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Case study

Air pollution and chemical changes

during the covid- 19 in Delhi
Globally humanity is the facing its most signifi cant change in the 100
years due to the novel coronavirus SARS go v to which is responsibility
for the covid-19.
Under enormous pressure created by the pandemic, scienti sts are
studying virus transmission mechanism to develop the eff ecti ve
migrati on strategies. The expanding urban areas with the stream
climate event [ rainfall, extreme temperature, fl ood, and droughts.]
correlati on between climate change, air polluti on and urbanizati on has
been presented as air polluted aff ect climate of both direct and

Air pollution and climate change are Major threat to rapidly growing cities in present times. Media
is projected to have 53% of national population as urban population by edition of 416 million
urban dwellers by 2050

The climate change end land uses the land cover partners in urban area due to the ongoing
urbanization affect realizer chemical by alternate like the surface and bordering the layers
atmosphere properties.

The regional climate change is reflected by different meteorological conditionally such as change
in temperature and precipitation.

According to the report by WHO more than 7 million people across the world lose their lives due
to the disease like with the pollution, the happy increasing air pollution in most of Indian mega
cities over the last few decades and it is consequential human health impact [ such as the asthma,
respiratory problems
Air pollution
Air pollution is matter of serious concern in megacities where pollution levels exceed
permissible due to its associated health risk per city residents.
Major outdoor and indoor air Pollutants in urban areas. Can be primary or secondary air
pollutants Primary air pollutants: Pollutants that are formed and emitted directly from
particular sources. Examples are particulates, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and
sulphur oxide. Secondary air pollutants: Pollutants that are formed in the lower
atmosphere by chemical reactions.

Climate change
Doing the covid- 19 pandemic, air quality index gets approved because of lockdown
no vehicles were there on the road the air quality index gets improved by 58%
person correlati on strategy was approved between the meteorological parameters
and air polluti on at 0.05 level we treated as one of the most important outcomes of
the study to identi fy the sources more convincingly. The ideal conditi on [ complete
lockdown] in real world really found to pinpoint the extra cause of air polluti on

Consequent several strict- measure taken during lockdown such as
limiti ng plasti c and private transport, Closing industrial And
commercial acti viti es, concentrati ons
Diff erent pollutants, Domesti cati on with. Proper, implementati on of
regulati ons, norms and standards, enough scope to maintain Ambient
air quality.

The result show that major cause of air pollution in Delhi and NCR s vehicle
industry and construction site. stringent measures for containing and norms to
present scenario

 Central pollution central border
 National air quality index
 World Health Organization Emergency Dashboard

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