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SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Student Assessment

SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets

Student name & ID: …………..………………………………………………………..

SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.
Assessments included in this Pack
The assessment activities associated with this assessment pack are listed below:
Assessment 1 Written Response
Assessment 2 Demonstration – Produce dishes for full service shifts
Assessment 3 Final Observation
Neatly and legibly respond to tasks or questions in the spaces provided or in a word-
processed document, and attach to this assessment. Students should use black or blue pen
to complete handwritten responses. Students may refer to text and/or course notes for

The assessor will provide instructions to you regarding this Assessment Pack, including any
resources or equipment you will need, where the assessment will take place, and the
assessment duration.

Alternatively, demonstrate the skills and knowledge against individual units of competence
that meet the career path of the individual, and/or the needs of the enterprise through an
RPL process, giving credit for work experience or other educational/training activities

The following assessment documents are provided to ensure consistency of assessment

Assessment Tool Purpose
Training Plan Completed to ensure the candidate is aware of the date, time and location
of training and assessment as well as delivery strategy and assessment
RPL Toolkit Candidates wishing to be recognised for recognition of prior learning need
to provide evidence of proof of their competence against the targeted unit.
This Assessment Pack details the evidence deemed appropriate to
demonstrate competence in the targeted unit/s.
Performance The checklist details the functions the student should perform to
checklist demonstrate their practical skills in relation to the targeted competency.
The checklist will guide the assessor through the correct sequence of task.
Written questions The questions set for the oral questioning task must be used in the same
and benchmark manner with all students. Benchmark answers are provided as guidance to
answers the student’s response. Questions may be asked orally when language
difficulties are identified. If any student is struggling to answer a question,
rephrasing is allowed, but the assessor must write down the question asked
of the student on the space provided.
Summative Once the summative assessment activities have been completed, the
assessment record assessor must complete the summative assessment record indicating the
dates of the assessment and the final judgements of the student’s
competence or lack thereof. If the student is found to be not yet
competent, a new assessment time needs to be agreed upon once any gap
or support training has been provided

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Applicants must complete the Written Response Assessment of this Assessment Pack.

The balance of the Assessments, particularly the Practical Tasks must be addressed by

• Completing the task as required


• Providing evidence from the workplace that adequately addresses EACH aspect of
the task. This may include organisational documentation or experiences completed
by the applicant proving their experience within the last three years

The Final Observation / RPL / Third Party Checklist for this Assessment Pack MUST be
completed by the applicant’s supervisor. If the assessor is not satisfied with the validity,
sufficiency, currency or authenticity of the applicant’s evidence, PRIOR to making the
assessment decision, they will observe the applicant demonstrate the required tasks and
undertake a competency conversation. These results will be recorded in this Assessment
Pack by the assessor.

For RPL purposes, an applicant’s supervisor is defined as:

• a person with supervisory authority at work over the applicant

• someone familiar with the capabilities and duties of the applicant

• Having thorough knowledge and the expertise required in the final observation

Mandatory Supporting Documentation

RPL Applicants are required to provide minimum mandatory supporting documentation.
This documentation is as follows:

 Current résumé
 Current (or past) Position Description OR Letter from Employer (or past) Employer
stating Candidate’s position –MUST be on company letterhead
 Any previous qualifications or certified industry training

There may be further documentation required after assessment of all required minimum
evidence. Applicants will be advised of any further requirements by the assessor.

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SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook a
range of fish and shellfish dishes following standard recipes. It requires the ability to select, prepare
and portion seafood, and to use relevant equipment and cookery methods.


1.1. Confirm food production requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes.
1.2. Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements.
1.3. Identify and select ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality,
1. Select ingredients
freshness and stock rotation requirements
1.4. Check perishable supplies for spoilage or contamination prior to

2.1. Use appropriate cookery methods and standard recipes to prepare foods
for buffets
2.2. Glaze buffet items to organisational standards
2.3. Produce sauces and garnishes suitable for buffet food items
2. Produce and present 2.4. Produce or obtain appropriate buffet showpieces and decorations
foods for buffets 2.5. Use organisational buffet display plans to coordinate the layout of buffet
2.6. Visually evaluate arrangement and presentation of food items and adjust
presentation as required
2.7. Display hot and cold buffet food in appropriate service-ware at a safe
temperature to avoid food hazards and spoilage
3.1. Serve food according to organisational standards
3.2. Follow organisational food safety procedures for displaying and serving hot
and cold buffet foods to avoid food contamination
3. Serve, replenish and 3.3. Use portion control to minimise waste and maximise profit
store buffet foods 3.4. Replenish buffet items throughout the service period to meet customer
traffic requirements
3.5. Store buffet items in appropriate environmental conditions before and
after the buffet service period


Performance Evidence
Produce or prepare as required each of the following hot and cold buffet foods:
 breakfast foods
 meat or poultry
 seafood
 salads
 pasta or noodles
 breads
 fruit or vegetables
 cheese
 smallgoods
 dessert and pastry items
 accompaniments
 glazed foods, galantines and forcemeats
 themed foods
 foods selected to meet special dietary requirements
Present, serve and replenish at least one buffet for each of the following:
 indoor venue
 outdoor venue
 breakfast
 lunch or dinner
 event or function
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Produce a quantity of buffet dishes and items for above buffets that:
 are consistent in quality, size, shape and appearance for each buffet service period
 use appropriate garnish and presentation techniques

Prepare above buffets:

 within commercial time constraints and deadlines
 reflecting required quantities to be produced
 following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when producing, displaying and
serving hot and cold buffet food
 using appropriate showpieces and decorations
 responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements
Knowledge Evidence
Culinary terms and trade names for:
 ingredients commonly used to produce buffet items
 a variety of classical and contemporary buffet items

Suitable types of foods and dishes for buffets and their characteristics:
 appropriate conditions and temperatures for display and service to maintain optimum quality
and food safety
 effects of displaying food items on their nutritional value
 appropriate portions

Presentation techniques for food items that comprise buffets

Organisational standards for:

 serving buffet foods
 portion sizing

Mise en place and food safety requirements for producing and presenting foods for buffets

Appropriate environmental conditions for storing ingredients and buffet food items to:
 ensure food safety
 optimise shelf life

Organisational food safety procedures for displaying and serving hot and cold buffet foods
SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets
Assessment 1 – Written Response

Student name & ID: …………..………………………………………………………..

Please write your answers neatly and legibly the following in the spaces provided.

1. Explain how you would calculate the amount of food needed to prepare for buffet

2. Why is it necessary to accurately forecast customer numbers and to map them

against portion sizes?
3. How can you ensure that the products you take from stores are fresh and of good

4. What does first in first out mean and why is it important?

5. Name five types of cookery methods suited to fish that might be served as part of a

6. List five seafood and five meat dishes suited to buffet service.
7. Find and record a recipe for Eggs Benedict. When would these eggs be served and what
cookery methods would be used?
8. What other hot dishes might be suited to service at a breakfast buffet?
9. Draw up a buffet menu that might be used for an Australian Christmas buffet lunch for 30
10. List at least five types of desserts suitable for buffet service.

11. How is a glaze made and what are glazes used for?
12. Why is it necessary to consult with function organisers (clients/ customers) when
planning the design and layout of a buffet?

13. How can a detailed plan aid in the buffet set up?
14. How should hot and cold buffet food be displayed to avoid food hazards and spoilage?
15. Explain why foods should be covered when being transported from the kitchen to the
buffet table.

16. What food safety procedures apply for displaying and serving cold buffet foods to avoid
food contamination?
17. What food safety procedures apply for displaying and serving hot buffet foods to avoid
food contamination?
SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets
Assessor Decision

 or 
Responses are legible, accurate and detailed
Candidate demonstrates knowledge of the concepts covered in the

The candidate’s responses to the questions are:

Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory 


Assessor Name
Signature Date
SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets
Assessment 2 – Demonstration
The purpose of this assessment is for you to show that you can:
 Prepare a variety of dishes following standard recipes. Including the ability to select and prepare
ingredients, and to use relevant equipment and cookery methods

Resources required
Access to:
 An operational food preparation area with the fixtures, large and small equipment defined in the
Assessment Guidelines; this can be a:
o real industry workplace
o simulated industry environment such as a training kitchen servicing customers
 Industry-realistic ratios of staff to customers
 Food preparation lists and standard recipes
 A variety of commercial ingredients.

Menu items
Prepare dishes for buffets

You will be required to demonstrate that you can follow standard recipes to prepare multiple varying
prepare dishes for buffets, to required quality standards and choosing appropriate cookery methods for
each dish type.

When preparing these dishes, you must also show that you can:

 decide if the quality of the dish is to standard by:

o making adjustments according to taste, temperature, texture
o adjusting presentation for visual or practical reasons
 control portion sizes and production quantities
 work to deadlines
 use a wide variety of ingredients such as condiments, herbs and spices, meat, seafood, poultry,
vegetables and desserts.
 use a variety of equipment
SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets
Assessor Decision - Observation
Criteria Satisfactory
When completing the required shifts, the candidate:  or 
Prepared and served multiple items
Followed safe food hygiene and work practices
Demonstrated positive, cooperative and courteous team work
Worked within typical commercial kitchen time constraints
Applied knowledge of organisational policies and procedures as relevant

Able to read menus, recipes, task sheets

Work in an organised and planned way
Used problem solving skills to resolve any cooking problems and deal with the pressure of
Work and kitchen conditions
Accurately measured and weighed ingredients
Was able to use kitchen equipment
Prepared menu items to required presentation and taste quality standards

Prepared and served a range of buffet dishes

The candidate’s demonstration is:

 Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory

Assessor Comments

Assessor Name

Signature Date
SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets
Overall Assessment decision
Summative Assessment Record
Assessment Satisfactory
Assessment Type of Assessment
Signature of Assessor
 or 
Written Response
Assessment 1
Assessment 2

The candidate must have completed all of the above tasks to a satisfactory level to be deemed competent
for the units of this Assessment Pack

Overall Comments

Assessment Date:
I confirm that this assessment is all my own work, and where the work of others is used, I have referenced the source.
This may refer to group work or any reference material used.

Student’s Name: Student’s Signature:

Student Number:

For these units, the student is:

Unit code and name COM NYC CT

SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets

Assessor Name: Assessor Signature:

Date: COM = Competent NYC = Not Yet Competent CT = Credit Transfer

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