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By F. M. Alkhairi, 1 Associate Member, ASCE and

A. E. Naaman, 2 Member, ASCE
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ABSTRACT: The present study describes a nonlinear analysismodel developedfor

the prediction of the complete moment versus deformation response of concrete
beams containing bonded prestressing tendons, unbonded prestressing tendons
(metallic or otherwise), and nonprestressed conventional reinforcing bars. The
model uses an extensiveiterative procedure for calculatingthe stress in unbonded
tendons,fps, by performinga nonlinearanalysisat variouslocationsalongthe beam.
The analysisis performed several times during any loadingstage until the stressfps
is calculatedwithin a reasonable tolerance. Two important issues not addressed m
previousinvestigationsare consideredin modelingthe curvaturedistribution,namely:
(1) The effects of member span-to-depth ratio and the level of shear force on the
fiexural deformations;and (2) the change in eccentricityunder load (i.e., second-
order effects) for beamscontainingexternal tendons. Experimentalverificationwas
carried out using beam tests taken from 15 different investigationsthat occurred
between 1962 and 1990. Excellent correlation was observed between predicted
results and experimentalobservations.


Nearly 40% of all bridges in the U n i t e d States are in a deteriorated stage

due to severe weathering conditions and continuous increase in the traffic
volume (Klaiber et al. 1989). According to the Federal Highway A d m i n -
istration ( F H W A ) , these bridges are classified as functionally deficient.
When functional problems start to occur in bridges, two alternatives can be
considered: either demolish and replace the existing bridge or use rehabil-
itation techniques to restore it. The latter alternative involves either
strengthening or repair, and is usually preferred over the former one, if it
can be economically justified. The use of u n b o n d e d tendons for strength-
ening existing structures proves to be one of the most economical techniques
when compared to other alternatives, such as replacement or posting for
reduced loads.
U n b o n d e d tendons can take one of either two forms: they can be inter-
nally embedded inside the concrete, as in u n b o n d e d posttensioned slabs,
or they can be external to it, as in externally posttensioned box girder
bridges. The main difference in behavior between external and internal
unbonded prestressing lies in the deflected shape of the beam and the
tendon, The deflected shape of internal tendons usually follows the deflected
shape of the beam itself throughout the entire span; however the m o v e m e n t
of external tendons is restricted to the deflection of the b e a m at deviator

~Proj. Mgr., T. Y. Lin, Int., 4601-A Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304;

Formerly Grad. Res. Asst., Dept. of Civ. and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI.
2Prof., Dept. of Civ. and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Note. Discussion open until February 1, 1994. To extend the closing date one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The
manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on
January 13, 1992. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.
119, No. 9, September, 1993. 9 ISSN 0733-9445/93/0009-2680/$1.00 + $.15
per page. Paper No. 3277.

J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
or saddle point locations, and is different from the deflection of the beam
at all other locations.
Although the use of unbonded tendons in general, and external pre-
stressing in particular, is gaining popularity because of simplicity of con-
struction and cost-effectiveness, the inherent structural behavior of beams
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prestressed with unbonded tendons is yet to be fully understood. Research

efforts reported in the technical literature are limited to relatively few ex-
perimental and analytical investigations.

General Overview of Problem

Unlike the analysis of beams prestressed with unbonded tendons, the
analysis of beams prestressed with bonded tendons is well understood and
documented in the technical literature (Collins and Mitchell 1987; "Design"
1984; Harajli and Naaman 1985; Vega and Dotreppe 1988). This is attributed
to the perfect bond assumption that exists between the prestressing steel
and the surrounding concrete. This assumption leads to a relatively simple
sectional analysis at the section of maximum moment.
The case is quite different for beams prestressed with unbonded internal
or external tendons, where the perfect bond assumption between the pre-
stressing steel and the surrounding concrete is no longer valid. In this case,
strain compatibility at critical sections cannot be maintained. Rather, the
stress in the prestressing steel at any load level during the response history
depends on the total change in length of the concrete at the level of the
prestressing steel between end anchorages. This makes the deformation,
thus the stress in the tendon, member dependent rather than section de-
pendent, and proper modeling of the overall beam deformations becomes
necessary. This is true for all the stages of loading illustrated in Fig. 1.
In this investigation, a nonlinear analysis model is developed to predict
the load versus deformation (i.e., deflection, curvature, and strain increase
in unbonded tendons) response from the onset of cracking up to and in-
cluding the ultimate limit state (i.e., portion CDEF of Fig. 1). A generalized




A ~
FIG. 1. MomentversusDeformationCurveof BeamsPrestressedwithUnbonded
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
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I lipsb
e oub ob

/ ::~2:~n2::l:tA;212"`b
FIG. 2, GeneralizedCase of ReinforcementConsideredin CurrentInvestigation
case of reinforcement is considered as shown in Fig. 2. Several factors are
considered including material nonlinearity, geometrical nonlinearity, and
member span-to-depth ratio. Geometrical nonlinearity takes into account
the continuous change in eccentricity under load in beams prestressed with
external tendons. The effect of member span-to-depth ratio is taken into
account using the truss mechanism. The proposed analytical model was
implemented in a computer program, and its predictive accuracy was verified
against available experimental test results.

An extensive literature review and historical background on beams pre-
stressed with unbonded tendons can be found elsewhere ("External" 1989;
Alkhairi 1991; Naaman and Alkhairi 1991a). Here, only some analytical
investigations of direct relevance to the present study are briefly reviewed.

Internal Unbonded Prestressing

Mojtahedi and Gamble (1978) analytically investigated the effect of mem-
ber span-to-depth ratio. They concluded that the span-to-depth ratio has a
significant effect on the value of the stress in the prestressing steel, fps, at
ultimate nominal resistance. They supported their observation using an
analytical model of a conceptual triangular truss comprising two symmetrical
compressive members and a tie, thus simulating a cracked beam prestressed
with unbonded tendons. Their analysis showed that the strain in the tie at
the midspan hinge decreases sharply as the span-to-depth ratio increases.
Balaguru (1981) proposed an empirical expression for calculating the
increase in strain in unbonded tendons beyond effective prestress, Aeps,b.
He used the deflected shape of the beam, calculated from elastic uncracked
theory, and a regression analysis to arrive at the value of Aees,b.
Naaman (1987, 1990), provided a simplified methodology to predict the
stress in unbonded tendons under service loading conditions. The meth-
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
odology involved reducing the overall member analysis of beams prestressed
with unbonded tendons to a sectional analysis using the concept of bond
reduction coefficients.
Vega and Dotreppe (1988) carried out an analytical investigation to pre-
dict the moment-versus-curvature response of beams prestressed with un-
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bonded tendons. They calculated the average tendon elongation by inte-

grating the curvature, assuming the beam remains linearly elastic and
uncracked throughout loading. At ultimate nominal resistance, they as-
sumed a plastic zone located around the midspan section which they used
to calculate the stress in unbonded tendons.
Harajli and Hijazi (1991) conducted an extensive analytical study that
involved modeling the effect of shear deformations and member span-to-
depth ratio on the stress increase in unbonded tendons at ultimate nominal
resistance. They proposed that shear deformations located outside the con-
stant moment region can be modeled by displacing the loads a distance
equal to the length of the plastic hinge, Lp, as initially proposed by Corley
(1966), and later modified by Mattock (1967). Harajli and Hijazi modified
the expression proposed by Mattock as follows:

L, : L
[(') (')]
+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)

where the various terms are defined in Appendix II.

Harajli and Kanj (1990) stated that "the discrepancy between the analysis
(load:deflection response) and experimental results tended to increase with
decreasing span to depth ratio of the members." This can be attributed to
the fact that the model proposed by Harajli and Hijazi (1991) is solely based
on the load geometry at ultimate loading condition, which means that the
effect of shear on the flexural deformations throughout loading is constant.
These are significant simplifications since it is known that the magnitude of
the shear force along the span continuously changes with increasing load,
and is significantly affected by member span-to-depth ratio. Chouinard (1989)
made a similar observation by pointing out that the model proposed by
Harajli and Hijazi (from an earlier draft) assumes a constant plastic hinging
zone Lp throughout loading regardless of the varying levels of shear force
present in the beam.
Naaman and Alkhairi (1991a) compared predicted versus experimental
results from 143 beam tests reported in the technical literature using several
prediction equations for the stress at ultimate in unbonded tendons, fp,.
They summarized and critically reviewed experimental test results and code
related recommendations involving the effect of member span-to-depth ratio
on fp,, Using rational approaches, Naaman and Alkhairi (1991b) derived a
new f,, equation, which they found to be a function of the loading type and
meml~er span-to-depth ratio.

External Unbonded Prestressing

Virlogeux (1988) discussed many technical aspects related to the service
and ultimate behavior of externally prestressed continuous and simply sup-
ported concrete beams. He noted that second-order effects, which are re-
ferred to here as eccentricity variations, "appear due to the fact that the
tendon remains rectilinear between end anchorages while the structure de-
formation is nonlinear."
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
Virlogeux proposed the following equation for computing the tendon
elongation, ALl2, of an externally prestressed concrete beam assuming the
beam remains uncracked and linearly elastic:
ALl2 =
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~k/(L12 4- ul - u2 - eoubl01 4- eoub202) 2 4- (Z)1 -- U2 4- -- eoub2) 2

- X/L22 + (eo,bl - eo,b2)2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
where subscript 12 refers to points 1 and 2 along the beam to which the
external tendon is attached (see Appendix II for the definition of relevant
notation). Virlogeux (1988) also proposed a model for predicting the average
tendon elongation at ultimate nominal resistance using an expression for
the length of the plastic hinge.
E1-Habr (1988) developed a nonlinear analysis algorithm based on the
finite element method for the prediction of the moment versus deflection
response of externally prestressed bridge girders composed of precast ele-
ments. The purpose of his study was to determine several important limit
states, namely, cracking of concrete, opening of joints between segments,
yielding of unbonded tendons, and ultimate nominal capacity. Two nonlin-
ear effects were taken into account--namely, nonlinear material behavior
and opening of the joints at the interface of the precast segments.
Muller and Gauthier (1989) developed a computer program for the anal-
ysis of beams prestressed with external tendons based on the finite element
method. The program was designed to predict the complete moment versus
curvature response of simply supported and continuous beams beyond joint
opening up to the ultimate limit state. They concluded that the behavior of
beams prestressed with either internal or external tendons is essentially the
same. However, their analytical model is limited by several drawbacks,
which include: (1) The model requires information regarding the moment
versus curvature or moment versus joint rotation relationship of each ele-
ment; (2) the model does not account for material nonlinearities, that is,
linear elastic constitutive relations are assumed for the concrete and the
steel up to the ultimate state; and (3) no verification was made regarding
the similarity in behavior between beams prestressed with internal unbonded
tendons, and those prestressed with external tendons (eccentricity variations
or second order effects not isolated).

An attempt is made in the current investigation to rationally incorporate
the effects of member span-to-depth ratio and eccentricity variations in the
proposed nonlinear analysis model. Several reasons initiated the present
analytical study, namely: (1) The relationship between member span-to-
depth ratio and the stress increase in unbonded tendons was highlighted in
previous experimental and analytical studies, and in codes of practice (see
literature review by Naaman and Alkhairi 1991a); (2) this relationship is
not very well understood, and no attempt has been made to date to ana-
lytically verify it; and (3) to the best of the writers' knowledge, none of the
previous analytical studies have dealt with the effect of eccentricity variations
with increasing load on the stress increase in unbonded external tendons in
a simplified and comprehensive manner.
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
Basic Assumptions
The following assumptions were adopted in the current investigation: (1)
Plane sections remain plane after bending; (2) symmetrical loading type and
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tendon profile geometry exist (however, the model handles nonsymmetrical

loading and tendon profile); (3) the constitutive relations for the steel and
the concrete are known; (4) the postcracking tensile capacity of concrete is
neglected; (5) the beam is assumed to be in a cracked state whenever the
applied tensile stress exceeds the modulus of rupture, fr; (6) a cracked beam
is composed of an elastic and/or inelastic cracked region, and an elastic
uncracked region as shown in Fig. 3; (7) concrete within the cracked region
is considered effective in resisting diagonal tensile stresses so far as the
applied shear force is less than the cracking shear strength; and (8) the beam
is assumed to be reinforced with a minimum amount of vertical stirrups
necessary to resist shear stresses at all cracked sections along the beam.
It should be noted that assumption 2 is by no means a limitation to the
proposed methodology, but rather a simplification needed to define the
scope of the parametric evaluation and to reduce the run time. To further
simplify the proposed model, simply supported beams were used to test its
predictive accuracy; however, the model can be easily extended to analyze
continuous beams, as discussed in the section headed "Extension of Pro-
posed Model."
Assumption 4 implies that the effect of tension stiffening is neglected.
This assumption is expected to have no significant effect on the ultimate
behavior, ' since the contribution of concrete in the tensile zone becomes
negligible at higher loading stages.
Sign Convention
The following sign convention was adopted in this study: (1) For concrete,
tension is ( - ) and compression is ( + ); (2) for steel reinforcement, tension
is ( + ) and compression is ( - ) ; and (3) for the eccentricity of tendons,
downward eccentricity is ( + ) and upward eccentricity is ( - ) .

Locating Uncracked and Cracked Regions
The stress in unbonded tendons is set equal to that calculated from the
previous ith loading stage. Beyond cracking, the beam is assumed to be

i----~ x I
ii.,~l..Lxel~ L.xcr /


Elastic or Inelastic -
' Elastic Cracked Region Elastic
Uncracked Uncracked
Region Region

FIG. 3. Idealization of Beam Deformation after Cracking

J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
composed of two regions, namely, an elastic uncracked region and an elastic
or inelastic cracked region (see Fig. 3), where the term elastic implies linear
constitutive relationships for the concrete and steel. The length of the elastic
uncracked region, L~r is determined by locating the section with moment
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equal to the cracking moment, Mc~, along the span. If the tendon profile
used for the bonded and the unbonded prestressed tendons is straight, the
location of Mcr along the span is determined in closed form as follows:
M~ L
L~t - (one-point loading at midspan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
Mx(i,1) 2

Lxet _ M,~ ~L (two-point loading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)


Lx~t = ~ 1 - "V M~(i,oj (uniform loading) .................. (5)

where the various terms and indices are defined in Appendix II. If, however,
the eccentricity of the prestressed reinforcement varies along the span, the
location and magnitude of M~ are calculated using a trial-and-error pro-

Force Equilibrium Nonlinear Analysis

Once the location of Mcr is determined along the beam, the elastic or
inelastic cracked region is subdivided into j number of integration points at
which nonlinear analysis will be performed. A parametric evaluation carried
out by Alkhairi (1991) showed that 10-30 j integration points are sufficient
to conduct an accurate analysis.
The analysis initiates at midspan (i.e., at j = 1) by calculating the internal
nominal moment which corresponds to an assumed value for the strain in
the concrete top fiber, ~c~<~j~. This process is referred to here as force equi-
librium nonlinear analysis.'A flowchart describing this process can be found
in Alkhairi (1991). The compressive force C<~,j) is calculated as follows:
C(i,j) = oq(i,j)bc(i,j)f" - oL2(i,j)(b - bw)(C(ij) - hl)f'c ............... (6)
where a w,j.) and. 0/2(i,1).are. nondimensional
. . factors calculated from the con-
crete conshtutwe relationship (Harajh and Naaman 1985; Park and Paulay
1975). Similarly, the tensile force is given by the following expression:
T(i.j) = Apsbfpsb(i,j) + Ap~ubfp~,b(O + Asf~(i,y) - A'f's(id) ............ (7)
Once force equilibrium is achieved, the internal moment of resistance, M,,(~j),
is calculated by summing moments about the extreme compressed fiber.

Moment Equilibrium Nonlinear Analysis--Iterative Level No. 2

For all integration points away from midspan (i.e., j > 1), an additional
step is required. It involves performing a moment equilibrium nonlinear
analysis (i.e., iterative level No. 2). This step is carried out by first assuming
a value for the strain on the concrete top fiber, ec,(/j), then calculating the
resulting internal moment of resistance, Mn(i j). The i~ternal moment, Mn(i j)
is checked against the sum of the externally' applied moment at integration
point j, and the moment due to diagonal tensile cracking, i.e. Mx(~j) +
,~,Mshear(i j). (Note: AMshear( i j) is discussed in more detail in the section he'aded
' Proposed Span-to-Depth'Ratio Model--Truss Mechanism. ) If Mn(ia) is
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
found substantially different than M~(,-i) + AMshear(i ]), the assumed strain
on the concrete extreme top fiber, e,(i,j), is adjustec[ according to the fol-
lowing linear relationship:

( t
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Ect(i,j ) = Ect(i,j ) X 2 -- M x ( i j ) q- AMshear(i,j) / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The calculations are repeated for the adjusted value of e.(~,/) at the ]th point
until M,,(gj) is equal to M~(~,j) + AM~h~r(t4) within a reasonable tolerance9
Numerical divergence detected during iterative level 2 is discussed in the
section headed "Convergence and Divergence."

Calculation of Beam Deformations

Once the stresses and strains are calculated along all j integration points,
the average strain increase in the concrete at the level of the unbonded
tendon between
end anchorages,
~), midspan
"t .
end rotations are calculated using numerical integration techmques. The
procedure for computing the average unbonded tendon elongation during
the ith loading stage is summarized in the flowchart shown in Fig. 4.
The strain increase at the level of the prestressing steel at each integration
point, AEcpsub_xcr(i,j) , can be computed as follows:

m~cpsub .... (i,J) ~--- ~c,(i,j) [dpsub(i,j ) _ C(,,j)] ......................... (9a)

Aecps,,b xcr(ij) = Cb(z,j)[des,,b(i,j) - c(ij)] .......................... (9b)
and the tendon elongation within the cracked region, 8lp,,,b_xr~(~), is obtained
by numerically integrating zXew~,, b .... (~ j) along the cracked region. Similarly,
the contribution of the cracked region/to the midspan deflection ~cm) and
end rotations 0~r can be obtained by, respectively, integrating the product
X(i,j ) (IE)(i,j), and ~(~,j).
The contribution of the elastic uncracked region Lxe I to the midspan
deflection, end rotations, and tendon elongation is accounted for using
classical elastic theory. These deformations are found to be insignificant
when compared to the deformations caused by the cracked region.
The average strain increase in the concrete at the level of the unbonded
prestressing steel beyond the reference loading stage, AEcpsub_avg(i), c a n be
calculated as follows:
mEcpsub_avg(i ) -- Lp s . ...................................... (lO)

and the total strain in the unbonded tendons is given by

Epsub calc.(i) = ~'peub ~- A•cpsub-avg(i) ............................ (11)
The calculated stress, fp~,,b-calc (i), is obtained by substituting e~,s,,b-ca~c (i)
in the corresponding constitutive relation for the unbonded tendons. "

Iterative Level No. 3

The procedure just described involves two nested iterations that are per-
formed at all integration points within the cracked region. These include
interative level No. 1 involving force equilibrium nonlinear analysis, and
iterative level No. 2 involving moment equilibrium nonlinear analysis. A
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
~tep ll~fpsub_assumed(/) : &f psub(I.1) I

m• Iteratlve level
No. (3) '41~f psub._assumed(i)= f peub + ~f psub_sssumed(I)
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I Perform a Force Equilbrium Nonlinear Analysis

at midspan (/= 1) (Iterative Level No. 1) Ii
iStep 2 1 Locate the cracking moment M cralong the beam I
IStep 3 I Subdivide the elastic or inelastic cracked region into j integration points I
COntinueontothenextiinte~ationpo int (J : i + 1) 1
IPerform a Moment Equilibrium Nonlinear Analysis atJ _
41 all j Int~lg:aJit~)v~PLO::t~sSta:i(~g2)atj>_2

JCompute ~lpsub(OI ~(i), and 0 (i) by integrating the

Step 5 I curvature, (~(I,j) along the uncracked and cracked
I regions

~cpsub _ avo (,) = 81psub(i)

i ~psub_calculated(i) = ~peub + AEcpsub_avg.(i) I

ptep 61 Compute f psub calculated(i) from the given

/ i constitutive relationship [

I ~fpsub_calculated(i) = fpsub_calculated(i) - fpeub I

I Afpsub(i) : Afpsub-calculated(i) + Afpsub-assumed(i) I
I Step 7 ICheck run-termination criteria
IStepa I GOTO next loading stage (i= i+ 1)

FIG. 4. Procedure for Computing fpsut,(,>during all Stages of Loading

third level of iteration is required for the calculation of the stress increase
in unbonded tendons, Afps,b(i ) (Fig. 4). It involves repeating the preceding
procedure during the same loading stage, if the absolute value of calculated
to assumed stress increase in unbonded tendons is greater than a specified
A complete load versus deformation response is obtained when one of
the following conditions are met: (1) The nominal midspan moment at
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
loading stage i is 98% of the nominal moment at loading state i - 1 (see
Fig. 1, point F relative to point E); (2) the tensile strength of the steel
exceeds the ultimate specified strength; or (3) the strain on the concrete
top fiber, ect, reaches an upper limit taken here as 7.5 • 10 -3,
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The foregoing procedure describes a pure flexural nonlinear analysis that

can be carried out by ignoring the effect of diagonal tensile cracking [i.e.
AMshear(i]), shown in (8)]. Such an analysis can be performed at all inte-
gration points, j, within the flexural span of a beam subjected to two point
loads. A pure flexural analysis can be also performed within the shear span
if the applied shear force, Vx(i/), is less than the cracking shear force pro-
vided by the concrete Vc(i ~,. ln' the present investigation, the expression for
Vc(ij) was adopted from"the ACI "Building Code" (1989). If, however,
Vx(ilj) is greater than V(ei), the effect of AMshea~(~j)is taken into account as
expl'~ined next.


Ritter (1899) showed that reinforced concrete beams subjected to com-
bined shear and flexure act like a truss with concrete struts in compression
and stirrups in tension. M6rsch (1909) explained the truss mechanism in
more detail by clarifying that shear is resisted by a continuous field of
diagonal compression. The ACI Committee 318 ("Building" 1989) adopted
the truss model with the assumption that the concrete contribution used to
resist shear is taken into account, and that diagonal compressive struts are
inclined at an angle equal to 45 ~ Park and Paulay (1975) discussed the truss
mechanism and the concept of the displaced bending moment diagram. Their
model can be explained by referring to Fig. 5. The figure shows two beams
subjected to a single concentrated load at midspan. The bending moment
diagram and the corresponding curvature distribution along the span shown
in Fig. 5(a) describe the case of pure flexural deformations. Park and Paulay

4 " ' " ' " ' " ' "Flexural Cracking J
a - Pure b - Diagonal Tensile Cracking

Mu Mu M o m e n t Due
~ l ~ ' e ~ h l ~ y ~o Diagonal
I I I ~"IbL -'~l"ensile

c- MomentDiagram Assuming Pure d - Moment blagr~m T~;klnginto Account
Flexural Loading Diagonal Tensile Cracking
I(~) + I I'
Additional I L ~ L I
d>u Cmrvaturm


,~-- Lp~
e - Curvature Distribution Assuming
Pure Flexural Loading f- Curvature Distribution Taking Into
Account Diagonal Tensile Cracking
FIG. 5. Curvature Distribution in Beams with and without Diagonal Tensile Crack-

J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
(1975) indicated that the area under the bending moment diagram and the
corresponding curvature distribution increases if shear deformations are
taken into account. They proposed that after the formation of diagonal
cracks, the tension force in the flexural steel at section 1 becomes greater
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than that required to resist the moment due to applied loading at that section
[Fig. 5(b)]. They suggested that shear resisted by the stirrups located be-
tween sections 1 and 2 causes additional stresses in the concrete at the level
of the flexural steel. They expressed these additional stresses in terms of a
couple, AMshear(i D" The derivation of AMshear( i j) was carried out by satisfying
equilibrium conclitions assuming beam action with and without web rein-
forcement. Park and Paulay (1975) proposed the following expression for
AMshear(i,j) = Vxfi,j)ev(i,j) ..................................... (12a)
ev(i,j) 1 ~q(i,j) (} 1 + 1 )
= -- -> 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12b)
jd(~j) tan a 2 an ~ tan
Vs(i,j) Vx(i,j) - Vc(i,j)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12c)
~](i,i)- Vx(i3) Vx(ij)
In the present investigation, shear resisted by the vertical component of
the web reinforcement Vs(i4) was assumed equal to Vx(~j) - Vc(i j), but not
less than 50 bw de(i,j); and jd(~,j) was assumed equal to 0.90 de(~,)') (see def-
inition of de in Appendix II.

Eccentricity Variations in External Tendons (Second-Order Effects)

The behavior of beams prestressed with external unbonded tendons is
slightly different from that of beams prestressed with internally unbonded
tendons. This is primarily due to the continuous change, throughout loading,
in eccentricity between attachment points (i.e., saddle points, end anchor-
ages, and deviators). These changes are referred to here as eccentricity
variations and are also referred to in the technical literature as second order
effects (Mueller and Gauthier 1989; Virlogeux 1988).
Eccentricity variations can be accounted for by relating the eccentricity
at any loading stage i, e(i,j), to a reference eccentricity, such as the eccen-
tricity at a deviator section. Consider the most generalized tendon profile
geometry comprising a simply supported beam prestressed with an external
tendon. The external tendon is draped at two points symmetrically located
about the midspan section (Fig. 6). Assuming the beam is cracked, the
deviator can be located either within the elastic or inelastic cracked region,
or within the elastic uncracked region. If the deviator is located within the
elastic uncracked region, then the following expression for ~0,J) can be used
at all j integration points:

e(i'J) 1 71- [~(i,d) ~_ ~(/,j)] ..................................... (13)

% a) k e(i, a) ]
where %,0 = reference eccentricity at the deviator. It should be noted that
% a) remams unchanged throughout loading.
"If, however, the deviator is located within the elastic or inelastic cracked
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
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FIG. 6. Eccentricity Variations in Beams Prestressed with External Tendon Draped

at Two Points

region, the analysis becomes more involved. In this case, the tendon profile
geometry is linear within part AD and straight within part DO (see Fig. 6).
The eccentricity of the external tendon located within the straight portion
at any loading stage i can be calculated using (13). To derive an expression
for ~(/j) within region AD, we consider similar triangles ACD and ABE,
where' the following relationship can be obtained:

A + e(i,j) = ~(i,d) -~- [e(Z,d) -- es]xj + es 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14)

where A is defined in Fig. 6. Considering the jth integration point at a
distance Xj from the support, the following relationship can be obtained:

e(i,j ) = [A @ e(i,j)] -- 5(i,j ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15)

Substituting (14) into (15) and rearranging terms gives the following non-
dimensional expression for ~(i,j):

e(i,j....~) Xj ~(/,d)~ [1- es]}_['~(i,j) es]

e(i,u) ao (e(i.d) e(i,a) Le(i,d) e~u) ............. (16)

Eq. (16) can be also used for beams having a straight tendon profile by
setting e(i,a) = e(1j); ~(~,e) = 0; es = e(aj), and Xj = ao (see Appendix II
for relevant notation). This results in the following simplified expression:

e(1,j) e(a,j)J

Note here that the reference eccentricity is the eccentricity prior to loading
at the jth integration point.
Similarly, (16) can be used for beams having an external tendon draped
at midspan by respectively setting ao, 8(i,d), and e(~,a)equal to L / 2 , ~(~,1), and
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
Incorporation of Effect of Shear and Eccentricity Variations
in Model
The incorporation of AM~h~u,/) in the proposed nonlinear analysis model
was carried out by establishing equilibrium between the internal moment
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of resistance and the externally applied moment plus the additional moment
caused by shear as given by the following expression:
M.u,/) = M~(i./) + AM~h~rU./) -< M~ua ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)
In no case will the internal moment at any section j be greater than the
internal moment calculated at midspan for which j = 1.
Eccentricity variations were accounted for as follows: (1) Perform an
initial calculation of fp~.bu) at any loading stage i at all integration points by
neglecting eccentricity variations; (2) compute the deflection at all integra-
tion points; (3) calculate the revised eccentricity, e(;u) using (16); and (4)
use the revised eccentricity to calculate the internal moment of resistance,
M , uu), the fictitious tensile strain increase in the concrete at the level of
the unbonded tendons. Ae~p,,b_,c,(~~), and the additional moment due to
shear, AM,h~,,uu). Repeat procedure until no significant involvement is en-
countered in the calculated value of Alp,.



A computer program was developed to implement the proposed nonlin-

ear-analysis methodology. The program was used to run an extensive par-
ametric evaluation to study the effect of changing various parameters on
the overall behavior of beams prestressed with unbonded internal and ex-
ternal tendons. Detailed description of the computer program and the par-
ametric evaluation can be found elsewhere (Alkhairi 1991).
Fig. 7 illustrates the effect of member span-to-depth ratio on the stress
increase, Afp,, in unbonded tendons beyond effective prestress, versus the

70 L..~,,t .... I .... t ......... ...t., ,.~ ....

60-[--~ ...........~ s e S t t o n : - h e ~ a ~ t a r i t - ~ . : " l ~ d ~ ~ = l s "

5ott I
z ~
i ~l~-oading: 1i Pt. @ Midspa~ I ~
: ' I _ ~ I IEd is_24
I P -

~ 30
I: /
............l~-.--k-i ....................,......................i ....................i.---I--o...~1.-~.-~.~.=-~

~ ' ~ i
/ !
Diagd,.nalTed.sile Cr~cking:..YES
_~J... ,~Jnbdnded Tbndonsl INTERNAL
~ .................... ~. .................. " .................... i .................

~ , ' i, ............
............ .,~i-=~", ...........

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
])]~'I ,I~,CTION(m)
FIG. 7. A.fp, versus Deflection Response Including Effect of Shear Deformations
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
... ! I I ! I i
. . . .Par~.."i " "Se'c~onl Ric"ta'n; ular i . . . . 'J . . . . ~" :' J' ":
Loa~ing: 1 Pf. @ Mid#pan i !
20 ................................~t~onal--.'f~sile.6ra~irlg:-N~, ......................!.....................
Downloaded from by North Carolina State University on 05/11/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

:~ ~ Unbbnded T~ndons: .I~sl~Rlsrkt

i ~. .AI i i i
.............. , ....................... ..."...................... i ~ ................. t ....................... i.................... i.....................

]//i ,r~
~ T' . . . . . . . . . . . ". . T.2i:l
5' il..J ...........
/ ~ i
. __
-'- I
d~i = =24

0 I I I i I !

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

DEF[,]P,,C'~ON (i n)
FIG. 8. Alp, versus Deflection Response Ignoring Effect of Shear Deformations

FIG. 9. Variation of e(x)./e(x)i along the Span (Effect of Eccentricity Variations)

midspan deflection when shear deformations are taken into account. The
heavy solid line connecting the locus of end points represents the failure
envelope at the ultimate nominal state. The figure shows that Afp s decreases
by up to 70% when the span-to-depth ratio is increased from 8 to 57.
Everything else being the same, Fig. 8 shows no significant change in Alp s
as the span-to-depth ratio changes when shear deformations are ignored
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
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m L/dps = 19.1

~ 50 Predicted


0 I I I 1 I ~ I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
FIG. 10. Experimental Verification of Predicted Moment versus Afps Relationship
(Ted 1975)

[i.e. AMshear(i.j) = 0]. Fig. 9 describes the effect eccentricity variations in

beams prestressed with external tendons draped at one-third point. The
eccentricity along the span at ultimate nominal resistance, e(x),, is nor-
malized with respect to the reference eccentricity, e(x)i, taken here as the
eccentricity prior to loading. It can be observed that eccentricity variations
in beams having span-to-depth ratios less than 16 are less than 10% and
can be safely neglected, while eccentricity variations can reach up to 25%
for beams having span-to-depth ratios greater than 24.
Experimental test results were extracted from 15 different investigations
tested between 1960 and 1990 in several parts of the world and were stored
in a database (Alkhairi 1991; Naaman and Alkhairi 1991a). Typical examples
of predicted results versus experimental observations are shown in Figs. 10
and 11. Fig. 10 shows excellent correlation between predicted versus ex-
perimental results for a beam having a span-to-depth ratio of 19 tested by
Thian-Poh (1975). Fig. 11 shows another example of predicted moment
versus Alp, relationship for a beam tested by Harajli and Kanj (1990). The
beam was subjected to a single concentrated load at midspan having a span-
to-depth ratio equal to 8. Here also an excellent agreement between pre-
dicted and experimental results is observed. The results for other beams
were compared elsewhere (Alkhairi 1991). In most cases, the differences
between predicted and observed results were less than 10%.


Two divergence problems were encountered during the process of com-
puter implementation. The first occurred during iterative level No. 2, where
it was observed that regardless of the accuracy involved in calculating ec,(i./),
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
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I 300
J Beam PP1R1-0(HarajlietaL, 1990)
J Loading Type: ConcentratedLoad
N 20O at Midspan
L/dps = 7.8

I -- Predicted
I ....0__ Experimental


I0 20 30 40 50 60
FIG. 11. Experimental Verification of Predicted Moment versus ~fp+ Relationship
(Harajli et al. 1990)

the difference between the external and the internal moments, %M, re-
mained slightly greater than the minimum specified tolerance taken in the
current study as T-0.3% [see (8)]. To bypass this problem, the specified
tolerance was increased by 5% whenever the number of iterations during
iterative level No. 2 exceeded a specified preset upper limit. This process
was continued until the lower limit of the oscillating difference, %M, became
slightly smaller than the specified tolerance. It should be noted that in no
case did the tolerance exceed 1%.
Divergence was not detected during the calculation of Afps,b(i>(i.e., during
iterative level No. 3) except for one class of beams prestressed with un-
bonded external tendons having either a straight or a double draping point
tendon profile geometry and very high span-to-depth ratios. Immediately
after cracking, this class of beams showed stability problems characterized
by the beam deformations being too large, thus causing a sharp decrease
in the tendon eccentricity at very low loads. The solution t o Afpsub(i) could
not be obtained, and the execution of the computer program was imme-
diately terminated. It is believed that this may be due to a structural stability
problem (which was not investigated in the present study).


The proposed nonlinear analysis model can be easily extended with minor
modifications to beams continuous over several supports having nonsym-
metrical loading types and tendon geometries. First, the shear and bending
moment envelopes must be calculated. Second, parasitic moments (i.e.,
secondary moments) caused by the restraint of intermediate supports to the
free deformation of the structure must be accounted for as discussed by
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
Naaman (1982). Third, the expressions developed in the current study to
account for eccentricity variations must be rederived based on the deformed
geometry of continuous beams.
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A numerical model was developed for the analysis of beams prestressed
with unbonded internal or external tendons throughout their range of be-
havior under load. The proposed model involves calculating the average
tendon elongation of unbonded tendons by performing a multilevel iterative
nonlinear analysis at several locations throughout the beam. The model
offers several features not found in previous investigations, namely: (1) It
assumes a most generalized case of reinforcement (Fig. 2); (2) it covers
practical loading cases and tendon profile geometries; (3) it makes use of
several constitutive relations for concrete and steel reinforcement; (4) it
accounts for the effect of member span-to-depth ratio in a rational manner
using the truss mechanism; (5) it incorporates the effects of eccentricity
variations (i.e., second-order effects) in beams prestressed with external
tendons; and (6) it allows for accurate predictions of deflections and rota-
Excellent correlation was obtained throughout loading and at the ultimate
limit state between predicted versus available experimental results of beams
having different span-to-depth ratios.
The present analytical study suggests that shear deformations may have
a significant effect on the increase in the stress at ultimate in unbonded
tendons, Afps, for beams having span-to-depth ratios smaller than about 24,
regardless of the unbonded tendon layout (i.e., whether the tendons are
external or internal). On the other hand, neglecting the effect of shear
deformations causes no significant change in Afps at higher span-to-depth
The effects of eccentricity variations are most pronounced in beams having
span-to-depth ratios greater than about 24. The analysis conducted as part
of this investigation showed that the actual midspan eccentricity at ultimate
nominal resistance can be about 25% smaller than that at the reference
loading stage for beams having span-to-depth ratios as high as 45. However,
these variations can be safely neglected for span-to-depth ratios less than
about 16, as the actual eccentricity at ultimate was, respectively, observed
to be within 5-10% of the midspan eccentricity at the reference loading
stage. This is because beams having low span-to-depth ratios are generally
very stiff and, thus producing very small vertical deflections. Since the actual
eccentricity of the external tendon at any loading stage is a function of the
vertical deflections, eccentricity variations for such beams will be very small.

The first writer wishes to thank Dr. Mohamed Harajli for his valuable
comments and suggestions. The second writer wishes to express his appre-
ciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for prior support leading
in part to this study.

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The f o l l o w i n g s y m b o l s are u s e d in this p a p e r :

Aps b -- area of bonded prestressed reinforcement in tension zone;

Apsub = area of unbonded prestressed reinforcement in tension zone;
A s -- area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement;
A',= area of nonprestressed compressive reinforcement;
ao distance from support to deviator;
b = width of compression face of member;
bw = web width of flanged member;
C= resultant compressive force in concrete section;
r = distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis;
d= subscript used to describe location of deviator;
de-- distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of ten-
sile reinforcement;
-- distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of bonded
dpsub -- distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of un-
bonded tensions;
distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of non-
prestressed tensile reinforcement;
d'-- distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of non-
prestressed compressive reinforcement;
eob eccentricity of prestressing force in bonded tendons at critical
eou b = eccentricity of prestressing force in unbonded tendons at
critical section;
eS -- eccentricity of unbonded tendons at support;
ev eccentricity of horizontal component of shear force in con-
crete section;
= actual eccentricity of unbonded external tendons at any load-
ing stage i;
f'-- specified compressive strength of concrete;
fpeub -- effective stress in unbonded prestressed reinforcement, after
fps stress at ultimate in unbonded tendons;
f,~b = calculated stress in bonded prestressed reinforcement;
fpsub -- calculated stress in unbonded prestressed reinforcement;
J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
fs = calculated stress in nonprestressed tensile reinforcement;
f'~ = calculated stress in nonprestressed compressive reinforce-
hi = flange thickness of flanged member;
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i = subscript used to describe ith loading stage considered;

J = subscript used to describe jth cracked section considered;
k/ = distance between resultant compressive and tensile force;
L = span length between supports;
Lo = length of flexural span;
= length of plastic hinge;
= span length between end anchorages;
L~t = length of elastic uncracked region along span;
Lxcr = length of elastic or inelastic cracked region along span;
Mcr = cracking moment;
Mn = internal m o m e n t of resistance;
M. = ultimate moment;
Mx = applied m o m e n t due to external loading;
My = moment at yielding of nonprestressed tensile reinforcement;
T = resultant force due to tensile reinforcement;
U = horizontal displacement along x-axis;
V. = shear strength provided by concrete;
Vs = shear strength provided by vertical stirrups;
Vx = applied shear force at critical section considered;
U = vertical displacement along y-axis;
X = distance from support of the jth integration point;
Afpsub = change in stress in unbonded prestressing steel beyond ef-
fective prestress;
ALl2 = change in length of unbonded tendon between attachment
points 1 and 2;
m M s h e a r = increase in m o m e n t due to shear deformations or diagonal
tensile cracking;
mEcpsub - avg = average strain increase in unbonded tendons beyond effec-
tive prestress;
mEcpsub -xcr = fictitious strain increase in concrete at level of unbonded
Aepsub = increase in strain in unbonded tendons beyond effective pre-
= deflection due to elastic and inelastic deformations;
= average unbonded tendon elongation due to elastic and ine-
lastic deformations;
= contribution of elastic or inelastic cracked region to tendon
~ lpsub - xel = contribUtion of elastic uncracked region to unbonded tendon
~x~, = contribution of elastic or inelastic cracked region to midspan
8xet = contribution of elastic uncracked region to midspan deflec-
8.t = strain in concrete top fiber at section considered;
Epeub = effective prestrain in unbonded tendons;
e's = strain in nonprestressed compressive reinforcement;

J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.
0 = b e a m end rotation;
Oxcr = contribution of elastic or inelastic cracked region to b e a m
end rotations;
Oxe l = contribution of elastic uncracked region to b e a m end rota-
Downloaded from by North Carolina State University on 05/11/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

= ratio of shear span to total span;
qb = curvature of section considered;
qb = curvature at ultimate loading conditions; and
qby = curvature at yielding of nonprestressed reinforcement.

J. Struct. Eng. 1993.119:2680-2700.

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