SS-223 - Business Communication 1 Course Outline/ Document: Course Instructor Information Degree Information Fall 2020

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QECISOB-D1-CW- Courseware Template v0.3

SS-223 –Business Communication 1

Form number
COURSE Name Sahar Arshad

DEGREE Program Batch Section(s) Semester Fall


Course Category Credit

C- Core/ E-Elective
Code Title
C SS-223 Business Communication 1 3
INFORMATION Prerequisite(s) None
No. of
Required Brief Justification
(Yes/ No)
No Nil Nil

Title of Book Excellence in Business Communication 12th
Author(s) Thill and Bovee
Publisher Pearson
Title of Book Essentials of Business Communication
1. Marry Ellen Guffey and Loewy 9th Edition Published by Book
Imprint details
Title of Book Business Communication Today (14th Edition)
Imprint details Bovee, Thill and Raina
Title of Book
Reference Imprint details
Book (s)
Support Material(s)




Effective communication is a skill, and hence it can be learned. Students will be exposed to theories
Brief Description of

and concepts that underlie effective oral, and mainly written communication skills. The course will
develop advance written communication skills by focusing on the three-step writing process of
planning, writing and completing business messages so that students can apply them in a practical
business environment. They will learn the skills to improve team collaboration and acquire techniques
to advance interpersonal skills, especially listening.They will understand the opportunities and
challenges of communication in a diverse world and learn how to write effective business reports and

The course will also offer a realistic approach to the business communication environment so that

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(not more than 250 words) Course:

students can collect, organize, analyze and present information in an understandable and logical order.
Application of concepts to practical case studies will help the students to handle real life communication
barriers in the future. Latest communication mediums will be emphasized to that students can make
efficient use of social media and visual media.

Course Objectives (CO): (Brief &unambiguous)… at least 5 COs

a. tend to describe specific, discrete units of knowledge and skill
b. can be accomplished within a short time frame - still may be relevant for a class period
c. tend to be STATEMENTS OF INTENT; do not necessarily suggest that the behavior has been demonstrate

1. What is business communication and the basic communication process? What is the importance of communication in life?
2. How does listening affect communication and in what ways can one improve interpersonal skills?
3. How to effectively communicate in teams and collaborate team efforts through communication?
4. Application of theories and concepts in view of case studies to teach students how to overcome communication barriers.
5. Learn how to be a business writing professional by applying the three-step writing process.
6. Discover how social media and visual media can play a vital role in communication
7. Learn the difference between writing routine, negative, positive and persuasive messages.
8. Learn how to apply the 3 step writing process to business reports and proposals.

Learning Outcome (LO): (Brief & unambiguous-with reference to course objectives i.e. at least 5 LOs
a. describe broad aspects of behavior which incorporate a wide range of knowledge and skill
b. accomplished over time in several learning experiences

a. Understand the business communication model and its importance in the business world
b. Learn the skills to improve interpersonal skills especially listening
c. Acquire the techniques required to collaborate in teams and communicate effectively
d. Application of theories and concepts in view of case studies to teach students how to overcome communication barriers.
e. Develop the skills of a business writing professional by applying the three-step writing process.
f. Make efficient use of social media and visual media in communicating
g. Learn the difference between writing routine, negative, positive and persuasive messages.
h. Apply the 3 step writing process to write effective business reports and proposals

Courseware Structure: (Mark X where applies)

Lecture Multimedia Exercise IT Labs Case Individual Group Any other Medium
Studies Assignment Presentation
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6 (Assign) (G-Pres)
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**Courseware Events
Weeks Contents/Topics (MM/ IT Lab/Case Study/ Comments (if any)
Presentation etc.)
Icebreaker – Introducing your friend! Onthe job: solving
Chap 1: Achieving success through effective business communication
communication dilemmas at Toyota
Week-01  Understanding why communication matters.
 Communicating in Today’s Global BusinessEnvironment Rewrite an ineffective
 Exploring the Communication Process. letter into an effective
 Using technology to improve business communication.
 Committing to ethical and legal communication.
Chap 2: Mastering Team Skills and Interpersonal
 Communicating effective in teams. On the job: solving
Week-02  Collaborating on communication efforts. communication Quiz on Chap 1
 Making your meetings more productive. dilemmas at rosen law
 Using Meeting Technologies.
 Improving your listening skills and nonverbal communication skills.
 Developing your business etiquette.
Chap 3: Communicating in a World of Diversity
 Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of Communication Class group
in a Diverse World On the job: solving activity:
Week-03  Developing Cultural Competency communication Representing
 Recognizing Variations in a Diverse World dilemmas at ibm different
 Adapting to Other Business Cultures
business cultures
 Improving Intercultural Communication Skills
Three-Step Writing Process
Chap 4: Planning business messages
 Understanding the Three-Step Writing.
Week-04  Analyzing the Situation.
 Gathering information.
 Selecting the best combination of media and channels.
 Organizing your information

Class Activity – Rewriting ineffective business messages into effective ones

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Chap 5: Writing Business Messages

 Adapting to your audience: Being sensitive to audience needs. Assignment
 Adapting to your audience: Building strong relationships.
 Adapting to your audience: Controlling your style and tone. On the Job solving
 Composing your message: Creating effective sentences. communication
 Composing your message: Crafting unified, coherent matters at Creative
paragraphs. Commons
 Writing messages for mobile devices.
Chap 6: Completing Business Messages
 Revising your message: Evaluating the first draft. On the Job solving
 Revising to improve readability. communication
Week-07  Editing for clarity and consciences.
dilemmas at Jefferson
 Producing your message.
Rabb Web Design
 Proofreading you message.
 Distributing your message.
Class Activity – Business Writing Exercises
Week-08 1. Correcting ineffective business writing Class Activities
2. Writing a business memo
Chap 7: Crafting Messages for Electronic
Media On the job solving
 Electronic media for business communication. Midterm
Week-09  Social Networking dilemmas at
Revision class
 Email.
Southwest Airlines exercises
 Instant Messaging and text messaging.
 Blogging and Microblogging.
Chap 11: Planning Reports and Proposals On the job solving
 Finding, evaluating and processing information communication
Week-10  Supporting Your Messages with Reliable Information
dilemmas at My City Assignment
 Conducting secondary and primary research
 Planning reports and proposals
Chap 12 and 13 : Writing and Completing Reports and
 Adapting to Your Audience
 Drafting Report Content
Week-11  Drafting Proposal Content
 Helping Report Readers Find Their Way
 Using Technology to Craft Reports and Proposals
 Revising, producing, and proofreading reports and proposals
 Distributing reports and proposals
Chap 8 & 9 Writing Routine and Brief Messages –
Positive& Negative messages.
 Common examples of routine requests. Solving on the job
 Strategy for routine and positive messages. communication
Week -13
 Writing three-step writing process for negative messages. dilemmas at Get
 Using the direct approach for negative messages. Satisfaction
 Using indirect approach for negative messages.
 Sending negative messages on routine business matters.
Chap 10: Writing Persuasive Messages
 Using the Three-Step writing process for Persuasive
Week 14  Developing persuasive business messages.
 Developing Marketing and Sales messages.
 Maintaining high standards of Ethics, Legal Compliance and
Writing a
Week-15 Group Presentations comprehensive Final Project
business plan
Group Presentations
Week-16 Final Project

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** Courseware Events column is subject to variations / appropriations

Recommended Web links:

Grading Criteria

Marks Distribution: Planned Courseware Events:

% *Weight
Marks Ranges

1. Class Participation 5
Particulars Planned Remarks
2. Interactive Session 10 5 ~ 10
1. Quizzes < or = 4 All quizzes unannounced
3. Pop Quizzes 5 5 ~ 10
2. Assignments/ >2 &<5 Individual assignments
4. Terminal Exam (Midterm) 30 10 ~ 15
3. Presentations =>1 Mostly group assignment
5. Final Project 10 8 ~ 10
4. Labs < or = 4 Individual Lab Exercises
6. Final Exam 40 40 ~ 50

Total:- 0 0
*WeightRanges as defined in NeON

You must attend every class for your own personal benefit. Please refer to university policy of minimum
attendance requirement (80% attendance i-e – 1.30 hrs (90 minutes) each class duration,if 48 hrs lectures
are attended).
Failing to confirm qualifying attendance threshold, the student will stand debarred from sitting in the
examination and assigned with “F” Grade.

All assignments should be your own work (or your group’s when approved). PLAGIARISM will be
Academic and Moral awarded with “F” grade and/or reported to the University for academic and moral misconduct. To
Integrity: protect yourself, DO NOT COPY /PASTE and ALWAYS PROVIDE REFERENCES!

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Instructions / Suggestions for STUDENTS for satisfactory progress in this course:

 FAST has a 100 percent attendance policy. However, students are allowed to sit in the final exam if they have at least 80 percent attendance.
 Do not schedule other appointments during your lecture time, still If you miss a lecture; Ask for a copy of the lecture notes. Get a good,
readable and reliable copy and work though it carefully and diligently.
 Plagiarism in any part of the course can lead to an F in the whole course.
 On average, most students should find at least three hours outside of class for each class hour for satisfactory learning.
 Note: Counseling hours are displayed outside the doors of permanent faculty members for providing extra guidance to students. However,
students are welcome to get help from the instructor at all times.
 If you encounter academic difficulties in your course, do not wait, contact your instructor or advisor in designated counseling hours and seek
appropriate levels of assistance to help resolve your academic apprehensions.
 Inform your course instructor, advisor, administrator or staff person of your concerns and provide them with all relevant information on the
challenges you are facing.
 Read the objectives and learning outcomes well; students are expected to attain the intended learning outcomes.
 Plan all of your activities; use the calendars, things to do list, reminders or other resources to help you keep track of important tasks, course
assignments, quizzes, examination dates and deadline dates as well as your co-curricular activities.
 Students unable to submit an assignment by the due date should discuss the matter in advance with the course instructor. At the instructor’s
discretion, late assignments may not be accepted. Where late assignments are accepted, a late penalty of 10% per day will be levied.
 Assignments/ Activities: They are not meant simply for grades, but to reinforce your learning. Assignments are due on time. Each day late
will lower your assignment grade by 10%. Apart from value of content, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and good presentation (printing and
paper quality) will figure into your assignment grade.
 Copying other students' work or allowing your own work to be copied, both are considered cheating.
 You must logged in to your SLATE account at least once in every 24 hours for announcements, assignments, lecture notes and messages
 Check NEON regularly for your attendance, and evaluations.
 You need to enter the lecture room fully awake and able to devote your best concentration, for this go to bed at reasonable times and take
optimum sleep.
 Come to each lecture properly prepared, bring in last lectures’ notes, text books, ball points/pencils, laptops and calculators etc
 Use the few minutes you usually have before the start of each class to review the prior lectures’ notes and homework. This will save us
valuable in-class time to work on new material.
 Chapters should be read and homework/exercises should be attempted before class.
 Do not get behind. You are encouraged to work with other students.
 The homework assigned is a minimum. You should always work extra hours on your own.
 Develop a learning habit rather than memorizing; work in groups, whenever appropriate.
 Apply the learned principles and gained knowledge; be creative in thinking.
 To guard against errors, please keep copies of the papers you turn in and retain all graded assignments for your reference.
 It is the responsibility and duty of students to become acquainted and abide by all the policies and rules of the FSB.

(Specific to the subject being

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