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XTRACT Analysis Report - Ricky

For use only in an academic or research setting.
Section Name: C3
Tugas Besar PSB
Loading Name: Compression Tugas Besar PSB
Analysis Type: Moment Curvature Page __ of __

Section Details:
X Centroid: -.3313E-6 m
Y Centroid: 4.713E-6 m
Section Area: .3600 m^2

Loading Details:
Incrementing Loads: Axial Only
Number of Points: 30
Analysis Strategy: Displacement Control

Analysis Results:
Failing Material: Confined6
Failure Strain: 25.68E-3 Compression
Constant Load Strain: 0 Ten
Centroid Strain at Yield: 2.000E-3 Comp
Centroid Strain at Ultimate: 25.68E-3 Comp
Axial Force at Yield: 12.92E+3 kN
Ultimate Axial Force: 10.74E+3 kN
Energy per Length: 300.3 kN
Effective Yield Strain: 2.093E-3 Comp
Effective Yield Axial Force: 13.52E+3 kN
Over Strength Factor: .7946
EA Effective: 6.460E+6 kN
Yield EA Effective: -117.7E+3 kN
Bilinear Harding Slope: -1.822 %
Axial Strain Ductility: 12.27

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