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Name : Michelle Sharon Purnamasari

Student .I.D. No: 015201900049

1. a. What is Ethics?
b. Why having employees and managers with good ethics is a must for every
c. How to promote ethical conducts in a company?
a. Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that
prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations,
benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues or Ethics is more than
legality, the standards are fundamental and ethics begin with each of us.
b. Because, the ethical operation of a company is directly related to
profitability in both the short and long term. The reputation of a business in
the surrounding community, other businesses, and individual investors is
paramount in determining whether a company is a worthwhile investment.
If a company is perceived to not operate ethically, investors are less
inclined to buy stock or otherwise support its operations. That’s why every
employees and managers must have good ethics.
c. to promote ethical conducts are:
1) Develop a set of values and policies
Leaving no doubt about expectations and boundaries. For
example use of the photocopier, making personal phone calls,
claiming expenses etc.
2) Gather Intel
Ask staff to write down an ethical challenge they expect to face
during the next 12 months. This forethought enables them to plan a
response ahead of an incident, long before it becomes reality.
3) Lead from the top
Senior managers are by default behavioral role models, and can
provide the biggest influence on staff, good and bad.
4) Have a fair process for disciplining violators
Innocent employees will appreciate such a system, and feel they
work for a company they can trust
5) Support
Provide supports routes, so that staff can easily and
confidentially report unethical behavior. A starting point is a toll-free
hotline, where staff can report wrong doings confidentially. Some
companies outsource this services. Not knowing who to tell or how
can be major barriers for revealing the truth.
6) Improve communication
So that information flows smoothly between staff and managers.
Create scenarios to help communicate expected ethical behaviors.
7) Implement raining in ethical standards
Sustain this for optimum behavioral change. Internal
communication campaigns with multiple assets can be easily re-
sent, updated and refreshed so the topic remains front of mind.

2. As a new comer Wuling in Indonesia as well as in the ASEAN car market

which have been dominated by Japanese made cars the company is facing
tremendous challenges. SGMW company realized the problems and

a. What are the strategies to win the market in Indonesia and ASEAN?
b. What are the uniqueness of Wuling cars as compared to the competitors’
c. How do they maintained low cost of production at Wuling?
d. Do you think Wuling can survive and gain reasonable market share in
Indonesia car market in the long run? Why? Explain!
Answers :
a. Their strategies are cost leadership, cost leadership is that they give the
best quality or relative good quality with the cheap price, and Wulling also
promote their product in digital way, like they make digital advertisement,
they also adjust market attitude, like they call the influencer to review their
car in their youtube, and they also give free maintenance for one year and
the guaranty is 5 years.
b. The uniqueness of Wulling are first, they have a system when the car have
flat tire, the driver not need to see the tire, but the only need to see in the
monitor. They also have voice command system, when they want to cool
up the car, they only need using their voice to command the car, and the
car temperature will automatic change and also when the driver what to
drop the window down, they can use their voice.
c. They maintained low cost of production by using a system, example
usually to deliver the product need 2 months, but Wulling advance or
speed up their deliver until one month only, it’s after the production
process. Wulling have 60 HA land, so they have close distance if they
need the property, and also can saving the time, that’s how the Wulling
can maintained their low cost, and Wulling also have their own factory,
their own leasing, and also their dealer, so they can maintained their low
cost. Wulling factory are produce Wulling car and Chevrolet car, but they
have different branding, if they want to deliver the car to Thailand they use
Chevrolet brand, so it makes the product produce is bigger, and the cost
per unit is low, they also sold their car not in Indonesia only, but in cina
d. Yes, because Wulling have a cheaper price car with good quality car, and
that’s what costumer wants, and also if we see their system, they have a
system where other car doesn’t have and it makes the costumer interest to
buy the car, if there are many costumer buy Wulling car, it means that
Wulling can survive and also gain reasonable market

3. a. What is accounting? Why our knowledge of accounting is important to

manage any business? Explain!
b. Why Financial Management is essential to manage any business/
Explain why?
a. Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to
a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and
reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax
collection entities.
Because Accounting plays a vital role in running a business
because it helps you track income and expenditures, ensure statutory
compliance, and provide investors, management, and government with
quantitative financial information which can be used in making business

b. Because Finance management helps in evaluating the performance of

Business, In other words, they help you understand what’s going on with
your business financially. Not only will clean and up to date records help
you keep track of expenses, gross margin, and possible debt, but it will
help you compare your current data with the previous accounting records
and allocate your budget appropriately. And also It Helps to Create Budget
and Future Projections, Business trends and projections are based on
historical financial data to keep your operations profitable. This financial
data is most appropriate when provided by well-structured accounting

4. a. What is the ultimate goal of Human Resource Management?

b. As a Human Resource Manager of Indonesian Company abroad how can
you assure the top management that your company will have the right people
with the right culture and competencies? Explain how to do it!

Answers :
a. Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel: There should be a
comprehensive plan in place for the recruitment, selection and placement
of personnel to ensure you hire capable employees that can not only
perform the tasks expected of them, but also in making sure they are a
good fit for the culture of the organization.
Training and development of employees: Training and development is
a key component of hiring and retaining good employees that will have
longevity within your organization. Making sure they are well-equipped and
continue learning will enhance the level of productivity and boost morale.
Developing and maintaining motivation for workers through incentives:
Good companies offer incentives for their employees, even if it’s
something small. Companies who encourage work and home life balances
tend to have more stable organizations as a whole. The human resources
management team should make a concerted effort in creating incentives
that will not only assist employees at work, but can benefit their families as
b. First is see their application form, if the application for corresponding with
the requirement, after that do the interview to know more about the
applicants, if it’s suitable, they can do the test that the company. After the
test and get the result, the interviewer can corresponding with the
company standard. After that the applicant can do the training and the job
simulation. And the company can choose if it’s suitable or not

5.a. If Wuling want to reduce cost, why the company did not implement 3
shifts operation daily instead of one shift per day?

b. What are the benefits of welcoming students Factory Visits (for



a. Because Wulling only have 1000 employees, if there are 3000 employees
they will make 3 shift operation and Wulling still newbie factory in
Indonesia, so there aren’t many people work in Wulling, and also this are
the strategy of Wulling to low the cost.
b. The benefit are that the company can promote their car indirectly to the
student, and also they can tell the student, that the student have
opportunities to work in Wulling, and also they can tell china things not
always worst, and also they can china product can compete with japan

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