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Robert I.



Directions: Read a research article about the ethical consideration of gene therapy and answer the
following questions

1. How can "good" and "bad" uses of gene therapy are distinguished?

It's the same with good vs. bad therapy in general. The patient benefits from good therapy,
whereas the patient suffers from bad therapy. This is a result-oriented definition. It may be
difficult to predict the outcome ahead of time. I'm aware of at least one well-known case in
which attempted gene therapy resulted in the death of a patient with a non-life-threatening

2. Who decides which traits are normal and which constitute a disability or disorder?

The issue of neurodiversity is one facet of it. Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, OD, and other non-
typical neurotypes are classed as disorders because they are not "normal.

3. Will the high costs of gene therapy make it available only to the wealthy?

No. gene therapy is available to poor and wealthy people.

4. Could the widespread use of gene therapy make society less accepting of people who are

On a large scale, germline gene therapy could result in the selection of characteristics to improve

the genetics of a population. The widespread use of germline gene therapy may make society less
accepting of people who are different or who have a particular disability or genetic condition.

5. Should people be allowed to use gene therapy to enhance basic human traits such as height,
intelligence, or athletic ability?

Intelligence and Athleticism are both somewhat already influenced by genes. Taking the extra
step to enhance these two factors would be unfair. Throughout society today, we are measured
on a lot of different factors. Our intelligence is constantly measured throughout school, up into
our further careers. Having enhanced intelligent is unfair to those who work twice as hard to
achieve the same level of intelligence. Another unfair advantage is having an enhanced athletic
ability. Similar to the use of steroids, using gene therapy to enhance one’s athleticism is an unfair
advantage to those who work hard every day to achieve the same level of fitness.

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