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Journal of Insect Physiology 56 (2010) 1679–1684

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Journal of Insect Physiology

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Ontogenetic stage-dependent effect of temperature on developmental and

metabolic rates in a holometabolous insect
Guillermo Folguera a,b,*, Julián Mensch a, José L. Muñoz b,1, Santiago G. Ceballos a,2,
Esteban Hasson a, Francisco Bozinovic b
Departamento de Ecologı´a, Genética y Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, C 1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ecologı´a y Biodiversidad (CASEB) and Departamento de Ecologı´a, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago 6513677, Chile


Article history: Different hypotheses attempt to explain how different stages of organisms with complex life cycles
Received 15 April 2010 respond to environmental changes. Most studies have focused at the among-species level showing
Received in revised form 9 June 2010 similar responses to temperature throughout ontogeny. However, there is no agreement about the
Accepted 29 June 2010
pattern expected at the intraspecific scale where a strong selective effect is expected. In this paper, we
studied the effects of thermal treatments on a life history trait (developmental rate) and a physiological
Keywords: trait (metabolic rate) during development in the fruitfly Drosophila buzzatii. First, we estimated the rate
of development during larval life (LDR) and the pupal stage (PDR) in flies derived from two natural
Developmental rate
populations exposed to several thermal treatments. Our results showed that the developmental rate
Evolution ratio, LDR/PDR, did not vary between populations, and that the effects of thermal treatments were stage
Isomorphic hypothesis specific. Second, we studied the relationship between developmental rate (DR) and metabolic rate (MR)
Life-history metamorphosis in each life cycle stage. We found that allometric relationships between DR and MR varied throughout
ontogeny, a pattern that shed light on the mechanisms responsible for thermal plasticity. We conclude
that, although different populations may show developmental rate isomorphy; larvae and pupae may
choose alternative ‘‘decisions’’ in terms of life-history evolution and physiological traits when
confronted to different thermal environments.
ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and is known to be influenced by temperature (Rombough, 2003).

Fast developing individuals may gain a fitness advantage, either
Organisms have different developmental strategies of internal through its positive effect on survival under conditions of crowding
control to cope with environmental changes in temperature. or through its putative demographic advantage for early repro-
Interestingly, strategies appear to be diverse not only among duction in expanding populations (Stearns, 1992; Chippindale
organisms of different populations and species, but also along et al., 1997). Likewise, a number of studies have shown that
different stages in the same organism. Comparisons among life ambient temperature determines DR in ectothermic animals, low
history and physiological responses of organisms to thermal temperatures often lengthens development (Partridge et al., 1994;
changes during different periods of the life cycle may be a suitable Prasad et al., 2000; Gibert and De Jong, 2001; Pétavy et al., 2001;
approach to gain a deeper understanding vis-à-vis this issue Angiletta et al., 2002). In this context, if the timing of
(Dahlgaard and Loeschcke, 1997). The rate at which organisms developmental events is regulated by basic processes such as cell
develop (developmental rate [DR]) is an important life history trait division, the proportion of the life cycle spent in a particular
developmental stage should not change with temperature (Fig. 1).
The latter is known as the hypothesis of developmental isomorphy
* Corresponding author at: Laboratorio de Evolución, Departamento de Ecologı́a, and predicts proportional responses among temperatures of the
Genética y Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, rate of development in different phases of an organism’ life cycle
Espinosa 423 1586, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel.: +54 1144323449. (Gillooly et al., 2002; Jarosik et al., 2002, 2004). Furthermore, it has
E-mail address: guillefolguera@yahoo.com.ar (G. Folguera). been proposed that developmental isomorphy may constrain the
Present address: Departamento de Bioloxı́a Funcional e Ciencias da Saúde,
evolution of life history strategies in ectotherms and facilitate the
Universidad de Vigo, 36310 Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain.
Present address: Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas, (V9410BRL) precise timing of life history events (Jarosik et al., 2004). In other
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. words, a particular stage cannot adapt to environmental tempera-

0022-1910/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1680 G. Folguera et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 56 (2010) 1679–1684

658220 W) and 1855 m.a.s.l. (268270 S, 668020 W) in north-western

Argentina. These sampling localities, referred from hereafter as
lowland and highland populations, are separated by high
Preandean mountain ranges that preclude gene flow. Flies were
collected by net sweeping on fermented banana baits. Once in the
laboratory large numbers of isofemale lines were founded by
raising the progeny of wild inseminated females collected in all
sampling localities. All cultures were maintained at low density (to
avoid competition) for four generations at 25 8C and a photoperiod
of 12 h light:12 h dark. For the first experiment, six isofemale lines
per locality were randomly chosen from the pools of lines derived
from collections in both localities.
The procedure for the acquisition of experimental flies of each
isofemale line began with the release of 200 flies in egg collecting
chambers with Petri dishes containing an egg-laying medium (agar
2% + 5 ml of a 3:1 solution of ethanol:60% acetic acid). Twelve
Fig. 1. Hypothetical growth trajectories under different thermal conditions during
hours later Petri dishes were removed and incubated until egg
development. Comparisons are between developmental stages using the slope of
the LDR/PDR ratio. LDR: larvae developmental rate; PDR: pupae developmental hatching (36 h). Batches of 40 first instar larvae were transferred
rate. from the dishes to vials containing Drosophila instant medium.
Previous studies have shown that these larval densities are nearly
ture without affecting thermal adaptation in other developmental optimal (Miller, 1964; Tantawy and Soliman, 1967; Barker and
stages. Podger, 1970). Four vials (replicates) of each isofemale line (six of
Most studies performed to date have compared among species each population) were randomly assigned to one out of three
within large arthropod groups and demonstrated the prevalence of thermal treatments: 17, 25 or 30 8C and incubated from the first
rate isomorphy (Gillooly et al., 2002; Jarosik et al., 2002, 2004). In instar larval stage until adult emergence.
contrast, there is no consensus about what to expect at the
intraspecific scale; considering that these general rules of variation 2.1.2. Life history and physiological traits
are not necessarily guaranteed within species. The aim of the first In the first study, we estimated DR by scoring two different
part of our study is to unveil the relationship between DR and variables. First, we estimated larval developmental time (LDT) as
temperature at the intraspecific scale both within and between the time elapsed since first instar larvae were seeded in the vials
populations. until pupation (defined as the moment in which third instar larvae
The relationships between metabolic rate (MR) and body mass stop wandering and everted the anterior spiracles, referred from
(mb), DR and mb (Rhees and Atchley, 2000) and generation time hereafter as larval developmental time) by counting the number of
and mb are well established (Millar and Zammuto, 1983, reviewed larvae reaching the third instar every 8 h. Then, we estimated the
in Ginzburg and Colyvan, 2004). Based on these allometries, we can weighted average of LDT in each vial. Statistical analysis we
infer that generation time (and associated variables such as DR) performed using larval developmental rate (LDR) as the dependent
and MR should also be correlated. At first, MR would provide the variable calculated as the inverse of developmental time value (1/
physiological basis for variation in DR, an issue that has not been LDT).
fully investigated (Folguera et al., 2007). Therefore, whether the The second variable scored was the duration of the pupal stage
different responses of life cycle stages are actual evidence of (referred to as pupal developmental time [PDT]), as the time
evolutionary selection strategies or if they are merely conse- elapsed from pupation to the emergence of the imago, by counting
quences of changes in physiological condition during development the number of adult flies emerging from the puparium every 8 h.
are not trivial questions (Stillwell and Fox, 2005). The main aim of The variable employed in statistical tests was pupal developmental
the second part of our study was to investigate the relationship rate (PDR) which was calculated as the inverse of PDT (1/PDT). In
between DR and MR in flies exposed to different thermal each vial we also measured the proportion of individuals that
conditions during development. reached the pupal stage relative to the number of first instar larvae
In this paper we compare variation in DR among populations seeded in the vials, and the number of flies that reached the adult
living at contrasting altitudes (highland vs. lowland populations) in stage relative to the number of individuals that entered the pupal
an ecological specialist, the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii, exposed stage.
to thermal treatments during development. Two main questions
are addressed: (i) given that evidence is mostly concordant with 2.1.3. Data analysis
the predictions of the hypothesis of DR isomorphy in large groups LDR and PDR datasets were analyzed by means of regression
of insects (Jarosik et al., 2002), are proportion of total develop- analyses on temperature. In these analyses replicates were
mental time spent in the larval and pupal stages constant in flies considered as experimental units. We also used analyses of
raised under different thermal regimes (both between and within covariance (ANCOVAs) to test whether rate of development in
populations)? and (ii) since DR and MR are correlated at higher highland and lowland population differs in slope or elevation and
levels of organization. Does this allometric relationship also apply whether regression slopes of LDR and PDR on temperature were
at the intraspecific level along development? parallel. To the end to compare between slopes of regression we
considered multiple comparisons correction.
2. Materials and methods Since the progeny of wild inseminated females may be
composed of individuals sharing the same mother, a relatively
2.1. First experiment important fraction of the differences among isofemale lines
(families) may be considered to be of genetic origin. Thus, we
2.1.1. Experimental populations conducted a set of ANOVAs for each combination of population and
The first experiment was performed with flies derived from thermal treatment with line (random) as the unique source of
natural populations of D. buzzatii sampled at 798 m.a.s.l. (268280 S, variation to estimate the relative contribution of the genetic
G. Folguera et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 56 (2010) 1679–1684 1681

component of variation to total phenotypic variance (David et al., traits (mb–MR and DR–MR) across and within thermal treatments
2005). In these tests replicates were considered as the experimen- for each stage. In addition, when necessary, post hoc comparisons
tal units. were performed using Tukey’s method. In all cases the datasets
satisfied the assumptions required for each test. For all tests we
2.2. Second experiment used the statistical package Statistica for Windows (6.0).

2.2.1. Experimental populations

The second set of experiments was performed with flies 3. Results
collected in a second pair of lowland (720 m.a.s.l., 248400 S,
658020 W) and highland (2340 m.a.s.l., 258070 S, 668090 W) localities. 3.1. Test of the developmental rate isomorphy hypothesis at the
Several isofemale lines were maintained as mentioned above, until instraspecific scale
equal numbers of individuals of each isofemale line were pooled to
establish two stocks, one derived from the highland and the Differences among thermal treatments in the duration of the
lowland populations. larval stage were significant. Moreover, regression analyses
Six vials were prepared for each combination of population revealed a positive relationship between LDR and temperature
(highland and lowland) and thermal treatment. In three of these both in highland (b = 1  103, P < 0.0001) and lowland localities
treatments temperature was kept constant at 17, 21 or 25 8C, while (b = 9.6  104, P < 0.0001) (Fig. 2). A similar and significant trend
in the fourth temperature varied during the day, reaching a was observed for PDR in the highland (b = 3.1  103, P < 0.0001)
maximum of 25 8C during the period of light and a minimum of and lowland populations (b = 3.8  103, P < 0.0001) (Fig. 2). We
17 8C during the dark period. In all cases, temperatures were compare the slopes of the regressions of LDR and PDR on
chosen considering climatic data for the localities sampled temperature by means of an ANCOVA to test whether the
(Folguera et al., 2007, 2008) and the thermal range of the species regression slope of LDR on temperature is different from the
(Cohet et al., 1980; Imasheva et al., 1997; David et al., 1998). regression coefficient of PDR on temperature. The results of these
tests showed that differences between the slopes of LDR and PDR
2.2.2. Life history and physiological traits on temperature were highly significant in both populations
One individual was randomly chosen from each vial to measure (P < 0.00001), suggesting that temperature affected larvae and
mb and MR in larvae, pupae and adult flies. Concerning the larval pupae in different ways. In addition, ANCOVAs were performed to
stages, only third instar larvae were scored since measuring first compare slopes across populations for the same life cycle stage.
and second instar larvae was very difficult and subject to great These tests did not reveal significant differences in larvae nor
measuring error. As in the first experiment, an individual was [(Fig._2)TD$IG]
pupae after correction for multiple comparisons.
considered in the third larval stage when it stops wandering and in
the pupal stage when it has everted its anterior spiracles.
Measurements of adult flies were performed within 24 h after
emergence from the puparium. Once MR and mb were registered,
vials were discarded to avoid repeated measurements.
For the measurement of MR each individual was placed inside a
glass syringe that was sealed and placed in a temperature-
controlled incubator at 25 8C for 2 h (measurement interval).
Subsequently, MR was measured by means of CO2 production
using a ‘‘closed system’’ (Vleck, 1987) consisting of 2 ml glass
syringes fitted with three-way valves (Chappell, 1983; Ashby,
1997; Chown et al., 1997), see Ligthon (2008) for details. Three
blank syringes served as controls for each batch of measurements.
We injected the air from the syringes to a CO2 analyzer according to
the respirometric design (Fig. 4.8) suggested by Ligthon (2008). At
the end of the measurement interval, CO2 concentrations were
determined using a respirometry system (Sable Systems, Hender-
son, NV). A computer equipped with the program DATACAN
recorded the output of the CO2 analyzer (see Lardies et al., 2004;
Folguera et al., 2007 for methodological details).
We also estimated LDR and PDR in the vials though in a different
way than in the first experiment, due to differences in the
experimental designs. Four vials of each combination of popula-
tion  thermal treatment were used for the estimation of LDR and
four different vials of each combination of population  thermal
treatment for the measurement of PDR. We began to score each vial
for LDR and PDR when at least 20% of the individuals seeded in the
vials reached the pupal or the adult stages, respectively. LDR was
measured as the inverse of the time elapsed from the transfer of
first instar larvae to the vials until pupation and PDR as the inverse
of the time elapsed from pupation until adult emergence.

2.2.3. Data analysis

Fig. 2. Ontogenetic trajectories of larval (LDR) and pupal (PDR) developmental rate
The goal of the second experiment was to investigate static in Drosophila buzzatii exposed to three thermal treatments (17, 25 and 30 8C). LDR/
allometries between pairs of traits within each life cycle stage. To PDR is the ratio between larva development rate and pupa development rate.
this end, we estimated correlation coefficients between pairs of Different curves indicate each locality and stage.
1682 G. Folguera et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 56 (2010) 1679–1684

Table 1
Percentage of total variance of larval (LDR) and pupal (PDR) developmental rate and the LDR/PDR ratio explained by differences among lines (see text for further explanation)
in flies derived from highland and lowland localities exposed to thermal treatments. NS: P > 0.05.

Stage Larvae Pupae Ratio larvae/pupae

Locality Lowland Highland Lowland Highland Lowland Highland

Temperature (8C)
30–30 55.7 NS NS NS NS NS
25–25 45.4 75.7 90.9 80.1 86.5 53.1
25–17 77.2 47.4 NS 42.3 NS NS
17–17 90.5 34.8 NS 30.2 75.3 NS

Table 2 relationship between temperature and developmental time) in

Correlation coefficients estimated between pairs of traits investigating allometric
insects and other ectotherms (e.g. Partridge et al., 1994; James
relationships between metabolic rate (MR), body mass (mb) and developmental rate
(DR) in different stages of the life cycle. et al., 1995; James and Partridge, 1995). The growth and
development of insects is slower at lower than at higher
Correlation analyses/stage Larvae Pupae Adult
temperatures. Considering that one of the proximal causes of this
DR–mb 0.58** 0.09 0.62**** relationship may be the duration of cell division (Van der Have and
MR–DR 0.43** 0.25 0.43**** de Jong, 1996), it might be expected that the duration of all
P < 0.01. developmental stages should be equally affected by temperature.
P < 0.0001. Following this line of reasoning, it has been suggested that the
relative duration of different stages of the life cycle should be
Our main objective was to determine whether the duration of constant independently of ambient temperature. Indeed, there is
the larval and pupal stages would be differentially affected by the abundant evidence supporting the developmental rate isomorphy
thermal regime to which flies were exposed during development in hypothesis in insects, suggesting that, at the interspecific scale,
highland and lowland populations. Further analysis showed that rate isomorphy may a general phenomenon, particularly, in short-
the regression of the LDR/PDR ratio on temperature was negative lived organisms (Jarosik et al., 2004).
and significant in both populations (b = 6.8  102; P < 0.0001 Nevertheless, similar studies testing the hypothesis of isomor-
and b = 6.5  102; P < 0.0001 in the lowland and highland phic responses at the intraspecific level are both scarce and
populations, respectively; see also Fig. 2). Moreover, an ANCOVA necessary, since different individuals (and/or populations) may
revealed that the slopes of the regressions of the LDR/PDR on express diverse responses (or strategies) in different stages of the
temperature did not differ between populations (P > 0.05), life cycle when confronted to alternative thermal environments.
suggesting that thermal treatments affected in similar and Our simultaneous analysis of LDR, PDR and the LDR/PDR ratio
proportional ways the duration of the larval and pupal stages allowed us to acquire a deeper understanding of the factors
across populations. involved in the regulation of developmental rate in each stage. In
Results of the ANOVAs investigating the patterns of variation of our analysis, we observed that LDR/PDR ratio present negative
DR in each combination of population and thermal treatment are slope suggesting non-isomorphic responses between stages of
summarized in Table 1. The most relevant features arising from development.
these ANOVAs are that differences among lines were highly Concerning the comparison between highland and lowland
significant in most cases and that the proportion of total variance populations, although DR was lower in the former than in the
explained by differences among lines (which according to our latter, the population effect was no significant for the LDR/PDR
experimental design may be considered as an estimate of the ratio. In addition, LDR/PDR exhibited similar slopes across
genetic component of trait variation) varied largely among the populations. Indeed, the lack of significance of the locali-
different combinations of population and treatments. ty  thermal treatment interaction for LDR/PDR suggests that
the responses to thermal treatments were independent of the
3.2. Correlation analyses sampling locality, or in other words a feature that may be
considered as distinctive of the species. Considering that the
We also investigated the patterns of variation in allometric populations analyzed are separated by geographical barriers that
relationships between pairs of traits (DR, mb and MR) measured in prevent gene flow, our present results may be considered as
the same stage of the life cycle (static allometries) for each supporting evidence of the developmental rate isomorphy
temperature  population combination by means of correlation hypothesis at least at the interpopulation scale. As mentioned
analysis. Overall, these tests showed that only one correlation above the most plausible explanation of the proportional
coefficient was significant out of 48 comparisons (not shown) and responses of larvae and pupae to thermal variation may be same
that most have the same sign indicating similar trends. Thus, we genetic source and a basic common process such as the duration of
decided to perform correlation analyses after pooling across cell division (Van der Have and de Jong, 1996). Interestingly, a
sampling localities and thermal treatments. In general, patterns of recent study of developmental time (the reverse of DR) in D.
allometric relationships between traits varied among life cycle melanogaster, revealed a complex genetic architecture that
stages (Table 2); all correlation coefficients between traits (MR–DR involves a large number of candidate genes, most of them affecting
and DR–mb) were negative and significant in the larval and adult basic cellular metabolic processes (Mensch et al., 2008).
stages, whereas correlation coefficients were not significant in the Another relevant point of our study is that the LDR/PDR ratio
pupal stage (Table 2). varied across thermal treatments, suggesting that temperature had
specific effects on the duration of each life cycle stage. Thus, the
4. Discussion patterns of variation observed within populations are at variance
with those detected between populations, and, thus, in conflict
A large number of investigations have established a positive with the hypothesis of constant rate of development along the
relationship between temperature and DR (and an inverse entire life cycle in Drosophila.
G. Folguera et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 56 (2010) 1679–1684 1683

DR is a fitness related traits that gains particular relevance in physiology occur throughout the life cycle. Similar studies in
organisms, as Drosophila, exploiting ephemeral resources. Thus, hemimetabolous insects would be helpful in solving such question.
genetic variation for this trait may be expected to be reduced as an
outcome of directional selection. However, differences among Acknowledgments
lines, which under our experimental design may be construed as
an estimate of the relative contribution of genetic factors This work was supported by grants of Universidad de Buenos
underlying trait variance, accounted for a substantial proportion Aires, ANPCyT and CONICET awarded to EH and FONDAP 1501-
of phenotypic variance. In addition, our results showed that 0001 (Program 1) to FB. GF acknowledges to Universidad de
differences among lines for LDR accounted for a considerable larger Buenos Aires (predoctoral) and CASEB/FONDAP (post-doctoral)
proportion of variance than for PDR. These results suggest that LDR fellowships. GF is grateful to José Rojas for statistic helpful and to
and PDR may have different underlying genetic architectures, and Alicia Folguera for graphic assistance. JM is postdoctoral fellow of
that genetic variation for LDR can account for the largest CONICET and EH is member of Carrera del Investigador Cientı́fico
proportion of DR variation in Drosophila (Gibert and De Jong, (CONICET). AlmaCata provided stronger support.
2001; Pétavy et al., 2001; Fanara et al., 2004; Folguera et al., 2007,
2008). Furthermore, these results are in agreement with a recent
survey of allelic variation in several candidate genes responsible
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