Definition:: Week 7 Global Divides: The North and South

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WEEK 7 Sovereignty, considered to be the enabling concept of world

politics, whereby nation-states possess authority not only

GLOBAL DIVIDES: THE NORTH AND SOUTH within their own territorial entities but possess membership in
the international community.
DEFINITION: The North-South Divide(or Rich-Poor Divide) is Balance of Power, a term used in various ways, but the
the socio-economic and political division that exists between traditional concept involves creating/maintaining an equilibrium
the wealthy developed countries, known collectively as “the in the international order so that one nation/alliance does not
North,” and the poorer developing countries (least developed become preponderant over others.
countries), or “the South.”Generally, definitions of the Global
Northinclude the United States, Canada, Europe, developed Bipolar, a world political system in which power is
parts of Asia (the Four Asian Tigers, Japan, Macau, Brunei and concentrated in two power centers.
Israel) as well as Australia and New Zealand.The Global
Southis made up of Africa, Latin America, and developing Asia Unilateral, a national acting on its own, independently, in the
including the Middle East. The North is home to all the pursuit of its foreign policy objectives, as opposed to a bilateral
members of the G8 and to four of the five permanent members or multilateral approach.
of the United Nations Security Council.
Multilateral, relationships among more than two states of other
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE GLOBAL NORTH international actors for the purpose of collective action.
The North mostly covers the West and the First World, along Hegemony, preponderant influence or dominance of one
with much of the Second World, while the South largely nation (or group) over other.
corresponds with the Third World. While the North may be
defined as the richer, more developed region and the South as Interdependence, the increasing interrelationship and mutual
the poorer, less developed region, many more factors dependence among nations, especially in an economic sense.
differentiate between the two global areas. 95% of the North
has enough food and shelter. The Global South "lacks Geopolitics, the use of geography as an element of power;
appropriate technology, it has no political stability, the theories and concepts emphasizing location, size, and
economies are disarticulated, and their foreign exchange geographic factors as primary influences in IR.
earnings depend on primary product exports. In economic
terms, the North—with one quarter of the world population— Imperialism, a policy or course of action that through which a
controls four-fifths of the income earned anywhere in the world. state imposes control over others; identified with the acquisition
90% of the manufacturing industries are owned by and located of colonies or colonial authority.
in the North. Inversely, the South—with three quarters of the
world populations—has access to one-fifth of the world income. Diplomacy, the range of actions taken by a nation to represent
As nations become economically developed, they may become and pursue its interests.
part of the "North", regardless of geographical location;
similarly, any nations that do not qualify for "developed" status Weapons of mass destruction, generally deemed to be
are in effect deemed to be part of the "South". nuclear weapons with massive destructive capabilities but may
also include exceptionally devastating conventional arms as
CHALLENGES OF THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH DIVIDE weak as certain biological and chemical weapons.
The division between the global North and South is the
greatest challenge to global governance. The contrast in International Political Economy, study of the politics/policies
economic welfare, political stability, and culture among states of trade, monetary and other economic relations among
creates many dilemmas for the international community. The nations and their connection to transnational forces.
economic differences between highly developed economies
and the rest of the world deter cooperation. In addition, social Just war doctrine, moral criteria identifying when a 'just war'
differences between North and South create cultural clashes may be undertaken and how it should be fought.
that breed violence and add difficulty to forming international
norms. Moreover, the political weakness of some states in the Free trade, the flow of goods and services across national
global South creates security dilemmas and keeps global boundaries unimpeded by tariffs or other restrictions.
governance initiatives away from success. The international
order is skewed in favor of the global North and serves to Cartel, an association of producers or consumers (or both) of a
empower them. However, international leaders can solve these certain product, formed for the purpose of manipulating the
issues by promoting global equity. For global governance to price on the world market.
achieve its fullest potential, the world must first address the
inequality of states. Mercantilism, the economic theory and political ideology
opposed to free trade; it shares with the realism belief that
BASIC CONCEPTS FOR GLOBAL RELATIONS each state must protect its own interests without seeking
mutual gains through international organizations and
Nation-State, the primary or fundamental unit in IR; a political agreement.
entity within a defined territorial area possessing legal and
political authority over that area. Fascism, an authoritarian and/or totalitarian political system,
National Interest, hose elements constituting a nation's most often based on a corporate state and centering around a
vital needs and objectives, including such factors of self- powerful supreme leader; usually emphasizing militarism and
preservation, independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, nationalism and characterized by regimentation, propaganda,
military security, and economic well-being. and prejudice.
Clash of civilizations, thesis put forward by Samuel control by a small but alien community within a nation. It is a
Huntington that argues that past and future global conflicts can skillful and determined enemy, it appears in many guises.
be traced along the fault lines between the nine major world
civilizations. CONCLUSIONS:
1. The south continues to be globalized.
Intellectual Property Rights, rights of creators of books, films, 2. The global south has provided models of resistance for the
computer software, and similar product to receive royalties world.
when their products are sold. 3. As global problems intensify; it becomes more and more
necessary for people in the north to support alternatives from
Sustainable Development, economic development the south.
approaches based in long-term considerations; meeting current 4. Emphasis on the state and interstate politics remains
needs without destroying resources that will be needed in the politically and analytically relevant most especially in
future. addressing global inequalities.


International relations theories can help us understand the way
the international systems work, as well as how nations engage WEEK 8
with each other and view the world. By studying the following ASIAN REGIONALISM
key international theories, professionals in the field can better
discern the motivations and goals driving policy decisions
•Region: a group of countries in the same geographically
specified area
Realism, this theory states that a nation’s foremost interest
should be self-preservation and that continually gaining power
•Regionalization: is the “societal integration and the often-
should always be a social, economic, and political imperative.
undirected process of social and economic interaction
Liberalism, also called “liberal internationalism,” liberalism is
•Regionalism is ”the formal process of intergovernmental
based on the belief that the current global system is capable of
collaboration between two or more states. Regionalism is the
engendering a peaceful world order. Rather than relying on
set of conscious activities carried out by states within a region
direct force, such as military action, liberalism places an
to cooperate while regionalization is a less conscious process
emphasis on international cooperation as a means of furthering
which is the outcome of these states policies.
each nation’s respective interests.
•Globalization: A term used to explain, justify, and anticipate
Constructivism, Constructivism rests on the notion that rather
the rapid expansion and intensification of social relations
than the outright pursuit of material interests, it is a nation’s
across world time and space (Steger, 2013)
belief systems—historical, cultural and social —that explain its
foreign policy efforts and behavior.
How can places be described or compared? How can the
Marxism, A theory that closely analyzes social classes, aims
Earth be divided into regions for study?
to dismantle the capitalist structure of the international system,
as it states that capitalism is no longer practically sustainable in
A region is an area that includes several places--all of which
the modern world. Marx believed that private property should
have something in common. It is an area united by shared
be replaced by cooperative ownership, with the emphasis
characteristics. Geographers categorize regions in two basic
placed entirely on satisfying human needs for consumption,
ways: physical and cultural. Physical regions are defined by
rather than creating private profit. Under an ideal socialist
landform (continents and mountain ranges), climate, soil, and
international regime, societies would work together to ensure
natural vegetation. Cultural regions are distinguished by such
that basic human needs were met on a global scale.
traits as language, politics, religion, economics, and industry.
Feminism, Gender issues are a significant concern within
global politics, and feminism as an international relations
Physical Regions
theory seeks to regulate the power derived from (or denied on
Physical regions are units of physical space that are similar in
the basis of) an individual’s gender. The significance of
their natural characteristics. Characteristics that define physical
feminism in international relations is evidenced by the role
regions can include landforms, types of vegetation, climate, or
women play in promoting more just and fair international
other natural features.
relations policies.
Cultural Regions
Post Modernism, the postmodernism paradigm believes in the
Cultural regions are units of physical space defined by people
arbitrary nature of modernity. It subscribes to the notion that
who share cultural traits like religion, language, identity, or
the existing arrangements were merely created by human
even food preferences.
beings and that what is conceived to be the truth is in the
actual sense a “choice” made by a predecessor (Burchill &
Economic Regions
Linklater, 2009). That is, it denies the notion of objective truth.
Economic regions are those physical spaces determined by
economic interactions. In many countries, border zones are
important economic regions where lots of trade occurs. On a
Lenin - Capitalism’s strength is premised on the creation of
larger scale, many countries around the world have created
new markets via imperialism.
economic regions called economic blocs; these are a group of
countries that act as a unit when dealing with the global
Sukarno – Colonialism has also its modern dress, in the form
of economic control, intellectual control, and actual physical
Political Regions
Finally, we can also identify political regions, or spaces that
share common ideas about political ideologies, the reach of
laws, or political power. In a large sense, the countries that
share ideas about democracies could be considered a political
region of the world of authority.
ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES The entire world is moving towards integration, it is inevitable.
In most of the world, such voluntary regionalism has become But a regional partnership is the first step, we can see this in
an important fact of political life. Basically, regionalism from the EUROPEAN UNION, AFRICAN UNION, UNION OF
below means that countries in a geographical area cooperate SOUTH AMERICAN NATIONS, and there is more on the way.
either for specific purposes or general mutual benefit, In Asia, the Southeast Asian countries have already formed
especially involving economic cooperation and peacekeeping. ASEAN (ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS.
This regional power block appears to work fine, the member
Gains in Trade states fit very well together because of the following factors:
Regionalism encourages cooperation and partnerships. Trade
agreements that open borders allow a country with a 1. Mutual benefit - when it comes to trade, these nations can
particularly strong industry, like wool production, to sell its readily supply each other’s needs.
goods to an even bigger market outside of the country of origin.
This leads to monetary gains for countries involved, through 2. Mutual goals
more profits for the country of origin and through cheaper
products for the importing country. 3. Similar culture - the people of this region are generally
alike in appearance, temperament which is seemingly
Economies of Scale peaceful. They tend to get along quite well even on an
Regional integration agreements expand the market for goods individual level.
and therefore allow companies, factories, and industries to 4. Similar security needs - aside from small, localized rebels,
produce more of their goods and sell it to a bigger market. This this association needs only to contend with foreign-supported
creates something called economies of scale, where the per- terrorist groups which are usually handled well.
unit price of producing a good decrease as the total quantity of
that good's production increases. Fewer trade barriers also The Asian region extends beyond the territories of the ASEAN
allow increased competition, which in turn causes less- member nations. The northern Asian countries like Japan,
productive companies within a particular industry to close. This Taiwan, North Korea, and South Korea do not get along and
is an overall net positive, because it leads to greater appears to distrust each other. Of course, the invisible walls
productivity within an industry, because only the companies between these nations will fall someday, and hopefully, they
that produce a good the most quickly and efficiently survive will realize the benefit of integration with regional AUTO.
amid increased competition.

Limited Fiscal Capabilities

Some regional integration agreements that involve the creation WEEK 9
of a common currency - most notably the European Union's -
lead to fiscal crises. Without regional integration, individual GLOBALIZATION THRU MEDIA
countries cannot control the supply of their own currency to suit
the nation's economic conditions. When a higher entity controls GLOBAL MEDIA
that currency - as is the case with the EU's euro - individual Global communication is the term used to describe
countries have no power to vary the strength of their currency ways to connect, share, relate and mobilize across
when their economy weakens. This occurred when Greece's
national finances were very weak, and its economy suffered. If
geographic, political, economic, social, and cultural
it could have printed more currency to pay its bills, the divides. In a globalized world, effective communication
country's financial situation would not have been as weak. The is a necessity. When friends, relatives, and colleagues
European Union, however, controlled the country's currency, need to reach all corners of the world, it is easy to see
which left it little power to fix its own economy.
the importance of global communications in the world
Cultural Centralization today.
While regionalism puts regional community on the map so
everyone will know where they are and, in many ways, who
and what we they are, still regional integration has a final non- Most common media today
economic disadvantage. Especially strong integration - like the The leading social networks are regularly available in
European Union - can lead to the loss of unique minority multiple languages and enable users to connect with
cultures within a region. The European Union has a series of
languages that it deems to be the official languages of the EU
friends or people across geographical, political, or
government. These do not include minority languages spoken economic borders. Approximately 2 billion internet
by remote communities in Europe: Welsh, Breton, Frisian, users are using social networks and these figures are
Retoromanic, Occitan and others. These languages in turn get still expected to grow as mobile device usage and
little protection from the state, and reduced barriers to
movement across countries within the EU leads people toward mobile social networks increasingly gain traction. The
speaking only "major" languages, such as Spanish, French, most popular social networks usually display a high
and German. number of user accounts or strong user engagement.
For example, market leader Facebook was the first
social network to surpass 1 billion monthly active users, issues through the internet. The role of internet has a lot to
contribute to the economical aspect or impact of the media.
whereas recent newcomer Pinterest was the fastest With the share market and the online trading and banking
independently launched site to reach 10 million unique facilities people have started shifting from the conventional
monthly visitors. The majority of social networks with ways of doing things to this modern easier and hustle-free
more than 100 million users originated in the United method.
States, but European services like VK or Chinese social
networks Ozone and Renren have also garnered
mainstream appeal in their areas due to local context The role of internet in the cultural and traditional aspect is quite
prominent. Globalization has an immense effect on the cultures
and content. Social network usage by consumers is of the different countries. It has always had a very deep impact
highly diverse: platforms such as Facebook or Google+ on the cultural identity. The free flow of information, speedy
are highly focused on exchanges between friends and progress in the field of technology, transportation and
communication has converted this world into a “global village”.
family and are constantly pushing interaction through The reductions in costs and better facilities and variety of
features like photo or status sharing and social games. choices have changed the tastes of individual and societies
Other social networks like Tumblr or Twitter are all leading to a stronger integration. The use of internet through
about rapid communication and are aptly termed the media provides an intermix and exchange of ideas and
thoughts between countries.
microblogs. Some social networks focus on community;
others highlight and display user-generated content. Role of Television in the Media Globalization
The television acts as an eye opener to the viewers. The
Media’s Role in the Globalization Process impact is progressive on the society. In today’s world almost
The media technologies are intended to reach a large audience every house has access to television and over the years the
by mass communication. Today the media play a key role in accessibility has increased immensely. United Kingdom tops
enhancing globalization. The important role in globalization the list with an average television rate of 28 hours per person
process has Internet, which connects all the countries around per week.
the world. Globalization is a process by which various
cultures, societies, and economies through a global network of When the press media had not come into picture, people used
trade and communication become integrated in all respects. to communicate by writing letters and sending them through
Media refers to the different means of communication like direct mails. The beginning of press media came as an
radio, television, internet etc. It plays an important role in information revolution. This press media has become a source
shaping human mind. Mass media is a section of the media for promoting, projecting, and supporting the process of
determined to reach a greater audience. Most globalization providing information. It assists the journalists in networking
theorists believe that media has played an important role in and the globalization has led to revolution of news circulation,
acceleration of globalization. With the increase in the printing, editing and reportage.
importance of economic, cultural, and technological integration
between countries, it has a great impact on our society’s It is because of globalization that the spread and exchange of
personal lives. It is because of globalization that today there is news becomes possible which leads to people of one country
an increased access to a broad range of media. (Impact of knowing not just about the news within their own country but
Globalization on Media). aware about international news as well. Therefore,
globalization has led to the timely processing and distribution of
Influences of Globalization in Media information.
Globalization has a great influence on the media and further its
impact on us. The most visible effect of globalization is The role of the press media is diverse, and it focuses on all the
widespread communication. The introduction of newspapers, issues concerning out daily lives and well-being. It plays role in
magazine, internet, and TV has immensely helped to spread educating the people on political parties, international
information and has helped people to come together from all happenings, entertainment glamorous celebrity gossip and
over the world. The impact of globalization on media has its sport events. After the press media there was the discovery of
own advantages and disadvantages but however the radio and television. This led to a different kind of revolution as
advantages are much more than the disadvantages. As press media restricted one to just read but radio and television
mentioned above one can see that the process of globalization appealed to another sense as it had both visual and audio
has led to opening of people mind towards not just the walls sense. A recent poll states that about 59% of America’s
within which they stay but also be aware of what is happening population obtains the world news on television out of which
around the world. Ever since mass media came into existence 37% is through cable and 22%through broadcast. The younger
companies have used this to communicate to let a large no. of generations watch television regularly and there are points in
people aware about their products. On the other hand, even the year when they watch it more than the average.
the people watching it or reading about it can gain maximum
benefit as with the help of media they will be able to decipher In terms of political aspects, the television has a lot to add to.
between good or bad as per their requirements. The viewers can be made aware of the political issues
sensitive topics concerning the nation. The television can
How media works in Globalization: provide its viewers with important facts and information
Role of internet in the media globalization concerning the democracy and the political system which can
In political field, internet serves as a medium to connect the help us make better decisions. At the same time, it gives us the
media and the viewers. A lot of people are unable to go overall picture of what is happening in the rest of the world. A
through the newspapers every day because of either busy lot of can be understood and adopted through movies as well.
schedule or ignorance or because of travelling. Therefore, Movies depict the various issues of the society and politics and
people read about the elections about the various political it greatly influences the viewers and a lot of the time leaves
them thinking about the social and political issues and acts as Media has always played an important role in our society and
an eye-opener. for a long time it remained one of the methods of controlling
people and their recreational time. (The Role of Media in the
The economical aspect is highlighted by the television through Society) The media hence provides different types of
advertisements and the news channels giving updates on the information indifferent ways in the form of newspaper, internet,
share market, brokers, and stocks. The advertisement in a way television, magazine, radio etc. In fact, it is a very essential and
makes us consumers and helps to make us aware of all the simplified way to inform or simply to entertain the audience.
suitable options available for us in the market. This is not just Just by sitting at home one can get the entire news of the world
restricted to advertisements of clothing or grocery but at the by any medium like radio, tv or internet, this is possible only
same time about pension plans and banks. In fact, with because of globalization. Globalization in media has also made
television, one needn’t always go to the stock markets or keep us aware about the economical and political conditions of a
waiting for the newspaper for the stock conditions but can keep particular country but also provides us with entertainment of all
oneself updated with the television news channels. sorts.

The Cultural and traditional issues are focused by the WEEK 10

television through movies, serials, reality shows and
Role of Radio in the Media Globalization
Radio is one of the easiest and cheapest media source. It is Define Religion
easily available in most part of the country. The biggest 1. A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose
advantage of the radio as a means of media globalization is of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of
that it can be understood by even an illiterate person and can a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving
cater to a larger number of people. Moreover, it has a greater devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a
impact on the rural as they can connect to the radio easily. moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Therefore, the importance of radio in the society is 2. A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally
indispensable. The radio was one of the oldest means of agreed upon by several persons or sects: the Christian
spreading information amongst the people. Be it a cricket religion; the Buddhist religion.
match or songs or selections people’s ears used to be stuck to 3. The body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs
the radio to keep themselves aware of things around them. and practices.

Most people in today’s generation are not regular listeners World Religions and its Members
to the radio unless they listen to it for music on their way to 1. Hinduism and its beliefs
work. The use of radio amongst them is now restricted only to Hindu’s worship one being of ultimate oneness (Brahman)
music and that has also reduced remarkably because of through infinite representations of gods and goddesses. These
technological advancements like I pods and music phones. various deities become incarnate within idols, temples, gurus,
rivers, animals, etc. Hindus believe their position in this present
In the political and economic aspects, the role of radio is life was determined by their actions in a previous life. Hinduism
slow and steady. However, in the rural areas it has a great therefore provides a possible explanation for suffering and evil
impact. The rural people are greatly influenced by the news in this life. If a person’s behavior before was evil, they might
and information shared by the media through radio. In fact, justifiably experience tremendous hardships in this life. Pain,
this helps them to understand the political system and the disease, poverty, or a disaster like a flood is deserved by that
advertisements make them aware about the various products. person because of their own evil actions, usually from a
previous lifetime. A Hindu's goal is to become free from the law
Radio in today’s world is a platform for advertisement. In fact, of be free from continuous reincarnations. Only the
it generates a lot of income and adds to the economy of the soul matters which will one day be free of the cycle of rebirths
media. It provides the listeners with enumerable options and be at rest.
available in the market but at the same time highlights the ill
issues of the societies and methods to eradicate them. 2. Buddhism and its beliefs
Buddhists do not believe in any God. They do not worship any
Radio also provides a platform for the cultural and gods or God. People outside of Buddhism often think that
traditional exchange. For example, the radio channels Buddhists worship the Buddha. However, the Buddha
provide music of different parts of the world and hence this (Siddhartha Gautama) never claimed to be divine, but
leads to one nation understanding the music of the other. rather he is viewed by Buddhists as having attained what
Music reflects the culture and the tradition of the area to a large they are also striving to attain, which is spiritual
extent. enlightenment and, with it, freedom from the continuous cycle
of life and death.
Globalization in the media has got some negative aspects to it
but however the advantages are way more and therefore there 3.New Age Spirituality and its beliefs
is a remarkable progress in development in all economic, New Age Spirituality promotes the development of the person's
social, political, cultural, and traditional aspects. own power or divinity. When referring to deity, a follower of
this type of spirituality is not talking about a transcendent,
The limitations of Globalization: personal God who created the universe, but is referring to a
higher consciousness within themselves. A person
1. Economic liberalization pursuing spiritual development would see themselves as deity,
2. Effect on income disparity the cosmos, and the universe. In fact, everything that the
3. Effect on disease(health) person sees, hears, feels or imagines is to be considered
4. Effect on the environmental degradation divine.
4. Islam and its beliefs from the increasingly multicultural societies triggered by
Muslims believe there is the one almighty God, named Allah, globalization.
who is infinitely superior to and transcendent from humankind. 2. Conversely, the movement of people and information
Allah is viewed as the creator of the universe and the across national borders increases the rate of social and
source of all good and all evil. Everything that happens is cultural liberalization resulting in potential loosening of
Allah's will. He is a powerful and strict judge, who will be traditional religious structures.
merciful toward followers depending on the sufficiency of their 3. The rise of nationalism as a counter pressure to
life's good works and religious devotion. globalization may put pressure on ethnic/religious diversity in
some countries. Particularly, countries that do not have long
5. Christianity and its beliefs histories of multiculturalism or where there has been historical
Christians believe in one eternal God who is creator of all that conflict between ethnic/religious groups that had been
is. He is viewed as a loving God who offers everyone a suppressed due to the rise of globalization.
personal relationship with himself now in this life. In his life on 4. Same cause as #2 above, but different effect. The ease of
Earth, Jesus Christ did not identify himself as a prophet information flow also allows the rapid movement of religious
pointing to God or as a teacher of enlightenment. Rather, proselytizing across the world. So, the converts to regionally
Jesus claimed to be God in human form. He performed non-traditional religions i.e., Mormonism and Fundamentalist
miracles, forgave people of their sin, and said that anyone Christianity in Latin America have increased dramatically.
who believed in him would have eternal life. Since globalization, according to many scholars, is aimed at
the hybridization of the world cultures around the pattern of the
How distinct are these major religions? Western culture; and since it entails liberal values and norms,
religion (particularly Islam) constitutes a challenge to it. This is
1. Hindus acknowledge multitudes of gods and because Islam’s norms and values are incompatible with
goddesses. the liberal values of globalization.
2. Buddhists say there is no deity.
3. New Age Spirituality followers believe they are God. Challenge of religion
4. Muslims believe in a powerful but unknowable God. Though religion is strengthened and fortified by globalization, it
5. Christians believe a loving God who created us to know represents a challenge to its (globalization’s) hybridizing
him. effects. Religion seeks to assert its identity in the light of
globalization. As a result, different religious identities come to
Religion in Global Conflict the fore and assert themselves. Such assertions of religious
Religious ideas, values, symbols, and rites relate to deep identities constitute a defensive reaction to globalization.
issues of existence, it should not be surprising when religion Scholte, in this respect, maintains that “At the same time as
enters the picture in times of crisis. The era of globalization being pursued through global channels, assertions of religious
brought with it 3 enormous problems, namely: identity have, like nationalist strivings, often also been partly a
defensive reaction to globalization’’.
1. Identity
2. Accountability Globalization is associated, as an American or a Western
3. Security project, with westernization and Americanization. The
dominance and hegemony exerted by these two processes,
Religion provides answer to these problems: particularly on the Third World countries, makes religions-
1. It provides a sense of identity. related cultures and identities take defensive measures to
2. Traditional religious leadership provides a sense of protect themselves. In this respect, Islam takes caution and
accountability. resists the encroachment of globalization forces on its cultures
3. Religion offers a sense of security. and livelihoods in many ways.

Effects of globalization on religion Islam cannot contribute to the hybridizing consequences of

There has been a counter reaction to globalization which has globalization not only because it is always resistant to and
taken the form of increasing nationalism and cultural defiant of globalization but also because the Islamic culture
retrenchment. This occurs in countries where liberal western and identity in general are incompatible with the norms and the
culture has challenged traditional religious and cultural values that are related to globalization and to other distinct
sensibilities. Examples include Islamic fanaticism and a rise of religions (such as Christianity, Judaism, etc.). It has been
religious fundamentalism (Christian, Muslim, and Hindu.)in difficult for religion to cope with values that accompany
many countries, including the U.S. Additionally, this rise in globalization like liberalism, consumerism, rationalism, etc.
nationalism has caused pushback again international trade Such phenomena advocate scientism and secularism.
agreements, the movement of labor and increasing racism
stoked by security concerns. Islamic norms and values contradict those advocated by
globalization. As Anoushiravan Ehteshami points out,
The rise of fundamentalism and its leveraging for political “Globalization is not only seen as a rival of Islamic ways, but
purposes i.e., ISIS has caused widespread conflict across also as an alien force divorced from Muslim realities. Stressing
large parts of the world. This is causing another diaspora of the negative impact of the loose morals of Western life is a
people fleeing from conflict zones into areas that are perceived daily feature of airwaves in the Middle East.”
as ‘safer’. These movements of people further compound the
rise of nationalist xeno-phobic movements as people feel For Muslims, globalization is a source of the loose Western
culturally threatened and physically less secure. morals, according to the writer. The imperialist aspirations of
globalization and its incompatibility with Islam make the former
So, the effects on religion of globalization can be seen in completely alien to the Muslim realities. In this respect, the
the following areas: leading Islamic scholar, Salim Al-Awwa, maintains, as
1. Rising religious fundamentalism as people feel culturally paraphrased by Ehteshami, that globalization is invasion.
threatened by an influx of ‘strange’ cultural factors resulting Since it is a cultural construct at its heart and its meaning is the
Western discourse, Al-Awwa adds, promoting and engaging
with it on the part of Muslims is like accepting and promoting
Western cultural values and their dominance.

To put it in other words, while religion takes caution against the

norms and the values related to globalization, it challenges the
latter since it (religion) does not approve its hybridizing effects.

The idea of de-hybridizing effects of religion is approved also

by Samuel Huntington Clash Theory which maintains that such
de-hybridizing upshots spring also from the religious
partitioning and clashes.

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