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Exercise 1.

Choose the correct answer a, b or c: 

1.Mary ________________ many friends, but now she has lots of them.
a. used to have
b. didn’t use to have
c. not used to have

2. I couldn’t sleep last night at all because I _______________ my new bed.

a. not used to
b. wasn’t used to
c. didn’t get use to

3. When Adam got a job, he _______________ getting up early very quickly.

a. used to
b. got used to
c. get used to

4. When I moved to Norway, it was hard for me to _______________ cold summer. But now
I’m OK with it.
a. am used to
b. get used to
c. be used to

5. I know this company, but I ___________________ work there.

a. used to
b. didn’t use to
c. didn’t used to

6. This computer is very easy to use. You _______________ in a day, I’m sure.
a. got used to
b. will be get used to
c. will get used to

7. At first Michael didn’t like his new boss, but finally he _________________  her.
a. got used to
b. is used to
c. get used to

8. Our new colleague is very lazy and I don’t think he ____________________ working hard in
our company.
a. is used to
b. used to
c. will get used to

9. Dan ________________ married, but now he is single again.

a. used to be
b. got used to be
c. did used to be

10. When I was a child, I ______________ play computer games a lot.

a. used to
b. was used to
c. got used to

1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-b, 5-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-c, 9-a, 10-a

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with correct forms of used to/be used to/get used to. Use
negative forms where necessary.

1. When Kate moved to England, she couldn’t ________________ British accent.

2. I know Mary, we _________________ go to the same cooking class.
3. We _________________ local food, it’s too spicy.
4. It’s difficult for American drivers to ________________ driving on the left side of the
road in Britain.
5. Have you seen Sam’s new car? Before he got it, he’d ________________ get to work by
6. Working overtime isn’t a problem for me. I __________________ it. I did the same at
my previous job.
7. When Tina lived with her parents, she __________________ have a big house, but now
she lives in a small room and she finds it difficult ___________________ it.
8. I _______________ working in this company very quickly, people are very friendly here.
9. When he was younger, Mike ___________________ go camping a lot. But now he does
it very often and enjoys it so much.
10. I don’t like going to the discos because I __________________ that kind of music.

get used to; 2. used to; 3. aren’t used to; 4. get used to; 5. used to; 6. am used to; 7. used to, to get
used to; 8. got used to; 9. didn’t use to; 10. am not used to.

1. GET ACROSS – объяснить, дать понять

It’s difficult to get the humor across in another language. – Сложно объяснить юмор на
другом языке.
2. GET DOWN (TO) – корче говоря
Enough small talk. Let’s get down to business. – Хватит пустых разговоров. Давайте
перейдем к делу.
3. GET AWAY (WITH) – сойти с рук, уйти от (ответственности), избавиться от
My sister gets away with everything. – Моей сестре все сходит с рук.
4. GET OVER – справиться с, преодолеть, выздороветь
It’s been 6 months, but she still can’t get over her breakup with Jon. – Прошло уже 6
месяцев, но она до сих пор не может преодолеть разрыв с Джоном
5. GET AHEAD – двигаться вперед, прогрессировать
He’s got ahead in his career a lot during this year. – Он значительно продвинулся вперед в
карьере за этот год.
6. GET BEHIND – поддерживать
His parents still get him behind because he doesn’t have a proper job. – Его родители до сих
пор поддерживают его, потому что у него нет нормальной работы. 

7. GET AROUND – убеждать, заставлять

Max can always get around his parents to give him some money. – Макс всегда может
убедить своих родителей дать ему немного денег.
8. GET AT (SOMEONE) – критиковать (кого-то)
They don’t like my moustache and my long hair, they get at me whenever they can. – Им не
нравятся мои усы и длинные волосы, они критикуют меня при каждом удобном случае.
9. GET DOWN – расстроить кого-то, привести в уныние
At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer. – Временами,
когда моя работа приводит меня в уныние, я люблю мечтать о том, чтобы стать фермером.
10. GET RID OF – избавиться от (чего-то)
She’d made a serious mistake in inviting him up here, and she didn’t know how to get rid of
him.  – Она совершила большую ошибку, пригласив его сюда и теперь она не знает, как

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