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Functional Ecology 2012, 26, 483–492 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01958.

The temperature-size rule emerges from ontogenetic

differences between growth and development rates
Jack Forster and Andrew G. Hirst*
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK

1. The temperature-size rule (TSR) is a widespread phenomenon, which describes the pheno-
typic plastic response of species’ size to temperature: individuals reared at colder temperatures
mature as larger adults than at warmer temperatures.
2. The TSR is driven by an unequal thermal response of growth and development rates. How-
ever, we currently lack an understanding of how these rates change through ontogeny and their
decoupling. Further, we do not know how this decoupling varies across generations.
3. Using the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana as a model, we examine growth and development
rates through ontogeny at different temperatures across two generations.
4. The slopes of natural-logged weight-specific growth rates against temperature are steeper in
earlier than later larval stages, indicating their greater temperature dependence, whereas devel-
opment rates maintain the same temperature dependence across life stages. An inverse TSR is
generated in early larval stages; the typical TSR (smaller size at warmer temperatures) is only
established later in ontogeny.
5. Phase-specific temperature dependence of growth and development rates is not significantly
different across the 1st and 2nd generation, suggesting the TSR is primarily a within-generation
6. Ontogenetic size responses in Artemia are compared to other crustacean species to identify
patterns within this subphylum. Data for a range of crustaceans follow the same ontogenetic pat-
tern: early larval stages show an inverse or no TSR, with TSR being only established in later
stages. Adults often, but not always, show the greatest response.
Key-words: Artemia franciscana, crustacean, development, growth, ontogeny, temperature-size

through ontogeny. Decoupling of these rates is most often

inferred from differences between size at some final life
The temperature-size rule (TSR) describes the impact of stage and the time taken to reach this mature stage
temperature on intraspecific size of ectotherms: individuals (Partridge et al. 1994; Blanckenhorn 2000; Stillwell & Fox
reared at colder temperatures reach maturity at a larger size 2005), without considering the ontogenetic timing of these
than when reared at warmer temperatures (Atkinson 1994). size changes at a higher resolution. Previous work on ecto-
This phenotypically plastic response has been observed in therms has found temperature-acclimated adults show a
>83% of ectothermic species studied, including plants, bac- greater temperature-size response than do acclimated prog-
teria, protists, invertebrates and vertebrates (Atkinson eny, such as eggs (Forster, Hirst & Atkinson 2011a). A
1994). Adult size is in effect a product of growth rate recent analysis of marine pelagic copepod data has shown
(increase in weight per time) and development rate (increase development rates to have greater temperature dependence
in life stage per time), and the TSR signals that these rates across all life history stages than growth rates (Forster,
must be decoupled (Sibly & Atkinson 1994; Van Der Have Hirst & Woodward 2011b). Further, there was weak sup-
& De Jong 1996; Kingsolver & Huey 2008). Much of the port for growth rate being more temperature dependent at
focus of the TSR has been on explaining the ultimate reason smaller, early life stages than later stages (i.e. slopes of natu-
for size change (Walters & Hassall 2006; Kingsolver & Huey ral-logged growth rates against temperature were steeper at
2008; Arendt 2011). However, to understand why size early life stages), suggesting a size-dependent or ontogenetic
changes, we first need a clearer understanding of how size component in these crustaceans. Similarly, analyses of the
changes are generated. In particular, there remains a lack of interaction between growth and development during ontog-
data available on growth and development rate decoupling eny for the tobacco hornworm moth Manduca sexta have
shown the TSR to emerge only during later larval stages
*Correspondence author. E-mail:

 2012 The Authors. Functional Ecology  2012 British Ecological Society

484 J. Forster & A. G. Hirst

(Davidowitz, D’amico & Nijhout 2004; Davidowitz & Materials and methods
Nijhout 2004; Nijhout, Davidowitz & Roff 2006; Diamond
Batch cultures of A. franciscana were established using decapsulated
& Kingsolver 2010). However, we still lack experimental cysts. These cysts had been collected from the Great Salt Lake (Utah,
data that focus on the timing of ontogenetic temperature- USA), disinfected and decapsulated (provided in this state by the
size changes at a high resolution. Mortality rates are signifi- company Waterlife). A minimum of 300 cysts were placed in 1-L
cantly higher during early larval stages of many species beakers containing 900 mL GF ⁄ F filtered sea water with a salinity of
(McConaugha 1992; Cornell & Hawkins 1995; Hirst & 30 at a range of constant temperatures (20, 22Æ5, 25, 27Æ5, 30, 32Æ5 and
Kiørboe 2002): this is an intense period of selection with 35 C). Air stones were used in each beaker to ensure the water was
important fitness consequences for species. It is therefore sufficiently aerated. Cultures were maintained at fixed temperatures
essential that we gain a better understanding of how growth using Grant SUB Aqua 26 water baths (held within ± 0Æ2 C of con-
and development rates, along with size, change during trol temperature). Upon hatching, stage 1 nauplii were transferred
from the batch cultures into a minimum of two separate replicates at
ontogeny and the degree to which they are temperature
each temperature (with n = 50 per replicate), initiating the first gen-
dependent. In this study, we test these ideas in detail using
eration of the experiment. As cultures did not survive for long at
Artemia franciscana (Kellogg) as a model crustacean. We 35 C, these were not continued. After hatching, nauplii were pro-
examine size, growth and development rates at a high vided ad libitum with the algae Arthrospira plantensis. Replicates were
temporal resolution through ontogeny. fed a minimum of 10 mL of saturated A. plantensis solution (where
The majority of studies investigating the TSR through no more algae could be suspended in solution) every day such that a
growth and development rates simply expose eggs or early green coloration was visible and was maintained in the cultures at all
larval stages to novel temperatures and observe the effect on times. All individual A. franciscana were staged, and their total body
adult size (Smith-Gill & Berven 1979; Partridge et al. 1994; length was measured on a daily basis using a light microscope. Post-
De Jong 2010). However, organisms are capable of acclimat- embryonic larvae were staged in a similar manner to Weisz (1946),
ing to different temperature regimes; for example, the meta- using number of segments and limb mobility (see Appendix S1 in
Supporting Information), with development being divided into 17
bolic rate of fishes transferred from a low to high temperature
stages. Beyond stage 17, measurements of development ceased, as
initially increases substantially but then reduces towards an
without the addition of further segments or appendages, accurate
acclimatory rate (Johnston & Dunn 1987). A previous meta- assessment of stage could not be achieved. Once animals reached the
analysis examining the TSR in organisms acclimated to their adult stage in the cultures, we inspected for the presence of their nau-
thermal environments found body size of egg and early larval plii on a daily basis. A total of 50 nauplii were removed from each
stages to be less temperature dependent than adult stages temperature replicate with a Pasteur pipette and placed into new
(Forster, Hirst & Atkinson 2011a). Further, data on size beakers; this was the initiation of the second generation. In a small
changes through ontogeny in two copepod species, accli- number of cases (3 ⁄ 12 cultures), there were insufficient nauplii from
mated to different temperatures for multiple generations, the experimental culture; in these cases, we supplemented with nauplii
showed size to effectively ‘reset’ at the beginning of each from other batch cultured adults, maintained at the same temperature
generation, i.e. eggs showed no temperature-size response yet as the replicate in question and at saturated food conditions. Devel-
opment and growth experiments were started for the second-genera-
adult stages followed the TSR (see Forster, Hirst & Atkinson
tion replicates, the time at first appearance of nauplii defining t = 0.
2011a). This suggests that the drivers of the TSR, growth and
Body lengths and stage were determined daily on live individuals, as
development rates remain decoupled, although the rates conducted for the first generation, and the same feeding regime was
themselves have not been directly measured across multiple used also. Across both generations, water in all replicates was chan-
generations. This study aims to test this directly by measuring ged weekly; between these changes, any water loss via evaporation
these rates over two generations in A. franciscana and to was replaced using distilled water to maintain salinity.
determine whether the degree to which these rates are
Whether patterns in temperature-size responses are similar
across closely related species needs to be addressed. Artemia Individual dry weights were estimated from length measurements
using equations calculated from Reeve (1963, see Appendix S1), and
franciscana are within the Anostracans; Anostracans are the
average weight calculated for each replicate at each observation point.
closest example to primitive crustacean morphology and pro-
Weight-specific growth rates (g, day)1) were determined as:
vide the nearest case of the presumed ancestral state (Browne,
Sorgeloos & Trotman 1991). It may be that other crustaceans lnðDWt =DW0 Þ
g¼ eqn 1
exhibit similar size changes through ontogeny as Artemia. t
We, therefore, need to compare the ontogenetic temperature-
where DWt = dry weight at time t, DW0 = dry weight at previous
size data across crustaceans more broadly.
observation point and t = time between observations (days).
We address the following questions: (i) Do the temperature
Although measurements were taken daily, as in some instances >3
dependence of growth and development rates in A.
stages can pass in a single day, growth rates were calculated during
franciscana vary through ontogeny, and how does this impact ontogeny by combining data for 3 stages together: specifically stages
the temperature-size response? (ii) Does the impact of temper- 3–5, 6–8, 9–11, 12–14 and 15–17. We term each of these ‘phases’. As
ature on these rates differ between the first and second genera- the two initial stages have very rapid development (<24 h for transi-
tion? and (iii) Is the ontogenetic basis of the temperature-size tion through both stages at most temperatures), we did not include
response similar across crustaceans? these.

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Ontogenetic differences between growth and development rates 485

Development times were calculated as median stage-specific individual stages (3, 4, 5 etc.), rather than phases. The equation
development times, i.e. from initial nauplii introduction to the applied was of the form:
point at which 50% of individuals reached stage 2, then from
this point to the point at which 50% of individuals reached ln DW ¼ ln a þ bTC þ e eqn 3
stage 3, etc. These median development times were calculated
(for each replicate) from stage frequency data, following the where DW = dry weight (lg) and TC = the experimental tempera-
methods of Campbell et al. (2001). Median development times ture (C) minus 25. Having calculated the stage-specific slopes for all
were calculated for each stage from 1 to 17 inclusively. These larval stages of A. franciscana, we converted these slopes to % change
development rates were then grouped into the phases, to allow in weight per C using the formula (exp(slope) ) 1)*100. We collected
direct comparison with growth rates. the eggs produced as the second generation at each temperature (>50
eggs for each temperature) and measured their diameter (E). Eggs
were near-spherical and volume calculated as 4 ⁄ 3*p(E ⁄ 2)3. The slope
MODEL FITTING of egg volume against temperature was calculated using generalized
We used allometric models to describe the effect of temperature on least squares regression and eqn 3.
both growth and development rates. These models have previously
been shown to be the most appropriate for other crustaceans, i.e. mar-
ine copepods (Forster, Hirst & Woodward 2011b) and planktonic lar-
val species (O’connor et al. 2007). Further, applying exponential and
Arrhenius functions to the data and comparing their fit using an To compare the temperature-size response of A. franciscana with
information-theoretic approach (Akaike Information Criteria, other species, we searched the wider literature for data on weight at
Akaike 1974; Burnham & Anderson 2002) did not produce a better fit stage vs. temperature in other crustaceans, measured through ontog-
(see Appendix S2 in Supporting Information). Growth rates (g, eny. We searched the ISI Web of Knowledge using the search terms
day)1) and development rates (D, day)1) were modelled as functions ‘larva* AND temperature AND (mass OR size OR weight)’ along
of temperature (T, C) using the allometric function: with previous data collected for copepod species (Forster, Hirst &
Woodward 2011b) and other multicellular organisms (Forster, Hirst
ln R ¼ ln a þ b ln T þ e eqn 2 & Atkinson 2011a). We included data where size had been measured
for ‡3 temperatures at ‡2 larval stages. We applied a linear mixed
Where R = rate, a and b are constants and e is the error term. We effects model to each species in turn, using eqn 3 and following the
centred the data for both growth and development rates around the same methods as applied to the A. franciscana data.
mid-temperature of the experiment (25 C). This improves the inter-
pretability of each model (e.g. the intercept becomes the rate at 25 C)
and reduces the correlation between parameters (O’connor et al. Results
2007), thus lnT became [lnT ) ln(25)], we term this centred tempera-
Artemia were successfully reared over two generations at fixed
ture as TC. Growth rates and development rates were available for
temperatures ranging between 22Æ5 and 32Æ5 C. Although
different phases (e.g. stages 3–5, 6–8) and for 1st and 2nd generations.
A linear mixed effect model was used to account for these differences
those reared at 20 C reached adulthood and reproduced at
in phase and generation number, incorporating phase as a random the end of the first generation, the 2nd generation did not
effect and generation number as a fixed effect (see Appendix S2). We reach maturity. Growth rate changed during ontogeny, with
applied multiple variations of the models in eqn 2 for growth and two distinct trajectories: the first being early larval growth
development, which allowed parameters a and b to vary with phase during the formation of thoracic segments (stages 1–11) and
and ⁄ or generation number. Using a log-likelihood ratio test, we then the second trajectory during the formation of abdominal seg-
discerned which variation of these equations best modelled data for ments (stages 12–17); growth was distinctly faster during this
each rate (see Appendix S2 for further details). These procedures were second period (as demonstrated by the steeper slope of ln
followed to determine whether ontogeny impacts the intercept of weight vs. time, Fig. 1a). Our phases were defined so as not to
growth and development (lna, eqn 2) and ⁄ or the slopes (b, eqn 2).
combine stages across this division. Such marked shifts
Similarly, these procedures were used to determine whether the two
through ontogeny were not present in development rates
generations show differences, both in their intercepts and in their
(Fig. 1b).


To estimate the temperature effect on weight at stage and to discern The inclusion of generation number did not improve the fit
the importance of generation number on organism size, we described for either growth or development, and therefore this identifier
the effect of temperature on dry weights for each stage using a linear was removed from the linear mixed effects models. The lack
mixed effects model and an exponential equation form. A previous of improved fit suggests no significant difference between 1st
analysis of multicellular species data for weight vs. temperature has and 2nd generation for growth or development rates. For
shown this equation form to best describe temperature-size data growth rates, the best fit model required the inclusion of
(Forster, Hirst & Atkinson 2011a). Further, we confirmed here, using phase as a random parameter within both the slope and inter-
Akaike weights, that other model forms (allometric and Arrhenius) cept term. This suggests that growth rates vary between
did not provide a better fit to the data. We followed the same method
phases (intercept), i.e. some have faster weight-specific
used for modelling growth and development rates, except using

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486 J. Forster & A. G. Hirst

6 present the stage-specific best fit models in Fig. 4, but includ-

ing the generation number term in the model, to show the
5 slopes of these models are near-identical for the 1st and 2nd
Ln mean dry weight (µg)

Addition of generation. The lowest temperature (20 C) was excluded

4 abdominal from this analysis as the reared individuals failed to reach
segments maturity in the second generation. Furthermore, size
3 (Stages 12–17) decreased at this temperature in later stages (Fig. 5); thus, it
was excluded to maintain the simplicity of the exponential
Addition of model (eqn 3). The stage-specific temperature-dependent
thoracic segments slopes revealed an inverse temperature-size response at early
(Stages 1–11) larval stages (Stages 1–7, Fig. 4). The temperature-size
response became flat during intermediate larval stages (Stages
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 8–10), before establishing the more typical TSR at stages 11
onwards (Fig. 4), with a significant decrease in weight with
16 (b) increasing temperature for stage 12 onwards. We compared
14 final larval size data to egg size in Fig. 5. Final larval size
Developmental stage

12 (excluding 20 C) showed a significant negative slope of dry

20°C weight vs. temperature ()2Æ96% C)1, 95% CIs ± 0Æ62%),
10 22·5°C
whereas the slope of egg volume vs. temperature was not sig-
8 27·5°C nificantly different from zero (0Æ08% C)1, 95%
30°C CIs ± 0Æ40%).
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Along with data for A. franciscana, we collected temperature-
Time (days) size data for 10 other crustacean species including 7 copepod,
2 crab and 1 daphnid species. The % change in weight C)1 is
Fig. 1. (a) Artemia franciscana progression of ln(dry weight) over
plotted for each species through ontogeny in Fig. 6. This
time (days) at different temperatures. Early larval stages (where tho-
racic segments are added) show a shallower slope than later larval revealed a general pattern of declining slopes with increasing
stages (abdominal growth), i.e. growth rate is lower in the earlier stage. These patterns were very similar in all 11 crustacean
stages. Data are from individual replicates during the 1st generation. species. Early larval stages show an inverse or no TSR,
(b) A. franciscana increase in development stage (1–17) with time. whereas later stages show a strong TSR, with weight changes
Data represent the median development times for the same replicate
varying between )1 and )4Æ5% per C (Fig. 6). Data for 7 of
from the 1st generation (as in a). Development rates do not show two
distinct trajectories during ontogeny as does growth. the 8 species where very early larval or egg sizes were available
(Stages 0–2, Fig. 6) show no significant change in progeny
size with temperature. In many cases, the adult stage showed
growth than others, but also that different phases have a the strongest temperature-size response, but this was not
different temperature dependence (i.e. slopes, see Fig. 2). By always the case, and some showed a reduction in the response
contrast, the fit of the development model was not improved into the final stage(s).
with the incorporation of phase as a random effect in the
slope term, the best fit model required phase to be incorpo-
rated within the intercept term only (Fig. 3). This suggests
that some phases develop more quickly than others, but they There were clear differences between the temperature depen-
have the same temperature dependence regardless of phase dence of growth and development rates in A. franciscana.
(i.e. slopes are similar). While the temperature dependence of growth rates decrease
with size ⁄ life stage (see slopes in Fig. 2), development rates
had similar temperature dependence throughout ontogeny
(see slopes in Fig. 3). Other development rate data from the
We compared the temperature-size response across different crustacean literature support this outcome more widely.
stages of Artemia using the linear mixed effects model applied Copepods have been shown to maintain the temperature
to eqn 3. This revealed a temperature dependence of stage- dependence of development during ontogeny; this is in effect
specific weight, but no significant improvement of the model the widely observed equiproportional development rule,
with the addition of generation number. This was confirmed where specific life stages occupy a fixed proportion of the total
in the results of the models applied to growth and develop- life cycle across different temperature regimes (Hart 1990). As
ment: generation number did not appreciably change the earlier larval stages of A. franciscana show a greater tempera-
thermal response of these rates. To demonstrate this, we ture dependence of growth rate than later larval stages, this
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Ontogenetic differences between growth and development rates 487

1st generation
2nd generation

Stages 3 – 5 Stages 6 – 8

1 1

0·1 0·1

ln g = –1·70 + 2·54*TC ln g = –1·63 + 2·45*TC

20 25 30 20 25 30

Stages 9 – 11 Stages 12 – 14
Growth rate (day–1)

1 1

0·1 0·1

ln g = –1·74 + 1·32*TC ln g = –0·50 + 1·01*TC

20 25 30 20 25 30

Stages 15 – 17
Fig. 2. Artemia franciscana weight-specific
growth rates vs. temperature (C) across 5
ontogenetic phases (stages 3–5, 6–8, 9–11, 1 1
12–14, 15–17). Triangles are mean values for
the 1st generation, and squares are means for
the 2nd generation. Panel 6 shows the best fit
models (i.e. allometric, eqn 2) for each of the
phases. All regressions are fitted through data
from both generations combined. Regression 0·1 0·1
equations are provided in each panel, where
g = growth rate (day)1) and TC is tempera- ln g = –1·66 + 1·22*TC
ture T (C) centred around 25 C (i.e.
TC = [lnT ) ln(25)]. Note the log10–log10 20 25 30 20 25 30
scale, error bars represent 95% confidence
intervals. Temperature (°C)

suggests these rates are stage ⁄ size dependent (see Fig. 2). Evi- temperature dependent than development rates in the early
dence for this in other crustaceans is scarce. Data for the crab larval stages (Figs 2 and 3), resulting in a reverse TSR: body
Carcinus maenas follow a similar pattern, with growth rates size in early larval stages increases with increasing tempera-
of early zoeal stages being more temperature dependent than ture (Fig. 4). Only during later stages, when the temperature
later larval stages (Dawirs, Puschel & Schorn 1986). There is dependence of growth is less than that of development, is the
also weak support from data for growth rates in marine cope- TSR established. Therefore, the appearance of the TSR is not
pod species (Forster, Hirst & Woodward 2011b); specifically, determined solely by the temperature dependence of growth
the slopes of early nauplius logged growth rates vs. tempera- rates changing through ontogeny, but on growth having a
ture were found to be steeper than those of later copepodite lower temperature dependence than development rate in later
stages, although this result was not significant (2 sample t-test, larval stages. This highlights the importance of following
t = 1Æ94, P = 0Æ057; Forster, Hirst & Woodward 2011b). changes in both growth and development rates throughout
A decrease in the temperature dependence of growth through ontogeny.
ontogeny (with increasing stage ⁄ size) in A. franciscana has Does a mechanism exist to explain why the temperature
important implications for the TSR. Growth rates are more dependence of growth (the slopes in Fig. 2) decreases with

 2012 The Authors. Functional Ecology  2012 British Ecological Society, Functional Ecology, 26, 483–492
488 J. Forster & A. G. Hirst

1st generation
2nd generation

10 Stages 3 – 5 10 Stages 6 – 8

1 1

ln D = 0·78 + 1·97*TC ln D = 0·84 + 1·97*TC

20 25 30 20 25 30
Development rate (day–1)

10 Stages 9 – 11 10 Stages 12 – 14

1 1

ln D = 0·95 + 1·97*TC ln D = 0·80 + 1·97*TC

20 25 30 20 25 30
Fig. 3. Artemia franciscana stage-specific
10 Stages 15 – 17 10 development rates vs. temperature (C).
Rates are presented as averages across the 5
phases (stages 3–5, 6–8, 9–11, 12–14, 15–17).
Triangles are mean values for the 1st genera-
tion, and squares are means for the 2nd gen-
eration. Panel 6 shows the best fit models
(allometric model, eqn 2) for each of the
3–5 phases. All regressions are fitted through data
1 6–8 from both generations combined. Regression
9–11 equations are provided in each panel, where
ln D = 0·66 + 1·97*TC 12–14 D = development rate (day)1) and TC is
15–17 temperature T (C) centred around 25 C (i.e.
TC = [lnT ) ln(25)]. Note the log10–log10
20 25 30 20 25 30
scale, error bars represent 95% confidence
Temperature (°C) intervals.

increasing size in Artemia? Previous mechanistic models to has produced two mutually exclusive mechanisms based on
explain changes in growth rate with size and temperature the Von Bertalanffy (1957) growth rate model to explain
have been based on the Von Bertalanffy (1957) growth changes in growth rates associated with temperature. Perrin
equation: (1995) showed optimal life history to follow the TSR when
the temperature dependence of the catabolism coefficient l is
dW greater than that of anabolism k, assuming exponents m and
¼ kWm  lWn eqn 4
dt n are constants (0Æ75 and 1, respectively). Conversely, Strong
& Daborn (1980) used data for the isopod Idotea baltica to
argue that smaller size is driven by a decrease in m (from
where W = body weight, k is the coefficient of anabolism, l approximately 1Æ0 to 0Æ7) and increase in n (from approxi-
is the coefficient of catabolism and m and n are exponent mately 0Æ7 to 1Æ0) with increasing temperature, resulting in dif-
parameters. Increasing temperature can alter maximal body ferent allometries of anabolism and catabolism. Our results
size by changing either the coefficients or the exponents. suggest that neither of these proximate mechanisms are suffi-
Previous work by Perrin (1995) and Strong & Daborn (1980) cient to explain the change in growth rates in A. franciscana.

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Ontogenetic differences between growth and development rates 489

70 1st generation
1st generation (a) 100
60 2nd generation
2nd generation 90 Best fit line
50 80
Stage: 70

Dry weight (µg)

40 17* 60
30 50
20 30
Dry weight (µg)

13* 20

10 12* 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
8 11 (b)
6 10

Egg volume (mm3)

9 0·007
8 0·006
4 7
6 0·005
3 3 0·004
1 0·003
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Temperature (°C) 0·002

Fig. 4. Artemia franciscana larval stage dry weights (lg, log10 y-axis) 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
vs. temperature (C). Regression lines represent the best fit to the data Temperature (°C)
using a linear mixed effect model and eqn 3. Early larval stages (1–8)
show an inverse TSR, with TSR being established from stage 12 Fig. 5. (a) Artemia franciscana dry weight (lg, log10 y-axis) vs. tem-
onwards (asterisks denote negative slopes, which are significantly dif- perature (C) for stage 17, the final larval stage. Triangles represent
ferent from zero). These slope values and confidence intervals are the 1st generation, and squares represent the 2nd generation. The best
shown in the first panel of Figure 6. Best fit lines are given separately fit model (linear mixed effects model, eqn 3) was calculated and shows
for the 1st and 2nd generation. There was no significant effect of gen- the TSR equivalent to )2Æ96% dry weight C)1. (b) A. franciscana egg
eration on dry weight values, as including this within the mixed effects volume (mm3, log10 y-axis) vs. temperature (C). The best fit line (gen-
model did not improve the fit. eralized least squares regression model, eqn 3) shows no TSR, with a
change in volume equivalent to 0Æ08% C)1.
Perrin’s (1995) model assumes a decelerating rate of weight-
specific growth through ontogeny for small size to be optimal
at higher temperatures. This is not the case in A. franciscana, change between the first and second generation, with similar
where growth rates are faster during the later stages in which ontogenetic patterns in the decoupling of growth and devel-
abdominal segments are added (Fig. 1), nor is it the case in a opment rates in both (see Fig. 4). Further, generation number
large number of species including amphibians, cnidarians, did not have a significant effect on body size through ontog-
crustaceans, fish, insects, molluscs and reptiles [see review by eny (i.e. there were no size differences between first and sec-
Angilletta, Steury & Sears (2004)]. Strong & Daborn’s (1980) ond generation of organisms). We therefore suggest that
model implies that the temperature for maximal growth rate acclimatory compensation of growth and development rates
decreases with increasing size. We do not find support for to novel thermal environments may be extremely rapid. Is this
this, as growth rate was always at its maximum at the highest supported by data for other species in the wider literature?
temperature (32Æ5 C) in A. franciscana. Both interpretations Although there is a lack of growth and development rates
of the Von Bertalanffy (1957) growth equation are therefore measurements over multiple generations, we can infer the
inadequate at describing changes in growth rates in A. fran- acclimatory responses of these rates by examining available
ciscana. Both coefficient terms and exponents would have to data for body size. Data for Drosophila melanogaster size vs.
change to accommodate differences in growth rates across temperature showed the effect of generation (1st vs. 2nd gen-
different phases and at different temperatures (Kozowski, eration) to have significant effects on organism size; however,
Czarnoleski & Danko 2004). The lack of mechanistic expla- these size changes were extremely small and explained only
nation provided by the Von Bertalanffy (1957) highlights the 0Æ23% of the variation in body weight found (compared to
problems associated with this model type; indeed, a mechanis- 82% of variation explained by temperature; Karan et al.
tic explanation for why the temperature dependence of 1998). Similarly, small but significant changes have been
growth decreases with increasing size remains elusive. shown to occur in egg and adult size in D. melanogaster,
The temperature dependence of growth and development driven by differences in the parental thermal environment
rates for any particular phase of A. franciscana did not (Crill, Huey & Gilchrist 1996). Fischer et al. (2003) showed

 2012 The Authors. Functional Ecology  2012 British Ecological Society, Functional Ecology, 26, 483–492
490 J. Forster & A. G. Hirst

Artemia franciscana Daphnia pulex Acartia tonsa

2 2 2

0 0 0

–2 –2 –2

–4 –4 –4
(Gulbrandsen and (Leandro
Johnsen, 1990) et al., 2006)
–6 –6 –6
0 4 8 12 16 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Calanus finmarchicus Calanus sinicus 2 Paracalanus sp.

5 2
0 0
Percentage change in Mass°C–1

–5 –2
–10 –4
(Campbell –6
et al., 2001) (Uye,1988) (Uye,1991)
–15 –6
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Pseudocalanus newmani Pseudodiaptomus dubia Sinocalanus tenellus

5 2 2

0 0 0

–5 –2 –2

–10 –4 –4 Fig. 6. The temperature-size response through

(Lee et al., 2003) (Li et al., 2009) (Kimoto et al.,1986)
ontogeny in a variety of crustacean species;
–15 –6 –6 slopes are expressed as % change in weight
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 per C for a given stage. Species-specific life
1 1 stages were assigned arbitrary values from
Hyas araneus Hyas coarctatus Order: egg (0) to first instar (1) onwards. Therefore,
0 0 there is no relation, for example, between
Anostraca stage x of a crab species and stage x of a cope-
–1 –1 Cladocera pod species, but these are comparable within
Copepoda a group (copepod–copepod, crab–crab etc.).
–2 –2 Arrows indicate the adult stage. Daphnia
(Kunisch and
Anger, 1984) (Anger, 1984) Decapoda pulex data are embryonic stages (develop-
–3 –3 ment within mother); therefore, adult stage is
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
not indicated. Error bars represent 95%
Life stage confidence intervals.

that the butterfly Bicyclus anynana lays larger eggs at cooler Nijhout 2004). This suggests there may be common tempera-
temperatures, but that the effect of oviposition temperature ture-size patterns in adult ectotherms, but that these are not
does not significantly alter size at later larval stages when simply linear or exponential terms. Indeed, applying empiri-
reared at a common temperature. Data for the yellow dung cal relationships between growth and development rates data
fly Scatophaga stercoraria showed maternal temperature did have previously also resulted in the prediction of this concave
not have a significant effect on offspring growth rates (Blanc- shape (Davidowitz, D’amico & Nijhout 2004; Forster, Hirst
kenhorn 2000). Similarly, data for the hawkmoth M. sexta, & Woodward 2011b). We found A. franciscana did not attain
where eggs were hatched at different temperatures then reared adult stage at the lowest temperature in the 2nd generation,
at a common temperature, showed the hatch temperature to thus this lower temperature may be harmful over multiple
affect initial larval size, but that this disappeared by the generations. Low survivability, coupled with long generation
fourth instar (Potter, Davidowitz & Woods 2011). These times, make rearing ectotherms and obtaining data at lower
studies, and our own, suggest rapid acclimation of growth thermal limits more difficult, which may explain why the
and development rates in ectothermic species. majority of studies do not show a concave shape (Kingsolver
We found size to decline in later stages at the lowest & Huey 2008). Further, the low survivability associated with
temperature (Fig. 5A). This concave thermal response of cold stress suggests that this aspect of the TSR may not be rel-
adult has previously been found in other ectotherm species, evant in the field, as maintaining populations at these lower
including Drosophila (data for both wing length and mass, temperatures over multiple generations was not possible.
David et al. 1997; Karan et al. 1998; Petavy et al. 2001; Ray Examining the temperature-size response through
1960), aphids (Lamb et al. 1987), aquatic insects (Vannote ontogeny in A. franciscana, we found no relationship in
and Sweeney 1980), leeches (Young and Ironmonger 1982), eggs, an inverse TSR in early larval stages and a signifi-
frogs (Smith-Gill & Berven 1979), copepods (Kimoto, Uye & cant TSR established at stage 12 (Figs 4 and 6). Although
Onbe 1986; Hansen et al. 2011) and a moth (Davidowitz & the establishment of a significant temperature-size response

 2012 The Authors. Functional Ecology  2012 British Ecological Society, Functional Ecology, 26, 483–492
Ontogenetic differences between growth and development rates 491

occurs at the same point as the shifts from slower to more Angilletta, M.J., Steury, T.D. & Sears, M.W. (2004) Temperature, growth rate,
and body size in ectotherms: fitting pieces of a life history puzzle. Integrative
rapid growth (and from thoracic segments being added to
and Comparative Biology, 44, 498–509.
abdominal segments, Fig. 1), this appears largely circum- Arendt, J.D. (2011) Size-fecundity relationships, growth trajectories, and the
stantial: the change from a negative temperature-size temperature-size rule for ectotherms. Evolution, 65, 43–51.
Atkinson, D. (1994) Temperature and organism size – A biological law for ecto-
response is cumulative, with stage 1 showing the most nega-
therms. Advances in Ecological Research, 25, 1–58.
tive temperature-size response, and this getting less negative Atkinson, D., Ciotti, B.J. & Montagnes, D.J.S. (2003) Protists decrease
with increasing stage, until a significant temperature-size in size linearly with temperature: ca. 2.5% degrees C)1. Proceedings of
the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 270, 2605–
response is established at stage 12. Other crustacean species
follow similar patterns. Early larval stages show little or no Blanckenhorn, W.U. (2000) Temperature effects on egg size and their fitness
temperature dependence of their size (and sometimes a consequences in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria. Evolutionary
Ecology, 14, 627–643.
reverse TSR), whereas later stages show the more typical
Browne, R.A., Sorgeloos, P. & Trotman, C.N.A. (1991) Artemia Biology. CRC
TSR, with size declining with increasing temperature. This Press, Florida.
suggests that the temperature-size relationship is commonly Burnham, K.P. & Anderson, D.M. (2002) Model Selection and Multimodel
Inference: A Practical Information-Theoretic Approach. Springer, New
‘reset’ at the beginning of each generation (Forster, Hirst &
Atkinson 2011a). Indeed, the data of Leandro, Tiselius & Campbell, R.G., Wagner, M.M., Teegarden, G.J., Boudreau, C.A. & Durbin,
Queiroga (2006) for Acartia tonsa (see our Fig. 6) show that E.G. (2001) Growth and development rates of the copepod Calanus finmar-
chicus reared in the laboratory. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 221,
individuals acclimated for at least two generations to their
thermal environment show this same pattern. This lends Cornell, H.V. & Hawkins, B.A. (1995) Survival patterns and mortality sources
further support to the theory that crustaceans follow a com- of herbivorous insects: some demographic trends. The American Naturalist,
145, 563–593.
mon pattern of size responses to temperature, with initial
Crill, W.D., Huey, R.B. & Gilchrist, G.W. (1996) Within- and between-genera-
size being relatively temperature independent even when tion effects of temperature on the morphology and physiology of Drosophila
organisms are maintained at temperatures for multiple melanogaster. Evolution, 50, 1205–1218.
David, J.R., Gibert, P., Gravot, E., Petavy, G., Morin, J.P., Karan, D. & More-
teau, B. (1997) Phenotypic plasticity and developmental temperature in Dro-
Although we have restricted our analysis to crustaceans, sophila: analysis and significance of reaction norms of morphometrical
data from other ectothermic groups have shown egg size to traits. Journal of Thermal Biology, 22, 441–451.
Davidowitz, G., D’amico, L.J. & Nijhout, H.F. (2004) The effects of environ-
be less temperature dependent than adult size (e.g. see the
mental variation on a mechanism that controls insect body size. Evolutionary
synthesis of Forster, Hirst & Atkinson 2011a). Further sup- Ecology Research, 6, 49–62.
port for the TSR emerging only in later larval stages comes Davidowitz, G. & Nijhout, H.F. (2004) The physiological basis of reaction
norms: the interaction among growth rate, the duration of growth and body
from the insect M. sexta (Davidowitz, D’amico & Nijhout
size. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 44, 443–449.
2004, Davidowitz & Nijhout 2004; Diamond & Kingsolver Dawirs, R.R., Puschel, C. & Schorn, F. (1986) Temperature and growth in
2010). It should be noted, however, that some species have Carcinus maenas l (Decapoda, Portunidae) larvae reared in the laboratory
from hatching through metamorphosis. Journal of Experimental Marine
significant changes in egg and ⁄ or early larval size with tem-
Biology and Ecology, 100, 47–74.
perature (Crill, Huey & Gilchrist 1996, Van Voorhies 1996; De Jong, G. (2010) A biophysical interpretation of temperature-dependent
Ernsting & Isaaks 1997; Blanckenhorn 2000; Fischer, Brake- body size in Drosophila aldrichi and D. buzzatii. Journal of Thermal Biology,
35, 85–99.
field & Zwaan 2003; Hassall et al. 2006; Steigenga & Fischer
Diamond, S.E. & Kingsolver, J.G. (2010) Environmental dependence of ther-
2007), with size changes following the TSR. The fact that mal reaction norms: host plant quality can reverse the temperature size rule.
egg and early larval stages are temperature dependent in The American Naturalist, 175, 1–10.
Ernsting, G. & Isaaks, J.A. (1997) Effects of temperature and season on egg
some ectotherms, but typically not in crustaceans, shows
size, hatchling size and adult size in Notiophilus biguttatus. Ecological
that different groups with different life history patterns Entomology, 22, 32–40.
respond to temperature in different ways. This suggests dif- Fischer, K., Brakefield, P.M. & Zwaan, B.J. (2003) Plasticity in butterfly
egg size: why larger offspring at lower temperatures? Ecology, 84, 3138–
ferent proximate mechanisms bring about temperature-size
changes in different taxa, which in turn gives weight to the Fischer, K., Eenhoorn, E., Bot, A.N.M., Brakefield, P.M. & Zwaan, B.J. (2003)
idea that the TSR is an adaptive response (Atkinson 1994; Cooler butterflies lay larger eggs: developmental plasticity versus acclima-
tion. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences,
Atkinson, Ciotti & Montagnes 2003), i.e. there is a fitness
270, 2051–2056.
benefit to smaller size at warmer temperature and organisms Forster, J., Hirst, A.G. & Atkinson, D. (2011a) How do organisms change size
achieve this through a variety of mechanisms. with changing temperature? The importance of reproductive method and
ontogenetic timing Functional Ecology, 25, 1024–1031.
Forster, J., Hirst, A.G. & Woodward, G. (2011b) Growth and development
Acknowledgements rates have different thermal responses. The American Naturalist, 178,
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O’connor, M.I., Bruno, J.F., Gaines, S.D., Halpern, B.S., Lester, S.E., Kinlan, Supporting Information
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implications for marine ecology, evolution, and conservation. PNAS, 104, Additional supporting information may be found in the online ver-
1266–1271. sion of this article.
Partridge, L., Barrie, B., Fowler, K. & French, V. (1994) Evolution and devel-
opment of body-size and cell-size in Drosophila melanogaster in response to Appendix S1. Staging Artemia franciscana.
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Perrin, N. (1995) About Berrigan and Charnov life-history puzzle. Oikos, 73,
137–139. As a service to our authors and readers, this journal provides support-
Petavy, G.B., Moreteau, B., Gibert, P., Morin, J.P. & David, J.R. (2001) ing information supplied by the authors. Such materials may be reor-
Phenotypic plasticity of body size in Drosophila: effects of a daily periodicity ganized for online delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset.
of growth temperature in two sibling species. Physiological Entomology, 26,
Technical support issues arising from supporting information (other
Potter, K.A., Davidowitz, G. & Woods, H.A. (2011) Cross-stage consequences than missing files) should be addressed to the authors.
of egg temperature in the insect Manduca sexta. Functional Ecology, 25,

 2012 The Authors. Functional Ecology  2012 British Ecological Society, Functional Ecology, 26, 483–492

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