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WEEK 7 not stoop down even a little bit, but not too high you cannot

establish eye contact with your audience.

Garcia et al. (2009) remarked that language fluency is the
degree to which one is fluent in a language. You are said to be
fluent if you have a high level of language proficiency, most
typically in a foreign language or another learned language. It
also narrowly denotes a fluid language use, as opposed to a
slow, halting speech. Fluency is necessary but not sufficient to
You can only be understood to your satisfaction if you
cultivate language proficiency. Fluent language users
speak clearly. You must remember that every speech sound
(particularly uneducated native speakers) may have average
counts and can mean precisely what you want. The urgency of
size vocabulary, limited discourse strategies, and inaccurate
what you say depends on whether you are understood. If you
word use. They may be illiterate, as well. Native language
tend to eat your words, or garble, the people who listen to you
speakers are often incorrectly referred to as fluent. Many
will not respond according to your expectations.
native speakers exhibit problems identified with fluency, such
as inaccurate pronunciations, skipping speech sounds, and
Bernardo et al. (2013) pointed out that when you enunciate
substandard dialectical speech. Furthermore, Bernardo et al.
carefully, others can understand what you say. Words that are
(2013) pointed out that if you have fluency, you read and
clearly spoken are likely to be taken seriously because they are
speak in such a manner that your words and thoughts flow
understood. Abulencia (2004) is convinced that it is but
smoothly. When delivery is fluent, speech is not jerky or
necessary that the utterance of words must be clear.
painfully slow, and there is no stumbling over words or
Pagcaliwagan (2014) is in accord that proper pronunciation
groping for thoughts. (See Appendix C.)
adds to the dignity of the message you utter. It allows a
listener’s attention to be focused on the message you say Fluency is basically one’s ability to be understood by both
rather than on mistakes in pronunciation. native and non-native listeners. A higher level would be
bilingual, which indicates one is native-like in fluency in two
You slur when you seem to be not too sure on what you are languages, either having learned them simultaneously or
saying, or you feel too timid that your mouth is not opening one after another. Fluency is a speech language pathology
inadequately. Oftentimes this can be beyond your control as term that means the smoothness with which sounds,
your jaw muscles grind and lips quiver producing syllables, words and phrases are joined together when
undiscernible speech sounds. Your unintelligible speech speaking quickly. "Fluency disorders" are used as a
emanates from conflating speech sounds, syllables, and collective term for cluttering and stuttering. Both disorders have
words that they sound indistinct and incomprehensible. You breaks in the fluidity of speech, and both have the
fail to speak clearly when you miss a speech sound, such as fluency breakdown of repetition of parts of speech. The
morphemes, or meaningful sounds, that signal plural number latter though are most often complex in nature and they
or verb tense. Tendero et al. (2014) encouraged you to speak tend to occur more often in boys than in girls.
and read individual words clearly—with proper
enunciation, sufficient volume, and at a reasonable pace. Tension causes you to muffle your pronunciation. Muscles that
are part of your vocal system have to be relaxed because
Cayanan (2000) promoted individual words correctly. This they can result in poor speech. Tension in them has to be
involves using the right sounds to vocalize words, stressing the diminished or eliminated if you want to have natural and clear
right syllables, and in many languages, giving proper pronunciation. The mandibular muscles have to be put at
attention to diacritics. Abulencia (2004) recommended eased to execute the linguistic neural command. The same is
learning to make good use of a dictionary, asking someone to be expected with the condition of the lips. Their movements
who reads well to listen to you and offer counsel, and should be in sync with the through, lungs, and diaphragm.
taking note of pronunciation of good speakers. You can Any tension with them can cause the mouth to open
also compare your own pronunciation with theirs. insufficiently, producing forced or weak speech sounds. You
must watch out overdoing the relaxing of the jaws and lips that
If you want to speak clearly, you must have knowledge of the
your speech sounds sloppy and garrulous. Practice relaxing
nature of spoken language. Speech is a stretch of sounds. In
your neck, jaw, lips, facial muscles, and throat muscles.
reality though, what you are hearing are distinct speech
Bernardo et al. (2013) listed the following exercises to
sounds, constituting meaningful forms built up upon each
improve the way of speaking making it clearer: speak in
other – a speech sound, a morpheme, a syllable, a word, a
your normal manner; practice reading aloud; be sure to hold
phrase, and a sentence. Cayanan (2000) suggested that one
your head up; relax the muscles of your jaw.
of the keys to saying words clearly is understanding the
makeup of words in your language. Practice to read aloud so you can hear yourself. You
have to know more about how your vocal system functions.
If the words of a language are made up of syllables, it is
You have to ask yourself from time to time these questions to
important to place the primary stress on the correct
improve your fluency: Do I open my mouth adequately enough
syllable. Many languages that use such a structure have a
in speaking to be heard clearly and understandably by others?
regular pattern of oral stress. Where there are exceptions to
Am I aware of the role of the tongue in pronouncing both
that pattern, an accent mark may be part of the written word.
the consonant and vowel sounds? Do I have natural
This helps to make proper pronunciation relatively easy.
facial and bodily movements? If not, this may suggest
However, if the pattern is not consistent, the problem is
you are uncomfortable in speaking. You may be speaking
more difficult. Dealing with it successfully requires much
Most of the time it slips past someone’s knowledge that
Propping the head up and putting forward the chin can
he has a problem in the way he speaks. In fact, he might even
eliminate the muffling in our speaking. If you are holding your
think that he is a good speaker. Thus, with this idea in
outline or notes, make sure these are high enough you would
mind, listening to your pronunciation can improve your
speaking ability. With recorder on your mobile phone, you can 7. Do not be a Chinese action movie with your joke. Never
record how you speak when giving a talk and when say, “I have a funny story tell you. Oh my, this is really a
engaging in a conversation. You can examine speech sounds hilarious joke I am about to share with you.”
you struggle in pronouncing or those sounds which we unwarily
mispronounce. Asking a person who is a proven effective 8. Never give up for your joke. Bring it home. Once you ride
speaker and has a good command of pronunciation to help you the horse, run breakneck fast with it until you get to your
examine your pronunciation can be valuable. You can check destination. If it does not get the giggle, at least you have
an online source on how the problematic speech sounds tried, and not many knows if you it turned out a dud
or words be pronounced properly. anyway.

If you have a speech problem, not the clinical type, you 9. Timing is everything. You have to know when to
can still do much to improve it. You can start with opening give it to the audience. Be aware of the audience and learn to
your mouth wider than you used to do. Remember to breathe be spontaneous.
properly, feel the airstream slowly flowing out from the lungs,
10. Generate tension. Hold it off until the maximal moment
then speak in relaxed manner. If you do these
you can make the one-liner the funniest. No need to race
suggestions, you can observe some improvement in your
through your joke.
speech, and you can possibly overcome your speech handicap
if you experience one. Lisping can be controlled if you keep 11. Be felicitous. Remember the power dynamics. The
your tongue away from the teeth. This suggestion is powerful are the fair play. They are always open season to
applicable to speech sounds such as /s/ and /z/. you. They will not lose their wealth or power, only maybe a little
of their dignity. The poor who do have much, only have dignity
which they cannot afford to lose with your sarcastic joke.
DELIVERING A HUMOROUS SPEECH You may also use the tactics below which are
Delivering a humorous speech requires speaking clearly. You valuable in creating humor:
must speak without hesitation, roundabout, and excessive
fillers. You should be able to express thought groups clearly to A. DERAILING – Your joke is chugging on the railway. Your
convey the kind of idea the audience will find funny. listener does not see it coming until the end.
Humorous speech is not just telling joke. Its goal is not
just to entertain but to enlighten people about things they B. MISQUOTING – Popular quotations or sayings can be
may overlook or even ignore, but given a second look, they screwed a little bit to make them sound hilarious,
make them or the world irrational, odd, or outright ridiculous.
You have to be witty, honest, serious, or sometimes a bit C. EXAGGERATION – People know you are kidding around
sarcastic to deliver a humorous speech. Your speech does not when what you are saying sounds preposterous and
have to be entirely about being humorous. Saying humor is just improbable.
a part of your speech, spicing it up. Humor will make
hosting a program, giving an informative speech, or D. UNDERSTATEMENT – It is when you say less about
making a presentation engaging, fascinating, and something or someone, even yourself, that the audience
illuminating. know you are undervaluing something important or serious.

Below are some suggestions how you can give them: E. IRONY – This saying something when your audience
are aware very well that you mean the contrary.
1. Fire away a joke in three acts. Just learn how to
tell a story. You know a lot of stories, many of them are your F. SUBVERTING THE GOOD OR HOLY – There are matters
experiences or those of other people you know. If you become people hold moral and sacred. You talk about it with less
good in recounting a story, being familiar with story seriousness than it deserves you are going to quite sound
elements such as exposition, conflict, and a resolution, you funny sometimes.
can be humorous. Know how to deal with the concept of
suspense. G. BEING A DEVIL’S ADVOCATE – You champion
something commonly held to be wrong, unethical, or immoral.
2. Jokes can be putting two things utterly a contradiction,
throwing off listeners from something they expect. H. PUN – You impart humor emanating from words that sound
You draw them to a particular path, only to show something alike. You can use a homonym that somewhat
they have not anticipated. This is a two-story joke: kick it off distracts the interpretation processing of the audience.
with a setup, then dash to the finish line with a punchline.
I. PARODY – You imitate somebody for comical effect. You
3. Make sure you and your listeners share social
can retell a controversial action or event in a less serious tone
context and experience, easily cocking the set-up. Do or in lower scale. Make sure the audience have the same
not explain too much or give away punch line by a hint. knowledge of what you are referring to.
4. People invest time to wait for your punch
J. CARICATURE – You distort details or characteristics of
line. Polish your punchline by testing it to your family
your subject matter. In the same vein as that of parody, your
and people you know. Observe their reaction.
listeners must be acquainted adequately of your topic.
5. Go for the rule of three-pop-joke structure. For
example: same, same, different: Forbs, White Plain, Smokey K. IMPERSONATION – You can portray a particular
Mountain famous or controversial character. Be sure to copy exactly
some minute and attention-grabbing details of his personality.
6. Laugh at yourself. Make fun of yourself – your
idiosyncrasy, experience, or blunder.
L. BLUNDER – You try to innocently commit a slippage American English British English
or flub that would come across comedic to your audience.
1. process /prásεs/ 1. /prósεs/
2. patent /pæt∂nt/ 2. /pét∂nt/
The state of English as a language spoken the world over has
3. migraine /máIgren/ 3. /mígren/
entered the period labeled as "World English,” a phase of 4. path /pæѲ/ 4. /paѲ/
English evolution “witnessed by the transformation of
English from the mother tongue of a handful of nations to
a language being used by far more speakers in non-mother MORPHOLOGICAL LEVEL
tongue settings (Brutt-Griffler, 2002). It could be added 1. Third person reflexive pronouns –
that this is “accompanied this spread--the multiplicity of Examples: herself/his self (himself), their selves (themselves)
varieties--result not from the faulty and imperfect learning of
the non-mother tongue speakers, but from the nature of the 2. Omission of Final –s on Verbs –
process of micro-acquisition, language spread and change" Examples: He walk (walks).She walk (walks). David do it.
(Brutt-Griffler, 2002).
3. Application of regularization rule on past tense –
LEXICAL LEVEL: Example: I seed him yesterday. (I saw him yesterday.)

U.S. Northern U.S. Southern Syntactic Level

Pail Bucket 1. Inversion in wh-Interrogatives
Bag Sack Example: What it is? (What is it?)
Faucet Spigot
2. Double negative
General U.S Canada Example: I don’t have no money? (I don’t have money.)
Faucet Tap
Napkin Serviette 3. Habitual be or distributive be-
Sofa Chesterfield Example: He be looking for work. (He is always looking for
General U.S British English
Photo Snap
Stove Cooker Pragmatic Level
Plan Scheme
Speech Act Analysis
Some varieties manifest the expression of phonological Illocutionary Act: The action deployed in the utterance.
rules, and below are some of their examples: Example:
Cigarette is dangerous to your health. > Stop smoking.
1. Consonant epenthesis
A consonant segment is inserted between two vowel According to McArthur (2002), some suppression of variation at
segments which follow each other on the final and initial slots these levels is observed in certain domains of language use,
of words. It is known as linking r. examples of which are identified below:
Example: The idea[r] is crazy.
Airports: You can see these on signage with other local
2. Vowel epenthesis and international languages and observe also in the speech of
A vowel segment is inserted between two to three the personnel.
consonant segments which follow each other in a word.
Newspapers and Periodicals: English language broadsheet
Example: He is an ath[Ə]lete. newspapers and magazine-style periodicals usually gear to this
3. Vowel neutralization
Vowels /I/ and /ɛ/ lose contrast before a nasal consonant. Broadcast Media: The programming of CNN, the BBC, and other TV
Examples: p[i]n and p/ɛ/n(Words such as pin or pen.) news-and-views services use what is recognized as international
or world English.
4. Vocalization
Substitutes /Ə/ for post-vocalic liquid /l/ or /r/. Computer use, email, and the Internet/Web: Common English in
computer and Internet services as those offered by Microsoft.
Example: there > the/Ə/
Every now and then you meet a person who speaks English as
5. Canadian raising
a native speaker or as a non-native speaker. His proficiency
It raises the vowel /a/ to /⋀/, especially when following a
level of English may be either higher or lower than you,
voiceless consonant.
disparity that may affect the success of communication.
Example: out = /o/ut > /⋀/ ut
Thus, the success of communication is measured on the
outcome of the verbal oral interaction between the speaker and
the listener, not just how clear the utterance to the listener, nor
Suprasegmental Level: how clear it may be in the mind of the speaker when expressed
Some varieties manifest the expression of suprasegmental (Smith & Nelson, 2008).
rules, and below are some examples:

Stress: Varieties of English continue to expand inner circle -

American English, Australian English, Canadian English, Regenbogen et al. (2012) pointed out that “human
and South African English; outer circle – India, Philippines, communication is based on a dynamic information exchange
Nigeria, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Kenya; expanding circle – of the communication channels through facial expressions,
Russia, Japan, China, South Korea, and Indonesia. prosody, and speech content.”

The inner circle is perceived to be the source of the norms of Below are three questions you are urged to addressed:
English. The outer circle is its developer. The expanding circle
is the norm user. The developing of the norm is recently to be Why do some colleagues stand far apart from each other?
taking place with teachers teaching oral English with the What does it mean when a supervisor gives a blank stare?
understandability as target rather than accuracy or being Does body posture play a role in perceiving who has a higher
native-like (Celce-Murcia et al. 1996). The position of native status?
speaker as the source of norms has been contested since a
great number of speakers use it as a second language or Above are some of the questions whose answers you will
foreign language (Smith, 1992). start wondering how to know once you find yourself in a
situation where they just hover in your head. Most likely
Accentedness, the condition of how close you can sound like these situations will occur when you are engaging your
a native speaker, is promoted in BPO industry. The activation profession. The college education you have completed gives
of the phonological and suprasegmental rules has created you knowledge, skills, and training which you can use to
varieties which may be too indistinct. The situation may build a career, making you a productive member of the
emphasize the role being played by the ability to society. You also owe your family, friends, and probably
recognize speech segments and suprasegments of speech, religion the attitudes, beliefs, and values for the
the quality of intelligibility – the single most important achievements you have achieved in your profession. At work
aspect of all communication (Munro, 2011). This quality is also you learn more, proving yourself an invaluable asset of your
the “belief that effective communication is the goal of any company.
language encounter and can be achieved regardless of one’s
accent” (Levelle, et al. 2005). At your place of work, you are with people whom you
constantly interact. This involves talking with them, primarily
The principal elements of understandability are because the scope of your job can be accomplished by asking
Intelligibility, comprehensibility, and interpretability (Munro & their cooperation and support. You also converse with them
Derwing, 2011, Nelson, 2008; Pickering, 2006). because you must know them personally. If you have to know
Intelligibility refers recognition of utterances, perceiving your enemy – his strength and weakness – to defeat him,
and identifying them based on a linguistic and cognitive much more with people whom you will work for five, ten, or
model. Comprehensibility is processing the meaning twenty years –or even the rest of your life. Your co-
of utterances; and interpretability is determining the intent employees also have to talk to you frequently because
behind the utterances (Smith, 1992). they need your cooperation and support and also to know
Each will impact on each other. Otherwise, being not able to more about you.
recognize the utterances will not lead to comprehensibility;
failure to process the words, how they constitute to be an A principal aspect of communication though of
utterance, will hardly result in obtaining the intent of the communication has been influencing how you interact with
speaker.(Celce-Murcia et al. 1996). your superiors, co-employees, clients, customers, and patients.
This happens without you saying a speech sound (a vowel or
consonant), word, or utterance. This is the nonverbal aspect of
Some factors can result in intelligibility, communication or nonverbal communication by itself.
comprehensibility, and interpretability, and these are
listener experience and semantic context. This form of communication may have largely overlooked or
belittled at your work. Your major subjects back in college
Listener experience refers to the extent of previous exposure might have not developed topics and allotted hours to provide
to L2 speech. Familiarity with the speaker and certain type of you the knowledge and skills on how to be proficient in
speech increases recognition of utterances, generation of engaging in nonverbal communication. It is not also in the
meanings, and drawing out of intents (Bradlow et al. 1999 ). content of the trainings you have received to improve your
Semantic context is the degree and type of semantic work. This may be upsetting to you if only you found out the
information listeners have to decipher an utterance. It result of such writing off the role of nonverbal communication to
becomes predictable to them. your career growth and personal satisfaction. If only you knew,
this form of communication is the most important
Intelligibility is a dialogic process where a speaker and aspect of communication (Drucker and Maciariello, 2009). A
a listener employ strategies of meaning negotiation (Jenkin, research revealed that its content was sixty-five percent
2000). It is described as active, interactive, and context- more powerful than verbal content, whether spoken or
dependent, whose driving force emanates from the written (Price, 2003). Dismissing its role to the productivity of
participants’ strategic use of strategies to arrive at mutual the employees may dent on financially later (Hamilton, 2010).
understanding (Kaur, 2018). Some of the strategies are
repetition (repairing), paraphrase, inserting qualifying lexical ELEMENTS OF NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION
item, confirmation, clarification request. Verbal communication may have advantages over that
of nonverbal communication. It has more systematic
written form. Given that English writing system falls short in
WEEK 8 capturing the nuances of its speech counterpart, it may still be
able to express the ideas, attitudes, and feelings of what you
COMMUNICATING BY GESTURES AND BODILY want to say with relative clarity. You can leave a short note or
MOVEMENTS write an email or memo to convey an instruction to a workmate,
a marketing spiel to a prospective buyer, or diagnosis to a
patient. You spend most of the mental, cognitive, aural, and shifts, body part movement, touching of the head, face, neck,
visual resources in verbal communication than you do in or hair, eye contact and increased smiling as indexes of
nonverbal communication. This use of resources increases deception (De Paulo et al., 2003).
the possibility of success in communication. Verbal
communication instills assurance in the speaker and his 5. Effective work-related nonverbal communication can
listener that they understand each other, which is less than you be learned. Studies have revealed professionals in
can expect for nonverbal communication. medical and health science, who understand what it does,
receive higher approval rate from their patients than those
Nonverbal communication actually happens in parallel with who overlook its importance (Rosenthla, 1979; Campbell
verbal communication. The client liking your engineering and Kagan, 1971; and DiMatteo, 1979). Knapp (2002)
construction plan makes you feel confident of securing the deal observed how a manager’s office accessible to the staff can
because his statements are uttered with smile and bushy promote good communication.
eyes. Nonverbal communication seems to be redundant
of the verbal communication, but occurring simultaneously, it
also complements and improves the dialogic nature of EXAMINING NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION AND WORK
communication. Nonverbal communication can be broken down into
components to understand how it works. These
According to the book titled The Importance of Effective components are, but not limited to, appearance, movement,
Communication, it fulfills these four roles: facial behavior, vocal behavior, space, touch, and time.
1. Repetition: It mirrors and fortifies what you are trying to 1. As you admit as a priori, attractive people get more
convey in your speech. positive attention even before they speak. In fact, most of
them are better compensated compared to average looking
2. Contradiction: It can unmask your real intention by (French, 2002). With the appearance, you can consider the
creating distrust because you do not actually mean what you facial looks, height, and dress.
are trying to say. a. Facial looks somewhat translate to intellectual
superiority, until what is in the head is revealed (Jackson,
3. Substitution: It can replace your spoken or written Hunter, and Hodge, 1995). Though there is not much you can
message. For example, you would stare blankly at the do with regard to your physical features – pointedness of the
customer if he asked more discount than that you had given nose, color of the eyes, shape of the lips, and complexion, the
already. dress you wear can be within our control.
b. Judge and Cable (2004) reported that height
4. Accenting: It may reinforce the urgency of your positively correlated to social esteem, leader emergence,
message or the strength of the underlying emotion. For performance, and success.
example, some middle eastern people seem to chop their c. The dress you wear, granted there is no
palm with their other stretched and unclenched hand when uniform, is one of the variables your personality, identity,
they want to be understood badly. professional behavior, and intent can be gauged (Galin &
Benoliel, 1990). Even until now many people want to be
However, nonverbal communication can also be effective if employees of IBM because of the iconic image of the IBM
you are aware of some of the principles that govern its uniform of consultant (Smith, 1999).
deployment. Below are some of them:
2. Movement, “kinesis” in Greek, refers to hand, arm, body,
1. Nonverbal communication is context dependent face, and leg movements. Body language refers to the
(Weisbuch at al., 2010). Though some code of changes that occur in the body position and movements
interpretation of gestures, facial expression, and vocal that indicate what the person is feeling or thinking. It is
tone is available, it cannot be relied on all instances. Just involuntary and unconscious, so you are not aware of our body
like verbal communication, it is influenced by culture language, though it has impact on those who notice it. Body
(Drary, 2010). The hand sign ok, the middle fingertip language can magnify or destroy a presentation. If there is
touching the thumb, suggests the idea of being fine in U.S., an emotion that suggests friendliness and happiness, it has to
referring to money in Japan, expressing obscenity in the Arab be smile. It is universal and specie determined. You recognize
countries, and standing for a musical note. it and exploit it to create a mood. An unknown author once
remarked about the incomparable beauty of smile when he
2. Some cultural influences on the expression said that “a smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches
of nonverbal communication are controlled in public those who receive, without making poorer those who give.”
place. Office and any other context where a profession is The communicative content of smile is dependent on the
practiced may cancel out the social and physical distance that interpretative nature of perception (Robson, J., & Beck, J.
is normally observed as an area of nonverbal 1999). You smile to suggest you are non-committal into
communication. However, it is also counteracted by the something. You have to be conscious of your smile because it
overriding influence of the values of teamwork, might be seen as sarcastic.
cooperation, and friendliness (Wharton and Erickson, 1993).
Below are some aspects of the movement you have to be
3. It is honest and sincere. A salesman can look on familiar to be effective in this component of nonverbal
facial and bodily expressions that suggest what customer’s communication.
feelings really are more than what his words are imparting
(Puccinelli, Motyka, and Grewal, 2010). a. You cannot speak and not move certain parts
of your body. No matter how conscious you could
4. Though nonverbal communication is natural and try, you would still end up with gestures, least
spontaneous; it can also be manipulated to hide intention. you appear somewhat stiff and mechanical.
Research has identified specific gestures, shrugs, postural Gestures may not have specific meaning. But just like
smile, there is some universality in it. A clenched fist 4. The effectiveness of the presentation of product can
may suggest you are driving an important point, or be achieved by sufficient preparation, good research,
conveying resolve, or displaying defiance. You inclusion of high-quality information, and logical
gesticulate differently, though at some level your organization of the content. Leigh and Summers
gestures share commonalities. Gestures still (2002) have pointed out the impact that nonverbal in this
depend on speech to clearly express their kind of presentation, specifically citing the positive
meanings. Wu (2006) confirmed this when he cites relationship between steady gaze and believability and
the statement which says researchers have argued engagement. A previous study by Burgoon & Buller (1989)
that gestures do not convey substantive content on established similar correlation between the habit to stare and
their own; rather, their meaning is driven by being viewed as competent and reliable. Being familiar with
speech that accompanies them. (See Appendix how eye contact can have effect on your work can help your
A:Speech Quality – Enthusiasm.) career, and below are some of the information points that
achieve this:
b. The occasion, the size, and nature of the
audience influence speaker's gestures. On very a. Eye contact is a natural way too plug on
formal occasions, such as an employment the unfolding communication. It is a marker of
interview or conference, speakers use fewer gestures involvement and its absence is an evidence of
(Note TV news readers). In a relaxed situation, detachment, nervousness, or hostility. People
gestures are used more freely. make eye contact more than when they listen,
which is an indicator of effective communication
c. Gestures are the use of hand to express an idea, (Dovidio et al. 1988). Gazing, on the other hand, is
feeling, or attitude. There are types of gestures, also governed by culture and more. Arabs prefer a
which are adaptors, emblems, and illustrators. long and committed gaze, whereas the Americans like
a detached gaze. In some cultures, either of these
1. Adaptors involve touching contact and mobility gazes might be viewed disrespectful or indifferent.
that may highlight strong emotion or change of tack in the
ongoing discourse. b. Eye movement is at the center of facial
2. Emblems have arbitrary meanings which can be behavior. You know a person is surprised or happy
cultural. through his eyes. (Appendix B: Speech Quality -Visual
3. Illustrators are the most common type of gesture Contact.) If you can lock on others’ eyes, you seem to
and are used to illustrate the verbal message they give assurance that you are interested in what is
accompany. They may suggest relationship of distance, going on. When you are making presentation, eye
shape, or height. contact is invaluable because it is through you are
saying to the audience you are into this together. The
3. Posture is how you handle your body and length of eye contact has meanings. The comfort level
everything about it. It manifests your feelings and for eye contact is three seconds; if eye contact is
thoughts, attitudes, and health. Stiff posture shows tension. held longer than three seconds, it may be
Slouch posture somewhat expresses a relaxed mood. A discomforting. When people are angry, they stare
leaning forward stance suggests interest. Posture can with smoldering effect.
intimate disregard or disrespect for others. You are watchful of
your posture in the presence of visitors and in formal situations. c. Your eye contact suggests whether you are
Postures also attest to the demonstration of attitudes, evasive of telling the truth or admitting the truth.
feelings, and moods. Slight movements and postures of the Some who are lying cannot hang on their stare. Lack
body are elemental and more reliable as cues; they cannot be of self-confidence is signaled by diminishing visual
easily manipulated or controlled because they are involuntary contact or altogether avoiding eye contact. However,
in nature. the rules and customs of culture influence how people
use their faces and eyes.
In an informal debate where tension wears thin and the
self-control and steadiness wobble, you could sound Several African and Asian cultures consider it impertinent
shooting from the hips. Unconscious movements flail giving for younger persons to look at elders directly in the eye.
away how you really see others. Angular distance shows
how you interact and perceive those around. Your upper body 5. Tone, volume, and pitch constitute paralanguage. Tone is
unconsciously stiffens, bolts up and towards those you fancy the distinct quality of the voice. Volume is the power we put on
and agree with, but pull away from those you dislike and our voice. Pitch is the musicality of the voice. It can convey
disagree. certain emotions. It is better to speak softly, in a low pitch,
raising the volume and pitch when necessary. Speed can
Knapp (2002) suggested that posture does not only be a feature of any of the aspects of paralanguage. You
express confidence and credibility, but also approachability and speak faster to suggest excitement and also to imply that
self-control. It can mean subjection or overpowering. Body what you are saying may not be that important. Correct and
language is a vehicle of message and meaning. clear pronunciation proves that you are conscientious and
It has the following features: considerate to your audience. You must be aware what can
a. It is omnipresent. It is weaved throughout vocal behavior do your work:
our words and messages.
b. It is emotively expressive. It expresses mainly a. Your volume suggests power status. Speaking
the feelings of the speaker and also of the listener. louder is a way of invoking in the minds of listeners
c. It pervades interaction. It is more meaning-laden you hold authority over them (Ridgeway, Berger, and
than words. Smith, 1985).
d. It is honest. It is closer to what is true.
b. The speed you speak can invest your speech Identification is the construction and projection of identity
advantages. Clear but fast way of speaking makes by creating in-group and out-group distinctions.
others think of you as competent, mentally Relationship is the developing, modifying, or broadcasting of
perceptive, and cognitively logical (Knapp, 2002). dominance or affection.
Listeners can also judge you outgoing and Emotion means to show your feeling and to understand
entertaining (Buller et al., 1992). They would unlikely another person, ferreting out his attitudes and intentions.
describe you as not a sharp pencil, recluse, and antsy Delivery is absorbing and organizing verbal and nonverbal
(Knapp, 2002). messages through listening and speaking.

c. Variable pitch would pass you up to others friendly, Managers, engineers, teachers, and executives can
interesting, and exciting (Greene & Mathieson, 1989). diminish the power relation by checking their posture, body
No doubt when you are asked to be an emcee, you orientation, and vocal dynamics, thus making them appear
have study to speak in a variety of pitch. considerate, accommodating and kind (Remland, 1984). On
the other hand, according to (Carney, Cuddy, and Yap, 2010),
they can manufacture some shade of power by keeping
expansive body postures.
6. The space people maintain in communication is a source of
If you are in medical and health, it is essential that you
meanings they may wish to convey. You let others to step onto perceive and analyze nonverbal demonstration of emotions,
your space if they meet the variables, you find essential in
forming a conclusion of the state of mind of the person to bring
culture, personality, age, sex, status, and dominance. Your about critical decision- making and job performance. How
body movement and gestures are either enhanced or limited by
about if you are into business profession? It is important you
the space you find yourself. You speak while being aware of know the interests, preferences, and attitudes of your
social and interpersonal dynamics. You let a person to be
competitors. Information of these matters which are
closer when saying something if he is a friend; you make it concealed in nonverbal channel of communication.
clear to an individual who wants to say something that he
Cultivating a skill that monitors non-verbal behaviors can
has to keep his distance because you do not know him that foster effective communication.
well. Four types of distance suggest types of relationships
between persons: intimate space is 0 to 18 inches; personal
space is 18 inches to 4 feet; social distance is 4 feet to 12 HOW DO YOU HANDLE VISUAL AIDS?
feet; and public distance is 12 feet to hearing and seeing Graphics like pictures, maps, charts, graphs and diagrams
distance. in a written document are considered a part of non-verbal
communication. An understanding of non-verbal aids and
You can balance emotional distance, instrumentality, aspects of communication helps a person to improve oral and
and cultural difference in employing space as a component written presentation by using the methods and by gaining
of nonverbal communication. If you are a teacher you must control over body language.
intrude certain space that can be reserved for expression
of intimacy to achieve a pedagogical purpose (Leffler, Uses of Non-verbal Aids
Gillespie, and Conaty, 1982).
1. Non-verbal aids create information that can be speedily
7. Touch is an essential component of nonverbal processed. It takes less time to see a color or a picture and to
communication. This component is principally affected out hear a horn or a bell than to read or hear and understand
by variables of emotional and social distance. Through words and sentences. The small amount of time used makes
handshake and hugging you can validate positive feelings non-verbal methods efficient and effective, especially in critical
and relationships. You shake hand to express situations like traffic signs and signals.
encouragement, warmth, congratulations, celebration, and
joy. Hugging conveys love, attesting friendship, intimacy, 2. Visual non-verbal aids support and enhance verbal
and goodwill. It can also cultivate confidence and positive communication. Maps, charts, and graphs are imperative for
self-concept. Goleman (2008) described handshake to give transmitting information or plans related to geography,
confidence. Pat on the back expresses approval and locations, data, and most of the sciences. A large amount of
encouragement. complex data can be compacted; one page can relay
information that would waste of pages of words. It makes
The young generation have developed practices of information available conveniently, briefly for comparisons.
this component of nonverbal communication. Not a few of
them seem to originate from sports. The knocking of 3. Reaction to visuals and plain sounds attests to their
clinched fists to greet, encourage, or congratulate is a potency than that of. Thus, news on TV is more captivating
practice among young employees and executives. The and imposing than on radio.
thumping of chest, chest bumping, and but slapping can also
convey similar messages, especially to the millennials. 4. It is suitable to people who do not know how to read
and write. A bottle of poison with skull and crossbones on
8. Time can be used to indicate a message. Persistent its label can warm people immediately. Illiterate drivers
tardiness may suggest lack of interest, respect, and discipline. manage driving with the non-verbal traffic signals. Non-verbal
Being early can mean organization, urgency, and discipline. communication occurs mainly through visual symbols and
Structured time of activities suggests being goal-driven and auditory symbols. Visual symbols are those which are
self-importance. seen, and auditory symbols are those which are heard. Other
senses like smell, taste and touch also take in meanings and
There are four primary functions of nonverbal can be used for non-verbal communication.
identification, relationship, emotion, and delivery WEEK 9
(Patterson, 1983). EXTEMPORANEOUS TALK
Extemporaneous speech straddles between the 3. Below are the key elements which you have to be
manuscript and memorized types of delivery. Manuscript is familiar to develop the business presentation:
used for a highly formal occasion, deemed historical in value, a. Focus – You have to make it revolve a
and requires the speaker to be strictly adhering to the written particular idea or topic. Make sure everything is
content and language of the speech. You maintain a minimal about it.
eye contact and are seen most of the time reading from a b. Audience – It is totally about their needs,
script. You are not confined to deliver it in a highly formal problems, concerns, and interests.
occasion because you can also choose an extemporaneous c. Importance – The audience should clearly
talk so that you can accomplish an instructional purpose. You understand and feel why they are involved and have
can maintain a full eye contact since you have completely put to listen until being told what has expected them to
every word of the script in mind. do.
d. Authority – You must build your credibility
Marketing and Business Promotion and worthiness to be listened to.
The Philippines market is flooded with new gadgets, e. Validation – You can research books and
appliances, apparel, jewelries, accoutrement, products, and studies to look for information and data to prove your
services which promote sports, gaming, music, cable point. Use statistics.
entertainment, fashion, health, food consumption, and personal f. Experience – You endeavor to make your
improvement and pleasure. Consumerism has powered presentation personal by citing your observation and
the economy, generating wealth to the capitalists to experience.
quench their greed and enough earnings to the masses to g. Interaction – The audience must engage with you
meet their needs. Competition is fierce among those which so that they can connect with you.
sell the same product or service and even among those which h. Graphics – You can use charts, images,
sell a different product or service because of the expanding diagrams, and multimedia to enhance and clarify
market. It propels and results in a business environment the content of the presentation.
which is “dynamic as such traditional sources of i. Response – What should we do now that
competitive advantage erode rapidly and sustaining we are convinced?
advantages can be a distraction from developing new ones”
(Whalley, 2010). 4. Deal with the audience boredom effectively.
a. Connect to the audience right from the start.
Whalley (2010) defined marketing to broadly refer to b. Encourage questions.
encompass company culture and positioning, through c. Inject demonstration.
market research, new business/product development, d. Tell anecdotes and relevant humor.
advertising and promotion, PR (public/press relations), and e. Dramatize the situation that shows the need
arguably all the sales and customer service functions as well. It for the product.
is a principal part of creating demand for a product and service, f. Try to be creative by using other genres of
which through it should be perceived as attractive, work well, presentation, such as interview style, round
affordable, available. Being able to deliver a marketing table discussion, dramatization, etc.
spiel or business proposal presentation extemporaneously
plays a significant role in the gamut of existence of 5. Construct the actual presentation.
marketing. a. The short school recommends brief and crisp
Kurian M. Tharakan in his article A Guide to Writing an headers, subheads, and bullets.
Unforgettable Elevator. Speech provides a framework, b. The long school proposes elaborate headers,
strategies, and techniques on how to do such delivery, subheads, and bullets.

Alan Radding (2002) has listed the following steps and tips in 6. Develop a Presentation Outline.
making effective business proposal presentation: a. Introduction
b. Background
1. You have to begin with the audience. The questions c. The Main Point
below can help you in assessing your audience in relation d. Conclusion
to the content and organization of your business presentation:
a. How much are they familiar with your RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTATION
business proposition? You can consider the following guidelines, in preparing for
b. What else do they want to find out? your research paper presentation:
c. Why does it concern them?
d. How may they be antagonistic of your proposition? 1. Talk to your audience as if you are telling a
e. What reaction you want them to show at the story. Start with the title, focus on the main variables,
end of your presentation? explaining what have drawn you into them. The
explanation will lead you to the discussion of the
2. You must develop solid ideas in making your principal theory that is the basis of the most
presentation. The following questions can prove valuable: important variable. You emphasize how the theory
a. Why am I talking about this? How can this be provides the method to addressing the main problem
valuable to the audience? of the research.
b. How can I present it? Can I make it appear like I
am telling a story – sounding illuminating and 2. In the Introduction you can present the
provocative? principal questions that will be addressed in the
c. What reaction am I expecting? Can I make paper. Contextualize the questions by relating them
the response with excitement and urgency? to the most important related literature and research.
Maybe three or four will do this purpose. Point out
also the limitations of the study.
16. Be prepared if you (or anyone else) make a
3. Describe the method and data collection. mistake. Try to image what faux pas or slip up you or any
performer might commit. Be always ready for a recovery.
4. Present two or three of the most important 17. Apologize should a major mistake happen.
findings. Relate their relevance to those you have Remember Steve Harvey’s humiliating boo-boo at the 2016
included in your review of literature and studies, Miss Universe pageant won by the Philippine beauty queen
pointing out how they expound or contradict them. Miss Pia Wurtzbach. Admitting his mistake without
Highlight the implications to the theoretical and explaining it made him human and a beneficiary of
practical knowledge. Anticipate the possible Alexander Pope’s poetic aphorism, “To err is human, to
questions of the audience. forgive is divine.” People forgot it too quick that he was invited
to host the event the year after.
5. State the important conclusions and what 18. Arrive early to do a sound check and ensure
you would to have done them. Make your font everything is in order. It will help settle down by ensuring
large enough and black only, not colorful. If possible, that the right preparation and setting up has been done.
include only key words only and avoid cluttering the You can strengthen your confidence and composure by
slide with a lot of information. talking to some of the performers and event organizers.
HOSTING A PROGRAM Talking with them will make you feel you are one of those who
If you are the host, below are some of the reminders that can know a lot of information about the event.
improve your performance according to the online article “21 19. Transitions between different segments of the
Tips on How to be a Good and Effective Emcee/Master of program (dead air). As the emcee, you oversee weaving
Ceremony”. every performance and thought uttered into the program’s
theme. Some quip and wiseacre will make the program lively
1. Prepare for an effective event opening. You cannot to and colorful.
come out from the back of the stage unprepared and confused. 20. Prepare the closing for the event. If you have
2. Bring on stage positive and energetic vibes. You prepared the opening seriously, you should do so also for
kick of the event rolling and keep it rolling until blasting off at the closing. The online article cited here proposes the
the end. You must be infectious in energy. following steps to achieve the dropping of curtain for the
3. The emcee sets the tone for the event. You know program successfully:
how drive the program through some sober, reflective,  Thank the audience.
celebrating, and rapturous mood.  Recap the proceedings of the day.
4. Control the timing of the proceedings. You know how to  Re-emphasize the key points.
allot adequate time for each part, not lingering, nor flying  Remind the audience of any announcements (e.g.,
through the program. where to redeem parking coupons, or where to get
5. Remember you are not star of the show. Your role the copies of presentation slides of the speakers.)
is to bring excitement to every performance and to make  Wish them well.
outstanding performers shine.
6. Remember to introduce yourself. You have share TO DELIVER EXTEMPORANEOUSLY
yourself and life with the audience. They must personally meet Though knowledgeable of your preferred topic, you should still
you. do research on it. Let us say you have drafted, crafted, and
7. Always address the audience (project your voice). edited the outline to a polished form. Everything in the
Let the audience hear you speaking loudly and clearly. content is built on a good argument which is developed
8. Maintain eye contact with your audience. You can follow coherently. You have rehearsed the delivery many times so
the suggested ‘z gaze.’ Start with those seated at the back that you will not miss a word. Come the actual delivery of the
from the left, if you could see their faces, gazing to the right, talk, your hearts sink because the audience look like not
then slanting to the left front, then to the right. You can do it enjoying and learning from us.
while looking at your notes or script.
9. Bring pace to your delivery. Not too fast, nor too slow. There may be reasons why the audience seem to judge your
10. Share key event information. You can share the speech mediocre, such as lacking new interesting information
background, history, and theme of the program. and coming short in the use of presentation technology. The
11. Breathe steadily and deeply. Proper breathing absence of extemporaneity is most of the time to be blamed
relaxes and makes your voice pleasing to hear. also why you lose our audience. You have been observed
12. Avoid cold drinks or spicy food before or during to settled down to be able to pull away from your outline,
your time on stage. You do not want your hosting sounding too stilted and have less visual contact of your
interrupted by coughing or punctured by little growling. audience.
Make sure your throat and the nasal passage are clear and
in good condition during the hosting. Webster Dictionary suggests extemporaneous as being “not
13. Practice, practice, practice. You should earn the planned beforehand.” When you give an extemporaneous
confidence and admiration of the audience. You must be speech, you will be given time to research its content, write its
too familiar with your script and have to rehearse your lines outline, and rehearse the manuscript. It is important to be able
many times. You have to know how to deliver humorous punch to give this type of speech with less time for planning because
line effectively and to be ready to improvise to bring spice and this is how this is type is given. The ability to organize your
color to the program. thoughts quickly and speak about them will be a huge asset to
14. Smile, even if you don’t mean it. Well, you should you in school and later in life as you attend meetings, give
try to be earnest in your smile. But if you find it hard, at least presentations, and are interviewed for jobs. In other words,
try to smile. It lights up the mood of the audience. Many will you usually deliver an extemporaneous talk. Abraham Lincoln
likely smile back. promoted extemporaneous speech when he remarked
15. Dress the part. Your attire may depend on the of theme of that “speaking should be practiced and cultivated; it is the
the program, e.g., Linggo ng Wika, Halloween, etc. But you lawyer's avenue to the public. However, able, and faithful he
have to dress up just like the way your audience do.
may be, in other respects, people are slow to bring him There are advantages to this, but you must make sure that you
business, if he cannot make a speech". stay within the expected time limit.

Extemporaneous speech can be either persuasive or THERE ARE SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS TO ORGANIZE
informative, or a blend of informative and persuasive types. A YOUR THOUGHTS TO PRESENT THEM CLEARLY WHEN
good example of it is developed using research, background SPEAKING EXTEMPORANEOUSLY. YOU MAY WISH TO
knowledge, and opinion. It should start with a bang, USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TECHNIQUES:
piquing the listener's attention and introducing the theme
of the speech. The body text contains relatively • State your point of view and give the reason that you feel this
organized information and arguments that should meet way
the expectations of the audience as to why it has caught
their attention. • Give examples of life experiences to support your point of
The suggestion to deliver extemporaneously is to write
down the speech, perhaps choose the appropriate words and • Think of the past, present and future; discuss three important
organize your ideas, and try to express them without the things that come to mind about the topic
presence of the outline, perhaps only notes. Try to fight the
urge to be too accurate in the choice of words, though that • Consider the pros and cons of the issue and discuss
does not mean you would stray away from certain words those or talk about the two sides of the issue
and rhetorical structures that would result in losing the
important ideas. • Ask yourself who, what, when, where, why and how and
focus on the response to those questions in your speech
THE FOLLOWING TIPS CAN BE PROVEN HELPFUL • and discuss how the topic affects you personally or how it
TO BE ABLE TO DELIVER EXTEMPORANEOUSLY: affects the world in general.

(1) Develop a theme which has chosen aspects that People wonder why there is a need to give a
are clear and relevant. Do not include numerous speech extemporaneously. However, there are trivial
aspects which cannot be discussed adequately and reasons why you should prefer the extemporaneous
succinctly. delivery. When you deliver your talk extemporaneously, you
come across to others more personal, friendly, and warm
(2) Mentally highlight the main point, underscoring which engender them to respond. The delivery is animated and
the key phrases or words, illustrations, and more interesting. The audience will feel confident in the
arguments. speaker because he speaks sincerely and in a fireside
(3) Critically establish the introduction of the speech
in a paragraph and the conclusion. When you deliver your speech extemporaneously, you can
change tack immediately and appropriately without fear that
FURTHERMORE, KEEP IN MIND THE FOLLOWING you would fail to meet your goals. For example, on your way to
POINTS ACCORDING TO PITTMAN (2009): giving a speech, you have heard or have read a news which
you find relevant to your talk, then you can easily incorporate
• Although speaking from memory (or a keyword it. You do not have to bother rewriting your talk. The same
outline) can seem scary, once you practice and thing can happen also when you discover that your audience
become comfortable doing it, it can be easier than are mostly children. You can tweak the talk to meet their
manuscript or memorization. ken and interest. Probably, you can change some
illustrations and simplify your choice of words.
• Know that the more information you have on
the topic, the more confident you will be. If you Do not forget what the extemporaneous delivery can do
know your information well and have practiced, you mentally. It makes you alert and constantly in your
can be successful with extemporaneous speaking. creative zone. As the audience become receptive, you feel
more confident and eager to share what you know,
• Extemporaneous delivery takes practice, so finalize elaborating the main point the audience may see
your outline and practice the presentation several beneficial and pertinent. You are always in the lookout for the
times. condition of attention of the audience, employing techniques
and materials that keep the latter in the talk.
• When practicing, try to keep going with the
speech even if you stumble over some parts. OSBORN (2008) ENUMERATED THE ADVANTAGES OF
This will allow you to practice the whole speech EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING WHICH ARE AS
and to get comfortable picking up where you left off. FOLLOWS:

• Stay on track by following your outline during the • Promoting spontaneity and naturalness.
presentation. Either use a printed version of the • Encouraging audience participation.
outline or transfer the outline to note cards. • Promoting overall message and essence of the
• Pay attention to time. With extemporaneous • Emphasizing the importance of preparation and
delivery, you can be flexible with time (skipping practice.
ahead in the speech or backing up and • Not allowing for the speaker to read or memorize the
explaining something in a different way). speech.
TO EXTEMPORIZE, WE CAN ACCOMPLISH THE b. If too long shorten the content according to the
FOLLOWING: time available.
c. Include examples and instructions to support
• Use a keyword outline. the argument.
• Speak from a keyword outline or a phrase outline.
• Write an abbreviated form of a formal, full 2. Structure of the presentation.
sentence outline, which contains words that spark
the speaker’s memory. 3. Conquering stage fright.
• Include in the outline presentation cues such as a. Prepare the subject thoroughly.
“pause,” “transition,” or “talk slowly.” b. Positive thinking ”I will make the presentation”
and “I am confident.”
Because a keyword outline uses only limited words, it helps c. Take carbohydrate rich meal before going to
you speak extemporaneously because you are not tied make presentation.
to specific wording. There are many benefits to d. Do some warmup exercises such as rotating
extemporaneous speaking. Its style is more suitable to arms, moving the facial muscles, taking deep breath,
some situations. For example, in a very formal situation in etc. before speaking.
which every word you say is examined, such as a political
address, extemporaneous delivery would not be the best 4. Knowing the audience.
choice. However, when speaking in club meetings or giving Before planning we should consider:
class presentations (which can be applied later in the job), this a. The age group of the audience.
type of presentation which is more informal and b. Know the need of the audience.
extemporaneous is appropriate. Make sure to analyze the c. Utility of the presentation for the audience.
speaking situation and then make your decision on the type of d. Information gained after attending the
speech or delivery. There are situations in which presentation.
extemporaneous delivery might not be applicable. First, if 5. Delivery of the presentation.
you are given strict time limit, perhaps it is a symposium and A. The quality of the voice.
you are not the only lecturer, you might struggle the urge a. Adjust your tone according to the size of the
of going overtime. Since, you talk in a freewheeling audience.
manner, you might get too amused talking that you could b. Use micro phone or collar mic.
loss the track of time. Self-discipline can be helpful to be c. Give pauses to allow the listener to
wary of the allotted time. You can also feel too settled, understand.
overconfident, thinking that you can handle yourself well d. Pronounce difficult words properly and correctly.
in a talk may backfire. You might get to a part of your
presentation where all the sudden you have insufficient B. Rapport with the audience.
knowledge, or your memory comes short. Also imagine a a. Look into the eyes of the audience while
situation when some individuals who are prominent and presenting.
extremely knowledgeable of your topic join the audience. b. Shift from one pair of eyes to another so that
Intellectual humility can foster in you the practice of not you have a glance of all of them.
leaving any stone unturned in your preparation. Getting c. Try to involve the audience in presentation by
used to giving a speech extemporaneously can make you asking questions.
prefer just notes or sentence outline.
6. Remembering 4PS.
WEEK 10 A. Planning
ORAL PRESENTATION a. Define a purpose.
Oral Presentation is a form of communication. It is b. Analyze the audience.
participative two-way communication process characterized by c. Analyze the occasion.
the formal and structured presentation of a message d. Select a suitable title.
using visual aids. It is purposeful, interactive and audience
oriented. It communicates a message to audience in a B. Preparation
way that brings about the desired change in their a. Develop the central idea.
understanding and opinion. b. Develop the main ideas.
c. Gather supporting information.
C. Practice
•Impromptu a. Rehearse before presenting it to the
•Extemporaneous audience.
•Prepared/ Memorized b. Time of presentation.
c. Outline the presentation.
D. Perform
•Fear a. Begin the presentation with confidence.
•Lack of Preparation b. Be organized.
•Unable to control one’s ideas c. Pay attention to non-verbal behavior.
d. Use appropriate visual aids.
1. Content of the presentation. Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or
a. It should not be too difficult to persuade an audience(viewers, readers, or listeners) to
understand. continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the
desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect - it convinces the listeners of the validity of the speakers'
to a commercial offering – get people to buy things. argument and to change in some way, the way people think
Advertising, in its simplest form, is the way in which the and act and to start doing something that is new to them.
vendor or manufacturer of a product communicates with Example:
consumers via a medium, or different media. How effective is Internet to humans?

Language in Advertising 4. Entertaining Speech

•Language is key to effective advertising. - provides pleasure and enjoyment to the audience.
•Language has a powerful influence over people. Example:
•Language in advertising includes but is not limited to: The best jokes ever said.


2. Slogan
3. Language in relation no culture 1. Impromptu Speech
Suppose while attending your best friend's wedding, the guests
•Certain words are often used in advertising as they are begin chanting your name followed by the words 'Speech,
words that often catch consumers attention. Speech, Speech!' In other words, an improvised speech.

•PUN: 2. Extemporaneous Speech

The humorous use of a word or phrase so as to The extemporaneous speech is a perfect balance. This
emphasize or suggest its different meanings or speech involves the speaker's use of notes and some
applications or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in embellishment to deliver a speech. In other words, a pre-
sound but different in meaning, a play on words. written speech.

A distinctive cry, phrase or motto of any party, group,
manufacturer, or person; catchy word(s) or phrase. 3. Manuscript Style
A slogan is memorable motto or phrase used in a political The word manuscript is the clue to the style. The speech is
commercial, religious, and other context as a repetitive written, and the speaker reads it word for word to the audience.
expression of an idea or purpose.
4. Memorized Style
Why slogans are important? The memorized style of speaking is when the manuscript is
-- Slogans are very important for business because they committed to memory and recited to the audience
help create a memorable image. verbatim(word for word).
-- A slogan helps consumers remember your product.
-- The catchier your slogan is, the more likely people are to SPEECHES ACCORDING TO OCCASION:
remember it and therefore, BUY it!
-- Slogans take careful planning as their life span is 1.Speech of Introduction
usually very long. Slogan from well-known companies - is a mini speech given by the host of a ceremony that
have been popular and trendy for decades. introduces another speaker and his or her speech.

•SPOOF ADS: 2.Speech of Presentation

Spoof ads are also known as parody advertisements. - is a brief speech given to accompany a prize or honor.
A parody advertisement is a fictional advertisement for a
non-existent product, or trivialized an original work, its 3.The Speech of Acceptance
subject, author, style, or some other target, by means - is a speech given by the recipient of a prize or honor.
of humorous, or ironic imitation.
4.A Speech of Dedication
- is delivered when a new store opens, a building is named
WEEK 11 after someone, a plaque is placed on a wall, a new library is

1. Informative Speech 5. A Toast

- this serves to provide interesting and meaningful - is a speech designed to congratulate, appreciate, or
information to your audience. remember. First, toasts can be delivered for the purpose
Example: of congratulating someone for an honor, a new job, or getting
A teacher telling students about the human life cycle. married.

2. Demonstrative Speech 6.A Eulogy

- it also teaches the audience and give information like the - is a speech given in honor of someone who has died.
informative speech, but the difference is that you demonstrate
how to do the things you are teaching. 7. A Speech of Farewell
Example: - allows someone to say good-bye to one part of his or her life
Improve your health by means of eating properly and have a as he or she is moving on to the next part of life.
balanced diet.

3. Persuasive Speech

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