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Temperature Sex Determination in the European

Sea Bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758) (Teleostei,
Perciformes, Moronidae): Critical Sensitive
Ontogenetic Phase
Institute of Marine Biology of Crete, GR-71 003, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
University of Crete, Department of Biology, GR-71 409, Heraklion, Crete,

ABSTRACT The temperature sex determination (TSD) mechanism in the European sea bass
(Dicentrarchus labrax L.) was studied in respect to: a) the TSD sensitivity during the different
developmental stages; and b) the intrapopulation correlation of sex determination with the growth
rate up to the end of the TSD-sensitive period. At the stage of half-epiboly, eggs from the same
batch were divided into four groups and subjected to different thermal treatments: a) 15°C (G15
group) and b) 20°C (G20 group) up to the middle of metamorphosis stage; c) 15°C up to the end of
yolk-sac larval stage and subsequently to 20°C (G15-5 group); and d) 15°C up to the end of the
preflexion stage and then to 20°C (G15-10 group). At the end of the treatments, size grading was
applied and four additional populations were established from the upper (L) and lower (S) size
portions of the G15 and G20 populations: G15L, G15S, G20L, and G20S. During the following
growing phase, all populations were subjected to common rearing conditions. The sex ratios of
each population were macroscopically determined at 190–210 mm mean total length. Female inci-
dence was significantly affected (P < 0.05) by the different thermal treatments: 66.1% in the G15,
47.1% in the G15-10, 37.6% in the G15-5, and 18.1% in the G20 group. In addition, sex ratio was
correlated with the growth rate of the fish up to the end of the TSD-sensitive period, with the
larger fish presenting a significantly higher (P < 0.01) female incidence than the smaller fish in
both thermal regimes tested: 73.1% in G15L vs. 57% in G15S, and 36.6% in G20L vs. 22.5% in
G20S group. Results provide, for the first time, clear evidence that the sea bass is sensitive to
TSD during all different ontogenetic stages up to metamorphosis, and that sex ratio is correlated
with the growth rate of the fish well before the differentiation and maturation of the gonads. J.
Exp. Zool. 292:573–579, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Phenotypic sex in several gonochoristic fish is (Strüssmann et al., ’96b), Poecilia melanogaster and
considered to be the outcome of genetic and envi- Apistogramma spp. (Römer and Beisenherz, ’96),
ronmental or social (population density, relative Patagonina hatcheri (Strüssmann et al., ’97),
size of juveniles) factors. Among the several envi- Oreochromis niloticus (Baroiller et al., ’95; Baras
ronmental factors studied so far, the thermal con- et al., 2001), O. aureus (Desprez and Mélard, ’98;
ditions prevailing during the period of primary sex Baras et al., 2000), Paralichthys olivaceus (Yama-
differentiation appear to be the main environmen- moto, ’99), O. mossambicus (Wang and Tsai, 2000),
tal determinant of sex (reviewed by Baroiller et and Dicentrarchus labrax (Pavlidis et al., 2000),
al., ’99). The phenomenon of temperature sex de- with a great range of response to the respective
termination (TSD) in fish was first indicated in temperature effect.
Menidia menidia, where female or male biased
populations were reported to follow exposure to
*Correspondence to: George Koumoundouros, University of Crete,
high or low temperatures, respectively (Conover Department of Biology, P.O. Box 2208, GR-71 409, Heraklion, Crete,
and Kynard, ’81). Since then, TSD has presented Greece. E-mail: koumound@imbc.gr
Received 6 August 2001; Accepted 10 January 2002
in several fish species, such as Odontesthes bon- Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
ariensis (Strüssmann et al., ’96a), O. argentinensis DOI: 10.1002/jez.10095



Thermolabile sex determination has a great ration and spawning, as well as larval and juve-
adaptive significance for wild fish populations nile rearing, were performed according to Pavlidis
(Conover and Heins, ’87a,b; Strüssmann et al., et al. (2000). All the established experimental
’96a,b; Baras et al., 2000) and a high practical populations were in duplicate.
interest for aquaculture (reviewed by Baroiller et
al., ’99; Beardmore et al., 2001). Furthermore, the TSD-sensitive ontogenetic period
identification of the TSD-labile ontogenetic period The response of sea bass to the TSD during dif-
is of great importance for wild fish, since it deter- ferent developmental phases was examined at two
mines the sex ratio of the natural populations in temperatures, one female inducing (15°C) and one
relation to the different environmental preferences male inducing (20°C) (Pavlidis et al., 2000). Thus,
of the various developmental stages. Besides, it fish ontogeny was performed (Fig. 1) at: a) 15°C
could elucidate the exact critical period of TSD in (Group G15) or at b) 20°C (Group G20) during
reared fish, to avoid the negative side effects of the whole thermolabile developmental period
potentially harmful temperature conditions. Pre- (half-epiboly to middle of metamorphosis phase)
vious studies suggested that the critical period of (Pavlidis et al., 2000), and at c) 15°C up to the
TSD in fish is located just prior to the histologi- end of yolk-sac larval stage and subsequently at
cally recognizable gonadal differentiation (Conover 20°C (Group G15-5), or d) at 15°C up to the end
and Fleisher, ’86; Strüssmann et al., ’97) or dur- of the preflexion stage (all the fish presented a
ing the sensitive period for exogenous steroid-in- flexed notochord) (Koumoundouros et al., 2001)
ducible sex determination (Strüssmann et al., ’96a; and then at 20°C (Group G15-10). At the end of
Blàzquez et al., ’98; Baroiller et al., ’99). the different thermal treatments, all fish were
The European sea bass, D. labrax, is a gono- subjected to a salinity floating test, to remove the
choristic species that lacks heteromorphic sex individuals without an inflated swimbladder
chromosomes (Cataudella et al., ’73; Sola et al., (Chatain and Corrao, ’92) and then were counted.
’93). The first primordial germ cells of the gonads Afterward, a random sample of 500 individuals
appear at 10.6 mm standard length (SL), but go- was taken from each experimental population and
nads become differentiated only after 90–120 mm subjected to common rearing conditions (Pavlidis
SL (Roblin and Bruslé, ’83; Blàzquez et al., ’99). et al., 2000).
Recently, it has been shown (Pavlidis et al., 2000)
that the sea bass presents a moderate to strong Relationship of body size at the end of the
TSD during early ontogeny (stage of half-epiboly TSD-sensitive period with sex determination
to metamorphosing larvae of 17–18 mm total Following the salinity floating test and a re-
length), i.e., well before the critical period of sen- covery period of two weeks, size grading was ap-
sitivity to exogenous steroids (20 to 40–80 mm
fork length and 57–137 days post-fertilization, af-
ter Blàzquez et al., ’98). Although relatively small,
the defined temperature sensitive period for sex
determination in sea bass, as well as in other fish
species, is composed by different developmental
stages with clearly different morphological and
allometric patterns, which reflect significant func-
tional changes (Koumoundouros et al., 2001).
This study will explore the critical sensitive on-
togenetic phase of TSD in sea bass during the dif-
ferent developmental stages up to 17–18 mm total
length (TL). In addition, to elucidate the higher Fig. 1. Experimental design followed, in respect to the de-
velopmental stage, fish size, and age. Thermal treatment (G15
growth rate observed in female fish (Pavlidis et al., = 15°C; G15-10 = 15°C up to the end of the preflexion stage
2000), the intrapopulation correlation of sex deter- and subsequently at 20°C; G15-5 = 15°C up to the end of
mination with the growth rate will be investigated. yolk-sac larval stage and subsequently at 20°C; G20 = 20°C)
lasted from the stage of half-epiboly until the middle of meta-
MATERIALS AND METHODS morphosis, and then fish were exposed to common rearing
conditions. Solid heavy lines: exposure of fish to 15°C; Dashed
Eggs were obtained (February 16, 2000) from a line: exposure of fish to 20°C; Solid light line: exposure of
single batch of a wild-caught broodstock, sponta- fish to common rearing conditions; TL: total length; PHD:
neously matured and spawned. Broodstock matu- post-hatching days; TSD: temperature sex determination.

plied to select the upper and lower size portions TABLE 1. Mean weight (mg) of the different subpopulations,
(5–10%) of the populations reared at constant following the size grading1
temperatures (15°C and 20°C) during the TSD- Mean W SD Min Max n
sensitive period. Size grading was based on the
G15S 495a 43 426 550 20
frequency distribution of the individual body G15L 1316a 138 1208 1572 20
weight of a random sample of 100 fish (Fig. 2), G20S 510b 33 420 561 20
taken from each population following anaestheti- G20L 1281b 118 1149 1350 20
zation (Ethylenglycol-monophenylether, Merck, 1
Size grading was performed at the end of the different thermal treat-
München, Germany, 0.2–0.5 ml/l–1) and weighing ments, following a two-week acclimation period. S or L, small or big
(± 1 mg). Subsequently, a random sample of 300 size class, respectively, of the populations reared at 15 (G15) or 20°C.
W, body weight; SD, standard deviation; n, sample size. Thermal treat-
individuals was taken from each size class (small ments lasted from the stage of half epiboly to the middle of metamor-
and large fish) and experimental groups (G15 and phosis, and then fish were exposed to common rearing conditions.
G20) and subjected to common rearing conditions. Same superscript letters show statistical differences between groups
(P < 0.001).
Size grading resulted in significant (P < 0.001)
differences of the body weight between the small
(S) and large (L) population classes of G15 and independent investigators macroscopically deter-
G20 groups (Table 1). mined sex. Macroscopically undifferentiated go-
nads (< 10%) were histologically examined for sex
Sampling and sex identification determination (Pavlidis et al., 2000).
Sex identification was carried out on 47–58 sea Data management and statistical analysis
bass juveniles, randomly sampled from each popu-
lation at 190–210 mm mean TL (300–342 days The effect of temperature was evaluated by cal-
post TSD-sensitive period, Fig. 1). The gonads of culating thermal sums (product of temperature
anaesthetized, measured (± 1 mm TL), and and age) for each population (Fuiman et al., ’98).
weighed (± 0.1 g) fish were dissected, and three As 15°C was shown to be the lower temperature
threshold of TSD in sea bass (Pavlidis et al., 2000),
thermal sums were estimated by using the differ-
ence of each temperature regime from 15°C.
The student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney U-test,
in the case of not normally distributed data or
heterogeneous variances, was applied to check any
significant differences between the different ex-
perimental groups in the body weight and TL. Sur-
vival and sex proportion among the different
experimental groups were compared by the use
of the G-test (Sokal and Rohlf, ’81).

During the embryonic and larval stages, the
different experimental groups presented similar
survival rates (37–47%, P > 0.05). During the fol-
lowing experimental period, survival rate was
high and the same for all groups (92–96%).
The rearing temperature significantly affected
the sex ratio in the experimental populations,
with the G15 and G20 groups presenting the
highest (66.1%) and lowest (18.1%) female inci-
dence, respectively (Table 2). In the experimen-
tal groups G15-5 and G15-10, as the duration of
exposure at 20°C was increased, the lower female
proportion was observed (compared to G15, P <
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of the body weight, prior
to size grading, of the populations reared at 15°C (G15) or 0.001) without, however, approaching the female
20°C (G20) from the stage of half-epiboly until the middle of incidence of the G20 group (P < 0.001, Table 2).
metamorphosis. W: body weight. The graphical correlation of female incidence on

TABLE 2. Comparison of body weight, total length smaller fish in both thermal regimes tested (Table
and female incidence between the differently 3). However, the maximum and minimum female
thermally treated groups1
incidence that was presented at the lower (G15)
TL ± SD W ± SD F and upper (G20) range of TSD in sea bass were
Group Sex (mm) (g) n (%) not affected by the growth rate of the individuals;
G15 F 200 ± 15 75 ± 18 72 66.11,2,3 the G15L and the G20S groups were not signifi-
M 200 ± 16 74 ± 19 37 cantly different from the G15 and the G20 groups,
G15-10 F 203 ± 18 79 ± 21 48 47.11,4 respectively (P > 0.05, Table 3). In each respec-
M 200 ± 18 76 ± 21 54 tive experimental population, no significant dif-
G15-5 F 202 ± 14 79 ± 18 41 37.62,4
M 196 ± 20 76 ± 22 68 ferences were observed between the sizes of the
G20 F 191 ± 16 68 ± 15 19 18.11,2,3 two sexes (P > 0.05), except of G20L where males
M 195 ± 19 75 ± 21 86 were significantly larger than females (P < 0.01
Thermal treatment (G15 = 15°C; G15-10 = 15°C up to the end of the for TL, P < 0.05 for W) (Table 3).
pre-flexion stage and subsequently at 20°C; G15-5 = 15°C up to the
end of yolk-sac larval stage and subsequently at 20°C; G20 = 20°C) DISCUSSION
lasted from the stage of half epiboly until the middle of metamorpho-
sis, and then fish were exposed to common rearing conditions. TL, In several actinopterygians, as well as in many
total length; W, body weight; n, number of fish; F, females; M, males.
Same superscript numbers indicate significance difference at P < 0.001
reptiles and some amphibians, the sexual pheno-
(1,2,3) or at P < 0.05 (4). type is determined, at least in part, by the incu-
bation temperature of eggs (Pieau et al., ’95;
the thermal sum above 15°C, showed that the pat- Baroiller et al., ’99). The main types of tempera-
tern of decrease of the female incidence was con- ture-dependent sex determination (TSD) among
tinuous for the G15, G15-10, and G15-5 groups, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are: high tempera-
but not for the G20 group, which presented lower tures yield female or male biased populations;
female incidence than what was theoretically ex- both high and low temperatures induce female
pected from the model (Fig. 3). There was no sta- TABLE 3. Comparison of body weight and total length
tistically significant difference in the body size between the different size classes at the end of the
between the two sexes of each experimental popu- experiment.1
lation, at the age of 342 days post TSD sensitive- TL ± SD W ± SD
period (P > 0.05, Table 2). Group Sex (mm) (g) n %F
Sex ratio in sea bass was significantly corre-
G15L F 212 ± 17 1
101 ± 262
79 73.1
lated with the growth rate of fish up to the end of M 211 ± 173 98 ± 254 29
the TSD-sensitive period (expressed as body size G15S F 198 ± 181 82 ± 252 54 57.4
at a specified age). Larger fish showed a signifi- M 197 ± 223 81 ± 304 40
cantly higher (P < 0.01) female incidence than the G20L F 205 ± 19a 99 ± 28b 37 36.6
M 213 ± 185,a 110 ± 316,b 64
G20S F 200 ± 22 91 ± 29 25 22.5
M 201 ± 155 91 ± 216 86
Comparison of female incidence between the different
experimental groups.2

G15L G15S G20 G20L G20S

G15 ns ns *** *** ***

G15L – ** *** *** ***
G15S – *** *** ***
G20 – *** ns
G20L – **
Thermal treatment (G15 = 15°C; G20 = 20°C) lasted from the stage
of half epiboly until the middle of metamorphosis, and then fish were
exposed to common rearing conditions. Following a recovery period
Fig. 3. Relationship of female incidence with the water of two weeks after the thermal treatment, size grading was applied
to select the upper (L) and lower size portions (S) of the G15 and G20
temperature and duration of exposure from the stage of half-
groups. TL, total length; W, body weight; n, number of fish; F, fe-
epiboly until the middle of metamorphosis. Thermal sums males; M, males. Same superscripts indicate significance difference
are expressed in days °C above 15°C. G15 = 15°C; G15-10 = at P < 0.001 (1,2), P < 0.01 (a,3), or at P < 0.05 (b,4,5,6).
15°C up to the end of the preflexion stage and subsequently 2
Statistically significant differences between the female incidence of
at 20°C; G15-5 = 15°C up to the end of yolk-sac larval stage the different populations are indicated with *** (P < 0.001), ** (P <
and subsequently at 20°C; G20 = 20°C. 0.01), or * (P < 0.05).

populations with males emerging from interme- mum sensitivity to the action of exogenous hor-
diate temperatures, while, in one case, both high monal treatment (Baroiller et al., ’99). In sea bass,
and low temperatures induce monosex male popu- the differentiation of the primordial gonads ap-
lations whereas intermediate temperatures yield pears to occur at 14.0 mm TL (Roblin and Bruslé,
a 1:1 sex ratio (Conover and Kynard, ’81; Sullivan ’83), and the labile period is located from 57 to
and Schultz, ’86; Conover and Heins, ’87a,b; 137 days post fertilization (Blàzquez et al., ’98).
Middaugh and Hemmer, ’87; Lagomarsino and Our results suggest that temperature exerts its
Conover, ’93; Römer and Beisenherz, ’96; Strüss- effect on sex determination not only prior to the
mann et al., ’96a,b; Strüssmann et al., ’97; Desprez differentiation of the primordial gonads, but even
and Mélard, ’98; Yamamoto, ’99; Wang and Tsai, before the histological differentiation of the first
2000; Baras et al., 2000, 2001). germ cells (9.0 mm TL, Roblin and Bruslé, ’83),
In several fish species, temperature exerts its indicating that presumptive gonads are commit-
effect on sex differentiation only when applied at ted to a certain sex phenotype prior to gonadal
a specific ontogenetic phase. In the Atherinid spe- differentiation. Under this assumption, different
cies studied so far, the sensitive period of sex incubation temperatures may regulate the expres-
determination is presented during the larval de- sion of sex-determining genes at hypothalamic
velopment and just prior to the differentiation of sites and the hypothalamic control of secretion of
gonads (8–21 mm TL in M. menidia after Conover several hormones involved in sex differentiation
and Fleisher, ’86; 11–18 mm TL in O. bonariensis (Janzen and Paukstis, ’91; Francis, ’92; Pavlidis
after Strüssmann et al., ’97), while in the cichlid et al., 2000).
Apistogramma trifasciata the sensitivity to TSD The European sea bass, as well as other fish
is expressed during the embryonic and the larval species, exhibit a clear sexual growth dimorphism,
stage (Römer and Beisenherz, ’96). which is expressed well after the sex differentia-
Recently, it has been shown that, in the Euro- tion (Blàzquez et al., ’98; Yamamoto, ’99; Pavlidis
pean sea bass, higher temperatures favor the for- et al., 2000; Beardmore et al., 2001). This dimor-
mation of males whereas lower temperatures favor phism could be explained by the fact that male
the formation of females (Pavlidis et al., 2000). sea bass reach sexual maturation one year ear-
The present data are in accordance and provide lier than females (Stequert, ’72; Bruslé and Roblin,
more evidence that a thermolabile sex determi- ’84; Kara, ’97), thus expending relatively more en-
nation mechanism occurs in sea bass, with a criti- ergy on gonadal growth. In addition to this sexual
cal period from the stage of half-epiboly to the dimorphism, the present paper showed that the
middle of metamorphosis. Additionally, the dura- growth rate up to the end of the TSD-sensitive
tion of thermal manipulation for production of period (i.e., well before sexual differentiation and
female-biased populations has been explored. Re- maturation) is significantly correlated with sex
sults clearly showed that temperature exerts its determination in the European sea bass, with the
effect throughout the tested developmental period, males being favored in the smaller and the fe-
and that the proportion of males was increased males in the bigger size classes of a unique popu-
with increasing thermal sums. However, the com- lation. However, the correlation of early growth
parison of female occurrence between the G15, rate with sex determination is strongly limited in
G15-5, and G20 groups indicated that the early the range of TSD-induced sex ratio, with the G15
developmental period up to the end of yolk-sac fast growing and the G20 slow growing—individu-
larval stage is relatively more sensitive than the als do not exceed the thermally determined maxi-
following feeding larval stage, resulting in the mum and minimum female frequency, respectively.
same increase of the female incidence (20% in- This result, together with the fact that the sex
crease from G20 to G15-5 vs. 28% increase from ratio was not further altered at temperatures
G15-5 to G15), but in seven folds shorter develop- lower than 15°C (Pavlidis et al., 2000), indicates
mental period (27 vs. 211 degree days above 15°C). that, similar to other fish species (reviewed by
There is a general perception that phenotype Baroiller et al., ’99), the sex plasticity in sea bass
sex in gonochoristic fish can only be manipulated can not lead to monosex populations. Therefore,
around the time of the gonadal differentiation pe- although sea bass lack heteromorphic sex chro-
riod. In tilapias, some atherinids, and in reptiles, mosomes (Cataudella et al., ’73; Sola et al., ’93),
the thermosensitive period is similar to the labile it can be assumed that sex plasticity in sea bass
period, i.e., the critical period during which the is partially controlled by GSD mechanisms. A
gonads are still undifferentiated but exhibit maxi- physiological or genetic correlation of the growth

rate with sex determination may provide an ex- supported by the Commission of the European
planation for the growth sexual dimorphism ob- Communities, Agriculture and Fisheries (FAIR)
served by the present study at the end of the specific RTD program, CT961941, “Early control
TSD-sensitive period. Since all the populations for fish production with special reference to muscle
were subjected to the same rearing conditions and development, gene expression and temperature.”
were fed ad libitum, the side effects of other fac- It does not necessarily reflect its views and in no
tors on the correlation of growth rate with sex way anticipates the Commission’s future policy in
determination have to be excluded. this area.
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