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‘DR. George Trifon’ Hospital

Short History & Description............................................................................................................2
Mission and Vision...............................................................................................................................3
The Strategic Group Map Analysis.....................................................................................................3
Core Competencies...............................................................................................................................5
Competitive Advantage........................................................................................................................5
Business Strategy..................................................................................................................................6
Porter’s Five Forces Model..................................................................................................................6
The PEST analysis................................................................................................................................8
Internal and External analysis............................................................................................................9
General Conclusions..........................................................................................................................13
Short History & Description

The ‘DR. George Trifon’ city hospital of Nasaud was founded as a result of multiple steps:
- In the year of 1950, it was first opened as a hospital for adults, in a pavilion
system, making it the first hospital in the valley of superior Somes.
- Between 1953-1973, the hospital becomes a unified hospital
- Following the year of 1985, The City Hospital of Nasaud undergoes a period of
reorganization where it becomes a monobloc system as compared to the old
pavilion system. This change meant that all the laboratories, sections and the
ambulatory can all be found in the newly built construction.
- In 2003, through the Ms order number 92/05.02.2003, the hospital obtained the
name ‘Dr. George Trifon’ City Hospital of Nasaud, in the memory of the man that
held the director position for the longest time since the opening of the hospital. Dr.
George Trifon was an exceptional man which managed the hospital for 27 long
- Between 2011 and 2016, the hospital enters the first cycle of recognition and
accreditation. The National Management Authority of Quality in the Health
Sector, acknowledges the Hospital of Nasaud as a ‘Accredited Level’ hospital until
the year of 2021.
Nowadays the hospital offers medical assistance to a number of over 120 thousands of
inhabitants through 16 medical offices, caring personnel and 165 places dedicated to the
patients that require hospitalization.
The ‘Dr. George Trifon’ city hospital of Nasaud, having an integrated an ambulatory clinic,
offers the following medical services:
- Hospitalization
- Physiotherapeutic recovery services
- Ambulatory services
- Laboratory investigations
- Radiology and medical imagistic investigations
- Histopathologic examinations
The hospital is structured in:
- 4 sections: Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Ob-gyn and the Pediatric section
- 7 compartments: Rheumatology, Neurology, Orthopedy-Traumatology, ATI,
Neonatology, Prevention and limitation of infections associated with the medical
assistance, Sterilization
- 3 laboratories: Radiology and imagistic lab, Medical tests lab, Pathologic anatomy
- E.R and emergency
The medical assistance offered in the ambulatory clinic that is integrated in the hospital has
the following cabinets: Pediatric care, Dispensary, Internal Medicine, Neurology,
Pneumology, Psychiatry, Rheumatology, Work Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery,
Ophthalmology, Orthopedy, Cardiology, Dermatology, Ob-gyn, Family planning.
The hospital has the following pieces of medical equipment: radiology equipment, both the
conventional and digital kind, ultrasound equipment, instruments and equipment that are
necessary for different medical tests such as hematology, biochemistry, gastroscope,
laparoscope etc. All this equipment is used everyday in order to provide the best medical
services to the patients of ‘Dr. George Trifon’ city hospital.

Mission and Vision

Mission: To improve the quality and the performance of the medical activity in the field, to
excel at providing services of the best quality to the patients. To search for solid solutions, to
ensure the continuous learning of the medical personnel, to ensure optimum conditions for the
professional development of the personnel and to ensure a proper environment, with
conditions that will facilitate the medical activity, from the point of view of prevention,
diagnosis and treatment, according to the legislation.

Vision: To become a good supplier of medical services in the region, through: the
diversification of services for the population, through respecting the rights of patients, through
expansion of the medical team and also through attracting specialist to occupy the vacant

The Strategic Group Map Analysis

The ‘Dr. George Trifon’ hospital is a state funded hospital with a long history of serving
patients from the following regions of Nasaud: Alunisul, Anies, Arsita, Bichigiu, Cepari,
Cormaia, Cosbuc, Dealul Stefaniei, Dumitra, Feldru, Fiad, Gersa 1, Gersa 2, Ilva mare, Ilva
mica, Ivaneasa, Lesu, Lunca Ilvei, Lunca Lesului, Maieru, Magura Ilvei, Mintiu, Mititei,
Mocod, Nasaud, Nepos, Nimigea de Jos, Nimigea de Sus, Parva, Perisor, Podorei, Poiana
Ilvei, Poienile Zagrei, Rebra, Rebrisoara, Rodna, Romuli, Runcu Salvei, Salva, Sangeorz-Bai,
Suplai, Sant, Tarpiu, Telcisor, Telciu, Valea Mare, Valea Vinului and Zagra.
Its main competitors are the Sanovil Clinic and the Emergency Hospital of the Bistrita
County. We would also include the hospitals in Cluj-Napoca as competitors but given that the
hospitals are more than 100 km away from the ‘Dr. George Trifon’ hospital, we’ll just focus
on the two previously mentioned hospitals.
For the SGM analysis, the horizontal axis represents in our case the price levels of the
services offered by the hospitals, while the vertical axis represents the range or the extent of
services offered by each hospital.
We would like to mention that the ‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital and the Emergency Hospital
of the Bistrita County are state hospital so it is understandable that the price levels of the
services they offer are lower than the Sanovil Hospital.

When it comes to the array of services offered, ‘Dr. George Trifon’ is kind of lacking
compared to the other two. We examined the array of services offered by each hospital and
came to the conclusion that, from the point of view of the range of services offered, the
Sanovil Hospital holds the place of the leader. Besides from the basic package of medical
services, Sanovil also offers plastic surgery procedures, stomatology and they also offer home
assistance, all these supplementary services making Sanovil a strong competitor. One strong
point for the Emergency Hospital of the Bistrita County is that they also have an oncology
section, which places them above ‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital in the range of services
offered ranking.
Between the Emergency Hospital of the Bistrita County and ‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital,
there aren’t too big of differences, both are public hospitals meaning they offer free services
through the CNSAS (but for patient requested services, the prices are pretty similar,
difference being that Emergency Hospital of the Bistrita County’s services are a bit more
pricey). Sanovil is the priciest but still manages to attract patients/customers with the new
equipment and modern look of the hospital.
Although the outlook of this analysis doesn’t look favorable for ‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital,
the activity of this hospital isn’t negligible as it serves people in 48 regions of Nasaud, many
out of which are rural, with inhabitants that cannot afford pricey services as those of Sanovil.

Core Competencies

Of course, the core competencies in a hospital revolve around the safe and quality practice of
caring for the patients. Among these competencies, we can remark three main categories:
Attitude towards the patients and the coworkers, Skill of the personnel and the Medical
Medical Knowledge is the basic core competency a hospital has. All accredited hospitals have
passed rigorous tests to obtain the title of ‘hospital’ meaning that everything is in check
starting from the building to the personnel so medical knowledge is surely insured by the
medical personnel of the hospital.
Skill: The ‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital of Nasaud prides itself in the skills of its staff and
even when they need to be updated, they don’t shy away from that. Now that the hospital
acquired new equipment, the hospital is training its staff in order for them to obtained the
needed skill and knowledge to use the new machines.
Attitudes: Working in a hospital might take a toll on the mental state of the personnel, every
day you’re being exposed to people that are suffering or even on their death bed, and working
in a hospital is an overall stressful job. Even though they work in such a hectic environment,
the staff of ‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital knows how to maintain their calm and act in a
professional manner. They possess great interpersonal and communication skills and know
how to approach any situation (for example it is hard giving bad news to the family of a
patient, but with the right attitude they manage to deliver the heartbreaking information in
such a way as to not cause even more sorrow to the family). The staff is very emphatic
showing support for their patients and encouraging words and even if their workplace isn’t
such a happy place they always do their best to greet their patients with a smile.
Competitive Advantage

One competitive advantage the hospital has is its customer proximity, as we mentioned
before, the hospital serves people from 48 different regions of Nasaud and it’s positioned
close to the center making it accessible without the crowded aspect.
Patient Satisfaction is another aspect that sets the hospital apart from its competitors.
Investment in modern medical technology made a particularly important contribution to
patient satisfaction. The hospital provides rapid and accurate diagnoses based on technology.
Another great thing for the patients is that they don’t need to show up at the hospital anymore,
to make appointments, they can do so online. Meaning that the customer doesn’t need to
waste time anymore and wait for hours on the hallways.
Referral Base: is big for this hospital. Being a state hospital, the family doctors work
together with it and send in (refer) patients whenever the patient needs to look into a more
serios health problem. Also, the hospital continually solicits feedback from the patients and
this impresses the patients (because it’s not everyday that a state hospital is so involved as to
want to know your opinion of the services they offered you).

Business Strategy

The hospital’s main business strategy is the Patient Satisfaction Strategy. The front desk of
the hospital is the location that the patient engages with the hospital for the first time, it is the
first and last point of contact for the patient. The ‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital took note of
this aspect and appointed suitable personnel to receive the patients. The front desk assistant as
well as the other members of the staff, all build a positive relationship with the patients and
this results in encouraging word of mouth referrals (of course the staff isn’t doing it only for
the referrals, they are genuine good people).
The patient is the main focus in this hospital and the staff is trained to provide proper care
and attention to the patient and also to communicate effectively with him so that there is no
room left for confusion or misinformation.

Porter’s Five Forces Model

Porter believed that by understanding the level of competitive intensity, you could determine
the attractiveness of that industry. When we talk about industry attractiveness, we are talking
about the profitability of the industry not how much we like it.
Porter’s FFM focuses on:
-Competition in the industry: refers to the number of competitors and their ability to undercut
a company. The larger the number of competitors, along with the number of equivalent
products and services they offer, the lesser the power of a company. Suppliers and buyers
seek out a company's competition if they are able to offer a better deal or lower prices.
Conversely, when competitive rivalry is low, a company has greater power to charge higher
prices and set the terms of deals to achieve higher sales and profits.
-Potential of new entrants into the industry: a company's power is also affected by the force
of new entrants into its market. The less time and money it costs for a competitor to enter a
company's market and be an effective competitor, the more an established company's position
could be significantly weakened. An industry with strong barriers to entry is ideal for existing
companies within that industry since the company would be able to charge higher prices and
negotiate better terms.
-Power of suppliers: it addresses how easily suppliers can drive up the cost of inputs. It is
affected by the number of suppliers of key inputs of a good or service, how unique these
inputs are, and how much it would cost a company to switch to another supplier. The fewer
suppliers to an industry, the more a company would depend on a supplier. As a result, the
supplier has more power and can drive up input costs and push for other advantages in trade.
On the other hand, when there are many suppliers or low switching costs between rival
suppliers, a company can keep its input costs lower and enhance its profits.
-Power of customers: reflects the ability that customers have to drive prices lower. It is
affected by how many buyers or customers a company has, how significant each customer is,
and how much it would cost a company to find new customers or markets for its output. A
smaller and more powerful client base means that each customer has more power to negotiate
for lower prices and better deals. A company that has many, smaller, independent customers
will have an easier time charging higher prices to increase profitability.
-Threat of substitute products: substitute goods or services that can be used in place of a
company's products or services pose a threat. Companies that produce goods or services for
which there are no close substitutes will have more power to increase prices and lock in
favorable terms. When close substitutes are available, customers will have the option to forgo
buying a company's product, and a company's power can be weakened.
In our case:

1. Competition in the industry: is low. There are not many hospitals in the are of Nasaud
and whenever someone gets sick, they’ll go to the closest hospital. ‘Dr. George Trifon’
Hospital is placed in such a way so that it’s accessible to people from 48 regions inside
Nasaud. Another factor that could motivate the low level of competition is the fact that
state hospitals have almost the same prices for hospitalization services and most of the
time are covered by the insurance.
2. Potential new entrants: slim chances, especially in Romania where we have more
churches than hospitals or schools. The threat is low because of the strict government
regulations that a facility has to obey in order to obtain the accreditation to become a
hospital. Also opening a new hospital involves high investment costs, expensive
technology and finding specialists.
3. Power of suppliers: is moderate. On the market there are many pharmaceutical
companies, medical equipment suppliers and suppliers for other items used in the
hospitals (such as suppliers of cleaning agents). Although there are many suppliers,
their power should be low but taking into account the past scandals some suppliers are
not to be trusted anymore so the remaining ones obtain a moderate power over the
4. Power of customers: is moderate. The customers that go to get treated to private
hospitals are usually from families of middle and higher income segments and even
those in the middle can’t afford to get sick too many times a year. Hospitals will never
run out of patients so we consider the power of the customers to be moderate.
5. Threat of substitutes: very low. Healthcare is an industry that doesn’t have to fear the
threat of substitutes. There are almost no legit health services that can be performed
outside the hospital. Yes, yes, there may be massage therapy, acupuncture and
homeopathy but those are just hoaxes, just as effective as going to a witchdoctor; you
might train your chakras but it won’t heal a broken leg.

The PEST analysis

PEST analysis is a strategic tool to analyze the macro environment of the organization. PEST
stands for - Political, Economic, Social, Technological factors that impact the macro
environment of any industry and in our case the healthcare industry, focusing on ‘Dr. George
Trifon’ Hospital.

Changes in the macro-environment factors can have a direct impact on not only this hospital
but also can impact other players in the specialized health services. They can impact
individual firm’s competitive advantage or overall profitability levels of the Healthcare

Hospitals are heavily regulated so the political factors weight heavily on the livelihood of the
- Political stability and importance of the health sector in the country's economy
- Level of corruption
- Bureaucracy and interference in the health industry by the government.
- Legal framework
- Favored trading partners
- Wage legislation - minimum wage and overtime
Another important type of factors would be the economical factors and this is reflected in real
life. A state hospital has limited funding and they have to make do with what they’re given.
Because of this, the hospitals don’t have enough beds and the patients might have to be
discharged sooner.
- Labor costs and productivity in the economy
- Business cycle stage (e.g. prosperity, recession, recovery)
- Economic growth rate
- Unemployment rate
- Inflation rate
- Interest rates
In Romania, the general attitude of the patients is ‘if it didn’t start hurting, I don’t need to go
to the doctor yet’ which makes it very hard for hospitals to excel in the prevention section of
- Demographics
- Class structure, hierarchy and power structure in the society
- Education level
- Culture
- Attitudes
Technological factors are very important for ‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital, recently they have
acquired new equipment that requires them to learn from 0 how to use it properly and hot to
get everyone acquainted to the new technologies.
- Recent technological developments
- Technology's impact on service offering
- New medicine

Internal and External analysis

First, the matrixes that correspond to the internal and external assessments are required for
this analysis.

Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix is a strategy tool used to measure and reveal the
internal environment of the company.

External factor assessment (EFE) Matrix is a planning framework used to analyze the external
environment of the organization and recognize the opportunities and challenges present.

Both of these analyzes go hand in hand and finally are a kind of SWOT business analysis.
While they appear very similar, the one major difference in the analysis is that one deals with
the internal part of the company and the other with the external part. The external analysis is
subject to a willingness of the external forces, social, financial, political and legal.

How these matrices work is that you select the factors of all opportunities, threats, weaknesses
and strengths, assign 0-1 scores, and then assign 1-4 ratings as to how the current strategy of
the Company responds to the respective factor: 1 is very poor, 4 is superior. Following that,
adjust for all the weighted values.
Internal evaluation matrix

Key internal factors Weight Rating Weighted Score

1.Appropriate treatment of 0.1 3 0.3
personnel towards patients
2.General conditions of the 0.1 4 0.4
3.New, highly-performant 0.097 4 0.388
4.Existence of health 0.077 1 0.077
information system
5.Development of hospital 0.15 4 0.6
6.Professional, qualified, 0.094 4 0.376
competent human resources
7. Moral health of personnel 0.098 4 0.0392
Total 1 2.1802
1.Poor working 0.17 1 0.17
2.Damaged reputation 0.09 2 0.18
3.Gaps in service areas 0.1 2 0.2
4.Management problems 0.1 1 0.1

 5.Old staff 0.12 2 0.24

Total 1 0.89

 The appropriate treatment of patients by the personnel gives them the feeling that the
personnel takes good care and that they are in good hands. This makes the patients less
anxious about being in a hospital and gives them higher hopes and the safety that they
will be getting an adequate treatment.
 General conditions of the hospital: - along with the first factor, this one plays a crucial
role in the wellbeing of patients and the feeling of safety. The hospital conditions are
kept at a high standard. The overall hygiene of the hospital meets all the safety
standards and regulations. The equipment and the patients’ amenities are thoroughly
cleaned and disinfected everyday using only high-quality products.
 New, highly-performant equipment: this offers new medicine treatment that is easier
to support and a lot more beneficial for the patients. The hospital from Nasaud
invested a lot of money in high performance equipment, form which only one piece
from Siemens cost the hospital 1 million Euro.
 The existence of health information system makes the patients aware of the medical
processes which can be done at Nasaud hospital. Also, the information system
provides info about the safety standards and regulations of the hospital, the code of
conduct and the general rules that need to be followed in the time that patients are
 The development of the hospital is a vital factor for the community. It provides people
with up to date, performant equipment and top-level medical services inside their
home town. The Nasaud hospital has followed a constant pace of development in the
last decade, offering people the highest quality equipment and highest standards of
quality and hygiene.
 The hospital prides itself on having qualified personnel, that knows how to act in any
 The moral health of personnel it is also a decisive factor. The general state of mind of
the staff has a strong impact on the atmosphere inside the clinic.


 With the rating of 1, the poor working relationship represents a serious weakness
because this can affect the welfare of the patients. By poor communication between
the staff, treatments can be done wrong or poorly, resulting in dissatisfied and
suffering patients. This should be improved as soon as possible and the Nasaud
hospital is working hard to achieve that.
 Because we all know that the Romanian medical system is troublesome due to the lack
of personnel, lack of funds and the lack of equipment, the Nasaud hospital received a
bad reputation in the past. Nowadays, the situation has changed and due to the new
staff and new equipment the bad reputation is dissolving and people trying to see past
their old preconceptions but the hospital will still have to deal with this for a while.
 Gaps in the service areas represents an issue for this hospital because it lacks vital
resources. For example, the number of bed is limited and, in some situations, patients
cannot be treated and must be transferred to other hospital from nearest towns or
cities. These problems are faced by almost every hospital in the country and it is due
to poor governmental decisions.
 The management problems arise from the misunderstanding of information coming
from the management to the employees. Because the management came from a non-
medical system, sometimes it is difficult for managers to understand the medical
 The old staff can be a problem because of their old expertise it is difficult for them to
use the new highly performant equipment. They are still relying on the old school
methods which in many cases are not effective enough and require a lot more time and
resources which should be used carefully as they are limited.

External evaluation matrix

Key external factors Weight Rating Weighted Score
1.Effective communication 0.1 3 0.3
with the City Hall and
Government representatives
2.Presence of family 0.12 3 0.36
3. Easy to reach location 0.28 3 0.84
4.Donors 0.2 4 0.8
5.Space for development 0.3 3 0.9
Total 1 3.2
1.Lack of transparency of 0.1 1 0.1
state payments to hospital
2.Existence of professional 0.15 3 0.45
private competitors
3.Low budgeting from the 0.3 4 0.8
4.Insurance plan changes 0.15 3

 5.Problem with the 0.3 4 1.2

distribution of resources
Total 1 3.45
 The effective communication with the local and national authorities gives the hospital
some advantages with funds and resources allocation and access in other financing
programs such as European funds.
 The hospital is located near the main road in Nasaud so it is very easy to reach by
patients and emergency vehicles (ambulances). It is also easy to find for people that
are coming from the nearby villages, this hospital being vital for the surrounding
communities as well.
 It is important that a hospital has donors. People can help with donating blood, organs
and also can sponsor the hospital with money or necessary equipment.
 The location of the hospital also provides spaces for further development.

 The payments made by the state to hospitals are not available for the general
public or can be really difficult to find out about.
 Because of the problems in the Romanian public medical system, a lot of private
competition has developed. The private medical sector offers top services and a lot
of specialist work for the private sector because the payment is a lot better than in
a public hospital. The downside of the private medical sector is that it is not
affordable for everyone as it is very expensive.
 Romania allocates quite a small part of the budget to the medical sector.
 The resources needed can be delivered too late and a lot of times are delayed and
do not respect the deadlines.

General Conclusions

‘Dr. George Trifon’ Hospital is making and has been making good efforts towards improving
the quality of their performance in the field of medical activity. They are just like any other
state hospital but I’d say they are keener on delivering the services in a more pleasant manner.
They have obtained new equipment and are currently focused on how to teach their staff,
which is made of older individuals and this age category is known to not handle new
technology well.
The hospital sports a general negative association only because it is a state hospital and
because it doesn’t have enough beds (just like any other state hospital) but that doesn’t stop
them from trying harder and showing people they are dedicated to the cause of saving, healing
and treating people. Corruption puts its mark on the public healthcare industry and even with
the best management strategies, problems are still to arise because of this.
The staff is nice and welcoming and they know how to handle the ill. They treat you with care
and show empathy and this is the direct result of the good training they received.
Mister Marcu Daniel is an exceptional man. He always stood up for the people and since he’s
been in charge the patient never had to buy his/her medicine to use during the hospitalization
period (except in the cases of medicine for chronic illnesses). He is a fair and righteous man
and never denied his personnel a request. He did everything in his power to improve the
gloomy prospect of state funded healthcare, in this facility that he manages. Also, he was
kind enough to honor our request and was patient enough with us to answer our questions and
give us directions on what approach to take when writing this paper and for this we thank

We hope you found our project informative!


Site-ul spitalului ‘Dr. George Trifon’

Tarifele spitalului ‘Dr. George Trifon’
Sectii spitalul judetean de urgenta Bistrita
Tarifele spitalului judetean de urgenta Bistrita
Sectii Sanovil
Tarifele spitalului Sanovil
Porter FFM

C: Care este misiunea spitalului orășenesc

ambulatoriu integrat?
M: Ne propunem ca, Spitalul orășenesc DR.
GEORGE TRIFON din Năsăud să devină un
bun furnizor de servicii medicale din regiune
prin diversificarea serviciilor pentru
populația deservită, respectarea drepturilor
pacienților, îmbogățirea echipei medicale
precum și atragerea unor specialiști pentru o
ocupa posturile vacante
C: Mi se pare că ați reușit în ultimii ani să
îmbunătățiți conduita spitalului și mai ales aspectul acestuia. Datorită faptului că,
mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu, nu am avut de vizitat spitalul de ceva vreme, diferența este
una imposibilă de neobservat
Un zâmbet de mândrie urmat de un ușor chicot de râs a fost reacția domnului Daniel Marcu
care mi-a mulțumit pentru spiritul de observație, dar ca un adevărat om profesional, și-a repus
rapid masca seriozității ce îl definește, revenind pe subiect pentru a răspunde la următoarea
C: Care este viziunea spitalului?
M: Misiunea Spitalului orășenesc DR. GEORGE TRIFON Năsăud este aceea de a îmbunătăți
calitatea și performanța actului medical din arealul pe care-l deservește, de a excela la
capitolul calitatea serviciilor prestate pacienților. Să căutăm soluții concrete pentru asigurarea
educării continue a personalului medical, asigurarea condițiilor optime pentru dezvoltarea
profesională și nu în ultimul rând, asigurarea unui mediu optim pentru desfășurarea în bune
condiții a actului medical din punctul de vedere al prevenției, diagnosticării și tratamentului,
în conformitate cu legislația în vigoare. Acordarea celor mai bune servicii medicale bazate pe
eficiență, eficacitate și calitate, au drept scop îmbunătățirea stării de sănătate a populației
deservite prin:
-adaptarea serviciilor medicale la nevoile populației deservite;
-creșterea calității serviciilor medicale;
-îmbunătățirea continuă a factorilor implicați în asigurarea satisfacției pacientului și a
personalului angajat;
-creșterea gradului de informare a pacienților și populației, asupra tipurilor de servicii
medicale oferite în cadrul spitalului;
Echipa care a elaborat prezentul plan, va avea ca sarcină prioritară în coordonarea
implementării prezentei strategii și evaluează periodic implementarea obiectivelor strategice:
-Director Medical
-Director financiar-contabil
C: Cum vă deosebiți față de ceilalți competitori? Cum descrieți piața în care activați?

M: Spitalele și organizațiile medicale funcționează astăzi într-un mediu extrem de competitiv,

cu presiuni crescânde pentru îmbunătățirea calității și reducerea costurilor. Pentru a răspunde
acestei situații dinamice, transformarea organizației necesită voința de a organiza livrarea în
jurul nevoilor pacienților. Este greu totuși de definit termenul de “competiție” raportându-ne
la situația noastră și anume, la faptul că suntem un spital de stat. Competitorii noștri sunt
totuși, spitalele private, iar luând în calcul factorii cantitativi și calitativi: rata de mortalitate
pe spital și pe secții, indicele de concordanță între diagnostic la internare și externare și rata
infecțiilor mozocomiale per total spital și per total secție, pot spune că ne descurcăm destul de
C: Care sunt strategiile dumneavoastră implementate la nivel de afaceri? Ați putea să
îmi oferiți un exemplu?
M: Am încercat implementarea unor proceduri și protocoale noi și adaptarea personalului
medical la aceste condiții noi de muncă, scopul per total fiind evident îmbunătățirea calitativă
a serviciilor prestate. Niște exemple ar fi metoda diferită de sterilizare a saloanelor și aparatua
nouă achiziționată recent, ce este cu mult superioară față de cea precedentă.
C: Ați observat ceva efecte secundare ale strategiei implementate? A afectat aceasta
progresul și evoluția spitalului în vreo-un fel?
M: Bineînțeles că da. Atunci când încerci o abordare nouă a lucrurilor, unii oameni pot
rămane în urmă și astfel, se adaptează greu la situație. Spre exemplu, fiind o aparatură extrem
de performantă, ca aparatul rotgen RX luminos de la firma siemens în valoare de 1 milion de
euro, adaptarea cadrelor medicale în utilizarea cât mai eficientă a acestui echipament, este una
mai greoaie ca să spun așa, deoarece unii angajați de specialitate au deja o anumită vârstă și
au prins deja îndemânare pe instrumentele „old school”. Ca să fiu mai explicit, voi oferi un
exemplu mai hazliu ce ar putea reflecta foarte bine situația curentă: este ca și atunci când
încerci să îți înveți bunica să utilizeze noul ei smartphone primit de Crăciun. Nu este
imposibil, dar necesită timp și răbdare, lucruri pe care din fericire le avem la spitalul
orășenesc din Năsăud.
C: Aș mai avea o întrebare pentru dumneavoastră doar, domnule Marcu. Care este
procesul de evaluare a strategiei și măsurile corective implementate?
M: La nivel de unitate există o echipă formată din specialiști care monitorizează întreaga
activitate a șefului de instituție privind strategia de dezvoltare a spitalului pe perioada cât a
fost aprobată (2019-2020).
C: Vă mulțumesc mult în numele echipei mele de proiect, pentru ajutorul
dumneavoastră și sper să mai am ocazia să discut din nou cu dumneavoastră despre
aceste subiecte cândva, atunci când probabil multe alte lucruri vor fi deja îmbunătățite
spre perfeție!
M: Nu există perfecțiune în nimic în lumea asta, dar cu siguranță trebuie să țintim spre ea.
Plăcerea a fost de partea mea,vă mulțumesc pentru alegerea de a face proiectul axându-vă pe
acest spital și vă urez mult succes în finalizarea lui! Așa măcar de o nota 10 să vă meargă!”
După interviu, domnul manager Daniel
Marcu a insistat să îl însoțesc în câteva
saloane medicale, pentru a-mi arăta
aparatura medicală de care discuta. Am fost
impresionat de ea, deși trebuie să recunosc
că nu întelegeam specificațiile atât de bine și
m-am pierdut pe alocuri în detaliile tehnice
pe care acesta le prezenta cu atât de mult
entuziasm. Am apreciat mult
profesionalismul său și m-a bucurat enorm
de tare să văd că un om cu așa mare simț al
răspunderii, dă totuși dovadă de simț al

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