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Assessment Questionaire

Accenture Advanced Architecture Assessment

Assessment Description
Client Name
Opportunity Name Test
Opportunity Description

Exported Data
Export date 22/04/2021
# of questionaires 2
# of Scope element 1

Questionaire ID 47d3e0a4-4456-4e3c-8c70-537184a34004
Questionaire Description test
Intended Audience
Scope Element Assessment Scope 1
Reference Assessment 7950b79b-4976-4b4f-9bb5-d8913d1e7ed5
Quantification Method 1-5
# of Capabilities in Scope 29
# of questions exported 32
# of applications in scope 1
Capability Criticality 5
Target Quantification 5
Best Practice Quantification 5
Questionnaire Type Open Questions
Accenture Advanced Architecture Assessment

1/ Answer Forms

Answer Forms are meant to be used by the Assessment practitioner to fill in the assessment form using
a quantification approach specific to the type of assessment and to provide comments on the assessmnet

Type type of answers depend on the quantification approach:

1. AnswerForm-Q are OpenQuestion type of assessment

The process to use it is:

1. Duplicate the AnswerForm-XX-1 with AnswerForm-XX-2
2. Specify the date, practioner and audience from who the information have been collected
3. Fill-in the Feedback, Quantification & comment columns
Note. The quantification approach should follow the suggested quantification model

Meaning of the quantification levels:

0 means Not answered
1 means Ad-hoc
2 means Repeatable
3 means Consistent
4 means Optimised
5 means Leading
ssessment form using
ents on the assessmnet
Questionaire: Sample
Date 4/22/2021

Question ID Question Type Question Title Level of Abstraction

b1a3972a-687Open Question Major / Minor releases Enterprise;Application
5fa5af26-759 Open Question Hot fixes Enterprise;Application
6276650b-8dfOpen Question Warranty period Enterprise;Application
38f8a094-e37Open Question Business satisfaction Enterprise;Application
0cfaedd4-a26Open Question De-scoping Enterprise;Application
fd97c7a8-aaeOpen Question Release effort Enterprise;Application
530242e2-1e5Open Question Release frequency Enterprise;Application
e7bb8028-1c6Open Question Average cycle time Enterprise;Application
04e9a022-b03Open Question Release frequency paint poEnterprise;Application
d37bccd3-15eOpen Question Development and Operation Enterprise;Application
bf70d2b4-008Open Question Security policies Enterprise;Application
46ffa932-4da Open Question Relationships Enterprise;Application
d44c159e-979Open Question Liaison Enterprise;Application
24823cb2-8e4Open Question Team movement Enterprise;Application
c14a246e-2d8Open Question QA involvement start Enterprise;Application
70292a82-005Open Question QA involvement in sprint Enterprise;Application
f5d5d339-b28Open Question Tool support Enterprise;Application
d9c2fd33-b4aOpen Question Methodology support Enterprise;Application
aac98e51-1b9Open Question Tech Arch support Enterprise;Application
a30e3f81-ec7Open Question Delivery organisation pain Enterprise;Application
86aaf134-266Open Question Software development metEnterprise;Application
e07b3637-668Open Question SaFe Enterprise;Application
213475bc-4c3Open Question Product Roadmap Enterprise;Application
6e0f87b8-23eOpen Question Budgets Enterprise;Application
c4151c6c-356Open Question Flow of work Enterprise;Application
6323340e-d8dOpen Question Delivery Process and MethoEnterprise;Application
fce18441-39f Open Question CI/CD metrics Enterprise;Application
c203887d-477Open Question Release KPIs Enterprise;Application
7706bbb7-b60Open Question Build server reports Enterprise;Application
f43e2d68-7af Open Question Technical debt Enterprise;Application
dddecd1e-98dOpen Question Governance process Enterprise;Application
009517c9-352Open Question Metrics and Governance paEnterprise;Application
Initial Capability Capability Group Capability In Scope
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Release Frequency Release Frequency Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Organization Delivery Organization Delivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Process & MethodDelivery Process & MethodDelivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Process & MethodDelivery Process & MethodDelivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Process & MethodDelivery Process & MethodDelivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Process & MethodDelivery Process & MethodDelivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Process & MethodDelivery Process & MethodDelivery Organization & M YES
Delivery Process & MethodDelivery Process & MethodDelivery Organization & M YES
Metrics & Governance Metrics & Governance Delivery Organization & M YES
Metrics & Governance Metrics & Governance Delivery Organization & M YES
Metrics & Governance Metrics & Governance Delivery Organization & M YES
Metrics & Governance Metrics & Governance Delivery Organization & M YES
Metrics & Governance Metrics & Governance Delivery Organization & M YES
Metrics & Governance Metrics & Governance Delivery Organization & M YES
Question Text Areas for Attention Question Complexity
If you release on a major/minor cadence, how frequently do you deploy majorHigh
How often do you perform unscheduled emergency ('hotfix') releases to ProduHigh
Is there a warranty period, if so, how many fixes are typically migrated during Medium
Is the business satisfied with release frequency? How satisfied are they? High
Do you often have to de-scope functionality to make a release date? If so how High
How much effort is required to deploy a typical major release? A minor releas High
Does release frequency vary? For example, sometimes it is once a month, other High
What is the average time between when a Product Owner creates a story, andHigh w
What are your pain points regarding release frequency? High
Do the Development teams interact with Operations during the development cy High
How are security policies verified in applications? Does the QA team review secHigh
Describe your relationship with Operations (or Development)? Medium
Do you have a dedicated liaison within Development (or, Operations)? Medium
Are resources easily able to move across teams to adjust for velocity (e.g., a High
At what stage does QA team get involved in the release/application delivery p High
Does the QA team have a seat on the sprint grooming sessions if using Agile High
Is there an Enterprise or LOB-wide Tool support team? High
Is there an Enterprise or LOB-wide Methodology support team? High
Is there an Enterprise or LOB-wide Tech Arch support team? High
What are your pain points within the Delivery Organization? High
What software development methodology do you follow (Waterfall, Agile, IteraHigh
Do you follow SAFe? High
Is the Product Roadmap created and updated for each fiscal year? Medium
How are budgets allocated? For example, by Project, or by Product? Medium
Is the flow of work products documented? For example, first, you produce X, t High
What are your pain points regarding Delivery Process and Methodologies? High
Are metrics generated and captured within CI/CD pipelines? High
Are there KPIs set for the release, if so, how rigorously are they followed? High
Are trend reports automatically generated from build server events? High
Is technical debt trend data used as a leading indicator to drive decisions on High
Tell me about your Governance processes. High
What are your pain points regarding Metrics and Governance? High
Order Client Feedback Current State Quantification
State Quantification (1-5)
Best Practice Quantification
Criticality Quantification (1-5)

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