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Larygneal Spasms

4. convulsions

I. Definition 5. delirium

Is a viral disease that cause acute After a symptom-free incubation period that
encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in ranges from 10 days to a year or longer (the
warm-blooded average is 30 to 50 days)

1. Malaise
2. Loss of appetite
II.Etiology 3. Fatigue
Lyssa virus. Genus name of Rhabdoviridae 4. Headache
5. Fever

Two to 10 days later, signs of nervous

III.Mode of Transmission system damage appear.

 Travels to the brain by following the 1. Hyperactivity and hypersensitivity

peripheral nerves 2. Disorientation
 Animal bite 3. Hallucination
4. Seizures
5. Paralysis
IV.Incubation Period 6. Difficulty of breathing

1. The incubation period of the disease VI. Pathognomonic Sign

is usually a few months in humans, Hydrophobia, a morbid fear of water
depending on the distance the virus
must travel to reach the central VII.Diagnostic Test
nervous system.
1. Treatment after exposure, known as
2. Once the rabies virus reaches the
post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), is
central nervous system and
highly successful in preventing the
symptoms begin to show, the
disease if administered promptly,
infection is effectively untreatable
generally within ten days of
and usually fatal within days.
infection.[1] Thoroughly washing the
wound as soon as possible with soap
V.Signs and Symptoms and water for approximately five
minutes is very effective at reducing
1. fever the number of viral particles. “If
2. Insomia available, a virucidal antiseptic such
as povidone-iodine, iodine tincture,
aqueous iodine solution, or alcohol Purified chick embryo cell vaccine
(ethanol) should be applied after (PCECV)
washing. Exposed mucous
membranes such as eyes, nose or
mouth should be flushed well with IX. Prevention and Control
2. Some recent work has shown that 1. Vero cell rabies vaccine
during lethal rabies infection, the
2. A recombinant vaccine called V-RG has
blood-brain barrier (BBB) does not
been successfully used in Belgium, France,
allow anti-viral immune cells to
Germany, and the disease if administered
enter the brain, the primary site of
promptly, generally within ten years of
rabies virus replication.[25] This
aspect contributes to the
pathogenicity of the virus and X.Nursing Management
artificially increasing BBB
permeability promotes viral 1. Treatment after exposure, known as
clearance.[26] Opening the BBB post- exposure prophylaxis (PEP), is
during rabies infection has been highly successful in preventing the
suggested as a possible novel disease of administered promptly,
approach to treating the disease, even generally within then days of
though no attempts have yet been infection
made to determine whether or not 2. No matter where the wound
this treatment could be successful. authorities emphasize that the first
and most valuable preventive
measure is through cleaning of the
VII.Drug of Choice site with soap and water
The Imovax® Rabies Vaccine, The virus is 3. If rabies vaccine treatment is called
harvested from infected human diploid cells, for, it should be started as soon as
MRC-5 strain, concentrated by ultrafiltration possible after exposure. Counting the
and is inactivated by beta-propiolactone. first day of vaccine treatment as day
One dose of reconstituted vaccine contains 0 on days 0, 3, 7, 14
less than 100 mg albumin, less than 150 μg 4. The first dose of rabies vaccine is
neomycin sulfate and 20 μg of phenol red given as soon as possible after
indicator. This vaccine must only be used exposure, with additional doses on
intramuscularly and as a single dose vial. days three, seven and fourteen after
the first
5. Patients who have previously
VIII.Immunization received pre-exposure vaccination do
not receive the immunoglobulin,
Human diploid cell vaccine (HDCV)
only the post-exposure vaccinations
on day 0 and 2
XI. Possible Nursing Diagnosis

1. High risk for infection transmission

2. Knowledge deficit
3. Altered body temperature related to
presence of infection
4. Dehydration related to refusal to take
liquids secondary to throat spasms
and fear of spasmodic attacks




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