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1. Historical Moorings of the Indian Society :

[1]Traditional Hindu social organisation;

[2]Socio-cultural dynamics through the ages;

[3]Impact of



[c]The West

[3]Factors in continuity and change

2. Caste System :
[1]Origin of the caste system;

[2]Cultural and structural views about

caste; [3]Mobility in caste;

[4]Caste among Muslims and Christians;

[5]Change and persistence of caste in modern India;

[6]Issues of equality and social justice;

[7]Views of Gandhi and Ambedkar on caste;

[8]Caste and Indian polity;

[9]Backward Classes Movement;

[10]Mandal Commission Report and issues of social backwardness

and social justice;

[11]Emergence of Dalit

consciousness, [12]Backward caste

3. Class Structure :
[1]Class structure in India,

[2]Agrarian and industrial class

structure; [3]Emergence of middle class;

[4]Emergence of classes among tribes;

[5]Elite formation in India

4. Marriage, Family and Kinship:

[1] Marriage among different religious and tribal groups, its changing
trends and its future;

[2] Family-

[a]Its structural and functional aspects-

[b]It’s changing forms;

[3] Regional variations in kinship systems and its socio-cultural


[4] Impact of legislation and socioeconomic change on marriage

and family;

[5] Generation gap

5. Agrarian Social Structure :
[1]Peasant society and agrarian systems;

[2]Land tenure systems-historical perspectives,

[3]Social consequences of land reforms and green revolution;

[4]Feudalism-semi-feudalism debates;

[5]Emerging agrarian class structure;

[6]Peasant movements

6. Industry and Society :

[1]Path of industrialisation,

[2]Occupational diversification,

[3]Trade unions and human relations;

[4]Market economy and its social consequences;

[5]Economic reforms liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation.

7. Political Processes :
[1]Working of the democratic political system in a traditional society;

[2]Political parties and their social base;

[3]Social structural origins of political elites and their orientations;


[5]Pluralism and national unity;

[6]Decentralisation of power;

[7]Panchayati raj and nagarpalikas and 73rd and 74th constitutional


8. Education :
[1]Directive Principles of State Policy and primary education;

[2]Educational inequality and change;

[3]Education and social mobility;

[4]The role of community and state intervention in

education; [5]Universalisation of primary education;

[6]Total Literacy Campaigns;

[7]Educational problems of disadvantaged groups

9. Religion and Society :
[1]Size, growth and regional distribution of different religious groups;

[2]Educational levels of different groups;

[3]Problems of religious minorities;

[4]Communal tensions;



[7]Religious fundamentalism,

[8]Religious reform

10. Tribal Societies :
[1] Distinctive features of tribal communities and their geographical

[2] Problems of tribal communities-

[a]Land alienation,

[b]Health and nutrition,


[3] Tribal development efforts after independence;

[4] Tribal policy-




[5] Issues of tribal identity

11. Social Change and Development:
[1] Endogenous and exogenous sources of change and resistance
to change;

[2] Processes of change-



[3]Agents of change-

[a]Mass media

[b]Education and communication;

[4]Problems of change and modernisation;

[5]Structural contradictions and breakdowns;


[7]Determinants and consequences of population growth

[8]Population policy and family welfare programmes

[9]Child welfare programmes

12. Major Social Issues


[3]Bonded labour


[5]Depletion of forests

[6]Development related displacement




[10]Drug addiction

[11]Violence against women


[13]Child labour

[14]Maternal and infant mortality rate in Odisha

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