Case Study:1 Community Lead Advocacy-NREGA: Choudeshwari CBR A Breakthrough To Manjula

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Case Study :1

Community lead Advocacy- NREGA

Under NREGA ,the Act clearly spelled out ,the provisions for employment and payment of wages .But, in
reality the laborer’s facing very difficult situation , which in turn de motivate the laborers to go back to
migration .The timely intervention by CBR strengthened Hottiganahalli NREGA Laborer Sangha to deal
with Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Davangere for their legitimate rights .

At Hottiganahalli, (Taluka :Harihar) ,more than 128 laborers including women ,were applied for
employment well in advance in December 2008. The Secretary , unwillingly accepted the application and
acknowledged it ,and only when ,the issue was raised with Executive Officer ,Harihar Taluka .Laborers
neither heard nor did get employment within 15 days of application ,as Act spelled out .

Laborers raised the issue with Ganesh CBR,Hottiganahalli .CBR discussed the issue and resolved to
support the campaign .However, members advised the laborers to systematically document the
correspondence from the very beginning . And also advised to be polite and humble while dealing with
Panchayat Raj and Revenue Officials .

As per the suggestion ,laborers applied again and requested for unemployment allowances from 16th
day of application .The said application , instead acknowledging , was threw away by Secretary in front
of the laborers .The aggrieved laborers directly went to Executive Officer ,Harihar to submit application
for unemployment allowance and file complaint against the Panchayat Secretary . Unfortunately ,
Executive Officer did not showed up. The laborers without loosing their patience ,went to Davangare
(District Head Quarter) to inform and complaint against the Secretary and EO with Chief Executive
Officer ,Zilla Panchayat .

CEO, Zilla Panchayat ,Davangere , patiently heard the plea of laborers and assured to take action against
the Secretary and EO. Hottiganahlli NREGA Laborers Sangha received a letter on March 03,2009 from
CEO ,Zilla Panchayat ,Davanagere ,dated February 18,2009 .In that letter ,CEO directed EO, Harihar to
resolve the issue and expected action taken report.

Ganesh CBR is very happy for getting a reply by the Hottiganahalli laborers group and have written a
thanking letter to CEO for the timely intervention. Hottiganahalli laborers are confident to get wages and
employment and ready to continue the flight with state level Officials , if it is not get resolved at
Davanerege level , Kenchappa , one of the labour said vehemently.

-Report by Gouramma ,REACH,Harihar

Case Study -2
Choudeshwari CBR a Breakthrough to Manjula

Manjula W/o Basappa ,aged 24,residing in SC colony at Gadigudal (Taluka :Harapanahali) had been
taking treatment from Health Assistant (HA), as she was carrying and expecting second issue within 2-3
months . Manjula has becoming quite nervous uncomfortable day by day . When asked the reason for
uneasiness , she expressed she was thinking for arranging money for hospital expenses for delivery. In

Cultivating Innovation: Solutions for Rural Communities-Entry from REACH 1

her first delivery she took a loan of Rs.5,000 from SHG and had repaid only Rs 3,600, through monthly
installment of Rs.300 , neibhourers said.

In one of the visit , HA advised her for admitting Government Hospital i.e. PHC Gundgatti for delivery .
Manajula was a fear that local government hospital (PHC) is not taking proper care and there is always
writing for medicine , and even Doctors are also not regular, she heard . In another visit HA ,realized the
situation of Manjula and advised her to approach Choudeshwari CBR .Manjula again asked , why to
approach CBR ? Are there any Doctor ? Do they pay me money for hospital expenses ? “ Don’t worry ,
they take care of all your doubts and answer all your questions ”, HA consoled Manjula and introduced
Premakka , neibhourer of Manjula ,one of the member of CBR.

One day Manjula went to meet Premakka , Premakka heard patiently all the questions and advised her
to come to Choudeshwari temple on Friday evening at 7.00 pm. Manjaula along with her mother were
present at Choudeshawri temple at 7.00 pm sharp. Manjula appeared to be fear ,as there was a mob of
10-12 women and were discussing some issue. When Premakka called Manjula to come and sit in the
meeting , Manjula get relaxed .

Premakka introduced Manjula to meeting and briefly shared what were discussed previously with
Manjula . Some other members asked Manjula to know her background , her work , treatment taken so
far etc. Manjula replied . Other members heard patiently all the questions of Manjula . Finally , assured
Manjula not to worry about hospital expenses and explained the facility of Janani Suraksha and advised
for delivery at PHC, Gundgatti .Manjula was very happy to know about monetary benefit of Rs. 700 for
delivery at PHC, rather paying for hospital expenses. Members also advised to admit at Harapanahalli
Governemnt Hospital , if she is not comfortable at PHC and assured monetary benefit of Rs. 600 for
normal delivery and in case of Caesarian Rs.1, 500. And assured not to pay any amount for treatment
and medicine .

Another member explained her about free treatment kit “Madilu ” at PHC and City Government
Hospital after delivery , which contains 19 items needed for new born baby and mother .Manjula ,saw
her mother and thanked god. Manjula agreed immediately and she was happy ,as her problem get
resolved one by one .Premakka immediately registered Manjula with the help of HA Anganawadi for
Prasoothi Araike ( Pre-natal care ) , under which Manjula was eligible for an amount of Rs. 2,000 for
nutritious food , as she was SC and she was advised by HA for nutrias food.

Members again asked is there any more question , Manjula knocked her head happily , members wished
her for safe delivery and advised to take proper treatment in time. HA also assured to follow up on
Prasoothi Araike and arrange and move needed papers. Finally , members wished for a female , as
Manjula had a male child , Parashu , 2 year old and briefed her about the new scheme of Government
“Bhagya Laxmi ” .

On February 06,209 Manjula gave birth to female child , at Harapanahalli Government Hospital
.Manjula get discharged after 5 days and came to her house .CBR members greeted her at her house
with sweet, cloth and fruits. CBR members celebrated birthday and named the new born as “Laxmi ” and
distributed sweet . Basappa also joined with his neghbourers and relatives and celebrated birth day .
CBR registered birth of Laxmi and HA registered for “Bhaghy Laxmi ” .Manjula enjoyed Prasoothi
Araike, Janani Suraksha and Madilu and now applied for Bhagylaxmi , she is very confident her daughter
Laxmi will be “Bhagy Laxmi “ to her family.

Cultivating Innovation: Solutions for Rural Communities-Entry from REACH 2

“ We are very grateful to CBR Choudeshwari ,Anganwadi Teacher, Premakka and HA ” Manjula and
Basappa politely thanked all .Parashu was observing all these from a distance .

-Report by A.Basamma

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