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Meeting 5


Sharing Stories
Do you know your own habits? Share stories about your habits and find
out more about your partner’s habits in a friendly exchange.
1. How many hours of sleep do you usually get? Is that enough sleep for you?
2. Do you usually use an alarm clock to wake up? How often do you oversleep?
3. What time do you usually get up in the morning? Do you get up with the sun?
4. Can you describe your morning habits? Are you in a hurry?
5. What do you eat for breakfast? What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
6. How did you come to Campus today? Did you arrive by foot, by bus, or by car?
7. How long is your daily commute to work or school?
8. What’s your daily schedule like? Busy? Slow? Loose? Full?
9. What was your daily schedule like last year? How is different now?
10. Do you do many things at the last minute? Why?
11. In your daily life, what modern appliances or machines do you use?
12. What task or chore have you put off or postponed?
13. In what kind of stores do you prefer to shop for clothes? Thrift?
14. Where do you like buying your groceries? Why?
15. who do you go with for shoppimg?

Please circle the words that you know. Use them to write four sentences.
oversleep ...................................................................................................
schedule ....................................................................................................
tend to.......................................................................................................
addict ........................................................................................................
lifestyle ......................................................................................................
consumer ..................................................................................................
1. What kind of consumer are you? A bargain hunter? Impulsive buyer?
2. What are your TV viewing habits? Do you always watch certain shows? Which ones?
3. How often do you use a computer? When do you send email?
4. What are some dangerous or unhealthy addictions?
5. Do you consider smoking a bad habit? Why?
6. In what ways are you self-disciplined?
7. Are you lazy in any ways? How?
8.Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? Why?
9. What is your favorite time of day? Why?
10. How does your weekends differ from your Monday-Friday routine?
11. What are some of your healthier habits?
12. What are some of your less healthy habits?
13. How do your habits compare to your parents’ habits at your age?
14. Have your daily habits changed since moving to Medan?
15. Given a choice, would you prefer to live now or some years years ago? Why?

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