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ISSN 0032-9452, Journal of Ichthyology, 2016, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 321–324. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016.

Original Russian Text © D.V. Prazdnikov, F.N. Shkil, 2016, published in Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 2016, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 240–244.


Effects of Hyperthyroidism on the Labeobarbus (= Barbus)

intermedius (Cyprinidae) Early Larval Melanophores Development1
D. V. Prazdnikova and F. N. Shkila,b
aSevertsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Leninskii 33, Moscow, 119071 Russia
bKoltzov Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Vavilova 26, 119334 Russia
Received February 24, 2015

Abstract—The experimental investigation of the effects of hyperthyroidism on the development of Labeobar-

bus intermedius pigmentation revealed that high level of thyroid hormone leads to changes in developmental
rate and timing of early larval pigment pattern. The hyperthyroidism induces the acceleration of growth of
early larval melanophores, causes changes in their physiological state, and provokes the premature onset of
the adult pigment pattern formation.

Keywords: pigment pattern, melanophores, thyroid hormone, Labeobarbus intermedius

DOI: 10.1134/S0032945216020120

INTRODUCTION (Parichy, 2006; McMenamin and Parichy, 2013).

The formation of pigment pattern in vertebrates Regulatory mechanisms of the adult pigment pattern
attracts the attention of evolutionary developmental development are studied well on several model fish
biologists, because it provides an outstanding oppor- species. It was revealed that ontogeny of adult pigment
tunity for integrative studies linking the genetic and pattern depends upon numerous intracellular factors
cellular mechanisms to their organismal and evolu- and extracellular signals, particularly, neurotransmit-
tionary consequences (Parichy, 2003). The pigment ters and hormones (Kelsh et al., 2000; Aspengren
pattern is determined by the localization, number, et al., 2003; Logan et al., 2006). Thus, number, distri-
composition, and physiological state of neural crest bution, and physiological state of adult melanophores
derived pigment cells—chromatophores (Parichy et al., in fish are under the control of catecholamines and
2006). Six types of chromatophores are presented in hormones of pituitary and pineal glands (Fujii, 2000;
vertebrates: melanophores, xanthophores, erythro- Sugimoto, 2002; Logan et al., 2006). The thyroid hor-
phores, cyanophores, iridophores and leucophores mones (TH), one of the main regulators of fish meta-
(Fujii, 2000). The melanophores, melanin-containing morphic transformations, are also involved in the
chromatophores, have been of long-standing interest development of adult pigment pattern. The level of
to developmental and cell biologists, because melano- these hormones determines the number and develop-
phores are presented in all groups of vertebrates mental timing of several adult-type chromatophores
(Parichy, 2003), and deviations of their life cycle may (Yoo et al., 2000; Clement et al., 2001; Jegstrup and
lead to the morphological consequences, which are Rosenkilde, 2003; McMenamin and Parichy, 2013;
considered as a pathology in human (Rawls and John- McMenamin et al., 2014).
son, 2001). However, the role of endocrine signals in the
One of the main objects for studying the develop- ontogeny of early larval (EL) pigment pattern remains
ment and evolution of pigment patterns is bony fishes obscure. To clarify the involvement of endocrine sys-
displaying a high variety of pigmentation. The major- tem in the formation of EL pigment pattern, we inves-
ity of teleosts undergo several transitions in ontogeny: tigated the effects of hyperthyroidism on the develop-
from embryo to larval stage, from larva to juvenile, and mental timing and physiological state of EL melano-
from juvenile to adult (Balon, 2002). In many families, phores in large African hexaploid barb Labeobarbus
these transitions are accompanied with spectacular or (=Barbus) intermedius (Cyprinidae).
subtle morphological transformations, including the
transformations of pigment patterns: changes in com- MATERIALS AND METHODS
position, localization, and ratio of pigment cells
The investigations were carried out in the frame-
1 The article was translated by the authors.
work of studying of the role of heterochronies in the


(а) (b)

Fig. 1. Early larval head pigmentation in the (a) control and (b) hyperthyroid groups of Labeobarbus intermedius (12 dpf). Scale:
0.5 mm.

130 larvae reared under different hormonal regimes fixed

Diameter of melanophores, micrometers

daily in 10% formalin. The diameter of chromato-

120 phores was measured by ocular micrometer embedded
110 in MBS-9 stereoscopic microscope. The sizes of early
100 melanophores’ pseudopodia were not taken into
account in measurement. The effects of formalin were
90 neglected because all procedures—fixation, storage
80 and processing of samples—were carried out identi-
70 cally. We processed the pictures with a Canon EOS 7D
photographic camera. In total, 470 individuals of
60 L. intermedius reared under both hormonal regimes
50 were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed
using the Statistica v. 6.0 software package (Statsoft,
United States).
5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Age, day post-fertilization Newly hatched prolarvae (3–4 days post-fertiliza-
tion (dpf)) from the control group had no chromatho-
Fig. 2. Dynamics of melanophore diameters in the control
phores. The first pigment cells, EL melanophores,
(―) and hyperthyroid (- - -) groups of Labeobarbus inter- appeared at 5 dpf on the head, yolk sac, and dorsal
medius. (h) standard error, (I) mean square deviation. part of trunk. They had pseudopodia and were capable
of amoeboid movements. At the prolarval stage, EL
melanophores displayed the dispersed state, and sig-
evolution of the species flock of Lake Tana large Afri- nificantly increased in size and number. The transition
can barb genus Labeobarbus (Cyprinidae; Teleostei) to larval stage (beginning of exogenous feeding,
(Smirnov et al., 2012). The fertilized eggs of L. inter- 10 dpf) was accompanied by the changes in the mor-
medius were divided into two groups reared under dif- phology of EL melanophores. They acquired a
ferent hormonal regimes: control group reared in pure rounded shape with outgrowths, and changed their
water; hyperthyroid group reared in water with physiological state to aggregation (Fig. 1a). Further,
triiodothyronine (T3, an active form of TH) (Sigma, EL melanophores remained in an aggregation state.
United States) at a 1 ng/mL concentration. The concen- Their size (Fig. 2) and number slightly increased on
tration of T3 was selected earlier experimentally. All the head and trunk ventral and dorsal pigmentation lines
other conditions (background of the bottom and side up to the onset of adult pigment pattern formation,
walls, light regime, temperature, aeration, feeding, stock- appearance of adult-type melanophores (32 dpf).
ing density, etc.) were standard in both groups (detailed In barbs reared under hyperthyroid conditions at
experimental design in Shkil et al., 2010). prolarval stage and at transition to larval stage, timing
and sequence of EL melanophore developmental
Prolarvae (developmental stage from hatching up events were similar to those in the control group.
to transition to exogenous feeding, characterized by However, after transition (11–12 dpf), EL melano-
the presence of the yolk sac and larval fin fold) and phores in the majority of larvae (>96%) reared under



hyperthyroid conditions changed their physiological of integumentary system, one may propose that accel-
state from aggregation to dispersion and displayed erated development of skin, as a system, in L. interme-
rapid growth (Fig. 1b and 2). The remaining larvae dius reared under hyperthyroid conditions, induces
had EL melanophores similar in size and physiologi- the accelerated growth of EL melanophores and pre-
cal state with EL melanophores in larvae from the mature appearance of adult-type melanophores. Pre-
control group. At 16 dpf, EL melanophores in all lar- viously, dependence of pigment pattern developmen-
vae reared under hyperthyroid conditions were at an tal rate and timing on the TH-level was reported for
aggregation state and significantly decreased the bony fish with pronounced metamorphosis: Para-
growth rate. The adult pigment pattern formation lichthyidae and Anguillidae (Yoo et al., 2000; Jegstrup
began at 25 dpf. and Rosenkilde, 2003). Our experimental data
revealed that HPT axis may control the development
of pigment pattern in fish with subtle metamorphic
DISCUSSION transformations as well.
The obtained data indicated the effects of hyper- The revealed acceleration of EL melanophores
thyroidism on the development of EL pigment pattern developmental growth in L. intermedius reared under
in L. intermedius. We failed to find any significant dif- hyperthyroid conditions was accompanied by the
ferences between groups reared under different hor- transition of their physiological state from aggregation
monal regimes in timing and sequence of EL melano- to dispersion. The physiological state of adult-type
phore developmental events at prolarval stage and at melanophore depends on the concentrations of cyclic
transition to larval stage, but observed differences in adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and ions of Ca2+
further development. In the control group after transi- in the cytosol (Fujii, 2000). These concentrations are
tion to larval stage, EL melanophores gradually under the control of different signal factors, including
increased in size and number, and they were in an hormones. Thus, melanin-concentrating hormone
aggregated physiological state up to the onset of for- induces the decrease of cytosolic cAMP concentration
mation of adult pigment pattern, the replacement of and promotes the aggregation. In contrast, melatonin,
EL melanophores by the adult-type melanophores. In adrenocorticotropic, and melanocyte-stimulating
contrast, in the majority of fish reared under hyper- hormones cause the increase of cAMP level and pro-
thyroid conditions after transition to larval stage, EL voke dispersion. Also, melatonin and noradrenaline
melanophores immediately changed their physiologi- stimulate the increase of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration
cal state to dispersion, and they demonstrated acceler- and activate dispersion (Fujii, 2000; Sugimoto, 2002;
ated growth in several days (Fig. 2). Then, EL melano- Aspengren et al., 2003; Logan et al., 2006). The
phores in hyperthyroid fish changed their physiologi- dependence of the level of above-mentioned hor-
cal state to aggregation again and drastically decreased mones on the activity of HPT axis is unclear. How-
the growth rate. Further, in this group, EL melano- ever, the complex and diverse relations between pineal
phores remained in an aggregated state up to onset of gland and different endocrine axes (Norris and Carr,
adult pigment pattern formation, which began signifi- 2013) allow proposing the reciprocal dependence of
cantly earlier than in the control group. the levels of these hormones. Thus, negative feedback
Thus, hyperthyroidism causes the changes in linking pineal and thyroid glands leads to increase of
developmental rate and timing of EL pigment pattern the melatonin synthesis in pineal gland in response to
and provokes the premature onset of adult pigment the increase of TH-level in blood. At the same time,
pattern formation in L. intermedius. One may propose the high level of melatonin inhibits the synthesis of
that these changes are associated with the TH-induced thyroid-stimulating hormone in pituitary and, conse-
changes in developmental rate and timing of larval quently, decreases the activity of HPT axis (Nir and
skin development. Previously, it was shown that teleost Hirschmann, 1978; Vaughan and Vaughan, 1992;
skin undergoes serious developmental transformations Lewinski and Karbownik, 2002). Thus, we may pro-
in larval periods (Le Guellec et al., 2004), which can pose the cross-talk between HPT and other endocrine
be regarded as metamorphic. Some of these processes axes affects the physiological state of melanophores.
are under direct or indirect control of the hypotha- Taking into account that EL melanophores are genet-
lamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis (McMenamin ically distinct from adult-type melanophores (Parichy,
and Parichy, 2013). For example, the onset of squama- 2006), we cannot exclude other direct or indirect
tion, one of the main indicators of late metamorphic mechanisms of TH influence on the EL melano-
transformations in bony fish skin (Sire and Akimenko, phores physiological state. However, these hypotheses
2004), begins in cyprinids reared under hyperthyroid require additional experimental investigations.
conditions, including L. intermedius, significantly ear-
lier than in cyprinids reared under normal conditions
(Smirnov et al., 2006; Levin, 2011; Levin and Levina, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
2014). This fact indicates significant acceleration of This work was partially funded by Russian Founda-
skin developmental rate and timing caused by high tion for Basic Research, project nos. 14-04-00590 and
level of TH. Given that pigment cells are components 13-04-00031. We thank D.V. Kapitanova (Severtsov



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