Capability Vs Core Competency

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Innovating Perspectives

Volume 16, Number 3 June 2008

Differentiating Competence, Capability Practicing What

and Capacity You Preach

by Lanny Vincent

by Jane Gannon
ecently we have observed much Capability is a feature, faculty or process
unnecessary confusion around the that can be developed or improved. Capa- group of veteran innovation
terms competence, capability and bility is a collaborative process that can practitioners from six corpor-
capacity. Since the 1991 Harvard Business be deployed and through which individual ations, which are participating
competences can be applied and exploit- in the 2008 Innovation Practitioners
Review article on “core competencies,”
ed. The relevant question for capability
and with the more recent phrase from Da- Network, gathered in Englewood,
is not “who knows how?” but “How can
vid Teece and others of “dynamic capabili- we get done what we need to get done?” Colorado, on May 12-14 for their first
ties,” it may be useful to pause and parse and “How easily is it to access, deploy or inter-company conference of the year.
through how we are actually using these apply the competencies we need?” TRIZ,
words, particularly in the context of inno- the Russian system for inventive problem This Spring’s gathering collaboratively
vation parenting. solving, has been, until recently, a negative and playfully helped us build the begin-
example of capability. TRIZ is an insight- nings of an integrated model for navigat-
Right now the terms competence, capabil- ful set of principles based on patents for in- ing through the challenges of sustaining
ity and capacity are often used interchange- venting. However, a user-friendly process a stream of innovations in established
ably. In the dictionary there is enough (capability) to use these principles is only corporations. We’re calling it, with a
overlap between the connotations and now beginning to emerge.
little tongue in cheek, the “atomic theo-
definitions of these words to explain the Capacity is the power to hold, receive or ry” of innovation management. (Lanny
ambiguity. accommodate. Capacity is really about currently is working on a short summary
“amount” or “volume.” The relevant ques- of the framework.)
While our dictionaries may not allow us
tion related to capacity is “Do we have
to differentiate too precisely between these enough?” and the related question, “How
three terms, the following is an attempt to Each subscribing company put forth a
much is needed?” Recent discussions with
do so. It is intended to provide innovation specific and current innovation manage-
a large consumer products manufacturer
practitioners, including sponsors, mentors ment challenge and received a rich set
revealed that while they had internal com-
and midwives, a framework within which of counsel, perspectives and practices
petencies in certain essential technologies,
to better discern what is needed and where from the experience of others. Some of
and even some capabilities, their years
it is needed, particularly when the catchall the challenges included:
of buying it on the outside had left their
phrase “innovation culture” is broached.
It may be more helpful to differentiate be- Continued on the next page Continued on the next page
tween these three words than to use them
interchangeably, particularly when at-
tempting to cultivate an organization’s
ability to innovate.
So, here is a proposed definition for each:
Competence is the quality or state of being
functionally adequate or having sufficient
knowledge, strength and skill. Competence
is another word for an individual’s know-
how or skill. When we are asking whether
we have the right competencies aren’t we
really asking, “Who knows how?” and
“How well do they know?” Booz, Allen and
Hamilton (one of the first management con-
sulting firms) used competence as an es-
sential principle when they recognized that

management and leadership are all about

getting the right people in the right place at
“No, Hoskins, you’re not going to do it because I’m telling you to do it.
the right time.
You’re going to do it because you believe in it.”

Vincent & Associates, Ltd. Innovation Management Services

innovations that work® (415) 460-1313
Differentiating Competence, Capability and Capacity COACH’S CORNER
Continued from the previous page should have an enabling capability to find Control Limits Innovation
external resources with the right know-
internal capacity very thin. They were con-

how quickly and relatively painlessly. by William Gulvas
strained less by what they knew and more
Like Toyota, we ought to be slow to em- ontrol is not a bad thing, but it
by their inability to get their skills and
bed certain collaborative processes into a sure does have an ill effect on
know-how to enough of the places where
rigid structure (or software), despite how innovation at times. Usually the only
it was needed.
attractive it may at first appear to do so. reason we need control is to keep
Many years ago I experienced the dangers At the capability level, flexibility may be order! Yet the whole essence of in-
and resulting waste of confusing compe- more important than volume. ❑ novation is spontaneity, which is the
tence and capacity with capability. Kim- complete opposite of control. Sure
berly-Clark Corporation had initiated a Practicing What You control is necessary at times to catch
new product development program in its
non-woven and commercial business sec- Preach our breath, but innovation needs free
reign to justify itself. One thing is for
tor. They put a senior person with lots of Continued from the previous page sure, controlled situations are pre-
logistics experience in charge of the effort. • How to drive and support innovation dictable and usually very boring.
Doing what had worked before, he applied throughout the global organization;
principles and practices appropriate to lo- Some of us have children and some
gistics to the challenges of new product • How to adapt conventional best practices of us come into contact with children
development. It engaged a lot of people to geographically dispersed work teams; through various venues. When you
and took a lot of effort and produced little deal with children at first control is
if anything. • How to drive greater innovation in off- very necessary that is until they start
shore labs; and to talk back, which from my own
Logistics competences and capabilities are personal experience is around thir-
not well suited to challenges that are es- • Who decides what happens in the innova- teen years of age. It is rather fright-
sentially of a developmental nature. The tion pipeline? ening for an adult to be talked back
thinking that may have worked well in to for the first time but in actuality
logistics and distribution—let’s deploy a Within each practitioner exchange, the this is a golden opportunity to expe-
lot of people in a lot of different areas to group attempted to clarify and extract the rience innovation in its infancy. If we
discover, invent, reduce-to-practice and principles in order that the value of the can get over our own insecurities and
introduce—ended up being a gross misap- practices might be more easily transferred stomach a little of this back talk we
plication of capacity, not to mention ca- to fellow subscribing companies. might actually learn something from
pability and competence. This is but one that smart mouth kid.
In its fifth year, the Innovation Practitio-
example of confusing capacity, capability
ners Network, which developed out of the While I am not condoning being dis-
and competence.
annual Mavericks Roundtable gatherings, respectful, what I am trying to em-
Teece believes a company’s “dynamic ca- consists of a group of innovation practitio- phasize is before you cut someone
pability” is key to its ability to sustain a ners from corporations who are engaged off make sure you are not stifling
stream of innovations. Ikujiro Nonaka has in research and development, new busi- the innovation process just because
suggested something that resonates with ness creation and product development. of your own insecurity. I would as-
Teece’s dynamic capability: he said it is Participating companies have included sume we have all been in situations
not what a company knows that makes it Whirlpool Corporation, Hewlett-Packard that become frustrating because no
successful, rather, it is its ability to create Company, Rockwell Automation, Clif Bar one quite understands what we are
new knowledge that makes it successful. & Company, Sealed Air Corporation, Capi- trying to say. You think: “If that per-
Toyota appears to have taken Nonaka’s tal One Services, Molecular Devices, Inc., son didn’t cut me off I would have
words and Teece’s observations to heart, ArvinMeritor, The Sperry Group, Inc., and been able to show him a better way.”
particularly when it comes to its innova- Weyerhaeuser Company. After all isn’t that what innovation is
tion management system. all about? ❑
Through the Innovation Practitioners Net-
Perhaps the therefore for innovation prac- work, subscribing companies deliberately A letter carrier for 38 years and Viet-
titioners is to keep our capabilities—our invest in the health and development of their nam Vet (First Air Cavalry 1966-67),
processes and means of collaborating— implicit, informal innovation networks and, William Gulvas is retired and in the
flexible and adaptable enough that these in an appropriate way, compare notes with process of turning his 50 acre farm in
tool can be easily and quickly deployed other non-competing companies. Northwest Michigan into a tree farm.
and redeployed in different contexts. The Gulvas is also a student of innova-
For more information on subscribing, please tion and does a lot of reading when
competencies we need will always be mul-
the snow gets too deep to cut trees and
tiple and varied and we will frequently not contact or
work on next year’s firewood. Bill can
have sufficient expertise in house. So, we call (415) 460-1313. ❑ be contacted at

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