ITIL users is both current and practical, combining the latest thinking
with sound, common sense guidance.

SPOCE offers a 3-day ITIL classroom course.

Also available from SPOCE

 Contact SPOCE for more information on accredited training products

+44 (0)1202 736373  
PRINCE2®, MSP®, M_o_R®, ITIL® and P3O® are registered Trade Marks of the Office for Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries.
MoV™, MoP™ and the Swirl Logo™ are Trade Marks of the Office of Government Commerce.

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