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Question 1: From Peter.

This is part of a letter you receive from your English friend.

“My parents want me to go on holiday with them this summer but I’d
prefer to go somewhere with my friends. I have to choose. What do
you think I should do?”
Letter of making suggestions/ giving advice.
-enjoy your holiday with your parents:
+family is the first priority -> you should treasure/ cherish your time
with your family.
+you’ve been busy with your school projects and living far away from
your parents for ages already-> paying a visit to your parents is a better
+can take a short trip (probably a few days after you travel with your
->you’ve spent a large amount of time with your friends during the
school time, so it’s better to arrange time and travel with your friends
after the trip with your family.
->I think it depends on your preference, or you can travel with your
friends after the trip with your family. (you can travel with your parents
first, and then go with your friends).

Question 2: From Harry.

“Next month, I’m moving with my family to a different area. I have to
choose between going to a small school in the countryside or a large
school in the center of town. What should I do?” (giving advice)
-go to a small school in the countryside:
+life in the countryside is peaceful (yên bình)
+the environment is fresh and clean
+People in the countryside are friendly.
Ideal environment for you to focus more on your study, and you
will not be distracted (bị sao nhãng) by other social factors.
Focus on something: (v)
-go to a large school in the city:

+the educational system (hệ thống giáo dục) in the city is much better/
more convenient than it is in the countryside: (advanced facilities (thiết
bị hiện đại), English centers (tt tiếng Anh)
+libraries and diverse aca’demic resources=>larger schools offer (đưa
ra) students multiple libraries, events, competitions.
+Everything is more convenient: entertainment centers, shopping
malls, modern health-care service (dịch vụ y tế), modern facilities (cơ sở
hạ tầng tốt).
->If I were you, I would choose to live and study in a large school in a
big city. Though the living the environment in the countryside is better
and fresher, everything in the city is much more convenient and
advanced and this is certainly an advantage for you.
-If I were you, I would….
-I think it depends on your preference, but it’s better to…
-I strongly advise you to ….
-I highly recommend to you that…
-In my opinion, you should…
-it will be better if you….
-I suggest that you should….
-As far as I’ve known, As far as I’m concerned, to the best of my
Deadline: submit in time at 8:30 pm

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