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A.Y. 2021 – 2022

Thanksgiving Prayer for Being a Member of

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish

Class No. _____F-5 Date of Submission: __October 22, 2021__

Family Name, Given Name _____Calma, Clara _______________
Grade & Section____________11 – ABM B ST.SEBASTIAN______________________


Next year, 2022, will be the 50th founding anniversary of our parish, Saint Aloysius
Gonzaga Parish.

As members of this parish, we are grateful to become a part of this Christian community
and Body of Christ. To show your gratitude, compose a thanksgiving prayer for being a
member of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish. (20 POINTS)

Thanksgiving Prayer for Being a Member of

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish

1st Paragraph
In not more than 3 sentences, tell God what make/s you happy as a member of
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish.

2ND Paragraph
In not more than 3 sentences, thank God for being a member of this parish
through the intercession of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga.

3rd Paragraph
In not more than 3 sentences, make a commitment or a promise to God that you
joyfully offer or share ways on how to become an active member of Saint Aloysius
Gonzaga despite the many challenges that you have encountered.
Thanksgiving Prayer for Being a Member of
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish
As one of the members of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish I’m glad that I can become
one with the others as I can interact with God and thank him for the blessings and kindness he
has been giving me and the other people close to me. I was able to learn and listen to the mass
homily and reflect on my life and decisions that I have made for the past years, it had me
thinking and realize things in my life that I haven’t had thought of before. Being a member of
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish was truly a blessing as I can walk through this journey with
guidance and faith, taking it step by step and slowly doing our best to reach the right path, but
even if we fail we always need to try and have belief that God will guide and protect us into
choosing our own path, and remember that we are always not alone.

Throughout the intercession of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish, I was capable of appreciating
more and being inspired to the words of God, he was able to lift my spirit through his words. It
was pleasing and touching to appeal them as it pursues for prayer, healing and guidance into
receiving gifts from God and always be thankful for it. As we serve and pray to God, we will be
able to learn and understand on how the words of God will uplift our spirits, guide us through our
journey, and able to interact with not only with God but other people surrounding us.

To God I will be forever grateful, whenever I was facing obstacles and thinking of giving up you
chose to guide and give me the motivation to fight, try, and think of the best decision to do when
it happens. Use me, Lord, to magnify Your name and honor, as well as Your Kingdom, in
accordance with Your desire, as I submit myself to you, Lord God, I pledge to do all I do, speak
everything I say, and make every decision for the benefit of Your Kingdom, not mine. I come
before you today, Lord God, to offer you all of myself my body, mind, and soul, everything I
have, everything I am, is yours and yours alone.

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