IVF - Molecular Filtration For Life - EN

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I V F - m o l e c u lar filtration for life

C a m f i l Far r Se gment brochure

C l e a n p rocesses

C a m f i l Far r – clean air solutions


molecular filtration for life

Molecular filtration has an important IVF: a business

role in alleviating one of the most There are many IVF clinics in deve-
emotional social issues. Human in- loped countries. These facilities are
fertility in industrialised countries not short of potential customers
is a major concern. Estimates indi- and many have grown into profita-
cate that up to 15% of couples have ble enterprises. Couples seeking
problems conceiving. Citing reasons assistance in becoming pregnant
such as stress, environmental pol- may have a choice of several clinics.
lution, diet, sexually transmitted One obvious but important criterion
diseases and obesity, scientists that couples take into account when
predict that the situation will worsen selecting a clinic is the success rate.
in the coming years. The success rate of a clinic takes
on even more significance when the
IVF: the technique
treatment is being provided on a
On the 25th July 1978, the world’s commercial basis. The reputation
first “test tube” baby was born. In of a clinic and its ability to attract
a relatively short period of time, clients is dependent on the success
the technique has flourished and it rate of the IVF treatment and related
is now referred to as In-Vitro Ferti- procedures it has on offer.
lisation (IVF), which literally means
‘fertilisation in glass’. During the IVF
procedure, eggs are removed from
the female ovaries and fertilised with
sperm in the laboratory. The eggs
are cultured in the laboratory for a
number of hours. Those eggs that
are successfully fertilised are placed
in an incubator for a further 1 to
2 day period. After this time, the
healthiest embryos are selected for
implantation back into the womb.


molecular filtration provides another

essential level of protection for the
embryo, prior to implantation.

Harmful molecular pollutants

It is established beyond all doubt that there is a direct relationship between good air quality and the success rate of the IVF
procedure. Many scientific articles that reach this conclusion have been published from 1978 up to today. Since most clinics
should be provided with good particle filtration as a matter of course, research has focussed on molecular pollutants; gases
and vapours. Several gases or groups of gases have been identified as problematic; these are summarised in Table One.

Table One: molecular pollutants and sources

Chemical or Chemical Family Source

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Very diverse range of chemicals. Materials used in building construction and finishing, cleaning
agents, cosmetics and perfumes, dry-cleaned clothes, flame retardant treatments.
Aldehydes Vehicle emissions (diesel), industrial emissions, photochemical degradation of other atmospheric
Formaldehyde (The lightest aldehyde) Hospitals (mortuary, pathology), pressed wood products, carpets, cigarette smoke.
Nitrogen dioxide Vehicle exhaust, power generation.
Styrene Plastic equipment used in IVF procedure and other plastics in the clinic.

Molecules that are toxic towards human cells are referred is born. Understandably therefore, it is the initial period
to as cytotoxic. Cytotoxins can disrupt the external cell outside the female body, when the cell count is lowest that
membrane or prevent cells from growing and dividing. The exposure to molecular pollutants (cytotoxins) represents the
human egg is a single cell. After fertilisation, the cell splits to greatest risk. Ideally, conditions in the laboratory should be
form two then four then eight cells. as the maternal environment. Precautions are incorporated
The process of cell division continues and the cells be- into the IVF procedure to limit exposure to airborne chemi-
come specialised in their form and function. Eventually cals. The application of molecular filtration to the clinic air
the embryo develops into a foetus and finally the baby provides another essential level of protection for the embryo,
prior to implantation.


molecular filtration and the

building ventilation system

With an understanding of the sources of the gases that are likely to be in the air, it is a simple matter to compare how
effective molecular filters will be if they are applied in different locations within the building ventilation system.

Table Two: molecular filtration in the building ventilation system

Molecular filters in Fresh (Make-up) Air Molecular filters in Recirculation or Return air

What will be treated High concentrations of pollutants from Residual trace concentrations of pollutants from
external sources external sources, fugitive ingress gases (open doors
and windows). Pollutants from internal sources.
Mode of operation Single pass Multi-pass

Typical Molecular Filtration solution High weight of granular molecular Moderate weight of molecular filtration media in a finely
filtration media. Loose filled into divided form to provide high efficiency against
cylindrical canister or flat panel. low concentrations of gases.

To realise the optimum performance from any molecu- varying degrees, many of these are now present in the air.
lar filter, it is essential that appropriate pre-filtration is The composition of the chemical cocktail in the air is
applied to provide protection from particulate matter. extremely complex and variable. It is impractical to assay
The minimum recommended level is F7 (EN 779 2002) the entire chemical challenge at the inlet of a molecular
or MERV 13 (ASHRAE 52.2). In some cases, particularly filter. To tackle this seemingly impossible problem, mo-
in a recirculation air system, it will be possible to use a lecular filtration based on the use of a Broad Spectrum
combination filter; a particle filter and molecular filter, adsorbent should be applied. A broad spectrum adsor-
both integrated into the same filtration device. Pre-filters bent will remove > 99% of all the different molecules in
should be selected to ensure minimal energy consumption the air. There are however up to fifty relatively common
by the ventilation fan as well as providing the required gases that Broad Spectrum adsorbents will not control.
minimum level of efficiency. Pre-filters should always To control these gases a special chemically impregnated
be replaced when the pressure loss has increased to the adsorbent should be used to target an individual molecule
recommended final value. or group of molecules with similar properties. In many
situations is desirable and necessary to use both a broad
Broad spectrum and targeted adsorption spectrum adsorbent and an impregnated adsorbent. In
In the industrial period, man has created or synthesised all such cases, subject to available space and pressure
in the order of 100,000 chemicals that never pre-existed loss restrictions, a layered configuration will give superior
in nature. All of these have a vapour pressure and to performance and lower life cycle cost when compared to
a blended media solution.
Table Three: adsorbents and function
Adsorbent Type Grade Name Primary function Secondary function
Broad Spectrum LGS048, CEX003 VOCs, aldehydes, styrene, ozone nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide
Broad Spectrum RAD VOCs, aldehydes, styrene, ozone nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide
Targeted adsorption Campure 6XL, 8 Formaldehyde VOCs
Targeted adsorption CEX003A3, CEX003A6 Acidic gases , nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide VOCs


recommended product selections

Fresh/Make-up air: CamCarb:

CamCarb Green filters provide the highest levels of chemical control in ventila-
tion systems in comfort air and process air applications. Filters may be filled
with different medias to target different gases and installations are leak-free.

CamSure panels are versatile carbon filters for use in ventilation systems in
diverse applications.

GDM modules:
GDM modules are used to protect against a diverse range of corrosive gases
in process applications.

Recirculation air: CityCarb:

The CityCarb filter combines an effective carbon filter with a high efficiency
particle filter, in the space of a compact filter. With broad spectrum characte-
ristics, it is an optimum solution for enhanced IAQ in ventilation applications.

The CitySorb filter is a compact carbon filter with broad spectrum characte-
ristics. It will provide effective control of most organic vapours resulting in
enhanced IAQ in ventilation systems with existing particle filtration.

The City-Flo filter combines all the benefits of a Hi-Flo bag filter with a high
performance carbon media layer. With broad spectrum characteristics, it is an
optimum solution for enhanced IAQ in ventilation applications.


validation and support services

Camfil Farr offer a comprehensive range of support periods allows the residual life to be monitored and
services to ensure that users achieve the maximum replacements planned in advance of a failure.
benefit from the molecular filtration installation. In
particular it is essential to have confidence in the air Camfil Farr operate a unique molecular filtration test
quality within the enclosed space and to be able to predict facility in which full scale products can be tested at a
the end of the useful service life before the filter efficiency wide range of temperature and humidity values to mimic
drops to an unacceptable level and eventually fails. actual application conditions. The test filter can be
challenged with a wide variety of gases and vapours.
The Gigacheck and Campure Coupon passive sampling Sophisticated detection equipment upstream and down-
devices are a convenient and economic method of stream of the filters allows realistic initial efficiency and
determining concentrations of various gases in venti- efficiency / lifetime curves to be produced.
lation systems or enclosed spaces. More sophisticated
measurements can be obtained continuously in real time Camfil Farr have unique molecular filtration lifetime
with ISA Check. determination software which is based on results from the
test laboratory and many years observation of molecular
The Gigamonitor techniques are used to analyse samples filtration performance in real applications. This can be
of used molecular filtration media to determine the used to assist customers in selecting the most appropriate
adsorbed contamination A series of analyses at appropriate solution for their application

Molecular filtration lifetime determination software.

Background reading/references:

Establishing the IVF Laboratory: A Systems View,

Antonia V. Gilligan, Chapter 37, Reproductive
Endocrinology : Integrating Modern Clinical and Labo-
ratory Practice, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1436-1_37,
©Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2010.

Effect of air quality on assisted human reproduction,

Richard S. Legro, Mark V. Sauer, Gilbert L. Mottla, Kevin
S. Richter, Xian Li, William C. Dodson, and Duanping
Liao. Human Reproduction, 2010 DOI: 10.1093/

Opinion: Ambient Air and its potential effects on

conception in-vitro, Cohen, J. et. al., Hum. Reprod.,
(12) 1742-1749, 1997.

A retrospective analysis: the examination of a

potential relationship between particulate and volatile
organic compound levels in a class 100 IVF laboratory
cleanroom and specific parameters of embryogenesis
and rates of implantation, Worrilow K.C., Huynh, et. al.,
Fertility and Sterility, (76) No. 3, Suppl. 1., p. S15-16,
abstract #O-41, September 2001

A retrospective analysis: Seasonal decline in

implantation rates and its correlation with increased
levels of volatile organic compounds, Worrilow K.C.,
Huynh, et. al., Fertility and Sterility, (78), Suppl. 1., p.
S-39, abstract #O-101, September 2002.

O n wor ld standards...

...Camfil Farr is the global leader in clean

air technology and energy efficient air filter
solutions with product development, R&D and
local representation in the Americas, Europe
and Asia-Pacific region.
We supply high quality products and
services with the aim of making our customers
operations more sustainable, energy efficient
and productive.
Our own vision of sustainability is a
global approach combining consideration for
people, environmental protection and business
Camfil Farr is a member of the United Nations
Global Compact programme and follows the GRI
sustainability reporting framework.

© Camfil Farr, Sweden 100716



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