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Mebals Nhd on-Matals

hyaical prnpeties a Matads

Matals ae MalLauhle, ie., nay Lon be bittan
into hin ahoats

Matal au Durtile,ia.,'t'can be drauan

stutchod into in uwius.

Mtals a
ypad landutara Huat and tlhticy-
Suen is u bust candurtan and Lead js the
east canduutan.

Matals au Luatuus (sting) and can be poliahed.

Matals _au ganrally Hard, eoxtapt lattasiun
ond Sodium whih ane sstmatala.

Metals haNe High unaile åtungh, ie.,thuy hae

maaimum holding capacity. Eztapt Sodiun and
ials s0lid at ucom tempoatwt, apt

mecu which is in liquid state

Mudals are Sonahus, Je, u y con maa rinpna
maka singing
Stund uuhen hit ith an object

Mdas d bauing
Jave high multng and blbing poins
Racept ocium and patasalun

Metals ake ually un iluor to i s h ld

enapt yald and Coppa1.

Physical Braperkies Non-Metals

Non-metals axe reiter mallnable ha ductle,
huy a buttle Cbreak sasily).

7Nan metals do nat candut Jeat and electick

Ocpt carbon in praphite
taxm uhich is a
god canductar aalubicity.

on-mtals ar na luatraus,
thuy are dul,
aupt iodine whichs the non- metal
ustnaus ppeauanu. wth

Non mutal au
quually Sokt enupt
whch is diamad
eatwmly haxd ron-neta

Von- etab ae not

strang. theu ane asily
Non-metals na be nlid, liquid a goses a
non- metal)
JLnam umpevratue. (BoomineSiquid

Von mutals au non -Sonatuus,thy do nat pto-

duce sund un hit with an objeut.

Nan metals have dlorent calaurs Jike sulphun

is uollaw, phaspharus Js white an Juddish
yraphita is block, dhlarine & gjaunish odou
Judragen and oygen calauless.

Non-metals haue Lamparakivuly law melkng

Poins aud laus boling points sorcapt diamonds.

Chamical Bruapexkies Metals-

Matals Jearking with n um ain

Matals + Ougun Mutal Oride

Basie in Naturw

atals Jika sadiun, patassiun_Juact with oxHgn

at rsam tunperakuru o aum basit oride

NaC)+ O2 9 Room TNa,0s

CBasic sodium OxidaD.

Kcs +0 (a Koan
Temp K,0 c
CBoxi CPottasium Oxida)
matals ae
staucd undn koa.
Kand Na
uitn OXHgen.
i l to prount hain. Juacians
maistur Carban d i i d

Maqnasum mital daes nat roact ith ougen at

raam tompant but an heatingt huy
in. iving intense Junt and ignt to aum
basic sxide

2Ma) tO2()A 2Ma0 s

Magnasuum Oids
Cwhite talaued poudu)

Auminiwm metal huwns in ai an Juating to

avum alwminum suide
Ae 302( > 2Al,0a (s)

Amphoturc Omidas.Uhase matal oocidles whidt

shao basic as wull as Didic behavia aa
knaun as
amphateruc saidos. tramalu: (Zin
&aic 2ALC ,0
Al,Og 2NaOH
Aeidic NaAlo, +H20
ran mtals daus nat burn in a i n on
suang Jeating t reacts with ha ougen

ai n prolanged Juating
Ee03 CEaouc Orido)
tees Ee 8 on IlT
(bentio Oxidu)

e p p e r mutal dnes rat buwn Jn ain on sbang

hoating hut undar pralanged canditian by
uast slauu with oxugn to tam a black cals-
wed substana called coPp Dide.
2G) +0z(g)2a0 D

) Reachiorn Mutals with bten

Matals + Oaton Hudkaudde +H

Metalst Steam Metal 4

CH0) Oxida
and Sodium

ataaaiuma Juacts rigarausly with be ald

unten o pun potasium udroocide and
Jydragen gas. Thts s Jighly enotbernic suackior-

KH,0 KoH+ H Dt Haat

+ Hzat
Na +H,O NaOH +H,
Jnltium Jaum Salkiun
Jeatts ith wnter to orm Jalun
Hydroocide ancd Hydragen . Tha hunt praduu
in dhis Jroackon is loss which à nat sulcipt
to burn tu hydragn gos wkich slomed

CaS)+H, Ca CoHD

Maanaium Mataddas hot oatt with cold wato

u t it suasta with hat wnten oam Magnu-
ium Hudxaidn und Hydsegan as.

CHot watD

Matals ike Buminium, Zinc and TranA,zn A&).

do nat seact with aither tald water a hat
water. Thy Juact sth sttan o Jam s mualmanl
Aide and Judrngen Aa
ALCs) (Staam)
H20 8) Al,O
Zn tH0
CStaan) ZnO+2
H0 EOs+ H
Matals Jike Lopp, Ailan, Lead and yd Cca, Ag
Lb, Au) do nat Juact uth waton aNen Steam.

ii Reackian Matals ith ilte Aaida

Metals+ Didte Arids Mata


odiwn Metal sreacts viqprausly uith Dilute Hel

do armdodun ChlQrida and Hydbogun as
Na cs) + dil.HcA caq)
Nalcaq t H
Maqneaium seacts quih sapidly "aith diluete HC
aming Magnesiun hlaud and Hdbragen Jas
Mg + dd. HCQ M+
Eetci Aluminium metal at Jiut Juarts slcmy
uith dilute H due o tre
prasena tough
Japr aluminium sride
Alct di. HCL AlCg +H2

AnaKaniaKogia- Rayal water

13 HNO3 HC
(Nutc CHycbuathlauc Auid)
tis a pushly pwparod miruno a o tno
pat o cancentbatsd HNo, and 3 pots o
concent-ated Hd

Tt Can dissolue all matals,i t is highly

aLosive uing iquid.

Why do matal uacts uth Nan-motals?

Jontc Bond chemical band kamud by ha

tanser electrans om one atom o
ansen arehe
Ls knaun as lonic Bend.

1uhen a metal sreacts uith a non-metal, tarsy

electsans takes place rom metal atems to
non-matal atams, auming danic bond


M Cp-tm
Yoa actrans = 2n
h= ho. a h a l l s

201)=2 alacbrars
Atom 2(2) 2 x4 8 8 ledrans
2(3)= 213 18 sladran3
Fasumalion odiuwm nlosida (NaCD

Bodium (Na) mutal

hiaude CCO) i» hon mutal

Atoric No-No. a photens m No. aalctan

Mass No -rotans+Noutrans
Na C- 1
dadaonic= (2,8.0 slectronic C2,8,OD
Conigeatiou Conigunatian


Na C
Na, C

Eoronaion agasum Chlavide

Mg 12. 11
Ec. = C2,8,3)

Mg C X C2,8,$)
cthuy Seis And Rulatad Mdalnay


Raduckon using

Rg Faund in natie
Au atata
Brperdias o

Tonic Sompounds

iPhysialNatuou Lonic campaunds ae salds

and aea 20rmauwhat Jhasd because Jha st
auta atttartHon belun tha
paltie and
nagutv iond Theae compounds Jasue
bittla and huaR into
js appliad
pites when-phissu
it Malting and Boiling foinsJsnic campaunds
Jau high malting and bailing paints. i i is
because A Cansidarabla amauwt a Andhg is

Sraguisud to bruak ba strang inten-ionic attrackion

iySaubility uctuavalvit campaunds Aa qunikally yally

salubll in uate and jnsaluble in salLonts suth
as Rauaoe, patrol, at

i Sondutkan olduiy: ta canduckan e

lctricity thraugh a sautian irvoles tha mamen

achaged Lonic campaunds canduct

lectricit n he malten state This is passible
in the malten state sinu the lectrestatic Jarcts
attactien betwwn he sppasitely chatqed
i a n s a e v e c a m e duu to tha
huat. luus the
ans m a and canduct aluctsicily

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