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#Day6 Topic- Digital India

Intro- forms of digitalisation- 2014, Bharatnet prog, JAM trinity, eGovernance, Online education,
banking, ONORC
-Conflict perspective-> digital divide, Alenation, more social isolation
-Feminist perspective- divide, women morphed photos, commodofication
-functionlist- actor network theory, organic solidarity(Durkheim)
-Merton function & dysfunction + deviance eg - cyber crime rise(300%), boys locker room
-Cultural lag-Ogburn (material increase> culture)-> online kundli & marriage -> 'Marginal man'
-rise of risk society(crime, fake news, fraud, blackmail, child abuse, drug add)
-weber-> rationalization/fm of work ie WFH
-Infodemics (post truth, fake news-> mob lynching)
-family structure- online relation/ matrimonial
-Political - new form movement(BLM, Metoo)
-Parson(AGIL analysis) + stuctual diiff demand new structure
-Neo marx(cyber capitalism)
-Caste divide decreasing(zomato delivery)
-Foucolt- Mass survilence Eg Pagsus(NSO) worldwide
-SC case recently Anuradha- undefined restriction of internet- illegal
-Unbroken contunity of internet irrespective of caste, class
-going back to Self sustaining village like ancient india(Gandhian view- Gram sabha connection)
-weblen( + movement)- enabling force of social change
-Ogborn critic- Babu office culture(Mrunal Sir babu sona :), going digital but not changing ourselve
-Prolertariat futher pauparized
-Behavior influence - data anlytics, ML, -> CA usa election 2016(5000 data point per person)
-Impact on religion(Ramayan, myth telecast, )-> revilvalization of religion online DARSHAN
-Urbanization IR4.0
-Queer thoery??? (It challenges existing and essentialist notions of gender and sexuality, in particular
arguing there is a bias toward heterosexuality as “normal”, referred to as heteronormativity. This bias
silences nonheterosexual voices)

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